Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1975, Section 2, p. 3

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1975 is a ...... Good Year!l ForNiagara Peaches, Plums and Grapes Also App les, Pears, Toma toes, Corn and Vegetables are Plentif ul and Fresh. It's a Buyers Market Fred's Fruit Markot Hwy. 115 South of Orono Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowi Mayor Launches Attempt For Earlv '76 Budget Mayor Garnet Rickard bas r'îhied on Finance Committee ILtïi airman Bruce Tink to consuit with the Town Treas- urer in an attempt f0 prepare an evaluation of the 1975 budget and wbat is and bas hiappened during the year and "e a preliminary forecast ýýr 1976, by the first finance mmittee meeting in Dec- ember. Mayor Rickard explained that this could then be folowed up by a budget proposai for 1976 by mid February and hopefuily coun- cil couid therefore reacb a final budget approval by Marcb 31. The Mayor's recommenda- tion is in bis opinion a means of eimnating the laf e date for a IQW setting a budget wbîch occur- red this year. Councillor Ivan Hobbs in- quired of the Mayor wbether bie bad the intention therefore to set the budget with an estimated set of figures for the scbool board since tbey are unlikely to reach such an early decision. Mayor Rickard advised that lie felt the total budget could wait until the scbooi board finish their portion, allowing the rate to De set, but that baving the town budget pre- pared would afford the town the awareness of what its programs for the year are. Councilior Ken Lyaîl was again stirred by the subject to voice concern over the cost of the operation of the Regional Departments. Mn. Lyall believes that the council can control the town but ndvised bis concern lies with those "mad men" at the Region who "think everyday is Christmas" and are spend ing fan f00 mucb money in bis opinion. Mn. Lynhl made reference, in supporting bis concern, to the fact that the region now wants to build a new expnnded headqunrters building. As fan as the school board Mn. Lynîl reported that bie bas written off any attempt f0 control them and added in- comprehension as f0 wby they don't collect their own taxes. Shamw's Bowmanville friends will bie pleased f0 hear that Mrs. Donna Gilbank McAlpine bas accepted aposition witb the New Belleville Cild Develop- ment Centre. Her duties are to commence on Oct. l4th. Mn. Alan Weekes, Toronto spent n .week witb bis mother at his sister's cottage as guests of Mn . and Mrs. Howard Wood and boys. In commenting on bier recent vîsit f0 the British Ishes, Mrs. Weekes mentioned the very strict security precautions taken at most touist attrac- tions. This was very notice- able to Mrs. Weekes as compared f0 lier visit to ngand just two years ago. The British tour guides explain f0 ail tourists that these mensures are taken for their own benefit and in view of the recent bombings there one can easily appreciate their concern for public safe- ty. Det. Sgt. Weekes returned to bis duties with the O.P.P. to prepare for a relocation of bis Don Milis Brancb f0 the downtown headquarters. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Thiele beld Open House this past Wednesda odemronstra t e mayitè1eeting gift items tand toys which hie is prepared fdemonstrate at neigbbour- bood parties. We wish bim well on this latest pro ject. IHE.Ir EUROPFAN LOOK I Mesdames Beatrice Camp- bell, Loin Cox, Thelma Lane, Pearl Leach, Celia Mutton, Stella Price, Margaret, Olive and Wilbelmina Wood attend- ed their monthly U.C.W. meeting last week at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Rabb in Oshawa. The Rabbs have such a splendid view that on a dlean day they can even see the St. Mary's Cernent Plant in Bowmanville. The ladies had a very enjoyable afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bragg, Barry,- Janet, Anna Barber and Isobel Leider attended the Ashton-Skinner wedding on Saturday at Harmony United Church. Misses Linda and Brenda Brock spent- the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brock. Mr. Wesley Lane attended Fergus Fair last Sat. f0 assist in the judgîng of the Dairy Princess for that area. This type of experience most as- suredly will bnoaden Wesley's outlook. Apple picking bas started this week and the local orchards make a wonderful picture of productivity. We visited the new semi-dwarf section of Gerrits' orchard on Sunday and were so impres- sed by such a grand crop and the evîdence of much bard work in keeping the trees so uniform and dlean. Martin, Toni and their family are to be congratulated on the produc- tion and distribution of the ever popular apples and a visit to tbeir orchard, cold storage and packing plant is indeed interesting. Several from our area attended the Three-Party meeting at Clarke High School to hear the political candi- dates for our riding. By the time this paper reaches many of its readers, a decision will bave been made, but without a doubt, our three candidates are all able people who possess many admirable qual- ities. In reading the list of candidates for the Toronto ridings, we are impressed by the number of women seeking election. We wonder when Durham East will ever have a woman candidate. Think it over. The annual Bragg family picnic was held at Tistle Valley Park on Sunday in the form of a barbecue. Many of our neigbbors attended the officiai opening of Maple Leaf Milis at Cavan on Saturday and enjoyed a barbecued chicken luncheon. Out of the Mouths of Babes by E. P. Chant I say stick ahl this sugary detente in the furnace and beat up the coals. Let s stop pussy-footing around in our dictionaries findling fourteen letter words tliat sound terrific' but, ini reality, don't mean a flipping thing. Instead of politicians using baîf- of the language to tell us they have nothing to tell us, why flot have tbem say just that? Sure, newspapers would get smaller and hour-long newscasts would sbnink to seven minutes capsules, but the confusion that surrounds politics and politicians would ail but disappear. Just ima- gine how wonderful it would be to have a chue to what the issues were at election time. Just think how fantastic it would be to know what the real problems were facing the country and how each politi- cian stood with regards to solutions to tbem (right now, for instance, can anyone tell me bow Ed Broadbent pro- poses to deal with prison mnmates' uýrest?) However, this proposal of saying what needs to be said can 'be extended even further than politics; it can and should be applied to everyday if e. One of the biggest enemies facing society today is the complex social rules that it bas se p for itseif. Specifi- guy's feelings. When something needs to be said and the only thing that prevents it from being said is the worry that it may be an anti-social statement, it is time to tbrow tact to the wind and shoot your mouth off. There's a pbilosopby to live by. ammmmm mmm m BE A + BLOO DONOR ammmmmmm. Won'&s Instit ut e Meeting September the 5th was a lovely sunny afternoon for tbe first Fahl meeting of Bowman- ville Women's Institute, beld ini Trinity Sunday Sclîool room, with 23 present. Presi- dent Mrs' Downey welcomed evenyone and hoped we had enjoyed our sommer vaca- tions. We sang "0 Canada", the "Ode" and repeated tbe -Collect." Mrs. Flintoffread tbe minutes of the June meeting and were approved and signed and she also gave the treasurers report. Mrs. Twist, District direc- tor, asked for volunteers to help arr.ange our display of creative stitcbery at the plougbing match on Monday Sept. 22nd and for 3 to belp in the booth Tbursday, Sept. 25tb also for cookies to be donated and to be lef t at Mrs. Flintoffs or Mrs. T. Butterys on Wed. 24th. Mrs. Downey reported plans for the 75tb Anniversary dinner in Hampton wene well under way and tickets could be bad te day for $375. Also pens were on sale for $1 and anyone wishing tickets to get in touch with Mrs. Twist by Sept. ltb. Mrs. Tomlinson offered f0 go to the Convention in Toronto as our delegate Nov. 6th and 7th and Mrs. Patfield our alternate. Roll Caîl was answered with Somje way 1 became' wiser this sommer." Collection was taken after whicb Mrs. T. Butteny introduced Mrs. Kirk- ton who showed us samples of lier hobby, Artex painting. She explained about if and said she' enjoys if SO much she spends hours at if. Mîrs. Buttery spoke, on the m-otto "'Fault is easiest to find, înany pend tbeir lives looking for it." She thol4ght our own hIstitute Ode and Mary Stew- art Collect were good guide fnes for our own living. She said many people bave a habit ofcomlaining and groucbing ilhal il inakes tbem obnoxious to talk to. Let us try to ive by our Institute mottos and belp to make a better community to live in. Mrs., Buttery and Mrs. Downey botb tbanked Mrs. Kirkton for sbaring ber delightful hobby with us and invited ber 10 becomelone of our mnembens. The meeting closed -with singing "God Save the Queen" after wbicb lunch of sand- wiches and pickles along with a cup of tea w as served by Mrs. Butterys group, and a fiendly chat enjoyed. HAMPTON WOMENS INSTITUTE The monthly meeting qf the Hampton Women's Institute was Med on Sept. 9. In the absence of our President the meeting was presided over bv -0.1 -2,785 COU RIERS 1974 Courier Pick-up Trucks (64 to choose from) These are Ford Motor Compan jazzy littie import pick-ups. Ail equipped with rear step bumper5 PR tires, 4 on the flo or transmissý (synchronized in ail forward speeg and white wafl tires, 6 leaf r( springs provide excellent stabi]i $4,979 1915 GRAN TORINO STATION WAGONS (20 to choose frQm) 400 CID engine V8, defroster, 1ig group, lef t hand remote contr mirror, heavy duty suspension, bc( side mouidings, AM radio, whe covers, white sidewali tires, pow sleering and brakes, automati luggage rack, power tailgate wi dow. Colour Wimbleton whit Interior green knitted vinyl. J Mrs. Allin, a Past President. The Institute Ode was sung and the Mary Stewart Colect repeated in unison. The Roll Call-A great event that stands out in your memony - was well answered. The minutes were read and approved and sev- eral thank you notes were also read. A discussion followed on the Ploughing Match and each member is to bave a dozen large cookies delivered to Mrs. Clarence Yeo by Sept. 22 f0 be sent to the Hospitality Tent. Mrs. Caverlv reDorted on the 75th AnniversaIry of West Durham Women's Insti- tute dinner to be held at Hampton on Oct. B. Mrs. Allun took charge of the program and read a piece by Helen Keller. Several ladies assisted by giving short read- ings. Mrs. Yeo then called on our speaker fo- the afternoon, Mrs. Fraser of Solina. Last winter Mrs. Fraser took a trip to Arizona and the Grand Canyon and she brought her pictures to show us. These were enjoyed by ail. A vote of thanks to Mrs. Fraser was given by Mrs. Caverly. The meeting closed with the Miz- rpah Benediction. 1975 FORD LTD STATION (6 to choose from) mranville, September 17, 1975 3 A welCome cup of tea and fruit bread was served by the South Group. Adertising helps glood things happen. CANADIAN ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD PRESENT THIS COUPON AND RECEIVE $ .00 ony Purchase of i $5.00 or more ut Mary Brown'S Fried Chicken 751/2 King St. E. - Bowmanville Expiry Date Oct. 31, 1975 WAGONS 400 CID engine. V8, deluxe bumper group, defroster, iight group, LII remote cont roi mirror, heavy duty suspeýnsion, body side moulding, AM radio, whee1 covers, white side wall tires, power steering and brakes, automatic, iuggage rack, Colour Wimletn'white, Interior green, knitted vinyl. These veh ic les have been used for on ly 3 months Mileages from 2,000 to 10,000 All with factory warranty remaining YOU DESERVE A FORD TODAY FROM M A CD01NA L DS... The Ford MacDonalds Not the Burger Mc Dona lds THE MACDONALD~1 FOD1ROP1GSYO THIS VERY SPECIAL Fleet Vehicle nSale 0F USED WAGONS'&~ PICKU PS Over 100 VEHICLES 49250 FORD 1/2 TONS 1975 F-100 Style Side Pick-ups (26 to choose fromi) 360 2 V engine - V8, 133" wheelbase, colour Wimbleton white, 5,100 GVW package, 3 speed automatic trans- mission, 70 amp battery, power brakes, rear step bumper, cigai, lighter, mirrors 7 x 11, swing lock LH & RH, No. 1675 rear springs, power steerîng, heavy duty shocks front and rear, mud and snow tires, knitted vinyl seats, higt. output heaters. Boom PICKUP TRUCKS are ,s, 6 sion cds) 'ear fty. STATION WAGONS ght idy ýeei ver Lie, 7in- te. CaIl one of these numbers in a rea code 416 BOWMANVI LLE 219 King St. East 623-4481 OSHAWA 815 King St. West 576-1800 TORONTO 2494 Da nforth Ave 699-9381 ils sale is g-iod unti 1 Sept. 20, 197'

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