DS I ii Il The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 17 1' D6EAÀDLINEM -F OR 1III Tues., 12 noon B.AK ER-Ron and Mary Lou '1Vte Flynn) are happy to iknounce the birth of their -econd child, Tracy Lee, on September 12, 1975 at the Oshawa General Hosptal. A sister for Tammy. Proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Solina. Special thanks f0 Dr. Beckett, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Bayne and ail Maternity Staff. 38-1 BOTHWELL- Bob and Olly wish to announce the arrivai of their daughter ErinJean, 8 lbs. 73/4 oÏs., Sept. sf. at Collingwood Hospital. A sister for Patrick. Proud grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bothwell. 38-1 BRADLEY- Brian and Donna (nee Watson) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Curtis Jon, Septem- ber 12, 1975, weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson, Bailieboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Bradley, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 38-1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr, Bowmanville, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Joanne Grace, t0 Richard William Young, son of Mrs. Norma Cook, Bowmanville, and Mr. William Young, Tory Hill, Ont. The wedding to take place Nov.. 1, 1975 in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, at 3:O00p. m. 38-ix Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Goode are pleased to an- nounce the marriage of their only daughter, Susan Mary, f0 Mr. Michael Edward Cawker, son of Mrs. Mary Cawker, Port Hope, and Mr. George Cawker, Elizabethville. The wedding to take place on Saturday, October 18, 1975 at 4 o'clock iný Orono Un'ted Chur ch, rono. 38-lx Ees Mr. and Mrs. Merril Henry, Bowmanville, are pleased to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Linda Grace to Randail William Norrish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Norrish, R.R. 1, ýimanvill-e. 38-ix Nýr ad Ms.Joe Snowden neighbors and relatives f0 share with them a social evening on their 25th wedding anniversary, September 3th at 7 p.m. to 9 pm followed by dancing at t h e olina Com- munity Hall. Best wishes only pýase. 381 Thne family of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers wish f0 invite friends and neighbors f0 Nestieton Community Centre, Saturday, September 20, 2-5 p.m. on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary._ morial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Sunday, September l4th, 1975, Lloyd Aluin, R.R. 1, Enni.skillen, in his 47th year, beloved husband of Dolores Murray, dean fathÏer of Doug- las, Ricky, L arny, Kennefh and Glenn, dear son of Mrs. Cliflord Aluin, brother cof Doreen (Mrs. Lloyd Hayes), Beverly (Mrs . Gordon Kim- merly) and the late Cyril. Service was held in the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday affer- noon. Interment Hampton Ce- mefery. 38-1 COX - Annie. At Mernorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, on Thursday, Sept. 12, 1975, Annie Kitchen of Bowrnan- ville, in her 841h year. 'Nife of the late John Cox, dean mother of Elford and Arthur. Private funeral service was held aI the Norfhcutt-ElliotI Funerai Home on Friday morning. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 38-1 FLINTOFF, Shelley Leanne - At Toronto, on Tuesday, Sepf. 16, 1975, infant daughter of Roberf and Mari ln. Rested at the Northcuft EllIiott Fune- raI Home. Private family service was heid on Wednes- day morning interment Bow- mavleCemetery. 38-1 CARNATION / For AIl Your Fower Needs STOP IN AND SEE 0,,,R WEEKEND SPECIALS T .-'EYIRE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 "F iowers Say lit Best" VAN BELLE DAILY Deliveryto ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-ff MURPHY- Suddenly at home, 68 Church St., Bowman- ville, on Monday, September lSth, 1975, James Hubert Murphy, aged 69 years, beîov- ed husband of E sie Large, dear father oI Marilyn (Mrs. Wayne Thompson) and Eva (Mrs. Wayne Porteous), Osh- awa, Anna (Mrs. Wilfmed Griflin), Columbus, James, Colleen (Mrs. David Snow- den), Michael and Vickie, Bowmanville, Patrick, Port Perry, dear grandfather of filteen grandchildren arid one great-grandson, brother of Wilfred, Patrick and Joseph, Perth, Ra ymond and Anna Speagle, Kingston, Marcella Cameron, Toronto, Margue- rite Lee, Smith's Falls. Ser- vice was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday affer- noon. interment Bowmanville Cemefery. 38-1 MINNS, Bruce - At Queens. way General Hospital, Sept- em ber 14, 1975, Bruce Minns, beloved husband of Maion, dear f at her of John D., of Glen wlîîîams, dear brother of Phyllis (Mrs. S. E. Shine) and the late Ronald of Oshawa. The family will receive their friends af the Butler Funerai Chapel, 4933 Dundas Street West, (between lslington and Kipling Aves.), Islington, att- er 2 p.m. Tuesdlay. Service in the C hapel Wednesday even- ing at 7:30 p.m. Followed by cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society or the charity of your choice. I would like to thank mv relatives, friends and neigh- bors tor tlowers, cards and giîts, also those who visited me during my stay in Oshawa Hospitai. Special thanks to Dr. A. lark and Dr. R. Ho and nurses on 7th floor. Also thanks to the Maple Leaf Lodge, Bowmanville. Hattie Armstrong 38-1 x i would like to thank my friends and relatives who sent cards, gilts, flowers and get-well wishes during my sfay at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile. Special thanks again to Dr. A. Westgarth, Dr. D. Sproull, Dr. J. Rundie as well as 0. R. and the 3rd floor nursing staff for their excel- lent care. 1Joan FHooper 38-1. I wish f0 express my sincere thaniks and appreciation to my relatives. lriends and neigh- bors for the many inquiries, visits and cards sent during my three week's illness in Oshawa General Hospital. A speciai thanks fo my surgeon, Dr. Ugray and Dr. Rowseil who looked affer me regular- y, also f0 the staff and nurses who rendered excellent ser- vice, cheerlully. i also fhank Palestine Chapter, Royal Amch Masons for beaufiful flowems and Bowmanville branch, Royal Canadian Le- gion for the basket of fruit which I appreciate very much. Ji m Abernethy 38-1 The tamily of the late Clama Woodley wish f0 thank their relatives and friends and ail who helped in anyway during hem illness and burial and for the many condolences receiv- ed lafer. 38-lx SINCLAIR - in ioving mem- ory of our dear father and grandfather, Harvey M. Sin- clair who passed away Sept- ember 17, 1969. Years of sfiving, littie of play, Loving, giving, the whole of the way, A cherished smile, a heant of gold, To the dearest father the wold could hold, Hapoy memnories, fond and frue From us, who thought the world of you. - Always remem bered by son Larry, daughter-in-law Doris, ganchildmen Todd and Tara. 38-1ix ADAMS - In loving memory of a dean brother, uncle and greaf-uncie, Charles Henry Adams, who passed away Se pt. 1 7, 1974. God saw you getting weary, So he did what he thoughf best, He came and stood beside you And whispered "Corne and rest-, You wished no one a last fareweil, Nom even said good-bye, You had gone before we knew if, And only God knows why., -Lovingly remembered' by Dave, Bernice Bothwell and family. 38-1 DUNN - In loving memory of our son and brother Larry, who left us suddenly Sept. 21, 1969, and his friend Alan Linton. Sad was the parting, no one can fel, So sudden on earth the sorrow felu, The blow was hard, the shock severe, To part with one we loved 50 dean, Dearer stili as years depant, His memory lives wifhin our hearts. -Sadly missed, always remembered by Dad, Mom and Ron.' 38-lx DRAKE - n loving memory of a dear son John Norwood Drake who passed away Sept. 12th, 1972. Time passes on we miss you dea r, n our memories you always will be we know God needed you in Heaven, But to us vou are always near. - Sadly missed by Mom, Step Dad, brothers and sister. 38-1 x WESTLAKE - In loving memory of a dear son, brother and uncle, Gordon Francis, who pa ssed away, September 23, 1973. Tho' his smile is gone forever, And his hand we cannot touch Stili we have so many memories, Of the one we loved s0 much. His memory is our keepsake, With which we'lI neyer part; God has him in his keeping, We have him n our hearts. - Always remembered and loved by his Dad and Mom and famiiy. 38-1 SINCLAIR- In loving mem- ory of a dear fathr and grandfather, Harvey M. Sin- clair, who passed away Sept. 17, 1969. Ever emembered by son John, daughter-in-law Helen and granddaughters Cindy and Sandy. No words can ever say What's feit within our hearts toda y So rat h er than look back in sorrow May we ofler a thought for everyones tomormow. Passingi can be a tragedy, That fis you with grief Or if can be a memor y with a message that's briel. Cherish the ones you love With each passing day Fory ou know flot how suddeniy The Lor may take them' away. 38-1 ASHTON - n loving memory 0 f a very dear husband and dad, Bruce O. Ashton, who passed away so suddenly, September 16, 1961. Happy memories fond and true, rFrom us who thought the 1 world of you. -Lovingiy remembered by wile Marie and family. LI NTON -ln loving m emory of a beloved son and brother, Alan, and is friend, Larry Dunn, who passed away suddenly Sept. 21, 1969. As-ti me unfolds another year,ý Memoies keep you ever near, Sulent thoughts of times together Hold memories that wili last forever. - Sadly missed and always remembered by Mom, Dad brothers and sisters and families. 38-1 ADAMS - in loving memory of a dear father and grand lather who passed away Sept. 17, 1974. God saw you getfing weary, So did what he thought best, He came and stood beside you, And whispered come and rest. You wished no one a last farewel i Nor even said good-bye You had gone belore we knew 1 if. And only God knows why. - Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son Bob, Rena and, Bobby. ______38-1ix Plan to Attend BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB App lef est and Carnival AT THE LIONS CLUB Evening 'cf September l9th Games of Chance and Flea Market 36-3 MNSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Sofball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 -tf Friends and relatives 0f Mrs. Albertha Smith (Bertie) are cordially invited to attend an "Open House" on the occasion of her 7th birthday. If is t be held at the home of her son, Orvus Smith, at 725 Beaupre Ave.-, Oshawa, on Sunday, September 21 af 2 p.m. Best wishes only. 3- Nestieton Presbyterian Church is holding ifs l3th annivesary on Sept. 2lst at 11:00 arn. Rev. Mathew Young, guesf speaker. Special music and releshments. Everyone welcome. 3- Memorial and cemetery decomation services aI St. John's Anlican Church, Blackstock, S unday, Sept. 21sf at 1: 15 arn. Everyone wel- come. 38-1 APPEARING AT The Queen"s Hotel N EWCASTLE COUNTRY GOLD Friday - Saturday Septemnber 19-20 Dancing 9-1 38-1 Business Girls Curling wiII start October lSth at Bowmanville Country Club. New members most welcome. For the first lime a curling clinic for new members, and members will be held. FOR FURIHER INFORMATION CONTACT 623-7343 or 623-5627 38-1 The Bowmanville Unit of the CANADIAN CANCER SOC IETY Annual Meeting Tuesday, September 30th. 8 P.m. Lions Centre Speaker: Hon. R. A. Bell P.C.Q.C. President of Ontario Divison Cancer Society Refreshments EVERYONE WELCOME 38-2 Social Planning Council, September 25, at 8 p.m., Court Room No. 2, Police Building, Bowmanviile. Ail welcome. 38-1 "Commencing on Friday, Sept. 26th, 8 p.m. Euchre Pa rties will be held every two weeks in Pontypool Commun- ity Centre, sponsored by Pontypool C. of C. Adm. - 50c. Ladies kindly bring lunch." 38-1 A meeting will be held Thursda y, Sept. 25th, at 7 p.m. in an effort to form a St. John Ambulance Corps here. Ten- tative location is at the Fire Hall, Church St. If interested, please phone Al Brown 623- 5034. No First Aid Certificate is necessary.382 THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Evening Class Programs 1975-6 Registration for Evening Class Programs is commen- cing at various schools throughout the jurisdiction. lnterested persons should watch their own local news- papers for the date and time or contact the appropriate school for specific information. 3- DANCE Brandi 178 Bowmanville Legion Sat, Sept. 20th 9 p.m. Music: "THE AMBASSADORS" $5.00 Per Couple 38-1 AT HOME Mrs. T. G. Sndwden will be at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Hughes, 15 William St., Port Hope, to receive her friends, neighbors, and rela- tives on the afternoon of Friday, September 26th., from 2:00- 4:00 p.m., and 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., on the occasion of her 95th birthday. Best wishes only. 38-2x CENTRAL ONTARIO REGIONAL SNOWMOBILE ASSOCIATION General Meeting Everyone welcome. O'NeiI Collegiate and Vocaional Institute, Mary St. entrance, Oshawa, Sunday Sept. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Guests: John Butler, Ontario Society for Crippled Children speaking on Snowerama. Rick Start, Ontario Federation of Snowmobile clubs. Carl Cow- den, Sno-pîan co-ordinator for Ontario. 38-1 Rebekah Penny Sale, Fni- day, Sept. 19- 2:30 p.m., Centennial Hall, Queen St. Aternoon Tea. Draw 8 p.m. 37-2x 'aaeto Garret" Sale! on Wednesday, Oct. 1 from 2 - 4:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Also Bake Sale and Coffee Time. 38-2 Introduction classes to mo- dern square dancing wili commence at Ontario Street School on Thursday, Septem- ber 25 at 8:00 p.m. lnterested couples, phone 728-5042 or 576-9770. 37-2 GET CASH TODA'? FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN C LASS IF IE DS Tours Colour Tour September 28th. Lanark & Perth (Kitten & Naturalizer Shoe Ouf lefs) u c to ber 1 s . Royal Winter Fair (Gooci Evening Performance tickets available Nov.22nd.) Lake Placid Circle September 26th.- 28fh. Algonquin Park& Gatineau Hilîs Oct ober 4th. and 5th. Wheeling, W.V. Oct ober lOth. - 13th. Quebec City October 10th. - l3th. Colonial Virginia, Norfolk Tour October l,8th. - 25th. Jack Miner's Bird Sanctuary Novem ber 1sf. and 2nd. Sunshine Party Tours, Box 214, P 'ort Hope. Telephone 885-2211; Evenings 885-2200. -- CERTIFIED seed, Fredrick winter wheat, Huron winter barley. Ceresmore Farms Ltd. 623-3552 and 623-7233. 33-6 APPLES for sale. Phone 263-8161. No Sunday sales. 37-6 FIREPLACE wood, 20 bushel bi n, $10. Phone 623-7176. 38-1 TWO, 100 gallon and one, 200 gallon oil tanks for sale. Phone 623-7363. 38-1 QUANTITY of one bushel apple boxes. Phone 623-2637. 38-lx F IVE piece dining room suite wifh swivel chairs. Phone 623-2287. 38-1ix LADY'S Hudson seal coat. Asking $125. Value $300. Phone 623-5340. 38-1 x CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, good condition Inquire af Mulder's Furniture., 38-1 WHITE'S I.V. TOWERS Towers3 UI4EVHF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone S576-5606 30o-tf A NT 1QUE -cLeCK-S -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que clocks, pocket watches, and modern wafches and dlocks. Our repairs are done witf modemn up-to-date equipment and qualified Swiss frained watchmafer. HOOPER'S ,IEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf Oshawa TV e«A. Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF - VHF - Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wired REPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed kll priced to S Av E you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-f OSHAWA TRACTOR SALES TRACTORS & EQUIIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN EQUI P. FARM MACHINERY COMPACT FARM TRACTORS SALES- SE RVICE- RENTALS Phone 728-6901 Marine HUGE CLEARANCE Starcraft Boats and Mercury Outboards Davis Marine 617 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario 725-1181 Credit'Terlls Available P.S.: First corne, first served, don't miss out. 36-4 ONE set 1975 Ben Hogan Producer golf clubs, right hand, custom made, four months old, $300 or besf offer. Phone 623-3130 or 723-9542 and ask for Bruce. 38-1 ALLIS Chalmers used mach- inerv. 72 combine ready for clover, 1 row Forage Har- vester, 200 baler, 303 baler. Trewin Farm Equipmenf, Blackstock 986-4283. 38-1 WHEEL horse -l7horse power tractor with snow thrower, lawn mower and cultivator. Toro lawn mower with rotary tiller and snow thrower. Blackstock 986-4283. 38-1 SCREENED and unscreened top soil, screened sand and gravel. Phone 623-3412. 22-if, AIR conditioners, central and window units. Call Harvey Partner. Orono 983-5206 or Zenith 14620. 21 -tf SIDES of beef from corn-led Hereford steer. W. Vaneyk 263-2088. 35-3 TE N-speed bicycle, almosf new condition. 623-3832. 38-1 IROQUOIS Conquest tent frai- er, sleeps six, excellent condi- tion, $400. 5000 BTU Coleman tent heater, $20. Phone 987- 4511. 38-1 ONE 30" GE. stove, $60; Chrome set, $20; One 21" B & W T.V., $15; One steel bed, $25; 3 bedroom doors, $8 ea.; One swivel chair, $12; Cedar rails, 75 cents ea.; Assortment of lamps. Phone 1-705-277-2512. 38-1 BICYCLES, two boys' three speed,' excellenf condition and hoc key equipment - size 8-12 yeams. Phone 623-2782. 8l GARAGE 1lýa[e, on now, Base- Line Road, 21/2 miles west of Waverley Road. Sign at road. Phone 623-7490. 38 lx 20 OLYMPIC ski-doo, like new. 1-983-5981. 38-1 VEGETABLES for use now or winter storing. Potatoes, car- rot, squash and turnips. Will deliver and orders taken. Phone Ted Buttery, 263-2511. 38-2 INTERIOR and cafe doors, house shutters, chrome hard- ware for cupboards, and light fixtures. Phone 263-2248. 38-1 F IVE piece dining room suite, washstands, small wardrobe, trunks, chesterfield suites, dining room tables, high chair, platform rockers, kit- chen cabinet, dishes, lamps, small appliances. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 38-1 CHROME table and 4 chairs. Calil 1-983-5169. 38-1 BALED straw and hay, 263- 2675. 37-if TWENTY-SIX Inch Philips Modular, 4 color television and Electrohome color. Phone 623-3883. 38-1 SQUASH, ail varieties, o)ump- kins, turnips, carrots and diii. Northeast corner Highway 2 and Solina Rd. Phone 579-1108. 38-2x 1969 WOODS camper, sleeps 4, canvas tent with metal top, $600. Phone 623-4023. j 38-1 AUTOMATIC dryer. Phon( 623-7875. 38-1 ROYAL CROWN derby Ent- lish china, blue mikado pe.t- tern, luncheon plates, aftar dinner cups and saucers. Phone 623-2671. 38-ix Buy direct from Manufac- ture- Rutter Granite Co., Ltd., has a huge selection of fine, quality monuments, large and ismal 1 f0 fit any need. Come by bur display yard aI 73 Ontario ~treet, Port Hope or telephone ~85-5216 for a monument that èýndures. 35-tf 1OSHAWA SAND Am'ID GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND' - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIl Sizes for Drîveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR, RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 il tf Snowmobi les ARCTIC CAT and MERCURY (Special Offer) buy now and save up to $150. 10 per cent down holds any Cal or Mercury and you pay no interest until Jan. 1, 1976 Davis M arine 617 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario 725-1181 P.S.: Huge savings on leIt- over Ski-doo clothing and' accessories. 36-4 WEEKEND SPECIAL 6 Swee theart Roses $1 .49 Cash and Carry CARNATION Flower Shop 33 Division Street 623-7141 38-1 FURNITURE and appliances, excellent condition, reason- able. Cali 983-5288 September 20. 38-1 'NATER supply - pools, wells etc. George Maguire, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 723-6980. 22-If 16 Ft. Saîlboat Used One Season, Sails, Lifejackets, Cushions lncluded. Make Deal on Motor. Phone 623-7232 Ëat farmn raised domnestic rabbit. Tender, deiicious white meat. Economical No Waste Now availabie alg your meat store or supermarket. 30 tf BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak wood. New fumniture very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377 52-tf PADDY'S Market now ha5l new lurniture, appliancesi T.V.'s and stereos and alsý used furniture and appliances'ý Wil11 accept trade-ins. Paddy'4 Market,-Hamnpton, -phone 263i- 2241. 3311f USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf COMPRESSORS, generators, electric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. 'Ne seli, buy and trade. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone DAY care1 n my nome. location- central. Please cali 623-4294. 36-4x PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf CENTRAL Marine Electron- ics. Phone 263-2918. D)istribu- for for ComDev Marir.e Pro-. ducts. 16fI GOOD Hostein springer cows. and heifers. Phone 263-2284. 38-2 CASH for gold, silver, coins, g uns, dlocks, jewellry, dishes, furniture, crocks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf WANTED, 252 feet of one inch or 11/4 inch rope or 3 continuous pieces- each at least 84 feet long. Phone 728-4171 affer 5:30 p.m. 38-lx A * O- . - OOMESTIC &COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & . SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-tf DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-f Geddes Eiectric Renovations - Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewining Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates Phone 623-2398 USED Furnifure and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241.- 33-tf PIANO, used. G.ood condition. Phone 623-5603 or 623-3303. 37-tI 'NE buy and seli evemythinci and pay cash. Cali day or night 725-9783. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King W., Oshawa. 19-ff GOOD used-furniture, cribs, high chairs, books, other items. Phone Towne Usec Furniture, 623-4681, for instant cash and service. 38-1 w Ride from Bowmanvlle, Liberty Street,' North f0 Yonge and York Milis or Yonge and 401. Leaving around 7 o'clock and neturning flromn 4fo 5 p.m. Phone 623-7802 or Toronto office 928-4508. 37-2 Apple Growers Again buying luice apples in large volume bulk af farrn, also peelers. Cash paymenf and prompt pick-up units. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 TWENTY couples interesfed in having fun and fellowship on Thursday evenings, week- ly, aI Ontario Street School, sfarting Sept.,-25th. Modemn -Square Dancing is a good heaifhy exercise for ail ages between 18 and 95. This is a world-wide onganization, and oniy costs $2 per couple, weekly, and $5 for a yearly membership. Why not give t a tny? For information cail 623-5811 or 576-9770. Bowman- ville Bashful Bows Club.' 38-2 Cars, TrUlcks, Tractors, Motorcycies Snowmobiies For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAIO ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-ff Lawn &Garden Ca re Rolling, iroto-tillirlg with a commercal machine. Seediflg down new lawns or old. Tree cutting and odd jobs. Phone 987-5222 tf CONSTRUCTION New Homes -Renovating Rec Rooms Repairs of aIl types. P HON E 623-2263 20tfI Home Carpentry CUSTOM upholstering, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. Please cali collect 1-986-5072. 26tfI 1INSTALL AN ýOý FURNACE BOILER HMIDIFIER AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLICY CAL L HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 23tfI Ait-Type Painting and Roof ing Bowmanville, Ontario - 623-5038 - Interior and Exterior Sea i-O-Matic Shingles NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Oronio983-5206 -Zenith 14620 41 -tf Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Divislon St., Bowmanviîle Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 171tf WATER WNells bored, 30" file. Ward's 'Neli Boring. Tele phone 342-2030. Repr esenta- tive Harry L . Wade. Tele phone 987-4531. 161tf Ref rigeration AN D Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refri geration - Milk Coolersý PH N E BE RT SYER Days.............. 623-5774 Niýjts ...... ... 623-31-77 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC TF Floors Repairs of ail types. Free Estimate- Tradesmen Commercial - Residenfial Phone 623-3194 311 MAPLE GROVE SMALL ENGINE Repa inrs f0ail1 makes of Lawn and Garden Equipment 579-2001 1 Stf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE-HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 43- Bowmanvllle 30-tf BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumibing - Heatingi Pressure Systemns New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cati1623-2641 33-fl C &CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Uphoistery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMA.NVILLE WHITE, bîack and brown kitten. Wellington and George St. area. Phone 623-5479. 38-1 YELLOW caf with white on sfomach and paws. Answers tonameof "Toýmerfang". Lost in Dog Pound area. Phone 6S2-5703. 38-1 ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 9o Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX 44-tf PROF ESS tONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT OMLY f 112 Simcoe St N.' Oshawa 576-4705 Ear Piercing Service DAN HOOPER Phone 623-5747 For Appoîntment. 38-tf IF you have a drinking problem please cail A.A. 728-1020. 1, Ben Piels, R.R. 6, Bowrnanvilie, wiil nof be responsible for any debîs contracted in rny name by anyone without my written consent on or aller this date, September 12, 1975. 38-1 Senior citizens, 10 per cent off of ail hair-dos, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday only. Open 6 days a week. Thursday and Fmi day open evenings (by appointment). Last ap- poinîment Saturday 3:30. Kut n' Kuni Beauty Shop, 71 King St. E. Phone 623-5019. "Ap- pointrnents not always nýeces- sary". 38-4 1, Bernard Steeves, will not be responsible for debfs in- curred in my name by my wife, Marie Steeves, as of September 10, 1975. 37-2x Anyone wishing to play in Town League Hockey should contact Doug Hayes, John Kramp at 623-5435, Brian Bradley aI 576-5286, Ron Hooper aI 623-3097 and Lanny Burns af 623-4569, no later than September 20, 1975. 37-2 Fences * *, * ww Mm e eem ... ........ CL 9lb3l FI ED