PIenty of Action at Newcastlie Day Events in Oron Oshawa Mayor Jim Potticary tags ti alfrabs i.TeRgoa Team's efforts were in vain however, a ecsl tre akfo - deficit to win the game 13-8. Rookie Ann Cowman displayed a powerful bat for the Newcastle Team. Unfortunately, her fielding during the game wasn't as sharp as her incisive comments at the Council meeting the previous day. She nabbed this one in the pre-game warm-up, Coun. Ken Lyall offered a fe.w words of advice from the sidelines. At one point he called a summit meeting on the mound to rally the Newcastle side to greater efforts, j Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Mrs. F. Byers spent a few days last week with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mis- ener, Toronto-. Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ottawa visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pater- sori recently. Last Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barraball, Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaRocca and family at their cottage, Miner's Bay•. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dedong visited with their daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Bey. Brereton, Ottawa, recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Caîll .and Corey spent two weeks in Dawson City, Yukon, visiting their daughter, Joan, who is working there for the sumu- home arond September 23rd. Mrs. Call's sister and family. Mr. and' Mrs. M. Downs, Patty and Steven, Toronto, spent a week's vaca- tion with the Caîll's after their rieturn from Yukon. .M$,r. and Mrs. Glen Farrow and daughter Jan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. "Call enjoying all the pictures taken of their Yukon holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pruner and Mr. and' Mrs. David Pruner and family, Kingston, enjoyed the points of interest in the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland during their recent vacation. Sympathy is extended to the Pruner famiily on the sudden death of Mr. Pruner's nephew in Alberta. Sympathy is extended to the friends and relatives of Fran- ces Eilbeck Hever whose death occurred. in Bronxville, funeral servicde fro Nw castle United Church on Saturday morning. Barry G oulahe and Bonie Hockey School in Sundridge this week. Bey. Thomas Smith of spentafiveday last weekr a McMaster University, Hamil- ton. attending a Workshoo on Chemical Dependency spon- sored by Alcohol and Drug Concerns. About one hundred people from different bran- ches of Social Work contri- but eirtie, toght an ence. Next Sunday August 31, ten o clock Holy Communion Ser- vice will he held at St. Saviour's Anglican Church, Orono. St. George's A.C.W. will hold its first fa!i meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 3 at 8 p.m. Mrs. K. Beam and Miss Sandra Kelsey were enumera- ting in our district this past week. Check the list posted in your area and if your name requires addition, correction or deeion, contact the return- ing officer before September 10. Mrs. Archie Bernard, Flesh- erton. spent Thursday visiting ber mother, Mrs. Nellie Spen- cer. Mrs. Dorothy Harmer is now convalescing at Sunset Lodge Nursing Home, Bow- manville. Mr. Peter Smith visited his sister Mr. and Mrs. vincent Mclnnes and family, Wing- ham. Newcastle Horticultural Society Annual Show On Thursday, August 14, the Newcastle Horticultural Soc- iety held its annual show in the Newcastle Community Hall. Considering the dry, hot, summer, the exhibits were very good. Last week, the list of winners in the Junior Competition was printed. The following is the list of winners in tbe Senior Competition. Container of Glads, 7 spikes, any colour, Madeleine Buck- ley;: Decorat ive Container, Glads and otber flowers, %"~deleine Bucklev, Lorna .Çrockett, Gwen Gibson. Single Spike Class: i spike White. Madeleine Bucklev: 1 spike Pink, Madeleine Buck~- ley; 1 spike ktea, Madeleine Buc kley ; 1 s pike Mauve, Madeleine Buckley ; 1 spike Bi-Colour, Madeleine Buckly; i spike, not listed above', Ma eleine Buckley; i spike ley;inik e Blutterfly Madel eine Buckley. General Exhibits Moster, Vieki Lsnick. CRna Sanou. Basket of mixed flowers for churcb decoration, Narda Hoogkamp, Gwen Gib- Phli lrke,CJan Goe. Bowl of Roses, L. Crockett. Rose, Hybrid Tea - i bloom-, Jean Goode, Madeleine Buck- ley, L. Crocket t. Home-Cook- in'g, arrangement in kitchen utensil, Phyllis Clarke, Jean Goode, Jean Rickard. Corsage Gode Lorna Crockett, Phyl- lis Clarke. Terrarium or Bottle Garden, Gwen Gibson, Jean Goode. Tiny Tots, 3 miniature, Narda Hoogkamp, Jean Goode, Karen Tordif f. Midsummer Madness, Hi Fi or Buffet, Jean Goode, Vicki Lesnick, Narda Hoogkamp. Telephone 987-4201 Geisha Girl, oriental style. Jean Goode, Narda Hoog- kamp, Lorna Crockett. Toast to Happiness, arrangement in Goblet, Jean Rickard, Phyllis Clarke, Jean Goode. Tall and Beautiful, Madeleine Buckley, Vicki Lesnick. Jean Good'e. Best flower container, Phyllis Clarke. Jean Rickard, Bertha Fisber. Best flower bed:; Bertha Fisher. Mrs. Peters,. Jean Rickard. Sweepstakes: Gladioli, Madeleine Buckley, Aster. Jean Rickard, Zinnia, Vicki Lesnick, Rose, Jean Goode, Geranium, Carol Mostert. The J. Anderson Smith Memorial Prize was awarded to Madeleine Buckley. This is for the most outstanding exhibit in the flower section an may be won only once. Asters, white, Jean Rick- ard, Jean Goode, Lena Gra ham, Pink, Jean Goode, Jean Rickard, Lena Graham, Crim- son, Lenia Grabam, Purple, Lena Grabam, Vicki Lesnick'. Carnation any colour, Hazel Munro, Jean Goode Madeleine Buckley Dahlia show 92 blooms. Gwen Gibson Lily, any variety i spike, Gwen Gibson, Herbie Gibson. Ger- anium, 3 stems; Carol Mos- tert, lrs. H. Schmid, Jean Bick ard. Marigold, double African, 6 blooms, Rana Sanou, Jean Goodie, Bertha t isher. Marigoi, alounie french, 6 blooms, Rana Sa- nou, Carol Mostert, Jeana Goode. Cornflower, 6 'blooms any colour, Carol Mostert, Jean Good Gwen Gibson. Bana Sanou, Vicki Lesnick, Gwen Gibson. Petunia, single- ruffled, Rana Sanou, Madel- eine Buckley, Jean Rickard, Pho, any colour, 6tems., Jan Goode. Salvia, any vweet Pea,n s, stenms, Lena Graham. Snapdragon, 6 spikes, M\adeleine Buckley, B. larer3 blooms Jean Ricad Jean Goode, Carol6 Mostert. Carola MotertGwven Gibor. Tuberous Begonia, one in dish, Narda Hoogkamp, Jean Rick ard Gwn Gbson Cosos 6 Gibson. Gloriosa Daisy, Hazel M\unro, B. Fisher, Jean R ick- an. ulleution of Nmid 'Fisher. • -- - Section C - Novice Coffee Table Arrangement, Karen Tordiff, Herbie Gibson. Buffet or MVantel Arrange- ment, Herbie Gibson. Se'ction D- vegetablies Beets, Mlrs. Krummena- cer, Carol Mostert, Herbie Beans, green, Narda Hloog- kamp, Carol Mostert, Emer- Beanshe.llow, Mrs. Palin, Sylvia Vandermale, Ernerson Fisher. Carrots, Carol Mostert, Rana Sanou, Mrs. Krummen- Cabbage, Jean Rickard, Bana Sanou. Corn, Carol Mostert, Phyllis Clarke, Gwen Gibson. Potatoes, Mrs. Krummen- acher, Mrs. Schmid, Emerson Fisher. Cucumber, Narda Hoog- kamp, Mrs. Krummenacher, Emerson Fisher. Tomatoes, Carol Mostert, Phyllis Clarke, Sylvia Vander- maie. Harvest Basket, Carol Mo- stert, Gwen Gibson, Emerson Fisher. Container of Salad Vege- Mostet,GweCrockett. Wilma Allin's Prize for most points in vege tables was awarded to Carol Mostert. Eaton's Prize (a vase& for 'I the most points was won by Carol Mostert with 69 points. Mladeleine Buckley with 68 points won second prize do- nated by Sandor Ceramics. Barr's Plaque for new exhibi- tors with most points was won by Rana Sanou. Mrs. Milli- gan's prize to new exhibitors with the second highest points was won by Herbie Gibson. Carl Wright uderet sr ger in unw Hrwia str- week. Ail hi frends wish hlm as speedy recovery as pos- sible. zinners at the senior Citi- zn cadpe t ueda even- ing wee ctGorge Heip Pr Day 4t-Mrs: rdith Anderson 5th-Mrs. Olive Gim- blett 6th-Lionel Byam Low- Richard Manns. Mrs. Boy Taylor spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor at their country home on Lake Muskoka. They enjov- ed a trip to Northern Ontario to Jroquois Falls:On Saturday they enjoyed having the newly weds M1r. and Mrs. Bob Brackenbury call for the morning and lunch. On Sunday Mr. B. H. H-easlip beld a family picnic at bis farm at Milton. -His three sisters-and brother and their families attended. Guests from this area included Mr. and Mirs. Harry Vancamp, M\r. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low, Mrs. Gladys Suggitt, his tbree sisters and brother Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Heaslip of Lindsay. Also Mr. and Mrs. Mcerlin Snîagin Mr and Mrs Do It Yourself Save CARPET STEAM CLEANING WITH RENTAL UNIT We are Iooking for a dealer in the Bowrman- ville area. Cash in the do- it-yourself market. The customer does the work, you collect the money. Call Steamer Rent-a-Carpet Clan Sysems. Nearest Dealers: Oshawa - 728-5133 Whitby - 668-2345 Prior to the match between Regional Council and Newcastle, there were two T-Bail games between Orono and Bowmanville. The Orono girls defeated Bowmanville 22-20 in the first game, and the Bowmanville boys won the second 20-15. Mayor Garnet Rickard and Joe Kennett of the Recreation Department discuss strategy. Mr. Kennett handled pitching duties while the Mayor guarded interests at first base. Photos by Ij Arstro Ray Suggitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bick Thompson and family, Miss Susan Thornp- son. Mr. and Mrs. Bussell Lar- mer entertained their family over Fair weekend. Mrs. Bernice FPascoe and daughter Bonda o Cagary are spend- ing some time visitmng. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. N. Gibson and family, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gibson of Oshawa, Mr. and MIrs. Lawrence Larmer and f amily of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larmer and family, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs Ray Larmer of Pickering. Miss \vivian Arends o0f Peterborough is spendmng some holidays with Teresa Assesîtine. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp of Enniskillen were Sunday cal- lers of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and Mrs. M. Argue. Mrs. Annie Fowler spent Tbusday with Mrs. Aima Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel- stine, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baeton enjoyed Asuen a Emily Park with Mr. and Mrs. Ai Asselstine and family and Mur. and Mrs. Les Asselstine and family who are camping A recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rutherford and family was Mrs. Butherford's uncle Mr. Brendan Hartwell of Lower Hutt, New Zealand. He was also welcomed by the rest of the family Mr. and Mrs. T. Ms V. Heeringon of Corn- wall and Mrs. E. Malkowski of Brockville. Mr. Hartwell, a head designet consultant for FteCapet Lt. is on a world tour. From here he will be stopping at Halifax, Lon- don, Tokyo and Sydney arrving home in mid-Septem- s A im neFower was a grandson Mr. and Mrs Allan Rutherford and family Shck Quits A professional hockey play- er for 18 years, Eddie Shack stick and bang up theades o devote bis concentration to bis other business ventures. I'm packing il in. I'm 38 years ,old and I've got my health. I'm youqg enough to bave a lot of drive left in the business world and wy not do it"while IFm healthy. If I work only half as bard at my newest venture, the travel agency, as I bave been working in hockey, I'm bound to suc- ceed,"~ Shack states. Shack, who supposedly had drawn interest from the WHA Toronto Toros when the Leafs showed no interest, adds "why suourd I or my ass of fo when the taxes swallow half of it. This way I'll do what I want and I'll be happy. Also, I'll remnain healthv. by D. Nesbitt Whitby, 2. John Fonk, Or Bon Carder luckily escaped 3. John Eacott, Barrie serious injury on Saturday 3rd Heat: 1. Bob Gunto nigbt during the Diamond John Fonk, 3. Caryl Full Feature when his car No. 33 4th Heat. 1. Bon Carde bit the wall with a tremendous Bob Gunton, 3. John Fon impact at number one corner. Feature:1 Caryl Fulle Bon had to be assisted out of John Eacott, 3. Joe Beles bis car and appeared badly Barrie. shaken up but no other Street Stock Division apparent injuries were noted 1st Heat: 1. Ed Nes at this time, but he probably Newcastle, 2. Walter Uer was plenty sore the next son, Orono, 3. Car No morning. (name unknown). Another successful Demohi- 2nd Heat: 1. Car No. 7 tion Race was held with the Glen Burton, Lindsay, 3. winner being Wayne Freeburn .Green, Oshawa. of Pet erborough. 3rd Heat: 1i Ivan Gree 1st Heat: 1. Ron Carder, Bon Nesbitt, St. Thoma Orillia, 2. Bob Gunton, Barrie, Ed Nesbitt. 3. Boy Gaynor, Pontypool. 4th Heat: L. Ed Nesbit 2nd Heat 1. Caryl Fuller IanGreer 3. Bon Nesb itt I - M School Bus Stopping Law changes September Isi. Here are the new regulations Effective September 1st, aIl traffic from both directions must stop whenever a chrome-yellow school bus flashes its red signal lights front and rear.. .regardless of the posted speed limit, (The penalty for not doing so is a maximum fine of $100 and 4 demerit points.) The law applies everywhere -on high- ways, country roads, and city, town or village streets. Until rnow, motorists going in the opposite direction had to stop only wben tbe posted maximum speed limit was more than 35 rniles per hour. But as of September 1st, everyorne must stop -except in one in- stance: motorists going n the opposite di rection from tbe school bus on tbe other side of a multi-lane highway divided by a physical barrier As a motonist, you must drive with extra care whenever you see a school bus in frornt ofyou or coming towards you, because if the school bus flashes its red lights, traffic from both directions rnust stop. If ail of us observe this law our chîldren wiil be that rnuch safer Remnember, school bus safety is everybody s responsibility. As a parent, encourage your children to follow the school bus safety rules learned at school - helping the bus driver by behaving quietly and keeping seated until it is time to leave the bus. For more information on the School Bus Stopping Law write: Public and Safety Inforrnation Branch Ministry of Transportation and Communications 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1J8 Ministry of Transportation and Communications John Rhodes, Minister Governrnent of Ontanlo William Davis, Premier The NeWcastle Independent rono, n, 2. er. r, 2. k. r, 2. key, sbitt, nder- . 71 1, 2. Ivan n, 2. s, 3. t, 2.