Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jul 1975, p. 7

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The Caisadian Statesman, Bowmanvîllc, July 23, 1975 7 Celebrates 1sf Birthdav High Speed Chas e Winds Up With a Keystone Kops Finish by JIM CUTTING Eaminer Staff Writer in Cobourg, Provincial Court Judgc R.B. Baxter Thursday reserved judgment until Sept. il in a dangerous driving case against a New- castle area man. The charge arose from a 100 m.p.h. chase from Bowmanville ta Port Hope by a Durham Regional Police cruiser and two Provin- cial Police cruisers. The chase ended with the two OPP cruisers in collision wth one another. James Albert Whiteford, 26, of R.R. 3, Newcastle, pleaded not guilty. Little Jacqueline Margaret turned one-year-olà orf-Jûly 2nd.fler mom and dad are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland of Bowmanville. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sutherland of Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice, Plontypool. Letter to the Editoeuàr Newtonville, July 18, 1975. Dear Editar: Will we, won't we hang aur killers? A horrible subject calîs for horrible language. This is just anc of the questions facing Ottawa. In the Mderatr's column in July issue of "The Ob- server" he quotes W. Gene Miller "It takes a lat of courage ta be a nut in a ,vorld as squirrelly as this an." Sa Mr . James here cames an aid nut with her opinians. They may nat weigh as much as a handful of peanuts in their shelîs but at least that puny wight will go where I want it, ta go. I speak loud and clear that aur police farces at ahl levels must be pratected in every way possible, even if it mneans -ýore men and better cquip- ent. On them depends the safety of aur leaders, of nat only law abiding cftizens but the criminals themselves, aur children and praperty. If 1 felt for a moment that a return ta Capital Punishment would lessen violent crimes and murders I would be ail for it but somehow 1 cannot feel it would. <C iminals are made, nat bo'.. Our society is turning aut a crop of criminals every year. If it increases in rate Canada would saon need a full tine hangman, and an assist- ant or go broke trying ta keep them in jail. There is something wrang with aur society. We must work harder an crime preven- tion and less punishment will be necessary. Police working with youth and visiting aur schoosand doing much ta get the good wilI of the yaunger set. Our society ta-day is deter- mined ta play saf e - nat get involved. Some act this way through fear. Others are sa self-centred that they do nat care what happens ta thers as long as they are not inconvenienced. With such an attitude we are playing into the hands of the criminals. They feel safe in their dirty work for they depend on the police getting lno help. They knaw we will slink off seeing nathing, hearing nothing and knowing nothing. When aur citizens stand pat behind their police there will be less crime. Too many innocent people suffer mentally when a crimo- mnal goes ta the gallows: the jury and the judge. Inside the jail it is the guard -watching the days ticked aff. Officers who walk wîth the prisoner the last few steps, the minister or priest, the doctor, the under- taker and the press. They must ail came out feeling sick. In fact all sensitive people are affected. If the condemned man had small children they are innocent but must suffer the taunts at schoal and spend ,a lifetime living down the ,disgrace. If death is the only answer for a hideous crime please do not let it came on the gallaws, in the electric chair or gas chamber when a hypo with the praper crug will da the job. ,CrimÙaLsîr±cowards with- out a weapon or liquar under the belt. Perhaps it would be .a(re punishmcnt if at the a,,,,tted time thcy were invited te take their own life. 1This chater is endcd but the responsibDility resting on our citîýzens is still an. We must go on building a better ' irty and hasten the day i_ the pcndulum swings Zc-ta a more sane and disciplined way of life. How? Parents have such a shart time ta not only cothe and feed but ta mould character of children loancd ta themn by their Maker. It is theirs ta place littie feet in the right path that Ieads ta a well adjusted manhoad or waman- hood and gaod citizen. In the moulding of a child's charac- ter lies the teaching of them ta respect ther's property, ither public or private. Thisloks like I place all the blame on the parents. We arc all guilty of failing our youth. My heart aches for the teenager. At twelve they are ambitious to work but cannot be hired until sixteen. During this period they jain in roving gangs of trou ble makers or lazy bums purely because of boredom. They are not al book students. In the small towns the surrounding farm was the answer. Now farming is a number one accident risk. Lcarning ta play a game was a character builder but now when fans (even mothers) are placing less emphasis on good sportsmnanship and more on winning the game no matter whom is hurt, 1 wonder. Churches had their youth organizatians which were safe places to find friends. Now they are dwindling even the Sunday Schoal, because of lack of leaders and indiffer- ence oni the part, of parents. Children are smart and soan know if parents, teachers nat in the classroom, police off duty, churchi members and the rcst of us do nat practise in our private life, what we try ta teach. People) would be horrified if told they are killîng their leaders anc by anc. Oh, not with' weapons as we are too civilized for that, but by senseless criticism and stupid ~ si.This covers religiaus cer.sds,, provincial and nation- al leaders. As they study these complex questions let us forget silly' grudges and give them aur encouragement, aur sym- pathy and our pra yers. Yours sincerely, Rural Grandmother, Agnes Burley. kendal Mrs. J. Henderson, Mrs. Wmn. Turansky, Mrs. A. Dca- nis, Mrs. A. Law, Mrs. T. Gosson. Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs. W. H. Foster and Mrs. E. Couraux were the Women's Institute members who cnjoy- cd a few days at Couroux's cottage on Lake Kushog last w.eek. Mrs. Jack Bradshaw of St. Catharines sp cnt the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. About ten children have registered in Kendal for the summer park pragram in Kendal park. Miss Janice West is in charge of the, pragram. They enjoy sports and crafts. This is an eight week program and Miss West dlaims the enrolîment is grawing each week. Mrs. Edward Carscaddeni, Pansy Patton, Mrs. J. Cars- cadden, Mrs. A. Curtis and famnily, Mrs. Mary GarCyn- ski, Mrs. Pearl Clark, Mrs. J. Stapleton, Mrs. W. H. Foster and Mrs. R. Elliott werc those from Kendal who wcnt with the Newtanville ladies on a bus trp ta Peterbarough's New City Square, Museum and the Lift Locks last Thursday. There have been twa prctty weddings in Kendal United Church this manth. On July 12 Mr. and-Mrs. Bruce Mlldread (nec Miss Bannie Geach) were married. Rev. Jerry Brown conducted the service and an July l9th. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Oelrich (nec Miss Diana reerX- This wajs a double ring ceremony with Rev. Jerry Brown atficiating, also Pem- berton Piggat, Bahai chair- man of the Bawmanvillc P ',a's cammunity, assisting. Our own minister the Rev. G. Montgomery is away on vacation. There was a miscellancaus .shawer hcld on Tuesday evening far Miss Diana Brew- er, bride elect, at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott. There wcre over thirty gathcrcd ta honor the bride with many beautiful giff s. The co-hostesses were Mrs. M. Wagar and Mrs. R. Elliott. Whiteford had been chargcdt by Durham Regional police with careless driving involv- ing the same speeding inci- dent. Hle pleaded guilty to the1 careless driving charge in « Bowmnanville court. The Chase Begins Const. Douglas McFeters of the Durham Regional Police testified that on Wed., Mar. 12 at 1:10 a.m. thei accused's vehicle was ob- served travelling very fastj eastbound on King kt in Bowmianville.1 Const. McFecters said hej pulled up behind the accused1 and iziving chase. he clocked the vehicle at 100 m.-p.h.- in a 50 mn.p .h. zone on Highway 2I. Const. McFeeters said he followed the vehicle through Newtanville and radioed for assistance. He saîd he lost the vehicle as it turned for Port Hope at, Welcomne. Hle was then met by a Port Hope cruiser. He returned to an area bchind a bowling alley and two people were turned aver to him by Const. Laton- gue of Newcastle OPP. At one time there were three police cruisers heading easti at 100 mi.p.h. on Highway 2 behindi the accused's vehicle. Const. Latongue saïd that SBRAND, BEEF & PORK OR FARMER STYLE 79< when lhe arrivednin Fort Hope he was flagged down by a civilian. The civilian pointed! out a car Ibehindî a bowling alley' , two people were in the carI. Conist. Latongue said Mr. Whiteford came forwvard and identified imiiself as the dri ver. At this point, the two OPP cruisers involved in the chase converged on the parking lot. One cruiser sta pped, and the second slid into it. 1Defence counsel Byers sub- mitted the careless driving summons issujed by the Dur- ham Regional Police in as evidence fo'r the accused. Judge Baxter quipped: "That'sý the best piece of evidence I've had yet.- rqeted tat thie charge of dgeosdriving be amend- ed to read the Township of Hope deleting thie Townships Sulfate Hazard Created By Taller Smoke Stocks No taxation without repre- sentation. That's what our forecfathers bclîeved. Do we'? Because our kids' lungs are being taxed by air pollution. And they certainly didn't have a say in the decisions that put ot Clarke and Darlington. Mr. Bonnycastle said he quite frankly admitted that thie accused 'was convicted of careless driving in another myuiicîpalîty, and that. the dangerous driving was in the county of Northumberland. Judge Baxter reserved decision as to whether he would allow the charge to be amended until Sept. IL. -Examiner pollution into the air. One of the latest studies on wlhat air pollution is doing to children cornes fromn the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Investigators worked with 7,997 elementary school childrcn in two cities - Charlotte, N.C. and Birmri ng- ham, Ala. They tcsted thÎe ventilatory function - that's the ability to get air into and out of the lungs, and rclated thie resuits to the pollution in the two cities. There are two possible explanations for these find- ings. One is that exposure to, particulate pollution frorn thé beginning of life onward results in irnpaired breathîng ability in later childhoo, But the amount of one ;.kfnd of particulate matter - suspend- cd sulfates - rose in the last few years of the study, while other particulates went down. So it is possible that exposure to suspended sulfates fr the several years just befgre tcsting is the explanation for the results. The investigators are going to check out both theories, of course, in the coming vears. Meanwhile, will the kids' brcathing get worse? Or will clcaning up the air restore their beathing case? It's like the old mnovie serial. "The Perils of Pauline", only it's not the sereen actrcss who' gets up and dusts herself off at the end of each episode. It's real life. It's our kids. Canada Packers Week atA&P! REH VEL A E! MAPLI LEAF fl / Deli Sausage 9 AI IS8-oz Vac Pac 99'5 FREEZER CUIT VEAL HINOS LB. $1.19 Wîeners ,GRE ~~~MAPLE LEAF 1l a . mm ~i~es GRAT ON A GRIL' ifl a a VEAL SIDES 1ib 99/ MAPLE LEAF Cook d Me ts 5VARIETIES 4 RESH VEAL, BONELESS, STEWING CUTS OR PokSusgSMAPLE lEAF arlb MPLE 16-oz Vac Pac 8________________ ____________y_ Siced Bologn__ 8=9ý FRESH RIB LOIN LB $168 M EL E A FA r Cooked Meaits MAPLELEAFIb $1.15 VauHO Sibs15 MAPLE EF OKDBNU DNE TL Pork Shoulders vAcp.AC î1479 OR SHOPSY 24-oz carton P t t .a a COLE SLAW _____________ Corned Beef Sa usages BUNS Side BaconTOWN CLUB' 1Ib Vac Pacsl7 Frozen Meats and Seafood! CUtiets GOLDEN SKILLET FROTEN lb Chicken uo leA & SERVE,88 Fmish Sticks RIGHLINER, FROZEN BOSTON BLUE 14.oz pkg 73,1 M eaut Pies SCNIDR.FROE 12- oz pkg $1.O08 HIGRLINER FROZEN lb 'Mrw m Carefree Camp Cookingý By NANCY MCMAHON "Homemaker" Consumer Consultant Team The idea of "Camping" is for "Family" fun, Sa don't let meals uipset you, Mum! Nutrition must be uppermost Wben three square meals a day you host ... Tlere's easy ways to caok and serve The kind of meals your gang deseves .... Sa write ta us, we'lI help you there Because at A&P ,.,. "WE CARE" For your FREE capy of "Carefree Campers Guide" write ta IDA BURNS & ASSOCIATES INC. 1260 Lckeshcre Rd. E. MiSsissojuga, Ont. L5E 3B8 Fresh for Fluvour! CALIFORNIA, PEAK 0F THE CROP MEXICAN TROPICAL TASTE TREAT M A N GOS each499' Canda N.. 1 Grade Imported Swet Large Si-e GREEN PEPPERS Ifor29ý' PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE TNROUGN SATURDAY, JULY 26*1, 1975. A&PBRAND, FROZEN, FANCY Peas & Carrots, ALL VEGETABLE CrisCO Vil 2.ib pkg 69< 24-fi.oz bottle $1 .2 5 BONUS PACK - 50% MORE FREE Toothpaste MacLeans 75 m, tube 6 9, 100 ML. JAR - 100 MLý TUBE - LOTION 175 ML eTL. Head & Shoulderssam3ipoo eac$1. 5 5 LOW CAL DIET CASE 0F 24 10-FLOZ ZIP TOP TINS SPORT 299 COLA e*9 BLOSSOM, FROM CONCENTRATE Apple Juice 48-41 oz tin 49,1 CHAMPION - BEEF, CRICKEN, KIDNEY, LIVER Dr. Ballard 'S Ocg od4.at~$.0 WRITE, PINK, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN ACTION PRICEDI Delsey Bathroom Tissue pkg cf 2 relis 49< 6 VARIETIS PASTAS 7-FL-OZ TIN ACTION PRICED! Chef Boy-Ar-Dee 3/I .00 SWEET MIXED ACTION PRICED! Rose Pickles 1541 coz jar 17 V ORANGE FLAVOUIRED Tang Crystals pkg.ftw,7-zenv$1 .09g CINDY- LEMON OR PINK LiquidDetergent 32fi-zolastcbtI5 9ý 100% Pure, From Floracl, Concentrafed 124-01O:Tn 54e Orange Juice 297 ASSORTED VARIETIES ACTION PRICEDI Cordon Bleu Stews 3 8fi-oztflso99, VANGUARD Cohoe Salmon 7Vs c-z tin791 ISLAND QUEEN, SOLIOWRITE Tuna Fish ,7oz tn 69W Plum Tomatoes 28.fi..z tin 59,1 PUA OR VEGETABLE ,Habitant Soups 28-f.ctin 49,1 STOKELY - DARIC RED OR NIW ORLEANS STYI kI'dney Beans 3 14-fz tns $1,OU MACARONI & CHEESE Kraft Dinner 47.z pkgs$.0 WRITE BOX 0F 100 SHEETS ACTION PMCEDî Kleenex3/s0 FaciâI Tissue 3 l ~1 SROPSY BRAND ROLLS ib$1 O8 VAC FAC You cu depenid on A &P for Quulity, Suvings& Vlue! (SAVE 40c1 ACTION PRICED! NORDICA ESSEX' Brand i ILBTIN $1oa99 COTTAGE AVB CANNED H AM I - CHEESE CARTON J5t WHOLE OR POLSKI DILLS, BREAD & BlUTTER ACTION PRICED! IN TOMATO SAUCE (SAVE '.c) ACTION PRICED! Pickles Crnto 32- z ar63 ý Heinz Spaghetti 3 144fI.cz tin 8 9ýé 7 VARIETIES (SV 5c, ACTION PRICED! NONEY POD ACTION PRICEO' Miss Mew Cat Food 5 6-oz tins 89, Stokely Peas îo-fi-zti. 2W, MARGARINE ACTION PRICED! Assorted Flavors Bineê Bonnet 3b pk $2.19 Sara Lea Yogurt 2;kgz.49c

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