Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1975, p. 9

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CLRSSIFIE R s IL'Iif The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 12, 1975 9 Tues., 4:30 p9Lm.C NýOUCH - Greg and Lenna (nee Foskett) are proud ta announce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Lynn, 7 lb. 6 oz. born March 6 at Memorial 'Hospital, Bowmanville. Sister for Dustin. Special thanks ta Drs. Anfossi and Ewert, Mrs. White and the staff of the Maternity Floor. 1- DOTY-Victar and Elaine are happy ta announce the arrivai of their first child, a son, Victor Michael, 8 lbs. 1 oz. at Memorial 'Hospital, Bawman- ville an Friday, March 7, 1975. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth, Caswell, Orono. and Mr. and Mrs. Victor'A. Dty, Weymouth, Nova Scotia. I1lx KNOX - 'Hi , My name is Lee-Anne Marie Knox. Born February 24, 1975 weighing 6 lb. 4 az. Proud parents are SBrian and Faye. Grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs. Don Myles and Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. 11_1 O'NEILL- Janet and Jae are pleased to announce the arni- val of their first son (Joseph) Casey, 7 lbs. 10 oz. on, Feb. 25, 1975 at Oshawa General Hospital. 11-1 POTTS-Charlene isp leased ta announce the safe arrivai of her brother Christapher Mar- tin 9 lbs. il oz% born on Feb. 16, 1975. Proud parents are Thomas and Rena Potts. i1lx TINk-Neil and Diane are pleased to announce the ar- rival of their b:aby boy Laviçi Timothy an February 23 at Port Perry Hospital. WARWICK-Dave and Donna (nee Knapp) are pleased ta annaunce the bi rth of their son .David Sharon born March 4fh, ve ig hing 5 lbs. 83/4 ozs. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Warwick, Quebec and Mr. and Mrs. R. Knapp of Orono and great-grandparents Mr. O. Kna pp and the late N. Knap pand Mrs. Maude Smith and the late Ed Smith of Caiborne. 11-l' WILLIAMS-Harv and Pafty (nee Fair) are proud ta annaunce the birth of their first child, a son, Michael James Llewellyn on March 7, 975at 12:03 p.m. Weight 7 lbs. Ozs. Manv thanks to Drs. -:emon, Miklos, Spear, Mos- ý(enko and staff of maternity wing of Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Kimbaîl, R.R. 3 Newcastle are hi ýppy ta announce the en- t -ement of their daughter Dianne ta Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birney, R.R. 1, Grafton. il 1lx Mr. Harold Swain, Black- stock, is pleased ta annaunce the forthcoming marriage of his only daughter, Helen Sharon ta John James Coates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coates, R.R. 2 Port Perry. The wedding ta take place April 5, '1975, at Blackstock United Church. li-ix Mr. and Mrs.. Th.os. Cowan are pleasedta announce the farthcoming marriage of their daughter Ellen Marie ta Murray Kevin O'Brien son cf Marguerite and the late Pat- rick O'Brien. The weddina wili take place May 3, 1975 at St. Joseph's Church, Bowman- ville, il lx Mr. and Mrs. P. Royal Lee, R.R. 2, Onono, announce the forthcoming marriage of thein younger daughter Rebecca Ann ta tephen Russell, son of Mrs. Russell Brown,Petenbor- ough, and the late Mr. Brown. The ceremony will take place Saturday, April th at 3 p.m. in St. Joseph's Church, Bowman- ville. 1 i1lx rMr, and Mrs. John' A. McMillan, Collingwaod, Ont- aria are happy ta annaunce the engagement of their youngest daughter Barbara rAnne ta Grant Avery Larmer, Jan (r.Harly -Hayes).j SService and commîttal was held in the Mrris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sun-1 day at 2:30 p.m. Spring interment Hampton Ceme- tery. 1- JOYCE, Sarah Jane. Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, March 7, 1975. Sarah Dunning, 2 Nelson St. in her 73rd year. Wife of the late Samuel Joyce, dear mather of Mrs. Arthur Gray (Monica) of Orona, Mrs. Norman Hadges (Sissie) and Samuel bath of England, g andmother of Mrs. John arter (Suzanne), Tony, Ian and John Gray ail at Bowmanville and Gillian, Paul, Kevin, John and Stephen ail of England, great-grand- mother of Michelle and Tam- my Lynn Carter and Michael Gray. Rested at the Northcutt Elliott Funerai Home, Bow- manville, from 7 p.m. Sunday. Funeral service was held Monday marning. Cremation. 11-1 KITSON-Reuben (Ben) Alan at the Peter'borough Civic Hospital on Wednesday Feb- ruar y l9th, 1975. Reuben (Ben) Kitson of 831 Sher- brooke Street West Peterbor- ough, died of cancer in his 7lst year. Beioved husband of Kathleen Seeley, Dear Father of Jack of North Bay, Betty Ann (Mrs. James Anderson) of Peterborough and James of Peterborough, presently at- tending Western University, London, also Harold prede- ceased. Loving brother of Mollie (Mrs. Owen Sweet- man) of Little Britain, Wilfred of Lakehurst, Margaret (Mrs. Thomas Dancey) of Canning- ton, Ada (Mrs. Ross Good- hand) of Beaverton, Cassie, (Mrs. Frank Stacey) cf Little Britain and Eva (Mrs. Ciare Netherton) of Lindsay. Also surviving are tour grandchild- ren. Compiete funeral service was heid at the Mackey Funeral Chapel, Lindsay on Friday February 23. Spring Interment in Little Britain Christian Cemetery. 11-1 "F Iowers ISay it iBest' VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery to ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf Carnation FLOWER SHOP N&ways Pleased - o rv 1971.14 -ARDI Lvnl rememrby ohf amily. the gan-1 LETHANGUE-Verdon. In laving memary of a dear father and grandfather who ý assed away March 9, 1974. hat we would give if we .could say Hello dad, in the same aid way To hear your vaice, see you smile To sit with you and -chat awhile. Sa you wha have a father Cherish him with care For you'Il neyer knaw the heartache Till you see his vacant chair. - Sadly missed by his family. Marie & Ross, Dianne & Bart, John & Cathy, Randy and gnandchildren. 11-1 LETHANGUE-Verdon. In laving memony af a dean husband who passed away March 9, 1973. Softly the leaves of memory fa l, Gently' we gather, treasure them ail. Some may forget naw that yau're gone We will remember no matter haw long. - Lavingly remembered by wife Dorothy. 11-1 ORMISTON-In oving mem- ory of my wife who passed away on March 17, 1967. Wherever we go, Whatever we do, Aemnonies keep us near ta you. -Sadiy missed by husband Russell. 11-1 KILGANNON-In laving memary of a dean father, David M. Kilgannon Who passed away March 14, 1969. Wthin aur store of memonies, He holds a place apant, For no one else can ever be More cheished in aur heants. - Sadly miissedby daughter Grace and son-inlaw Richard. 11-i TUBB-ln loving memory of a dean husband, dad and grand- father who passed away March 11, 1973. As time unfolds another year, Memnonies keep vou ever near Sulent thougnis ot times ta- gether Hald memories that wili last farever. -Sadiy missed bywife lia and family. il-1 Z=5 WRIGHT-In laving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, William H. Osmond, wha passed away March 17, 1974. You feli asleep , without good bye, But memories of you, will neyer die. Quietly remembered, through the years, With silenf thoughts, and unseen tears. -Wife May and family. 1l-1 We would like ta thank our chiidren for arranging the lavely party an aur 3th wedding anniversary and for aur wanderful friends for belng there. God biess y ou al. Barbara and Raymond (Bun) Welsh 11-1 The family of the late Mrs. Helen LeGresley wish tc sincerei'y thank ail of their relatives, friends and neigh bours for their assistance anc kindness during hen illness and passing. il lx My sincere thanks ta friends and relatives for flowers, cards, gifts and visits during my stay in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Special thanks ta Doctor Ewert and Doctor Cunningham and the nurses à r - ** Fish and Chips. Ail yau can eat, every Saturday $1.49. Antiques bauCgh and sald. Open every at. an d Sun. Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. 11-2x St. Patrick's Dance in Pontypool Community Hall on Saturday, Mar. 15. Music: Fay Adamis and the Country Hits. Adm.- $5.00 couple. Spot Dances. Retreshments. i1l1w B.H.S. Band Concert, Tues- day, March 18 at 8:15 p.m. The Junior and Senior BandS of Bowmanville High School will present a concert in the school auditorium. 10-2 Don't forget St. Paul's Opportunity Sale Fniday, April 4th. Details later. i1lx Legian Manthly Dance - St. Patrick's Day Dance on Satur- day, March 15. Dancing ta the Silhouettes tram 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Refreshments. Everyane welcome. 10-2 Dance, Newtanville Hall, Sat. March 22. Music by "Additions". Admission $2 per persan. Everybody welcome. ancU siiton I mie irs io IIUVI Wewould ike te express our their caneand kindness. deepest sympathy te Mrs. Bannie Dunlop 1 x Gra n aiyo hi ra ____________________ less et Mrs. Joyce. From .qihmIareSenior Citizens et 2 and 4 Nelson St. U m m Senior Citizens - Monday, DAN INGTuesday and Wednesday 10 Saturday Night (wash, set perms etc.). "Spe- March 15 cial" wigsaor hairpieces dlean- AT ed and done only $2.75 ton the AT menth of March. Kut 'n' Kuri, CLUB ANNRENE 71 King St. E., 623-5019. on Scugog Island 11-3 - featuring PAR FOUR 111All daims against the estate et JESSIE JULIA PROUT, late ot the Town of Newcastle, APPEARING AT in the Regional Municipality The Queen's Hotel of Durham, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 24th NEWCASTLE day ef Octeber, 1974, must be COUNTRY GEMS filed with the undersigned Frî--Sa., ar.13-14 personal representative on or Fri.Sat, M r. efore Apnil l4th, 1975, there- Dancing 9-1 atter the undersigned wili 11-1 distnibute the assets cf the - said Estate having regard only ta the dlaims then filed. BINGO (The deceased resided at 16 NEWCSTLESecond Street, Bewmanville, NEWCA....STLE. . Ontario) COMMUNITY HALL Tuesday, Mar. 4th Early Bird Gamnes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 IN PRIZES PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS DANCE Saturday, Mar. 15 Sauina Community Héjll Abernethy's Orchestra Bake Sale sponsored by HPton 0N850 Tops Club, Fria March l4th at 10: 30 a.m. at Cliffcrest Cleaners. i1lx Cammunity Fair, March 15 at 2:00 p.m. at Bowmanville High Schaai. Everyone wel- came. 11-1 Charter buses ta downtown Toronto and Sportsman Show, Wednesday l9th and Saturday 22nd. Phone Sunshine Tours 1-372-9961 or 1-885-2200. 11-1 Anyane wishing ta go ta O'Keef e Centre for the Liber. ace Shaw, Wednesday mat. inee, April 9th or Saturday evenin g show, April 12th, p hone Sunshine Tours 1-372- 99,61 or 1-885-2200. 11-3 Caunty 'Town Singers span- sored by Bowmanville Kinette Club, May 5th, 1975. Time 8:15 pm. at Bawmanville High Schoal. $2 per persan . For tickets cal I 623-2612, 623-7970. 11-1 St. John's Mantha Graup Spning Rummage Sale. Thurs. day, April 3rd from 2 ta 9 p.m. and Fniday 4th from 9 ta il a.m . Tea and cookies. li-ix Osaca Barn Dance (couples onl'Y' every Saturday night, Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 2-tf MONSTER BINGO New Starting Time THURSDAY - 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50-tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER'BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. ()r, LI A J Village cf Newcastle Re ational Figure Skating( p roudly presents its Ari Figure Skating Carnivai urday, March 29- 7 p Sunday, March 30- 2 p.rr Newcastle Memorial Aren Maurice Everson Prout, 91 High Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Executor, by L.C. Mason, Esq. Q.C. Barnister & Solicitor, 135 Wellington Street, P.O. Box 129, Bowmanville, Ontario. LiC 3K9. ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Remnoval 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 44-tf PROF ESSIONAL ELECTROLYSIS Permanent Hair Removal BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 1,12 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 576-4705 52-tf Ean piercing service, Dan Hooper. Phone 623-5747 for appointmient. 7-tf M&AM HAY and straw, 1000 bales of each. Phone 723-6258 after six. il-1 r WHI1TE sewing machine, new, zig-zag, emrbroidery stitches, 1$175. Cail between 12 and 2 -p.m. or Wednesdays and p Thursdays. Phone 623-2317. li-ix 1SWIMMING Pool Sacrifice. Leading manufacturer and xdistnibutor has above gnound aluminum pools left aven tram 1974 season. 1/2 price. Guaran- teed installation and terms. Cail Credit Manager collect 416-292-2268. il -if HARDOME soya beans for seed. Field dried ta 12 per cent moisture. Phone Glen Rae Farms 623-3090. 11-1 WESTERN buck stitched sad- die and silver bnidles. Phone 623-7764. 11-1 FRIDGE, sto ve, dryer ail in excellent warking condition. 1-786-2225. 11-1 BARN fuillof aid hay. Round baled and reasonable. Reg LeGresley R.R. 3, Newcastle. 11-1 1972 CAPRI 399 Moto-Ski, 28 21 -tf h.p., 2 cyl., $650. 263-2777. 11lx ýecre- FOUR speed sterea compon- Club ent set, twa speakers, neanly mnuai new. $35. Phone 623-5646. '71 MINE Moton Ski, 338cc al rebuilt, and double trailer. $42900 or best offer. Phone 623-3609. 10-2x m. in ýna. 10-3 ELECTROHOME AM-FM re- ceiver, turnitable, 2 speakers. Phane 623-5247. li-ix ELE'CTROPHONIC sterea outfit, (tape deck, record player, 2 speakers and stand). 6233278.$125. 1ilx AVIS BUSINESS MACHINES For Sa le or Rent New and Used Typewriters Adding Machines Calculators SPECIAL STUDENT RATES Sales and Service Tel ephane: 723-5926 li-ix FOUR 8-25-20 snow-buq truck tires and tubes mounted on bud wheels. New condition. $200. Phone 263-2351. il lx For Ail Your Craft and Hobby Needs Corne "Up"- AT CARNATION 33 Division St. Bowmanville 623-5577 9-tf R ECLI1N ER, set of six wooden chairs, 3 piece chrome suite, platform rocker, wicker chairs, rugs, waodenki4chen table, walker, jolly jumber, other good used furniture. Tawne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance St., Bowman- ville. 11-1 BALED Mixed grain straw for sale. Harvey Malcolm 705-277- 2983. 11-îwf HERTA Barley grown from certified seed. Baled hay, alfalfa and timothy. Sides of beef. E. L. McLaughlin 986- 4456. il lx SKIDOO 1967, 16 horsepower lympic, good; 15-ton Braden winch, goad; electric hydrau- lic jeep snow plough lift, new; Marris 1-ton geer hoist; power take off, 2-way, 1 Chev. and 1 International; 3-tan hydraulic jack, rebuilt. Phone 263-8172. 1l-1 3030 RIFLE, 12 gauge Rem- ington pump, $175, or best offer. Cail 1-983-9489. 11-1 WALL-ta-walI rug (apprax. 20' x 12') green, rubber back, in good condition. Phone 623- 3602t,1- GOOD apples. $-1.50 per haif bushel. Williams Grave Orch- ards, 112 miles west cf 115 on Third Concession. Phone New- castle 987-4563. 11-1 LADY'S Ski-Doautfit, hel- met, boots, size 9. $30. Cali 623-5061. il-1 PORTABLE "Forney- Ark 11-3 welder, 180 amp. battery charger, cables, battery cables, heimet and some rod. Phone 623-2045 after 5:30 p.m. 11-1 30" MOFFATT heavy duty electric range, very good condition, $30. Phone 983-5154 Orono. il lx SIDES of cern ted beef (ail Steers) 90c lb. cut, wrapped and delivered within reason- able distance. Welcome ta come and pick ouf yaur own. 1-983-5780. 9-2x ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, nain carry ing systems. Lamne Aluin, 1P rince St., 623-3871. Supreme Window and Doan Ca. 10-2 Weekend Special 9 Lives Primula ASSORTED COLOURS $1.49 Cash and Carry Stop in and see aur Larqe Assortment cf plants. Carnation Flower Shap 33 Division St. 623-7141 Bowmanvi le 1l-1 ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available fan most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repairs are dane with modern up-to-date equipment and quaiified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf APPLES for sale. Joe's Or- chard, east of Bowmanvi1le, 114 mile narth ef No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven days aweek. 9-4 1973 LIONEL Hardtop Tent Trailer. Laaded with extras. Phone 623-7470 or 623-7638 at ter 6. 10-2 COLD storage Deliciaus and ',nv anoles. Aise seconds. Ne Sunday sales. Frank Hiiemstra 263-2260. 5 tf TABLE patataes, excellent quality, $3.75 for 75 lb. bag, aise smali petatoes for seed. Phone 623-2847. 10-tf '~WHITE'S TV ANTENNAS 0 Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotons& * Repairs *Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired u. Ask About Our Guarantee SPhone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 46-tf Oshawa TV e -5 Antennas &Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF ..VHF -Colored Aerjals Ajts. and-He PeWie -RE PAIRfS Workmanship Guaranteed AIl priced to SAV E you Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN Q ~FU R NAC E HUMIDIFIER or HOT WAT ER H EATE R No Payments for Six Months CA LL HARVEY' FA RTN ER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf' 24" x 36" ALUMINUM sheets for sale. Suitable for insulat- ing, etc. 25 cents each. Reductidns fer quantities. Statesman Otice. tf -f %'OIS H AW A SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY WASHED SAND - GRAVEL and STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL and DIRT FILL TRUCKS and LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232, il tt BIl RICHMOND ST. W. OSHAWA 576-55 WAREHOUSE SALE EVERY BALE IN STOCK DISCOUNTED FOR IMMEDIATE CLEARANCE CUSTOM WALL TO WALL INSTALLATION As Low As 1/2 Price and Less On Remanents and Ends of Rolîs 81 RICHMOND ST. W. (Next door to Ruddy Electric) Open from 9to 8 pm. Mon. to Fri., Sat. 9 te4 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY BEDROOM suite, 7 piece; dining room, 9 piece; living room, ail Burma-Danish teak- waod. New furniture very reasonable. Phone 1-247-4377, 52-ti PADDY'S Market now hasý new tunniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and also used turniture and appliances, Will accept tnade- ms. Paddys Market, Hamptan, phone 263- 2241. 33ti USED Funniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampten 263-2241. 26-tf E=o Buy -direct tram Manufac- ture, Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd., has a huge selectian cf fine, quality monuments, lange and small ta fit any need. Came by aur display yard at 73 Ontario. Street, PartHope or telephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf E S e 1966 CHEV Impala 283, 8 cyl. Phone 623-2679. il-1 '71 FORD 200 Super Van, V8 automaticwith SHELBY sixty rears, heavy wheels and box, tachameter, panielling, carpet and small cupboards. Lic. D 74617. '71 Fard ene ton, 12 foot stake, V8, duals and four speed. Lic. A 57681. Hoskins, 1-986-5517. 11-1 1972 KAWASAKI 350 street bike, $600. Phone 987-4878. 1l-1 1968 PLYMOUTH Station Wagon V-8, 4-dean, goed tires. Best offer. Phone 987-4395 after 5 o'clock. 1969 CHEVROLET Impala 4 door hardtop, 350 - 4 bbl - excellent running condition - 4 new tires. Aski ng $1400. Phone 623-2032 atter 5: 00 p.m. 11-1 1973 VEGA GT. Phone 987- 4404. Caîl anytime. 10-4 DODGE 21/2 ton stake, cam- plete with racks, ridge polis, tarp and hydrauiic tail gate. 19000,mni les, perfect condition, $2,450. or best otter. Phone 725-1922. 11-1 1973 CHRYSLER Newport Customn 2-Dr. Hard- t'op, power steerri , power brakes, V-8, automat ic, radia, wheel discs, white walis. Grey with black vinyl roof, match-' ing tnim. One owner, very dlean. Lic. EBD589. 1973 OLDSMOB îLE Delta 88 Royale 4-Dr. Hard- top, light green with dark green vinyl top, one owner, power steering, power brakes, V-8, automnatic, radio, white walls, discs, rear defraster, side meuldings. Real sharp. Lic. EBB744. 1971 LTD FORD 4-Dr. Hardtop. Green with dark green tep, power steer- ing, power brakes, automatic, discs, white walls, good con- dition, very clIean. Lic. EAZ- 791. 1'970 BUICK WAGON Nine passenger, V-8, autama- tic, radio, power stee.ring,, power brakes, roof racks, and vinyl trim. Brown. Lic. EBJ- 068. 1970 FORD MONTEGO One ownen, power steering, p ower brakes, radio,,automa- tic, V-8, dlean. 2-Dr. Ha rdtep. Lic. EBP889. 1972 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Sedan Impala, brown. Power steering,power brakes, V-8, automatic, radio and air conditiening, discs. Sharp. Lic. EBK299. 1973 VEGA Hatchback. Red with black custom tnim, autematic, electric rear defeggen, radio, one owner car, low mileage. Sharp. Lic. HDC779. ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. Courtice Bowmanville 728-6206 623-2556 11-1 @-m HAMPTON Seed Cleaning Plant will nat be in eperation this year. John Burrows. 11-1 Oats à. Barîey Ready to Sow Wesley Yeîîowlees 263-2023 10-2x CERTIFIED OATS, BARLEY FUNKS CORN READY TO SOW Custom Cîeaning and Treating CERESMORE FARMS LTD. R..4 BOWMANVILLE 623-3552 623-7233 WANT ta rent pasture, praximately 100 acres. PI 623-5079. WANTED near Blacksl( Approx 100 acres of pasi for cattie. Will seni oat barley straw. 1-986-5088. G. Bar S. Ranch- We are pleased ta, announce that we will be opening on March 8 for horseback iding. $3 per hour. Our membership is even cheapen, we have large box stalis- plerity ut rom. CALL US ANYTIME 623-4027 11-2 We Buy Scrap Cars FREE TOWING DOM'S AUTO PARTS 723-1121 RESULTS COUN-T! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf GOODÔQ used furniture. Towne Used Furnitune. 623-4681. 11-1 USED Furniture and Applian- ces. Paddy's Market, Hamp- ton 263-2241. 33 tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For WreckingPurposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 Supervisor 0f Transportation Applications are invited for the position of Supervisor et Transport for the Northum- berland and Newcastle Board et Educatien transporting 13,000 pupils daily. The duties and responsibil1ities of this position are ta organize and administer the transport- ation ta the variaus schoois within the system, prepare ail transportation agreements and Ministry et Education reports and approvas, recam- mend policies with regard ta transportation and safety, investigate pnoblemrs and complaints. We are iooking for personnel with previeus experience in School Bus Transportation Management. This position is supported by an Assistant. Present salary range is $11,300 ta $13,300. This range ta be up-graded effective Septem- ber 1l975. Good fnringe benef its. Inquiries and applications wili be treated as canfidentia. Applications should be hand written and may be accam- panied by typewritten resumes. They wilI be neceiv- ed until 1:00 p.m. March 20, 1975 by: M. A. Mac Leod, >Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 11-1 MAN 35 and 5, year aid boy seek homemaker campanion. Child welcome. Nestieton area atter 6 p.m. caîl 416-986-5103. 10-2x SUMMER HELP We are interviewing now for fuil and part time help as waitresses, short order cooks, janitors and bus girls. Exper- ience flot necessary. Tele- phone for interview, VOYAGEUR RESTAURANTS BOWMANVI LLE 623-3604 or NEWCASTLE 987-4231 PART-TIME secnetary ton Thursdays and Sundays, possibly Saturdays. Friendly persanalilty, must like people, typing necessary. Please cali 623-2509. i WANTED - Licensed mech- anic ta work fIat rate in General Matons Dealership. Drug plan available. Caver- ails supplied. Good working conditions. Apply Bill Smith, Cowan Pontiac Buick Ltd., 166 King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 623-3396. SERVICE station attendant required. Good apportunity for energetic reliable persan. Appîy Impenial COl Service Centre, Wavenly Road and 401. lOtf SECRETARY for Director of Inservice and Continuing Education Gaod skiis and transcrip- tion, typing at the level of 75-80 words per minute, and a warking knowledge of medical terminoiogy essential. Musi be mature, self-directive, pas- sess a reasonable degree et artistic ability and capable et accepting responsibility. Oinly those 'wïth, the above qualifications need apply. Apply: Personnel Officer Memnonial Hospital 47 Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ont. 11-1 Dependable Man who can work without super- vision. Earn $14,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customners in Bowmanviîle area. Limiîted auto travel. We Train. Air Mail H.R. Dick, Pres., South- western Petroleumn, P.O. Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tx. 11-1 REGISTERED Nursing Assis- tants, full and part-time. Phone 987-4441. 9 tf AN interesting autdoor jab. Supervise the growing, han- vesting and shipping of Christ- mas trees in the Miiibrook and Orono areas. Tell us about yourseif and include yaur phone number. J. Hafent Maritime Ltd., Box 523, Penetang. 10-4 St. Marys Cernent Company Bowm an ville Plant Requires: One Maintenance Mechanic with- a minimum of at Ieast four years WELDING and MILLWRIGHTING EXPERIENCE, in the repair and maintenance of industriai machinery as contained in a cement plant. Applicants for this position should apply in writing ta: Personnel Dept. Box 68 Bowmanville, Ontario ATT ENT ION! Farmers and Farmn Workers Fa rmers Farmn Workers, Do you need W e a re here ta help seasonal workers, you find empicyment, fulI-timne workers? register with us now. Canada Farmn Labour Pool 53 Albert St. Cobourg, Ontario 1-416-372-8737 Newcastle Public Library Board REQU IRES LIBRAR IAN For The Bowmanville Brançh 7- 16 Duties wilI include public service, book selectian, adltand children's programs and the Vertical File. 35 hour week, 2 ta 3 evenîngs per week and aiternate Saturdays. ap- Salary negatiable, tninge benefits. hone 111Please submit resumne stating quaiications and sa-iary Sexpected betare March 21, 1975 ta: ture .MDienCheLiria and Newcastle Public Library Board 62' Temperance St. 11lx Bowmanviîle, Ontario Umm= 1

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