Mr. and Mrn1s. Ralph Vrtue, Judy and Launie, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill were Satu-day dinner guests with Mr "id Mrs. Joe McGilland faruiny Mississauga and at- tended the Cre dit Valley Skating Carnival, which Shaun McGill particmated. Mr. and Mrs. arence Stainton and family were uýnday dinner guests at Mr. 4nd Mrs. S. Lamb's. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, were recent callens at Mrs. Roy Taylor's, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family wene Sunday aftennoon and tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson, Bewdley. Mn. and Mns. Adam, Sharp, spent Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. W.E. Sanderson, Colum- bus. Dr. Viiaghy, Western Hos-- pital, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Oshawa, were Sun- day dinnen guests with Mn. and Mrs. E.A. Werry and Bert. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Port Perry, Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lamb and ýfamily, Bailieboro, wene visitons with Mne and Mrs. Lonne Lamb ovet the weekend. Miss Susan Werry was a Suriday tea guests wîth her gralidparents Mn. and Mrs. E.A. Werny. .Mns. Gordon Whittaken, Mrs. Isabelle Perger, Hamil- ton, wene Wednesday after- noon and supper guests of Mr. and Mns. Russell Giffin, Mn. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Tynone, were evening callers. Mn .- and Mns. Frank Don- land wene Tuesday noon dinner guests of Mn. and Mns. Clarence Avery. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Pethick, Scanborough, were Sunday visittons with his mother, Mrs. S. Pethick, and ahl visited Mn. S. Pethick at Bowmanville Mr. tad Mns. Harvey McGill Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry, Mr, Grant Wery,' were Sun- day callers at Mn. and Mns. E Werny's. Miss Betty Wright, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, at Pontypool. Mirs. Fred Tnewin. Eanie ,Advanced Booking Chartersý Amsterdam London Prestwick Manchester "-Frankfurt Paris Zagreb 1 KLM, AIR CANADA, BRITISH AIRWAYS, WARDAIR, LAKER CP AIR YOUR CHARTER CENTRE IS Bowmanv"ille Travel Centre 47 Kn St. W. 1623-3182 623- 5933 ENNISKULLEN Pin ewood Derby Winners for )es ign The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Febnuany 12, 1975 5 Local esiden P Haford Wins s$17QQLegionPrz and Lloyd, Mrs. Albert Wright, Blackstock, were Sun- day tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Bays.ville, were Mon- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Sharp, attended the Slonecky-Spen- cer wedding on Saturday at Hope United Cýhur'ch, Toronto. Mrs. Edith Stainton, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton, Tynone. The lyrics "Everything Is Beautiful" briefly embraces all on Sunday a.m. as a keen winten's, day lured an above average attendance at the morning services to receive 3 inspiring messages viz: - The Chfldnen's Story, Sermon and the Sr. Choir and leader's musical message. A real privilege was given to our worship pers in having a dedicated son of our own neighbourhood as our guest minister Mr. Ralph'Hilîs. The congregation appreciated his reminiscings and complîmen- tany words, which were very evident in his story for the young, as hie retold a story hie recalled fromn his boyhood years anrd had heanci from the lip of Rev Gardner of the Tynone char'-e atý Haydon Church S.S. Anniverýsary entit- led "The House with the, Golden Windows". A touchof genuine humour in two tales was a superlative introduction to bis sermon "The Sîde of Man". On il Sunday>s before the summit of the Christian Year "Easter", we were reiddof the i)umility, service and suf fering 'of Jesus in his 33 short years, and in conclusion Ralph commnission- ,ed his audience to- foliow Jesus' example of obedience to God's will with its ensuing blessing to us. The Sr. Choir's, anthem completed the sermon with its delightful musical message. The littie messenger, group occupied a front pew with their leader Mrs. Ula B3aîl. The Sunday School session had its usual lÏarge atte ndance with m-ost of the capable staff in their places. Our own ministen' Rev. Bigby accompanfied by his wife journeyed to Belleville to take the Communion Service at Ralph's Church at front Rd. U.C., Next Sunday. Mr. Tom Knott wvill be our ýuest speaker who is the Congre- gational Consultant in the U.C. of Canada, with the responsi- bility for Stewardship. In the death of the-late Mr. Albert Thrower, Whitby, Mrs. Mackenzie's father, who ln his younger years lived in Këndal and was a member of Eýrnis- killen Orange Lodge. The local auditor is happy to write that perfect book..keep- ing has been found iný six departments by the treasurers of (a) Central Treasurer, Mrs. Lorna Davey, Tyrone, (b) Our c'Purci TreasLýrerMn.Ketth MceGilI, (c) Sunday School Treasurer, Mrs. Eleanor Werry, (d) M. and S. Tneasunm- er, Mrs. Marie Sharp, (e) C.G.I.T. Treasurer, Miss Lin- da Sharp, (f) U'.C.W. Treasun- er, Mrs. Joyce Virtue. A few more treasurer's books are not yet received, would ibe welcome in the nean future. An appeal is repeated for one and ail to write prayers, poems and ideag f or 'our contribution to the 50th Anéi- versary of the U.C. cel-ebr a- tions. Our deepest sympathy ia extended to the Lambert family of Tynone in their great loss of a beioved wife and mother, the late Nancy Lam- bent also, to otir Mr. and Mns. The January draw of the Royal Canadian Legion Wel- fane Fund was made at the Ladies Auxiliany Bingo on Wednesday, Januany 29th, in the Legion Hall. Total sales forthe month were $3612., sligbtly less that the December total but only $26. less that the January 1974 total. Both Januany and Feb- nuany totals in 1974 were $3638, SO it is hoped" that the Februany total will exceed that of 1974. Don Wright, Co-Chairman of the monthly dnaw, was in change, of the dnaw and he called on Jean Conlin, 19 Smart St., Bowmanville to make the first pnize dnaw for $1700. Mns. Conlin selected ticket No. A~4603 as the finst prize winner. This ticket was held by Pat Hanford, 185 Duke Street, Bowmanville. George Arnbung, R.R.6, Bowmanville received the $170. selle's pnize for the sale of this ticket. Second pnize ticket for the $100. was won by Ed. Majen, Beaver Street, Newcastle, who had sold himself this ticket No. A1654 and neceived the $10. sellen's pnize. This ticket was dnawn by Mns. Rita Stephenson, 62 Division St., Bowmanville. The two ladies drawing the winning tickets shaned the Jack-Pot Bingo of $50., oun congratulations and thaniks to them for drawing the tickets. During the month of Janu- ary the new 1975 licence was obtained fnom the Municipal- ity of The Town of Newcastle for the sum of $379.20. Donations were as follows: Bn. 178 Royal Canadian Leg- ion Publ 'ic Speaking Trophies and Pnizes - $250., Bowman- ville High School Visual Arts - $100., Clarke High School - $100., Courtice 'Secondany School - $100., Bn. 178 Building Fund - $541. (15 per cent administration expense fnom monthlydraw). The Pinewood Derby finals were held Saturday in the Orono United Church basement. Four semi-finalists from every Cub pack in this area competed for the championship. Winners in, design are (front row lef t to right) Shawn Robinson, Orono, 3rd; James Westgarth, third Bowmanville, 2nd; Steven Adams, Newtonville, lst;- (back row, left to right) Trommy Colliss, first Maple Grove, 6th;. William Spears, third Bowmanville, 5th; Vincent Bishop, third Bowmanville, 4th. James McKenzie and littie I)arryl. Our patients in hospital and at home are making good prog ress to restored health. Mr . and Mrs. F. Beckett, had Saturday night supper with Mr. and Mrs., Wayne Beckett and faily,1 and 4Sunday nght spper vith, lý1r. and Mvrs. Garry, Beckett, Lindsay. Dale Giffin, spent last week at Thunder Bay and called on Mr. and Mrs. John Belle and family. OBITUIARY MEIS. BERTIE G. LUCAS On January 30, death came quietly to, one of Bowman- ville's oldest residents. when. after a brief illness, Mrs. B. G. Lucas, ife of the late B. G. Lucas, passed away in the Bowmaniville Memorial Hosp- ital. The daughter of Emily (nee Arbon) and Jeffrey Crick (1848-1912), the deceased, Emma Eliza Crick, was born in Horringer, a small village in Suffolk, England, on April 8, 1876, and was the last surviv- in member of a family of six children. Lef t motberless in 1880 at the age of four, Emma Eliza had no easy life' as a child and at the age of thirteen vent to London to take up work as, a maid-servant, which remained her way of livelihood until 1902, when she married Bertie George Lucas, a game-keeper on the Bayham Abbey estate of Lord Camden. In 1913 the deceased and her husband and their three child- ren -- Eva (Mrs. A. Fisher, of Barrie), Vera (Mrs. G. D. Forsyth, of Toronto), and Leonard (of Bowmanville) -- lef t England to try their luck in the brave new world of Canada, where, shortly after thein arrival, a fourth child, Alec (of Montreal) was born. Settling in Cobourg, they lived from 1913 to 1946 on Dungan- non Farm, once the beautiful estate of the Oliver family north of the town and then in the town proper until 1964, when they moved to Bowman- ville, where Bertie George died in 1972. Bu irketon Mrs J. Abrams, T yroue, called on Mrs. K. Roblin on Monday. Mrs. W. Bryan is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. We al wish her a spedsy recovery. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson were John and Arlene Stephens and gi rls, Annette and Janet, Onono; Wayne and Helen Weston and boys; Kenneth and Lorraine Vickery and family, Taunton; 'Mr. and Mrs.,M. McGarry and boys, Oshawa; Kelly and Vicki Stephenson and family, Sun-' derland; Donald and Margo Stephenson and son Jay, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stephenson and Jenni- fer fromn Leskard; Milton and Audrey Stephenson, Nestle- * ton; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchet, Brooklin; Mr. Leslie Argue; Gordon and Beverly Cornie, Zion. We are pleased to know Mrs. Peter Gatcheil arrived home from hospital on Saturday. o o Fý"RIDAY., FEBRUARY l4th'ONLYI * Everything we seli in the store - except Cosmetîcs and St. Michael merchandise-can be purchased at 20% off! * This is-anabsolutety genuine store-w-ide sale including ail our reg- ular merchandise, famous brand uînes, any reduced, stock. * At the time of purchase, the sales clerk will deduct 20% off your sales chec charges) ck, (except alterations, installations 'and labour miaking and PLEASE INO LAYAWAYS! *Be sure to bring along -your WALKERS Option Charge or Chargex and have. everything. conveniently charged to your account-at 20% off! CASH IS ALSO ACCEPTABLE Personal Shopping OnIy. 5, King St. E. 623-5451 Bowmanville CHARGEX VHE WHO Wi51ES T0 13RN HI5 NAME IN Ti4E ROLLOF HONOLJ% MU5T POCUS NIS POW ERS. BYAie-4m PLUMBING &HEATING and AI -R CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO 0 Phone 263-2650 FLOWERS FOR YOUR LOVE 'ON VALENTINE'S'DAY from CARNATION FLOWER SHOP 33 Division St. - 623-5577 - Bowmanville