Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, Section 2, p. 4

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4The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, February 12, 1975 Section 'wo NOTICE CORPORATION of the TOWN of NEWCASTLE NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE for approval of a By-Law to regulate land use passedl pursuant to Section 35 of the Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that thle Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle intends ta apply to the Ontaria Municipal Board pursuant to-the provisions if Section- 35 of the Planning Act for approvalaf By-Law 74-84 passed by fthe Town of Newcast le on the 2nd day of December, 1974. Any persan may within fourteen (14) days after the date of this Notice send by registered rnail1 or deliver taefihe Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his objection fo approval of fie said By-1.Law together witil a statement of the gracunds of sucil objection. Aýny persan wshing ta support the application for approval of the by-Iaw may witilin fourteen <14) days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver ta thle Cdemk of file TaWn of Newcastle notice of his support of approval of thle said by-Iaw foyether wth a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giving aise the name and address Io which sucil notice shauld be given. Thle Ontario Municipal Board may apprave of the said by-law but befare doing se if may appoint a time anid place wilen any objection ta the by-law wull be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be held will be given only ta persans wila have filed an abjection or notice of support, and wilo have Ieft with or delivered ta the Cierk undersi-gned, thle address ta whicil notice of hearing is fa be sent. Thle last day for filing objections will be the 21st cf February, 1975. J. M. Mcllray, A.M.C.T. Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street DATED at the Town of Newcastle this 5th day of February, 1975. EXPLANATORY NOTE RE BY-LAW NO. 74-84 In January of 1974 The Planning Act was amended ta include, among éther additions', Section 35a and 35b. These two sections give muniicipalities greater contrai over the developmenf or redevelopment of lands, by permitting municipalities ta enter into bindtng agreements with develapers as a prerequisite for developmnent or redevelopment. The Municipal Cauncil of thle Corporation of the Town of Newcast le, having reviewed the amendiment ta Thle Planning Act, deem it advisable ta amend By-Law Number 1587 ta Incorprate the relevant provisions of Sections 35a and 35b. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE B3Y-LAW NU '1%'MBER 74-84 A By-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 1587 of the former Town of Bowmanville WI4EREAS fthe Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town af Newcastle deems if advîsable te amend By-Iaw Number 1587. NOW THE RE FOR E the Municipal Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, pursuant te Section 35 cf The Planninig Acf, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 349, and amendments thereto, hereby ENACTS as follows: 1. Section 3 of by-law Nu mber 1587 is hereby a mendied by file addition'of the fol lewi ng new Section 3.24A: -3.24A "DEVE LOPME NT AGR EEME NT" means any agreement enferad info by an owner of land and tile Corporation, pursuant ta Section 35a of The Planning Acf, R S.0. 1970." 2., Section 7 of By-law Number 1 587 is hereby amended by the edition of the fallowing new Section 7.22: "7.22 DEVELOPMENT OR REDEVELOPMENT 0F LAND (a) GENERAL CONDITIONS The provisions of Section 35a of Thle Planning Acf, R. S.O., 1970, Ciapter 349, is amended and as set out in this Section for fthe develapment or redevelop- ment of land, shahi apply ta any land or buildings in file followingzones: RM1 Medium Densify Residential RM2 Low Density Apartments RM3 High Densify Apartments Cauncil May as a condition of develooment or redevelommenf af land or buildings within such zones prahibit or require fthe provision, maintenance and use of thle following facilities and mafters or any of them and may regulate tile maintenance and use of sucli facilities and matters: (i) widenings of iighways tbaf abut on file, said land tilatiïs being develop ef or redeveloped; (ii) ýsublect fa The Public Transportation and Highway Impravement Acf, R.S.O. 1970, facilities ta provide access f0 and tram file said lands sucil as access ramps.and curbings including file number, location and size of sucil facilifies and file direction of traffic filereen; Iiii) of f-street parking areas and laading areas and, access drivaways, including file surfacing of sucil areas and driveways; (i)walkways and al ther means of pedlestrian access; virerraval of snaW from access ramps, driveways, parking areals, loading --reas, and-walkways;- (vi) gradinig or change in elevafian or contour ffile said lands and file disposai of storm, surface and waste water from tile said lands and from any buildings or structure's tilarean; (vii) canveyance faéfile Corporation, wifhout casf, of easemenfs required for file construction, maintenance or improvement of any existin or newly raquired watercourses, dths addang ok and sanitary sewerage facilities on thesaid lands; viii foodligilting ffile said lands or of any buildings or structu res filereon; (ix) walls, fences, iladges, trees, silrubs, or other suifable groundcover te p rovide adequafe landscaping affile said lands or protection f0 adjoining ands;- (x) vaulfs, central storage and collection, areas and tiler facilities and enclosures as may be required for file starage of garbage and otiler wasfa maferia is; (xi) plans silowing file location of ail buildings and sfructures ta be erected an f "esi.adsafl oAtion effile of-citler+h-facilites requ1ired by this B-law;- (îil) The provision of clause (i) of this subsact ion shah nat apply ta land >tilat is wifilin an approved plan of subdivision if land in sucil plan or money in lieu of land, already bas been canveyed ta fila Corporation for park purposes pursuant fa a Miisfer's condifion of appravai 0f sucil plan." 3.No part of tuis By-law comas ia oforce withauf file approval of the Onario Municipal Board, but subject fa sucil apprôval, this By-law fakes affect an file date hereof. THIS BY-LAW given ifs first reading fuîs afil day of- Novembar A.D. 1974 G.B. ickard mayor J. M. Mcl1lroy Clark THIS BY-LAW givan ifs second raading this 2nd day cf Decamnber, A.D. 1974. THI5S Y-LAW read a fiird tima and fina liy passed fuis 2nd day of December, &.D. 1974. SEAL G. B. Rckard Mayor J. M. Mc Ilroy, Clark Rxeady for thé Slopes Tammüy Olliffe 15, of Oshawa will spend her first season on the slopes this, year. Equipped with al one needs for this sport, Tammy posed for a' picture during a Ski Demonstration held last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the mail area of the Up-Stairs, Shops in the Oshawa Centre. Durham Agri News ChIla s AmpnQunced For! (Ctstom spàray Operai1ons 2 Safe use and sound manage- ment of pesticides in Ontario should be everyone's concern. The Ontario Pesticides Act 1973 has been revised to Bromote this goal. There have een changes made in thè Act as they apply to the custom Fsprayer. Previousiy a custom sprayer was exempt from the licensing requirement for applying pesticides in Classes B &D on agricultural land. If he was registered with Pesti- cides Control. Under the new legisiation, the registration category has beeneliminated. Now all persons acting as Custom Spray Operators must acquire an operator's license and lappropriate land exter- minators licenses. A Class 5 permit to apply. pesticides other than herbicides to agri- cultural land and-or a CLass 6 to appiy herbicides to agricul- tural land. Information on examinations and study mat- erial for these licenses is available from your nearest pesticides Control Office. Exemptions f0 this licensing requirement exist in two instances: Where an agricul- twrist oerforms a land exter- mination on farm land in which hie is engaged in agri- cultural or forestry production -using aSchedule 2, 3, 4 or 5 pesticide, h is exempt trom a license requirement. Where an agriculturist performs a land extermination on farm land for no consideration, using a Schedule 2, 3, 4 or 5 pesticide, and hie is not carrying on an extermination business. hie is exempt from the license requirement. Any one who is planning to perform pesticide spraying on agriculturai land in 1975 and who does not fit into either exemption above, must be- come licensed. Enquiries should be miade now in order to be properly qualified for the growing season. Farmers who are.planning on doing custom spraying, can either contact t he Agricultural Office in Bowmanville, or get in touch with Mr. Jeff Carpenter of the Pesticides Control Section at 'Georgie Street, Phone 7e5 745-4601. Durham Pork Producers Annual Meeting:- The Annual Meeting of the Durham Pork Producers will be held on Tuesday, February 18, start- ing at il a.m. in the Agricul- tural Office, 234 King Street East, Bowmanville. The pro- gram for this meeting wiil include reports from the Executive of the Ontario Pork Producers Association on var- ious events and programs that havebeen carried on and wîll be upcomning in the near future. This is also the year, that Durham will nominate and elect Committeemen for the area. This election wil take place from 2- 3 p.m. on the. lgth. <Lunch will be provided by the Pork Produc- ers Association to ail those attending, so wve would en- courage ail Pork Producers to get out to Vour Annual Association Meeting on the l8th, starting at 11 a.m. Sharp! ,Futures Market Seminar:- A seminar to heip iivestock producers, farm leaders and feed dealers understand the grains futures market will be held in Kemptvilie, Ontario on February 18 and; 19. The two-day study session at the Kemptville College of Agrîcul- tural Technology is being sponsored by the Canadian Livestock Feed Board in co-operation with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & Food. Lectures and discussions ,wiil cover the national feed 'grains policy, the history of commodity marketing and the future market, how the fut- ures market works, and the, factors to watch for in the open grain market and futures market which affect, prices. which affect prices. Participants in th 'e program will include: Mr. John Curtis, prnia of the Kemptville Colg;Gus Sonneveld, vice- chairman of the Canadian Livestock Feed Board; Ron Ennis, president of the Winni- peg Commodity Exchange; Buying and borw can sometimes This is what Ontarlo Us doing to protect you. There are basic common sense rules for buying and* selling. Unforfunately, people dont always know these rules or follow them, and thaf allows unscrupulous sellers f0 fake advantage of people. Common sense is your best defence. But you have another defender, too. Two pieces of legislafion'have been passed by you r On- tario Government in order f0 help you. The Consumer Protection Act is designed f0 protecf you f rom problems that may arise when you buy goods or services, or borrow money. If is administered by the Consumer Protection Bureau, which also handles complaints and inquiries about question- able business practices, and if cont rois: " registration of ifinerant sellers (iLe., door- to-door salesmen) " contracts, over $50 where delivery of goods, services or payment has flot been completed *full disclosure of credif terms *special discounts for getting friends to buy (referral selling) *unsolicited goods (including unsolicited credif cards) *false or misleading advertising *penalties for offences The Consumer Reporting Act is another Iaw designed f0 proteot you. If gives you the right to know what credit and personal in- formation about you is on file with com- panies, and an opportunity to have inaccu- racies corrected, and prohibits consumer reporfing agencies from using information unless it s stored in Canada. According to this Acf, you are enfifl'ed to requesf in writ- ing thaf fhe contents of your file and the sources of information be disclosed to you. Your Ontario Government has also pre- pared fwo' easy-to-undersfand booklets fhaf describe fthe Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Reporting Act.The book- lets explain these two important Ontario laws more fully. If you would like copies, writef0: Ontario Consumer, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1 Y7 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Si dney Handleman, Minister M Ii Govern ment of Ontario William Davis, Premier I i ATTENTION FARMERS! WH y PAy mORE? P-SAVE ON PEMIUM QUALITY GAS - DIESEL FUEL MOTOR OIL Prompt Delivery Please Cali Collect OUl.L WIB 66> 38

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