Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1975, p. 13

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Provincial Court Judge Runicîman presided }Iarley Hays19CeAv. wvith Assistant Crown Attorn- Bowmanville, plieaded'guility' ey N. ïMcCrank and duty to two charges of filing late couincil M. Mlnerney. inrnme tax The fine was $25. Bench w,,arrants were.order- and c'osts on each count, in ed to 4'issued 'for Robert default five days on each Storeyý ',ordon Brown, Ste- count. phen Doulas Wood and for Ronald Donoghue,, 20, 63 Thos. Hochford and John Lambs Lane, Bowmanville. Houssos in dîscretion. charged Dec. 19 with driving Weekend Specials at The Home of Quality Ai BRANDED STEER BEEF PRIME ROB ROAST 2a Lb. BONELESS$j05 ROUND STEAK lb. MAPLE LEAF Yflc WIENERS iîLb.,Vac. Pac. 1 STORE SLICED, RINDLESS $1.@29 Breaklfaist Bacon a Lb. FRESH PACK Brussel Sprouts 49c DEMPSTER'S OVEN FRESH. KAISER ROLLS 7c Rteg, $1.05 Save 26eci Dz REPEAT SPECIALS BLACK DIAMOND EXTRA OLD Cunadian Cheddalr $ . 49 CHEESE ~1 Lb. (Try a Fr.ee Sample) FROZEN FOOD FEATURE RUPERT BRAND <HOME STYLE) FISH CAKES ONLY OOc eeg. $1.29 24 Oz. Pkg. of 12 99 SEE OUR LARGE SELECTIONe imported Chocolcates Ideal for Valentine Packed in Far'ey Gift Boxes ALL TIME SPECIALS TOASTMASTER SUMMIT OR WHITE, SLICED CHAPMAN'S, BREAD Ice Cream K S- RA9SPARKING DELICA TESSEN OFF FOOD MARKET QUEEN 73-77 KING ST. WEST ST. The Carpe t Warehouse D)OES UT 'AGAINIa 100 Per Cent Nylon Level Loop Carpet ............ from $3,95 Sq. Yd. Gold Plush Carpet (Rubber Baek> ............. from $4.95 Sq. Yd GQ1G Patterned Kitchen Carpet..................... $4.95 Sq. Yd. ShagBroadloomn............................ from $495sq. Yd. Rubber Underpa d................................ $1 6SOSq. Yd. Hlardtwist Broadloom ............................ $5,95 Sq. Yd. Peerless Seulptured Broadloomn .................. $6.95 Sq. Yd. Peerless Opal Essence......................... 1,5Sq. Yd. -Plus - Hundreds of Remnants and Room Size Rugs -Plus - housands of Yards of Carpet at Fantastic Saving,.s 50 % Savings-and more CHARGEX- MASTER CHARGE ~FREE ESTINIA'1TE-FREE PARKING VES! WE INSTALL At The The Carpe t Warehouse 110 King St. W. 728-0292 HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY Oshawa after consuming over .08, pleaded 'guity'. Const. Sim- cock observed the accused south on Liberty to King and followed him west on King St. where 'he was stopped. ests were .15. A lengthy record of offences were read out. The ifine was $175. and costs, in idefault 20 days. Hie was prohibited from driving for six 3months. Miss Mary Fagan, 1613 Dufferin St., Apt. 4, Whitby, charged on December 21 with driving after consuming over .08, plea ded 'guilty'. Const. Haw kns observed a car driving in an erratic manner on 401. Tests were .24 and .25 The fine was $250. and costs, in default 30 days.. Christopher Fawn, R.R. 1, Peterborough, was charged in absentia with flot notifying the Department of Transport of an addr ess change. Const. Chalmers investigated an ac- cident. The fine was $25. and costs, in default 5 days. Sltephen Keenan, 19, Lind- say, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after consuming over .08 on December 22. He was east- bound on 401 and was weav-, ing. Tests were .14. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 20 days. There was license suspens 1ion tor three months. H1e was gîven one month to pay. Robert Lees, Port Hope, charged December 21 with driving after consuming over .08 pleaded ' guilty'. Const. Whiteley, observed a car eastbound on 401 go off the shoulder on two occasions. Tests were .14 and .13. The fine was $175. and costs, in default 20 days. H1e was given three months lîcense suspen- sion. Time to pay was two months. Gerald Gordon Wright, 26, of,37 Kingscourt Rd., Bow- manville, charged with driv- ing after consuming over .08, pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Sehu-, macher received a caîl Dec- ember, 30 to investigate a collision of four cars at Liberty S. and Queen Sts., Bowmanville. Tests were .21 and .22. biscar was a write-off as there was a fire. Damage to other vehicles was $1.800. The judge levied a fine of $220., in default 20 days,. License sus- pension was six months. Steven Adcock, Division St. Oshawa, charged November 7 wîth having marijuana1 in his possession, pleaded 'guilty'. 11e was represented by D. Barber, He is presently in custody from a previous sentence. Const. Tryon stop- ped him for a mînor traffic violation and noticed a strong odor of the narcotie and found a stub and a bag which contained 6 gramns marijuana. Counsel asked for a sentence to run concurrent so lhe can soon be released in order to rehabilitate himself. H1e was given 30 days concurrent to sentence now being served. Kim W. Brown, Bowman- ville, charged November 24 with havi-ng, nqar-iiaýa~ in his possession, pleaded 'guilty' Consts. Tr'yon and Anderson had occasion to arrest Brown on King St. at 3:30 a.m. The fine was $100. and costs, in default 30 days. H1e was given one month to pay. Bruce E. Syer, 17, Bowman- ville, was put on probation for nine months after pleading 'guilty' through counsel B. Murrary of having marijuana on November 30. Const. Tryon checked a 'truck and the narcotic was found in a bag on a passenger but Mr. -Syer claimed ownership. Terms of probation are: not to use narcotie drug and to keep the peace and be of good behav- iour. Randail Roberts, 17, New- castle, pleaded 'guilty' Janu- ary 28 to thef t over $200. from Mr, Hoast Beef where hie was employed at the gas bar. Credit cards were altered. Duty counsel said it was the first offence of this nature. The crown asked for a jail termi as a resuit of the type of 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT CUSTOM 2-Dr. hardtop, power steering, power brakes-, V-8, auto., radio,-wheel discs, white walls. Grey with black vinyl roof, matching trim. One owner, very clean. Lic. EBD589 1973 OLDS DELTA 88 ROYALE 4DR. HARDTOP Lightgreen with dark green vinyl top, one owner, P. steering, P. brakes, V8 auto., radio, w-w, discs, rear def., side moldings, Real Sharp Lic,. EBB744 1971, LTD FORD 4 DR. HARDTOP Green with dark green, top, P. steering, P. brakes, auto., dises, w-w, good condition, very dean. Lic. EAZ 791 190BUICK WAGON Nine passenger, V8 auto., radio, P. steering, P. brakes, roof racks and vinyl trim, colour brown. Clean Lic. EBJ068 The Canadian Statesm.an, Bowmanville, February 12, 1975 13 Pin ewood Derby Winners for Speed The Annual Pinewood Derby, where the Cubs in the Town of Newcastle compete in design and speed of their home made model cars, held its finals in the Orono United Church on Saturday. The semi-finals were held the week before,, and the top four Cubs in each pack, competed in, the finals. The cars were raced down a long pine track and the winners for speed are as follows: (front row, lef t to right) Steven Wilsher, Newtonville, 5th; Robbie Kirkton, fourth Bowmanville 2nd; Scott Kirkton, fourth Bowmanville, lst; (back row, left to right) Mark Guisiain, third Bowmanville, 6th; Darryl Dart, Hillcrest, 4th; and Robbie Johnson, Hillcrest, 3rd. LACKSTOCK Curling Bonspiel On Thursday, February 6 the Blackstock Men's Curling Club held its Annual Bonspiel under ideal conditions. The ice was excellent, competîtion keen and fun and felIlowship at ifs best. S-\veral of the gamnes and as, in many bonspiels these last stones not only decided the winner 'of the game but also standings at the spiel ail the way down the line. When the results were al tallied, President Jim Gray presented the prizes to the winners. The, top rink was made up of Vernon Asselstine, Keith VanCamp, Jim Byers, Glenn Larmer and Grant McLaughlin. Second p lace only one point behind the winners was the rink of Halph Larmer, Neil Werry, John Larmer, Bob Twaites, Bob Beacock and John Turcotte. Third place was taken by Merlin Suggitt, Hoy McLau- ghlin, Dennis Homeril and John Arbuekie. 'The High School Teamn made up of Paul Larmer, Doug Larmer, Colin Asselstine, Jack Gunter and Tom Wotten took fourth place while Gerald Kelly's rink of Cameron Porter, Victor Par- sons and Danny Moore placed fifth. Sixth place was taken by one of the ladies' teams made un) of Joan Graham, Millie Davies, Donna Kyte, Bonnie Hudson, Mary DeMerchant and Judy Crawford., Thank yous were voiced to the caretaker, Bob Beacock, to the Executive and to ahl who took part in thîs enjoyable day. Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Gibson returned recently from a iovely two-week holiday in Florida. Mrs. Ruth Wilson, along with other members of the family and friends atttended lier granddaughter Valerie ,Wilson's third birth day party offense which was over a tbree to four montb period. H1e was put on probation for two years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, to make restitution, report once a ,month to probation officer, to seek'employment. 11e is to bc' in his residence each nîgbt by il p.m. from Sunday to Tbursday and Friday and Saturdays to be in by 12 p.m. Alex Howinski, Annette St., Toronto, pleaded 'not guilty' to without reasonable excuse,. failing to provide a breath sample. Const. Ferguson in- vestigated a car in the median on 401 east of the 115 cut off on September 14. 11e was stand- ing beside the car and hie staggered as he walked to the cruiser. The constable could smell, alcohol and bis eyes were bloodsbot. 11e could give no reason for the car goîng in the ditch . He thought the whole situation was a big bas- sle. 11e was taken to the de- tachment where Const. Kozak tried to 'et a reading but How- inski said the air came back up bis nose. Counsel stated hie only had 3 beers. 11e had one, 'revi ous conviction.- The judge found him 'guilty' as charged. 11e was. fined '$150. and costs, in default 20 days with license suspension for three months. last Sunday at the h ome of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and daughters at West Hill. The kindergarten pupils and their teachers Mrs. J. Craw- ford and Mrs. M. Green enjoyed a trip to- Bowmanville last Tuesday when they' ivisit- ed toie pet -sholp there. Soigne of the highlights whic-h they saw were monkeys, a talking parrot, many kinds of fish, rabbits and guinea pigs. These days we hear much of physical fitness. There are a group of residents who are trying to get more adults out for skating so have arranged to have ADULT skating at the rink on Wednesday evenings at 9 p.m. Come on now and let's see you .there. Mr. and Mrs. William Mah- affy were mid-week dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Devitt, Fenelon Falls. Thirty-three boys, 3 parents and five leaders of the First Cartwright A Cub Pack visited the Scugog Council Chambers last Monda y and were warmly welcomed b y the Mayor and clerk. They enjoyed hearing the story oyfth e Mayor's Chain of Office and seeing the old and new seals of the Town- ship. The cubs also had a skating party last Thursclay and enjoyed a hockey game witb their Dads. 16 boys earned their skater's badge. Mr. Porter is husy instructing the boys in earning their First Air Badge. Mrs. Gordon Power with Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn visited Mr. and Mrs. Borden Kramp of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs., Paul Tamblyn, Michael, Heather, John and Paul of Guelpb, Thursday to Saturday of fast week. Mrs. J.C. Gamey has been a patient in the' Memorial Hos- pital Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ben MadilI who are celebrating their 4th Wed- ding Anniversary. Mrs. Ted Williams of Pem- broke has been stayîng witb ber brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs..Lawrence bar- ris and family also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wlliams and daughters. Thiere was a card party at the Kirby Centennial School last Saturday evening., A number from this district attended the Grand Opening of the new Darlington Sports Centre last Saturday at Hamp-, ton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- terton and son David were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broome, Miss Carol Chatterton and other relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton and their bouse guest, her sister-in-law, Mrs. W.A. El- ford of Manitoulin were recent luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred-Dayes of Nestleton also recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Abernathy, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesGray and daughters of Orono were recent visitors of Mrs. Kelly Lane of Newtonville., On Tuesday afternoon Kirby Unit Church Women held their meeting and in the morning some worked on a quilt. ý Mrs. barry Lycett (Glen Gamey) of Cobourg who was visitîng in Belleville felI on ice and broke her ankle recently. Vega $200' YELVERTON On, Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1975 a couple of carloads or more of Velverton Pork Producers attended the Pork Conference held in the, Rock Haven, Motel in Peterborough. Mr.. Clare Curtin of Victoria, veteran Director of the Ont. Pork Produicers Board, chaired the morning session and 'Mr. Howard Malcolm lst vice Chairman of the provincial associates chaired the after- noon one. Mr. Curtin has indicated that hie will not seek re-election to the Board after many years of dedicated service particularly repre- sentative of the majority of producers who faîl in the 25 sow herd or less who stili- make up the majority of producers. Howard Malcolm provided an outlook on pork production, pooled pricing and export potential in the a.m. session in his customary calm fashion. Dr. David Hughes Deputy Director of Commodity Re- search Division of Food Prices Heview Board of Ottawa - this over-educated Lîmey in al fairness provided some inter- estinfacts re the Pork Industry but when hie advocat- ed that, the farm industry should compete on the world market in the future vs. the North American market as in the case with the most of other Canadian enterprises hie sparked" a tone, of antagoni m in his audience that could almost be felt. This gentleman suffered the, malaise so often observed in profes- sional students of long stand- ing an overdose of self conceit based on book learning with- out the antidote of localized experience. hy this country imports suh egghead to confuse our residents when they have obviously messed up their own ecomony at home, is beyond our compre- hension. Perhaps that helps to explainwhy they are in such financial duress'in Britaîn. During the day those pres- sent had theý opportunity to hear some very worthwhile speakers with practical per- sonal experience and compe- tent professionals like Dr. Tom Lane of Guelph O.A.C. On Thursday afternoon, Yel- verton U.C.W. held their'Feb. meeing at the home of their President - the Clarence Pages'. The meeting opened with the ode followed by the Devotional convened by Mrs. Eileen Malcolm, 15 members answered the Roll Cali with donations to forthcoming baz- aar. The minutes of preceding meeting were read by Sct.. Mrs. Maureen Moore. Mrs-. Eileen Malcolm gave the Treasurer's Report. A dona- tion of $500.00 has been given to Church Treasury. Mrs. Vera ýStaples provided, the Flower'Report, Mrs. Agnes Howe reported on the area meeting held recently in Fenelon Falls., The President revieweci some of the highlights of the early U.C.W. (Ladies Aid) and sought the co-operation of al in finding, certain missing minute books after 1938. A pofster is being prepared depicting local history of this group for an area celebration later this year. FollQwing a delicious lunch served andprovided by Mrs. Eileen Malcolm and Mrs. Marjorie Stinson, Mrs. Ted Powers (our minister's wife) supplied an interesting pro- gram illustrated with colored sldes. On Saturday afternn and evening Miss Mona 1Malcolm entertained Misse's Nicole Martîndale. KieY Shortt. Jen- nifer Snushall< Arden Coulter and Michelle' Burns on the occasion of her l2th birthday. A small -skating party at Janetville Rink concluded the birthday çearty. From our observation, the rink is not being arnîzed to the extent it cul be by Manvers reside'nts. FEATURE DURHAM ARTISTS Regional Chairman Walter Beath will open a five-week- long exhibition at Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Osh- awa, on Feb. l9th, featuring the work of Durham Region artists. The show will include the works of two sculptors, Ron Baird of Goodwood and Edward Falkenberg of Green- wood, painter, print-maker John Lander, Oshawa and videotape artist Winston Mc- Namee of Whitby. Special slde and film programs wilI be presented by Judith Cur- relly, Port Hope, and Bill Lishman, Blackstock. ARENA PRESS BOX Councillor Don Wearn re- ported to the Newcastle Fin- ance Committee on Monday that material was lef t over from construction of the cafeteria in the New Darling- tonr Sports Centre, He suggested to the commit- tee that this material-could be used to build a press box at the arena, for reporters and broadcasters covering the hockey games. The committee recommended Councillor Wearn investigate the matter further and bring a report on the project back to the committee. TWO FIRE CALLS Two fire calis this week resulted in littie damage. The fire brigade rushed to the home of I.B. Ells of 7 Frederick Ave. when a circu- lator motor put smoke through the house. This eau ,was on Monday at 6:32 p.m. The fire departmnent dis- patched firefighters to Pine Ridge School Tuesday night at 7:45 p.m. when steam set off a, heat detector in Jury House. TII!MA #M/PO OESk ~ (/GI/P4BO(Ir MES6, \)~ P 2S//.RW( O..C OeAW PiO Marty's Auto Repuir 623-3896 3 Queen St. 1BOwmanville Om--,ega Monza 2+2 $200 $500 -N EW 1975 CAMA RO 2- DOO R HARDTOP 350 V-8, 4-barrel, auto., power, brakes, power steering, rally wheels,ý radio. Many options not listed. Dark Sandstone, saddle trim. Serial No. lQ87L5N552091. 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK 4 cyi., auto., radio, red with matching trim, discs, white walls.,Very low mileage. Lic. HRD113 1970'FORD MONTEGO One owner P. steering, P. brakes,, radio, auto., V8 2 dr. hardtop. Clean. Lic. EBP 889 1972 CHEVROLET 4 DR. SEDAN Impala, brown, P. steering, P. brakes, V8 auto., radio and air conditioning, dises. 1Sharp Lic. EBK 299 We Have Been Serving the Motoring Public for Over,50 Year.I Rcoy ,Nichols Motors Ltd. Your Authorized- Chev-OIds Dealer 3ow ma nvil1le 623-2556 Courtice 728-6206 iEflEINhlfflii1 i g 1 Beau villa Retirement Home for Senior Citizens ORGANIZED ACTIVITIES 24 HOUR SUPERVISION BY QUALIFIED STAFF FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHRONE 623-3711, (9a.m. - 2p.m.) Fracto-ry Rebate-sfrom GeneralMfotors on See One of Our Cou rteous Sa les men: UBOVVMANVILLE: HAROLD MICHELSON - TED MILLER IN COURTICE: "ACE"ý RICHARDS- DOUG FERGUSON NVa zu2"0

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