bers were present from Toron- to and Peterborough as well as local members. During the social hour Mr. Frank Samis, President, was honoured, specially, as it was, bis birthday. Frank cut bis St. PauI's United Church O Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess Second Un a Series On Modern Ethies THIS SUNDAY - 11:00 A.M. Abortion - Right or Wrong" 7:30 p.m. "Open Forum" in Fellowship Roomn To Give People The Opportunity To Discuss The Sermon Subject A.A. Meets Every Thursday 8:.30 p.m. Use Silver Street Entrance Nursery For Pre-School Children Every Sunday Week of prayer service The Bowmanville Ministerial Association is sponsoring a worship service, in connection w ith the, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This service will be held at St. PauI's United Church, on Thursday, January 23rd at 8: 00P. M. ,The, speaker will be Rev. F. Paul Erb of Hampton. Ail are cordially invited to attend. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 1:00 a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 1:00 a.m., - Classes for ail ages, 9 and up 11:00 a. ni. - N ursery Baby Care, Toddlers and .Kindergarten 1:15 a. m.- Primary Dept., ages 4to 8 IA.M,.-WORSHIP SERVICE A warmr welcome awaits you at Trinity WEE K 0F PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN IJNITY Sunday, Jan. 19to Wednesday, Jan. 22 Services wiIl be heldi in Trinity Church at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 23, 8:00, a Ministerial Community Service will be held in St. Pau's United Church Volunteers are needed to answer telephones in the Bell Tower, Oshawa, during the "Participation House Tell-a-thon" to help physically handicapped young aduits which will be on Global TV fromn 6 p.m. Feb. îst to 6 p.m. Feb. 2nd. If you tan help please caîl Mrs. Raîph Campbell at 623-7240 ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29,6:30 P.M. The suggestion bas been accepted ta provide sick and shut-in members with the opportunity to vote on the proposed extension to present building by means of a ballot which will be delivered to them. It is hoped to have full information on the cost of the building a? the meeting. I.Items oflInterest, Phone 623-3303 OVRCAIR ALE!, 20,000 Square Yards of Name Brands Carpet 50% Savinas and M'ore 1II10PE ETNL SHAG fo LEVEL LOOP from $4,95- Sq. Yd. f $ 4095 Sq. Hundreds'of Yards of Re mnants and Room Sizes From 1 300 Sq.Yd Indoor-Outdoor - $2.49 sq. yd. 90-DAY INTEREST-FREE FINANCING CHARGEX - MASTER CHARGE FREE ESTIMATES - FREE PARKING YES! WE 1NSTALL The Car -,pe t Warehouse 110 King St. W. 728-0292 Oshawa HOURS- 10 A.M. TO 8 P.M. DAILY Motorists Waiting Until Las The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 15, 1975 5 mont is Chairman of the Stanley E. Loveli Board of Governor's Adminis- tration Committee and Dr. Minute ta- Purchase Licences EetdCara Onlv 9 percent of Ontario's Februa!ry The validation stickers,- D r a o e n r Oý n Friday evening January lth the Durham Region Gladiolus and Dahlia Society held their first meeting for 11.75 in the lounge roorn of the anadian begion building on Queen St. Bowrnanville. Mern- birthday- cake and it was served to all present. The members enjoyed many slides taken of Frank's beautiful gladioli bloom. Mr., and Mrs. John Tremble (nee Lorna Fletcher) childreni Todd, Tyler and Hayley from San Diego, California, have lef t after a two weeks Christ- mas vacation' wlth theý Flet- chers on Queen Street and the Tremhle's of Oshawa. Jîm Hayes , son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayes bas re- turned home- after an enjoy- able 18 day tour of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Andes Mountains in South America. Mrs. J. Howard Johnston (Aunt Ollie), Toronto and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Williams, Clarkson, Ontario were weekend visitors wîtb H.E. Purdy's Temperance Street. Mr. Williams' mother is progressing nicely in Mem- orial Hospital. Tbe following cbildren were welcomed into the fellowsbip of Cbrist's Church and Trinity Congregation during the rnorning service on Sunday, January 12 wben Rev. Wesley Oake administered the Sacra- ment of Baptism; Melanie Tara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randal Beau prie; An- drew Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas James; Douglas Laurence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milîson. Celebrating their 25th wed- ding anniversary at a surprise rarty at the home of their, riends, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wajrak, of Bowmhanville, were the happy couple, Mr.. and Mrs. Otto Boeck, R.R. 3 Bowmanville. Mr.-and Mrs. Horst Jendrezke, Osbawa, were co-hosts for the happy occasion. Mr and Mrs. Walter Rundle, entertained about 20 friends at their borne, on Monday even- ing in bonor of tbeir son Bob, bis wife Carol, and daugbter Marilyn, of bondon, England. Bob and bis family have been visiting here for tbree weeks, after an absence of 29 years. Tbey will bc returning borne on Tuesday. The winners of the Kinsmen "Community Service" draw wer'e Rita Berrili, Glenn Fry, and D. Barr. Ron Eccles,, of Blackstock will bold a one man show of paintings, prints, drawings, at 440 Water Street, Peter- borougb frorn January llth - 28tb.Mrs. Eccles is a teacher at B.H.S. About 30 friends and rela- tives gathered at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd Down, R.R. 2 Bowrnanville, recently, for a dinner party in bonor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Bob) Rundle, and daughter-Marilyn of bondon, England. Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundle, of Bowrnanville. Arnong those- skiing at Mount Ste. Anne, Quebec, during the Christmias lolidays were Mr. andI Mrs. Robert Shrdand fai#ly, Mr. and M\,rs. R.ay Bryson and family, Mvr. and Mrs. Charles Eliott and famnily and Rick James. Miss bisa Samuel, Western University, bondon, spent the week-end witb bier parents Mr. and iMrs. E. Samuel. 1Mr. andI Mrs. Edward Samn- uel, King St., E. spent Christ- mas. holidays, skiing in Vermont. January 21 wîll be Member-- ship Information Night at the "ýStation," in Wbitby. Corne and bring a friend and hear about activities and plans for 1975. Faiith Through the Prophet, ai new age is- born. Through Him, God becomes apparent in the Human reality. For further information, please caîl 623-4830 - 623-7744 Appicýants must present a cornpleted insurance declara- tion form, along with their ownership permit and, fee, to the issuing agent. This year, the insurance forrns can be obtained in advance at L.C.B.O. retail outiets. Tbey are> also available at al licence issuing offices. If you have this form completed in Advance, your renewai will take less tirne. The first meeting of Solina Women's Institute for 1975 was held in the hall on Wednesday, January tb, with Mrs. Fre Watson, lst Vice President in the chair. After the opening, and a. few business items, a few reports were given. Mrs.- Clarence Bray reported purcbasing a dlock for the hall kitchen, wbicb was already in place. This completes the purchases made with the money lef t us by the late Mrs. Artbur Moore - a tree for the park area, two fans for tbe kitchen, and the dlock. Mrs. Lloyd Broome reported on' purchases made for shut-ins at Christmas time., Considerable discussions, fol- lowed about our spring lunch- eon, with some suggestions in rqegard to program. The date will be March 26th and price $2.50. a ticket. Mrs. Rita Fraser read a letter from Lao Cbing and passed around bier pcues.We can al1 be justly proud oflbersce. iuThere will be some improve- ments made in the kitchen regarding the work table. Finally we bave corne to the decision regarding pricing for banquets. For outside people it will be $4.00 for bot meals and $350 for community families who eontribute to tbe dinners. Tbe leaders of the next 4-H Club on 'Foods made with Yeast' are Jennifer Best and Carol Worden. Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, leader of Bradleys group took the chair. She called on David Jobnson for selections on bis gitar. The numbers hie played were Rock of Gibraltar, Frosty the Snowman, Deck the Halls, Mariner's Hymn, Chord Exer- cise, Big Rock Candy Mount- ain, Cradle Song and conclud- ed with My Bonny. David is showing real talent, and bis numbers were mucb enjoyed. Mrs, Stanley Milîson was cbosen to make the comments on the Motto - 'Cbaracter, like embroidery is made stitcb by stitcb'. In ber remnarks Mrs.' Millson said, our ciiLraclçers become sironger by lhavuig good mental helllth - live with your emotions, take disap- pointment bravely, deal with the situations wbhicb arise, consider others feelings, like and trust others, feel part of a group, consider neighbours, take responsibility, set ýgoals and then put fortb efforts to, achieve these.« Tbe Roll caîl givenprevious- ly, was "What I can do' to relieve tension"., Different ideas were expressed,, but most suggested hobbies such as gardening, music, reading, or going'out for awhile, anÎd enjoy tbe nature around us. Mrs. Joe Snowden introduc- ed our guests for the evening - a group from Alcoholics Anonymous. Tbese in turn were introduced by Mr. Jack Clark. Two ladies each spoke to us telling how tbey badbeen belped out of a bad situation by the groups. The brancb group was called lanon. The members meet regularly and belp eacb other over their F roblems. They strive to ollow 12 Steps in dealing with their lives. The overaîl power of God strengthens tbem to searcb their souls, and admit to themselves they need Him, and He will help i f they seek it in a humble spirit. Then (bey A series of, three public lectures dealing with. "Exile and Alienation in Jewisb Secular Tbought" will be presented at TrentUniversity on Jan. 21, 22, and 23. The lecturer wîlI be David Savan, prof essor of philosphy at U. of T. and formerly a lecturer at Harvard and at William and Mary. Lectures begin at Champlain College at 8 p.m. Winners of the Lion's' Club N.H.L. hockey tickets for January 29 are Ken Cryder- man and Ross Boyd. For Jr. "A" for January wînners are Dennis Smale, Gary Tigbe, and Fred Wrigbt. Rev. Bigby was assisted in the Communion ceremony by Elders Ross Ashton, Edgar Wright, Keith McGilland green for cars, olack for trailers - are issued wi(h complete instructions on how to apply thern. Fees for 1975 rernain at $23 for a 4-cylinder car; $32 for 6-cylinders; $40 for an 8-cylin- der vehicle; and $5 for trailers. The deadline for having 1975 stickers on automobile plates is February 28; on trailer plates, Marcb 31. I nstitute in turn may belli, others. There were sorne questions and discussion followed. Ail felt it was a very interesting meet- ing and Ms Murray Vice thanked the group for coming to speak (o us. The meeting closed and all were served a delicious lunch of home made muffins, jam and tea by Mrs .Yellowlees and bier group. ENNISKILLEN Rev. M.R. and Mrs. Sander- son, Mrs. D.B. Kay, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Sander- son, Columbus were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shar p and Mrs. H.W. Gregg (o celebrate Wilfrids' birtb- day. "Congratulations." Mrs. Gregg returned borne (o Glen Burnie Md. after a holiday witb the Sharp familles. Mrs. Mary Wotten and Mrs. Helen Bradburn Blackstick were Sunday callers- at R. Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs.- S. Lamnb and family were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wray and family, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Miss Velma Dickey, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, Miss Elva Orchard, Miss baverne Orchard were Sunday evenîng dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Stainton celebrating Milton's birtb 1day. Congratuations. Mr. and, Mrs. Earl Trewin were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott's, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffiný Osbawa were Sunday evening callers at, Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin's. Master Brook Clernens, Hampton spent the week-end witb bis grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wlbur Toms, Blackstock were Tuesday sup- per guests at Mr. andI Mrs., E.R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- son, Bewdley were Sunday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hane- Clark Werry and farnîly, Etobicoke wiere Sundayvisît- ors witb their Mother Mrs. E.A. Werry,,antI Bert. Mrs. Werry 'wbo is borne from hospital we hope fully recover- ed,, but must take it easy. We hop e Mr. Werry will soon be able (o join bier at borne. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright were recent supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clemens, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Fred and Susan Haydon were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. -1 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and family were callers at Mr. and Mrs. W. Sloneky, Scar- borougb. We are rnost happy (o report thýt our bospital patients are either borne again or will be early (bis week i.e. Mrs. E.A. Werry, Mr. E.A. Werry, Mr. Wallace Pascoe, Mr. A. Lead- beater and we hope as good news is in store for the hospitalized folks on our sis ter congregation of Tyrone. Mrs. Bud McNair isý in Wellesley bospital for some, treatment on bierArtbritis. Several of our young womnen are off on the '2 day 4-H1 Homemakers training course (bis week by the Dep(. of Agriculture and FootI beld in Drono. This unit is on sewing. A sudden drop in temnper- ature from ,balmy spring like weather of 40 degt-ees and 50 degrees (,o the teens with a wind chill factor caused a chill to the Sunday ar. worship- pers who got a second shock as tbey entered the Church for the Sun. a.m. services viz.; an alteration of the placing of the main furnishings in the Churcb altar. The piano, Hammond Organ, Baptismal Font, Communion Table, Wooden Cross, Pulpit and secretary's desk wereal given a new area as the resul( of plans by a select committee wbo are cornpleting Isorne ideas, in embryo way back, in Stanley E. bovell of Oshawa was elected Chairman of the Durhamn College Board of Governors at a Board meeting beld January 8tb. A.A.H. Strike of Bowrnanville was elected Vice-Chairman. New members of the College Board of Governors -are Mrs. Katherine Guselle and C.G. Pilkey of Osbawa, both appointed by' the Council of Regents; AA.H.Strike of Bowmanville, appointed by the Council of Regents; and S.B. Rutherford of Orono, appointed by the Durhamn Region. R.G. McCullocb of Clare- is Chairman of tbe Operations, Committee. Ice over lakes, ponds and rivers can be left "up in the air"~ if the water level drops. Red Cross reminds you to check ice conditions every tirne before venturing out., Wilbur Blackburn with the elements prepared by MrIs. J. Slemon witb sorne belp from Mr. Ross Ashton and Mrs. O.C. Ashton.11 The Sr. Choir leader are "1catching their breath" after a busy program at the vesper of the old year. Mrs. Godfrey Bowrnan relieves our regular organist Mrs. Chambers for two Sundays by graciously and capably presiding at the piano (or the musical part of the order of service. Messengers and group leaders Mrs. Shirley Stainton, and Mrs. Ula BaIl had their monthly meeting in the S.S. room during Cburcb time. In the S.S. Session Mrs. Reva Kinsman was in charge of the opening worsbip. In the past tense is the monthly meeting of S.S. staff on Monday evening at Mrs. A.J. Werr y's borne where pertinent plans for 1975 .were started. TCh eJan. meeting of the U.C.W. wvas Wed. p.m. at Mrs. b. Stainton's home witb guest speaker Mrs. Russell Best on bier trip (o Russia.* Corning up events are 0f- ficial Board at Enniskillen onI last Sunday of Jan. Please bhave reports for Enniskillen on last Sunday of dan. Please have reports of Treasurers' audited very soon. Our minis- ter bas attended a "Poverty Task" force meeting in Pak-I enham on Tues. and Wed. of (bis week. 'Mrs. O.C. Ashton is spend-* ing (bis week witb tbree of bier brothers and their farnilies inI Ottawa and Templeton Que. January in spite of its- wintry air seerns (o be a popular monthfor birtbdays. Mr. Milton Stainton is a yr.I older. Mrs. -Ken Coverly (nee Kathryn Slemon) was birth-I day guest ata family party at bier rnotber's home, on Sunday bois and Keitb Worden's dads wbose birthdays are only 3 days apart 50 tlis was a realI reason for a farnily tea party by Mr. and Mrs. K. Worden and Richard Bow. R.R. 2.I Several more'are coming up, we shaîl report later. M1any I Happy Returns f olks. OBIURY i Beloved by, all wbo knew, bier, Ida Couch, died followingI a short illness. on Wednt-sdav., January 1, 1974, in MemorialIM Hospital, Bowrnianvill.e, in bierà 98th year. The former Ida Allin, dau-* gbter ofthe'late Thomnas and Grace Allin, she was born andI educated in East Whitby Township;,- and, was married- December 3lst, 1904(0o the late Frederîck Coucb, Sr.. Resid 'ing in Newcastle, allI bier married, life, she was a devoted bousewife, a memberI of the Newcastle United Cburch, and a wonderful aunt, friend, and neighbor who* will be sadly missed by all. Surviving are tbree nieces, Mrs. R. Woodhams, Scar- borough, Mrs. R. Alldred, Newcastle and Mrs. L. Alld- red, Oshawa. Mrs. Coucb res ted at theM M\,orris Funeral Chapel, form service on Friday, Reverend M T. Smnith, officiating. Paîl-bearers were Messrs. D. Rowe, B. Wood, B. Alldred, H. Couch, b. Stephenson and S. Allin. Interment was in Bowrnan- ville Cemetery. BIFOCAL, SALE- This price includes. -choice of '65 f rame styles, shapes and colours. -your prescription in white, rose or green lenýses. -onle year replacement warranty against breakage. -your chai ce of case from wide selection -4 oz. bottle of eyegIass cleaning solution. -Bifocals in KRYPTrOK, FLAT-TOP or ULTEX styles. ~ Chargex accepted. Y. YPTOK ULTEX PLAT-TOP 23 BOND ST. EAST, OSHAWA HOU RS: Friday 9-9; Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9-5 MONDAY CLOSED PHONE 728-1261 Next week you can buy the finest National Brand, tirst quality Bifocal glasses, complete with the frame of yaur choîce, at the one low discount price of only $30.50.Oulists' prescriptions filled at the same Iow price. Latest mod and metal styles are only $11.00 more. Special lenses and tints also available at Iow discounit prices. COMPLETE SINGLE VISION GLASSES STILL ONLY $25.50 Broken frames repaired or replaced while you wait. 'jg 1 motoý'rists haàve purchasied tbeir licence plate renewal stickers since tbey went on sale December 2, according to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. If you are one of those wbo have not yet purcbased their renewal stickers, there is_ every prospect of finding I ourself standing in one of the ast minute line-ups that occur during the last week of BENYLIN CONFIDETS DM AIÀYHO9 COUGH'SYRUP NAPKINS IDA our.e 9,9c-48s$269 - EVERY DYU A LX cG EG R 5 K ING ST. W EST AL McREG R rugs 623-5192 "BEST BODY SHOP", IN TOWN MacDONALD 1FORD' BOWMANVILLE Dr. R. K. Singai, F.R.C.S.(C.) wishes ta anriaunce the opening of his office for practise of General Surgery at 222 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Consultation by Referral 623-3042 or ý623-5488 am ýN 0 ]Yd.