Honor Top Real Estafe Sales Peo pie The wînners of Tuesdav night Card by the Senior r Citizens were: Ladies ist Marj. Byford, 2nd Margaret Watson,, 3rd Myrtle Alsop. Men: ist Yeomnan-Luke, .2nd Richard Manns 3rd George Smith. In the report of last week in regard 10 1the Achievemnent Day for 4-H Homemnaking Clubs there was an omission in 1the list of girls receiving County Honors. Anita DeJong also received ber County Honors. Congratulations Anita and apologies for tbe errur. Mr. and Mrs. H-arry Van Camp held a party in honor of Mrs. Glenin Van Camp's birthday. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Van Camp, Bill Robert and Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson. Miss Elizabeth Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tbomp- son spent 1the weekend witb their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Tbompson. Mr. and Mrs. David Ander- son are spending some ime with his parents. Recently Mr. and MIrs. The top salesman and saleswoman in the Walter Frank Real Estate organization were honored at a recent banquet at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. They are Clare McCullough and Phyllis McRobbie, shown here being congratulated by Mr. Frank at the Bowmanville office. their miystery sister for t15e year bad been. Mrs. Skelding then gave a reading followed 15v a contest. I On December 10, 13 mem- bers of 11e Aflernoon Unit of U.C.W. beld their Christmas meetng a the home of Mrs. Aien gByers. Lunch included cookies and Cristms Cake. The meeting opened witb a reading by the unit leader Mrs. Flora Sammelîs entitled "Insight- of Christmas". We Iben enjoyed t1e custom of this season by singing server- al Christmas carols witb Old and New Testament. Script- ures and a Christmas poem between carols. Flora Samm- elîs led 1the devotional on 'In- side Christmas' sometimes we are so busy with the beautiful wrappings of Christmas we forget w at is Inside. Only as we accept the gift can we know wbat is inside- The Heart of Christmas, A delightful program with eacb member. participating proved w versatile, talent- ed, and good sports we can 1e. We were remîniiidedl of the Candleligbt Serývice at 7.30 P. M. on December 22. Our next meeting will 15e January 7, 1975 at Mrs. Dora Martyn's home. Our Cristmas meeting 1974 losed with the Mizpab bene- diction. At the Anglican Churcb on Sunday morning there was a good attendance 10 enjoy 11e Annual Christmas Service with a pageant put on by the Sunday School. Next Sunday will 1e reading of lessons and Annual Carol Service. There was also a good attendance aI 11e United Churcb on Sunday. Rev. Parsons entitled bis message The Living Word. The Junior Choir delighted us witb a beautiful Chrisîmais antbem. and Mrs. Harold Kyte favour- ed with a solo. I have often heard the comment that the "work ethie" in Canada has been seriously eroded, that many Canadians prefer a life of inactivity at public expense. Recent studies carried out by my department contradict this opinion. The resuits show that apart from family relationships, work remains the most im- portant means for seif-fulfilîment in the eyes of Canadians. There 15 nothing mysterious in this. In addition to income, Our jobs can give us a feeling of pride, self-respect and of belonging, of being part of the mainstream. As Minister of Manpower and Immigration, with responsi- bility for the- Unemployment Insurance Commission, I have been working to ensure that al Canadians have access to both the income and personal satisfactions associated with work. We have new Manpower Centres, Job Banks, new tramning and mobility programs, special services for worketrs with peia problemns, and a wide range of job cetinpýogramrs such as the Local Initiatives Programn (LIP) and OpportunIities for Youth (OFY). These efforts are synchronized with thec activities of the Unemployment Insurance Commission and Immigration 10 pro- vide Canadians with maximum access to job opportunities. Unfortunately, some Canadians remain trapped in unem- ployment, and cut off from the rewards of work. Income support for unemployed people is a must. How- ever, sending cheques to these people is flot enougli. People don't want to be set off in a corner somewhere. For those people who are among the so-called "hard-core" unemployed or on the margins of th5e labour force, we are taking new steps 10 provide them with opportunities to upgrade their own abilities, 10 contribute t0 society, and 10 earn greater rewards fromt it. NEWFOUNDLAND PROJECT The problein with many workers who appear on unecm- ployment insurance (U.1.) daim with considerable regularity is that they need help in equipping themselves for more long-term work. They need training- recycling of their abilities. in order 10 break out of the unemployment cycle. In a new approach to finding a solution to this problem, the Department, of Manpower and Immigration and the Unem- ployment Insurance Commission (UIC) have developed a Pilot Project for Newfoundland. -Selected people will receive training or re-training to pre- pare them for immediate skil shortages in the labour market or for future job opportunities. Most of these trainees will be un- employment insurance claimants. Th'le triinee will continue 10 receive benefits while he prepares hùimself for increased employ- ment opportunities 50 that bce won't 15e trapped in unemploy- ment by virtue of his skil shortages wh1ich may have caused the problem in the first place. Also, ini the long run, we stand 10, save in Unemployment Insurançe funds. We are exploring other areas where we could make more positive use of unemployment funds as well. COMMUNITY EMPLOYMIENT STRATEGY (CES) We have also begun a three-year developmental stage of the Community Employment Strategy (CES) vwhich would pave the way for nation-wide co-operation aimed at those Canadians who have continuing and special difficulty finding and keeping regular employment. Ils clients will include, for example, the pbysically handicapped, mentally retarded, socially handicapped (including the unskilled), people with inadequate employment income who live in areas of chronic unemployment or under- employment, ex-inmates of mental or correct onal institutions, and single parents who for a variety of reasons cannot find work outside thie home. We wýiI1 begin with 20 developmental communities acr oss the country. The Community Employment Strategy wil create more opportunities for people who may have been traditionally ex- cluded from Canadian life and work. MIORE OPPORTUNITIES FOR CANADIANS In th5e broader picture, a Canadla NManpower Policy mnust increase the opportunities of individuaal Caniadians 10 15e self- suffîcient, 10 participate and contribute miore 1 the life of Canada and thereby earn greater rewards. -m- - ~ Permission ta Us E ~-~-- -LXI-\-r---N Local Court Cham bers Newcastle council moved peÙ . onc1rencondition 115 concurrence 10 a request from chamberseweredavainabe JMSSAMUEL 67 King St. E. J. Knueith ofhaceltonsohf Newcastle Couincil also * DCITfD o a umbe ofresdens bvoted concuirrence 10 re- ROBINSON IifLUt ANNIS Bowmanvîïlo hold a meeting in-the Court quest from 115.e Durham i eg- Chambers in J9wmanillefor ion Social Planni.ng Advisory 6213e 7rpseof rganizing a Grouip (SPAG) fi, hold a ?t ratepayers assot tion. The meetinq, in, the Court Cham- k . . . .. . . .. .~Meeting is to be held1 Janiuary bers in Bowxmnville, Mlonday,j ie-je-je-»r.2e.-Mr 1e- y. v *rje-xr-Îe-»r e- -h 29 between 7:30pm n 10:-30 Febrt-ary 3, 1975,l10 aj. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvjlle, December 23, 1974 Section Two BLACK'STOCàK- We opetheholday rig i th bet o evrytingfor you! At this joyous time, we'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for your loyal patronage throughout the past year-we look forward to serving yog again in the years to corne. from the Staiff et HARRY%_ LOCE TrV 20 King St. W. Bowmanville Your Satisf action Is Our Pleasure ... ~EL~TOHOMEWe Ser vice What We Sel MervS7n Anderson spent a week in the Bahamas and report a very enjoyable holi- day. The Blackstock Women's Institute held their Cristmias party on Wednesday Decem- ber il in the form of'a pot luck dinner at the Commnunity Hall. 22 ladies enjoyed 11e deligbt- fui nileal., While the ladies relaxed and remiained at the tables Mrs. Velva Bailey gave ber report of 1the Central Area Convention held in Toronto in early December. The~ business part of 1the meeting was called 10 order by tbe President Mrs. Mae Short- ridge. Roll Caîl was answered with donations of canned goods for the Salvation Army. Eileen McLaughlin reported on 4-H Achievement Day held in Enniskillen.* Mrs. Skelding convenor for the program took charge. ,Motto for the meeting was: Happiness is like a Christmas Cake share il and you bave a party. The next part of the meeting proved 10 1e most jinteresting as the memibers fond ouI who weds are residing in thie Festive Season with ther Orono United Church regular' Duvaîl apartment on. Main family and friends in tie service. cil Street. Dr. Maartense 's Our Bowmanville and Orono ois-, At the Orono United Church O K N UOrono dentist. tricts. on Sunday th5e White Gifts 50 people attended the pot. There will be a Christiias presentation was made by the (întended for last week), luck supper at St. Saviour's Eve Service on Tuesday )ec. cbildren. Mr. Lynn Brown MVrs. HI.H. Barlow and Mrs. Anglican Churcb on Sunday 24tb at 8 p.m. at'St. Savhl.irs sang "'O Holy Nighit" and J, Norton spent several days evening, followed by a pro- Anglican Church, Orono, "Star Divine" was sung by la$t week visiting in Ottawa. gram 'of songs and a Christ- On Sunday, Dec. 8fi5l Nry,'s Mrs. George Carson and' Mrs. Mrs. Frank Glbert of mas Tree and treats for the Lullaby lot hce Infant Ki; was Raymond Chapmani. Mr. Hampton, wbose busband a children. Sung b y the OronýoàPublic Douglas DeweIl was th5e few days hefore bier passed Mrs. M Davis, the former Scblool chioir under thç rhrec- organist. away at tbe Memorial Hospit- Lizzie Burgess, widow of the tion of Mrs. Frani Luni, a!4the "Seasons Greetings" al Bowmanviile last week. late Milford Davis, Lakefield, af 1er a long illness. Both bas moved back to reside in funerals were held from the Orono, on Church Street Nortbcutt Elliott Funeral South. Home, interment in the Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar-'A .. ton Cemetery in tbe spring. rowclough of Wesleyville visit- Mrs.' Gilbert was tbe teacher ed bier sister, Mrs. George stayed witb Mr. and Mrs. Alex week. Watson. Mr. Oscar Skeldin2, also bis Congratulations 10 Dr. and cousin, Eber Skelding are 7 Mrs. Peter I. Maartense, thee botti in the new building of the former Wendy Mercer on their Stratbaven Nursing Homne on quiet marriage on Saturday at King Street East, Bowmnan- 6:30 p.m. al,1the Newcastle ville. United Cburcb. Rev. James R. Mr. and Mrs. Vert Wilson of Smiitb officated. The newly- Florida will spend over the May your home be filled with-J the year, we welcome the oppo-r- the hiappy sou nds of the season, trity to extend our very best now and after Christmas! wishes to you .. . along with a big Staf o .~J hank you" for your patronage. 3UT LEBLANC le GEORGE VANDYK REAL ESTATE LTD. REAL ESTATE LT». KingSt. . - Bowmnvile ~AND STAFF 147 Kn t .Bw anil 181 Church St. E. Bowmianlville 7 7. %. ~ ,' CANADA MANPOWER POLICY by Robert Andras Minister of Manpower and Immigration