Items of Interesu I Phone 623-3303 The Oshawa Kinsmen Pee Wee Tournament in its fourth year hias been won by Oshawa Sports Villa, the host' team. This is their fourth consecu- tive win of the event and were undefeated in the three day tourney. John Michaud was namedmostvaluable player in the tournament and Hamil- ton's Paul Anigelini the out- standing goal-tender. The annual Kinsmen Color Tour for Senior Citizens drew a large crowd on Tuesday evening. They were driven around the community and enjoyed the beautiful Christ- mas decorations> in local homes. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hancock Douglas and -Annette, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers, Bowmanville attended the Christmas Choral Festival in the, United Church, Port Perry,. Sunday, and dinner and a pleasant evening with Mr. an dMrs. Howard Forder Bradley and Leslie, Port Perry. Chldren under 13 have from now until midnight February 14, 1975, to submit drawings on what Christmas means to them to the Post Office for possible use as new stamp designs. The Post Office bas st. PauI's United Church Rev. N. E. Scharnerhorfl, B.A., B.D. Organist - Gerald K. Burgess il1A.M. 0 ChristmasSunday Service "THE NIGHT GO» LOST THEf WAY" 7:30 P.M. Candlelight Carol Service featuring St. PauI's Senior Choir and TheChancel Choir. Christmas Eve 7 P.M. -FAMILY CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Celebrate thel3irth of Christ... attend the Chu rch of your choice this Christmas. Sunday, December 22, 1974 SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9and up 11:00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten il -:15 a. m. - Primary Dept., ages 4 to 8 il A.M. CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICE 7:30 p.m. - C.G.I,T. VESPER SERVICE A XWarm We1come Awaits You at Trinity Tuesday, December 24, 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service at Trinity A FOUNDATION TODAY - A FUTURE TOMORROW Proposed extension would include arts and crafts centre 32'ç 20', meeting roomn 43' x 24', storage area for equipment and supplies 24' x 201., See the plans on display in Church Hall,, aIse the colored picture portraying the finished building, at the entrance doors of Sanctuary. A SINCERE THANK YOU is extended te the Senior Choir, Music Director John Craokshank, soloists Rosemary Merkley, Ross Metcalf, Allanah Cales, Ross Cotton, Canductor Elliott Tremeer for their wonderful presentation of the Messiah -on Sunday evening ta a -near capacity audience who accorded themn a standing ovation at the closeof.the program; alsa Bowmanville High Schoal set up regional panels înclud- ing direct ors of art galleries, artists and art educators to sýelectregional.entries. Select- ions on a national level -wilJ then be made hy the depart. ment's stamp design advisory committee. Ail entries must illustrate What Christmas Means To Me and measure 12, inches by 15 inches. They can be done in paint, pencil, crayons, charcoal, pastel, col- lage or other art forms and must have the naine, address, age and school of the child printed on the back. Entries in Ontario should be mailed to the Art Gallery of Ontario, Post Box 4242, Station A, Toronto, Ont. M5W 1V9. The Shoestring Players will present. the Hans Christian Andersen "The Rted Shoes", play, for the general public, f or two days beginning Dec. 22 at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa, and Oshawa Little Theatre's Christmas present- ation, the Tiger in Traction, will be presented at Eastdale Collegiate on December 28th. Mr. and, Mrs. Harold St. John, Lloyd and Lynn, Scar- borough, were Sunday dinner gust of Mr. and Mrs.,Jim Aeethy. The Bowmanville Country Club is holding a Boxing Day In Club Bonspiel , and curlers can stil1sin up for the spiel, which should be good for the waistlines after the. Holiday feastings. Mrs. H.S. Price, Mr. Wil- liam Price and son Billv. Islington, were Sunday lunch- eon guests of Mrs. A.E. Billett. Mrs. Price stayed overnight to attend the funeral of Mrs. H. Salter. Winners of the Lions NHL Hockey tickets for January are Gary Ferguson, Deane McIntyre, Don Plain, Ross Allin, Gerald Shirk, Pete Heavysege, Orm Tripp, Helen Dye, Carson Elliott and Doug Wigh-t. Jr. A tickets, L. Macaulay, Fred Ward, Orv. Climenhagen. The Newcastle Recreation Department, Town Hall, Bow- manville, is planning a Dupli- cate Bridge Club to begin in the new year. For information caîl 623-3ý79 or £623-7345 before Dec. 31, 1974, and if enough people are interesteci a meet- ing wîll be called to get the club underway. The Ontario Science Centre, is open daily from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Closed Christmas Day. Holiday features include: From December 20 to 24, between il a.m'. and 4 p.m. visitors are invited to learn why popcorn pops, why bread rises, how cookies bake, and how to make the lion and lamb figures of the traditional Peace Bread. Visitors are also. invited to string popcorn, cookies and cranberries and to help to decorate the commun- ity tree. As background music to the festive scene, a collect- ion of antique musicboxceswill,, Slay selections of opera, piano forte and music ordinaire. After Chrstmas, from Dec- Ba c GdHo EverAY SuRVICE 1030a.m. "Everyone Welcomie- TheyWon't'Be Home for Christmas 1The nostalgie strains of "I'l Be Home For Christmas" won'tbe played for two young missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This year they wiil forego Christmas with their own familles so that they might bring a speciai message to the residents of Bowman- ville. The missionaries Aerving in the Bowmanville area, Elder Larsen from Richfield, Utah and Eider Roberts from Kemmerer, Wyoming, ex- claimed, "We feel it is a Wtnesses Hear Address On What the Future Holds Mariy area Witnesses have just returned from a weekend gathering intheir newly buili Assembly Hall wcst of Tor- onto. Since its dedication lasi month, this building bas beer used for similar gatberings every week. The program was highlight- ed Sunday afternoon with a Public Talk "What Tbe Future Holds", given ta an audience of 1447 bv Keith R. McCann, ember 26 ta 31, two exciting family adventures into science, "Fun Witb Physies" and,"Fun With Chemistry", will be presexnted daily at 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bristol and Shane, Hamilton, spent a coup le of da ys with ber' mothe, rs. Winifred Camer- on. Mrs. Edna Wood, Tyrone, was a recent visitor with ber cousin, Mrs. Winifred F. Cameron. Secretary of State Hugh Faulkner bas annotjnced plans ta relocate the National Gai- lery of Canada, the National Museum of Man and the National Museum of Science and Tecbnology. The National Gallery of Canada wili be moved ta a new building ta be constructed, on Crown proper- ty on Wellington Street West in Ottawa as part of the redevel- opmaent comiplex planned b the National Capital Commis- sion for this area. The building sbould be compieted in time for the National Gallery to open its new doors ta the public during its centenniai year of 1980. The current home of the Gallery, the Lamne Building on Elgin Street, will be restored ta its original function as an office building., Secretary of State Hugh Faulkner bas announced plans ta, relocate the National Gall- ery of Canada, th e National Museum of Man and the National Museum.of Science and Tecnology. The National Gallery of Canada wili be moved to a new building to be constructed on Crown proper- ty on Wellington Street West in Ottawa as part of the redevel- opment complex planned by the National Capital Commi- ssion for this area. The building should be completed in time for the National Gallery ta open its new doors ta the- public during its centennial year of 1980. The current of the Gallery, the Lamne Building on Elgin Street, will'be restored to its original function as an office building. The Reverend George M. Morrison, Secretary of the United Churchi's General Council, bas accepted a cail to be the senior minister of Timotby Eaton Memarial Cburcb, Toronto,, starting September 1, 1975. Dr. Marri- son will succeed Dr. C. Andrew Lawson, wbo will retire next June in bis twenty-fîfth year as minister af Eaton Memorial. At the Port Hope Old Tyme Christmas Festivities on Tbursday, December l9th there wil be a wick trimming contest at 8 pin., and a costume contest at Diamond Viv's Tavern. On Friday from 12 noon - 6 p.m. St. Mark's Historical display, Saturday features St. Jobn's A.W.C. Treasure Trove, the Grande Winter Bahl at Trinity Colege Sunday fe atures cburch serv- ices and a Junior Sports Day. A tragic luss resul.ting from a fire eariy Sunday morning in Oshawa bas lef t Mrs.Christy Munroe and ber family of five bomeiess. Livingý at 354 Front- enac Avenue, lhe home was completely gutted, destroying ail their possessions, inciuding Cbristmas presents bought the day befoire. Mrs. M4unroe bas been in poor bealtb since ber busband was shot in Shel- boumne, Ontario tbree years ago. Makes one tbink we sbouid count our blessîngs. Th'e Munroes are presently staying witll relatives in Oshawa, but cauld no doubt use help getting a borne together again. Mrs. Peter Lcentjes and Christopher, Oromocto, N.B. are visîting ber mother, Mrs. Bernice Cole, King St. E. Disftrict Overseer of Jebovah's 1 Witnesses for Eastern Can- tada. McCann indicated a 4-step tdevelopment towards the es- tablishment of rigbteaus con- ditions of earth couid be traced out in the Bible. First apparent international accord, then destruction of all or ganized religion by the political powers, followed by severe persecution of Christ- îans and, finally, complete destruction of the present order by God's war of Arma- geddon, wîtb those daîng God's will surviving. Although the Witnesses do not set a date for "the end of the world", McCann said, the application of scriptural pro-- phecies indicates it is very near. He aiso pointed out that Christians shouid not be averly concerned witb the growing difficuities of life, but sbould be looking ahead ta God's Kingdom as the only hope for mankind. Showing that they are looking ahead, 35 new Witnesses werebaptized. to0 theL Eitor 1 was ijust rending iapaper and tbey were advertising or 1 should say announcing a tour for the Senior Citizens ta see the Christmas decorations of the citY.*Tbey are prabably hav"ing a tour in Bowmanville too.- Tbey asked the people, ta have thleir ligbts on. We badour lights on too last Friday evening and we were quite pleased witb) it. We put them in aur bare tree in the~ front lawn and it looked good. When I came home Friday eveninq just past 8.30 p.mi. I hadq ît asbck to see tlîat somebody had taken 30 bulbs off our tree and smasbed tbem' in front of the bouse on the road. He or they took what' they could reach, the top part of the tree was not toucbed. What is the matter with these yaung kids that they cannot leave somebody else's property a- lone and then ta scatter thiem ail over the roaid? Don't parents teach their cidren anymore wbat is rigbit and wrong. How can we dgecorate the outside for other people ta see'if everytime you bave to replace bulbs.« Who can' afford this espec- iaily when everytbing is going up in price?1 Please' editor, could you make a 'note somewhere in your paper. Under Bits and Pieces on the front pages would be 'great, everybody reads that part, a a parents wbo have children at home and are outside after dark, let tbem make a point of tlngteir chiidren to leave anyds lights along. Maybe it will beip and I don't bave ta spend another $6 ta replace aur bulbs again.- Thank you very mucb for reading this letter I feel better already. By the way, -I did report this to the police but I dont know if that will do any good, tbey bave ta catch tbem in the act. If you want to print any of this, please don't put our namne in the printing because I still don't know whicb' neighbour does not like us around bere. Sincerely yours, Unhappy Citizen 'e privilege to be- here during CbrisImas and to share a testifying that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He was born nearly 2,000 years ago, that He lived then, was resurrected, and lives today *" The residents of Bowman- ville have shown a special interest in their message and botb missionaries commented on the warmth and genuine fricndsbip with wbîch they have been received. Elder Larsen went on to say, "The warmtb that radiates during the season comes from the Spirit of Christ which is in the air. At this time, more than any other, people tbink of others and try to express, either in word or deed, their desitýe to make someone happy. Eider Roberts com- mented that Spencer W. Kimbail, the living prophet wbo stands as the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, made the following statement: "Christ- mas is a fitting time to renew aur desires a nd ta strengthen our determination to do al that lies within our power to make real among men the message heralded by the angels wben the Saviour was born. Let us giorify God by seeking the good, the true, the beautiful! Let us strive to establish peace on earth by exercising that same good will toward one another to which God bas shown toward us!" The rapid growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can be attributed in part to its vast missionary program. There are 18,600 young men and women who are currently serving in most countries of the free world. These younig people, many of them under 21, voluntarily give up 18 to 24 montbs of their own time and Dav their own exDense to, accept cails as mîssionaries for the Cburch. There is no professional clergy in the Church, therefore, education and. training for future occu- pations is set aside until the completion of their missions which they consider to be a privelege rather than an obligation. The Canada Toronto Mis- sion, which included most of The Canadian Steatesman, Bowmanville, December 18, 1974 5 the Ontario province, has resident of Bowmnanvilîle within its boundaries aimrox- warm wishes for a very Mierry imately 200 missionaries who Christmnas and a most joyous wil forgo Christmas at home holiday season by teaching th e this year. They extend to each Gospel of Jesus Christ. Zeni*th-mn Hearing Aids A Name YuFou Cani, Trust. And your Zenith Nearing Aid Specialist is one you con trust-to determine if a hearing aid wilI help, to ossist in selecting the Zenith aid most suitable to your needs and ?a perform ail necessary services to insure your satisfaction., And ask your Zenith Hearing Aid Specialist- about Zenith's 5-Year Af ter-Purchase Plan. Batteries for off rokes of hecring aids The quolty goes in before the nome goes rin 73 KNG ST. E., OSHAWA 725-1951 KING ST. WEST 623-5792 - St. ohn' Anlic Chrch Wishes that you and those whom you love may fi md at this Christmas season Joy, Blessings, and an - ~understanding of God's love for man inthe gift of His Son. CHRISTMAS WEEK SERVICES Sundlay, December 22 - Advent IV 8: 00 - Holy Communion 11: 00 a.m., - Children's Christmas Service 7:30 p.m. - Candlelight Carol Service Join in the singing of the old favorite Carols. CHRISTMAS EVE 7:30 p. m. - Children's Service 11:00 p.m. - Carol Singing 11: 30 p. m. - Christmas Eucharist CHRISTMAS DAY 8:00 a.m. - HoIy Communion 10:00 a.m. -Family Eucharist SUNDAY, DECEMIBER 29- CHRISTMAS 1 8: 00- Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. - Cantata "Everlasting Joy", presented by St. John's Choir "4UNTO US A BOY IS BORN, UNTO US A SON IS G[VEN" ALLELUIA ALEX McGREGOR Drugs .From lef t to right, -Eider Richard Larsen, Eider Brent Roberts and Wallace VanderKooi.