Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1974, p. 2

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The Cnad;an Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Mav 13,1974 Tom Can Re-eleced Head Ilospital Board of Directori byAnne Kent The Equipment and Fur- success. This Diamoni -At the meeting of the Board nishings Committee proudly versary was surely ; 1of, Directors of Memorial reported that it has acquired occasion. ;Hosptal, held recently at the more' major equipment. Car- A report from the1 -Council Chambers in Bow- diac arrest~ equipment, elec- Chairman stated that manville, Tom Cowan was tric beds, and isolettes f or the 1973 financing was a re-elected President and Nurser and Paediatrics difficuit job as the hosp *Caîma.WardsKave been purchased. not receive budget aý Other members of the board A new Laparoscope whicb t on a fîrm basis until 'are; J. Stutt, Vice - President; allows the doctor to provide. ber. It also stated the .W. Storks, Treasurer; N. varîous procedures with a ty of operating tbe1 ~Allison; 0. Cobban; T. Smith; imited amount of surgical without a fair coma _W, Kilpatrick, G. Schissler, J. oeig naashtcfo h aigae Pogue, L. Pown, P. Gilhooly, pinaiy adanaeosnthes, from oftb epangag K. Henry, Dr. E. L. Ewert, Dr'. rmrl datgosi h iityo elh 11.B. unieDr.A. area of special female surgery At this time the1 H.ýB Rnl, r .B. was a large and beneficial Cm te;M.T Sylvester, and A. Hooper. expenditure. Cmite r . The board accepted with Relocation projects, includ- Mr- G. Schissler, ,regret the resignation of Mrs. ing the comletion of the Kilpatrick and Dr. WiliamRudl n P drp- former Nurses Residence and Rundie, extended their he Mdca.tafReotits occupancy by health unit t i hs es The edial taf Reort were reported by the Property agencies who, thro frmteMmra optl Committee. 1973, made donations included the announcement of As announced in the Hospi- bospital and tbus pi the unfortunate passing of Dr. tal Administration's Report, funds to obtain ad, C. Austin a highly respected tbe staff of the hospital found equipment for the c and weII-iKeci pnysîcîan or it of particular pride that out of patient care. this area. t is certain that bis more serious cases were Tbe report from the absence will be feit by bis admitted and treated in our President announced colleagues and patients. facilities this year, especially adequacy of the 1960 1The Med. Staff Report was coronary cases. renorted renovations, glad to announce the addition The Public Relations dom- tions and furtber c of tbree new staff members mittee reported that the wbich must take placE last ye nluding; Dr. David . Memorial Hospital celebrated near future. An announ Mosieko General Practition- is 60tb Aniversary on March concerniag the centra. er in Bowmanville, Dr. Wil- 26, 1973 by sponsoring a dinner of the Ambulance liam KeanÇ, Dentist, wbose at' wbich Dr. Keith Slemon Branch of the Miniý practice is being conducted in erformed the duties as spea- Healtb at Osbawa( the Medical Building in Bow- C~r wt i sa ra optlwsas nl manville, and Dr. Rodney wibbsuulgatHptawaaso c McArtbur, whose practice in Dentistry is located in New- Annunemet ervice for Rotarians e l DU CeM nt Roavls kwa LwM u ld find idivid Dr. K. W. EIIiott nas foined Dr. J. A. Higginson and Dr. R. S. Warren in practice at the Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Elliott g raduated in 1969 trom the Ontario Vet- erinary College and has been in practice, in Sunderland, -Ontario since that time. treated to an address by one of their own members, Forbes Heyland. Mr. Heylaad, edu- cated la Toronto, was a member of a lumber and pulp wood compaay for 16 years before coming to Bowman- ville, where be went into the orchard business, just west of Pine Ridge Scbool. He was the first agricultural representa- tive la this area, served on the board of education, and is a member of Trinity United dhurch. .Mr. Heyland told the club, that of the four sections of service among Rotarians, the second was "bigb ethics and service" - putting Rotary to work, where you work. Many people, bie continued, are too much inside their businesses to take a look atthemseives. He recommended that these people sbould witbdraw to take a look at their empioyees, customers, and competitors. The resuit being tbat tbev SUNDAY, MAY l2th! * SEE OURN COMPLETE SELECTION 0F N :~ H GIFT BOXES M jCHOCOLATES, FANCY CANDIES N N ENGLISH TOFFEESN 1 FRESH FROMN -le SMILES 'N CHUCKLES m **BRONNLEY GIFT S0AP ... *N * Fragrancesan Gift Sets*N * * Jly Chanel. Yardley, Dana ..*. FREDERICK'S PHARMACY 0 67 King East 623-2546 Bowmanville NA men ne es Sd Anni- a fine Finance it during arather spital did i pproval Septem- difficul- hospital mittment mxcy, the Finance Cowan, Mr. W. H. B. ir thanks ns and oughout ito the provided Iditional carrying ie Board 1the in- wing. Lt reloca- changes ce in mte icement -lization Service istry of General cluded. )f woiu iin, iniujv iauais as wortby as themselves. Mr. Heyland also stressed the necessity of competition. "Good Faitb" is the Spaaisb laterpretation of the second section of service. Mr. Hey- land cautioned that poor merchandise, misleading ad- vertising, and fine priating on contracts, guarantees, etc. providing loop holes, were caused by people who were not vocationally trained. Rotarian Forbes Heylaad was initroduced by Dave Higgon and thanked by Ross Strike. Asks Coun cil (From Page One) conducting studies. He told how the Oshawa Shopping Centre hurt' the downtown area for a period of years, and that a shopping centre la Bowmaaville near the 401, where permits are easier to âttain, would do the same to the downtown core of Bow- manville.' He stated that Bowmnaiviile was a, bedroom area for Oshawa, and this development would, aid the cause developing the comn- munity. doua. Kirk Entwisle replied to Mr. Swartz by saying that the Building Inspector had advised council that the pro- g osai had conformed to the buililg byiaw, and lhe didn't see how the permit could be refused. Council thon concur- red that for a deveiopment of such magnitude, it was mov- ing la a positive, direction at a reasonable speed. James Robinson of Castaldi Real Estate, the firm wbo bas the contract to lease the new compley, stood before council twice. First, presenting a C eition of namnes of 'local usinessmea to show that there was support from the dowatowa core for such a complex.- Mr. Robinson approached couacil again at the end of the deputations to ask them to waive the study of the wbole downtown core la coanection with the complex. To a comment by Mn. Robin- son, that things maiy be moviag slowly, councîl ex- pressed its disapproval of being chastised for sometbing that was moving at a better than normal speed through council. The complex wouid consist of two undergrouad parking lots, a number of retail outlets on the main floor, where a theatre with a stage will be located. The second floor will be office space, and then sevea storeys of apartments. The complex will bouse 56 apartments. The heigbt will be 57 feet. Mr. Swnrtz stated that this represented the only difficulty la that the building bylaw stated that no building could exceed 35 feet in height. Council voted to endorse the Dlanning advisory committee recommendation to withhold any decision pending study to determine thbe answers to some of their questions. Expect Election (From Page One) Two opposition parties'have already chosen their candi- dates. Douglas Moffat, an Orono Public School principal will be campaigning for the New Democratic party and the incumbent member Allan Lawrence is reported to have given assurance that he will again be seeking the Progres- sive Conservative nomination. As of this date, the Liberals have chosen no one to repre- sent them and no announce-, ments have been forthcoming of any interested citizens, who will be seeking the nomina- tion. However, once the elec- tion is announced, this situa- tion cou Id change quickly. Probably the election will be fought on the government's record, with special emphasis on Finance Minister. John Turner's budget that was presented Monday night. This was the item that brought on the election because the oppo- Newly Elected, Officers of the Can ad/an Legion Thne newly electea officers ofthte Uanaclîan Legion Brandi 178, Bowmanville for 1974-75 are, front row, left to right: Brandi Padre, Rev. R. H. Hayne, Zone Com mander Jim Sullivan, First Vice-President J. Whitney, President Stan Dunn, Past President E. R. Majer, Treasurer C. Oke, President Branch 43 Luke White; back row, left to right are executives H. Kirtley, R. Pin gle, E. Jones, R. Price, Wm. Rose J. Bruton, E. Perfect, (P. Bathgate Second Vice-President), W. Parks. Absent when the picture was taken are Third Vice-President J. Fair and Secretary Lucy Benevides. Receive Masonic 50-Year Jewels An impressive ceremony took place at Durhiam Mas.onic Lodge No. 66 in Newcastle Village last night when three 50-year jewels were presented -to members of the lodge. Unfortunately, one of the recipients, Canon John Bonathan of Monjreal was unable to be present. The above photo shows Worshipful Master Rober.-t Shear-er, lright, congratuIating. -the other two recipients, Charlie Moise, lef t and Harry Jose. The ac tual presentation was made during the meeting by Alex Hendry, District Deputy Grand Master. i5MerchantIsHaveSigne d Project Pride- The Bowmanville Chamber Project Prî of Commerce met Apnil 23rd Pat Gould repo. la the Flying Dutcbman Motor meeting that a mý Ina. An order for 1000 maps of held by Project the area were ordened frnm Tuesday, Apnil 16 the James Publishiag dom- show the Norwich pany to be availabie before the color drafts were p summer for distribution. the merchants ir These maps will be sold for a Phase I. As a res quarter to the public, meeting, 15. signal Chamber of Commerce Golf received in agree Day is scheduled for Jun l9th. this project, A bai Mn. S. McTavish reported to for Pnoject Pride i: the chamber that plans are up at the Royal progressîng smootbly for behaîf of the Pro B owmanviiie Weekend wbicb *dommittee, Mn. is scheduled for Juiy 18-19 and quested approval fg 2th. « tion ~wards for- th sition parties moved non confidence motions and amendments indlicating their displeasure with the budget's contents. On Tuesday in the House of Commons, the 'marriage of convenience' that has prevail- ed between the Liberals and New Democrats since the last election blew up completely with Prime Minister Trudeau and NDP Leader David Lewis taking part in a vicious debate that included much name- calling. Proposai de that the commîtfee wouid like ted to the to have Phase 1 compieted by eeting was the date set for the Bowman- Pnide on ville Weekend. Aiso a siga is to :bh, 1974 to be posted on the west wail of ifilm and Gien Rae Dainy advertising ýresented to Project Pnide and the relative volved lai phase. Mn. Gould reports that 3ut of this the generai acceptance of unes were Project Pnide is most favor- ýment witb able. President Leaving Under New Business, Mn. Raipb Whyte anaounced that he wil ho vacating the position of President of' the Chamber of Commerce effec- tive Juiy lst., 1974 due to the fact that ho and bis fnmily are moving. B." Spry, Mrs. Lawrie, M. Faryna and P. Griffin. There will be a Blood Clinic at Courtice Secondary School on Fni. May 3lst. Tbis will be open to students and area resideats. So, if you missed our last cliaic or if you will not be here for our August clinic please try to make your donation on May 3lst. Plans ut Marina (From Page One), approacb couacil for approval because of the circumstances. Council asked Mr. Gi if tbey approved the permit wbat aew standards would they be imposing. Mr. Gll repiied that the slips would be as weil constructed as tbe existiag slips. Council moved tMat the plans be sent to architect John Lang to see if any suggestions could be made to bring the plans under the standards of the building code. Tour Pothàoles (From Page One) c oncera. Lt seems tbat since, the grounds keeper, John Geboers, became iii la mid winter the maintenance of the cemetery bas been left up to the works department. Mr. Dunbam explained that be bad been unable to s pare works department men full time for work la the area. He added that the department is "just doing what bas, to be done right, now". Mfoving along _from tbe cemetery' the tour continued to the former Village of New- castle. Potholes were ever preseat during the more than somewbat bumpy ride througb the village. Mayor Rickard is reported as baving said that the roads there "are a rougb mess". Beaver Street proved a special problem with its crusbedý culverts, muti- lated road bed and sunken sections of sidewalks. The former Village of Bond- head as well as the Base Line 1{oad, and tbe east Boundary Road la Hope were visited. The tour also inspected the Orono Estates Subdivision whicb the regional bealtb board bas criticized recently as an example of poor planning due to the problems occuring from septic systems. The tour criss-crossed con- cession roads and caught sigbt of Leskard, Kendal and num- erous areas of road-line devel- opment witb wbicb Mayor Rickard was pleased. Mr. Ross stated that a new 76-home subdivision is being planned for the edge of tbe H. G. Pedweîl farm situated on the 3rd. Concession, Clark. The tour ended on Cburch St. Bowmanvîlle, after baving travelled 150 miles. We are most certainly pleased with the concera shown by some of the members of the Couacil but wish that perbaps a few more had atteaded, especialiy those who bave objected most strenuously about the impov- erished road conditions. Ail is well though as road and sidewalk conditions are said to take top priority of the problems in our new munici- pality. YELVERTON. Local University students - Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wilson and Mr. Ian Page bave completed their term at their respective universities and wîll aow be in a position-to relax (?) for the summer., The Lake Scugog Softball Association is scheduled toget uaderway next week, Suaday May 12, at 2 p.m. The Janet - Velverton team meets last years trophy winner Burketon at Janetville Park for their first encounter. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bristow and family bave moved into the former residence of Gary's mother ia Yelvertoa this week. WXY,,îome back home folks. Miss Darlene Malcolm is "earning a reputation for ber ni Pr in el that prepared the cc This w'as passed Chamber. Mn. Goul ;àk ac couat-- .s being set Bank. On ject Pnide ould ne-. for appreci- le Students olor drafts. d by the ild reported B3lood Donor Clinic Doesn'ItReach Quota weno coliected. This is under the quota of 250 pints per ciinic. The Pine Ridge Kinsmen and Kinettes provided trans- portation, helped with ioading and did clerîcal work. Thoy also looked after the pubiicity for Clarke Township. Those la attondance were Murray Tay-, lor, Tom Barry, Tony Mit- chell, Don Hyland, Joan Rarris, Jon Hyland, Sheila Dadson, Josie Roberts, Gail, Osmond, Rosemnny Hartwig, Linda Taylor and Nancy Barry. The rest beds were la the cane 'of Mrs. Rèhder, Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Diiiing, Mrs, Haick, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. dole, Mrs. Buttery, Mrs. Truli, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. Jessup, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Coyle, Mrs. donnons and Miss Hamilton witb Dr. Ferguson beiag on cail. The Ton Rooma was, ably looked after by the Lionettes including Nellie Dilling, Greta Brown, Ev Duna, Myrtie Marsden, doileen Lusb, Blle Kemp and Shirley Fraak. Mnny awards were given. For 5tb. donation: A. Knetsch, M. Wind, P., Nowlan, . Dickson, R. Rigby, A. Hui- gens, G. Lowery; ltb. dona- tion: 0. dowle, M. Molioy, K. Rowe, R. Barrett, G. Rundie, j. Zondervan, R. Hadley, T. Vanderspruit; 20th. donation: A. Blanchard, J. Manuel, S. Living;- 25th. donation: C. Henning, D. Pruner; 3tb. donation: J. Sikma; 35th. donation: C. Nash, W. Buma; 4th. donation: R. Coombes; 45th. donation: G. Morris. The members of the local branch in attendance were K. Scott, H. Rudeli, J. Browniee, The Bowmanvilie and Dist. Bn. of the danadian Red Cross Soc. held its 2nd. Biood diinic of the year on Wed., May lst. at the Lion's 'Centre. The weatber was good but the turnout of dunurs, was only pretty gond. A total of 216 plats Pw-"lan Open Meeting at McLaughlin Gallery The public is invited to an open meeting of the Women's Committee of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery at 1.30 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, 1974. This meeting will take p lace in the Gallery and will feature a special showing of the film "West Wind" devoted to the works of the Group of Seven. This film was made in the 1940's and contains inter- views with the late A. Y. Jackson and others. A highlight of the open meeting will be a report by Master Danny Stinson also observed a birthday with a party on Sunday at bis parénts the Dale Stinsons. Mr. Rae Malcolm will be recognizing his four score and second on Friday,oMa y lOth. Congratulations to ail and sunclry. Lt would be difficult to put into printed word fit for a famiiy newspaper (rated G) our current thouglits on the current state of the weather. At the time of writing - Sunday evening, the ground is al1 covered with snow and baby lambs and calves shiver in the untimely cold.- Did, you ever try to corral black calves on a dark night? Joan Murray, newly appoint- ed director of the Gallery. Mrs. Murray will present a Preview of the coming activi- tieso the Gallery with a rua. down of tbe fortbcoming shows for the 1974-75 season. Miss Cheryl Clarke, tbe new Educëation anrd Extension offi- cer of the Gallery will talk about the activities of the doceats, the very active boan program to schools and espec-- îally interesting will be ber report of the summer activi- ties to be held at tbe Gallery. Support your Gallery and come aloag on May 9 to meet the new staff and get involved la tbe future. DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES BELL CANADA BUILDING OSI-AWA CENTRE - OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON F. SEDGEWICK, C.A. BURT R. WATERS. F.C.A. PHONE 728-7527 Public Heoring OTTAWA, ONT. JUNE 4, 1974, 9:30 A.M. The Canadian Radio-Television Commission will hold a public hearing in the Centennial Ballroom of the Talisman Motor Inn, 1376 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ont. to consider the following matters: OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE, WHITBY;.ONT. Pine Ridge Cable~ TV Liniited, î3 ~King Street East, Oshawa,,Ont. Application to amend its cable television broadcasting licenice'for'Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whitby, Ont. to change its rate structure as follows: BASIC CON VERTER SERVICE SERVICE Installation fee - present $9.95 -proposed no change $5.00 per converter Montbly fee - present $4.95 - proposed. $5.50 (basic &converter service) - the above rates are maximum rates, however, the, applicant proposes special rates for converters, com- mercial establishments, and these are detailed in the application. to add the distribution of: a) Public Information (local programming) on channel H to add the reception and distribution of: b) WROC-TV channel 8 Rochester, N.Y. on channel C c) CITY-TV channel 79 Toronto, Ont, on channel F d) CKVR-TV channel 3 Barrie, Ont. on channel D to change the distribution channel of: e) WUTV-TV channel 29 Buffalo, N.Y. from 13 part-time to E f) WHEC-TV channel 10 Rochester, N.Y. from 10 part-time to G Location where the application may be examined: Pine Ridge Cable TV Limited, 1353 KingStreet East, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1J4 INFORMATION ON APPLICATIONSAND IIEARING_ RIOHT TO COMMENT: Are you interested in an application mentioned la this notice? If so you can comment la an intervention to support, modify or oppose the application. To do so follow this procedure. -Send a copy of your comments to the applicant by registered mail or personal delivery to be received on or before May 21, 1974. -Send another copy to the CRTC to be received by this same date. -Be sure to attach your postal or messenger receipt to the copy for the CRTC, giving proof that the applicant has received his copy. VIEWING 0F DOCUMENTS: Anyone can view the applications at either the office of the CRTC, 100 Metcalfe Street, Room 1607, Ottawa, Ont, or at the local address given la this notice for examination of the application. PROCEDURE AT HEARINGS: Rend the CRTC Rules of procedure to find out the rights and obligations ofthe parties to a hearing. Copies are available from Information Canada. INFORMATION: For additional information on the applications at the hearing, please contact the CRTC la writing or by phone 613-992-6240 or 996-2294. Guy Lefebvre, Director-General of Licensing CRTC - Public Notice 1974-26 TOWN 0î F NEWCASTLE Special Garbage Pick-up Within the Limits of the Former Town of Bowmanville. NORTH SIDE 0F KING, STREET Monday, May i 3th Tuesday, May l4th SOUTH SIDE 0F KING STREET Wednesday, May i Sth Thursday, May i 6th Have your extra trash, trimming etc. placed out on the boulevard for this special pick-up by 7:00 a.m. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works

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