Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Apr 1974, p. 4

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4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 10, 1974 ELIZABETH VILLE ('hurch services were held. The communion service was held as well as the Reception of confirmation candidates. ,Mr. Carmon Bell opened the services. The choir sang under the leadership of Mrs. M. Cruise. Rev. J. A. Ramjit sDoke on "When Jesus Royally entered Jerusalem." Misses. imd Scott, Brenda Finniè, 'Cherle Davis, Wendy White, Mr. David Walker and Craig Watkins were candidatesfor the confirmation reception. Communion services conclud- ed the service. Don't forget the Good Fni- day Services at Welcome at il a.m. Rev. Harold Lackey will be our Easter speaker. On Satur- day our Hope Library Branch of the Ontario Regional Lib- rary opened in the basement wH R ,E O O YO IIA E of Garden Hill Church. Mrs. C. Elliott is the librarian. About 80 books were lent out. The library will be open three days a week. Tues: 2-5 p.rn., Thurs. 61-9 p.m., Sat. 1-5 p.m. 1 ýTO NCUS KE OKDAT On Wednesday our Women'sTWNCUSO DCOE Institute beld their April d%- d mneeting and the ladies quilted P v RFe PICNIC STYLE a quilt which was made, as a project, out of scrap pieces lb that Mrs. G. Morris gave us SH 4%OmL1 i some time ago. It was, also (SLUCED PORK SHOULDERS lb 8 re-election of officers. Mrs. Ross Leatty presided. Several BURNS CAMPFIRE BRAND, RIND ON, ACTION PRI items of business were attend- over and presented the slate of S I E CUTS 6 officer presented by the nom- B O B y The Ib inating committee. Ail were re-elected except the convenor A 0Pic of the Familyand Consumer S RNNAAACuATO RCD Affairs; which was chariged XBAD IGR CO CTNPIE! from Mrs. longyear to Mrs.P à L1Sw1 H. Muldi7ew. We were al reminded to send in our P L S I 88 reports before the district annual at Perrytown. SA E b Misses Debbie Ingram, S__au___ 8______ Marlene Beatty, and Mr. Bill W e er2lbVcac$.4 Sheppard attended the Action S N e e s2l . . 14 Day in Orono under the 4-H MAPLE, LEAF Agricultural Clubs resently. Mr. and Mrs. R. White W ieners I-lb Vac Pac arrived home last week. MVrs. ______________________ D. Harry and family met them at the airn ort. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mercer had ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. CAIBEA 2/ Ibs. M. Pattison, ber aunt andCAIEN brother Mr. and Mrs. R. Frozen Shrump 61TO7 pk. $3.89 Pattison and family, Cobourg, RUPERT, BRA ND, FROZENCUN last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew Cod Fish & C S 20-.z pkg 99 ha r n r.R. Avery's C isy~ ,and family, Oshawa, last RUPERT BRAND, FROZEN, HOME STYLE Sunday. Fih 2.o pg Mr. and Mrs. C. Beatty had Fs Cakes 1-zpg9 MVr. and Mrs. B. Burton on GOLDEN SKILLET, FROZEM' Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. J. iiarkwell called througb the Chickcen Cutiets 1b $1 .08 week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crombie and boys, Bowmanvîlle, were witb Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer last Saturday. New residers at the old Herb Trew farrn Mr. and Mrs. Butcher were la the village on Saturday looking for Mapl Syrup and were directed to the Wlker farm. Mrs. Ken Trew is having a quilting today. Mrs. H. Mul- drew had one last Monday and liad Mesdames W. Aiken, W. Longyear,, L. Cann, C. Beatty and Ken Trew. Easter is a busy imeý in our S N I H cburcb. We are happy to welcome back the Rev. L. Bigby and hope for contîaued good bealth to is family. L QF " Our Good Fniday service will be beld in Tyrone cburcb 2F-1PLSI O L at 11 a.m. Easter Sunday will be Confirmation in botb churcb- es. The Senior Class led the Palm Sunday service for the Sunday Scbool. A scripture play and a filnistrip entitled 'Hosanna' helped bring to life the hapenngs of the first Palm S=dY.0 Next Sunday (Easter) in- stead of Sunday Scbool, there will be a Sunrise Service at 8 ar.at Tyrone Mill Pond. This service will be led by tbe Intermediate Class and their teacher, Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. eti. Mns. Elsie Roy -visited berCh c es Lo motber, Mrs. Cliff Harper, ST RJANE PARKER Congratulations to Mr. and Rii i ul8 Mrs. borne McCoy of Brooklin JANE PARKER tieth wedding anniversary on A&P WEO HAS Chocolate Brownies 15 oz foil Apn. 12. A FINE SELECION JANE PARKER, JELY TOPPED Weekend visitors 1o f Mr. and 0F FLOWERS Sweet Roils Pko Mrs. Lloyd Smith were Mr. FOR EASTER JANE PARKER and Mrs. Lew Rundle, Mn. and We offer for your Fotdo ,Mns. Don Smitb and Dana, ,election a 'very at- FotdBail Donuts k Mr. and Mrs. borne Crago and tractive varety of PLAIN OR WHEAT family, ,Mr. and Mrs. Elton Freeli Easer Fowers TwnRls f1 Broc k and family all of featuring Easter hutes, T i ol pkg of1P Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Hyran9eas,. Azaleas. PLAIN, POPPY SEED,,SESAME SEED Tom Hoar, Pontypool, Mr. and Also Fresh Cut Fîowers. French Rolis pkg of 10 F Mrs. Mervin Smith and fam- iiy, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. LPRCSHONITISA Bill Cowling, Janetville. The Smitbs are busy preparing for their sale on Saturday. E ~ ~ ~T4I.1i~'L. I [I [. I 'I [Uk~I*) n C4?.~.5I.1U I 'I*I i 141 IL' I 'I

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