The Pontypool U. C.W. had a novel and interesting meeting for April. Starting at 5 p.. ýnd at 15 minute intervals thereafter, cars left the Church for a tour of new homes in the Community. The first stop was at the home of Mýr. and Mrs. Fred Youngman a.Manvers Station, where t<)mato juice and crackers wei(re served. Then on to the homne of Mr. and Mrs. Harry \VanWieringen on the 2nd Concession where Mrs. Van- W-%ieringen served assorted sandwiches. From there we went to the home of Mr, and Mrs. George Van Dam, Sr. on old Highway 35. Mrs. Van Dam served fruit bread and punch. The next visit was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley on Highway 35, where Mrs. Bradley served tea and an assortment of cookiesand squares. The final stop xvas at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clittord Fallis on Concession 3 and Mrs. Fallis served 'cherry cheese cake. rhe first cars returned to'the Churchi where Mrs. Fisk conducted contests and a film xvýýas shown while they waited f or everyone to returo to the Church for our Easter meet- ing9. Approximately 50 people toured the homes and it was a very successful venture for ouwr group, as this was the f irst fline we had ever atternpted such a programni Th'le Easler meeting took place ai the Clîurch with an attendance ut 42. Mrs. Fisk a;skced Mrs. Ficko to lead us in a sing song. Mi-s. Fisk then opened the meeting with a poem "Son ut Man". Mrs. Finney was in charge of the devotional. We sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away", PflOwc(l by scripture reading and a poem "Cruciied". Mrs. Michýel sang a solo 'Thine is the Glory" in hier native French. We sang "Jesus 1 my Cross have Taken" and anoth- e poem "If 1 Forget" was read. We ciosed wth prayer. The collection was takeni and f he offertory sung. The minu- tes ut' theIast meeting were ,read and approved. A short business period took place. The Tupperware Party held last rmonth was most success- fui.* Moved by Mrs. Lethangue and seconded by Mrs. Challice thlat weu change ournr eetings -romn Wednesday evenings tu Thur sday evenings. We will be holding a Bazaar and Bake Saýle on Saturday, April 20, and il is expected that this wl include a Fashion Show also. 'Ihere will bie a bus trip lu 'lo runtu on Thursday, dune 6. MVrs. Murphy read two pumsU.C.W. Gardi.nt" and "Scaf i1er Seeds ut Kindne(ss". read and a report made oni the vutstanding balance un our washrooms. Mrs. Challice gaýve us a talk on Builders uf Peace. Mrs. Anderson sang a solo Near tu the Heart ut God. Mrs. Ficko gave an informa- tive talk un Camp Quin-Mo- Lac, a schuol for leaders for U.C.W. groups. This is held every year on the 2nd weekend ut September. Mrs. Ficko is well qualificd tu speak, as she attended the school last year and reported ilto luie must worthwhile,. Mrs. Challice, MesIu. Finney, Mrs. Y. Fallis a iid Mis . G. Fallis presented a humorous skit on Camp Quin- Mo-Lac, which was composed by Mrs. Aula Hopkins ut Peterborough. Our guests trom Kirby and Ballyduff expressed their thanks lu us for inviting them tu the meeting.- At Iis time, Mrs. Challice presented unr five hostesses wth a smailltokenout unr appreciation for ail the work they had dune, and for letting us visif their five lovely humes. 1Mrs. Yvonne Fallis was honored by everyone singing i lappy Birthday, and a beauti- fuilly decorated birthday cake was presenited t lier, A grant in the, amount ut $1,100 will go tu the 2 & 4 Nelson Seniors ut Bowman- ville, Ontario, who have ce- quested a grant to equip a o cmmon room o f their ùna î lousing Complex as an activity and recreational centre for the elderly resi- dents and other retirees ut the deighbourhood through the purchase ut games equipment arnd craf t materials. The iproîect, entitled will involve 4peufple, and is under -the sponsorship ut the 2 & 4 Nelson Seniors. 1For turther information, please contact: Mrs. Doris M. Holroyd, 2 Nelson Street, Apt. 909, Bowmanville, Ontario. As the pioneers of 100 years ago, today Canadians wiII celebrate the rich heritage and trad ition of Easter. And at Dominion you'Ii find the finest selection of your favourite Easter foods . . . tender, tasty hams, fresh produce and much more. Switch to Dominion this week. . it's truly Canada's Easter Essex Rhades - Frozen CANNTHA DINNER ROILS Dominon -Fanc - OozenRichmello - Ofefl RASPBERRI ES 5oz U Hot Cross Buns Doe -hIn Ils Dwn Juice -Sliced Ocean Spray- Whole or jelliel PINEAPPLE 1 "-oCranberry Sauce Reynolds - 12" 2 f.Ail Purpse - Pax FOIL WRAP Ri STUFFING Libby's -Mixed Delsey -A4setd Calaurs- VEGETABLES ln 2 3L~ aheo i Bab, Scott - Overnight Disposable ClbHue-Ln Pc DIAPERS 12 f8 C~bjIe~ jsPc Damino1oz 9 Del Monte - Fancy MIXED NUTS Tin' . I9 U Green Beans, Ridgways - Orange Pekoe e Food Wrap TEA BAGS P,105.15, GLAD WRAP Village-Pure o3 2fi o Village - Calaured - Soft VEGETABLE OIL ïl 12 MARGA RINE Richmello - Scone or f HhinýFoe-Pel DinnerRoils Pkg. --c HglnrFae-e Dine oIs of 12 SHRIMP Prepared Mustard Pack 8 FI. Oz. à%C Conta inerU3z Cedarvale A Seat ood Sauce8aZ Curify- Baby m 51or"O SHAMPOO Cnil F ie el 24Doz. 47 Pkg. o 141f. -2-Ply 2 Rail ;SUe PIC.. 41C k- Muazanilla ail az Jar -Seas soned0C Sfi. oz. Tin 14-2C Pkg ai2 Q 8az. Cants ld & Cleaned 12 oz. Pkg. Ricnmello - Plain- Process Singles 80 oZ. Cheese Suices Pkg. Beef& Egg - Beet & Kidney' Liver& Bacon or Quarlet - Derby DOG FOOD "z Multiple Vilamins ONE-A-DAY 52egG 28' Bf Iaif 9 7 100 Tablets .11 B] ~.:1s{.1IJ ~ h i -~ ;1I.] ~1Uf.~ - Canada No.i Grade Produce of lsrael 5 lb. Bag I e Size 105%s Fresh Arrivails Jaff Ornge dozen EASTERSTORE HO 'URS Mon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Closed Good Friday, Sat. 8.30 a. m. , m.. i i Blade Bone Removed ROASLB 94c BLADE STEAKS L.9 Bane In RUMP RIOASTS LB. 1.28' Maple Leai and" DOMINION WINERSp 7 O Maple Leaf -8 SKINLESS SAUSAGEP S 8 Bittner's Mild 8 c SMOKED WIENERS 88. Alpine Brand - Frozen HAMBURG PAlTIES Box. .8 Bttner's - Small - Smoked PORK-SHIOULDERS LB. Eversweef- Rindless; BeREAKuFAST BACON k: Mapl1e Lea- -Rinidless BREAKFAST BACION P: 9 5 Meaty-Frozen BREASTS .19 Nabisco -Cereal SHREDDIESrý loc 24 oz. Pkg. Plain or Ripple - Prepriced 69* - Humpty Dumpty POTATO CHIPS 8 P Bick's - SweetÈ Chase & Sanborn -Double Blend INSTIANT CFE Krafi Brighï9s -- Fanfcy TO ATOJUi OZ. 4a. 32 fi1. Dz. Jar 10 oz. Jar 15.5 Dz, Pkg. 48 fI. oz. Tin c 5s~ Aï Diet or Regular PEPSI-COýiLA 26 fi. oz. NRB. Values effective until closing, Tuesday, April 16, 1974 1 19