Thursday, December 20 December Station Tested Boar Sale at the R.O.P. Test SSeason's Cheer p Wishing you the Smerriest Christmas îi ever! OSHAWVA STRACTOR iï SALES SBowvmanville ~ . "Île That joliy gent s heading your way with lots of good Wishes for you and yours from us. We 7 hope your Christmas is the merriest vet! ~ MEN'S WEAR LTD. AND STAFF 17 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE Dis abled Worker Drives Bulldozer Station, Waterloo, starting at 2.00ffi.m. Wednesday, January 2-4 - Ontario Agricultural College Annual Agricultural Confer- ence, '74. Program includes: January 2nd, Pesticides and Enviroument Program, Agri- cultural Out-look Program. January 3rd. Food and Con- sumerism Program, Size Fin- ance and Control of Farms Pregram, Pountry Industry School. January 4th, Coping witb Stress In Today's Farm- ing Program. Friday, January 4 - Durham Ceunty Soif and Crep Im- prevement Association Aun- ual Meeting at the Cavan Hall, startinig at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, January 8- Annual Pesticide Conference at the University cf Guelph. Monday,. January 14-16 - Ontarie Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Anniual Convention at the Four Seas- eons Iletel, Toronto. Monday, January 14-18- The 1974 Southwestern Ontaneo Farmer's Week, at the Ridge- tewn -Cliege cf Agricultural Technelogy. Tuesday, January 15-17 - The Central Ontario Agricul- tural Cenference, te be held at the, Ontario Gevernment Buildings, Lindsay, with pro- grains on ahl three, days running 1 frem' 10: 00 a.m. te 3:30 p.m. Thursday, January 17 - Herse Day Program at the Kemptville College of Agricul- tural Technelogy. January 22 & March 12 lnduct. Three New Lions Club Mem bers Harold Walter Gibson, Larry Taylor and Larry Shank listen to the Lions' Code of Ethics as they are inducted i nto the Bowmanville Lions Club Monday night. Dec. loth. They were welcomed into the club by the members following the induction ceremony and were imnmediately assigned to club committees. Photo by Bill Arnott Tentatuive dates for a Hegional Beef Feedlot Operaters Sem- inar. Location and time te be announced later. Tbursday ,, January 24 January St' tien Tes ted Boar Sale at tbc R.C.P- Swiue Test Station, Waterloo. Sundax. Januarv 22 - Farm Safety Association ef Ontario Annual Conference at bbc Toronto Airport Hilton Hotel, M'ississauga. Menday, January 28-29 Ontario Soif and Crop Im- provement Association An- nual Meeting at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. lt's Christmas once again! May the season bea truly Jo ous one for you, our many fine custoirncrs. ~ Thankyou for your loyal patronage. Towne Used Furniture iiv-- STEET OWMAVILLE 'I'HIS CHRISTMAS THINK CHRISTOLOGICALLY This Cblristmas we wbo caîl ourselves Christians ceme face te fae, wti the gîreat event of the birfb cf Jesus Christ. Thaf God should come te save man is an -astounding Gospel. That Ged should somnehow unite Himself with man even in the elemenfary stages o! zygate, embryo, fetus and new-born baby is an even more astounding identification witb the needy. The incarnation and birtb of Christ should remind us of at least three things. First, t1hat man is litile lewer tbap the angels., Secondîy, that man was always meant te become eue wîtb God and that forever, and tbirdly, that conception and birth have about tbem mysterieus deptbs and frails o! gluiy whiclîmna ignores at the price of treating bimsclf as little higher than the animaIs. This Christmas we in the Churcb must face our involvement in the easy abort ion climate that is new witb us in Canada. As Christians, wc cannot approacb our task from any point cf view other than that et a Christian view cf man. Mac is more than a cemplex chemical machine; be is, or bas, a seul, and presumably, if be is or bas a seul from the earliest stages of fetal developmcnt, then, as a feune is a primordial person wbose life, cannet be taken witb impunity. The scriptural statement on our problem is found in Psalm 139: 13-15: "For tbou didst form my inward parts. Thou didst coverci me in my mother's womb . .. My frame was net hidden from thee, wben I was made in secret and curiously wrougbt in the lowest parts e! the eartb." (This last phrase, "lowest parts of the eartb", is a Hebrew expression te describe the dark interior o! tbc womb.) Here the psalmist is principally ceucerned te confess the divine omniscience. Even before he knew God. God knew bim; even before bis eyes opened on the ligbt o! day, while be was still being marvelouslv fermed in the womb, Ced was there. But thougb the trust cf the passage is pî'incipally te confess a truth about Ged,.it tacitly confesses a trutb about the psalmist, namely that he regards himself as hax îng been a self even before beý was conscieus e! bimsel!. 1, the person, was covcred by' thy baud, oh Lord, in my mother's womb; I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the muner recesses of my mobher's body. Wbile this gives us ne precise informlation about flic relation cf the seul te the fetus, it seems that bbc psalmîst did net thînk o! bis humanity as unîqueîy tied te the moment cf birfh. The uncertainty still prevails ameng many, modemn Christ ian thinkers, and perbaps if always will. The phenomena e! self-consciousness - bc rational, ethical, and religieus experience o! the buman I are net in evidcnc'e prier te birfh;, but te say fbey do net exist, even in the earliest stages cf fetal develepment, is te say more than we know. A person wbo is sleeping or uncensciaus is a person still, though bc gives ne express evidence of if. And se if may be witb the fetus. At ieasf we eau say that a fetus is a potectial persen, and maybc a primordial persen, that is, a person ic the most elcmentary form. We do nef judge that a persen who is in a coma bas ceased te be a person. If we have doubfs about tcrminating bbc lite of eue wbo bas lest bbc ability te ive and act as a human subjeef, because be may stili be a human subjeef, sbould we nef hesitate just as mucb te ferminate the lite of -one who dees nef y et have the abilify te live and acf as a human subjeet? Iu tact, it weuld seem that ability lest, the "buman vegefable", can, make less dlaim te respect and reverence than ability in prospect, tbc 'buman fIctus". This Cbrisfmnas we should think et Jesus Christ and cet of wbat the swinging intcllingcntsia wants us toecebo about abortion, cuthanasia and work. Let us tbink o! Jesus Christ. Let bbc ceming ycar's decisions about abortion and other centroversial issues folîow a biblical theological undcrstacding et God's purpese for Mac. Rev. N. W. flake, Minister, Tricîty Unitcd Cburch. rocf' at the age of nine and grabbed an overhead wire in au effort te save himself. The xire wxas a higb voltage fine that fed hydre into his home to\x nof Chapleau, Ontaric and -neigbbors had te knock him loose w îth a pole. One vear later he was outfitted witb a s'eet heek. Anether year passed before tbe second w as fitted te bis right ferearm. At tbe age cf 15, Mr. Edw ards dropped eut cf school anîd during the next few y cars a succession et jobs followed. Then the man \vhn surv txed several thousand v olts of electricity with the loss of both bauds obbained a job wibh Ontario Hydre where he worked 15 years as a fork lift operator. 'It was a dead-end job," he recalled. -1 had ne ambitions about becemning a lineman, I already knew ah I1 wanted te kuew about hydre hunes. There tidu't seem te be any chance et adx ancemeut se in 1968 1 (luit and hum mcd areund for a \ eau'. Mr. Edwards' family was growing aud if became time, lie decided, te get back into the labor ferce. But this proved more dittîcult than lie susper ted. Canada Manpower counsel- lors referred bim te jo-bs ,but ne eue appeared willing, te take, a c-hance on a man xith two artificial bauds. Be becamne accustomied te the sbuu'ilcd looks and the rejec- tiens. The job bad already been promised te some guy w ho applîed earlier, was the standard response. Sean Pollock, a Canada \lIanpow er counsellor at the 200 Dundas Street East Cen- tre. i emembers Ernie t'cw ards x ery well. -l interviewed bim. Be was extremeix trustrated... aigitated by the treatment be received from employers. He said be wanted a job or job training." M\r. Edwards picked up a peu from the desk and deftly completed the registratien torm. Be said be wanted a course in beavy equipment Dperating. Be was tested on a bulldozer at Sheridan College and accepted fer training. -Under the Canada Manpow- er Training Program, Mr. Edwards received about $122 a week duriug the 13 week course. "But just because you can eperate heavy equipment deesn't mean yeu can get a job," be said. Several mocths of unemployment and .a lot more startled looks and cm- barrassed rejections followcd. Then this faîl the CMC counsellor referred him te a job at Priestly Brothers, a laudscaping and construction cempany in Aurora. "l télephoned the boss, Vic Priestly, and he told m;e te comne eut and have a chat witb biim," said Mr. Edwards. "I bad my bauds in my peekets as usual but when wc got into a truck together 1 had te take oee aud eut to epen the passenger door. Mr. Priestly looked but he didu't say anytbing. Agricultural News Best Wishes f rom Staff and Management L L<OOL LIMITED MEAzROUT Simpson Ave. Bowmanville -~ ... In.thes .toitheseas.n In hespri ofth sasnmay you greet friends o]d and nw ishing them al the blessings that the Yu]etide brin gs. May you be surround- ed by your loved ones as you en - FO VROEA joy the gifts piled high around Mother Mod Materials your tree. In other words, mayAN your Christmas be truly merryl Ski*d Robnes 80 KING WEST - BOWMANVILLE Section Three The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 19, 1973 5 D Mistîetoe is almost neyer 0 P R Pp 0 R T ne of the greens used in The New~castle Detachment ture rises. Stopping on ice at cthrh dcatisbecase of tbe Ontario Provincial 32 degrees takes twice as long hrd aaw as tbn oft Police investigated the follow- as it does at zero. ee aaa the badge e ing motor vehicle collisions the Druid. 1ýJ ,Ug 3u and occurrences during the1à week of December 3, 1973 to MlttT 1~r. December 9, 1973. â ~ â I M 1Txwenty motor vehicle collis- which five persons were injured. As a resuit of these TU collisions, six charges have been laid under the Highway Traffic Act. The Newcastle officers aise completed 82 investigations cf a general nature. Some of these occurrences are as follows: One investigation involved the offence "Break, Enter and Theft", one investi- gation involved the offence o!f Attempt Theft" and three___ investigations involved the offenÎce of -Theft". There were three investigations in- e- velving the offence o! 'Tres- pass' and three investigations . involvin g1 the offence of -Wil- fui Damage".. Also there was one driving complaint and one domstc omlant Here's an old-fashioned wish There \vas one investigation int the reported loss cf that's still 'right in style... may preperty and one investigation into the fînding cf property. your holidays be the merriest! T\vo charges have been laid M LY E AN STF relating te Criminal Code E PL YES NDST F ollences and seven reîating to -JThe Bowrnanville Foundrýy M Lîquor Control.Actoftences. I)rix~ ig'h:Co."Limited Driving.on Icy Roads . . Icy roads becomemr BOWMANVILLE t reacherous as the tempera- -Then 1 had te take my 11 other hand eut te close the ~ 1liI V ii~ 1 lf door fromn the inside. Mr. IUII}.)~FU UI~ Priestly looked again, but he stili didu't say anything and 1 wasn't about te ask what he was thinking. "When we reached the job site Mr. Priestly tried me eut on a bulldozer. Be simply y1 said. 'Fine, yeu'll do." Mr. Edwards, still operates heaxy equipment for Priestly Brothiers. He aIse backhoes, f dees fine blade werk fer landscdping and uses front leaders and bulldozers. V'ie Priestly said he was startled at first when he realized Mr. Edwards was a double amnputee. -I can't operate a bulldozer Ï) and here was a guy without bauds who said he could eperate one for me," he said. 'You bet 1 looked. Then 1 thought, 'If yeu're man enough te climb up there and .. work my bulldozer, you're good eneugh for me'." Mr. Priestly, who employs t semne 20 operators, added: MxteBesdSehr "On a backhoe, there's ne one arouind hiere who Can do a Iead you through the darkness tQ anv special considerations. Ite eaen.lgto i lo., expeet him te do a job cf work like anyone else." MmL D E RS FURNUTURE Ernie Edwards wouldn't w ant it any other way. 22 RING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Ernie Edwards applied for by stîckingmy hands, in my t" guess thev had their many jobs as a heavv equip- pockets white I talked to t1he problemns and didn't want ment operator but as a double boss Then he'd want to test mine,- said tbe 41 year old ampiltef' he knew the chances me on a 'dozer or a backhoje father o!f fve, of being taken on vwere slim. and I'd be in trouble as soon as Mr. Edw ards. o! Drittwood "Itried to hidemy disabilitv I pulled them out. Avenue, Toronto, feil from a