4The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 12, 1973 Items oflnrterest Phone 623-3303 Plan f0 attend the Whitby Santa Claus Parade on Satur- day.Dec. lth. starting at 10 a.m. Sixteen Floats have alread been confirmed. The Whitby Brass Banc] will lead off the parade from Denis O'Connor High School af 1, a.m. The route will take the parade east along Dundas St. to Brock and soufh on Brock f0 the Dominion Store plaza. Refreshments will be scrved by the Jaycees at the end of the parade. Among the contni- butors aready confirmcd are thie Y MCA, Ron Fawcett's antique cars, Town of Whitby, sea cadets, and a sound truck from Patterson Electronies. The Jaycees are bringing their 12-foot-high white rabbit ouf of motbballs and getting him in shape for the parade. The Canadian Puppet Fest- ival will present Pinocchio, Saturday, December 15, with two 'performances, 1.30 and 3.30 p.m. at G. L. Roberts Collegiate, Cedar Street, Osh- awa. Music will be provided by the Oshawa, Symphony TRIITYUNITED CHURCH Rcv. N. Wesley Oake Rcv. Arthur Amacher nr. John Crookshank - Minister - Assistant Minister - Organist Sunday, December 16, 1973 il A.M. - WORSHIP SERVICE Sunday School Classes at usual times 7 P.M. C.G.I.T. VESPER SERVICE A WARM WELCOME TO EVERYONE St. PauI's United Church Mnister Rev, N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., B.D. Organist Mr. R. Metcalf, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M." 11 a. m, Morning Worship WHITE GIFT SERVICE Sunday School wiII attend this service 7:30 p. m. Christmas Festival of Music Congregation is asked to be seated by 7:2.5 to facilitate televising this service. Featuring.. ST. PAUL'S SENIOR and JUNIOR CHOIRS Guests... The Golden Legionnaires Choir Band Ensemble under the direction of Elliott Tremeer ... also Organ and Piano Duet - Ross MetcalIf and Doug DewelI Orchestra. The- mailing deadline for "Out-of-Town" destinations in Canada is December 13, while "Local" mail should be sent by December 17. Rates are six cents for unsealed cards and eight cents for sealed first- class mail to ail Canadian destinations. Bowmanville Lion's Club Hockey Draw winners are; Dec. 29 - I. Hobbs, R. Bryden, Jan 2 - G. Rickard, C. Mutton, dan. 7 - R. Wright, G. Shirk, Jan. 12 K. Holms, E. Rashotte. Jr. "A" dan. 1 - B. Lyle, dan. 5 - G. Shirk, dan. 8 - D. McDonald, dan. 13- T. Johns. Prior to ber marriage to Mr. Clancey Tracey Lavender, Miss Wendy Heather McGhee was honored by several show- ers. A miscellaneous shower was bosted by Miss Wanda Elliot at which former class- mates of the bride attended. Mrs. dune James was hostess at a miscellaneous shower at whicb neighbors and family of the bride attended. Mrs. Sadie Lavender was bostess at a miscellaneous shower held at her home in Oshawa, co-host- ed by Mrs. Marilyn Lavender, aunts of the groom. A dinner party was lîosted by Mrs. Francis Nameth of Oshawa, aunt of the groom, where the bride was presented with an electric frying pay, a hand- crocheteci luncticon cloth trom Hungary, and a linen dinner cîoth. A presentation from the Courtice neighbors was held at the home of Mrs. Marie Turne y where the bride re- ceived a swag lam p and a gift of money. Co-workers at the dental office, whcrc the bride is cmployed, presented ber with a gift of crystal wine goblets. The groom was hon- ored at a party given by Mr. Charles Nameth whcre he was presented with a gift of money. In response to a growing concern on the part of Canadians planning to drive to United States destinations for the Christmas holidays, the United States Travel Service REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Sc ugog Street Phole (;2:;-1824 ex.Anthony DeJagcir SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m. 7 p.rn. Back to Cod Hour Dial 1*310 Radio .Every Sundny 10:30 a.in. 1 "Eveiryone Welcome" HARRY LOCKE ýTV 20 King St. W. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL HAYDON advises that gasoline is avail- able for such trips, Canadians are reminded however that most, if not ail, service stations will be closed from, 9 p.m. Saturday until Monday morning and are alerted to plan their stopovers accord- ingly, bearing in mind the reduced speed limits now in effect., Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers enjoyed a pre-Cristmas par- ty Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder, Brenda, Bni- an, Bradley and Leslie, Port Perry. After opening gifts and visiting ail enjoyed dinner at Conway Gardens. The Bowmanvillc Recrea- tion Department will present its annual Baton Tap and Ballet Christmas revue on Wednesday Evening Decem- ber l9tb, at 7.00 p.m. in the Bowmanville Town Hall. The Sacrament of Baptism was administercd by Rev. Wesley Oake in Trinity United Church during the morning service, Dec. 9th when Morris James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kilmer was received into the fellowship of Christs Church and Trinity congrega- tion. White Gift Sunday was observed at Trinity United Church on December 9th, with Sunday Scbool members and teachers participating in this annual event; the gifts being received by four members of the C.G.I.T. Assisting Rcv. Wesley Oake in the service were: Sharon Hammond, giv- ing the Scripture reading, and Mrs. Ron Wells told the story of "The Christmas Gift". The members of the Sunday School classes under the direction of Mrs. Wells sang "Little Lamb", with Mrs. Don Ander- son playing the piano accomp- animent. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- nethy were Wedncsday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold St. John, Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mtcalf, Caesarea wene Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy. Mrs. Patsy (Blake) Scott jodged at the Baton Twirling Competition held in Monroe Michigan on Sat. Dec. th. Uer sister Kathy, wbo is stili not twirling due to an ankle injury sustained in an August bit and run accident, acted as her clerk and brother Rusty was the ronner for ber classes. Patsy and Kathy taught Ad- vanced Solo and Struts at a clinic following the competi- tion. At the Life Underwriters dinner held in Oshawa recent- ly The National Quality Award was prescnted to George White C.L.U.of the Prudential Insorance Co. of America. The 1972 Souvenir Card, containing. ah commemora- tive and special issue postage stamps issued by Canada Post in 1972, will be on sale the second week of December in most Post Office outiets. This ycar 1 issue is actualîy an, 8-page booklet, bound in an attractive red and gold cm- bossed cover. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs., Venning, Nelson St. on the occasion of their 5tb. wedding annivcrsary. Sunday evening dinner gucsts with Mrs-. Doris Hol- royd were ber daugbter Mn. and Mrs. Hickey and familv, Hampton. Parents and school trustees will be given free access to schools under the ncw Consol- idated Education Act which was given first reading in the Legislaturc last week. Under the new Act, parents and school trustees are designated as school visitons and, will be able to visit a school at any time. The designation was previously limited t0 clergy- man and members of the Legislature. A parent will be able to visit a school at which their child is enrolled. School trustees may frcely visit any school within the board he represents. On Thursday evening, Dec. 6th.. the residents of Two and 'Energy Cri*sis' Introduction: There is much talk in oun world today about an energy crisis. According f0 tthe ncws media, if is reported that there will be many who will be cold this winter because of fuel shortage. What is the basis for oun energy? If seems to me thaf the key is oil and duc f0 the Middle-East situation this has becn withheld from the nations of thie world where the demand is greaf. If. would be qoite foolish for us anc] our governmcnts to ride gur heads and say: "I don'f sec any problem." There is a pnoblem in our secular wonld and lîke wise in trie realm ot Christianity. There can be an "Encrgy Shortage" in the spiritual lives of Christians. This is indicated in St. Matthew 25: 1-13, here Jesus told thie parable of thie ten virgins and five had an energy shortage. We offen sing with mucb gusto: "Give me oul in my lamps keep me burning, give me oil in my lamps 1 pray. " To sing these words is not enough, there bas to be practical application in oun dailylives. Is there a basis for Christian energy? Ycs, wc are told quite plainly i0 I John 3: 10-11 that the basis or the key is "LOVE". Christians cao avoid the possibility of an "Energy Cisis" within their spiritual lives by cultivafing the following attitudes: 1. An Attitude of Waiting Il. Correct Attitude of Living Il Peter 3: 10-il "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; ..............................." Seeing that al tbese fhings will be dissolved, wbat manner of pensons oughf yoo f0 be in ail holy conversation aoc] godliness," III. An Attitude of Readiness St. Luke 12: 35 "Be prepared - alI dressed and ready." (The Living Bible). .We are well aware that we are living in a sociefy in whicb the standard of living is veny higb, but standard of living anc] standard of life are poles apart as fan as mcaoing is conccrned. Therefore. as the Day of the Lord approaches we ought f0 be quite concenned with our standard of life, so that there will be no shortage on oun part when Uc comes for His Church. Due fo misuse there may be an energy crisis in our world as fan as motual needs are concerned, but there nced n0f be any energy cr1515 in the life of any Christian, "for my God will suppiy ail your needs according f0 His riches in.Glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19). We ought f0 be safisfied, content anc] well supplied, knowing that Uc who said: "My grace is sufficient for you . .(Il Cor. 12: 9) will that there be no "Energy Crisis"Ilio trie life of any boro again Christian., -Capt. Scottf Hewlett IMrs. Pearce and, Mrs. Cunningham_ of Oakville, were Sunday luncheon gucsts of Mr. and Mns. Charlie Garrard. Mr. qnd Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. Ennlskih.len, wer-- last Sonday evening call- ens at Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Graham'9. Mn. and Mrs. Cal Powers, Cooksto'wn, were Mondav, visîtors, and Wednesday visitons were Mrs. Albent Lock and Mrs. Benson, Port Hope. Mr. Russell Ormiston, Enniskillen, was Sunday .Iinnen guest of the Lloyd Ahton family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, North Bay, flew out to at- tend the Mason - Joncs wcdding at St. John's Cliurch, Bowmanville, on Satunday, and reception at the Lions Centre, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Thompsor. Bowmanvillc, were Wednesday callens at Mns. A. Thompson's. Mr. Donald Thompson, Bowmanville, Mn. Roland Thompson Hampton, eall- cd on thein mothen. Mrs. A. Thomnson. on Sunday, Mn. and Mrs. Michael Strenge of Scanborough wcre guests at the Mason- Joncs wedding on Satur- day. Mn. and Mns. J. Jones arc] family were at Mr. and Mrs. S. Mason's. Scar- bonough, for the Mason- Joncs weddirir rehearsal on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ash- ton and family. Mn. and MWrs. Mirhael Strenae wvere Stinday d i n n e r guests of Mr. and Mns. Movers Lose To .,,Lindsay Preston The Moyen Major Atoms quit skating aftcr two periods in a home league game Saturday againsf Lind- say thus extending their, defeats to seven in a row., Movers startcd strong witb Kent Wilcox gctting Movers' first goal on a backhand blooper from the bloc uine unassisted. Grant Brock put Preston up-by two finding the target assisted by don Janack and] Doug Dilling. The roof, then feil in wifh Lindsay firing in fhree unanswened goals in the third period. Movers played in'Mankhamn Sunday evening in an exhibi- tion game stinking the rink out for the first two pcriods lctting Markham buc] up a four goal lead with a complete lack of desire lrom ail Movers. Bow- manville in the third period changed things around. skat- ing, beating Markbam to the puck and being rewarded with three wcll earned goals. Captair! Paul Dadsýon finallyý rushinig from bhis own zone sctting up a pass to Doug Dilling who cleanlv heat the Markham goaler. immy AI- mond kept the drive going assistcd by Doug Dilling aoc] Paul Dadson. Dilling finished the scoring for Movcrs assist- cd by Grant Brock and Kent Wilcox. Doug Dilling broke in on the following rush cutfing across the- Markham goal crease drawing. the goaler only to shoot high and widc on a backhander. Four Nelson St. E. got together for a nice buffet supper which was provided by ail. After suppen Doris Hol- royd, on hehaîf of everyone, pinned a nice corsage on Mrs. Venning, and presented Mn. and Mrs. Venning with a thre tiered cake plate and two cups and saucers, a surprise gift fnomn No. 2 bouse. Thcy also ncceivcd a container of yellow roses from the Bowmanville Legion for their 5th. Wcdding Aniversary. The evening was speot playing Euchrc and crokinole. Everyone had a lovely tinie. Harold McLaughlin of Blackstock. Mn. and Mns. Stan Cowl- ing. Salem. wenc Saturday evening callers at Mns. Irene Tabb's. Congratulations and best wishcs'to Mn. and Mrs. B. Mason. Mn. and Mrs. B. Mason spent Sunday wlth hen parents. Mr. and Mns. J. Joncs. and lcft on Mon- day for Kingston. SDebbic Paterson had her tonsils -emnoved on Mon- day at t1he Oshawa Hospi- tal, A pot luck siiopen will be held in the Haydon Community, Centre on Saturday. Suppen at 5:30 o'clock. foliowcd bv a short program and Santa Claus. what I mean. Children today don't think of xvhy they giye gifts at Christ- mas. They only want f0, know; "Mommy, did you sec what Santa Claus broughf me this year" or "Daddy look at the train set I finally g 0f." A group of childYren that 1 teach in Sunday Scbool was asked the magical question "What does Christmas mean?" Seven out of the eleven neplied "Thaf's when Santa Claus brings you presents." Two others said, "That's when Jesus was born and the Wise Men gave hlm presents." (Thcy had attendcd the class lasf year.) by Dehbie Heard in my opinion, Christmas is too commcrcîalized. Signs saying such fbings as 'Last Chance to Boy at Sale Pnices', 'Santa Claus will be Upsfains in Toyland', 'Great -X-mas Savings', and 'X-mas Trees. $2.50 each' arc examples ot LADIES MAJOR Dec. 3,1973 High Triple Anne Caruana......... 722 High Single dackie Patfield.......... 319 Ilîgh Average Onie Etcher ............. 229 1700 Triples O. Etcher 713, M. Pernis 710, A. Caruana 722, M. Flintoff 702. 300 Games J. Paffield 319, D. King 300. Top 10 Averages O. Etcher 229, O. Patficld 228, E. Etchcr 215, S. Cain 213, C. Bowers 210, T. Forrester 209, S. Davis 208, H. Dcpcw 207, N. Evans 206, D. King 205. Top 10 Gamnes J. Patfield 319, D. King 300. H. Dcpew 297, O. Etcher 293, M. Pernis 288, J. Major 287, F. Draper 266,J. Harness 261, M. Holroyd 261,H. Rogers 257. Pee Wee s Beat Cobourg -2-0 On Saturday at l3owman- ville Arena,' Hampton Gar- dens Minor Pee Wees defeatcd Coboorg 2-0. In the first pcriod Cbuck Welsh scored an unas- sisfcd goal digging the puck oot of a scramble from in front of the net. Early in the second peniod, Darryl Joncs scorcd, assisf cd by Steve Huisman. Steve just woldn't give op in the corner aond finally kicked the puck to Danryl who scored. The defence of Simpson, Noble, Grccnham and Broome played a strong game and gave lots of support f0 goal tender Mark Shackleton. This was Mark's finst shutout of the season and it was wcll deserved ANACIN CREST 10"s Alex McGregor L-D-A Drugs Reg. $1.45 Mn n ONLY KING ST. W. 623-5792 BOWMANVILLE, Regular FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE CAL ... 100 mm 99,Art Evans 623-4566 or Mark Borutskie 623-4665 79Cç The True Christmas Spirit The othen two children offcred no comments. The children in the class are only threc years old, so j gucss that explains why tbey know, only of Santa and nothing of the sacred birtb of Christ. Even so, there Vre older children also, who know only, of Santa. Think about it next time you hear a group of children asked what 'Christmas Carol' they would like f0 sing. Thcy'll probably say the traditional, Jdingle Belîs". Debbie Heard is a Clarke High Scbool, Grade 12, stu- dent, 17 years oic]. She is the daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Elgin Heard, R.R. 2, O0rono. &.M " I ..............