Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Oct 1973, p. 10

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The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Oct. 31, 1973 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 4:30 pâm $ 5XMAS $ $ Women and men. Part-time. Earn extra money for Christ- mas, taking orders for cos- metics, toiletries, Christmas gift items and household cleaning items for Fuller Brush Compan y.No experi ence required. Write or tele- phone: J. D. Dodge, 2 Dun- combe Blvd., Scarborough, Ont (416) 267-6823. 43-2 REQUIRED by leading retail building materials outlet, Po- sition for outside and ware- house work. Permanent em- ployment, good benefits and starting salary are provided for the successful applicant. Apply in writing stating quali- fications to Advertiser 426, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 44 1 P. & R. Realty Company requires additional male and female representa- tives to assist in sales through our Bowmanville office. Enquiries strictly confidential and commission structure ex- cellently prepared. Prefer- ence given to local Bowman- ville area applicants. CALL Oshawa 576-6120396 NOTICE We intend to increase our Real Estate Sales Staff in the near future. Applications from presently licenced sales persons prefer- red, but serious consideration and assistance will be given to serious and industrious types who v4ish to make Real Estate Sales eir full time career. Plealse apply in writing only. AIl enquiries will be hield in strictest confidence. QUEENAT WALTON, PORTHOPEONT DIAL 885 4ý01 BROS. LIMITED LONG Inurance.Realtor 44-1 FEMALE Goat and twoe fe- maIe geese. Phone 983-5667. 44-1 FOUR-Year-Old qelding, hait Morgan, stand 15.3 harnds. Asking $475. For fùrthert information, 623-4656. 44-1 Farmers, Attention' DEAD STOCK SERVICE atMARGWILL FUR FARM under new management and ownership. We appreciate a call from you when necessary. Call collect 263-2721 Lic. No. 416C73 R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario R.W BOWERING LTD. 8-tf 100 ACRES of fertile land situated right in town of Bowmanville, $25 per acre. Call 623-7538. 40-tf THREE bedroom farm house, four miles east of Blackstock, $150 monthly. Please call 986-5033. 44-2 ATTRACTIVE One bedroom basement apartment, separ- ate entrance and driveway, fridge and stove included, immediate possession. Phone 623-5295. 44-1 HOUSE in Orono, three bed- rooms. Ideally situated. Call 576-6521. 44-1 FURNISHED bedroom, kitc- hen and livingroom I leges, very central location, women onlIy. Phone 623-5527, and after Nov. 2, 1-705-738-3646 collect. 44-lx FURNISHED One bedroom apartm ent, $100 monthly OFFICE space available im- mediately. Apply James In surance Agenc y, 24 King E., Bowmanville.Phone 623-5023. 43-tf FURNISHED rooms by thE month, bath, shower, TV telephone, indoor pool, saune and licensed premises. Appl Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 623-3373. 41-t ONE Bedroom upstairs apart- ment, close to downtown, available Nov. 1st, $120. mon- thly, quiet elderly person preferred. Phone 623-3951 af- ter :30p.rm. 44-2 FARM house and barn for rent, south of Blackstock, 4 bedroorns, modern conven- iences, bus route; available Nov. 15. Phone 725-3033. 44-1 GARAGE For rent, central ideal for boat storage, etc. Phone 623-5213 evenings; or 623 5252 days. 43-1 TWO Bedroom apartment, living room, kitchen, 3 pc. bath. Aduits only. Phone 623-7540, after 6 p.m. 43-1x Painting and Wallpapering. Free Estimates. Call Tom 623-7080. 44-lx WELL DRILLING. Cathmar Well Drilling Ltd., Pontypool. Phone705-277-2504. il-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tile.. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade, Tele- phone987-4531. 16-tf WATER wells bored or drill- ed. Canada Drilling Company. Phone Oshawa 576-6004. Re- presentative Harry L. Wade, Newcastle 987-4531. 22-tf INSULATION, blowing me- thod with rock wool, work- manship guaranteed, free es- timates, Sealdaire insulatign. Phone 742-0272. Representa_ tive Harry L. Wade. Phone 987-4531. 38-tf BI LL'S GLASS, and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., - Phone 623-5187 Bowmanville, Ontario Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing 17-tf If your well or cistern is dry call us for guaranteed, potable drinking water for delivery. Fast Efficient Service ACKERMAN WATER SERVICE 623-5263 434 AL. G. OSBORNE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-2002 BOWMANVILLE 31-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Address: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf VINCE MOORE (Cymru Decor) Paperhanging.- Painling - Ca rpie;àrg HOUSE RENOVATING 247 Liberty N., Bowmanville 623-3568 26ti DARLINGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEYS& FIREPLACES Phone 623-2176 49t1 BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cai623-2641 33-ti M& L BUILDING CARPENTRY RENOVATING - PAINTING TILE FLOORING ALUMINUM SIDING CONCRETE WORK FENCING - REC. ROOMS Phone 623-219644-8x Geddes Electric Renovations,- Alterations Rec. Rooms Rewiring Older Homes New Homes - Free Estimates PHON E 623-2398 44-2x Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers Phone BERT SYER Days - 623-5774 Nights - 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 1-tf Dave's Plumbing, Heating and Electrical' COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIALand' RESIDENTIAL, F R E E ESTIMATES R. R. 1 Orono 786-2471 Ernie has returned frorn holidays and has resumed his tonsorial artistry at Ernie's Barber Shop. His prices re- main the same as before the two-month vacation. 43-2 Concordia Philarmonic of Oshawa is eager to obtain musicians who play stringed instruments, flute, oboe, bas- soon and French horn. Phone 576-7951 or 723-9174. Rehear- sals Sunday evenings, 7:30, Thornton Rd. Community Centre. 44-1 433i. 3 o USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton 263-2241. 26-tf GOOD used furniture. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temp- erance St. Phone 623-4681. 40-5 RED Clover seed, directly from combine. Please bring one pound sample for pricing. Carnation Seed Store, 33 Divi_ sion St., Bowmanville. 37-tf A OO ** ar• Room & Board available for reliable person in Orono area. Write Advertiser 430, c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190 Bowmanville. 43-2 Os e s All claims against the estate of Edna P. Sylvester, late of Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durham and pro- vince of Ontario, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about 15th day of July, 1973, must be fi'led with the undersigned personal repre- sentative on or before Decem- ber 15th, 1973: thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. Dated at Bowmanville this 23rd day of October 1973. NATIONAL T R U S T COMPANY LIMITED 32 Simcoe St. South Oshawa, Ontario. (Executor) by Barber and Kelly, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 159, BowmanviiIe, Ontario, solicitors herein. 43-3 BOB and F RANK STAPL E TON AUCTIONEERS Specializing in all types of SALES and ESTATES Phone Newcastle 987-4767 or Newtonville 786-2953 16 tf WEEKLY Livestock Sales at Durham County Sales Arena Orono-Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Selling Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, Sheep, etc. Wm. Mosley, Auctioneer and Proprietor. Phone 6234685 or 983-9363, Orono. 20-tf A Flea Market'Sale is being held at Pethick's Auction Shed, Haydon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday even- ing, Nov. 3rd. Also some furniture sold by auction. We already have 10 tables spoken for this Flea Market Sale. Sale starts at 7 p.m.. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. 43 2 SPECIAL DAIRY SALE 50 HEAD EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. Consignment sale of a large selection of registered and grade springers, fresh cows and heifers. Export buyers on hand. Ail cattle are checked by a local veterinarian for pregnancy and milking sound- ness. STEVE LIPTAY Auctioneer 263-2117 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER2 1 P.M. HOLSTEIN Complete Dispersal of May gorn Holsteins owned by Gordon L Corner. R.R. 1, Oshawa Lot 6, Con. 7, East Whitby Twp. 1 mile north of Columbus, 12 miles east on Con.;8. 60 Head, 30 Registered, 30 identified grades, D.H.I.A. owner sample records. All by unit sires; 30 cows (all young cows), 30 bred and open heifers, 10 fresh or springing. This sale is called on short notice due to sickness. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge, Ont. 416-852-3524. 43-2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER3 Auction sale of 45 cattle, implements, hay and grain, the property of Ross Duff, Lot 12, Con. 2, Cartwright Twp. (21/2 miles south of Blackstock or 1 mile north of railroad tracks at Burketon, on new county road 57): 10 Charolais steers, 15 Hereford steers, 13 black and white faced steers, 5 Holstein steers, 2 cows with calves (cows due January and February); 2 W.D. tractors, Int. lift cultivator-on rubber, 2 Case manure spreaders, Allis-Chalmers mower-centre mount, Cockshutt side rake, dump rake, 32 ft. elevator, 2 wagons and racks, oiler for cattle-upright, electric emery sharpener, heat houser and umbrella, Allied bale fork, approx. 1000 bales good hay, quantity of mixed grain. The above cattle are of top quality« All steers over 800 lbs. ready for heavy feeding. Sale time 1 p.m. No reserve. Auctioneers: Ted Spencely, Bethany 277- 2989, Grant Werry, Hampton 263-2603. 43-2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Livestock, Machinery, Feed, Antique Dinner bell etc. The property of Rod Porter, Lot 14, Con. 14, Manvers Twp. Turn east for 2 mile off Highway 35 at Janetville turn (14 Con.). Including: Excel- lent herd of cows with calves at side, cows re-bred Hereford and Charolais, 7 ewes and suffolk ram, 6,000 bales hay, 1,000 bu. of oats, 500 bu. of barley, 2 tractors, full line of machinery. See bills for com plete list.' Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Auctioneers: Ted Spenceley, Bethany 277 2989; and Grant Werry, Hampton - 263-2603. 44-2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Auction Sale of Livestock. The property of George Martin, Lot 19, Con. 3, Verulam Twp. 41/2 miles east of Fenelon Falls on Count Road No. 8. 61 head of high grade Hereford cattle. 17 high grade Hereford cows due for Dec., March and April. 3 small Hereford calves by side. 4 Hereford heifers 112 yrs. old. 13 Hereford steers and heifers 500 to 700 ibs. 12 Hereford steers 10 mons. to 1 yr. old. 12 Hereford steers 12 yrs. old. De Laval pump and line for 16 cows. 2 De Laval units. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 43-2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Farm soid. AuctionSaie of Livestock and implements. The property of Jack Hood, Lot 20, Con. 3, Mariposa Twp. 8 miles west of Lindsay on Little Britain Hwy. and 2 miles south or 2 miles north of Vaientia. 32 Head of Hereford cattie. 14 mature Hereford cows with 12 Hereford caives by side, 2 Holstein cows with caives by side. 1 Jersey cow with calf by side. Bull exposed June until October. M.H. 101 Junior tractor, M.H. 81 trac- tor, M.H. 2 furrow plough, M.H. cuitivator, seed drill, Woods eIectric grinder, De Lavai separator, side rake, scuffier, sap kettie, 1956 Meteor car for parts, set of sleighs, many other items. Terms Cash.nNo Reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Sales Mgr. & Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705 324 9959. 44-2 Auction sale of private estate fron250 Olive Ave., Oshawa to be held at Stirte- vant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall St., Oshawa on Thurs. evening Nov. 1 at 6 p.m., Electric stove, large wardrobe, single bed, three piece bedroom suite, chrome suite, apart- ment size piano, coloured TV, chest of drawers, full size bookcase bed, vanity, single shot 22, trunk, lanterns, fire- place screen, gossip bench, magazine stand, aluminum door pictures, lu ggage, baby carriage, porta ble sewing machine, washina machine. round arborite table, night table, vinyl headboard, light fixtures, record player stand, lawn chairs, stove exhaust hood, hockey equipment, oc- casional chairs. List not complete at time of publica- tion. Terms cash, no reserve. Salesnights Tuesday and Thursday. All furniture Wel- come. Salesroom open Mon- day-Friday 7-9 p.m. Myles King Auctioneer and Cartage 725-5751. 44-1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER3 Auction Sale of Livestock, implements and Household Furniture. The property of William C. Milburn, north half Lot 3 W.C.R. Smith Twp. i mile north of Brookdale Shop. ping Plaza on Chemong Road at Peterborough. 25 head of Holstein and Guernsey cattle. 10 mature Holstein cows milking and rebred. 12 Mature Guernsey cows. Large num- berrefocows due Dec. to April. Hereford bull 3 yrs. oid. Holstein heifer bred in August. 2 open Holstein heifers. 2 Guernsey heifers due Jan. or Feb. Herd will be pregnancy checked before sale. Super W6 Int. diesel tractor good. Super W4 int. gas tractor, M.F. 7' semi-mount power mower, New idea 7' power mower. Int. 4 furrow pIough, Int, 3 furrow piough. M. H. 15 disc. com bina tion seed drill. Int. heavy duty cultivator, New Idea 4 wheel ed manure spreader good. Int. a5Baier TO, rouerhbaroing hay elevator, 20 Beatty water bowis. Cutter, quantity of scrap iron, full mie of mach- inery. Milking equipment-2 cylinder milk pump, mie for 32 cows. Champion bulk milk tank, 4 Universal units, Chore Boy milk pump and 2 units. StainIess double wash tanks, other items. Hay, St raw. Riding horse 3 years old, harness, usaddle and bridle. Cradle, wooden barley fork, wooden rake, wooden planes, shingling machine, crocks, appie peeler, irone pots, dining room suite complete, 2 antique hardwood high top bedroom suites, large antique sofa, antique cutter, pine chest of drawers, picture frames, pine table, pine side- boards large quantity of well kept antique furniture from 125 yr. old home. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Furniture at 12 noon. Machinery a 1:30 p.m. Cattle at 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont 705-324-9959. 43-2 FRIDAY, NOV. 9, 12 NOON HOLSTEINS Complete Grovenvale Hol- stein Dispersai owned by Harold Grove, Sunderland, Ont. selling at the farm 2 miles east of Blackwater on Con. 4 Brock Twp. or 2 miles south of Sunderland and 2 miles east. 90 Head, 45 milk cows, 45 bred and open heifers, R.O.P. tested, Classified. A fancy uddered herd with Young "Very Good" cows selling by "Nugget", 'Triune Achilles", "Marquis", "Rockman", "Dark Leader" and "Sky Chief". Several fresh and springing. This is a show herd with great potential. Also Delaval Pipeline milker and 55 can bulk tank. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, Sales Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge 416-852-3524. 44-2 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER8 HOLSTEINS (Immediately following Marnel Sale) Complete Millane Holstein Dispersai owned by Aubrey Carson, Claremont, Ont. sel ling at Stouffville Cow Palace 14 mile north of Stouffville on Hwy . 47, 60 Head, R.O. P. tes ted, classified. 30 milk cows, 30 bred and open heifers. A fine young herd from popular sires. 6 very good, including a very good Rockman springing to service of Bond Haven Nugget (Ex). Also very good 87 4 yr. old Herdmaster from a very good Star Brood Cow, due Decem- ber. The Herdmaster has two maternal sisters selling by Citation R. Also two young herd sires selling from this family. Plan to attend Nov- ember 8. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux- bridge 852 3524. 44-1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER8 11 A.M. HOLSTEINS Marnel Holsteins sale owned by Mrs. Marguerite Zarins, Cannington, Ont. sel- ling at Stouffvi°le Cow Pal ace, 14 mile north of Stouff- ville on Hwy. 47. 45 head milking heifers, bred heifers, open heifers and calves Includes New Canadian Champion 25000 lb. 2 yr. od Marnel Ref. Vicki (Good Plus). Aiso two CitationaR daughters, daughter and granddaughter of Marnel As- tra Fritzie (Excellent) with 4 yr. 365d 13230m 1269f 3.8 percent (260 268). The Marnel herd is Canada's first 20,000 bh. herd. Oetstanding type-and pedigrees. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager & Auctioneer, Ux bridge 416852-3524. 44-2 Seiling Saturday, November 3, at 1 p.m. sharp the antiques, furniture and household goods of Mrs. Ella Morrison, 47 Church St. Bowmanville. In- cluded in this fine sale is a four year old R.C.A. Coloured television, one year old lm- perial refrigerator, Viking range, antique desk and chair, five antique dressers, bed- room suite, quilts and blan- kets, dishes, old trunks, old pine box, parlor chairs, gar- den equipment, kitchen uten- sils, plus many more antiques and goods too numerous to mention. Be sure to attend this sale where many good items are being offered for sale. Charlie Reid Auctioneer, Lawrence Harris Clerk. 44-1 Fantastic Antique Auction Grist MilI Auction Barn NEWTONVILLE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER3 12 Noon Tables-Duncan Phyfe, 2 Pine Harvest, Mahogany, Cherry, Pine Drop leaf, Round Marble Top (Pedlestai), Round Oak Drop leaf, Mahogany Drop leaf, Round Oak. Rockers-Quebec, Carved Vic- torian, Childs, Lincoln, Bos- ton, child's Boston, and others. Chairs-set of pressbacks, ar- rowback, wing-back, barber's (lionstHead), Gentleman's, plus other sets. Cupboards 2 fiat-to-the-wall, corner, china cabinet, 2 pine armoires, corner what-not armoire. Desks-Mahogany slant front, wainut secretary, mapie desk. Beds Iron, 2 spools, 2 wicker Cradles (hooded), rocker cradle. Washstands about 10, ail types Pine, Oak, some refiriished, also with towel racks. Chests of Drawers Pine, many nag gand small, feathered Settees-3 piece, 5 piece, Em- pire, Sluped. Lamps-Aladdin, Hanging Lamp, Gone with the Wind (Original) Several Oil Lamps (3 coloured). Clocks-Vienna Regulatar-, Blue China clock, Marble mantle, brass clock. Glass Dishes, R. S. Prussin, Cranberry, Pickle Cruets (Vaseline), many brass, Iron and silver pieces. Misc.-Pine Round top trunk, black walnut blanket box, 2 pine blanket boxes, 2 pine dough boxes, 2 kneeiing stands, rnapié pillars, spin- ning wheel, wooî winders, cobblers bench, telephones, flax breaker, viewer and cards, tobacco cutters, toilet set, crocks (Blue bird), butter bowls (Birdseye). Note-A large quantity of the above furniture is arriving from Quebec, with some pieces refinished. refresh- ments available. Terms Cash. Auctioneers Bob and Frank Stapleton 786 2244. 44 1 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER3 1:15 P.M. ..At Saveon Products Ware- houseon Hwy. 28 in the village of Bewdley, consisting of washstands, chest of drawers, pine drop leaf table, side- board, trunks, clocks, tables, chairs, beds, glassware, dis- hes, oil lamps, picture frames, books, portable T.V., electric appliances, and other articles still being consigned. Roger Bannister, Auctioneer 44-1 AUCTION SALE Grist Mil Auction Barn NE WTONVILLE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER2nd, 7:00 P.M. Fridge, Stoves, Wringer Washers, Beds, Dressers, re- cliner, 7 pc. Kitchen set, Dryer, Gas Dryer, Laundry tubs, set of 5 dining chairs, pine chairs, T.V.s, doors, windows, toboqqan, china cab- inet, oil burner, stereo with bar, baby crib like new, 12 x 14 rug green, child's swing set like new, leg exerciser, hip vibrator, humidifier, electric chord organ, 6 bicycles, 3 rolls chain link fence, fluorescent light fixtures new, polaroid camera, 2 ottice chiairs, plus white toy poodle 8 months old registered. Terms Cash. Auc- tioneers: Stapleton Bros. 786- 2244. 44-1 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Auction Sale of farm stock, implements, hay, straw, grain and furniture. he propert of Watson McNabb, Lot 24, Con. 12 Brock Twp., 1 mile east of Canninaton or 4 miles north of Manilla. 52 head of Charolais, hereford, and shorthorn cat- tle, 6 Charolais cows calves by side, 1 Charolais cow bred, 17 hereford and shorthorn cows calves by side, 3 springers, Charolais and hereford bull, the bull has been running with the cows since July 1st. 5 sows with 44 pigs, 2 sows due, 3 sows bred 2 mon. 4000 bales of hay, 700 bales of straw, 1000 bu. of mixed grain. Oliver 77 tractor, MH No. 30 tractor with super six manure loader, McCor- mick manure spreader, Cock- shutt mower, Frost and wood reaper (antique) MF No. 12 baler, McCormick 4 bar side rake, J. D. cultivator, grain elevator, hay elevator, Wood's oat roller, full line of mach inery, large qu. of furniture, 9 pc. oak dining room suite, Bull's eye bed, 2 iron beds with brass knobbs, hall rack and seat, 3 'pc. an1tiquJe betfroom suite, large antique crib, wooden pump, house bell, 7 pc. toilet set, Gramaphone, 12 antique high back chairs, iamps, dishes, etc. Farm sold, terms cash, sale at 11:30 sharp, furniture sells first. Reg and Larry Johnson, Auctioneers. Phone (705) 357- 3270 Gerald Graham clerk. 44-1 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7th Complete Imdale Dispersal Auction (Sale of Livestock and Implements. The property of Hugh Imrie, Lot 9 Con. 14, Mariposa Twp. 1 mile south of Woodville on Hwy. No. 46 to 15th line and 2 miles east. 56 head of Purebred and Grade Holstein cattle, 4 Purebred cows (unit bred), 22 mature Grade Holstein cows, some due time of sale, large number fresh and re-bred, a good herd of milk cows. 3 Holstein heifers due for Nov., 3 Holstein heifers due for Dec., 10 Holstein open heifers rising 2 years old, 5 Holstein heifers 1 yr. old, 4 Holstein heifers 8 months old, 5 Holstein calves. All cattle are unit bred. Herd will be pregnancy checked before sale. Cattle sale will be under cover if weather is inclement. Milk quota avail- able by contacting vendor at 705-439-2436. 1969 M.F. 175 diesel tractor fully equipped, Allis Chalmers W.F. tractor, M.F. No. 3 Baler PTO, Howard Roto-Vator, M.F. No. 33-17 disc combination seed drill, Allis Chalmers 60 com bine PTO, New Idea 7' trail type power mower, Int. 3 pt. plough, John Deere 2 row corn planter 3 pt., Turnco grain box with Cockshutt 5 ton roller bearing wagon, 1969 Triple K. .32 toothi cultîvator, Lentury Field sprayer, 1972 John Deere N.o. 32 disc, Lundill PTO chopper for zero grazing. Beatty 3 H. P. electric grinder, tractor manure spreader, full mie of modern machinery. Pine drop leaf table, upright piano, cupboard, bunk beds, many other *tems. Terms Cash. No reserve. Machine Sale at 12 noon. Furniture at 2:00 p.m. Cattle at 2:30 p.rn. Cari Hickson Sales Mgr. and Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 43-2 Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 3ý2 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 M ~ Ie URGENTLY REQUIRED!! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'll be pleased to appraise it for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home Call P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy. Bowman- ville 623-2330. 42-tf REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS DEVELOPERS " We buy real estate for cash. + No Commission Involved. + Direct puchase from owners. " Direct sales to purchasers " Commercial, Industrial, Residential Properties and Businesses. " Serving Ontario, Durham and Northumberland Counties. " We lease houses and after 3 years all rent applied to down payment of the pur- chase of the house. 623-2341 14 Division St. (P.O. Box 3) BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO clip and save ad 44-1 BEAVER LUMBER LTD. STARTER HOME With only $200.00 down pay- ment and your own building lot you can be living in a new Beaver Home of your own this summer. The low, low mort- gages on many Beaver Homes carries for less than most rent payments and offers you future equity. Overall cost too, is often thousands of dollars less because of Beaver's factory precision building me- thods and volume puchasing power in the building mat- erials industry. So if you're fed up wit- makifg os-tly repairs to your present home ... or if you're shopping for a newer home or have outgrown the place you're renting . . make your move to a new Beaver Home. You'Il be glad you did. Phone RAY NORTHEY 62 Stevenson Rd. N. - Oshawa 723-3558 40-tf Peter Kowal, Jr. REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 52 King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-2453 BEAUTIFUL six room bungalow, on large lot in good residential district, with large living room, dining room, three bedrooms and recrea- tion room. Asking $45,000. MAPLE GROVE area, dup- lex in excellent condition, fronting No. 2 Highway, this one cones with two acres of land and storage shed at $48,500. IF you like the country, then see this seven room brick bungalow on extra large lot, not too far from town; this home should suit the most discriminating buyer. BRAND New, two storey home, electric heat, three bedrooms, conveniently loca- ted, asking $37,500. NEW three bedroom brick bungalow, dining room, living room, fire place, electric heat and attached garage. Priced at $43,000. After hours call; P. Kowal Jr. - J. Barton G. Beech - 623-5868 623-3098 623-5265 44-1 r FOR SALE 6i237694 137 King St. E., Bowmanville Ontario 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR BOWMANVILLE, Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow 14 years old, finished rec. room, cedar sun deck, ideal location close to schools and shopping, Hurry on this one. INCOME PROPERTY, 3 apartments, showing good return, separate entrances, extra large lot, good location, we can do the financing. ASKING ONLY $39,900. Banner Passant 623-3258 Ursula Beeching 576-4547 Marie Berrill - 728-7661 Elsie Spencer 623-3259 Mary Smith, Newtonville - 786-2283 Rolly Spencer 623-7694 44-1 Bowmanville Office: 623-2330 $21,900 Cozy 2 bedroom Newcastle home. Excellent location close to 401 and No. 2 Hwys. $24,900 2 bedroom 2 storey home nicely decorated. New furnace and aluminum siding. Broad- loom and drapes in living room. $34,500 3 bedroom twin home with extra large rooms throughout. Separate dining room, 112 baths. 84 percent interest rate. $42,000 Charminq older 4 bedroom home with separate dining room, 1/2 baths. Quiet re- sidential area. TRADE? We will accept your present home as a trade in on any of the above or we will guar- antee the sale of your home within 30 days. 43-1 REALTURS 30 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-4403 MINI-FARM 10 acres partly wooded, ever- ,flowing stream, private trout pond, and spacious 4 bedroom ranch bungalow loaded with extras. Secluded but only 15 minutes to Oshawa. Asking $75,000. BOWMANVILLE Bungalow, shag broadloom throughout, 3 bedrooms, din- ing area, fenced rear yard, paved driveway, only 2 years old and only $38,900. BUNGALOW-$29,900. Brick home, 4 years old, 2 bedrooms, large kitchen, walk-out baserment, large lot well treed. Quiet residential area in Orono. Excellent starter or retirement home. BACK-SPLIT 4 bedrooms, separate dining area, 2 baths, rec. room, broadloomed throughout, walk out basement, large yard, quiet court. Have a look at this semi-detached home, a lot of living for $40,000. MILLBROOK Older commercial building, formerly used as restaurant, store plus 2 apartments. Large corner lot 132' x 114'. Unlimited possibilities. David Allison - 987-4867 Elfriede Jost 263-2032 Melville Dale - 623-5638 Peggy Gray - 576-3889 Pamela Carr - 728-3734 Ed Drumm - 725-9345 Kathleen Twaites - 723-2008 Peter Chopee - 725-1846 Valerie Brear - 668-8353 Reg Aker - 725-0201 Wm. McFeeters 725-1726 "Established 1936" 44-1 REALTOR 623-2503 BOWMANVILLE-new 3 bedroom bungalow with at tached garage on lot 50 x 180 now being completed, asking $45,000. BOWMANVILLE area- lovely 4 bedroom bungalow with attached garage and good landscaping, situated on 3 acres, Call for information. OSHAWA-4 bedroom 2 storey home with family room and fire-place, attached garage and 11/2 baths, north west area, call for informa- tion. MILLBROOK-2 new side split houses with attached garages and good lots, now being completed. Asking $35,000 with terms. MlILLBROOK-older 112 storey house with some reno- vations, good starter home, asking $19,900 with terms. BUSINESSES -hardware store in village with no competition, price includes building and stock. Asking $30,000. VARIETY and snack bus- mness in fast expanding area, price includes building, equip- ment and stock. Asking $40,000. Wilf Hawke Helen Mc Donald Lloyd Atchison Allan Rout Edwin Jeans Mac Mc Donald 983-5274 623-3911 705-932-2770 725-0353 623-7152 - 623-3911 44-1 623-2571 67 King St E. Bowmanville FANTASTIC COMMERCIAL LOCATION IN HEART OF Downtown Bowmanville's fast rowing business section. uitable for Doctors, Law- yers, offices, retail, apart ments, or Drive-in restaurant of your choice. Don't delay, call today! Investment opportunity. Solid Brick Uuplex ,with se- parate building lot. Buy one or both. Priced to selIl!! James Robinson 623-3795 Samuel Annis 623-7664 44-1 EALTOR 234 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3393 BLACKSTOCK AREA Square 100 acre farm, good rolling land, scenic area. 95 acres workable. Good for any operation. Asking $89,000.00 with terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. 200 ACRES, TYRONE Frontage on 3 roads. 6 room home, barn. Gravel deposits. Act fast on this one. Asking $138,500.00. Terms. KENDAL HILLS, STREAM 48 acres, partly wooded, scenic property near village of Kendal. Famous Ganaraska Creek trout stream on proper- ty. $50,000.00 with $15,000.00 down. 401 HWY.-BOWMANVILLE 21 acres, 2 miles from town. $46,000.00. Terms. 34 ACRES - LESKARD Retreat propert y. Mostly wooded. Maple, Beech and other hardwood. $29,000.00. Terms. COUNTRY LIVING-- NEWCASTLE NEWTONVILLE This 312 year old home is on a g ood sized lot 73' x 206'. Downstairs is completely fin- ished into a private apart- ment, that çould bring in an extra income. Asking only $41,900.00. Please call Kay Brown. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION NEWCASTLE 4 bedroom home, completely panelled, 3 appliances to stay. Owner transferred. Asking only $31,900.00. Please call Kay Bown. NEWCASTLE 2 year old brick bungalow, beautifully landscaped. Partly finished basement. Close to school. Asking $39,900.00. Call Bill Turansky. ORONO 4 year old brick bungalow, nicely decorated. Large lot. Finished basement. Asking $39,900.00. Call Bill Turansky. Coast to Coast Real Estate Service After 9:00 P.M. Call: Pat Yeo - 623-3077 Dane Found - 623-3965 Kay Brown - 623-3150 Charlie Reid - Orono 983-5914 Roy Foster - Orono 983-5801 Bill Turansky - Orono 983-5420 Bill Sutherland - 623-3102 Phyllis McRobbie - 623-7159 Bill Baird - Toronto 694-4983 Bob Cullen - Caledon E. 1-584-2570 Audrey Plain - 623-3563 Norm Wetherup - 723-4809 44-1 LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camer- on were Sunda super uests of Mr. andMrs.. ellett, Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hoop- er, Saskatchewan visited wit h the R. Camerons on Mondav. Ruthann Cameron spent the weekend with Terrie Glad- man. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellett, Janetville, Miss Gail Graham, Hampton, were recent supper guests of the R. Camerons. So sorry to report the great loss of articles of the G. Bernards, when their storage shed took fire and burned to the ground taking everything with it. RESULTS'COU NT! MULTIPLE LISTINC SERVItE Oshawa & Dist&'$ Real Estate B J ls

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