The ('anadian Statesmnan, Bov.manville, Oct. 31, 1973 t NCHE-Roberf and Maria are proud f0 announce the arrivai of their daughter Christina Marie, 6 lbs. 2 ozs. born Sunday, Oct ober 21, 1973 at Memorial Hospital. Grand- daughter for Mrs. Myrtie Inche, Orillia. Our sincere thanks to Dr. J. D. Rundie and Dr. H. B. Rundie and fo the staff that made our stay a pleasant one. 44-1 WOLOSEWICH-Dan and Pam (Nee Behm) are very proud to announce the arrivai of their first chiid Liane May, 6 lbs. 5 ozs. on Octobeýr 28, 1973 af 9:19 amn. Sincere fhanks fo Dr. Lai and fifth floor staff of Oshawa General Hospital. 44-1 WOOD-For AI and Karen happiness is a new daughter, Stephanie Marie, born Oct. 28, 1973 weighing 9 lbs. 81/2 ozs. A sister for' Michael and Jac- queline. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens, Frankford, and Mr., and Mrs. Stanley Wood, Peter- borough. Thanks fo Dr. Run- die and the mafernity ward staff af Bowmanviiie Me- morial Hospital for a safe arrivai. 44-1 VANDERSTARRE-Jack and Èy'nn are proud ta announce the birth of Jacqueline Marie on October 16, 1973 af Me- morial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Special thanks fo mater- nity staff. 44-1 x Mr. and Mrs. William McGhee, Courfice wish f0 announce the forfhcoming marriage of their daughter, Wendly Heather ta Clancey Tracey Lavender,,Aon of Mr. and Mrs. George Lavender, Enfield. The marriage to take place Dec. 1, 7:00 p.m., Courfice United Church. 44-lx Friends and relatives are cordiaily invifed f0 the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Clittord Naylor. Columbus on'Safur- day, Nov. l0Oto celebrate their 40fh Wedding Anniversary between the hours of 2-4 in the atternoon and 7-9 in fhe evening. Besf wishes oniy. 44-2 Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Pingle, 189 Church St., Bow- -iville, formerly of R.R. 1, ioni, wili be receiving - friends and relatives at Sf. Pau's United Church Hall, Bowmianviile on November 17 fromr 2 to 4:30 p.rmi and 7 f0 9 p.mi. on the happy occasion of their 6f Wedding Anniver- sary. Besf Wishes Oniy. 44-lx NNR5ý ADAMS -Cecil W. J. Af Osh- awae Genieral Hospifal on Sunday, Oct. 28, 1973, Cecil W. J. Adamns, beioved husband 0f Vera Lovica, Sprung, father of Mrs. Carl Down (Margaref), Mrs. Don Cowle (Phyllis), al of Dariingfon, Carl Adams, Cartwright, brother of the late Mrs. George Barber, (Efhel), the lafe Mrs. John Walter (Fdna) and the lafe Thomas Adams, in his 82nd year. Resfed at the Armstrong Funerai Home, Oshawa. Funerai service was in the chapel Tuesday, Oct. 30 af 1: 45 p.m. Interment Ebenezer Cemnefery. Memorial dlona- fions Io Courtice United Church w,%ould be appreciafed. 44-1 BARBER-Robert Nelson. Enfered info rest af Oshawa Generai Hospital on Thurs- day, October 18, 1973. Rob:erf Nelson Barber, beioved hus- band of Barbara Forresfer, father of Mrs. Elwood Patfer- son (Dorothy) Belleville, Mrs. Arthur Essery (Janet) Min- nesota, Clifford, Aurora and Gordon, Maple Grove. Bro- iher of Mrs. Lorne Evans ( Lorna) Courfice, Ray and homas 'Barber, Courfice. >,-andfafher of il grand- children. In his 57fh year. Resfed af the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with T.uneral service in the chapel cri Monday, October 22 af 1:45 p..Inferment Ebe'nezer Ce- MORRIS-Af his home, 50 Martin Rd., Bowmanviile, on \Wednesday, October 24fh, 1973 Charles Gordon "Ted" Morris beloved husband of Myrfie Morris, dear father of Donald and Gerald. Rested af the Moris Funerai Chapel, Bow- rile, for ser-vice on Fni Saf il arn. Inferment B_,m anvilIe Ceretery. 44-1 1.î FRASER-At Memorial Hos- pifai, Bowmanville, on Saf- urday, October 27fh, 1973, Randolph C. Fraser, R.R. 1, Hampton, aged 52 years. beloved husband of Marguerite Wilkins, dear father of Juanita (Mrs. G. Tapp), Allan, Glenn and Robert. Service was heid in fhe Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville, on Monday at 2 o'clock. Interment Brentha Cemetery, Englehart, Ont. 44-1 HOOPER-At Memorial Hos- pifai, Bowmanvilie, on Sun- day, October 28fh, 1973, Roy S. Hooper, aged 61 years, be- loved husband of Emma Cunningham Hooper, 206 Sim- pson Ave., Bowmanville, dear father of Bill, Doug and AI, brother of Frank Hooper. Private service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Inferment Bow- manvil1le Cemetery. 44-1 KOWAL, Peter Sr.-At Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, Oct. 28, 1973, Peter Kowal of R. R. 2, Bowman- ville, in his 85th year, husband of Annie Kowal, father of Mrs. F. Goreski (Mary),' Paul, Micheal, Peter and Edward. Resfedatfthe Northcutt Eliiott Funeral Home. Funeral ser- vice was held af 2 o'clock Tuesdlay afternoon. Intermeni Ebenezer Cemetery. 44-1 "F lowers Say if Best" VAN BELLE Daily Delîvery ta ... Oshawa -BowranvilieArea Phone 623-4441 ,fl +1 CAR NAT ION FLOWERS and SEED STORE 33 Division Street Hospital Arrangements Corsages Potted Plants Wedding Bouquets Fumnerai ' Arrangements S,~ We Send Flowers by Wre Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 17 tf We would like fa thank the Enniskillen Cornrunity for the lovely corner sheif presen- ted fa us as a weddi -nq qift. Gardon & Shirley Giffin 44-1 We wish-ta express aur sincene fhanks ta neighbours and Bowmanville Fine Depant- ment for themr prompt action at the time of the fine at aur residence. We are rnost grate- fui. Gaston and Isebelia Bernard BOWINS-The farnuly of the late Hazel Bowins wish ta express their heartfelt thanks ta their man y relatives, fnl- ends.and kind neighbours for the r expressions of syrn- pathy, beautiful floral offer- ings and donations ta the Cancer Society. Special fhanks ta Rev. Ficko, Marris Funerai Home and Pontypool U.C.W. and friends. 44-1 I would like ta thank ail the fiends and neîghbours for all the gifts, fruit, flowers and cards that.i received duning rny stay in Memonial Hospital. Specii fhanks ta Knights of Columbus, Heather Rebekah Lodge 334, Orono, the nurses on Third Floor and Drs. Mosienko and McKenzie. Elsie Koropatwa 44-1 We wish fa express aur hearffelt thanks ta friends, neighbaurs, relatives and an- ganizations for their expres- sions of s ympathy and their rnany kînd nesses at the turne at our necent sad bereavernent n the ioss of a dean son and brother. Speciai thanks ta Memroial Hospital Emerg- ency Depatrnent. The Dixon Family 44-i i would like ta take this opportunity ta thank ail rny trîends, relatives, and nemgh- bours for flowers, gifts, and cards sent ta me while in Memroial Hospital. I wouid also like ta thank Dr. Sylves- fer and Dr. Grant, and the nurses and staff on third floor fan ail their kindness. Ermie Haliaweli 44-1 The farniy of the late Hanry Freeman wauld like ta ex- press thein thanks and grafe- fui appreciation for aIl the floral tibutes, messages of syrnpath y, donations ta the Cancer Societ, Heart Fund and Mapie G nove Church. Thanks aiso ta Dr. Grant and nurses of the 6th floor at Oshawa Genenal Hospital. Rev. D. Harris, Rev. W. C. Smith, and Rev. L. M. Sornervilie, for their consaiing words and Morris Funerai Chapel. Appreciation is ex- tended toalal friends, neihgh- bours and relatives for te ir thoughtfulness and kindness during the past few weeks, and fa the U.C.W. Ladies of Mapie Grave Chunch who served such a wonderfui lunch foali. ,44-if BROMELL-bIn oving me- mary of a dear motherE mma Luxton, who passed away Nov. 2, 1968. Mom's lite is a beautiful me nor y, Her death is a sulent grief, She sieeps in God's beautiful garden, lnsunshineand perfect peace, We miss her O 50 weil, But realize God knew best, He let us have her rnany years. Then gently bade her resf. -Sadly rnissed by daughfer Joanne and son-in-law Fred. BROMELL -1n ioving nernory of a dear wife and Imother,_ Emma Luxton, who passed away Nov. 2, 1968. Her smiiing way and pleasant face, Are a pleasure ta recal, She had a kindiy word for ea ch, And died beioved by ail. Sorne day we hope ta meet lher, Some day we know not when, To clasp her hand in the better land, Neyer ta part again. -Ever remernbered and sad- y misséd by husband Howard and chilIdren, Richard, Debbie, Kimn and Lori. 44-1 MOORE-In ioving memory of aur dear parents and grandparents, William Henry who passed away Nov. 4f'h 1961, and Margaret Christina, who passed away Feb. 2Oth, 1966. Nothing cao ever take away, The love a heant holds dear, Fond memonies linger every day, Rememberance keeps fhem near. -Lov ingiy rernerbered by their famiiy Muriel and Reg., Elsie and -Floyd and grand- children. 44-1lx NICHOLSON-bI oving me- mary of a dear daughfer and sister, Dianne, who passed away four years ago Novem- ber 2nd, 1969. This rnonth cornes with deep reqgnef, If bnings back the day we cannof fonget, n aur hearts you wiil always sta y. Memoriesare treasurers, No one cao steal, Death is a heartache No one cao heal. Life must go on, we know ifs true, But, ifs nof the same since we You ieft 50 quiefly \without goodbye, But memoies of you wii neyer die. -Sadiy rnissed by Mother, Dad, sister and brofher-inlaw. 44-1 NICHOLSON-bi oving me- mon y of our dean granddlaugh- fer, Dianne, who passed away November 2nd, 1969. We wiii always rememben the way she looked, The way she spoke and smi led, The liffle things she said and did, Are with us ail the whille. For dlown the lane of memoies, The iighf is neyer dim, Until the stars forget ta shine, We wiil nrernber ber.> -Sadiy rnissed by Grandpa and Grandma Masters. 44-lx PETTIT-In loving mernory ot a dear husband and father, Harrv, who aassed awav f ive years ago Nov. 2, 1968. In rny hearf your mernory lingers, Aiways tender, fond and true, There is not a day rny dearest, I do not love and think of you. -Sadly missed by wife Margaref and famiy. 44-1 RUNDLE-George. In ioving rnerory of a dear Dad and Granddad, who passed away Nov. 2, 1951. lf's when aid tirne we do recai' That we miss you Dad, Most of ail. -Sadly rnissed by daughfer Loia, Fiorida, and Grand- daughfer Heather, Ilinais. .44-lx RUNDLE-George. In Ioving memory of a dean Dad, who passed on Nov. 2nd, 1951. PROFESSIONAL Persan de- sires ta sublet one or fwo bedroom apartrnenf or house in Bowmanviiie f nom Novem- ber until approximateiy Apnil. Write Adverfiser 432 c-o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie. 44-lx Rummage Sale, Legion Hall, Fri., Nov. 2, 10 ar. Sponsored by Auxiliary Sports Fund. 43-2 Osaca Barn Dance, couples only, every Saturday nighf. Country and Western music. Phone 786-2633. 43-9 RUMMAGE SALE & COFFEE PARTY-Bowman- ville Library Saturday, Nov- ember lth af 10 arn. spon- sored by the Bowmanville 8. & P.W. Club. 44-2 Hot Turkey dinner with plum pudding at Seagrave United Church. Wednesdlay, Nov. 7 sfarting af 4:30. Adults $3.00. 44-1 Old Tyme and Modemn Dancing, Tyrone Hall, Music by Ramblers. Saturday, Nov- ember 3rd..9 p.rn. 44-1 Senior Cifizens wishing f0 attend Thursday, Nov. 8 evening performance of "A Gown for His Mistress- Phone Mrs. Darch, 623-5142. 44-1 Dance, St. Joseph's. Hall, Bowrnanville, Sat. Nov. 3, dance fo brux trio (Doug Luxton). Bar Privileges, $4 per couple. 44-1 Ponty pool United Church Fried Chicken Supper, Fni day, Nov. 9th, from 4 p.m. fi ail served. Adm. $2,00 and $1.00 (12 yr. and under) Card Party (wifh Silver Collection) f0 follow in the Cornrunity Centre. 44-2 Durham Hoistein Club Ban- quet and presentation of awards, Knox Christian School, Bowrnanville, Wed., Nov. 7th, 7 p.m. For tickets phone 263-2325. 44-1 MONSTER BINGO THU RSDAY - 7:45 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor SoftbaIll JUBILEE PAVILION OS HAWA' 30-ff Ebenezer United Church Turkey Supper wiii be heid Saturday, Novemnber 3rd. Sit- tings *at 4:30 and 6:15. Ad- vance tickets only. Admission Aduifs $300, Children under 12, $1.25. For tickets -phone Shirley Locke 728-2172. 39-,5 COMMUN ITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MON DAY 7:45 p. m. REDBARN ý- WAYNEST. OSHAWA 21tff Bowmanvilie Drama Work- shop presents A Gown For His Mistress, November 8, 9, 10 8:15 p.m., Bowmanviile High School theatre. -Aduits $2.00, students $1.00. Phone 623-3114 for tickets. Complimenfary tickets available fo ail Senior citizens for Thursday night. 42-3 You are cordiaily invited to attend the Annual Meeting and electian of offticers for the Northumberland and Durham Young Progressive Conserv- atives. This event wilb be beld at the Port Hope Hig h Schaol. Lecture Theatre on Thursday, November 1, 1973 at 7:30 p.rn. 44 i1 Trinity United Chuncb Beef Dinnen wibl be hèld Saturday, November 3. Setfings 5 & 7 p.m. Tickets $3. Available tram Mns. A. W. Harris 623-2638. ,44-i A Diamond Lii Nife at Bawrnanvii1ie Legion Nov. l7th 8 p.m. Dance ta follow. Bar Pnivibeges. $4.00 per persan. Anyone 18 yrs. and aven Webcome. Tickets cali 623-5090 or 623-5432. 44-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel N EWCASTLE "MIDNITE PLAYBOYS" Fri. - Sat., Nov. 2-3 DANCING 9-1 43- Pioneer Corn, Night Canton Community Hall (11/2 Miles North-of Welcome) NOVEMBER 1, 1973 8 p.m. Sharp AGENDA: (a) HYBRID VIGOUR INCREASES CORN YI ELDS Bibi Parks, Sales Mgr., Pioneer Hi-Bred Limi'ted Chat hamn (b) PERFORMANCE TRIALS & PION EER FARM TESTS Bruce Nichai, District Sales Mgr. Pioneer Hi-Bred Lirnited G~el1ph ' (c) W ED CONTROL PRO- GRAMS FOR CORN Bibi Long, Sales Rep. Stouffer Chernicaîs DISCUSSION & QUESTION PERIOD DOOR PRIZES Came and Bring Youn Neiqjhbaurs COFFEE DONUTS Compliments 0f Ed Ruthven 44- U.C.W. POPPY BALAAR Newtonvilie Sunday Schooi1 Hall Saf., Nov. 17 1: 30 to 4 p M. Tea Aduits 35 cents, Chiidren 25 cents 44-1 CHRISTMAS ART MART 1973 Robert Mc La ug hli n Gallery, Oshawa Friday, Novemben 9fh From 5 p.m. fa 10 p.m. Safurday, November Io and Sunday, Novem bern1l]th Noon taS5 p. m. Fun For Everyone Antiques, Crafts, Gifts. Admission 50 Cents. Accomýanied chiidnen under 12 free. 44-2 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, raiiings, nain carrying sysfemrs. Lamne Aluin, i Prince Sf., 623-3871. 44-1 ONE 303 Rifle with 30 rounds of ammunition $26. Call 623-2629. 44-1 DOUBLE Bed Bookcase Headboard, box springs and rnattress, good condition; vin- yi headboard for single bed; rangette and fluorescent ight f ixture. Phone 623-5206 affter 5. 44-i ACCORDION, Parrot 12 bass, excellent condition, case in- cluded. Phone 623-7439. 44-i DARIlUS Bass 2000 amplitier, 40 watts, R.M.S.- 4 x 12 cabinet, oniy three months aid. $200 firm. Cail evenings 623-3753. 44-i GI1R L'S Two Piece Wooi Fiannel Snow Suif Size 18 rnonths. Phone 623-5968. 44-i MATCHING china cabinet and buffet, good condition. Phone 623-4376.e 44-i 1972 OLYMPIC Skidoo, 20 hp, in excellent condition. Cali affer 6 p.m. 705-277-2564. 44-i SNOWMOBILE,Yanaa o- dek3a38-,->-24-hptwin cyi. aIse -7?- Beatty double tilt trailer. Both for $600. Phone 623-3707. 44-1 x 22 INCH RCA coioned1 tele- vision, in excellent condition. Phone 623-3883. 44-i TENT Trailers clearance of used modeis '67-'72 year, five fo chaosetfrom, $175-$500. Pi ne Ridge Camping Centre, High- way No. 2, Port, Hope, Phone 885-5447. 43-2 1973 SPRITE, 6,sieeper, ighf- weight trailer, ideal for smali car, 150 lb. hitch weighf, furnace, tnidg., foilet. Phone 885-5447, Part Hope. 43-3 STUDE BAK ER, Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25tff USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26-tf THRI FT Shop, 32 King W. We seil on consignment furniture, appliances, baby supplies, bikes, skates, etc. Good books available. 39-8 NEWCASTLE Trailer Park & Sales-Your district Rambier Trailer Dealer. New and used trailers. Highway No. 2, Newcastle, 987-5131. 16ff BEDROOM suife, compiete;' dining suife, 9-piece; chester- tfield suite, ail Burma feak- wood, new. Must seli. Sacri- fice. Phone 1-241-5971. 31 tf DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- ture, Antiques, and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Ham- pton, 263-2241. 26tff VITAMINS Supplements, iowest possible prices. FREE Literature available. Visit or write Sunshine Shop, 75 Sirn coe St. N., Oshawa, or tele- phone 5l6 2391. 39-6 LEIISURE LIVING, No. 2 Highwaý, Bowmanviile 623- 4700 Going south this winter? Book a central unit now or get a great deal on a new trailer or camper. 43-3 NEEDa PRESSURE SYSTEM? SUMP PUMPS REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SA L ES & SE R VIC E Kool Enterprises PHON E623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanviîle 26--tf WE SERVICE AND CARRY PARTS FOR ALL VACUUMCLEANERS SpariKs Vacuum Cleaner Service 623-2729 Used vacuums $20 and up. 41 4 I'JrU 14I' FIBREGLASS Boat with top,! 50 hp motor, ail equipped vvifh trailen, 1973 model. C all 263-2612 atter 6 p.rm. 44-2 SEWING Machine, Singer treadie. Smali china cabinet or book case. Phone 983-5908. 44-ix ACCORDION Plus Case, Scandaili model Imperia IX, 120 bass piano accordion, like new. For funthen information felephone 623-4137. 44-i FOUR Seattir chesterf ieid and chair, Royal blue, good con- dition.' Deiicnaft 36" coftee table, wvainut, excellent candi- tion. Phone 623 5040 affer 6 p. M. 44-i WEEKEND SPECIAL Mixed Bunch of Cut Mums $1.39 Cash and Carry Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. Bowmanvi île 43-i Light Fixtures (STOCK ON LY) 50 Per Cent Off See Them Today.. LUMBER King East, Bowmanville 44-1 OSHAWA TV Antennas undi Towers ROTORS INSTALLED UHF-V #-F -Colored Aerials Apts. ar - Homes Pre-wired. REPAIRS Workmanship Guaranteed AI l priced f0 SAVE You Money Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, Manager 38-f INSTALL AN' O FURNACE BOILER <S0 FUIIF 1ER or HOT WATER HEATER No payments for six months Call HARVEY PARTNER Your ESSO Service Dealer FREE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orono or Zen ith 14620 24 Hour Service 41 -tf W HIT E'S STV ANTENNAS Specializing in TOWERS, UHF-VHF Color Aerials, Rotors. Homes pre-wired and repaîrs. Ask about our guarantee. Service at no extra charge within a 20 mile radius. Phone 576-5606 E. WHITE, COURTICE 40 tf O.j cable tv no interference no ghosting no contracts ta sign 14 dlean channels community programming no antenna required 4.95 per month first outîet 1.00 per month additional sets 9.95 connectiari charge CALL NOW: Bowmanvil le 623-2506 Oshawa 579-2232 Pine Ridge :able TV Ltd- 43-If IK*.Tne '65 VW Pick-up, suifabie for dune buggy; '66 Chev. pick-up. 623-5901 after 6623-2891. 44-1lx '68 COUGAR, 302 automafic, power steering and brakes, veny good condition, certified. Phone 623-2365 affer 5 p,.n 1 44-i 1971 BUICK Skyiark customn 4 dr., silver grey, 9,000 original miles,' estate sale, $2,700. 623-7181 or 623-2510. 44-2 1967 DODGE Dant, 2 dr. hardtop, 6 cylinder automnatic, 30,000 miles on 1971 engine, asking $400. Telephone 263- 2757. 44-1lx '65 AUSTIN 1100; aiso '65 Pontiac 283. P.S. P.B.; wili seil one oniy, Econorny or Luxury. Phone 623-2173. 44-1x' 1966 CHEVROLET balf truck, 8 cyl., 283 mofor, b A-1, newly painfed, $850 best offer. Phone 263-' atter 7 p.rn. 1973 PONTIAC Cataina Sal wagon, 9,500 miles, like rý rust-proofed, fuily equipp Must be seen ta be apF ciated. Phone Orono 983-5. 1971 CHEV. Station Wag Good condition, 33,000 mil $2,500. Cail at 65 Scugog affernoons or Phone 623-5E 1 44 HAPPY ... SEE OUR ADVERTI! MENT ON PAGE THR FOR GREAT CARS. REPOSSESSION 1969 BUICK Four doon Sport Station gon. Bmds must'be submit in wrifing te Bank of M treal, Bowmanvlle, Ont. FOR INFORMATION CAL Cal 1623-4411 f-ton body 0or 2946 44-i new, ped. )pre- 210. REGISTERED Nurse part- time and registered nursing assistants full and part-firne. Phone 987-4441. 34tff WAITER-Waitness, experien- cedi, aven 18, shift work. Phone 623-4111. 144-2 EXPERIENCED Cook; reli- able Nursing Aide; required immediateiy. Cail 987-4252. 44-1 FACTORY heip wanted, per- manent position. Apply J. Anderson Smith Ca., Lfd., Newcastle. 44-3 PART TIME help wanted for local office. Possibiiify of full time al later date. Typing essentiai. Applyiynbwrifing ta Advertiser 433, c-o The Cana- dian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowrnanviiie. 44-2 WOMAN ta do cieaning, hait ta one day a week. Phone 623-4243 affer 6 p.rm., 623-7810 9 ar.- 5:30 p.rn. 44-i HAIRDRESSER-Fuil tirne, Part tirne, Mon., Tues., Wed., Good hours, no evening work. Phone 623-5455. 44tff 441A LARGE Cosmetic Comnpany g On. requires pensons ta take ies, ordens tram fiends and nemgh- sibours fon casrnetics, Christ- 843. mas gift items and toilefnies. 14- x Write Adverfisen 429, c-o The Canadian Stafesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviiie. 43-2 SE- VAN Forernan ton smaiil and PEE aggressive rnoving and star- aqe firrn. Tra 1ninq praqramn set-up if applicant 'has no 44-i knowledge of indusfny. No iay-offs, gaod wonkingcandi- fions, wages and benefits. J Appiy in persan, Preston Moving and Storage Ltd., 420 Baseline Rd., West, West of àa Wavenley Rd., No phone calîs ffe please. 44 1 A-n' ýLL 44-3 If yau're laoking ta buy a previous ly owned car or truck, you should see what we have and hear the prices. Before you do anything else- give us a caîl at 623-4481. We're very friendly. MacDonald Ford BowmanvilIle 219 King St. East - 623-4481 'Where friendly people meet' 44-1 BEAGLE and part Basset, q? od hunter, rabbifs and fox. Phone 623-3213. 43-2x DOG Grooming and clipping, Poodies and Spaniels a spec- ialty. English Spninger pups for sale, also rabbifs. Phone 786-2234. 43-4 DOG Mea, 25 cents per lb., free delivery. Dog-caf board- ing from $1 daily'. Registered Afghans and Salukis. Orono 1-983-9385. 44-4x MALE Bouvier, purebred, one ýnd haîf years oid, registered, papers available soon. Cali 623-2921. 44-1 BRITANY Spaniel, mae, 3 y rs. oid, registered. Phone Pick ering 839-5846. 44-1 F IVE Kittens are looking fora, home. Clean, healthy, house trained and f ree fo good homes. Cali 983-5396. 44-if GREEN Aillweather coat fa- ken b% mistake at Arfistic Shop, Ocf. 20. Phone 623-5740. 44-1 FIVE Month aid Irish setter pup, maie. Reward. Phone 987-4445. 4à4-1 LOST small femnale Malfese Poodie puppy, fluffy black and grey hair, white chin and feet, curly tail, answers ta "Yatzee-. Reward. Please contact 623-5615. 44-1 OSHAWA SAND AND GRAVEL SUPPLY Washed Sand - Gravel and Stone Limestone Producfs AIl Sizes for Driveways and Parking Lots TOPSOIL AND DIRT FILL TRUCKS AND LOADERS FOR RENT 877 King St. East (East of Harmony) CALL 725-0232 39-6 HELP required for generai factony wonk in woad wanking shop. App yin persan ta soufh plant, C uvply Wood Pro- ducts, Hwy. 115 & 35 Onono. 44-4 PRESS -Operators nequired imrnediately for shift work. Excellent benefifs, good wa- ges under aur new incentive piece work rate. Apply in persan ta south plant, Cunply Wood Products, Hwy. 115 & 35, Orono. 44-4 RNA Part-Turne, Evening Shift CAL L: Cali Mrs. Clark 623-5813 441l SEWERS For the Canadian Red Cross Society-" ALL MATERIAL- SUP'PLIED Work in your own home a4 your own leisure. Room open Friday 1:30 3:30 p.m. or Call 623-2639 982-5291 442 Pine Ridge Schooî- REQU IRES SUPERVISORS To provide supervision, counsel and guidance fo adolescents 14-16 years of age; fa encourage appropniafe s50 cial behaviaur, wonk habits, participation ib recreafional programmes and, in general, fo prornote satisfactony ad- jusfrnent-fa society. Qualifications: Ability fa supervise and relate weii ta adolescents; integrity, initia- tive, and self-control. Fiuency and accunacy in verbal and wniffen expression. PreviausÉ expenience in youfh work is desinabie. Grade 12 preferned. Graoi uafion frorn a Community Coilege programme such as Chiid Care Work or Social Services would be a definife asset. Wilingness ta work shifts is nequined. Benefifs: Full Ontario Civil Service benefits inciuding sick; leave credif, paid vacations, panfiaiiy paid group lite and medicai insunance plans and excellent pension. Saiary range $3.62-$4.56 per hour. Opportunity for promotion in a chaiienging and progressive service. WRITE FOR APPLICATION FORMS TO: The Superintendent Box 70, Bowmanville, Ont.. 44-1 JENSEN STEEL LTD. requires warehouse supervisor, shear operators, saw operators, plate burners, material handiers for current operations at 66 Russett Ave., Oshawa, with relocation in Bowmanvilîe in May, 1974. Phone 728-7318 ,44-4 CABLECAST CO-ORDINATOR FOR THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE, and SURROÙNDINGAREA Excellent opportunity for an individual interested ina part-time position arranging for and co-ordinating cablecast programs. The individual would accept messages for a messagp display, line up programs, conduct on-air interviews, attend pertinent meetings such as service clubs, council, etc., operate a portable camera and generally be our representative in thé town.I Applicants please forWard an applicationstating qualifici- fions and reasons for applying ta: W. RIDDELL c-o Pine Ridge Cable TV, 1353 King St. E. Oshawa TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE, SENIOR STAFF POSITIONS The new Town of Newcastle, comprising' the Town ci Bowmanville, the Townships of Clarke and Darlington and the villages of Newcastle and Orono require the services of persons for the following positions: Cîerk This position requires an applicant with the ability tû maintain legal records of the municipaîity, record minutes of council, provide services for council and committees, ensuring thaf the municipality meets statutary requirements and communicate council decisions to those affected in appropriate, for m. Treasurer This position requires an applicant with the ability toe determine the capital requirements of the m unicipality an9Ï develop relevant programs of financing. Acting as a financiai advisor, co-ordinating budget compilationand develop suitabl~e accaunting and budgetary control systems. Director of Public Works This position requires the services of a qualified person in' the development and direction of programs for ail public works' under the jurisdiction of council. Responsibîlity will alsoi include development of an effective staff organizatioi.~ Experience in the field of municipal public works is esseniaï. Applicants should be thoroughly familiar with municipal road systems, sidewalks, drainage and related activity, knowledge of, requirements cancerning land development is desirable. Fire Chief This position requires the services of a person with thp responsibility for theorganization and development of a Fire, Fighting organization within the municipality and to co-ordinate, with oCher municipalities as required. Experience in fire~ fighting is essential. lnterested candidates for the above positions are invited to~ subniiit applications in confidence, stating backgroun d, qualifications and experience, not later than Nov. 15, 1973, to: GARNET B. RICKARD, Mayor Elect Municipal Offices Hampton, Ontario. 44-2'