2 The Canadian Statesma.n, Bowmanville, Oct. 24, 1973 Section Two Salesman Ecrns $4,000 in 120 Hours attended the, baptismal serv- ice of bis grandson John Scott Hollows at the Anglican Chur- ch on the Queensway. Foiiow- ing the service tbey were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hollows. 1Mrs. Art Davis, Mr. Dan Smith and daughfer, Miss 1\argaref Smith, 'Toronto, were Monday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbompson. Mr. Smith is remaining for, a few days visif. Mr. and 1\rs. Raiph Sadier and Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacKenzie attended the Roadster Banquet and dance in Port Hope on Safurday everîing. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Sadier. Mr. and Mrs. Mac- Keozie antd Claire, and Mr. WXiifrid Williams spent the dav wifh Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and Jennifer at Cor- bvville. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mc- Mabon, Toronto, wbo were enroute to their cottage at Lake Kashagawigamog, were Saturday callers wifh Mr. and Mrs., Bruce Heasiip. Tbey report thaf ber sister, Miss Evelyn Calley. was able to returo f0 be home on Thurs- day. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cawker attend- ed the golden wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff at the Lafcham Centre in Port Perry.1 Sunday evening dinner gue- sts of Mr. and Mrs. S. Cawker were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cawker of Manchester and Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Cawker of Scarborougb. Liaison Conmittee Ueeting There were oniy five mem- bers of the Liaison Commit tee presentouf of 15 volunteers (with the welcome addition of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rowan) at the meeting held Oct.' 3,1973 at C.C.P.S. Mr. G. Cootedge, Chairman and Mrs. J. Barton. Secretary were eiected f0 keep their positions for anofb- er year. A job suggestion for the comrnitfee xxa'sdiscussed -te assist the High Scbool te arrange chaperones for their dances. It was suggested a lisf of' 'Guide Lines for Chaper- ones' be drawn up and Mrs, Gricve agreed f0 work on this wifh Mr. Paisley. There was discussion re- garding places of interesf for students f0 Visif and persons wifh inferesfing and educa- fional crafts and talents will- ing to be added to a book referred to by staff in North- umberland-Durham scbools. Cartwright bas many such places and people f0 offer thai are not in the book. Any suggestions, please contact Mrs. Adams 986-5180. The remainder of the meet- ing was spent in wortbwhile discussion On the need of a school addition bere and the working out of Schooi Bus Problems. If you are an inferested parent and membei of the commîtfee please att- end and voice youi- opinions on these and otbcr pertinent inatters. Mr. Cooledge 986- 49)91 and MIrs. Barton 986-5176 are open for suggestions for future mieetings- after ail, these are your schools and GUou hildrenl Bridai Show er On Xedesday evening hride-elect Miss Valerie Frew was guest ýof honor at a miscellaneous shower in the haseirient of Nestlefon United <burch. The guests were xelcomed and Vaterie was escorted to a seat of honor under a canopy of uedding beils, umbreila and streamers and Jean Wîilliams presented a corsage of red roses to Valerie. For the interesting and aînusing program Bernice f3engel conducted two cont- ests, Neta Holiand read "Ad- vice f0 the Bride" in poefic verse, Carol Mairs was in charge of a contesf and Olive ileaslip read "Wedding Beils bit Clinkers". Prize winners, after elimination. were Gwen Malcolm and Dianne VanDer- heul. Valerie also received a prize for accepting ail of the W.M.S. RaIIy Sevenfy-eight members of tthe Peterborough Preshyter- il met in St. Andrew's Pres- byteri an Churcb, Warkwortb, Oictober 3. Words of weicome xxere extended f0 the many auxiliaries by Miss E. Weir. President, Mrs. H. E. Rey- nolds of Port Hope conducted the meeting. Mrs. L. McInfyre and Mrs. P. Dyer led devo- fions and eigbf Warkworfh tadies sang a hymu of Tbanks- gîx ing. Foiloxxing a defailed treas- advîce so gracîousiy. In opening ber gifts Vaierie was assisted by Nancy Edgar, Bernice Bengai, Debbie Map- pin, tittie' Misses Virginia Frew and Tammy McMiiien. Debonaîr Masfer Dwayne Frew also assisfed and was the oniy gentleman present. Vaierie fbanked the group for the ioveiy giffs and invited ail f0 visit ber lu their home. Lunch of fruit bread, chee- se, cookies, dainfy pastries, tea and coffee was served and a social fime foiiowed. Those on the commitfee were Nefa Hoiiand, Winiida Malcolm Jean Williams, and Olive Heaslip. Guesf s were preseuf from Oshawxa, Port Perry, Lindsay, Caesarea, yetverf on and Nes- fief on. urer's report, Mrs. C. A. Eby, Port Hope, nofed an allocation in the amount of $7906.71 for 1974. Miss D. Keller, area re- source person, was on band f0 answer questions and also presented an interesfing film- 5f rip ,'Working Together af Toran Mail" whicb is an area in the nortbern part of India. Mrs. Hugb Wilson, who worked as a missionary among the Bhils in India for 15 years, spoke about the great need bof b spiritually and pbysically in the many yet unreacbed areas. She noted that women wili walk many miles to attend Christian gatberings and are wilting to give ail they have to the Lord's work. These women are an example many in this land of plenty sbould foiiow. Many live a band to moufb existence witb a good barvest only every third or fourtb year. The rains failed in 1972 and the result is great famine. God bas put enough food on this earfb for everyone, she said, but man's inhumanity to man is the reason everyone is not taken care of. Compared to what we spend on ourselves, what do we give f0 missions? There sbouid be no ifs, buts or excuses if we reaily feel the burden of this responsibility of working witb God. We must ask ourselves, "do 1 realty know Jesus Christ as mry Saviour and Lord?" Mrs. D). Endicoff froi-ts. Sfepben's, Peterborough ex- pressed thanks to Mrs. Wilson and others taking part and Mrs. J. R. Tbompson, Miii- brook, closed witb prayer. A social hour was enjoyed in the church basement and mucb time spent around the Litera- ture table. e HA RVEY O PARTNER ORONO 983-5206 ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE L AI Spencer (left) of Pine Ridge Cable TV presents Laurie Shier, 33, with Top Sales Award - Fali 73 at a banquet at Le Chalet in Whitby. Shier also won a jet vacation to the Canadian city of bis choice. Laurie Shier, 33, of Toronto was presented with first prize as a resuit'of his sales efforts with Pine Ridge Cable TV this fait. Working an average of five hours a day, six days a week, Shier obtained over 500 orders for cable in the Oshawa, Whitby and Bow- manville areas. He was fol- lowed closely in the race by Pat Taylor, a veteran cable saleswoman. from Oshawa. Shier, a property manager in Toronto, was motivated by his former occupation as a clerk in the Federal Govern- ment. "I worked my heart out for 12 years as an account- ant," Shier explained, "but the people around me were always being promoted. This situation began to effect me arnd I became restless. 1 wanted a job where 1 would receive pay in direct propor- tion to my efforts." He accordingly entered the sales field. "BUCK FEVER?" Calling ail hunters: Guns and hunting equip- ment insurance for theft, loss, or accidentai damage. Liability coverage for per- sonal injury or property damage to others. Hunters Accident insurance ail available at The James Insurance Agency Limited. James InsuranoeC Agency Limited 24 King Si. E.. Box 100 BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO DOUGLAS S. JAMES D Office 623-5681 Reý,idence 623-5023 He sold sboes, signs and cable. Shier's father Morris, 66, an extremely successful satesman at Metro Cable TV, set an exampie thaf Laurie bas followed. Morris seems fo bave implanted "an uncon- frollable desire f0 succeed" in bis son. Shiers wife, Sandra says, "be won'f sit stili, be bas f0 be active, and he really enjoys support ing us in a c(imfnrfahle life style." Tbey bave two girls, Susan 7, and Janis 2. AI Spencer, director of the sales force af Pine Ridge Cable explained thaf seven salespeople were bîred to canvass the Oshawa, Witby and Bowmanvitle areas. 'Tbey ahl worked exfremely bard" Spencer said, "but, Shier seemed f0 work fhe mosf effecfively." "He was bigbly organized and bad a remark- able memory for names." If you're ever around the Wifby Cabte office between 3:30 and 4:00, drop in, you'Il prcibably find Shier preparing for anof ber day of door-fo-door selting. You can't miss hlm bes the one wif h bis eyes glued f0 the set, wafching SUPERMAN! NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cooiedge returned home from Toronto, on Sunday, where they visited with her sisters, Mrs. Florence Tbom pson, Mrs. E. RidsdLl and busband. Many Cartwright and area residents called at the Mackey Funeral, Home, Lindsay, in respect of the late Mrs. George Kerr, who died Satur- day in Bowmanville. Sincere sympatby is extended to ber bulsband and famnily. Rlecent callers with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs were Miss Margaret Gordon, Oak- wood, Mrs. Gordon Gilîson, Nestieton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Blackstock and Mr. 'and Mrs. Stanley Pioughman, Port Perry. Friday evening dinner gue- sf5 of Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Mr. Bruce Lawson were Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee, Blacksfock. This was in bonor of Mrs. McKee's birtbday. Congratulations. Sunday a f f ernoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail of Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm were bosts for a family dinner on Sunday following the baptism of their grandson Bradley Clinton Vernon Mal- colm at Nestleton United Churcb. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Malcolm and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Judson, Ronnie Judson, Brian Judson, Miss Jacqueline Cha- se, Mrs. Aylwin Haines, Ann- ette and Anthony, Shelly Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. James Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malcolm and Jodle. Congratulations to Mr.ý Wm. Armstrong, Port Perry wbo observed his ninety-fif th birtb- day, Wednesday, October 10. Mid-day dinner guests, in bis honor, were bis daugbter, Mrs. Marguerite Hicks, gra- ndson, Mr. George Hicks and Mrs. Hattie Cole, ahl of Nestieton. Tommy Prosser, quanmmu M his great-grandson, also obs- erved his birthday on the same day. Af ternoon collers with Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton and Mr. Lawrence Squair, of Orono. On Tuesday evening Council members of the new Munici- pality of Scugog were enter- tained at the home of Mayor Elect Lawrence Malcolm and Mrs. Malcolm, Nestieton. This inoma-et acUqu aintei neet:- ing was attended by Councili- ors Reg. Rose, Robert Kenny, Neil H-unter, Bob Brinkman, Jury Taylor. Don Frew and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. T. McCor- mack and son Paul, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds of Rexdale, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Johnstone. Mrs. Grant Thompson ace- omoanied her brothier and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston, of Peterbor- ough, on Saturday to Toronto. On Sunday morning they Business Directory Accountancy WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Com-ni. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 C h ir opr a cti c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin Street corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointmient D ental1 DR. ANGUS M. BLAIR D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowmanville (near Dominion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 DR. WILLIAM KEANE Dental Surgeon 222 King Street East Professional Bldg Office Hours:, Weekdays - 9 - 5 Telephone 623-7412 If busy - 623-4731 DR. WILLIAM, KENT 222 King St. E., Suite 106 Professional Bldg. Bownanville Office Hours: Weekdays - 9 to 5 Telephone 623-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E, Bownianville Office Hours: iVion., 'ues., and Tburs. 9 tii 5 Wednesday 9 tii 2 Friday 9,ti1 4 Not open Saturday or Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 SHOPSY'5 FROZEN FPOUR VARIETIES)$ 5 TO 7-OZ.' Meat ErLIUée PK3 OUIKKI POLY (LARGE) Utilîiy Bags PO2539 (RED OR GREEN) TOOTHPASTE Close-Up 150 $ff Close-up ML. TUBE$1.09 Canadian CheeSeGFestival [GA MEDIUM OR OLO ICOLOREDI Cheddar CheeseWED20Z PRODUCER BRAND BABY Gouda Cheese 10 D-z.7 ,..79 r IGA FEATURE- H OS PITALITY Hamburg or Wiener Buns CHECKA-UNIT PRICINO Check-a-Unit Pricing soves you the trouble of figuring out which suze product s the best buy. IGAs Check-a-Unit' gîves you instant comparisons. The -Check-a-Uint Pricing" ticket shows outhe cost per ounce, pound, quart, etc. This is just one more service that u shows at IGA we really care. 77 RING ST. E. BOWMANV ILLE r CANADAGRADE 'A TABLE RITIEBREEF!e ROASTS STEAKS: Prim RibMEATY Prime Rib Blade Rloast RIS hLB. .2 Steaks Blade BLADE ~ 5 Tne RoastREMOVED ,LB. Ist 5' $lm9 -robst Roast RIBS LB.*Cos u Short Rib s Steaks Roasts L .U5 STEWIA1G CUTS: Boneless Brisket OEI Blade Roast L 5 Plate Cros Ct $ -aBraising Cros ut L1 19 Ribs Rib 'Roast LBLEAN, NONELO BRISIKET PLATE Stewing Boneless $1 8 Bef Pot Roast LB.$1*n Shoulder ILVle-atyBe Roast LB1019 aks LB. 14 9 LB3480 LB.99 AH.R9 9-1 I Neck Bones L.g; LBI 15b LB. *1.29 LB. 89, SON EL ESS Gon Brisket $1 Cuck Point Roast LB. _.29_____ BON ELESS I AtLLKIITE, RINULESS Cross Cut SIDE BACON Rib Roast Lai.mR SYLVANIA FROSTED 15,25, 40,.60 LigUIL OR 100 WATT K.i Bulbs PKG 3 , PALMOLIVE ILiquid 32-FL OZ. UT _t_ AYLMER CHOICE Corn (CREAM STYLE)IÏ or Peas TIN IGA PLASTIC 15L Detergent 1 7 Ketchup Z RTL FAYG ASSRTEDFLAVRSICARNATION FANCY FROZEN Soft CASE 0E2 1 French 2L Drinks TNS %Fies!T ýJ RED or WHITE G.rapefruit 10 FOR Sqlec PRODUCE 0F U.S.A. FLAVORFUL CANADA FANCY GRADE CRISP B.C. Brussel Sprouits LB 390 RED OR GOLDEN ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE, LOCAL GROWN Delîcious Apples 3 LB s-99C Cookng nios 3 LBl- "HALLOWEEN TREAT" CANADA FANC'Y GRADE B C A PRODOCE 0F U.S.A. Anjou Pears 3B 9C Peanuts 'HELL 2LBS . ji TREESWEET UNSWEETENEO (FROM CONCENTRATE) ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT PACK 0F 6 x 6-FL.OZ. Fruit Juîces TNS 69, Chipperific Biscuits 65e AYLMER (ASSORTEO VARIETIES) Fancy Soups 14 O10 NSFL PliR INA Dog Chow BA 1.29 THE TEA THAT OARES (ORANGE PEKOE) Tea Bags BOX69 Nestiés fluik CONTAINER 940 "IGA FEATURE" FACIAL TISSUE] (ASSORTED COLORS) Kleïenex PKGS. [3 0F 200 JALK'S PARTY PACK Potato Chips B OZ O PKG.. 9 PRICES EFFECTIVE W ED. TO SAT. OCT. 24 TO 27 WE'RESERVE THE RIGHT TG LIMIT QUANTITIES r. s o a a a s TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON NOTICE 0F 'A PUBLIC MEETING Darlington Planning Board and Council have prepared a comprehensive amend- ment to the Officiai Plan for Darlington Planning Area, which is intended to update the Plan in light of recent developments. The draft amendment will be pres'ented to the public at a public meeting in the Municipal Building, Hampton, on Thursday, November 1, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. Ail residents of the Township of Darlington are invited to attend. W. 'E. Rundie, Secretary Dariington Planning Board. v 1 Ki (-ý ýz 17ý 1 dadb.06 'ýÀ