Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Aug 1973, p. 8

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'lli Theanila dianI Statesmian, aowmanville, Auguist 2,9, 1973 .7n FLA,'SHBACK -25 Yeüars Ago -P owmianville IntemedateRoyals closed the local basebaîl season, SeptembLer ii- by pre-senting Port Hope Ontarios witb two unearned runs in the 6-5 sco're of the fifth and final game of the OBA playdowns. M1,Iemblers of the Royals were Ted Bagnel If, Bill Bagnell cf, MxYut 3b, ss, Gilhooly 2b, Hooper SS. c, Willis rf, Wilson lb, Fuirey, p, rf,, Mo.-rgan cDadon p), Richards 3b, Piper phi. 'FLSHBCK ~-10 Years Ago - Durham Couny Rereaton ssociation announmces the winners of swimming achievement awards presented at Cedar P>ark, Hampton, recently. Senior Swimmer's Award - Susant Wearn, Ginger Balson, Debbie Reynolds. Donna Terili1, Stanley Yeo. Intermediate - Peggy and Ruth Mliflson, Scott Eakins,. Briani Mouintjoy, Ailene Y'eol, Brenda Terrill i otbert Tremble, Ted Wgi~ Tim Barton. YOUTH BOW,%LING -registration day, Saturday, ý7Sept. 1 at 1:00 p.m. Liberty Bowl. Ages 8 - under 20. Sec ad for, information or contact manager AI SECOND NI1NE FINISHIED - the long wvaited niews from Bowmianville Counitry Club arrived this wýeek thaï, the second nine. holes are completed with the seedin-g taking place Friday eveing, August 24th. Manager Charlie Low took over the projeet on Junie19t h with the first heavy equipmnent going in on that date. Sixty days of solid effort by the entire staff has resuted in the completion. May we extend congratulations to owner Bob Mc1(Donjald and bis staff and we wishi them the veybest.'Weathler co-operating,. it is hoped 1Pla y oth e new ninee can begini in Auigust of n)ext yvear. Jim You1ngman-, Greens Superini- tendent, hias gîone on a mnuch needed and wel-dseredthreeý, weeks vacation. TENNIS TOURNAMIENTS -- are niow on at the Bowmanvillýe T[ennýis Courts and Seniors are weii along the way to the finals. Will the Intermediate and Junir ebesplease check the bulletin board or c-aIl Anna Strike, 623-2102 for informnation on the dates and timies of tournaments. WI1NS WVORL D CROWN - Conratulations to Rarry -Taniker" Jones and bis crew of Bill Todd, Paul Swiý,tzer and Spike Boston who brought thie world thunderbird sailing championship tp the host WNhitby, Yacht Club. Jonies gýuied Toteml Too to two first-pla-ce fini- ishes Thursday, August 23, to elintch the title. In ac'iltn ridayv, he finished third behind raFra ncisc of Washington whoj ended itp seconwd in the standings and defenjding champion John Mahleson of Victoria, B.C. Jolies, a-omalqil residtent~, put on ant mi- pressive display of navigation over the four- da 'y event. The competition attracted 23ý boats fromit, as fiar away as Britishi Columbia. It was, organized by Thuniderbird Fleets 10 and J;UNIOR GOLF DAY, - at Fowmiantille Country Club on Mondav. Au,,--ust 27 saw Rick Jamres first place winn,-er, with a par 72-1, low -gross, second was Ron Strike with 84., and Mike Orme third with 87. Julie Pearson was in with 61 for nline. OFFICIALS NEEDED -- Thte Oshawa and District Football Referee's Association is presentiy, seekinig inew members wishling to be ofiii.They will be hoflding a regular meet- inc Monday ih at the Osha--wa Civie Audtorumstarting at 76:00 p.mi. lInterested people arie invt attend this meeting and anyone initrested in becoming an officiai but cannot attend, cai Joe Oliniyk at 728-6069. FLYERS TIED -- Port Hlope Flyers iii their series with Milýdlanid Indians won the opener in Port Hlope ojn Saturday 6-5 but dropped the second game on Sun'day in Midiand by a wbompings 10-2. Third gamIrýe goes this SundaILy at 2:00 o'ciock. Flyers' fielder Jeý,rry7 Lord wvill be out of action, he broke' bis wrist sl4ding into third in the. Sunday game I RECREATION DEPARTMENT CLASS ES For Young Aduits and Aduits attheit PINE RIDGE SCHOOL and FLYING DUTCHMAN Motor Inn ,Wed., Sept. 12 51h from 7 :00 to 10:.00 in thie Reecation Office, Town Hall. For fuirther information, please phonle 6p23337 9 Close Play at Plate Gives Kendal Junior Royals First Run Foundry Bowling Sep't. 4, 1973, 6i: 4,5p.m SHARP Team' No. 1 Aces - H'on Good, Capt., Dot Bridger, Linda Adams, Susa-î,nne Cor- nis'h, Jean Woolnier, Conie Dewell Team No. -2'Aley Ca[s Samy Adams. Capt., Bob) Stiles, Jack Bridger, Frank Wýoolner, Nýorma Ferg(uson, Lottie- Yoe-, B.abs Myers. Tea'm No. 3i Sore Hleadls Dave Sniowden, Capt.., AI SetaAda Adams, Law- -rnce Rebdcer, Cindy Knapp, G'or-d Yeo, John Woolner. feam No. 4 Hlead Pins - Gord Simpson, Capt., Larry Vesna, AI Cole, Karen Hlar- esColleen Snlowden, Helen Shantz, Shirley Robbins. Team No.5 GutterbaîlIs- FbO Draper, Capt., -Murray Adiamns Johin Dewell, Oliver Kinapp, Jo Ann M\'yers, Nancy Thompson. Team No. 6i Screw Balis - Norm îCowle, Capt., Brad Adamns, Barb Gilkes, Clint F'erguson, Johin Sierhuis, -Mar- ilyn Good, 6 Team ILeaguke Scedtuk Alley Numibers7-819-1O 11-J)12 sept. 4 Sept. il Sept. 18 Sept. 25 Oct, 2 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Nov. 20 Nov. 27, Dec. 4l D-ec. 11. Dec. 18. Jan. 8, Jan. 15, jan. '22. Ja'n.2q. Feb. 5 Feb. 12, Febi. 19. Feb. 26. Mar. .5 Ma r. 12 MIa r. 19 Ma r. 26 Apr. 2 Apr. 9 Apr. 16 . Apr. 23 - Kendal's eas Junior Royals and Thornton played excellent batilon game of their playdown serieos. Several inntings wentby with no bits and nto e break and took full advantage of it. This photo shows Tomn Wallace sliding run of the gamne after a pass b-al got away from the Thornton catcher. Steve came through witb a biit shortly after to score Don Norton. Kendal went on t the series, Lower pieture shows a few elderly basebali fans wbo, except fo hat. are coneentrating on the gamne. mDAYowGHrJU v enubes Lose to N Bowling starts Sept. ith)ai 7:00 p.m. Sharp. Please be on time. N eXT uame nere Su No. 1 - Moe Richards, lIý Konopacki, Arn Sleep, Dorc MNutton, iMaýrsha -iWinniing, Karen Carter. No. 2 -- Dave R"eynIolds, Gary carter, Les Coom-be's. pat Prout, Eleanor Van MIeer, Pat ilsoný. No. 3 -- Gord Wiflcoxý, Bifl Luxton, Lyle ïMilîson, Gerry Dickens, Hlený Piper, Peggy Milîson. No. 4 -- Elton Brock, Don Cowle, BobH layward, Joan Engley, Gail 'Millson, Sandra stainton. No. 5- Bert Engley, AU Milîson, Gene Trembley, Pat, Lun, ary WlcxMary Kirkton. No. 6 -- Ontie Etcher Audrey Silep, Janice Lah DenniSmale, ireWunnig, Ketn Kennedy. No. 7 -- Les SalDon Bradley, Bob Mitchell, -Mar- ilyn Flintof f. Duane Palmier, Mgary Ann Richards. No. 8 -- Hilda Brock, Rtuth Mitchiell. Rtuth COýwle Bo)b Koniopacki, Cf-cil Mutton, Mike Kirkton.ý No. 9 -- Morley EceHapý PèalmrReg Land, Fern -Bradley, Sue Welsh, Marilyn by Jim-1Clarke i Bowmanvile%'s Juvenile "A's" received their first taste of O.B.A. playoiff compe- tition in Ilton last Sunday, as they suffered a 7-2 defe-at. The loss leaves -theJueis needing a win this Sunday at 2:00 p.m -i,he the net gamne ini the bestý of three- series resumres at Soper Croýek. BowmanrvjIle's showig in it opeýnerwas Ïhampered by several weeks of idlenless, aýs they awaited word on w-ho their opponients would be)(. Exhibition machles wer-e imr- posbeto arrange prioir to the Milton match, as llost area tennis operaing were- àlreuady i1volved in OBA Haywd. O1et Pearl Smaile, Sandra Trem bley FbLand No, Il --- Tom Milson, Ray Van iMecer, Wayne Leac2I, D)oJiores Kýonopacki, Eiler Combs. Theima Bennett No 012 Helen eyols Býarb Knndy da Konoi- packi, George Piper, Ernie Dicens, Llyd Stinton FRID)AY NIGHIT MIXEI) FIRSTSCEDL Date Sept. 7- Sept. 14 -Sept.'21 Sept. 28 1-. 2 1- 2 10-11 3- 5 4. 7 Oct. 12. -12- out.19,,.,2- Ot. 26 , L9- Nov,'2 2 N ov, 30 ýDec. 14 Dec. 21 11- 4 6- 9 8-12 6- 5 12- 1 10-8 -. 3-6 11-9 3- I 3- 4 9- 8 12- 2 ~- 1 10-12 4- 9 6 111 7-11 2- 6 1- 7 11- S 10- 9 6- 7 5- 6 5- 6 I 12 8-10 6- 3 9-Il 2- 7 41 3-10 12 5 11- 2 10- 4 87 54 7- 8 7- 8 4- 5 9. 7 2-10 13 il 6 5- 9 6-12 81 12- 4 3- 7 1- 2 10-11 9-10 9-10 7- 6 1-11 12- 9 to- 7 38 6- 1 12 il 32 11- 1 -S 4 9-12 1- -7 1 4-'2 3- 86 7 ChiSomas P'yDcme flouse at 8,00 p.,m -I1 12 7o aI MIemorial Park Club i Sunday in the second 5-4 1-6 31 2-7) 2-P6 4-1l 3-2 -4-5 5-6 1-2 1-4 5-3 6I-3 2-4 4-3 6-5 6- 6-2 5-2 4-F, -4. 5-3 3 -6 2-4 2-1 4-3 3-5 2-6 4-2 1-5 -..5-6 12 -2-3 5-4 6-4 3-1 -3-5 2-6 ...4-2 1-5 - .1-6 3-2 3l- 4 5-6i 6-2 1-4 ~,4-C, 2 -5 1 -21) 3-4 S5-4 1-6 6-4 3-1 5-1 2.1 2-1 1-3 5-1 2-3 6-.5 3-6 5-2 3-4 1-6 2-5 4-1 6-3 53 5- 6 Il-3 Coal and Ouigintefrom decaying grecen plants. rrrtil Kendal got a left-centre. ft was hlauled ifl into home for the first for the third out andc Milton > stil leading 2-0. SWest is the batter who The Bowmiýanville club left to win the game 4-3 and six runners on base with an r Bud Rolph witbout a excellent threat dîssolving in the fifth, with Milt'on still two ruas in fr-ont. Cox and Sjohn Stainton banged out base hits. but Mlton's laniky Hlenderson Liltonretired the next three hitters, *11 TA o Inthe last, two on strikes. the strikeout route 13 times. indu %ilton stran-ded 10 runniers, as ,y Forsey camne up with several s;eries of tir owncivi. traiding 7-2. Bowmanviîe, set lays. Despite this predicamnent, down in order in the seventhi The Bowmranville bunich areu theB avle crowd rec- and eighth, managed two hiopeful thait they will be able ecivedi somne fine indîvidual baseruinners in their last toi even the series this Sunday perform,-ances in the Fseries stand, ninth, bout failed to at 2:00 p.mn. A good turnout of o)pener on Sunday. Thir top scr.spotr oî netil throwý%er, P1auî Forsey gave, it Arunlte bases -Wieenhapnce the "ais" chances of1 an ail out ot and could Fre andi Cox were Bow- reacing gamre three. easily have em-ergedi a wmner. manviîîe' sisandout figures, It was obvious i last Mlton managed nine hits, but WalIter Wýereýszczynski pulled Sunday's steamny, first gamne it aseror tatcreated off a pair of dmazzig efenisive shfow.,ing, that Bowmianville MOst of the damnage for the grabs atthird base. John and were below par as a result of AoS avi", fIl 2-Ron Stainton in left and threir recenit inactivity. The BewanHe llbehind2- centrefîekd, ,vere souind defen- maaemnias ani extlili- in the sceconýd iînnxng, but sively. tbon gamne sîated for the ralied in their s-ixth to tie The outstanding fieding Juveniles on Thursday at 6:00 thns up. Gary COx, wh opay in the nine innig afair p.m., againstthe clay Ken- beed the Jjîueiles'offenie ,wa a fntasic catch by dal iorteam iat Harvey with tuhreelbits, singled for the MuHtons left fielder, Volpe, ini Jackson Memnorial Park. ht big bbow. lton recovered the the fourth inning. Trading 2-0should provde the -AS" with lead pronto however, as theysat tbetme, witb Tommry a tough, useful workout in ntruk for a pairof runs in the Now lan on-1 second from a, base preparation for their second laIst Of the sit uWt nebiFre belted one tio deej)p plyoff garou away, a walk, triple ;1-,ind n ________________________ e1rror mve he 'winnerss A/criincifo fro for good. They added i v r a te o cruled. Wht two awaythe Commr.ercial Town "A" ade tbree mniscýues an by de teinning LeogupE Hockey Teams Youth Bowters Ail persons rnterested in dayerdnngs9-1130) are also playing 'Town League or rended to rememnber- to Register Commerlcial1 Leaguîe Hockey submîyflt your11 name, T'fie. ai. fo-r the 73-74 season are asked League gets underway on LIBERtTY BOWL, to submit tbeir namnes. This Ocob 11,4h. SATU DAYapplis to Mlast e's players This fouir club circuit will SNTURFAYand newcmers. The Thuirs- have the teamis picked on SEPTEMIBER U day nigbt (g-11 p.m.) four Suniday, Sept. l63th. President 1:00 PM.team boop, will open oni Larry Perris, or any of the October llthl, folbow,.ing execui.tive members 1 ,rYouir name i]lbe accepted will accept youir namie. Gary op-' b any of the follow;ing W'ilson , .579-1243, GryAkey, ~u.m DA aD n1 embherýs of the Tw Leagu1-e John F-owler 623-7194 or Jim PHIUL YVVM LES eeýtcuitive: Gene Balson 'PM, Oîare 623 547. sident, 576-303(7), Larry Perris Again youi are reinfded I IIEATING SPECIALIST (First Vice Pres. 623-5888), that evenî if you- played last 1 Qeenstret Rick Woolner(Scn Vice season, you must suhmnit your BowranvllePres. 623-7713), Secretary namie for this year. Executiv- 62-791 Bruce IMeadowvs 623-7748), es in both leagues are very PHONE6151 Treasurer Mel Punam (623-îterested in baring from any 24 HOUE SERVICE 7,-6(6), Past Pres., Ray Cromr- fcllows interested in referee- 01j, &jas & Electrie Furnaehie 623-2643, or Jim larke, ing duties for one of both & AirCondition«salla- publicity, 623-507 leagues. If you swant more ions .~ CentralS& Window The teamns for the Towyn particulars contact the pres- Jind- le qimn egewl be picked on dents of the respective leagues Fre Esimaes Saturday. Sept. 15th. Those Gene Balson 576-3037 (Town) Budgt TrmsAvalabe itrested in participating ir, or La rry Pérris 623-5188 (Comn- the Commeýrcial League çSun- mercial), PHIONE 623-3396 166 KING ST E. Vear End Clearance SAL E 100 NEW UNUTS GREAT SELECTION LWCOST GMA.PAYMIENTS 1ST PAYENT OCTi. iT SA VE $r OOO 1973 PONTIAC LAURNTIAN 2-DOlOR HARDTOP Florentine Red wvith beige cloath and vinyl interior, 350 V-8 engine, power steering and brakes, rear window defogger, wheel dises, beled white wall tires, radio. Serial No.,: 7K57H31.315391 LIST PRICE: $4757 DISCOUNT: $1000 Sale Price $37571 1973 BUICK LE SABRE 211-DOOR SPORT COUPE 350 V-8 engine, power steering and brakes, durable saddle vinyl trim. Harvest Gold, Belted whitewall tires, deluxe wheel cûvers, bumper protective stýrips, exterior decor mouldings, remote control mirror, rear window defogyger, radio. Serial No.:- 4157H13H540963 LIST PRICE: $5265 DISCOUNT: $1000 sale Price $4265 1973 tenions & century' 1973 Buick Century 4-DOOR'SEDAN Buirgundy with beige interior, rear defog- ger, bumper strips., power. dise brakes, automatie, wheel covers, block heater, power stee ring, radio, body side mouldings. Serial No.: 4D29H3HT194012 LIST PRICE:- $4476 SPECIAL DISCOUNT: $600 -Sale Price $3j87»6 1973 Buick Century Tauipe metallie with beige interior, roof drip mnouldinigs, remote control mirror, power dise brakes, 350o V-8 enginle, power steerinia. white Wall tires,, wheel covers, radio, bumiper proteetive strips, lamp group, deluxe interior decor mouldings. 'Serial No.:- 4D37H3H248724 LIST PRICE:. $44W0 DISCOUNT.- $600 Sale Price $3890 1973 LEMANS 4-DOO0R COLONNADE 1HARDTIOP Finished in Golden Olive with green ciotb and vinyl trimn, 350j V-8 engine. Power steering, auito-matie transmission, bent reveai miouldings, remote control mnirror, belted white-wall tires, deluxe wheel covers, dluai horns, pushi button radio. Seria,-l No.: 4D29.H31519308 LIJST PRIîCE:- $4342 DISCOUNT: $600 Sale Price $3742 1973 LEMANS 4-D001R COLONNADE 1HARDTOP MAesaâ Tan with beige cioth and, vinyil trim, beit reveal mouldinigs, 6 cyl., 250 engine, 3-speed automatie, power steerinig, white wvall tires, deluxe wheel covers, radio Serial No.: 2D29D31519)119 LIST PRýICE: $4208 DISCOUNT: $600 Sale Price $"3608

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