Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Aug 1973, p. 3

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Given a mariage by bler 1ter of Mir. and Mrs, D)onald H. uaied n arrag wih ob- crfWlim oof Mr. and Mrs. ercyFlintff.1. R. 2, Bowmavili, by Revercnd Jun1,w 17,l TiiyUnited Cburh, owmnvilc.Mr. John rooksaakorganist, aceomipanied the soloisfi, Mr. Ross Mle'ccaf. The i,, de was lovcly in berwcdin gown of wbhifc lacte over polyester satin wxifb ia flowviag i train wifh scallopcd edgc, long lace sîceves \werc Itr;immýked with pearl buttons on tl,.,ecuffs. The headpikccc was a luster àf roses which liheld a veil, of' white tulle , andcishe- ùea rricd an arm bojuquet ofAI pîntk Talisman roses wý,ifh babyý '-S breatb. Mýiss Gail are oaal ilaid of honorv, Mrs. Wayvne Sell, Belevlle !Mss Donna Bradley, sisters.- of the bride, Mrs. Robert William Flintoff Robert Aldsworth Photography Allan and Gordon É'hntott, crimplene dlress \Vth white brothers.of the groom, and acessories- and a corsage of Wayne Harness, Bowman- yellow roseus. The happy ville. The flower girls, Misses couple are rsding, at 18 Karen Lightle and Kim Allen, Frank Stree,,A1pt. 10, Bow- Campbellford, cousins of the manville. TIhe bride is a bride, were gowned in dresses Registered Nurse and is similar t0 the bridesmaids, employed at the 'Whitby Psy- with similar arm bouquets of chiatric Hospital wileý the f lowers. The reception was groomn is employed at Sklar held at the Memorial Park Fuirniture, Whitbyý. Club House, where the bride's Prior to ber marriage show- mother received the guests in ers in her honor wr given hy a gown of green and yellow Mrs. Gordon Peck and Mrs. polyester crepe with a corsage Weyburfl Adams, Mrs. Albert of bronze roses. The groom's Donoghue, Mrs. Ken Wright,' mother assisted wearing a Mrs. Sam Seymour. Mrs. floral chiffon gown of green Randy Snowden', Missý Sandy and white, withý corsage of Brown and the staff of Medical yellow roses. D, Whitby Psyciatýric Hlospi- For the honeymoon trip to tai. The gromvas honored Clearwater, Florida, the bride with a gif t f romn co-workers at chose a Ibccoming yellow Sklar. NESTLETO and Miss Sandy Brow, Whit- This eomnmunity laadUinCemctery. esîco by, rideýýsmafids, wcre the wifh regret, cf th,, deatb of a lost a truc fricad, a good bridýai tednsGwc Mrs. Nelson Marlow, on1nighulbor and sincere symi- alîke ini green floral Swiss dot, Thursday i%,August 16 at the pa-thy is cxfended If0lber vwithpictubts, fbey carried CommuiLnity HÏospitl, Poqrt faily.1 ar _ boquts oýf mueadPcrry. Thle funcralservice Mr. adMs ereSa wbif mus ad dîsis. as a rda , gs 8fo grove, of Woodstoek, spIent Thu bst mn was Mr.Mc rot-abke Fun- several days'last wcveek wifh Rany Sowdn, apl Goveera PalousPort Plerry with his sister and brotherý-ini-law, and the shr wr Mesýsrs. infermient la the Cartwrighf Mr. and Mrs. George Doan- cral and Miss Evelyn Sea- gr ove. fut.j On Moaday cf last, wc,ýek, u Mr,,Mr. Ed. Lawson acecom)pan- A istrict attoraey wýaslavg trouble with one of the ied Mr. and Mrs. Marwood NJt1eSeSý ý rthe pmtnacous ld an.MeKec, cf Blackstock and "Areyouacqained ithany te jror?" ske th, spent the day with their cousin "Aýrý .ou m1h ny o th jurrs? askd te Mrs. Pcarl Rainey la Union- D.A. ~vile Moethan haf 1-gunted the witness. Mr. and Mrs. I. osman if -Are 'yovu wligto swear that you know more than hialf of Leuwrea olland arc à2b'm?" spendin1g a monfh's vacation The ol1d man flicked a gl1ance- over the jury box. -If it wifthei utand uee r ~s sitlat" e rale. I'mwilig o wer kowmore iand NMrs. Be D Jon , d ail oi them put gther." familyTheýy areno y th1eir isif la Canada and have CLOTHES CARE HINT: been f0 sec Niagara Falls and Dirt andý grime bave a cýutting action on fabrics. Brush Wif, locks at Peterborough as garm-,ents, frequgently and remember drycleaning removes well ais local points of interest. dust, dirt and grime. MJr. and Mrs. Arnold Will- Planto tten th ara Fal Firsiamis and famiîy accompanicc Phm o atend he aea Fll Firs . .by his 'lister and broth er-la- Plort Perry - Blackstock - Orono law, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fallis ,Afi ComningÎ Soon.. watch for dates and boys, Bowmanvîllc, en- "oyed the wecks camping at LLEEiîm Lodge. They had fricad- 11'AI BOAAL.iINI ly ncîghbcrs toc a family ci La~ those furry animal wîfh the r iCA I DCbushy fails but tbey see ,.LE N ER. L * quite harmless as an nest ing photo was snapped wher .rmom841 KING ST. W. 623-5520 one of the more venÎturesome '.LLNLE We SpecialienSirLadrng was in the acf cf diafings at the _______________________ _______._ famnily fryiag pan. CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES ON AUL 1973 MODELS Mo,,rriedc in Trinity United Church Forthcoming Marriage ed in OCrono United YELVERTON Congratulations to Mr. and14 Mrs. ClvnHo"llnd i(ec a Yvonne Curti.n) who lwere, 4aridin. iaryilhc, 1 ,n 43 in.!wfb h Colt and Country Club.Th young couple wl eiei Oshawa. Local folk who atiedl dthe I-olland-Curti wdin wr his mother, Mrs.NeaH- and, Mis. Elaineeea'i, :lf, Mr. Grahame Fisb and MNr. Bu1ce ,Fishý Mr. 'and r. arec Coolcdge are spending this week with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and N rs. laryMorliis and family af Seeley's Bey- This is to honor Mrs. Morris', birtbday on August 21, aind Ms.Cool- edge's birthdayt,, August 23a well as the fort-f-ifth wveddinfgeý annversary of'Mr. and Mrs. Cooledge on Augusf 23. cOnt- gratulations to you on thisi triple celebration. Mrs.' Harold Robinson, Sus- an and Jane of Bowmanville and Christopher Robinison of Fredericton, NewBrnwc visitedwith Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore for, a pienie- supper at Springwvafcr Park, on Saturday. They also re- mained for the corn roast in the evcning. David Moore s nt a cule of days, last wee, holida 'îng Ï witb his aunt and uncle, M. Little Britain. Mr. Ralph Sadier attended Belleville Fair. Mr. Wilfred, Wlliams, Mrs. Sadier, Mrs. Richard MacKenzic and Claire visifed wifh Mr. and Mrs. Ian Scoft, Charles and ~ Jennifer at Corbyville. The Saýdi ers also atten1dcd Peterborough Fair. Saturday morning gucsts at the Sadler Farmr were rela- rtives f roin the west, Mr. and Mrs. Evertet Mountjoy, acc- omnpanied by MWr. and Mrs G (eorgýe Smlsof Port Perry. Wednesday miorning callers ~ witht' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip were Mr. and Mrs.Mra Marwood Stinson, of Windsorshw in the above phot and Mrs. Gladys tDavison Of 7th, 1973 at 3:30 o'clock ir Befhany Safurday and Sun-MsRodLyn ena day guesf s were Mr Elwood Ms od ynTnlr 1Avcrill, ýCooperstown, New Orono, thegro om is the 1York, Mr. and Mrs Jack Trhey xxîllbe r'eiding in -Gibson. Tim and Darrenot Paîgrave. Mrs, John Prott, Sîfsaa and Congratulations f0 Mrs. David la Oshwa,. * enry Visser who obscrvcd Springwýater TrailPer Park h er birthday on Sundagy, ,August 12. Gucsts tolhonor hier Springwxater Tril]er Parkuï con- for the occasion were Mr. and tinues to gain in oplriy -Mrs. L. Kocoderman, Helen Betweýen fhirfy anid forty and Wilrna of Bowmanville, Durbam Counfy Junior ar her sister and brother-in-law, mers, accompanfied by tý he 1Mr. and Mrs. S. DeJong and Junior Agriculture Repr esentl SCarlo, Mr., and Mrs. Tim ati ve, his wife and cbild iroin jKalisvaart, alI of Oshawa aind Bowmraniville spent Friday t'o jMiss Lori Johastone, Nestie- Sunday at the camp st.On, 1ton. Friday f0 Suniday guesfs Saturday evenin.g Mr. anid -(August 17-19) were Mr. and Mrs. Moore were the general Mrs. J. Jeeninga, Emiily, Anine hosts for a corn rioa)st, when fand Boyd'from Renfrew Th.e about twenty d',ozen,; cars Of, agucsts brought along their corn disappcared l imagie. 1guinca pig. "Jodle" much fio For added enjomet o f the chagrin of the V 'ses the guesf s povde usic 1 dog, Sandy. Lori Johnstne fromn his record,, player, co'm- * Herbert and Chris Vinùe which xnany daniced on, the 1were Sunday ovcrnight guests gravel, in thecir bare feet. swith their aunt and unele M r. C amp life creates extra sfam- 1and Mrs. Reg.. Middleton and ina for this type of receafion- Sfamily in Mississauga. Darl- fresh air-frcsb wafer and encre Vine who was a guesf for plcnty of' sunshine. the wcck, returned home with Sunday Service Sher brothers.- Mr. George Fernie, ofWi- Mr. Lloyd Heaslip and, Mr. iarns Point, was the guesf tWerner Michele of Ottawva speaker at the Preshyterian -were- weekend guests of Mr. Church on Sunday morning. ,f and IVrs. Gerg easlips. Taking bis text tronri Luke 18q eOther reent guesfs were Mr. verse 44 when Je-sus healed and Mrs. John Pbiilp and-the blind marn. Te need -Carla, of NorthBa who to-day is bumility prayer andt qjoined in birthday c elebra- faifh.- If we leave God oeuf of efions for his myo;ther, Mrs. our world fo4a, od will eHeaslip. on August 6. Congrat- leax e usouf andu we will beý like ulations Marlon. Mrs. James the bliad man. Mrs. 1Henry Fenacîl, of Keýmptville, who Visser favored witb ai solo with spent a ree-ent weekcnd with Mrs. George Scoftt' ae:omip- ber sister and brother-la law, nigo hogn Mr.an Mr. . Hasip. Sunday, Augusf 26, will be On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Decoration1 Service in thie George Bowers werc supper United Churcb at 2:30 p.m. guest s of Mr, and Mrs. Reverend Har-ry Atkinson,j Wallace, Trick af Birds-AlI Toronto will be the guesf 1Traîler Park at Keene. speaker. Mrs. Pring and IMr. Mrs. Ivan Prouft and Miss Kennefb Bragg. of Bwa Ruth Prout t visifed for Sunday ville will be beard la voc al evening, dinner wifb Mr. and numbers. nid Mrs.-Larry Edward Hogg b, were united in mnarriage on Saturday, July ar Orono United Chlurch. The bride is the former nt, daughter of Mr. an"d Mrs. Donald Tennant of son of Mr. a 'ndMrs. Edward Ho,.gg,ofaan iClarkson. Sorryý to report that Mr. G'eordie Kcerr bas been re- adiledf0Bowmaaville Memnorial Hospifal due f0 a deteoration la bis 'condition. AIl wish Geordie improved bealfh. Miss, Lo(rraine Shea, Mr. and Mrs. Tcrry Maicolm and Mr. Trevor Nesbitf spent the wcekend wifb friends at their cottage in New York State last weka.Terry and Breada speat thisý week wifh Brcnda's parents the Gundries i ThIe YclvertLoa Sr. girls lost aIn exhfibitionI gaine vs a Bowmý"raaville teami at Poaty- pool Fieldday on Saf. af fer- noon hby a score oif 13-11 lnaa vcryf close game. Likewise the Yelvertoa Jr, girls lost the tirst game of their finals vs Cartwriîght by a considerable margiîn this week.- Mviss jo-Anine Stinson dau- ghter of M ' r. andMrs. Dale Stinson bl ad thle raisforfunc f0 faîl cuttinqg lher forchcad requîýring sev;eralý stitebes at hospîital On Sat. ar.1_ The Yclvcrf-on-Janetville' Sr. -mca beat ouf tScugog Srs. ila tle finrial giniie of the sèbedule onI Sunday. The local fcami rcal ext ended tbcmsclves la f beir baftîng with 3 borne ruas by Brvian, Wilson, Clare Robin- sonan Terry Malcolm. The fhrcc- pitchers wbo shared the wýin wcre la order of appear- ainc-e Marti Malcolmi, Brian Wisnand Ian Pav,.e wifh Terry Malcolm reccivîn.g. The Seugog team had lost fwo of their' players duc f0 an -AVAILABLE AT- PAI NT and W/ALLPAPER 55 IN G S T. W. P HO NE 623-5,431 Award Contraoct Cobourg School Ihe Honorable James W' Snow . Mnister of Goverment Services,. said today thata $678,000 contract bas heen1 awarded f0 the Elrose Con- struiction Company, 18 Mun.- han- Gate, Scarborough. for 7 construction uof a neéw building, to contain kitcheni and dining > facîlitiles at Brookside School, ,Cobourg, for ithe Ministry of - Correctional Servies. VzF â,i Elrose Constructti-hn sbit with the purc ted the lowest ofcive ids( The, newiNg ((le-ee u T H U R S. -F RL & SAT ing, hiaving a gro('ss floor ae of 12,905 sq. feet, luas been AT DAIRY Bi designed by MnifryofGov- AL O R O DS A ernmient Sýervi!es staff to FRz ESMI AN D provide ' ac-ilities for food YOU CAN R( preparation anHd serving, anid - W 'LGV O TS dinng for 150 stuide-nts Vand- ) af tone siftînlg, It wilî iiR re(pl1ace the eNisting two-stor- ey brick structure which is i inadequate for present nes Work on the contrac-t ~ O e asaW e !s aiready -ýýundier way iand com 7 Ftou1Q 1 tm. pleioný is expected dinig the summeni(r of 1974. The FRANCONIA 04748.9 SERIES 210 Mediterravican styled console. Full base. Ca sters. 26" Super'Chrom- 26 UPRacolor. Picture. Da rk fin isbed Oak v,, neers (D4748DE9) or Pecan veneers CHROMCOLOR(D4748P9). 100% Solid-State Titan SOLIDSTATE210 Obassis with exclusive new Ze- ~ TUBES)nith Power Sentry System. Solid- (ÏiVý uss State Super Video Range Tuner. Super-Screen Piture. Çhrom-atic One-button Tuninig. AFC. VHF/ UHF Spotlte Paniels. alsts in FFactory-seaied cartons ESRyICE WKAT WE SEU. OURSELVES"f 426 Simcoe S. Oshawa T 723-01 Mr. and Mrs . Abert Knapp, of Lindsay, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their onfly daughter Helen Effie Miriami, to Waynie William EdwinBoyd, son of Mr. anid Mrs. John Boyd, Lindsay. Weddinig to take place Sat., Sept. 8. 1973, at 3:00 p.mi. in Cambridge Street United C1hurch, Lnsy Photoby John BLoyd Photograý,pher, r Ford has recentlY faken over frorn G.M.« as the biggesf company in canada (Financial Posf, June 73) and fo ceIeb'rat, fheY have given us, -te big year end kick back eariy. Wc dôon'f have to wait for the new models fo Save you ý lsyour brade is worth, considerably miore njow than if w'iII be after the '74*s corne ouf, If you bhink youj've macle som-e good deals in, the pasf, jusi waÎt unfif you hear our prices. The sooner you phone, 219 KiNý ýýG EAiS T 1BOWMIA NV ILLE 623-448,1 player still in hospital and one with a broken armn, Most regrettable. JOBLESS DOMN Canada's unemploymrent figureýs steadily decin!-e. Sta- tistics Canada rprtdthat the unemployment rate for Jully is down to 5.2 per cn fromn 5.3 per cent in June. 11-e total of unemployed Cana dians decreased b y 4,00i July. WITHDRAWAL APPROVED The decision to wîthdrawý Canada's osrvrfoce 'from Vietnam 1ýece-ived the support of 84 per cent of Canadians, according to ai Galup Poil taken the first week of 11,1Partisan app-roval. of theW withdrawal was -- Liberals, 831 per, cent,. osraie,9 per cent and ND)P, 84 per cent., istthe Specializing i-i: Perms >Colons Clairol lWigs Latest Ctitting Techniques' PHONE16235-5 j 37 King St. W. Bowmanville , 1111 1 ilil 1 1, .,7

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