Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jul 1973, p. 8

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'lThe Caniadiman StatesPmoan, Bovmanville. July Ut. 197, "' y FLASHBACK - 25 Years Ago- South and N'orth ~'rsbasebal teami s are struggling to see who tV ill wiri th,,e cha1mpÈinship in games beng play,ýed àt the Hi gh SchooL. South Ward defeated th(, Norh I5-8on Fridjay but on Tuiesdiaythe Nortlî Uefeatedi the Souith 21-3. Line-ups: North Ward k. Ke1lly, lst; R. MeLean, cf, J. Richards, c; B& Cole, If: J. upy 3rd; M. Richards, ss; J. Clarke. p J. Sha, rf; J> el D. Teble, 2nd. South Ward 4J. Mason, if;- Piper, lst; Teirry, cf; Fergus on, p; .Johnson, 3rd; HuïLghes, 2nýd; Willetts, ss; Marco, c, Woolnýer, Maisterson, rf. FLASHRACK -- 10 Years Ago ý- On Monday McQuen'sladies' softball teamf of the Durharn League were dêeeted in fort Hope by the home (eamk) 124., Shirley Brock held the lead- ers to seven safeties wýhîle Judy Wall allowed il hits. E'velynt Conneli with three, Judy Wall and Roth Fenton, a pair of hase kriotks acrouint- ed for ail the homesters hits. Hazel Donoghue tiaced McQueen's wîth three, tuwen tuofmes,, Pleggy Hlaynes and Annabelle Stephens each ~'QALFY Wrdwas receivedi on Movlndia- ýhat two Juvenile goifers from the area, Rick iJames, of Bowmanville Country, Club, and Paul $ob f Pebblestone Golf Club, have ýqualified to ..compete i theOnariiilo Junior Golf Champion- ~ships, to be held Tuesday andi Wednesday, .July 24 Zanc! 25 at St. Catha.rines ol and Country C lub1. ,,PauLt and Rick were among, the,900 Junior golfers -ýwho tried out foir the fnasat varjous districts. êApprI)ioximately 200 were ac cep-ted. In district Il -the qualifyi.ng roumnds- were held at Kawartha ý'ýountryClb Peterboroug, on July 3rd. David ý-Grcenlaw. Peterboroumgh: low with 76. Rick -and Paul tied for second spot with 77. We wish a11l conte,1stat odGolfing! : HOLE-IN-ONE- Congratulations to Chuck Brick, playing at Pebblestone Golf Course on Monday, July M. Aced on the 4th hole of 150 yards wiithl a fîve iron; Chuck wvas playing Zwith Normr. French and Don Prinigle. , elleville Satches 8-7 -Win fromJU VeAnil e s F y jil arke1 Wafcrrcscysianîd -the Bowmianville Juveaýýi les .4ergrasp M inasf Satur'dayý'S "ýs-1 cleat n lciemleVoi eigli ininings, Walter bad _,sfe bf is mtethead b ~vitor lae wfha powerful ~pjcbing efort Hecbad check ediBleil on on-Ly sevemi l*I,.as Bwmanville led 7-5, %veils ila ousa ~ftetgames 1mmý0Iusm ie ~Te le bid 3~,as Belvfescored t in fice efrfaid ocein bb seond Bo(wmnanville bib for a qa tet i0f 1 riuas mn the hird, f0 le'ad -3 Jimi Walace, and Toimmy ,Noxx Ian i ad [îwo its pîc fwhl oBelevillfumb led 1fesiely mking to rrors. ILt became a 5 3 umrgwIn fo ZBowaîivlleas fhcy dea ~siage ruain the outb '~Bllcille's sfartinghevr ~Re Abrains, fftevicfmo soeloose fielding .as e- ~placed by Hon Mcagarlxxho ývworked 0the lasf foui'frme Hon Staînton aind Mike wJuvcilis icnl )n frot731. Bellevlle nnrowed be gp. S strikiag for tlosalhes n itheir pbalf of fli sit.on ainficid inmiscuc and f wo bits oxx mmnvll, oding a75eg ~m~~acedfwo its in bctoýp 0f -s Ginn Ing opltrynPayrud Impc Electrons Chalk Up 10-5 Win bx JinClar-ke L.ast Wednesday evemîmng. .)ulyý ilfb .thelicLockc T V KleCtrons î'egsfered a d-cîsý mvc 10-5 vîclory over bbc P'ort Hlope Flyers in Intermediate -A- act, ion at Agriculture Park. lIfwas, Bowmanville's seconîivîin as many outiags on Port bopes oxva turf Doug Crough fosscd a sfrong iib er anning nine. .~~epicking uip bis third pith ,gvctoi-v against one o-. llo~ ianlb, drove Poil t tope strteJohn 'Sriiith fromn <R'hîond itr na;iling bim; toi nîne runs anid eigbt lbits. ti î leaid Neil Pemberton ta'e lruch bettr over the ast tour frames, giv ing uip one run and three bits l3owmanit le took a 2-o lead n the f irst. w\hen GuyiiParks slugged a one ouf bornier with a man on boOard. A pair oi înlild erorsallowed the( t'tersto ickup a lone rua lnini the seconld, but tble Elctrons aýdded fwýo inti he third for a 4-1 tcad. Sbortstop. Dennîs O'Brieniade two iscýýues in the inningo Port IHopeconcmtinued ro ftounr. as,;",, Bowmianville struck tofor(re ruas in the lnurf and wo mnore in the fiftbt. Smi'j s finial inning). Plort HIope. retrcte bonly a lourthiningsnge idded sîle runs ii ttiefiftb and sîxîi. o trit -3'They anged La pair 0of'safeties in tbe sevenitb but couldn't score. Thir final two ruais came in the eighth, on Mike Connors tmwo rlun triple. Electroas' ri glt ietder, Larrv Perrig made a valiant bit to haul down ,(onnors drive to dee his atfemIIpt. Perris, k~m 310, in is fýirst campaîngn wifh tbe Elctoa, ws cazed on the play and was ýreplaced by Paf O'Reitly Around the aesGyParks hiked bis a ae o31wifb an asoibignght af the plate. He (ýpiled UupSI-X R.B.I.'s, v-iaý a orner, two -i sigesand a sacrifice fI.. Don "Butceh" Bagneli was aotersandouf, producing 0three of Bowmýian- ville's i itscorig ùtree fime an driîngin a run. Rookies Murray O'Brien and Larry Forsey, bofh had two bits. ayCromnbie, although collared at the plate, belted a progicious drveo center in the fiftfbthaf was t urned info an amazing double play, Centerfieldei. AI Walsh ai- most ran ouf of sighf before ýuInnCrombie's ,two on ls.Hsrelay into teiafield ended tbe frame, doublîag off in Electron runner. For Port Hope. O'Brien and Bob Frew aad two bits apiece. The Flyers werc successful, on fwo m4f four stplea base tr-ys. - Flyers Again Victims as Electrons Gain 14-3 Win Two young B3owmanville boys barrel down the straightaway, hopping for ail they're worth, in the ever-popular potato sack race. The boys were participating Mn the annual Bowmanville Summnner Gamnes at Memorial Park on Thursday, July 12th, part of the siate of summer playground activities sponsýored by the Recreation Department. Other featuied events at the games includced the tug-of-war, an, obstacle course and thie three-legged race. Wit.h eight(i or teni different events going On simultanleously it was hard to say how many youngsters took part bu,.t a rough estimiate would indicate it must have been close to 100. We don't know if anyonii-e was keepinig score but the kids had a whale of a time. the nîniitb. by Coracl and Andy; '4"'y- h e ea s t- - 1c CCullough. tbut fiicd fo btars ot~ a ~ a increase tLheir lead. Beleville snre ite vicforv on four its v*- An Ill e Bases-61the Bow On Sunday Uaet Soper Creek îîcudjing a leadoff one., u n- wmnille Juveailes next oui- bN inin('LaioTî esnsmthwl eGlol.cas hocBl ing xill be this Satuirday in vai vml' oka~uhnce m any League ,Dadson', aog m colorful SoperCre, o a2p.m. Eefosaelokn o ontes and a seven ir iiinmg Cit eguo a ell as affair wt Port Hp.The sbould prmvide botbmnIthreclln o clb n thi frt cr flarge turnout thisSunayai th 1rtorj11 an a ibetîli- trs suc as Ted iBagneil, coubmeitonw war no..f c hy rsa hm lre bî'o euke n ck"Ci."enrl theiî new, uifo fo r bscndanulmtoi- itdntraimmi nsetc wibein afften- tis tie The Spoaisors for "The Stars -ýof te Psi'at 1; s epctdta myo ac Supeelte Grbam' I.GA .Last eari'il quduî imi >prtcptpm blmae hsSna and PbsCbThe club are gm, h letos n sm oh tino aî 'oc i fas îo omnil hopn1g !for a good 1turnouf tti' efmiirpayes<o C.wl b imer tbcpoeflBrodl osesad Smmayas [fbey affenpt Io mail'Ïatlne;d"tr"oui el~ x oWoyals cub)s o1)the asf. The Chritenther nw uifoms ae feam-s squared off ii atm dî'ew perî o h idring 'ý13E ctosmng et wifba hme vcfoy ejoy0ae, brief mnatch.The ay fBomnvte' reat adpaeaeatcptn b lat Saurdy's oss.tbereaiction Iby botb bbc payers ttermediate past victories rang , fnflldafeno Juvnils ere ouhil ad spCctaitor1'S )his evnt ,ill agamo be (n ac tiad hope Io sce \%ou aI Sopr wmth Corncîl and Tommystthabcs nmtinfrPlaeî-s like cslkfidigCek .No(,wlan pckmag up two eacbis eisafi oao fMxYut n o The ltter made several sharp ptays defensively, as did Tomi Coaha n iht i Hd on-, YIIYI Stainton, Aady MvcCullougbiS o i ej- t , 1 ortî pP and Jim Wallace complcted bbc Juveniles seven bit total G e o k sE e to sJ I viv s-Oc e s. Eletitrrons i ljI Week (of July 9-15 inclusive Admiissions - ......- 79 Birtb -3 ate -6 female.,9 ...s..arg..... 86 Major imOperations .10 Mlinor Operafions 3 EmergencyTreafmulets 40 2 1 1b', Jini Clarýkt, port Hopepopnsfed one (i their infrequenitoies oe bbc Locke T.V. Electrons ti'u season on Sunday. but made il a -rsonrmiding5 8-1 sces h,. \ov as only bbc BwmaniiIc crod'ssecndmn P, honie The defeoat leaves flice.c rons wxibli a 12-5 record Ibis year, with seven league mmai- chies rewmim19i A manfmittouîr hi t pibebmng chore fho- the Fly- em" s John Smiith min Sunday alloxved Port Hope, <o)saivage. ie triumiph iii flîcu' past tfbrcc nîeeimngs xxithBoxna'ic Tîîcr petormncedurîng thv8i wn vwaS one of thecir b imest efforts ,iii sonie fîme as tley shone bof h offcmsiveiy =n on defemîce. Bowmn ville's Kim Roger's sut fered the defent. (1-2 1, beiag baggcd for six ruas and emghf bits dtîming 6 and1citxxo thirds inaîngs.He sfrmîck ouf tour and xxatked lîve bel oie Gary Akey . t1<rcplaced im mn the sexeiibb. wifb flic bases fli and ;two ouf. Wiatthe x'sitors mný tm'onl '.3 t Put Wakeley drohe wone dtoepcanP)r tuId ni teaî'imthe iaonks A em- m'eid bbc mmxl ale', tia bwo rut.lfoasme h imîtbger 'Fve win teei-to a -0e in heir thirofothDateiBem sinhngallr Forses walked nnd xen 10second on Paf O'eiyssairifice bunt.Bow- mani Jlle mnnaged just lbrcc baseuamersover the final six trme, asPor't Hope',;clf !ncewarI îa i h u The l> rs ui amna asthe as e thr as ielt.rbu ti i.IRogem sbabed is îwîdoxxnfalt in the se-lveath afiwmth oîîe aw.' ý-he lired Smiflîs bitI' xîdl'past first. Sm -ieemiualîsl coe on a pnssd hll anid a gro,,umder tb slîotsbp Gs Prks The, býuttomI. but mn1;1'bbcL1ieiîumg looe Te xisitsiibmiied 3 t' aid fiîliug bbcbases \;-ound te s-he deleat Croýugh and Rogers manaiged! [ut1s of Simnth. who lnanc,ýi(d o(al\ tivebualiowedJus! on-e wnlk. The ockeTV.bcl madle foi- errors inthl gaie Al over bbc laisitre nig Ricb Lîftle, nh!ltuhit iless was Bomaviie' ost ira- pressive ,per-former (defensive-1 Iy. aîonlg wifb el.F or Por-t Hope. Ralph Hodgsoasupic thîce btwith lPwo apiece- goin1g b Bema andRick Aulstin aneHggiSS), Demms t0)Bricd, Wlt).iJiinîy Joe,2)andGryLod RFi. 'aided Siîb'is wimîing mnotnd job wîth supcrb ,f ield- mng plays, Crombie. (8< i t'he balJsolidJlUo w ca bonigf. enedy t empting 1l anevitr number1 beae i test tis Sfu-d ibi. ai 7:30 x lien1 bex tackte1k en Stadmuni MThe ýleefon aei - d .\ cm ;rii ,- ',oxx ii .s h c Don'b orgef bbciwitElctrvos leaTbe Strs ot i Ps exin tionganeaI Soper Creek thîs uds J m2dat p mn emowd p layiimng tourgaoes m Seen asOuMndaad Flronkspaytir fiarw legu gms it ort Hope Kaedl ngesvsî!fr , mat cfi1withBwanviere Stephens an .~2and Fraaks beaf Elfîs 8-1i laýs1 Tuesda7 ngbtanid onr Wedncslday niýig Fanis gaini-t ed a default wia -over Krams.. and Stephens bmbdEllis 14-8. 'Noà game.s w played on Tb'ursday due to ftbe carnival. Tcrry Baker scattered 7 bits and'ran bis record to 3-2 as Stephens downed Kramnps. Hon Etcher e Stephens witb a 3 for '31 efufortwbil Bob Abbott and Jim H, y)ioricbuLk eacb added a pair of safelties. Stephens erupl cd for 4 rui;n the 2nd to provîde lbemwffih Ibeir imargin of icor. ar- Franks tald!wd3>runis iiithe fIr4 a ýnd ad 4more _ýiii the 71h f0 d(on ii llýive Taylo-r led Fraaks 7 býit atta-ck wifb a pirl'of' bits. Terry Baker t5ý-i) sýcattered 4 bits for- the win.l l&nywas Elitss wmfb 2 biits Randy Beauprw 23 took the loss, Ruas came in bunche-s in bblc Stephens-Ellis game on \We ýd- nesday. nigbl Stepheas talied .- in lbi 4tb, 4 in the 5tb and :1 in f be 6tfb f0gain the win. Six of cais15 runs came in tbe Stbi nning E igbf different pifcb- ers 1fook i1o Ohe mound to try bo sto0p t lugfsJiln Ryhor- bisDaýve Edmýondson anid Hi-ian Bakbr Iec ad a paii-and Bakur loaddedl 4 R.B.l,.sLen eni.Paufl Thiessen and Ken B Parrie eacb bad a pair of bhits fior Ellis. Kenny fwo bits moved bim-i Haf o the league wiadinmbatfinig %xitb a .481battin-g averag,, Don Lorusso 2-2) piîcked Uip the win wbile Burton Sine <-5-) took the 1()S> A pair- of Franks layrs Neil Fry% and Jini Beam le ad the league in runs scorcd Jwith 19. Bob Tugwood of Franksi-., leaÀds in H B,I.'s witb 15. Keiinnyleads in hib it ih 25, and Steve Wafson ofS! pha leads in at bats ,,,iib56 Baker of Franks fendslthe pîfcbJing with a 5-f %onll ostreord The Lau sprsny hlding a 50 50 draw bicb s obtjriedat iz bail park The dr.vand Thuirb-lî'd onThur 1» Jim(Clarke Bowmaaville's Locke T V. Electrons experienced onifly' nmild resistance from thie v isiliag Port Hlope FIyers <ast Tbursday nigbf, as tliey swept to a 14-3 triumph. Darkness baitedI the lopsided affaîr affer 7! 2 innings. Thie T. V. group fattcaed <ir averages. as tbey s1am- mncd ouIt 12 bits enroule f0 their l2th. vicfory in, 16 league con tests., Ralpb Hodgson. wbo f oued the first tbree frames for Port Hope, cxifed affer allowing cight ruas and seven bits. Dave Bemnma dlidn't fare much better, bcing rattled for Bowmianville's remaiaing six ruas and five bits in a four fram mound stay. The~ Electrons' pitcbîng combinathionof' Paf OCReilly and Gary "H auk" Akey combhiaed f0 limi tfthe Flycrs fo seven aftisalI sineles. Akey took over inflic. fifth and thIrew fýour ininings of glitfcrîng, one bit, shutout relief.0Rely after zipping through thie first tbree innîngs allowiag only one fit, was tbumped in the visitors' fourtb Tbey cotlected theirý three runs and pickcd up f'ive bits. Jim Gilme-r's drive tc short ceaîerfild accounted for a pair of runis. The Electrons made îhiree errors in the inaing and thie game. Bofwmianville led 5-0 affer the fîirsf iaamng, slamming Hodg-sonfIor four bits, inclujd- ng ru n pro-ducing blows f rom., Ravý Crombie. Geore Sains- bury an d Larry Piper,.,twoý. Il waýs 8-ufllowing a tbrec run explosion in the thw-d. Larry Forsey, wîth a sacrifice fly, Saînsbu ry and Piper drove in Uic runs, as Hodgson contin- ued f0 be baffetred. The Elcîirons sifruck for a pair of r'Unis in the fiflb, sixth and senhoff Bemnma. Arround bbc theBases-Piper, ittree. R.B.I.s}, Sainsbury, fwo ) B.1Vs), and Guy ParKs aI He owýmanvîlle's ottence wihtb two bits eacb.Frsy wif b a double and a sacriffice fly,ý couîcd ffirce R.B.I.s and raised bis average 10 300. Akcy's sevenfl inining borner off Bemma was bis first of the year axid the T. V. crowd's ninth this year. Don Bagneil, Crr iMike Johnson and O'elyadded singles to round out their 12 it fattack. port Hlope. minus several of their veteran players, Wayne Hiogg, Jimimy Jones, Dennis O'Brien and Phil Keeler, managed seven hits, with Lord having a pair. They committed four errors in the game. giving they eight in their last, two outîngjýs against the Elect ronls. PHI1L VOWLES FiEATING SPECIALIST PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE Oit, Gas & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tions - 'Central & Window Urits - Clare Hleela & Findley equipmfent Free Es0mates Budget Termns Available MAKI-NG FR1974 PONTIACS anî,.d BUICICI SAVE NOWI on 73's TIME IS RUNNING OUT AND THE NEW MODELS WILL SOON BE ARRIVINO We Have Over 100 1973 Cars and Trucks THAT MUST BE SOLD PRICES SLASHEDI FOR EXAMAPLE: 1973 LeM ans 2-dr,. Hardtop Front and rear rubber matsi - Body side mouldings - Chrome belt reveal mouldings - Rlear window defog ger - Custom sport mnirrors - Power disc brakes - 350 V8 - 3-speed automatic - White walls Whe covers - Dual horns - Radio - Lighting group - Viny) top Serial No. 2D37H3150954243 WAS $4520 PELSI SALES 3 You Save $583 ">""""y $3937 DHPIN SOON ANU SE SE FOR YOURSELFA" Conveienlt on thei spopt GMý-AC and MICfiaig DENT, Tom lCowa Ilîfl VTR.Stew P-à-t,' Weldon Brýtown BruceWing IR-muai 2 PHONE 623-33;1)6 166 KINGSTE Thank You.. On behaif of the Bowmanville Lions Club we wis>h to express our thanks to everyone who helped make our recent Parade and Carnival a greai succe-ss. Our Grand Prize Winner for the HawaiiariTTip wos Miss Patricia Cowle, 198 Church St., Bowmiranville Ticket Number 229 JIM FRANK president GEORGE STEPHEN Carnival Chairman, EY ALL %. 4t THE CRAZY GAME THAT SET THE NATION LAUGHING Bowâmanvi'lle Kiwanis Club Bowmacnvlle Kinsmen Club Tuesday, JuIy 24th 1 7:001 pm. ChildrenSc Do ,l.ndLr 12? mnof aQLe> - S OPE R C RE E K PA&RK _ 1 Ili 1 ilillail 0 1 il 1! molommu- --- - min» lllmlmlm ir

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