Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1973, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman lfow,ýmanviIle, July 11, 1973 Eight Playgurounds Already Underway 13owmaniville's eight play- Lord' Elgin Scbool, with Julie grounds began their prugramas Pearson and Irwia Tielemans, on Tuesday, July ;rd, under the Lions Centre witb Lynda t he Recreation Department Avery and Anne Kent, Vincent and will conti nue throughout Massey School with Karen the, summer until Thursday, Watson, Waverly Road with Au-. I6tb, from 9 to noon and, Linda Ferrili. Memorial Park 1:to 4:30 pm. Monday with Bill Fair, Nancy Lee through Fridlay. Taylor and Cathy K]patrick, They are located at Knox East Beach with Julie Mcllroy Chr-i stian School wbere Irma and West Beach witb Susan ,cema is the Supervisor, Wren in charge. Chief Super- alme-wzmâuurn2mmum visors are Chris Terbiune1 and Brepda Linton. A nnouncement as sports, aiu Annou cem grnesarts andc cratts, there will be special activities including such items as a Sand Castie competition, a stuffed pet show, a sports day, an Indian day, a museum tour, a tin can cricket tournament and two parades. The summer ..........will be a cook-out on July l9th- N. i\at Thistie Valley Park. On 'è July 26th, a Variety Night will be staged in the Tow~n Hall.A Soap Box Derby is scheduled loi, Aug. 2nd. at the hilI on 7 ~ Simpson Ave. and the big Mardi Gras parade is planned * for' August l4th, In addition, a group of local youths wbo have received a grant to promote drama in À~ this area will present three s plays for the playground - children and this week an BILL MCQUEEN Ontario Government spons- zerinig PnicBikLd ored Art Trek wili be held at port Pryaepesdt the Lions Centre. concluding annoncehieappinîuen cfThursday evening. Mr.BihMeQcenasSales, Ail in ahi. il would appear Repreentaifor theirj firin. that there will be loads of BijlI bas, over eight ' ears action for youngsters who are exeinein He auh(oniotive taking part in tbe Playground saýe-lies d and is lookiîîc prograrn. forward to seving bis previous iriends anmd cuistomiers as weII as makil-n newacquaintances mi the sronigar-ea. Di-op in or call Bih at 983a-7309 or DELQiTTE, Ut iu 1917 a Beech knoxxn as hDanuel Bounes hear tu-cc stood in Noîl leu-n Tennessee wihb flie inscription: "D. Boone cile4NA B AR On tu-e un The Year 1760.- H ASKI1N S &SELLS Charlered Accauntants SPý VTNERS: PHON E 72 8 -7 527 SWIMMING LESSONS LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR FINAL TWO WEEK SESSION. QUALFLE COPETENT ISRCO ATr PR[IVATE 1 IMMACULATE-HAE POOL.- AilLevlsof Instruction Smnall Classes -- Adults Welcome Lessons Com-mence JuIy I6th CONTINUES WEEK DAYS FROM JULY 16TH to JULY 27TH F EE $8.00 for ten lessons REGISTER AT: Mother Mo0d Materlis 80 KING STREET WEST BOWMUANVILLE STARTS aCHULDS' Ladies' Wear 37 KING ST. W COMPLEFE STOCK 0F SPRING and SUMMER DRESSES Clearing at Reduced Prices PANT COATS AND COATS UP TO 40% off BLOUSES PANTS 20% Off A 1 Oid Oafr Ridge Womcn'Dies Following Accident on 401J An 89 ycar old Oak Ridges woman was'fatally injured on Higbway 401, just casf t lHuit Road, shortly before2 noon on Tbursday. July tb. The dead wuman us Mrs., Annie Elba Piatt, a passenger in a 196;9 Ford fpichuî-ed above>) driven by her daugb- ter-in-law, 56-year-Old Edith Plati. Accordung f0 OPP reports. the eastbound Plaît car dîove ont o the( gravel shoulder of the road and went oufut of ontrol when the driver tried f0 buing t back ontu the higbway Tiie car vcered back across the easfbound lanes. careened into the median and ther flhppcd over onito the e bound lunes. laindung Onits rouf, Butu -Mltvsmen were taken f0 Buwrnanville Mem- orial Hospital. 89-year-old Annie Platt was immediatelý transferred f0 the Ncwmarkeî Hlospital wberc she later dicc Municipal Clerks, Meeting to'Smooth Way f or Reg'I Govt, The Town Clerks [rom al thie municipalities aind town- ships which wiIl be involved in the new' Durham Regional Government met withi a team of provincial officiais, headed by Gardner Church, in Osh- awa on Thursday. June 28th. 1At the meeting, Bowman- ville 's Cl.erk-Admiinistrator, Joe Mcllroy was voted to act as the returning officer in the October municipal elec!tions for the new Ne wcastlenmunici- pality. 1The Clerk's meeting al!so recommended that each of the existing municipalities ap- pount a steering conlmittee, compî-ised ut the Clerk and une Council member, ho pre- parc the groundwork and make suggestions f0 the Regional Council. Sucb things as the administrative staff requirements and the division ut administrative functions, wi lI be invcstigated by the local steering cummittees. Bowmanville's Council ap- pointed Mayor lvan Hobbs f0 join Mcllroy on the ~ern commît tee. The Regional Governiment Bill passed recently by the Observer Article C( On Coupling Wifthogi Coruliîîg ubutbr ý fuutce.o ci!", Haill tai hat attr its incre oto jourinEalt If o.pxs affcesnthde crass Uied h amîlbso evr. Zwickgherlinthopcinn [mom Unitedl Cburch min- isters acuoss Canada and fiinepeuson(s [rom 18 yeai-s of age Ib 42-,,who have liv- oculcommuýn la'..Zwicker rame ta he - onclusions: Wlethere are probabl.as mnan v as 20 prce,(nt nM )-nop Caniadjian couples oe iving ogthrwltb- ouf bovin g pone t hrough a mriaecercmonie, "the frnend is fl a isoamui cahtaion", spatu rMletelv dFfreu'e wa Th(, people, m amI x issues -bhrth cnmai- tio. uligb. odei na iogsaHil ecmiuiers.S, de in-it om ,cll-e iBut aotoail t1icummn peolf ci et un.'dea,* fýimv e s ees inho mar- cae. "foc iecSuduhe adi-- mîs dutis famis. s -iialnd svmbn]s, as a on ad Baîrbic dofl carie- A u~o(freal mariage... Ta teni.the eeremonlv netennakos them ar-i: iuli or is, if sen âasa ho- inniog,. 1h onl, 'v ,ca;nms wh at the coupl ie has found b,. livingtoeb-. The umrid wce inteu-xiewecb were ah wii iung ti) bc identiifie d which ini itscîf, rhe thiought. wsas a signiificant- change in attitude. Hoc founcb them hoppy,, and well-baloneed and con- cluded - ulthouighhif-,hlm- self is niaruied - thaf "the uise oit the unmarried cou- pie . .. is a positive de- velippment. The couples I knovxu bavec taught me a good)( deaI One lesson Is thaf transitions lamoal ity need nof rendfmi ics; fbey cao houppDýor- tunities for - rowihb Guidelixues for Pareýnts The folluwing guidielinies for parents ai-e included in teObservex- article: 1. Simoply try t(,nertn T)oýn15't ojudgmeo 1ilý,jtal1. 2. A1vnid hpc-s.3.Tu-v f0, realize yuur s'on or du ghter probab],v feels is ,puihf than you - p)erha-ips auone at all - aborut pro- marital sex. 4. Avoid mur- alizing. "moralizing will brlng back a weak kitten. or push a beilîigereat per- son into lcaxhing7," sao ne counseibor. F) Stfay v i n toucli. Leavýe 11hedoo)rs open. 6. Ask vusif i you have pae urcii dren un apdetl.Ms parens dofondthe on plae hel- arnts on une. fQou). 7, einl rusl i ves his ni- ber v(M n,1) .1' [. f -oikthink LThe c, i cOupE' ordhirthcb ta B& PWomen- Tours Parkwoi BowmanvlleBuiness and Professional Wmenheld their June meeting at the1 home of Mrs. J. Bell, Conces- sion Street, Bowmanvllle with a good turnout of members and guests. Mrs. Bell weleorned the Club on behaîf of the ladies of St. Andrew's Church and served a deliclous buffet supper. President Marion thanked the ladies who had Fewer The 0f ts The total value of property stolen in Bowmanville showed a sharp decrease for the month of May, according to the monthly police report submitted to town counicil. Police iisted $3,147 worth of property stolen in April. The figure for May was $948, 0Of the May total, $150 worth of stolen goods was recovered. There was also a noticeable decline in the number of pe1rsons repoted injured, [romý? 15 in April 10 5 in May. Cnîîipleting ftic trend, the numiber of thetts Linder 5 deecased by hall. lu il in May, Ontar-io leguslature stated. '*tlhe employees of local muni- cipahities .. shahl be oftered employment by tbe counicil of the au-ca munucipality xitb which the arca amalgamated or f0 which they are annexed In the case of the municipal- ity of Newcastle, flhe adminis- trative staffs ut four counicils. Bownianville. Darlington, Clarke and Newcastle, wil bave tu bc reorganîzcd, atnd' assigncd new posts. The steering commTuti(tes plan f0 meet in August, mments An interesting visitor to Bowmanville, Museum recent- lv was Mr. DeForrest Wake- fild Fletcher of Puyallup, in the state of Washington, U.S.a descendant of Alex- ander Fletcher of Bowman- ville, he was interested to know if there was any mnat criai in the Museum on bis ancestor. Curator Mrs. M. Wiseman was pleased lu be able to show him references to "Squire" Alexander Fletcher. Who N Ju c A rea Councîls (From Page One) cd by the Ministry, each ward Ironi ber unuries. The druvei xxiil elect one regional couni- o)f the car was freated tutoicilor and une local represent- minor injuries in Bowmanvulk ah'.e to sut on the Area and relcascd from bosptal. (ouncil. Theý Mayor of the The car was a total write municipality xvill presumahly off, wîth damagcd estimatec be electcd by a general vote. at ovcî $2.000. OPP ConstabiE Reeve Rickard also said Fitz Gaylord invcstigatcd th( that the local politicians dis- tragedy. No charges wer( cussed what tbis area munici- laid. pality sbouhd be calied and-lie indicaled there was 'general wripservice. She discuss- agreement on 'Newcastle' as cd( the position of women in the namie.- xarious counitries and men- Discussion was given tu tioncd many of those promin- wberc the municipal offices cnt in the world, and told the sbould be located and the story ut another wbo, in bier Darlington Reeve said the humble position bad influen- feeling ut' those present was ce b,! undrcds of lives for the [bat the. offices in Bowman- bettr, The choir, Mesdames ville would sein to bie tbe K. Dinner, J. McHolm most adequate. at least to .J. Concly. M. Payne. L. stait \Witb. Kellog, G. Byers, T. Wilson. R Last week's meeting iasted McWo6fun sang. Jôyîul,-Juy!u -l'Ao bours and il appears that we adore Tbec, and Sons ut there wiii be other such joint God, hîcar bis Holy word [romi meetingsof the four existing the new hymn book. Organîst councils prior tu the October xxsMrs. H. Reeve. Seripture municipal elections. No date was read by Mrs. Harold Bcsf bas been set as yet for the next and others taking part in tbe meeting. service wcîc Mesdames Geo. Announce CItairmian Soon Tutturd. R. Baker, auud E. It is expected that the Barrowciough. Next Sunday provincial guvernment wil there wilI be a joint service ah appoint the chairman for the Cloriadale Farm, Garden first Regional Council "if not Hill. Ibis week, then next,"« accord- Neugbibors werc sorry to ing t0 Mu-. Rickard. bear uf the sudden dcatb uf, He added that Ministry Mqr. Steve Talho at bis home officals bave told bim bus haust Fuuday nigbt. name was une of those bcing Mr. and Mrs. Gartb Juggins considcred for tbe chairman's uChatham wcre at Carroll P05t.111 'Nichols during the weekend "My name bas been kickcd and wil he rcturning on around," bie said, "but 'l Monday accompanicd by Don- untumated that i dudn'b want aid Nielhols belping to move the job. *ýü I ,iof' u their bousehuld Anotlier quili xvas linisbed haist weck aI the.hume of Mrs. 's'o mitbu i ~iiprsmaT. Wýilson.,Local ladies wcre ohumî)a w' n'tu-a aasited by otbcr lfàithful niainag Tb~<i wxvrkers. Mrs. P. Hoskin, an iaii'.h' optogth~r WlcocMrs P. Snell and If tey leojlo u morv.Sitela Benett, Port Hlope. that xvii h~ aaîîl-icu ma it u important event is t mjesscd in xvcckly reports but aire wuorfb îrtioning.even if late. Congratulations f0 Mrs. Isclub Pheobe Holcaway wbo celc- i ~ brated ber 941h birtbday on Ou Esiol'e July 3rd. if tbcy could let ber know, among ber weil wisbcrs servced the dînner and brietly xxouldl ccrtainiy be ber twu open ed a short businuess dis- gre-ý-at-great grandcbildrcn. cussion toliowing which the A forecast ut the activity f0 girls departed lu Osbawa for a come on the quiet sideruad tour ut Parkwood Estate the leading to the site ut the power home ut the late Col. and Mrs. plant, was the- crew running R. S. McLaughlin. A thrilling (fbc drill lu soul test the road twu hours cumpletcd Ibte iteP fx-oînMourisb ovcrpass eveniîn-g bringing f0 a close a wbere the cloverleaf wili be, to very successful year [or -the the latkeshor, if cufs across Club. Ibi-e [au-ms. ovcur a concession Wc especîalby welcoxne back road, hhrougli a woods and Velm Gaywho ias eenover thîrce raibroad tracks. VlabsnGfra copliofmeet- Tesb1ing was 1donc last wcck. absnt ora cupl o met-Mr's. C. Dickinson and ings due f0 ani unfortunate Stella Bennet t wcre f'.o local accident. peuple on the bus tour with the E ast Durham Historical Soc- WESLEYVILLE iety on Saturday. There were 80 on'flicetxvo buses and al Chut-eh service atI Welcomce report a wortlîwhiic day. on Sunday moruîing. July 8h,!1 was in charge uftrtie fnited r T lE H IL cburcb women and was con- iLLIZABETVIJJ ducfed by the president Mrs. Chîur-ch services xvere hcld Ken Symons. The gucsf spea- affer ail. Mrs. H. Wbite was ker was Mrs., Cari Curtis, the speaker. She spoke on the pi-esident of fthe Cobourg Mission _of our churcb. The Presbyteria), -nd ibe tbernc services for July and Aug. wil was "A wuun robe un a be at 10 axa. Nexf Sunday tbe cbaxing rd. She spoke ut' lSth xill be at Gloridale farm our Qucen's position and an outdour service for three leader-shuip aund the diflerence charges. un society. Spcaking ut a On Sunday afternuon Eliza- seminar at the Unitcd ations. betbville bhd their Sunday slîe saxul unuchu ut flic dxscuss- Sbo Anniversary services. loti 'xas beLl ixm l"' churchi Tbe cbildx-en as a choix- sang centre xx lii ch!inchudes a haelseveral numbers. under the be h e ligonJmeyo alçdcrshîp utf'I s. B Burton,' Výii Mrs m f*f7McAllister. Mr., ofPeterborough minro- duced Mr. Todd wbo bad - charge ut the services along rw i FO R %th some musicians wbo provided excellent music, V I N G! Lunch was scrved at bbe close. I IOn Wednesday eveningth annuai strawberry supper was bcid and a good crowd turned * out and enjoyed the mnarveli- Ip~ous supper put on byth I R ~ .e .Vr. Osley Mercer came no homle [rom the hospital on lay- Saturdoy wceLk MVr. and Mlrs. L, Muidrew liave-(gone luO Csbawýa witb Mr. M.-D PMN. a n d rs.W. Muldrew, Osbawa for a few days and expect ta and FRIDAY aittend bbc G. M. pensioner dxnner as wcll as a doctor a ppoinînient. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dekoker vxisîted 'bIth Mr. and Mrs. H. Thxcksoxi, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M ýrcer visited their new g--rndsoxî ah Cobourg hospital 623-2546 ad M rs. R. Merce. 'Aiso ilh!>Ont.called on Mrs. Walter Gordon, mYmifmu~uuwwiuonl Sunday. E~ii~UMr. and Mrs. W. Terbenchlie -1 wouIU bcVpoltJically nieutralized." he explained. -There are more effective roles I could play than the Regional Chairman." YOUTH SHOT IN LEG At approxiînately 6:20 pani. on Nlonday, July 9th, DoulasKilatrck,1 4, Sffl of ýMr. and Ms.Chartes Kihpatr-ick., ackman 1Road. was shot in the Ieg h.%ani unknown person. The bullet is believed to be frorn a .22 or larger calibre rifle. The incident occurred west of Mearns Avenue and north of the CPR tracks. The injured youth wvas taken to Memorial Hos- pital and is making satis- factory progress. Town Constable tan D. Srnith is stihi investigating. Hlydro Phase ,2 Meetings Set The second phase uf public meetings on the Lennox- Oshawa 500,000 volts trans- mission line begins July 23. Previews of the transmis- sion lineroutes selected by the Ontario Hydro's consultants have been arranged for media representatives, elected officials, and planning boards througbout the study area. A meeting is scheduled in Hydro's regional office at 420 Dundas St. E., Belleville, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. A second meeting will be and family Port Hope were with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer on Sunday, Mr. R. Mercer was also witb thcm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peacock and boys, Kapuskasing went homeý on Sunday. Mr-. and Mrs. J. Ingramn spent the wcekend away camping in the nortb. Miss Jane Muldrew is work- ing at Beekers, Port Hope and Miss Mary Alice White is at Scott's Restaurant. Miss Doris Beatty is at Greenwood Tow- ers. Some are working at S.W.E.E.P. and other on S.W.O.R.D. came to Bowmanville around 1800 [rom the Niagara Dis- trict, in J. B. Fairbarin's book, History and Reminiscences of Bowmanville, aiso in the 1958 book on the town, Bowman- xhille. A Retrospect, and a photograpb uf the bouse built by Alexander Fletcher on King Street- East. This bouse, built before 1812 ut is believed tas references are made tu munitions being stored in outbuiidings there at hel at tbe new Legion Hall, 90 Toronto Road in Port Hope at 9:30 a.m. Friday. Two meetings arc scheduled for M. J. Hobbs Scbool on Monday, Juiy 23rd and, Tuesday, July 24th [romn 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Canada Land lnventoî-y xvll provide information foi, land use planning in agriculture. luuestrx. recu-cat ion ând wild- hile uver app-imna teil' une niffuon square umiles oh' the couutu-v the time uf the War of 1812) was demoiished a few years ago and the Hendry Apart- ments built on the site at 252 King St. East. Alexander Fletcher owned a lai7ge tract of land in the eastern part of wbat came to be Bowman- ville, and also in other townships. As a magîstrate, be performed many marri- ages in early days, une recorded as eariy as March 4, 1817. Witb bricks made on the site, be also buiit the bouse wbicb used to be known as the Loscombe bouse. later Kings- way Apartments and stili in use, at the east end of Church Street. The brick bouse was saýid by Fairbairn in bis book toa have been the first brick bouse in Bowmanviiie. The American descendant of Alexander Fletcher spent about an bour reading and making a copy of ail informa- tion available on hîs ancestor. He wvas also informed that there were stili descendants of "Squire" Fletcher living in Bowmanville and area. TOPICAL FLUORIDE TREATMENT CeLINIC Children ages 4-9 eligible Phonie Health Unit Office for appointment - 623-2511 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F BOWMANVILLE DISPENSE WITH A VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS, TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1.- The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville intends te apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the worksF referred to in. Schedule "A" hereto, at an estimated cost in respect of the work as shown in such sehedule ani that the suni of $45,000 Iess an anticipated subsidy froni the Department of Highways of Ontario in the amount of $30,000,, that is $15,000 shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable out of the general rate over a period not exceeding ten years. 2. Application will be made to the Ontario Municipal Board for an order to dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking of the said works. Any ratepayer may \ i thin twenty-one days after the first publicaktion o. this notice, send by post prepaid to the e-1erk of the Town of Bowmanvillethe addrets given below, a notice in writing statir g hîs objections to such approval and the grounds of such objection. 3. The- Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant to the statute that the as [ent of the electors shail not bc' required and may approve of 'the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a tume and place for a public hearing when any objection will be considered. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE THIS 1 ITHI DAY 0F JULY, 1973. J. M. McILROY? A.M.C.T. Town Clerk-Admipistratcr 40 Temperance Street Bowznanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 SCHEDULE "A'# Jackman Road Culvert Rleplacement at Bowmanville Creek and Road Regrading $45,000 Bot Hooro for yu PAl NTS AVAILABLE AT - PAINT and ABEtRNETHY'fS WALL PAPE R 55 KING ST. W. PH ON E 623-5431 Washing ton Vis itor Fînds Record of His Ancesto r at Museum ALL ALE FINL -NO REFUNDS- 1

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