Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1973, p. 17

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A * a Auction Saléýs WEEKLIY LIVESTOCK SALES' at Durham CountySales Arena Orono- Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. Selling Horses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, Sheep, etc. Wm. Mo0fAUDAVJ, flCtAVIr and Pr- Real Estate for Sale IReal Estate w\irt REAL ESTATEa T~Rpq anedi; [,OR SPACIOUS SKIES TENDERS for fin1isurance'ý on the pr,.opertios 0()f St. Pau1's ln a eke Un'iite2d Church, Bowmnanville jH ongnw and Sul, m United Church. America beautiful? And How? Salem,. are requested.. For Just to mention one poilu- further informatrin contacti tion problomi soîrd waste is for Sale ýReal Estate for Sale m r yso 3-,(n. 623-7175 or Mr., ovorwbeiming us. Each year R._ Cari uthers623-485.Tend we t hrow awuay 71 billion cans. e ns i recm ,vryiJt-, Think of it. And we dump - .LI1VER 173 s8-1sven million cars and trucks not to mention TV sets, LTD. Pets retnrigorators, and mountains u e A FEE______tu____ _____f thr ar-t-dmois LUMBER ' REE îttons e gondhomes.ouots. adtodmls ~poeeCall 987-4046. 28-' prietor. Phone 6323-4685 or *I1¶AL KJUf 983-9363, Oroino. 20-tf With only $200.00 down paýyîBlckburiis and Hardvs -234 King St. E., Bowiuanville ment and your own building Steve Liptay 623-3393in in eideftr, 8- lot you cati be living in a newAnfU ly e U1 1 At7CIONER Nw1 1le age and , walk<>ut basement. this summer. T he 10w, low F nl AUCBrick bungaonv l owlebd Situated on acre of land sur- mortgages on many Beaver BLACKBURN' + HARD Household - Farm Sales Brcbuglw 3 ei rounded by shrubs and beaiu- H-omes carnies for less than h 'radlcosbfe LIVESTOCK A SPECIALTY roomrs, fini shed rec. -roomr. tiful mature shade trees. Calt most rent payments and offers ANNLIÀL RE-UNJ<}N hl'radlcosbfe Extra large lovely treed lot. to inspect. you future -equity. Overail The Blackburn-Hardy annu- supper. Several lucky draws 263-2117 Just off Hwy. No. 2. OnIy 1 otto sotntosnso'a in wshl tSia wemdendonyMr 19-tf $39,900.00. C ail1 Geraldine Excellent incomne bome, 2 collatso, is nfen tusad f ipci a eda oia wr aeadwnb - Woolacott. istorey brick in North Central dlasesbcuse of Boa- Hall and schooi grounds on and Mrs. Lloyd Gsaspeli, Don Oshawa. Fully rented andi vers factorY precision build- Saturday. June 3th. 1973 with Thompson and Mary Cornisb. BOB and FRiANK Rire Lake - flousecmleey f urnished. Over îng mothods and volume pur- an attendance of approxim- A short business meeting Batfi3bdomhue$0pe oth income, chasing power in the buildingaey9 ea~e was heid in the upper hall witb _9 T 7 T' AT BeUtfu Iberombos $50 er on. m9eias ndstv. Soif es. ,.ift the oresident Russell Hardy  i IIÂ~on 75 ft. lot on water*, good -mo- i AUCTIONEERS beach, boathouse. Fully wint-, o« whmkn SPeializinit in all types of Arieyplctoejyif FRAL home o. r if you're shop- SALES and ESTATES L.FORn fr SAwe brnEo Asking $30900.00. Termis. Cou bavefo, nutrw thne plac PoeNeWcastle 987-4767 Norm Wetberuo or Bill Suth- hveou rentn the lae yu orNetovile7 6-3 rad Batfu ove tn a new Beavor Homo., 1-___ 70 Acres - euii Building 623-76941 V-ou'li h glnd yodld. Phone uil'Site - NewtonvilleRA OTE unituro, furs, 1966 Fondi Vacant ]iand with teRdAY Kn S.EBomnile6 tv NsOnR.N.RE shw Faicon, troos, etc., the property teed 3 igS.EBwavle o)f A. Foiet Lot 4, Con. 4, us1 view. springs for largo 623-7661 6223-3enon 8.N.Ohw Reacb TwpI., tomn soutb at Pond, soînîl bush. Property72-58 t Utc 4hCn)foilow road'also contains 2 large haros in STARTER OR RETIRE- 20-t Utia th Cl, on.) lb ecllent shape. Fonces soi- MENT HOME. 2 hedi'nms. mat /2ied - ýtrad wl h4,. rouding property are good. deep loi.in' smoll village. markeudn-incSaturday, Jly 14, Piced at only f85,000.00. Call1ASKING ONI.Y $15.90(l. iîicluit em ta' 1 chdioingCharlie Reid, NEW HO)ME, Nvwcastle, 3 erfield Fsuite (teak trin'.med} - ýommercial Building - hdnm h k bc t, xeletlineo f furnitîire: 'Corner 0f Taunton and broadloomed lbrougboot f 1il REALTO alumillnm boat, quartity of 115/35 Highivay b:asement witb moghed-in f ire- _________ for 1s, lynx, skunk, nutria ILarg eetbokbidc)iýlL; ecae.6 32 7 Owner going to British Co- , g enetbokhiéld lae:coplley ee, te luia)ii, propenty sold; non re ing situated at one of t!eHRR sere.Sae t 2:3 pm bi Ibusiest intersections. Buîld- Gary Wioacott 725-8887 wili ýhc, an excellent sale - sec jigi vr25 o I n lsie Spencer - 623-3259 67 King St. E., Bowmanville husfor complote list. Aoc- rion a lot :i~ of an acre in sizeý Marv Smi hemtnvle -Sie2 tioners TedSpenele~, 1ehRas 3 phase wiring, overflow .itetovlc -Ste2 i-JusI List-? 277-2989; Grant Werry:l well, 9 large rooms, Caon e J786.2283e 2OOY* moved loto immediateiy. Prie- Banner Passant - 6M3-3258 New b rick and aluni. side- Ha,ýmpton 2632603 27-2!led at only $37900. Cal] Charlie Shawn Penny -1723-7197 spîit wiîb garage, sundeck, fln-, Saturday, July 4h-Ac ed.RlySecr - 62317694 ished family îorn with fire-- tion sale of Furniture. An- Bowmanviie Area 28-1 place and walk-out to largo. tiques ani Coillectons' Items, . 2f Acre Orobard ravine lot. This is a nne-of-a-ý the property of Sal and Betty o îî hîi's îl kind special. Polito, 6j3 Rogent St., Lindsay,l One o hcocs Ph Ontalo:f 1971 Philco refrig- orchards iii Durbarn Coinnty" 3 bedroom brick olden homei enaor Wetigbosc dis rChoice varieties, cold storage ý on extra large lot in Bowman-ý washler, ok dining room suite Itractor and sprayen.îmc AarUR C. ile eaae1iigrn 7 chairs, buffet, china cabinet oin>te 3 hedroom borne. broarl- .and 00Wwnrkshop. A gond 2 s(tp tables and'coffee table loomed. ioany e xtras. Asking 0one foi- the gardener or bandy-' with inlaid leather tops, larý'ge $90000.00. Cnll Phyllîs Mc- man.. settee, settee il 3 chairs, Robbie. We have a vaiiety <of do- round table, Colonial ecrea- Bowsnanvilie - REAI, ESTATE & BUSINESS piexes as weil as tni-ploxes, 7- ina oom furniture, spooled Central Location DEVELOPERS plexes and l2-plexes Lot us table, beds,, dressons, 2 dresas- The chic entrance ivitb nat- *W o ~îett o ahkno)v, yur needs. ors witbîl rouind mimors, six irrai oak trirn and stir rail -W u -a saefrcs We also have a few build- roo!ks, pine dresser, 5 Cap-lradds traditionai elegance in,' No Comimission Involved ing lot-, left with permits av- taiinscha1uirs, pictures, iarnps, tiîis stately 4 bedroom brick « Dir~ect purchases frem ailable. Give us a rail fori antique plot-I)eilic-d stove, 00-,rhome, 11/2 baths. Study with owners details. tique mon.11,srnall stove, toilet'huilt-in bookeases, firepflace. Direct sales te purchasersJaeRbisn - 6339 set, hal rack cîock' 23amla applionces. and many extras Commercial, nutii aintAns6376 anantique coffee ginder,irincluded. Deigbtful 109' Resdenial mopris and imel .nti Rea23Esta4: applo cider press, appli- eider 142' treed lot. Only $59500.00 eintaPrptesndMm r:TotoRa' 9ae gnnerion pots and kettles, Termis. To inspect. lae al Bsernesses oDrhmBor butterbol print 'and ladle. :phyllis McRobbie Srm OtnoDramBad281î antique telephoune, lantern, r and Northiumberlansd cuhadand bhutcb. dishes,:Kendal Hills -28 AcresCetisT n rsW td eletnc nii,2 kii ~hoo it mde fat 3yersai rïi apied T n esW ne glaqss rind chinia, electrie gander,1 Executive home. Ootstandl- We lease bouses and after Widng;a,;owe, oa gmt- ores Fi grodenfa- 3yasalretapidt ors, ngardonttools,.1969l24 owo bardw,,ood r dow n payment nf the pur- g14' ' N i-forest. Terrific value aI. chase of the bouse8 di Skio, s 14'oa x 6, 69,000Mo. Terms. Caîl Roy 6 2 3 - 2 à 4 1. 195 Cdiîn for oo sdaîr,j Foster. 14 Division St. (P.O. Box 3) mout sean gnd rýrina1 117 Acre Gravel Pit BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TFDEs ANE r cniin Mayothier items. Leskard. Open1 pit, 60' face -clip and save ad- TNE'WNE Sepestonrs ',r comoliet O ist-lStneari nfrwsh .Terfe28-1 TOWN O0,FflBOWMANVILLE Iiý AprC 'sUACOI)Ifls IIk& tA'.. Paul Allun as convenor con- weicomirig aillpresent. A ducted thew races anid relays. minutoe's silence was observed Tho vw!nners were ajs foiiows: in mnemory of those relatives Chiidren 1 to 5 years, il prize who had passed on during the -winners; girls 6 to 8', Lisa year, nameiy Mrs, George AilinJenniKnigh; boy16to ilson and Mrs. Harvey- 8, li'm Begley, Dean -Wry: Hardy. girls 9 to 10, Lori Allun, Joani Prizes were donated for the Pearce. Fasionodest gentleman and won by Reverse aho Relaywi th Air. Russell Robbins; oldest ladies the winners. EFgg- lady, Mrs., Fred Hardy' throwing contest, Date Wr y, youngest person, Jennifer Roger Hardy. Garbago. bag Blackburn, and those coming race. Jamie Begiey. Toilet the iongest distance, Mr. and paper guessing contest, Dar- Mrs. Gien Blackburn and lene Terry. Spoon and string famiiy. reiay. Captain Jim Geddes. The picnic next year wiil be Ladies* shoe kick, Woody heid again aI Solina Commun- ('ornish. Men's shoe kick, ity -Hall on Saturday, June Rick Terry. A balloon ýrace, 22nd with the foilowing nugget hunt and peanut officersin charge: Hon. pres., scrambie brought this part of Mr. Harvey Hardy, Mr. and the sports to a close. Mrs. Farewell Blackburn; The men's horse-shoe pitch- Past Pres., Mr. Russell ing was won by Farewell Hardy; Pros., Mr. Allin Cole; Blackburn and Gion! Black- Sec'y, Mrs. Claro E. Allin;_ burn Ass't. Sec'y, MNrs. Joe Snow- At 5 p.m. we roturned tb the. den; Troas. Miss Lola Knight. GM &IDpeulers Contin»ue, Record Shattering (;enerat Motors dealers i n e(Canada have cuunpieted the highest sales monîh and the groatest car and truck sales haîf year ii the bistony of the company. J. D. Duffy, vice- president and genoral sales manager announced today. The month of Jone repro- sented the greatest car sales mnonth la GM of Canada history, with sales of 39,188, exceeding the previcus volume record of 37,942 set in Mlarch, 1973,. Total car and truck sales of 242,814 f'or the first six montits of' 1973 smashed the previcus volume record of 202,425 onits sot in January-June, 1965 - a 20 per cent increase. Total cor and truck deiiv- cries cf 49,335 wene 31.2 per cent ahead of Jonc, 1972. lnciuded in the Jonc total were :9,188 cars, up 34.4 per cent f'rom 29,162 iast Jonc. The June truck total of 10,147 was 20. i per cent ahead of the 8,447 sold last June. -June sales total marks a record-sitatterinig pace by GM dealers, indicaîing the con- tinuing strong public support for our products,'" Mn. Doffy added. "The outiook for the upcomiog monbhs is for a con- tinuation of Ibis kind of performance." Vor the 1973 calendan year- to.-date, total car and truck sales of 242,814 are 32A4 per ceunt ahead cf 1972 levels. Total passenger car sales of 189,972 were 31.5 per cent ahead of 1,14,461 in 1972, and total trucks cf' 52,842 were 35.5 pet cent ahead of '38,992 last year, L ivesfock Fnîrm-ers . T}.lus (", ;n ootsianing bo a1 $25tIiV .T(r 1- - .. .. ~Sale of furniture, antiques and Ptr'ý0 c1 snycoletos'iteros. Plan Orono, Leskard iRoad ,1ele9K3aI-7r. SUP'LY0F UELOIFOR ev a o a r a tafttend. Tormns cash. No 5-Acre mini farmi with 3 REALTOR AINDO1973-74HEATIN EASBreak reev.Sale nt 12 rmi0. Carl bodrnnm bungalow and haro GENERAL INS;URA,,NCE Tender~s are invited for theb Hicson Autroee, Roo, Excellent location. ,Askingi5 ' S. . osupPy cf fue îîîl fuiboatir tiuatîx ad<uo h75psteors aI 'ont_ -0-3195. 27-2 $38900-00. 5 ing S.WBwmanville pUiP te) bvai-îous qMoinicilmal l le 10 l h'. sI<Ak ni'l<I(Soadîinics f$00, Rea E tae orSae 0 Are, yrne Idal Teiephone G623-2453 Buildings in 11u Twin of Bow- bhave recelveul a mi'.r!n()n' egivinig hlm a negative lax 50 Acevillenefat onucessionî trout Ihe ted- positlion. WANED o by -Weilltreeci proporty. I lde Tmfrm o e ndro;in isealud envelîrpes oa o.euontolt oi I lnsed<ldeain Ie WA1NE oby-3-bedroom recreation I a nd. §40.()(0.0(). 1witb garage )on a)lot 83' x 330' akda bcnet- net1usint ie i rî adti of' ' datn he will Terms. ý~on Ring Sreet Eatst. Tbih ba blerl ,ýje yteun - nte1s eryfrad'all xessadtu bouse in, B w an il; ilTem .a terrifie potential. P ricod to î Il h ecl n i 4d0 hy the on d he loslaerybas carry f<or'averagemoieanhu pay cs.Write Advertiser 21 Acres - 401 - Bowmanville sI aI S24,000.00. sîgnod til :0 pm1onA73-. fradprvsobi as. ning 10carry th es 385, c/fo The Canadian States- Rollinghlad197c.npî<gh-iCuofi.ab'l'2ebtdsom carryDJivrry wid or daverage icaithe man PO.Bo 10,Boma-1o90f.ig ig-'Cofotale2 edoo bn- Deivrywil h drig t- aai butetbt bee s nwth $000.oran prI oftheit vil.28-1. way j ust2 miles fnom town galow i0 the north-eentral part 1973-74 hoating season %iith a. 2,0ýo n at f' h ville.r witb creek. Only $46,000.0()of towo on a nîce lob. Ras a finîal doiivery on or about li r, e optin uof. deleting lîvestock side wilh a note b lte ax xv~tb$150000 own.beautiful kitchen. Separate 30b. 1974. expenses lun an>- ont ycaî- andppl ntaete.Ifth I Guuefa 48 Acres - Newtoaville dTogtmato O fîsl storage capacity is 84-DO Ili reapplving Illtem ir any foltnx'ing year or evoît 10 JREALTY' LMSUTStream xitit pond sites. i2 - .0.galons distî'ibuted anngltrlii en h a o eusltr lefre an Only $35000.00 witb $10000.00i Superb hack-split semni-de- x arlous Municipal Buil 'dings. A benoticual 1>tho t armer's $15,000îltwcrtb of taxable in- - -down. Cail Bill Turansky. itaebed ni a residential area. trital of 30.083 gallons wore rvraili tx position. says Gary corme. $15.000 0of Ihe $20000 17 Wooded Acres - Leskard ýNiceey bedged and immaculate purcliased doiing the 1972-7-3 Ilulebison, Iloparîment cf liv.estock inventory cos20,0aa 3,00 A w Vii gin timber, mostly beeeb 1tbrougboub. Ras 4 bednoorns. scason. ('enliuuinig Educaluon. Uini- ho brooglittm exnsst the bednoom rnand maple. Pivate rora oeylvn cb tfl fiero details miay henoh- vrrsul'. ni Guelph. Offset the taxable income. Sparkiing~~~~~~~~~~~ kiteben with a dinotte. AND taiuîed fnom the ondei-sîguîuciI ieav a rvuîo h lxhiiyo bsrl bick and aluriiinum htinga- ;1,0.0wt 3,0.0dw.,a REC. ROOM. ton. BARGAIN J. M. MecIlrcy, AM . -ibbcan betvoAui'i f rao to h i low, argelot, onquiet stroot. 6Ace -KndlHus- at $31,900.00. Termns. irkAnmiuiîiatu' 1 17:. sn effctive A10 l'ie aic Hrdperoviioand isl FrisetocalIStream BUILDING LOT. 139' x 100' 40 Tem-peiauuo Shtret I -poiso ad David Gohleetn - 576-82811 8-room brick borne, pabntcdmon sewer and water. Large, Bow'.manviile. Ontario. heginuing0f'te 1972 tfaxs car. soponi o cte nId fivo-yea or 623-3767 haros, silo. Gond stock farrnenough for 2 dxvliings. $32000. 28-1 inelieast. usinsbassc carr y orad provisiusv en ion witb fast troot' strearn. Good 1Exýcoi I 101015r . T E N D E R S ba000 sea corud ho ar live prvinsiy mentîned.wshn pond. Terrifie invesîrnent i10 2)Building lots in Ernily Tcndoîs will ho received bcunn-a itrwudfv ivsnkfrmn ibn Sc k 4-A an area where prices arc skY. iý,,,vnslhip near Petorboi-ougbt, ul 7.1933:0pm f r ' 510otifset an rtitenwiso terevise tieir 1972 income fax r ocketing. Only '574,500.00 a$S,000 encit. _ itfilJlio17w1ng, items n. fiuasabile ome. r(A os i01968 retorn 10 lake advanîage of Terms. Cail Roy Foster. tIAfter fours:ems RELOIFencing ccOlI <Offse t t r all cf' a te new ruling sbould obbaina ________________________ Grant Sine, Public Schooni, taxable inconiin 1972. j Many 1972 Individual lax Return 02-43Orono. 14-roorn Centur-y G. Beech - - 623-526.5 D'A'c5- Street, North,. Cobourg. toninois. ituwever. aie enfnîb- îorm fron t ieir local post stoo ous. aited haos . . artn - 23308 Orono Public Sebool. Orono. calîx increasing liveslock in- office and fuil la i, declaring CoutryLivng n 2Acr s 40 80. onde.Pits ianai P, . Koal r. . 623-5868 New Bwax-ie Higit xeniu>nos andi are in a loss thein intention le witbhoîd Couitr Liingon Aces 0 x80,pon. Tis s aiýeJP Koal r. 23-868Scoool.49 Liberty Street, Frehly decorated 12-year- show place. Only $85,000.001 28-1 NOrtt. Boxvmanville. - positiont forrmonre thoanl'ive from oxpenses any livestock nid homne, preseatîy used as a witb $25,000.00 down. Cal - - Roof Repairs vears, lbis bas moeant iaIlte învontony purchases made in 2-fam.iy dwelîag, each hav- Chas. Roid.Cutie Nett p o b 1hic i Isa caris torwi-ýd prvisiono 92 ing 2 hedrooms ' hatitroom, Scbool, BER. No. 3, Bi\ýrwman- could roit ho IuIiY xercised, Il is important 10 remember lar-ge country kitchen, living- 86 Acres - Oshawa Area v-ille. hcas-<tleliertn-lta ivsokist oy room, pivato entrances, sep-, 4 Miles City Limits. 11-'- -HawbecPbi eho.Hn-lo.and othelie rtivon aniullralconois ty af- arae eters. Could 0150 o eal1room bouse. Stream. Paved 1 wncd.Irr.wudtcabetnla ecdbyie0Wfdeatx 5 o 6 Ihedro-ýom home. Gar- rond. Only 3,000 per acre.HsioaPîîbIi eorl ri OldI- uîîng0fa.ete yth ewfdra a two acres partiy wooded witb i;stiingbo mnatuýre _trocs. Excellent pË140 Acres-, Newcastle erlsForizTovçinth iii ip tenialplu, ithineme ca-I djonstow linis. -rornDr. IHawkins Public Sehool. I1m'ie<-clra1 goveromeonî i;s now ý i e i i e t c ýr t i i g . 3 i . i l o 0 0 i h m e . B a r . 1 0 x 6 0 . E x c l - 1 2 P î n o S t ro o t . P o n t H o p e . a I l u w i n g b o u i n o r s 1 0 b o l d J U V E N 1 L H u Rs D BA L Lv e i ful ries . iennig $1900 oe. Bam.Vro 0 6. el- n623-2503 Dr. Powers Public Scbuol ýlivesîock porchases ou i Ls "of'ayeenn 6uSpie o ol. edr ieiig 4 Word Strmet, Port Hope. expenses ila 00venya;Jl t)wlswr ao Oshawa - S19,500.00 Must ho soid at once. $300000. Bowmanvilîe - beautiful 3 Port Hope High Scitool. Port ndi enit. gix-en 500ur: uySiiwîswr ao Ole ero -tryýTerms. hedrocrn bungalow in nortitH<îlPe. cad s tp e ulighlitese pur. stumbling block as Bowman- home, fulli basemnt, large Bowmanville Commercial ýend, \'ory weîi kept and îovely Sodding ctss1 obogt oklt ville were handed a 12-5 kithea gaage cise o dwn Brck omewit ofice vry'iandscaping. Ask-ing $36900. 'a- Jordan Puobh1 i c expenaca at any time, tite next licking at Oshawa's Kinsmea kichngaag, loetodon- Brckhoewih ffceSu';qhool. PrrrcixaI Street, Pont yoar cm ex-on 20 yx'ors bence. Stdu.C neWrs- towa. Taxes oniy $21000. centrai, on Bowmanville's main1 Bowmanville - eider 3 bcdtd- es05 cnsi.an Parkers il Easy ternms avoulable. street. Ideal for Doctor. Dent-troon summer cottage on lot Specificatins and drawincs plain titis new concept. A duty for Bowmanvîlle. Osb-t Bo-tý nanville isb or Lawyer's office, Ask- 50 _x 250, heautiful treed lake- nmiv hp obtalord froi' tet tanuner decides brm expand in; awa collected 17 froc passes .in Nothed ler2strv n $0,0.0 it 1000.0front pimnprtv. Asking' $13,000). Off ice of M. A. MicLefCd Buis- anyveny - bbchain 1th game. Mixed generously bNrickh eom ero2ofre- down. CalPhyllis MRobi.Newcastle - older 5 bedmoom iî sAmnitntma th cir th en y-ace arm nby purchas10bng ndfie owan place i1t living-room, moem Are You Considering a buse i 0 fng. aead î'o- Nitbmonaul d lt tt-cefr etdo. ibi isadfv oma kitcea, unrom, nw funaceaiumnum idin Askn urhaim Cniuntv Ba oI f E Hu is ensts include tiling, fonce- ville errons, it spelleda and wviing, Lob size 66' x 270,' MOVE or TRANSFER? $27900 wiîh terms. - itlnîu Box 470. D'Arcy~ Stroot row clearing. baro renva ruwywifobbMto deptit. Tcrmrs available witb We are equipped to handle 1 0nun..Ontario. 28-1 lions. and other necessary City squad. Bowmanvilie, Strot. 2-and 3 erom.ondi T E N D E R S items. White these expenses trailing 9-0, rallied for ai five LOOKING or: Buildngrein Cahmend an U.S.A. incoet.ind estment Caîl or lTe Northumherlpnd na. aaine rmay reduce bis oter- ruas in tei eightb. Tbey lefI Lo, N F0ac E :ts o sulgihaaa n .A iinforma netio. .CaiorDurham Countv Boqrd cf Edlu-; ".isotaxable incarne to zeoo,1 te bases loaded in thein final ýý0s, 0 cre]otý r sall'iforatan.inites hidi on two i _______________inthe_______ acreage. Caol office for more(u Bowmanville - older 4 bed- 6 lit o Johnson Motona. Mode'li IEQAITcmhckbdi iena Smallls ReaIt a e i o'm home on double lot f1R71S Sorinl No. C782g . nm] ALTTJir Wallace, Wereszczyn- Fars We have clie-nts *land Separate Sehoo)l.Ciou for' bh,,-. Johnson Mofor. Modl. <MARKEgS had two bits apiece for wvaitiaig for farms in your area. !te information. qP73B Boprin] N- C9088. t*# tA".Wlljomnvle homrae If you are considering seîîag fe 9:00 pi, cati:i gond retr 'ne cn corne with g!os anK » safet~nis. wh anie lot our- expeience holp sou Kay' Brown -6233150 1 m ent 2 bero rc ug--om] onnocting, hoso,. Titoso 1R obtaini top pnice plus a quick phyllis McRobbie- 623-71159 1 w, on lot 100 x 150, Orly 12 mot""'~ miv bho sepn at -Port STFFR cash sale. Charlie Reid- Orono 983-59141miles from Peterborough. Ask-' Trn-Bit ich zool b ycont art- B <SL" RESULTS COUNT!1 David Allison - 987-4861 Roy Foster -Orono 983-5801 îng $26.(000. . utc Mren. H foW. Anrod. loch- Cottges- W hae ter i l iroror fo npoalon ts Elfiriede Jast - 263-2032 Bill Turansky - Orono 983-5420Bancot, age ns, Mhaentenm--0r Tii ou'o"isreserve hid]o hs M11elville Dale - 623-5638' Geraldine Woolacott - BacotHsigsMidno'mor.Bd huldhnho . George Twaites -723-2008 Newtonvile 786-2970 Eiy1ak0rasrngn0f-m0alo o b udiine rd-n Ed Drumm - - 725-9345 Bill Sutherland - 6233102 enfoimatioon.$1SO al o' oer an Tly210:0 -1r. AWde- 7_j Pantela Cars' - 728-3734 Bob Cullea . - 623-3393 w elneihdavtrust 25.197p.A îî mi- ~~ao~ rli Valerie Brear --668-8353 Audrey Plain - -623-3563 Alan Rout - - 725-0353 vlno us e -linyM.ak-u etsMLILELSIG tv Pegy ray - 56-389 Nom eteru -723489~Edwin Jeans Ï 2371152- MacLeod, Business AdmiOis- Katlen fwlte -72-208 atYe - - - 62-377 Nac McDonald - 6,28-39111 frafor anni Troasîtrer, Norbth-LMTE Oshawa & District Wm. Mee rtes 725-1208Datneound- - - 623-3960 if7a7 -- 93-24 u o1qm om ' rhsmCintv Roi 133 Ahi' - - 725-1720, Dne ou - 723-5-140 MDonld - 23-siI o f Education. lBox,470à 318 Dundas St. sE. - Whltby Real Estate Board 7R5-11 l elen 7054i V38.3911 AscStroot N-rtit. Cohoune. Phon VIty6835 «EstabiIzu 19628-1. 28.1 KA42 8i n hy6215 The Cangdian Statesma n, Bowmanville, July il, 1973 1 Provicialo urt July 10, 19731 Judge R. B. Ba xter presided with Assistant Crown Attor- ney K. Stubingtoni and duty counsel Mr. D. Barber. Dwigbt Guy Murdocb, 25, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, cbarged with operating a car caneless- ly on Higbway 2 was fined $100, $3 costs, in deQfault 10 days. He was given 28 days to pay. Murdoch was'eastbound and struck another vebicle. Tbree men received fines'of $150 eacb and costs for taking goodsunder $200 value from The Canadian Tire store, Bowmanville. Edmund Jos. Canow, 47, Kendai, Wm. Jas.. F. Cunningham, 42, R. R. 1, Hampton and Leroy Parrott, 30 Strike Ave., Bowmanvilie. They were put on probation for two years in additi ,on to the fine. Nichol McNiecbol, 37, R. R. .1, Blackstock, was changed with failing to yield and the fine was $25 and costs. Williamn Jos. Minard, 22, of 19 Kingscourt Rd., Bowman- ville, pleaded "guilty" to a charge of driving while im- paired by alcobol or drug on Juno 19. Minard led two Bowmanville conptables on a merry Chase througb the town. He was eventually stoppod. Breathalizer read- ings were .16 and .15. The fine was $150, costs $3, in default 15 days. Stephen Chas. Black, Orono, pleaded "guilty" to consum- ing lîquor la othen than bis residence. On May 3lst, Const. Gaylord neceived a complaînt of pople drinking in Orono pr.The fine was $100, $3 costs, in d.efault 10 days. He was given four weeks to pay. Fraser Rfitchie, Orono, charged May 3lst with drink- ing in a place othen than bisA nesidence pleaded 'guilty". Mn. Ritchie was on probation at the lime. The incident took place in Orono park. He received a fine of $100, $3 costs, in default 10 days. He was given two weeks to pay. Charles E. Woodyand, Orono. pleadod guiity to consuming in other than bis residence May 31st at Orono Park, Ho was represented bv Yellowlees Family HoId Annual Picic Fifty-six peopie attended ithe annual Yeilowlees family picnic on Sunday. Juiy 8, on the iovely, spacious, park-like grounds, with large swimming LOCAL EMPLOYMENT CONDITIONS Vuring the month of May the Canada Manpower 'Cen- Ires in Oshawa and Ajax piaced 886 individuais in empioyment compared to 708 ia Apnil. Genenal employmnent conditions have been improv- ing over the past fow months and the numbers of new registrants with oun offices have dropped off. This corres- ponds with a general dropin local welfare noIes and the number of pensons rogistering for unempinyment insuranco benefits. Výacancies registered with our offices doning May were more numerous especially in the service industry and the wholesale and retail sales industries. Most restaurants, hotels and recreationai con- corns are now gearing up for the sommer tounist soason. Homeý- owners, as well are preparing for the soînîrer season and are activeiy seek- ing housekoopers and baby- sittors. The pensonal service Irades are also increasing in demand with shortagos of1 barbons and haindressers not- ed. Student employmeob bas beon very active and well ab-ove !ihat oflasI year, By tho enid of May mosî available studenîs hadbeen, placod ib em-rploymonb. Shortages of suitable jobs for female stu- dents, bowever have existed, and some students have had to take low paying babysitting' jobs. Prospects are bright for the lange numibers of higb seol studenîs who will ho a vailable ln June. The success of Ibis year's student prpgram is attributed partly to the excellent support of the media ini the Oshawa area. and the oncouraging nesponse fnom local employons. A strong demand for skilied tradesmen bas continued into, May as well a recurring shortage of tradesmen in several brades. The construc- lion industry basurgent needs for skilled bnicklayers, car- pontons, cement finishens, painters, electnîcians and heavy equipmenb operators for back bocs and tandem dump trucks. Similarly, in tbe manufacîuring brades, short- ages stili oxist for booI and die makens, machinists, welders, shoot metal wonkers, and industnial maintenance per- sonnel. These shontages are not iimited te the local area as attempts te recruit workers across Ontario bave neot been successful. Executive, professional and tecbnical listings durng May declined somewhat but dem- ands for registered nurses and nursing assistants bave ne- mained. Shortagos of engin- eerng and drafting personnel' in vanlous fields bave existed as weli as some othen bechol- cal construction personnel. Registrations of workers la the sector bave been numer- ous during May and have included many recent comn- muniîy college and univorsity graduabes. Many of these graduates have had training in Social Sciences and urban renewai and opponbunities for_ tbem have been limited in this, area., Clenical listings have been steady during May with many excellent positions available., The demand continues for experieaced and weli qualified secretaries and stenos with only limited opportunities for -clerk typisîs and general office clerks. Jobless pensons registered witb Canada Manpower dur- ing May totalled 3,369 males and 3,367 females included in these totals were 1,655 maie students and 1,299 female students. To belp those pensons regis- tered for work but not possessîag the skiis curvrontly 1in demand, Canada Manpower lias a coatinuing program of retraining programs and on the job training wbich is availabie. Course openigs are curreatly available. To belp other individuals find their own job, a self -belp rogram calied Ceaiv ob DYKRSTRAIS Food Market i? KING ST. W. FREE PARKING I11 DOWMAN VILLE In 0.,TAPTFI? uniur. pool aI the homo of Ron and Gladys White, Hampton., Foliowing ,Ihe usual dolieious 0000 meal a pro- gramn of sports was conducted hy Isohel Davis and Giadys Short., Dennis Yellowiees received the candies for guossing noarost the correct number in the jan. Barbara Murphy kicked hon shoe the farthest; a plate reaily creat- ed much fun, especially for the on-lookers. Hon Metcalfe won lte locky spot prize; Ernest Hoekaday was wearing the mnosî colorfol socks. In the race for ehiidren 8 years and under, Jimmy Murphy won the priSe. Donnis and Wayne Vellowlees won out in, the wheel-barrow race with Bnian White and Jimmy Murphy a close second. Thé childron enjoyed a candy scramble. For the remainden of the aflernoon some visitod, ieisuneiy in the shado, whilo others enjoyod a swim in bbe pool. Jossie Ellicott and Norma Hockaday are in change of arrangements for the 1974 picnic. Everynne joined in extend- ing sincere approciation to Ron and Gladys for thein very kind hospitality. We hope aIl relatives will make a date to ho prosont at the 1974 reunion, Sece you theno! COOL SUMMERTIME SPECIALS KAISER ROLLS 59Lz ý,lY"T'S PREMIUM COTTAE ROLLS 89'1 S VWT'S PTtEMIUMd WIENERS 691b J)~VN BAND BACON991b ïDEAL FOR COOK-OUT RIB STEAKS sl.49 lb. C'r'SP, ONTARIO CUCUMBERS 2,for 29c RADISHES Green Onions 2 29K21nce29C MUNKIST Size 138 ORANGES,59L NE~TLEMIN -Asst. Flavours Save 10c PUDDINGS 45c3 in INSTANT COFFEE sI.099 BlUTTERNUT - 10e% Vegetable Oil MARGARINE. 3 lb. 89c TOASTMASTE1 UMI 1Vhrote~ic ICE CREAM BREAD85 4 ' 4-oz CGi 4 Loaves 9 C Assorted Flavours JC. Ewert. His fine was $75, $3 costs, in default seven days., Thos. A. Brown, 36, 223 Atlas St., Oshawa, was remandied to July 24 for a pre-sentence report following a charge lai4T at the Off Track Betting Office, 19 Temperance St,, Bowmanville. His counseî1 stated he had only worked there four days as a betting clerk. Records were taken for the period between December 1, 1972 and February 19, 1973. Trent R iver Produets, Trent, River, Ontario, charged April 24 with an overload of 6,600 pounds were fined $66 and costs. Mario Strasic, 22, 214 Tre- sane St., Oshawa, was re- manded in custody another week for unlawful confine-, ment of Mr. McLeod. Counsel McNeilly wanted some of Mr. Strasic's goods to be placed on exhibit and to try and have witnesses in court on that date July 17. Mario de Blasio, 34, R. R. 2, Newcastle, who appeared May 15 for making a false document was put on suspend- ed sentence for two years. The aniount involved was $410 of wbich somo bas been paid back.to the Orono IGA store and the first condition of the suspondod sentence is to make full restitution within three montjis and the second condi- tion that be does not frequent -race tracks or betting estab- lishments duning probation. Ronald Harvey, Slmcoe St., Oshawa, 25, who had been cbarged along witb bis brother for break and enter at the residence of Clarence Yarrow, and had ploaded "guilty" at a provious trial was put on probation for two years. Duty counsol statod be had been on a dnug bingo with bis brother. He bas promised to make restitution to Mr. Yarrow.. Judge Baxter stated if be fails away fnom probation there will ho no question that he will get a substantial jail term to protect society. Ho is to pay $70 a montb to Mr. Yarrow until full amount of $1,400 bas beon paid, "either by yoursoif or brother Malcolm." Also be is not to associato witb bis brother. Harvey Fnederick Pantner, Jr., Onono, was cbarged in absentia with consuming in a place othon blian bis nesidence' May 3lst. The fine was $100, $3 costs, in dofauit 10 days. Elise D. Boutilier, 100 Ivy St., Toronto, was put on suspended sentence for two yeans on five charges of forgery. These woro investi- gatod by Constable Ian Smitb dating back from 1972. Resti- tu tioln is to be made.

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