Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jul 1973, p. 11

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Mms Sam Brereton Phone 987-4221 S-Ocial One holiday down- how many more ta go? We doubt, vemy mach, we shah bhave another weekend as lovely as the one we just experienced. Oh, the beat seemed intolen- able at times but it was1 cetainly more acceptable thian a cald, damp weekend. Thie balmy breezes offset anyi d.jiscofar-t. any way. Do h)ope you ail enjoyed the outside whatèver your pions- ume and we are sa pleased it was a safe, happy weekend for those who had ta travel. The summenr is a wonderful time of year but ta the mûictorists it4 should moean a litle more caution. With aur yaungstors out of scbool and samnetimes pnetty c-areless about their1 safety rules,_ it is up ta the diving public ta ho a littie miore aient and ever watchful1 for a danting child on a speoding bicycle. Lt us try ta. be extra canoiti titis summnen and if the youn-gstems also share somne of the r:esponsibiiity we cati have a summier of gcrent fun and1 relaxation. July 1lst. guests wtih Mr. and Mms. Douglas Rowe and fam- ily were Mi-, and Ms. Bayd Wood and cildren of Orono. Sanday, July 11st. as report- eei enrîter, was a mnilestone for Mns. Ida Coucb (Aunt Ida and bielping ber celebrate ber 9tth bmthday wene Mm. and Mns. Robin Alldred,Newcas- tie, Mn. and Mrs. Alldred,Osh- awa and Mmr. and Mrs. Reg. Waaodhamis,Scanhorough. The Newcastle Volunteen Fine Brigade answerod an urgent cali on Thusday, July 5 when a garage on the propemty of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright was found smnoldering. The respanse was quick and efficient and there was nt tao much damage donce. it could have, beon bad as at the timoe of the alarm thiere was a stiff breeze blawing. No anc, was hurt but the garage will have ta ho torn down and rebuit. Newcastle Recreation Playgrouind by A inee Bremet on The summer is homo an;d wAMTO B/GT/ joined the family gatbering. Mm. and Mms. Bruce Knapp, Oshawa, called with gifts. Lindsay friends and relatives of Malene's and Donaild's weme also guests. Sunday visitons with Mmr- and Mrs. Clarke Willams were Mn. and Mrs. Doug, Fallis and boys, Bowmanville, and Arnold Williams famiiy, Nestieton. SMiss :Evelyn -Seagrave, W oodstock, is spending a couple of months with hem sistor and brother-in-law, Mm., and Mrs. George Donnemal. anc1 Person a! Playground bas started once again. Playground is beld fîve days per week lrom 9 a.m. ta 12 mon in the Community Park. If it mains Playground will ho beld in the basement maom of the Community Hall. Our registra tion for the finst day was only 18 but by the endi of the week it had doubled. Playgnound is open ta al cbiidren 5 years of age and up and Denise Tufford and my- self wauld love ta have any child came. This fimst week was spent mainly 'getting ta know each other and culminated in a "Get Acquainted" party and a Scavengen Hunt on Friday. The scavengon hunt was won by Lorie-Rose Cochra ne, Sus- an and Jlacqueline White and a Waten Balloon Throw was won, by Bob Forget and Georgina 'Blight. This week, on Wednesday, and evemy othen Wed nesday until August 8, aur playgmound cbildren will bce n tenta ined by a 'ton member theatre gmaup tram Bowmnanville wba are busily writing and rebearsing children's plays. Should ho something special. We wish ta thank al] those wha sa kindly donated Fmesh- îe. Prizes and Cookies this week. Thank yon. Cub News The Newcastle Cub Pack ended a successful year on June 25-thi witb a drive tbnough the Ganaraska and ended up at Gardeni Hill (If anyane wondens how you can do this contact aur Akela.) While aur master chef Eldon went ta work getting a tire going a bail game was held between the -Hats and the Skinheads" After the bail game a weiner raast was held wheme we teed a contest should bave been beld ta sec who was going ta bave the wbitest teeth fmom eating the most charcoal(an aid wives tale.) One af aur leaders bhad the geatest difficulty keeping ber weiner and bun ont of the fine. At the conclusion of the evening farewells weme ex- cbanged witb cubs ending for this season. The 'hope was expressed that wo would sec A the tamiliar faces along witb some new faces wben Cubs starts iup agaifn in Soptember Wc wore saddened ta bave George Cbarland say farewell ta the boys saying ho wouid nat be back as Akela for Newcastle next soasan ho- 'cause ho is toa involved with District activitios. We wîsh bim aIl the best in bis scauting activîties elsewhere. At this time it is anly fitting ta extend special tbanks toa ah the leaders for the many boums af bhard womk they put fonwamd, thus ended a sýuccessful and fun-filied year for the boys 'of the Newcasie Cub) Pack. Banitami Girls SoaftbaIl On Tuesdayv night, New- castle Girls Sot tbail team traveiied ta Welcome wbere they mnet a bard-hitting Wel- came team,. Newcfîstle got off !o a good stamt by ecarning WTum. P. Johnston Gas - Mo4tor 0o1 - Fuel MIS and Grease FURNACE INSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS Newcatle387-5111 /lewca st/e' three ruAns in the first ini twa in the second and fi, the third. Welgome was al bold themi down to oniy runs in the last four inn Welcome scomed most of muins in the iast four ini while Newcastle was void final score was Welcoir jNewvcastle 14. The top hi for Newcastle were Jea Wagar 4 for 5, Denise -Tu 3 for 5, Caithy Tufford 41 onie being a double, Li Steeves 4 for 5, Laura Knight 3 for 5. The best1 the game was a triple ii second inning off the h Nancy Aluin. The wii pitcher was A. Baskey1 Jeanette Wagar and1 Parker bandied the pite chomes for Newcastle. Newcastle's next game July ioth when Garder cames here and July when Newcastle tavel Newtonville. Camne out and suppor Newcastle team. Swimming Classes The Red Cross Swirr Classes at Waltona Park are pragressing yery ni With the cbildmen goingt day the time seemns ta be sa much faster. The si session, wbich hegins Jul is nat too far off sopeopl asked ta keep in mmndi tratian for the second se will be Wednesday,,Ju' between the liaurs of 9 and 12:30 p-m. at the lasses will be limîted sure ta get there as ear you can, AIl classes wi offered. P.T.C. Gary Maier, sentiy statianed wift Armed Forces at Corn% N.S., spent a weeken( ceýntly with is parents sister, M. and Mrs. Edi Mlajor and Marysia. Miss Karen Ruttan, Di view, spent last week wit aunt and uncle, Mm. and Larry Pearce. Miss Marysia Maji holidaying thîs week wil sister and family, Mr. Mrs. Chris Tompkins Kimberley of Toronto. Mr, and Mirs. Shei O'Neill of Williamnsburg Mr. and MIrs. Billy Bau Winchester weme wee guests of Mm1. and M-Nrs, Pruner, Dbi and Jan Mr. and Mris. David Pi and Darren ai Kingstûon the weekend wt his pai Mm. and Ms. Raymnond i er, Linda and Alice and relatives in the village. Mmr. and AMrs. Pet erWil and. Joanne of laiailton the weekend with bis and famiily, Reeve and Alfred Gray and Georg( Mm. and Mms. Brenton ard bave just etuned tram a delightful two holiday in Miami Beaci Jamaica. They fist attd the Lions', International vention at.Miami BeachN they saw a Lion Member Montreal chosen as preý of Lions' International. second week was speni daying in a Villa at Mo Bay. Jami-aica. We sec by some advemî the Newcastle Firemie taking an the Newcastle in the bilarious garn Donkey Ba,ýsebali. Be St take thlis gamne ini on1Wi day, July 25th. ivic IHoiday C'elebrat The tbree-day Civic H. weekend celebratio-ns Yrour eyes -wyour f irst u*ne oFSelfouDeFence. The best protective equipment the job calks for therni, and regular you canil ever own Iis; already check-uips if vour eyesight's, yours-one pair Of eyes. just below par. Take care of youî- knowing wha,,-t's ,gOlrlg on around eyes, and they'1I se %ou safèly you helps you iavoid job accidents. through the wrIng- day. So it makes good s-ernse to look after your eye, with T.h..'le sure protective gl'assesý if . WCy to Your Workmen's Compensation Sourd/A and The Safety Associations, Ontarîo nîng, ned ta commemomate the 5t, ive in annivêrsary of the'opening of tbie ta aur iovely Community Hall rfour should have samething in it ta iings. suit everyone's taste. For your >their pleasure fom Friday even- inings ing, Aug. Ird. an their will be . The. activities morning, noon and e 16, nigbt. We hope those wbo have itters moved away from the village nette will retumn for these celebma-' afford tiens and get caugbt up in the for 5, enthusiasm. This is a- camp- ouise letely village adventure as iMc- eacb committee, spearbeaded bit of by the Hall Board of Manage- in the ment bas bee caught up in the at of excitement and has somietbing inning ta offer ta the success of this whiie undertaking. Sevemal activi- Mary ties are of prime importance, tching but do keep in mind the Community Picnic planned es are for Sunday, Aug. 5. This isa n Hill great chance for friends and 17th neighbouns ta get together and Is ta enjoy the fellowship. t the NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. William A. -ming Collins, of Port Perry (former SPool Cartwright résidents) have licely. sold, their property in -Port evemy Pery. Tbey wili be maving ta going their recetitly purchased farm econd near Orangevilie. Mm. Collins, y 26,. a iicensed auctioneer, wiiI be le are pactîsing bis profession regis- there. Mrs. Collins, a cemtified essinn hair-stylist bas no plans for ly 25 the immediate future. They an. e Ia loking forward "ta pool. exhibîting their Coach Hack- se be neys, same of which were' rly as purchased in' Indiana, at the riii be Canadian National Exhibition and at the local Agiultural pro- Faims. test wishes are exten- i the ded ta Mm. and Mrs. Collins for valis, continued bealtb and success id e- in thoir new enviranment. sand Carmen and Yvonne Jack- mrund son, of Port Perry and Loinda Jackson, Nestleton,epent Tue- iowns- sday te Friday, witb their tb hem grandmotbom, Mms. R. W., 1Mrs. Jackson and uncie Alan at Caesanea. er is Mm. and Mrs. Norman' h hem Mains, Nestleton and thoîr son and and bis wife, Mr. and Mms. and Robert Mairs, Blackstock, are spending a couple of weeks rman wîth their campors at Haney g anld Harbour. ck of Mns. Dorotby Martin, who olkend was vîsiting Mr. and Mrs. 1Jack Lawrence Cooledge, eturned tet. ta ber home in Toronto on 'runer Tuesday., spent Mrs, Ed. Lawson attended irents, thie funral of tho lato Mms. Prur- -Jim, Taylor, the formner Edna, oôther Evans, at Kays' Funeral Parlaurs at Peterboraugh on ýrstiuk Saturday. spent Sunday'dinner guests with sisgter Mm. anid Mrs. Maurico Edger- M Nrs. toni and Denise wûme Mr.. and C. r. Eric Price,Kingstan, MIr. Rick- and Mrs. Donald Edgertan hiome and infant son, of Lindsay, and weoks Mm. Bill Tripp, of Part Pory. h and This was a fa mily gathering in tended hônor of their first gandcbild 1Con- Wayne Donald Edgerton. wbere Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Freer, fro Orillia spent Tuesday ta sident Thursday, with Mr. and Mlrs. The Grant Thornpson. On Wodnois- tholi- day they visited with Mr. and rntego Mms. Emnie Moore of Little, Britain and al onjoyed a tisîng, mid-day picnic in the park. ýn are Mr. and Mms. Jim Lawrence of, Lions Nomwoad weme Fniday callers, ne of Mr. Jack Curtis, Toronto was ure ta a weekend visitor, and Mr. ednes- ai-d Mrs. A. W. Brown, Oshawa, visitod an Satnrday. lions Recent visitons with Mr. and liday Mrs. Chianles Biggs were plan- Miss Margaret Gordon,Oak- wood and Mrs. Gardon Gilîson of Nestieton, Mm. and Mirs. Wmi. Briggs, Joff,Laurie 'and Tracey, Of Markham, Mr. and Mms. Gardon McLean and Mm. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd, of Bowmanville. Mn. and Mms. Cecil Slemon, Hiampton, were ecent guests of his sister. Mms. Vera Mountjay. Sunday',visitons witb Mr. and'Mns. Clarence Ginn *ee r bi1- ohm n ss-1 i-lw Davison. Thank you cardsASCIT TO J were also read. Plans wvere finalized for the bus trip an Tuesday, July 10i TWO CONVEN IENT LOCATIONS 4WHERE YOU CAN TÉhe bighlight a)thoe SERVE YOURSELF IN COMPLETE INDOOR COMFORT. aftemnoon was Mms.Dn- era's account of their trip ta Nà 2 HWY. ws Figi, Tahiti', New Zeiaand. and ~ET HANDY COU RTICEYA D- LS - Australia, A D L O In hem intemesting and hum- 1 OSIIAWm C AND SALESROOM WAREI4OUSE LUMBERLAND orausmannier she held the WOD BWAVIL attention of theaies as te Cour'tice Rd. & J3Ioor East I I boarded tble 747 Jet at, Tampa &To.. . ONZWÀY .- Las Angeles, CaifmnX ndPHON E the plane was towed inta ifs -7 proper place at the airport. COURTICE OSHIAWA McMiIIan Drive This was an unusual proce- c and Bond Street dure. Tht mî sad 1HGWA 728-161 1 728-1617 Downtown Osh'awa tbey were surprised that men and womren shame.d the s;ame wash-mooms. Sanitation on tbe Manyý Cartwright residernts islanfd was no inducement for ience. AI] drink;z wPrp~ nn-thfl The Canadian Statésman, Bowmanville, July il, 1973 il attended the cebain af turists. house. Wines as good as ll the L.O.L, in Port PerryN on M'len they arrived at Figi French. Tables were set BURIKETON Mr. Howard Davey and Satuirday. eveî ything was very dlean and (much hikef a church supper) Susan, Bowmanville, were Nestleton continues to grawý, 1tdv The children were friend- Jamb, sala ds,,vegetables, tea Mrs. F. Tabb called onMr. Sunday visitars of Mrs. R. .Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roland.,!\y and their bus tour took them and coffee.- This was buffet and Mrs. Ai Swain and family Davey. of Scarborough, have comm t io ie native's bornes wich Style- At the farmi they saw the an Saturday.Mran s.DvdGt- encedi construction of their hiad tha.tched roofs andi earth- Australian champion 'sheep- Miss L_ Atchel,Toronto, xas ell,Oshawa, were weekend house east of thec village and en floors,> The lawns were shearer and watched the a tea guest of Mrs. T- 1Baileýy guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C., Mr. and Mýrs. Wairren Rabrer lleatTh ider children pay boomerang th-rowing. during the week. Stephenson and family. have started their home ii, toriteir schooling but the In New Zealand steamning Orno dMs ,Copr ewlom e.adMs south Nestieton,.lThe !new priitnary% children's is paid by hot face cloths were given tao ,were holiday vi sitars of Bigby and family to our deveiapment hias been passe(d fthe governmient. Ail men in eacb plane passenger which NMrs. W, l3ryan, community. by the local council but bias ta oveýrnme4nt employmient had a remarkable cooling Mr. and -Mrs. A. Swain and Mrs. R. Davey spent Sunday be certified by vthie Otariawe shirts. Each department effect. Smcall planes- took famnily, Hampton, accompan- with 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard Municipal Board in Torontao. has a different color. In that ýuests through moun-tain pass- ied by Mrs. F. Tabb, spent a Davey, Susan and Stephen, Mr. and Mýrs, George Bw ay ii is nat difficult to tell es. iHotels were good, good few da1ys in INiagara Falls, Bowmanville. ers, Miss fris Reimer, Osh wýhere he2 works. The children well cooked food. excellent Ontario M Orma Hyland returned awa, and Constableý Jerry* wear uiniformns and straw biended tea. For breakfast Mrs. B., Ieacock, Porli-tfromn Bowmranville Hospital on Bowers, of D)ryden enjioyed a siflar-type hats. Wages are long tables, fresh fruit, pit- Perry withi Mr, and _Mrs. G.Fidy picnic supper with Mr, and\very a n gvrmn ceso uie gsan ao ilison during the wýeekend. r n Mrs. Leslie Taylor Mrs. Ralph Bowers and fta xe ý)-(s are exorbitant. During generous with tea. They saw r.ad rsD.H gonweehtadhsesfor a ily at Emily Park. a n Sundayi. fthe hurricane bananas, plumns rmud Springs,gyrs(iyi Minden, called on Mrs, R. Iselnusho rhldu Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'and ail edible faods wvere last. heateci fromn the springs) D)avey on Friday. hanor ef a nephiew, Mr. Donald MacKenzie and Claire attend A tnip in a golass bottom boat There is ni) tipping in New Mlr. and l Mrs. Orval Greer, Tayl 3or Bwman'ville and ed the O'ReiJlly picic at ýws intriguing and the miotor Zealand but the director of thle Oshawa, called on1 Mrs, W , Ms' ae aaig fOh Streetsvillc 1stweeIbal ta the carat reef was tour was rewarded for, his Brya1 n anSunday. 'aa wh areta bool i ed ii Recent Sundayý suppeir1euu'atianai. îA boy dived for efficîency.Mr.R.Dan shaOsa a he later part of this guests withi the Raiilph Saier live caral and a girl arranged This in ont\, a very brief (omryof' Burketon), who manth. Guests included rela- Family were -Mr. ~and Mrs thlemi. Smnall rock, isianiis have summary of. this deI;ghtful has been a patient in Bow- tives a nd friends of the couple., Elgin Taylor, Enniskillen, Mr. snýcbi unusual namnes as -Hon- talk. To do it justice it should mianîlie Hospital for three Many lavely and useful gifts and Mrs. Gardon MicLean and eynaaon'. "Thum b", and have been taped on a record- wveeks, now is able ta be home were received. The bride ta be Mr. and Mrs. Alvin By.', Maernty" At the market er. agsain. Al aur very bes abr nrpe h it n Bawmanville were callers an b0 is a great variety of Following this the visitors Mr. Harold Macdonald, Donaldf made a short speech of Sunday ta visit withi Mr. aes Ear rings, jewellr,. had a brief straîl among the Bawmanville, and daughter of thans frlte gifts, Wiifred Wiliams. Mr, and b)eads, onions, vegetables, floweres but ramn unfortun- Waterloo called on Mrs. T. Mrs. Ian Scott, Charles and carvings and furnituire. The ateiy dampened a lovely Bailey on Tuesday. Jennifer, Corbyvil]le were dlin muiseum has aid jars, old afternoon.MrDoadHlo, s- enï l* opi l ner and supper guest s with herspa, out-rigger canoe in Netto laiserda awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. wich lte Queen and Prince tasty lunch. Appreciation Frank Hlolroy;d and family. Weeklyj Report Mrs S.Brok,ý Bowmiani IPhilip had riçiden. The graup from Biackstock--wýas extend- Mlr. and Mrs. Orval Greer, ville, was a weekend guest was taken ta the Trade Winds ed by Mrs. Marwood McKee Elizabeth and Raosemiary, Osh- Week fJi - nlsv with.the Lawrence Maleolm H iote], for a couple of hoursai-dc fram Bawmanville by 'MaWawere caliers of MNrs. WV,Adisos.., . family and accompanied them very modern and deluxe) Mrs. Daowney, the president. BryaVân.-BAdmhs-3iaons 65al, wasbultin193. n 0 ar tan 10 m1illion acres Mr..GanDvi d Discbarges .............., 5 Ftasln th rkBrooicnic a Whit sesh td teJameps, Zion, were visitors of Mjr prain1, ,,,. 1 FintaonslndPka t Brook 1 yearsnioi pur te d thei e offorest land in New Bruntlis- Ms.R. DaveY. Minor operations ........ 121 li, n una. il b n ur Fji ck bas been sp ravedlSinue M alace Brown, Pny menrgoecratnts ... 51 Bridai Shower i siti ng an Australian sheep Wlt-Eegnytramns. 5 OnFriday evening in the farm was 'an unique exper- 1952 for Sruci(eBu or pool called on sevemal friends Visiting boums 3-8 p.m. daily United Church Sunday School cnrl naevlaeo audy room, Mrs. Victor Malcolm, assisted by Mrs. Lawrence >Malcolm, hosted a sbower ta honor bride-el4ct, Miss Karen N VýlWZ1lI! Jl Wý1i k~~1~'I Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell ,when friends, nieighbars and relatives assemnbled ta extend Ohi' greetings. j weicomed Karen, wished lier1' much happiness, and gave he abeautiful corsage. 8hc RO D u CT escorted bier ta a seat of bono l1~td iIMii~ ii 11 nw î.ne tia~ mu which was decomated with a huge pink rose, white wedding E 1 beils and white and piink ED C D TCL AIII sraesand a miniaturle bride and grùoom.ý For the programme iMrs Stewart, gandmnother ofR F1N 1SH ED Karen, read an apprapriatý( poem "Wben Lave Gxoes Hanmd in Hand". The weddingc ýon- test, conducted by Gwen t n Malcolm, was won by Mms, Marriott who bad a Perfect score of 100 per cent. Normia Frew, won the "Girls' Namie" bingo which was organized b Joan Malcolm.FECN .Mrs. Campbell, Kamen's N C IN 9 mother and Miss Vaierie Fmew MADE 0F WESTERN SOFTWOOD SLATS AND MATCHING POSTS AND assisted with the gifts, Her GATES 0F WESTERN RED CEDAR IN SEMI-TRANSPARENT mather reading the greetings and Vaierie assemabling the REDWOOD STAIN FINISH. traditional bat. Mmrs. Vctor MJaicolm aliso assisted. As$O~ A L Kamen 0nwraped eah gifFOR ber genuine appreciation wa A V Ed 30 %SEECIO expressed in hier awVi nuqn SV E 3 0% manner. Wben the guests had admired the iovely tokens aoU NTTESL>IE good wiil Karen again expre- U N IISLM TE ssed bier "tbank yan" tIo_______________________ evemyone for their kindness. [1> 1Mrs. Campbell spoke a few TOPPER I words ta show bier apprecia-________________________ GATE N tian as she said -Mie have not >l been here ta offeni recently, iS 1Karen bas been at scbocol o r 1 r T working but I know most ofA yau inside and ont".-M, .(EA1 Campbellis an R.N. in the Ç(,k )N operating room of Part Perry .-\j Hospital:T The bride-eiect is a gradu ii ate fom Victoria Clee with a Bachelor of Arts Degmee and bas been emi- LUE played in the Pemsopnnni_______________________ Department of the Bell Tele,- 4,PNE 1phone in Toronto, A E Congratulations are ete- LIN E POST, END POST E ded ta hiem and ta hiem fiance 1Mr. Bruce Wiliamson. Ma,,OR ZO T L CO C tbey be biessed with, Life'sSC0%TC

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