10 The Caniadian Statesman, Bowrnanvilie, July 1, 1973 'ntaiNew Officers of Bowmarwille Lions'Club lhe new, executive of the aid; Ed Leslie. the Zone Exvert, a Director; Ed Grec- ard. BowanvlleLions Club pos- Chairman; Jim Frank, Presi- rnan, Secretary;,John Jeffrey, IcrigPresident Jimn cd for a Statesman picture dent;. Bruce Lush, lst Vice 'laîl'Twîster; LlewTomnliuson, Frank, in his !irst! addreýss as folwîgteir officiai induc- President; Maurice Richards, Lion Tamer; and Roy Turner,ý President, indicated he wants tion oni Monday, June 25th. 2nd Vice President; and Don Treasurer, to boost the club this ye2ar by 1ini the1 f ron t row, from left to Marsden, 3rd Vice President. Absent from the pbotograph undertaking a major projeet, rigb, re meit>Ps In the back row are John are two ut the club's Directors po.ssib1ly major renovations to PresI-ideýnt Cutýhbert MacDon- Pogue, a Director; Dr. Ed Fred Eyrnan and Jim Rick- the Lions Centre. Durham, Agri News Assistant Vire Danger Ini UWet Hay Every rvsummer, ,e Yhear uf barnws beîng burnt, due to wet hay\ being stored(. in imany ther caises the qualîtY of the hay isý probably lwreHal Wright, who is the Farm SaeySpecia,1is, w ith the ntroMinistry of Agýricul- turc, and1 F'ood, suggests a simleinepeniveprobe can be mae ob sed 'to mensure the empratlreof tbe ,hay. Thie probe conrsists (of 10 feet of oeh iinich ecectrical t ub;ing;ashrpeedhardwood puint is rîveitted to 'the end and point,. Tbe proýbe is then driven eighfor n-îine feet into the 'hay. Anr ordMiry candy or oven> thermmetertied to a cord is lo ere t the bottom of the tb;aft.er about approxi- maeyfive minutes, the therm-ometer is removed, and the temiperature read. The pruocedure should be repeated in dliffeýren.,t areas of the, hay r . Wright gives the followv- ing cemperature signposts- 150) degrees F - Entering the dainger zone. Make tempera- tuc observations daily. 160O dogrees F - DANGER! Inspeet every four hours tu sec if the itemperature is rising. 175 degýrees F - Fire pockets mray be ainticipated. Cali the fire. deate pumperand Gevnerai Insurance FIEE and AUTOMOBILE ïNSUIRANCE Contact: H1A.RRY VOERMAN 623l-3111 or 623-3950 33KING ST. E. PPOWMANVILLE Are Yo U Ili I-n -Ho, OPENING JI R R.1, BIackstock (Off Ne'w Counti eBOARDING FACIL]' *LARGE INDOOR1 0 RIDING INSTRI PUIONE FOR IrUR THI owned and 0O DANN andl FA Farm tMi PALLVAIN by Bob Watt Agricultural Representative wet down, the hay. 185 degrees F - Remove the hay. The pumper should be available sirîce, the flamies will develop when air cornes in contact with the hay, 210 degrees F - CRITICAL! The' hay is aimost certain to ignite. It is aiso important that care be taken around the h'ay mow, as it may bc quite dangerous in high temperature situa- tions. Have You Planned Your Holiday? Su, you think you are too busyý to take a vacation this Siler , -r are JilstI unal& t(o getaay I suppose the question you should ask yuur- self and your family is, "Do we deserve a family holiday9" Agriculfural Car Tour and Achievement Day. Wednesday, August 29 Durham 4-H lHorse & Pony Club Achievement Day and Horse Show at Orono Fair- grounds. Thursday, August 30 Durham 4-H Electrie Club Achievement Day. Having probably worked iN FILI every day for the last year or more, a holiday is most ikeiy Mr.' and Mrs. Art Drinkie, in order. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nichol- Avail'able now are Farm Donnie, Oshawa; Mir. and Relief Services that will take Ms.WaiterBrýigett, Bowman- over villet f ot were v isitors at Mr. managment f yo r ordn 'Tnylor's. farm whîie you are awýay. * r.and Mrs Eimer Lee Aiso, neighbors or theïr sens Visited Mr. and Mrs. Chester could possibly help you ont.- Lee. Almonîds. We are sorrytto Probably you, in turm, could îearn tluit Mr. Chester Lee Îs help them out also. Try to take not well. a break as the next 51 weeks Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fox, of will be a lîttle more enjoyable Scarborouglb visited Mr. and for you if you have dune su. Mrs. Leslie Cochrane. Rabbit Breeders Picnie Miss Colleen Taylor is The Central Ontario Rabbit vi[sii ng w ith Mr. and Mrs. Iton Breeders Club is lholdig its Keitb, Edmonton. Ata1. ï1pâl IPiem1" -'on Sturay, Mu. and1M1-LevStph July l4th iat Uxbridge 'Tow,ýn son, Whitby, Mr. and 1'urs. Park"l at 2:30 p.m. Normian Lee and R lýobert. Alil rabbit breeders are Littie Britain, visited Mr: and init ed to attend. - Mrs. Eimer Lee. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, To- ronto, was a weekend visitor Il Calendar at the Bowman home an d accompaîîied Mr. andMr July 10-12 - Ontario Agri- the Trenton Air Force Base. cultural Farmi and Hume Monday, Juiy 23 - Durham Week '73 at the Elora Re- Hostein Club Twilight Meet- search Station. ing at the tarm ut Peter Juiy 10-13 - Girl's Conter- Hougeveen, Blackstock. ence tor 4-H Homemaking Thursday, July 26th- Clubs at the University ut Durham County Junior Farm- Guelph. -crs Annual Chieken Barbecue Juiy 11-14 - Canadiani Seed and Variety Night at the Growcms Association Meeting Orono United Church. at Winnipeg. Thursday, July 26th1 - July Thursday, July 12 - Dur- Station Tested Buar Sale at ham County Soil and Crop the R.O.P. Test Station, Wat- Improvement Bus Tour, to the erloo starting at 8:00 .m OAC Farm & HIome Week. Saturday, July 28 - First Saturday, July 14 - Annual Ontario Station Tested Ram Summer Meeting of. the Ont- Sale and Sheep Information ario Beekeepers Association Day at Shurgnin Reseairch at the Apiculture Field Sale, Farmn, -Mapie, startiig at 10:30 Stone Rond, Guelph, at 1:30 a.m. p.m. ,Saturday, Juiy 28 --- 3rd July 14-15 Annual Lily Annual Maple Tour ut the Show at the Royal Botanicai Ontario Mapie Syrup Pmoduc- Gardens, Hamilton. ers Association it the St. July 19-22 - Agricultural Joseph's Island, Desharets, Fair and Exhibition at the East ut Sauit Ste. Marie, Oshawa Fair Grounds. Thur'sday, August 2- Thursclay. July 19 - Dur- Public Meeting on Farmi hiam Farmers Variety Night Classification in Ontario at the at the Pine Ridge School, Ontario Government Building, Bowmanville. 322 Kent Street, W.. Lindsay. Saturday, Juiy 21 - Zone August 4-5-6 - Steam Show Junior 'Fammer FieldDay at and Tractor Competition at the Orono Fairgrounds. ted August 7-9 - Tuba cco Work- ers Conference at the Holiday itere ted inn, Hamilton. Thursday, August 9 Junior Farmer. Provincial oses Directors' -Meeting at the 'ses ?Unversity ut Guelph. Saturday, August il u LYi Sh .Onýtario Junior Farmers Prov- 15R Y 15thincial Fieldi Day aI the Uiniversity ut Guelph. August 15-Sept. 3 - Cana- trabiain Colts dian National Exhibition at Exhibition Park, Toronto. rding Stables uut119-Dra 986-4925 ing Weekend at Serpent ty Road East 1 Mounds Park south ut Peter- on 4th Concession) borough. Aligust 19-23 - Agrieultural Institute of Canada' Conven- MTES AVAILABLE lion at the University ut RIDING ARENA Victoria, Vicxtoria, B.C. >August 19-25 - Junior UCTION Farmer United Nations Bus Trip to.Washington and New York-Cities. ER INFORMATION Wednesday, August 22- Public Meeting on Farm ýperaed byClassification on Ontario at peratd bythe Sun Valley Molor Inn, AYECORBYHwy. 401,and 1,,Believille. ~I~YECORBYSaturday, August 25- Blackstock Faim sponisored by ýanagerthe Cartwright Agricullural anager Society. - YEYK, Jr. Tuesday, August 28- Dui- ZiLmmmmiham 4-H Landscaping Club- Wilfrid Bowman and Erié to the Tamblyn picnic at Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson, West Hill; Mr. Talmage Taylor, Oshawa, called un Mr. and Mrs. Allan Taylor and familyý Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Nichol- son, Sudbury; Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Nicholson, Canning- ton, were callers at the Bowman home. The hot, dry speli makes good haying wueather, but' an edryfarmer in Ibis com- munîty once stated that hav- ing weather could be too good, resulting in exhaustion. Don't forget to leave drink available for your pets - They get thiîsîy,ý too! Oshawa Fair One of the main attractions at Os hawa Fair on Sunday, July'22, will be twu log sawing cuntests. This sports event has drawn wide attention at a number of tairs and other gatherings in the district in recent years. This year will, be the third year such an event bas been staged at tbe fair and ail indications point to a record entry. The first event will be for adults 16 years and up commencing at 1:30 p.m. This will be tollowed by a junior class in. which contestants must be between the ages of 12 and 15 years. The contestants in Ibis latter contest may be either maIe or female. Cash prizes for the three top piacings wiil be preseated. Last year's champions, John Forbes and Gerry Breer, have issued a challenge tu contestants trom nîl neighbor- ing tuwns and cities which should make for keen compe- tition in the senior ciass alune. Gerry has been invulved in log sawing for five years four of xvhich he bas been paired with John Furbes. During those years they have seen interést gruw troma 10 or 12 peuple tu between 34 and 36 contestants -in cumpetîtions this year. C et Cash Today For- OId Appliances l througb STATESMAN C LA S S1FIED1)S Phione 623-3303 JANE PARKER (AE1r APPLE PIE Full 8-inck, PIE ~24-oz pie319 JA&NE PAcI<EV, ORANGe OR CHCOLAjTï CHIFFON CAKE, I SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES (ooked Meats 6 'E'ýaC a44 Meal & Chiken, uncheon, Dutch Loef. Macarci £clreese, PckltIe . Piment*, He.adcheee & P.k I BURN$ RAND, STORE PACK< Beef & Porkz Sausages 1 b'7 SWIFT PREMIUM BRAND, SUCE Sausage Meat. AND FRY, PORI< i lb ROLL WHITE OR PINK, FROZEN Kent Lemonade 12-fl oz uin 24j1, S NOWCAP, FR07EN French Fries 3 2-lb pkg, $1.00 PERC, ORIF OR ELECTRIC FERC A&P Coffee VAC PAC 2-lb tunSI. 2. 5 NARVEST CRUNCIl, IARVESI CRIJNCH WITII RAISINS & DATES Quaker Cereals 16-oz pkg 6 951 PARI<AY, OUARTERS (ACTION PRtCED) Kraft Margarine 2-lb pkg 6951 50 TOOT ROLI 39, Stiretch 'n Seal 100 FOOT ROLL 5 9 1 13 oz cake 39:à I FROZEN J X RAOreat On A Grill! (hicken Breasts 5-lb box $&49 Wmies 1 AC1A CicenLegs 5-1b boX $3.89 - wu -c pac 6,8< LJWTR FROZEN, COD SNOPSY BRANO, COIE SLAW OR SX. l'ROIENCrss8pg55 85 PtaoSalad - 24 oz carbonEFACH f72 i amburg Patties 2-lb pk $1.,98 FREEZER QUEEN BRAND 9ýSX 8RAND, NIAGARA COltb Sliced Beef & GraVy 2-lb pkg $1,6 9 91Polish Sausage l81 SalisburySteak and Gf.:y, Stik:u Tukqy ey n Ga BORD EN S Fudgsiksicles or POPSÎIleS pkg of 6 35 REGUIAR, WINTRRFRESH- Colgate Toothpaste 5O-ril tube 4 95 DRY, OILY, REGULAR BrÎte Side ShaMpoo 67-.oz plastic bti 7951 A NYI-P ERSF IRANT lieur Alter lieur PALMOLIVE. REGUtAR. IME, Rapid Shave Mix or Motel,! (Action Prkted) a-Parre ,slI -d u2Ioe-. 2( (Ray 3 Pir!r S-ane 1 J- pýkc,,RAISI Mei ns u- , 6 J-e arft 89ý>- cýý jrvNR3iR8AD Donts kg of12JANýE PARI(ER, APPLE RAWSN (ACION PRICI Bread 24-oz bavels mCOff ee Cake 2 12.z calk,, 8 9s ja.e pa,, Sti.d, 9 P Old Fas," somga Jane Mftr.JIy Topped (Bvy 2 p~Sv c Bread 24-oz 1 aves Sweet Roils 2 pkgs ob8 95 11EF STEAK First Four Ribs Oniy Prime Rib Steaks (alieforniîa Steaks l Cross Rib Steaks AUt PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD OUARANTEED EFFECT9VE fl<ROUGi4 SATURDAY, JUIN' 14#h, 1973. OR. SALLARD'S, BEEF, KIDNEY, CIIICI<EN, LIVE.R 'ACTIO-N PRrCEOI ChampionDgFod6 tins$1,00 i WEE.t, CORN, MAMPURG. 1HOT 006 (ACTION PRICED) C oronation Reiish 3 2:89 APPLE, GRAPE, ORANGE, LEMONADE ATO PRICEOý carton of 6 (I O? oz oles carton of6 6 ý. 6 fI oz bottles o9 Ontario Grn%,t, Fresh Daily, No. 1 Grade LETTU CE HEAD 2 3-OZ '"RE" 6-oz aerusol tun $1 .19 MENYNOL-MINT 7-fl-oz aerosoltiun 7351 MEADOW GI.EN, pIECE. NO STEMS (ACTION PRICED) CONCENTRAYE (SAVE 50c) case of 2 4$R Enfalac Liquid 1419 fn l5f~oz Del Monte Drinks4l insi YUI(PLUCSUB BUDEPOSII) Ginger Aie 6 t0 :99< Grape, Cream Sodâ' Cola e, e Lm.EreRc*,Orne Rc e-r Tom p,~ ChhSedaRcyalC. e Gug e - ý à op - l' - GRAPEFRUIT 1 Fel julice