Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1973, p. 7

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Misses Mchelle and Mvari- eue Brown, Toronto have been visîting their grandmother Mrs. Elmer Henning, Well- ington Street. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Anedden, Carleton Place. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Martin accomrpanied by their grandsons Gregory Martin, Newcastle, and David Bing- ham, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Meilow, Kingston, June 28th: Misses May and Grace Hyder and Mn. and Mns. Ray Bean and family, Ottawa, June 29th.:Mr. 'and Mrs. Lloyd Martin and family Manotick, oven the week end: and 'attended the celebration for Mrs. Ma rtins twin brother Mn. and Mrs. Alex McNeil, etaa n the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary, June 30th. M\r. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Clemens, Hampton, enjoyed a vacation 10 the east coast and enroute visiled with Mrs. Kenneth Strachan, St. Peter's, PE.., and Mr. and Mns. Guy Marshall, Larry and Marilyn, Barton, NS. The Strachanis and G. Mashal's formerly lived in lown. They also visited Mn. and Mrs. Murray Marshall, Andrea and Caria, Bargon, N.S. formenly ,)f Enniskillen. Attends Reunion MOrs. A. G. Brooks recently returnedî from a visit, to Lonidon Ont. where she had been to attend the neunion of thechi on the occasion of Hiyatt Avenue's lOth. Anni- vesary. The choir with many former membens met Sat. evening and were enletained by the c2hoir of t-day, after which a buffet luncheon was served, then a practice' for Sundiýay morning was held before going home. Sunday morning as many as could of former mnembers cnowded the choir blf t 10 help in the singing, which încluded an anthem), sung to the tune of "Tening' tonight in the old camrp groun.ids", composed for the Aniversary by a church member. Mrs. Brooks and her three sisters who were ahl former choir members were ahi able t o be present and il waIs a5grand1 weekend with old friends united. The Pr-out, fam-iiy, picnic was held june 24 aI Thistie Valley Park. Il asthe sixlieth anniversary tîhis year, the finst pienie beingb held in 1913. There was a good aîttendance. ?aces wene lheld and prizes ~wre.Everyone sat d«,'ý,iwn bo a delîvious supper. The officers for- 1974 are as Ohristian Reforined Church Scuigog Street hoe623-7407 7 p.m. Býackç to Gëd TH aLir Diah 1310 PRadio Every Sunday 1:30 a-. "Ev"eryone Wlcome There is a Universal os of justice in the worlAd. follows: President-Marion Henning, list. vice Bonnie Builock, 2nd. vice- Barbara Munneke, Sec. Treas. Dave Kelly. Nursing Grads Reunion Twenly five graduates of Bowmanville Hospital met for a very happy day to-gether on ~~ems0/gYn terest Phone 623-3303 June 7tn. St. rauis Christian Education Centre was a very Oshawa 'Resident relaxing atmnosphere for al 10 metagaîn and enjoy a -day of M rs2 er remnisingand looking for- wadtote601h Anniversary rithOt. yr of the Memonial Hospital iho which was held the following An Oshawa mnatis mnking week. One of the highlights of 25years' service withI Ontario theaflnnon ws te 51hHydro. William G. Coulby Anniensry f Ms. urawho resides al, 791 Wesldale His and Miss Mary Young's Stneet in Oshawa, was presen- graduation. A lovely cake was lted recenlly with a Hydro cut and senved with afternoon Quarter-century certificale 10 refneshments. Plans were mark his long service with the made 10 meel in the samne Commission. place next year. Cbnt Bibi Coulby was horn in Paul H. SimpkinCaie Co. Campbellford and wa's edu- Limited, fonmetly of Bow- ,_caled aI Belleville Cohegiale. manville, a Campbellford He graduated from Queen's manufacturer of wood pro- University in 1948 wilb a BSc ducts for the building and degnee in electnical engineer- funnilune Irades, will use an ing. Ontario Developmenl Corpor- When he came 10 Ontario ation hoa4. to expand ils Hydro in 1948,, Bibi Couiby xas operations.. Industny and a junior engîneen aI Hanover. Tourism Ministen Caude F. Later lhe hecame melen engin- Bennett has announced thal eer aI Gravenhurst. Subse- the finm wilh receive a $38500 quently he was tnansferned 10 boan toward the cost of Oshawa and served as area increasing manufacluring fac- meter engineer and senior iliies. The company expecîs protection and control engin- te hire 10 new emphoyees eer from 1951 1o 1969. In withing five years. January 1970 he was appoin- Gallery Art Mart Led district protection' and The annual Art MarI of the control engineen aI Cherry- Robent MeLaughlin Gallery wood Transformer Sain wilh be hebd Friday November Bibi Coulby andbiwfe 9, Saturday November 10 and Jean, have three sons, Tom 18, Sunday Novemben 11, 1973 at Mark 17 and Duncan 16. the Robent Mcbaughlin Gall- Bill C oubby is intenested in ery, Civic Centre, Oshawa. sports and runs a hockey Invitations have been issued school. He is a member of the to exhibitors from past years, Association of Prefessional and the response isi mosi Engineers of Ontario, encouraging. The Wiomen's Committee of the Galleriy will sponsor a White Elephant Booth, a Craft Booth, the Gr due Sherry Shack, a Bake booth,uL continuing draws for art and sculpture, a section viiere new books wilh be sohd, a Fih Pond and a restaurant. ndi- viduals will bring potery, hand crafled jewellry, eather, gonds, antiques, weaving and. macrame, batik and many other fonms of enafîs whîch will be for sale to the public. Hours for the Art Mart are Friday November 9 - 5 p.m. 10 ý 10 p.m., Sat. and Sun. Novem- ber 10 and il - 12 noon 10 5 p.m. For more information contact Margot Samueli 623-2473. Canadian Music Festival Preparations have now en tered their final stages for the 1973> CANADIAN music F'ESTIVAL 1e be held JU1LYý 14-15 aI General Vanier Sec ondany Schooh in Oshawa. AL that point, il is expecbed the upwards of Soyoung music- DulsHm ians from ages 8 10 18 from across the province wiîî corn- son of Mn.an Ms.Do n pebe in the Festival which is Hamnm of Orono, rceýived his sponsored by the Canadian degnee ini medicine ojn May 26 Conservatory of Music. Out of at Queen's Unîversity, King- , own participants will arrive s10e. Douglas will be serving by chartered bus or with their bis înternship aI Kingston, parents wîth most staying in GeneraÀl Hos.ýpital in Kingston, rooms reserved at the Oshawa Holiday Inn. This year's Festival wilh open il's doors for compeition aI 9:00 AM on Saturday, July 141h and closel wilh the presentation of awa- J-ýý rds Sunday July 151h at 7:30 PM. Categonies for competi- tion inchude ACCORDION, SPANISH GUITAR, STEEL GUITAR, ORGAN, PER+ CUSSION AND PIANO. Each competibor may enter tbree different categonies plus one "open" division. Thene wilb aiso be special chasses for orchestra and combo en- trants. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Stev- ens, Dianne, Beverley and Barry bave returned from a two-week vacation, fbying 10 Calgary and then by melon car to'Vancouven. They wentb h boaI from Vancouver up the Western coastline to Prnce Rupert, and returned by air JmsR li from Vancouver. sonlc' M ad Ms lted Mn. and Mrs. Paul Bizi Allie. ei ted a Bacheba or of wuiei Stevens) and family Scece1 grein giulue ire, Congo, Afica are ati -.L~c Geph ay ,11ay at the h(ome .5_l peti11, i ,k'licg Mr, an:d Mrs. as,'~iie Ctrol tJtlicer St. s it thePestiîide-, Control ,Ange- Serivice, Minisl rv ci the,,Envir-q .dal school for ýrade 8 stu- awrsxere ( each putoil '-8 whc held Lstanding con- schocl activi- ere'as follows: The new Assistant Pniest at St. Joseph's Roman Catholie Cburch, the Rîýev. B. F. He-ffernan (ý"aiistant osin", 10 Fthe Ra Hefèrnn),is a cegmnvery miuch involv- ed vith the 1media Hie is currentlhy riting a bock entitled "uueVision" cf, thle Cnsi Mass 'Media Mission and is picluned above w:ithi some cf bis video lape Fîher!-Heffernan bas been actlilyi invoived in promoling a television senies called "A Malter cf -Faith", which features the Rev.. Patrick Peyton inlenviewing famous people negarding Ibeir faith. De Mothens' Day, A Malter cf Faitb was scneened from Grade 5, David Frank; Grade, 6, Andre Lambier; Grade 7, Kristine Dennis; and Grade 8, Lori Ogden. Graduation pins and diplo- mas were presented 10 each cf the Grade 8 stu- dents, who were as fol- lows: Christine Ablewhite, David Brettel, S te v en Cathcart, Waà' e Cooper, Donald Dennisç Roy Fos- ter, Debbie Hancock, She- lia Langstaff, Lynn Little, Vicki Manning, Robbie Morrow, Ronnie Martineil, Kenneth Neq1, Lori QOg- den, Gail Youngman, Fenn Zeeland ý.and Anne Todd. The presentation was fol- Iowed bya dance for'the secnior studýents. Mmesof Kendal Î,UJ ni ted"2 cht!r!gýh Women held IhV-ecr salad suipper ont Wednesday evenîng, June 27th, for a, crowd -of about 150 peoiple. There we platters of cold barn, sal- ads, and an assortment of homne-made pies. The lad- ies wish to thank every- one who contributed to tbis supper to make it a great success. Mn. and Mns, Jos. Zues and family have sold their home and are moving this weekend te Kinîmount where they will be run- ning a restaurant, Weekend visitors with Mn. and Mrs. R. Elliott wene Miss Clara Seens cf Peterborough and Miss Margaret Seens of Ottawa. Congratulations, go 10 'Mr. and iMrs. Robert Fos- ter who were marrled Sat- unday aflernoon in Shiloh Church. The bride was formerly Miss Doris 'Rob- inison. The Rev. T. Snel- grove offielated. 'The ne- ception was held at the Dutch Oven. 1 This past weekend was a busy one in Kendal for moving. Mn. and iMrs. Al- len Irwin and family mov- ed to their home aI Quay's Crossing; Mrs. W. 7H. Fos- tan movad Into the house vacated by the IrWins. Mn. and Mrs. Lyal Canrol and family moved into the bouse vacatad by Mns. Foster. Mn, and Mrs. Garland Cathcart a n d Mn. A. Tbempson wera in Ce- bourg one day Ibis past week visiting Mrs. Bun- wash, tbeir aunt. Mr. Mark Wagair took bis Sunday School class of il boys on a camping trip to Wheeler Lake near Tamworth. 'Ilhey left Fri- day avening and neturned Mcnday. They report the mosquitos were biting as well as the fish. Î\ tice absci-bs soutid, its .lea\ýes trap ail- pollutents. and inoîsture gîven off by the toliage cmois the air, c-oast, te coast, fealuing Anchbisbop Fujllon J. Sheen. (),ler guesîs on the proglrami include Rose Kennedy, Iisbop Maurocce and Mahcol.1Mmug- geig.The prognamn is screened ý'i onSunday mornigs o)n (he Peutenborough station CHEX, and Falther Heffernaýn satid ihe s500hhopes to1bave nation-wýide TV coverage cf the(, whole 20 prognam senies. Father Heffernan finst began using video lape him- self in 1967 te aid a famihy ife program the cburcb was sponsoring in 1Bnacebridge. Ie bis book he comments, "I see lelevision stations, radio stations and newspapers as, our new pulpit." 87.8 Clifford Curtis Lynda Avery 8.5.2 82.5 81.2 80.7 ~A? o f1À tuets(5over 75 per ceniit. Tisincludecs per cent of the school popula- ail grades from fine to 13., lion) obtained averages of J1 E. Speers. Principal d;auýgbten of Mn. and Mrs. T. M\/cGuink, R. R. 3, Bowman- ville, graduated June 2nd fromn Conastoga College ie Kitchener' as a nulnitionist. She will be working as a Food Supervisoir aI the Y.W.C.A, in Kitchener. OBITUARY MISS ALMA M. COURTICE Miss Aima Mary Courtice, who -as a, young woman became a welb known music leachen in Bowmanvilbe and, district, died aI the Oshawa General Hospital dune 28,1973. Sha had hean a nesidenî ef Oshawa Lodge for the pasî yean. She was bore Oct. 18,1881 iii South Darlington. le 1923 sbe moved to Chicago, U.S.A. where she received bier Regis- tened Nurse's dipioma, and feilowed ber nursing profess- ion ini that city until, ber retinement in 1963, wbee she relurned te Canada le live in the Village ef Countice. She is survived hy oce sisten, Mns. C. A., Wight (Ruth) cf Bowmanvible. One brother, Leo J. Courtice and twc sisters, Mns. Rlake CoLrtice (May ) and Miss Carlotta Courlîce died before lier. Miss Courtîce was aI the Anrnstrong Funenal Home for service in the- chapel Satun- day, dune 30 at Il a.m. Interment in Ebenezer Cerne- teny. Rex. D. Harris offici- ated. N.i S. .s Eartb Resources 'lechnology Satellite retraces aý coiaplete coxci-age of the cia tb's sur face evel-v 18 davs. 1THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER AND IN NEED 0F ASSISTANCE e TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES *DRESSINGS *PAIN RELIEVING D RUGSj «HOME NURSINC $k * HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE 0 LODGE ACCOMMODATION *HOME AND HOSPITAL DIVERSIONAL VISITING ACTIVITIES Canadian Cancer Society BOWJIN VILLE c; DISTRICT UNI'T Box No. 42 Bowmanile, On/adio t/e &i',tor CONINED township as t would in the Dean Edilon, case cf a regular housing We 'have the foîîowing subdivision, Il would be im- comiments on Mi- Hudson's possible te obey the By-Law sîatmens pintd i th because 300 units on 50 acres Ntaecasîl Rpritain dune would mean six mobile homes Necate7eorero.Jn per acre. Mnt.Hdsssat en Funther in regard te raveni tMa. bispopoa os mnet ues, if Ihese mobile home unîts conavene the By aLas nas are assessad aI marketl-value, contavee te B-Las a as bas heen ,done ie othen regards lot sizes is incorrect, couchies, Iben it is evidant Ibis as Land Use By-Law -1515-72, sesetwl ercaei stales specifically that 101 sesee ildprcaei sizes pertaîning to Mobile relation tc the depreciation of Homne Parks shah hec 15,000 sq. the mobile homes, which, like fi. minimum area par unit, cr depreciate, and do NOT wil 1h a fronlage of at leasî 100 appreciate. Carried b ils fI. We already have one logical conclusion il is possible Mobile Home Park in Mani- in 20, years the township vers wbere these By-Laws are revenues wouid he negligible, adberad t10 Is Mn. Hudson explecting 'special considera- lions' thal are nol available to other parks presently èxisting le the townsbip? Allhougb bie states hie bas no intention of breaking by-iaws il wouid seem thal le the 0ou;Bd Markbam-Stouff ville anea Ü there is ai present a judgment pending on the books concere- THROW lh ing alleged violation cf by- laws by Mn. Hudson ie th( ISOTOX Garder establishment of bis trailen C ompletely new forrr business there. According te Mr. Hudson garden insecticide. N< the riactes on the petition give systemic action pli 'don't mean mucb to opposi-S'i îrni tien te the proposai'. Our Mte e utb feeling is that peuple are veny sui.faces concenned, especiahly about pr tactic Ihein water suppiy, both as to RTOC itrels quantity and quality. Eveny- o r n cee we have talked to objacled 1 S q0q to high densily development in arespray C ntains a country setling, and agreed wea witb our Reeva wben he stated QR recently in a local nawspaper ORTwF that Ibis township is rurally rryr oriented and wouid alige wel mixod an with Victoria Counly. Mi. Hudson dlaims ha bad Patenta. approacbaed ahi residants wilb- racy, le 4(0 It. cf bis proposad park, Fast spra but Ibis bas aise proven te ha aies on i incorrect, le actual tact ibene Pose. are sevaral property owners Conveni who tal itbin Ibis category contrcîs wbo have nol heen inotified by Mn, Hud.son. Non doas the fact Sqrayý-ette4 Lihn thal Mn.r H-udson bas indeedAdua coutacted,( some iesidants si£ and s'de) nîfy [Ibat thay approve ci bi 10 raach ventura, Reganding the stateient Ihal the assessment figures szpeak for ihemselves,, Ibis is ineed truc, as il would laka, 400ý ilfis aI $15. per menth ýor )I ,180, pan year) 10 arriveat aI a £ total of $72,000. pan year, not29Ki the 300-350 homes stated hy18Bo Mn. Hudson. Healase promises ei to develop only 50 acres out oh N Meia tha 93 ievolved. This wilh leava E 5Lt 43 acres for parkland w,ýhich xiii nol ha turninig over 10ibah gradc point average. To he eligihle to)r the deanýs ia student mus have amimu gradepon average of 3.5 on a 4.0 sca:'le, and carry a mrini- mum of !12'credits with no grade beloxx a B and no incomplete S Mn. and MrUex XXallers have returned 'romr a pleasant month's, vacation going as far west as Vancouver w0hcre they spent several dysvisiting with Mr. and TMr-s. Frank Walden. Enroute 1they visited their daugbter and son-in-law aI Calgary, Aberta.' ONE INOIVIDUAL ur CROUP PORTRAIT iN, LII Mcm, Oad or ali the Kîddies may ce photographed as a group - FREE PARfENTS: weve arranged bo have a natïonally recognizeci profes-, sional photographer et aur store on the dates shown helow. You can have each member of the famnily photographed in semeai pome, and pick any oneC of them for your free portrait. We only ask that ail childreil be accompanied by a parent. DO'N'T MISS THIS OPPOR TIITY to get a living colour portrait you wiIl treasure always. Severai poses are taken and low cost additional portraits are available for those who wish them. It's our way of saying "Thank You"' to our many regular cuatomers, and "Welcome" te everyone elIse. Incidentally, we believe these photographs are really something special. They're beautifully pcsed portraits flnot snapshots. And don't forget they'lI be in living colour, so dress the children in bright colours. THURS"DA v and FRIDAY jULY 5&6 - 12 noon bo 8 p.m. TWO DJAYS ONLYï A GIFT TO YOU FROM BOWMANVILLE THE SPRAY, WE'LL MN A SPRAYER.... FREE m Spray nulation of this multi-purpose 3Wv contains META SYSTOX to m aT us Carbaryl and Kelthane. 1E c action eniables part cf the insectýiide bsorba-d inýiernally ihrough leif and stem t te provdelnermoeaffective. on. Is mac', intact pestet on roses, flowars. niais, avargraerîs, shada ireas and Iawns. s special spraader for outsianding spray ae 'HO SPFRAY-ETTE 4 economicai garden hose arîachmenî Sprays 4 gal Ions, of autcmatical ]y ad properly diloaed spray ýmateriai ýd, internai matering jats assure accu- raing No pumpîng, no mîxing ! Opar- normal vwaier pressura trom vourgarden iint hole in comfortabla ihumb 'ravi sappl.ication cf spray material. nwaîght - spray actire 'gardan wiîhout 3bie spray daflactor te spray up, dcwc leways, .asily ramovadi for jet sirearn i high places. NTRA NC ES ig St W. )nd St. W., de the il Building 18lu ALL FOR ONLY $5.çe09 8 Just 5 minutes west of Bowmanville o,,nNo. 2 Righway The "BIG" Glarden Centre 623-4441 VAN SFILF 6344 Newv- Pries t at Sti. Jase ph's Eight Ontario Scholarýs A\t Courtice Seconda.ry The Caniadian Statesman, Bowmanville,,Juiy 4,1973 7 whereas we ail know a opmnent? :)ermanenl home appreciates He states commercial devel- )ver a period time with opmenl will appcar on this site ýttendant increasm in tax and will take the form of a ýevenues. It also follows that shopping plaza. This means n lime this park would not be the development will be of ei-supporting as taxes levîed lîttie benefit to local merch- ivould niot cover full education anIs. Since these busînesses of costs, which would mean thc present revenue. rest .of the taxpayers wouid Ih is very interesting to note end up having to support this another contradiction of Mn. clevelopment on their taxes. Hudson's. He refers to this site This extra tax burden couid as 'a really beautiful piece of prevent the establishment of ]and, it's a challenge to such things as arenas, public develop it' in one publication, swimming pools, libranies,, andyet in anoîher, pubiished Mr. Hudson has avoided, on the samne day he relers to it answering our question .'whe- as 'a gravel pit, a garbage re is he going to put the dump, wrecked carsý. and garbage?' It is a weil known serving no usetul purpose. An factIthat our present dumps. unattractive piece of property are barely adequate to cater both to the neîgbbours and the to present îîeeds. Is the township'. This is just one of township expected 10 pur- the many instances where Mr. chase more land for the Hudson contradicis bimseif. establishment of yet anoîber sincerely, township dump, 10 satisfy the Concerned Manvers needs of. Mr. Hudson's devel- Taxpayers La.rv Goodwu'~in ette~ to

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