Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jul 1973, p. 5

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OronoStudent Discusses Cifîienship at Rotary Club By a general consensus of the club members, one of the best speakers to address the Bowmlanvil Rotary Club in many weeks was 19-year-old Diane Barnett from Orono (second from right). Miss Barnett, pictured above with Clarke uigh School Principal, AI Witherspoon (at left), her mother, Mrs. D. A. Barnett and Rotary President, Bill Wilson (at right), spoke with enthusiasm about her recent R-ýotary-sponsored tnîp to Ottawa. For President Wilson, it was his last meeting before handing oerthe reigns of office to incoming President, Harry Cooke. What better way to mark his finalmetn than with a poised and pretty young lady as the guest speaker? CUbC by eore Cariand, Dvitrict Commissioner The annual West Durbam Cubioree was held at Marydale Park, on. June lath, l6th and 7t.Nine of the il packs in the West Durham District mnoved inito the campsite udrcioudy skies on the Friday eve,,,ning. The openiîîg cee5Imonlies Mwer~e beld at 8: 00 p.m., hure to everyone's SUI, prise the "Cow's Tail" bad bee reloctedafter an ab- sence of two years, and much to eeyn' surprise was pseedfor- the firsi urne to Hillecst Hieight's Carole Zinck (bet we- never catch ber Af er he penngcereulon- ies, eaich pýack returned to their own amsîefor indu- vidui capfies wre eld, tolowed b ugu.Lighîs were supp)joseýd to be out by 10 p.mi-. but gugghes couhd be1 heard outs;ide mnany tents long A"ter this. Wb'Ien ight rounds h.re ,adelbithedistrict staff at f4 arn Manvr~ wre foun to ave c'-tcss oys, one tent baýd ai thir gear nut-side the i ntprearingi for npcinth olwn muorinÈg, i's srrîighow1 fast tlhese lelows can mýl', -ove because la 10 inutes time tbiey hadi everything býack in their tent and were supposedly fast asleep. Saturday morning dwnied1 wtb a few cliouds un the sky, but we were able 10 bold off the rain untul laie afternoon, where a small shoxxer was bad duning the supper bour. The boys rose early and were al set for tbe openiag exericses at 7:30), affer breakfast, eacb pack lîad free fume fn do wbab ever they chose, bee iking seemed f0 be a big fa vorite, as fhe boys expiored the enture campsite. Newcastle boys bit the jackpot wvbite playingý in the sand and came on a real dscovery of bones, thestre stil are tbey helonged t0 everytbung froua a borse, auoose, deer and perbaps even diuosaur. wbatex er. the boys had a hall digging and sorne nice specumens of bones returned home witb the boys. Saturday aîternon each pack bad a specified tirne where the boys and leaders wenf fhrougb an obstacle course, Ibis was a f un activify and prepared by te district. Participation was exfrernely. gond-la this eveat. We are verv sorr y tri report fle ,ioi-une (o Ihurt bus 'houter and was takea to Bowivanvilie itospital for tr'eaLmeniït. We understand thîs bias giveýn Then. a lot of pain and isconfort, but do hope if will rnend and he will be back next yearf0 ireally, enjoy humself and make up for the absence of hoth him aad Josie t'is year. Saturday night at the camp- l'ire eacb pack vas asked to participate, and bere again the co-operation was excellent \vlth a îreal variety of enter- tainrnent, being supplied, by ail packs. Third Bowmanville really. outdid tbemselves with costum;es and the whole bit. Here their Squaw leader Emma Bragg really gave sorne keen competition to Andy VanHemnuen on the drums. Al ve nced now is for Gail to learn to play the fife and Maple Grove would have an excellent fife and drum corps. Aller rnug up Saturday evening ail boys seemed quite content t0 settie down,, but some leaders prowled and played pranksters haîf the night. Sunday rnorning dawned brîgbt and sunny and here at inspection time we found Kendai boys had workcd very hard on Saturday building attractive walks around their fents. Hillcrest Heighfs aLsoý bad a very attractive entrance to thieir campsife, but musf hawv bad a shortage of tents as (bey ba the(tnt up that f oi irmn o Had had burnt hosc orŽ btertar e tbînk teh Do¾ ourtb Bo- manville. cooks were veryý busy over thie entire weekend supplying "Hot Water' and doing the district staffs' dishes (Are those fellows iazy or. just ,,,ond taîkers, Marion?) A lot of credit goes out. to Sandra Miller from Hampton who was a bit short staffed, but carried on and did a tremendous job, sorne attractive stone crafts were on display by Sunday afternoon. At two p.m we gatbered la fhe cîrcle for the last time for the 1973 Cuboree, a littie sad to have such a fun-filhed weekend corne to an end. Here we ail waifed as the closing remnarks vwere made and the points given ouf. A lot nf credit goes out f0 every pack for their splendid co-op- eration, 'a total of 33 points, separatled the top tcam from the bottom team, so a lot of bard w ork w as put intofuis cuboree by both the boys and tbeir leaders. District Commissioner, Bob Nicholîs feels Newcastle Cub Pack had a vacuum ceaner bidden away as their tents and grounds were so lidy, but al thaf was found was one short-bandled broom (w'ay to go boys). Everyone who attended thiis cuboree is stîhi trying f0 find ouftxxbat kind of birds these leaders from Newcastle Ire ,pretending to be Th,,lsivtiswcî.e brougbu t ai cosewhen N catewas decLared the leada(er with a shri. nmargîn of sxpoints overa tied Maple Grove and Third Bowman- ville. The Cuboree shield was presented f0 acting Akela Eldon Hirschfeld by' District Commissioner Bob Nicholîs, after whicb an attractive chair was presented by Carnie Zinck on behaîf of the Hiliresf Heigbf s boys and leaders. This chair was made fromn smalh cedar pohes, put together with binder twine, by the boys as their craft project and was presented to the winning akeha for use in bis pack, (Tbaaks again, gang). Tbe flag at the closing cerernonies was lowered a mere six haches to show that we feel we have defeated the rahamaker Jack HartwelI from Fourth Bowmanville and he is showly on bis way ouf, but Jack promises to be back aext year s0 we wili wait and see what he bas in store for us. Thus.ends one of the best cuborees that West Durh am Distritfbas eve)- held night. We were ail invited to spend the evening at Scout- master Ernie Cohiss' house We shared the evenîng with the 5tb Bowvmanviile Scouts and had a wiener roast after Tbank you Mr and Mrs Collis and Scouts for the wonderfuh evening. On Saturday, June 23rd, we al] had an exciting evening at Pine, Crest Speed- way. 1 amn sorry it got a little late (2 a.m,) On Saturday, .June 3Otb we are ahi going for a hîke.. We will be leaving at 9 a.m. sharp from the Maple Grove United Church, Each boy must bring a lunch for dinner time. We will be at Alela's bouse by 5 p.m. and bave a wîener roast there to finish off another successfui year Barry Wood was the, winner of the tropby for the most points through the year ZO with 601 points. Tod Russel was second with 600. Nice (HOPrE TO1WNsHIT') gohng -Barry and Todd. (Intended for last ;week) Our tLhanks to r 1Russeil, Mr. amifrd s Charlie Raby Mr. Bubar, AMrs. Rýussel, Mr wer amon tose attending Ricard for helpJýing the Cubýs the Northumnberlaid and pick up their p.apers a n ura Cun Board of botleý--A peiaithnk to1Edrucation testimlonial din- boties A pecai hans t nehed at the CDC..East Mrs. Wood for helping out. aeei on Wedncsday eV~- This wili be my last article for eigMy30 for retired this year Have a good staff withi 25 yearsý or more summer vacation, see you in service. Mrs. Raby retired September- Support Scoutinig this year and was present- in your area. ed with a silver tray. 4th Bowmanville Cub Pack Mrs. Margaret Gerow, Keeps Busy Port Hope, called on Mrs "fun night" ended the C.Ne atte ad r- season for the boys of the 4th noo1nat hrsa atr Bowmanville Cub Pack, In Mr and Mrs. John Meneil- March they heid a skating ley and f amily, Belleville. party wîth the 3rd Bowman- called on Mr. and Mm., C. ville Pack at the arena and the Meneilley, Sunday evening boys qualified for their skat- on their return from a fam- ers badge In April they ily gathering held nt the wored ardon hei botie home of Mr and Mrs. Har- anrkd hro h n oyed a old ,Woods, Oshawa; the andthoouhlyenoye abus occasion Was a birthday trip to the Science Centre in par'ty for their ynother, Mrs. Toronto. Fred Tufford, Port Hope. Cpi. Bird of the B owman- Mr. <and Mrs. Harold Burley, ville Police Dept., lectured the ýBridgeniorth; Mr, and Mrs. boys on bicycle safety and the John Meneillev, Belleville; I ollowing week te had a tour Mr and Mrs. Francis Tuff- of he olie teyord, Newcastle-, Mr., and ofth PlieStation, Mrs. Harold Woods, Oshawa May ha d themr taking part in and their f amibies were the Athletic Day at Kendal amnong those present. .. Park'in which they placed Mrs. Edwin Ruthven vis- third and taking a tour of ited on Saturdiay xvith Mrs. General M6tors during their C. Meniley. open house week, Mr Harry Traver, Well- On he erlus ideRevand, spent hast weekend Grace soeosthieaboutwth his daughter, Mrs Graie pok tothe abutChas. Rabv and Mr Raby the Cub Promise. In June tbey Mr. and Mrs. Charle- too~k part in the Drumhead Raby and Mr. Harry Trav Service at Memorial Park and espnt Saturday evening the Cub Camp at Marydale wth Mr Fred and Miss Par inNewonvlleAt ampHilda Raby. they i w nvtirllAaepor Mrs. Leo Titterhngton had best at einpetin laor hler friend, Mrs. Marsh of bes a ispetin or heîrOshawa spending several meeting they played basebaih days wh±h her last week. at Ontario Street School and then went to the home of Mrs oBTU Y Thiessen for, hot dogs and O IîU R drinks MilS. WILLIAM RUITER During the year the boys The deîýth occurred in Oshawa have worked bard earning six on Wednesday, MVay 9th, 1973, stars and 55 badges. Therefore of Mrs. William (Ellen) Ruit- five boys are ready for Scouts er, aged 87 Born in Oshawa, come September the daughter of Mr and Mrs. At Camp, compasses were George Brent she was eduèat- presented to the top six boys ed ini Oshawa. On, July 3th, for having the highest points 191.3 she was united in miar- over the year on weekhy ng it ilim Jh insecios.These boys are Ruiter and they resided at inpections. B nBrc'R.R. 4 Providence from 1913- Chri Wison Rady ennngSuî'viving are four daugh- Bradley Gili and Larry ,fers: Maud, Viola (Mrs. K Griffin. iiiiis), Helen (Mrs. M. Lti) The boys are now lookinlg Dorothy (Mrs. R. Richards); forward to Cubs a.gain come 15ganc3drnad ih Septmbergreat-grandchildren. She was Thle Canadian Statesit, iBoý-wmanvilie, Juhy 4, 1973 Hobbs Valedîctoriajn and Principal M J Hlobbs Senior Public Scbool Principal E. S. Taylor, shakes hands xith this year's Valedieforian, Dennis Yellow- lees, prior to the graduation ceremonies beld in the audi- torium at Bowmanville Higb predeceased by a daughter Myrtie (Mrs. H. W. Knapp). The funeral was held f rom the Morris Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, May 12, with Rev. Wesley Oake conducting the service. Six grandchildren vere pali- bearers: Messrs. Bill and Gary Knapp, Ted and Eric Hills. Larry Little and Doug- Scbooi on Thursday, June 2lst, 's chowlees stressed the im-, It was estimated tbat close to portant role that student 800 people packed the auditor- involvement bas plaved at ium f0 watcb the 250 students Hobbs. In particular be point- wbo were graduafing into bigb cd f0 the Hobbs Honorarium, a scbool. moçk Pariarnent wbich oper- la bis Valedîctory address, ates at the sebool wîtb eacb las Richards. Inferment was class electingan M.P. and a in 1Hampon emetry. different Prime Minister be- in HanptoaCemefry. ng choseuu every montb, as Exports of Canadian indicative of the kiad of gonds rose to $7,4 billion student participation achieved. durlng the first quarter at Hobbs. of the year, as cornpared Aficr the ceremonies, stu- with $5.8 billion for thedetprnsadtces same period a year ago'detprnsadechs An increase of almost alike returned f0 Hobbs for a 25% ha sales to the Unit- dance in the gymnasiuro, ed States accounted for which was decorated in an much of the bonaf. Under tbe Sea motif. is on the une -BE'L "9 TNE H E ARIN G AI1D S E VI1C E WVesncrl want to provide the best possible service to the hearing handicappedl oJ this area. We ask, therefore, that you get in touCh ith us iîf you have a problemn with a haing idý- Beltone or a.ny other make. Ifyo fee-l you are not getting full benefit fromi your aid, please brîng it in to our offices and let us dlean if and make any inor adjustments that riay be needed. OfIten, .that's aHi i takes îtc get a quality heng id bac'k into good operating condtio, ad w'rehapp.y te do> it without lif ouý'd r ýathr Just sit dnwn and talk aboutý your hearing prolern ad sane 0of the wayS he'arîng prolenis cn hb, lped odayv, we'il tlake the fikneitedoif.Anet gi, e'Ido it wàiouýt any charge whatsoevcer. We strngIY feel that every unsolved hearing role - every unresolved comlait aouta hearing aid could affect ourretain We are jealous of that reputation aýnd we know that if, you are unhappy it-h the service you are receiving or wvith the hîearing aid you have, word gets 'U fet away at our good naine., So if you havýe a problern with your hearing aid, or thesie you are receîving, pl-)ease eail or cornei. We sincerely feel we can s'how you the better w'ay to better hearing, w;îill be in Bowrnanville on Thursday, Julýy l2th. Please stop in at Hooper's Jceellers, 29 Kinig St. East any time betw,ýeen 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. Or eall 623-5747 and we wilI be happy to visit you at home. DïINNE BERNATH 410Geoge t.N. Peterborough, Ontario Phne 745-3244

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