1~~ I Real Estate for Sale Real EListate for Sale Reatl Estate for Sale BEAVER1 LUMBERI STARTER HOME 623 2571 ~JFOR SALE P6623-694I 137 King St. E., Bowmaivlla With only $200.00 down pay- ment and your own buildingi6 igS.EBwavle AE<NAI,2bd lot you can ho living in a new 7 ingStE.,2A moto hl AKEon.T LI.PR2Ied Beéaver Homeofn your own Sie2 or hm.FL PIC tItis summner. The 10w, 10w 1;,, acre iqiî in'Clarke Twp $4,900. morîgagos on many Boaver o'ith ail pormits ready 10 :oll. VACANT "'lLAIND. , 5 rs Homes cirie fooday. han1beaatifully reed, ideal reticat mnst ront paymonts and offers i.oety SIG 950 you futaie equity. Overall 7 -Plex in x aluable location-. MINI FR,8ars ag cost ton, is nten, thousands nf Good income. Excellent p<ii IR-1 c slre dollars less' because nf Boa-ienial. Al modemn apart- 6 bedroom home, pond on bbe vor's factory precision build- ietIs. iproperty. HURRY 'ON THIS ing methods and volume pur- Commercial lot in down- IONE. 7379 cbasing power in the building tovnî Bowmanvilio big enough!Shawui Ferry - 7379 maberials industry. So if, ynu'e te up itb ak o- A3 stores and 4 aparttiients. Mary Snmith, Newtonville - cosbîy ropairs bo your prescnt bilego inesîm e ot bbc' 78r - 6223 home... or if you'rc shop- bue rînhîe, EseSecr - 6335 pigfor a newter home or Samn Annis - - 623-7664 Banner Passant - 628325 bave oatgrown bbe place James Robinson - 623-31,9519Ro11Y Spencer - 623-7694 you're renting . . . make your Member 27-1 mhove to a new Boaver Home.Tmno elEtaeBar -' ViUUi hpUcrInl vu dd hn oot elEt .Bad RAY NORTHEY 62 Stevenson Rd. N. - Oshawa 20-tf 234 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3393t, 85 Acres, Omemee Gond soil, 40 x 60 haro, 8 rntm brick bouse. Trout pond. Building site ovelooking vil- lage and valley. Asking $64,500. Calil Bill Sutherland. Bowmanville Commercial, 2 stnroy 7 roomed brick home, ail large monts, lectrie fireplace, up- stairs apartment. Depp lot. Very centrally Iocated. Ask- ing $«0000. 00. Ter-ms. Please cail Phyllis McRobbie.' Ne wcastie Canadiania, Williamsburg and Cape Codl. Al brought togebh- et- inthis beautiful Il room resboration. Antique G b f b Shoppe and Art Studio office as a plus. Four fireplaces. Bubît-ins galore, such as fridge, ox'en, range, dishwash- o, bookcasos, etc. Lovely treed lt vibb small stre-am. Must be seeni to be appreciabed. Only $69,500.00. Terms. Cal Phylls McRobbie. Kendal His - Gararaska River 6,- acres - 40 acres xvorkable, baaneooded. Barn 30 x 40. ýanaraska River forins north >~nrday. Asking $39000. --Terms. Cai Roy Fostor. 100 Acres, Orono Gond fan with outstand- ing buildings., Gond fonces, !0 roomi home, 2 habts, barn 40 x 100. Asking 890,000. Termns. Call Rov Foster.ý Frankford - 62 Registerod Lots 190 acres iand with barn. Large river ftoxvs through, scenic property. Subdivided loito 62 Regisbered lots, adjoin- ing btonon praxed road. Ask- ing $200,00q.00. Terms. Cal Waltor Frank or Norm Wetb- erup. 160 ANcre Feed Lot Leskard. 2 silos 25 x 75, auitomastic feeding system, barns 12W' x 120' and V0'x 40'. Fed 300 bead of cattie. Two rout streamts. 8 i-nom home. Asking $250,000 with 98 Acres - Bowmanville, Lakefront 12',Mile town limits. 1200' frontage on Lake Ontaria. 1300' on Serice Rond. 'Southi side nf 401. 8 rnomn brick home. Excellent investrnent ai $250,- 000.00. Terras. 86 Acres, Kendal His Brick hnme, large barn. Fast trouc strearn. Frontage on 2 roads. GGond rebroat property and stock farm., Asking $70,- 00.00. Termis. Cal Roy Fost- or. 85 Aicres, Hwiy. 115& 35 Newý.castle. Corner Droperty with almnosb 1", mile ighway fontage. Il room home divid- ecdintro 2 apamîmients. Stream. Terrifie invcstment at $2.000 per acre. Cal Charlie Reid or Phyllis MoRobbie. Fruit Market and HoMe Bowmranville, on No. 2 H-igIt- way. 3 acres land. 10 roorn home. Terrifie opportunity at 849,90(Y.00. Terms. Cati Phyl- lis McRobbîe. Office Building, Bowninville 3 torey brick 10 year nid building. Central location. Askng $68000-00. Terrns. Sportiag Gonds - Bowinarville Sporting gonds, icyclo,' tnys and baby gnods. Stock includeud aI $ý22.000.0.- Are Vous consldering a M40VE or TRANSFER? We are equippel to bandle your homo needs £n7whlCre ln Canada and U.S.A. ftr9:00 p.m. cali: Phyllis McRobbie - 628 -7150 Charlie Reid- Orono 983-5914 Roy Poster -Orono 913-5801 Bill Turansky -Orono 983-5420 Geraldîne Woolacott Newtonviiie Bill Sutherland- Bob Cullen -- Audrey Plain - Norm Wethorup- Pat Yeo ~ Daue Foua4 - Dolores Ros - >Kay Brown -- 623-3172 62-393 725-14988 623-31801 27-1 PeerK wa, 27-1 BROKER 0, Pete Ko alJr. REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 52, King St. W., Bowmanville Telephone 623-245318 HR S ET Bowmanville ... Cozy 5 BOWMANVILLE room older bungalow in good 6342 condition on a nice lot near 6342 store. 2 Bedrooms, dhiing Spacînus 3 bedroomn, insulat- roomn, living room and kitchen je cottage or permanent home. with new cupboards. Only Includes large living room, $23,600. Terms. famnily room and k.itchen. AUl 35 Ace . uho w conveniences. Acre lot, at 401 at Newtonville; old gravelieLk. Sadbah pit; somne clear land and a lYear-iround open îoad. Asking good stand of cedar bush. s.'20,900.00. Bargain at $21.000. Termns. ll eIhder Avc., Bownianx'ille - 8 12 bedroom bungalow on large 48Acres with 'old bouse. lot. Lovely finisbed room. Uns a gond deposit of gravel, alt iset somne cedar bush. At Newton- ville. $48,00,0. Real Potential. Bewdley acre building Terms. lot overlooking lake. 500 ft. Bowanill .. .4 edromoff paved bighway. Asking semni-detached borne Aîth rec. $727-10 room qn a beautifully land- 7- scaped lot. This is tru1y a fine borne and is selling for less nucm n than reproduction coSt Of _ Ano ce et day. Only $31,900., Termns. Bowmanville . . . Building~ lot, 139' x 100'. Bargain at $32,000. Terms. Two Lots near Emily Park, 100' x 175'. S5,000.00 ench. Oshawa, nortb-cenfral... Real cozy 5 room brick bun- galow in a ver'y nice location. Oul furnace, garage, private lot, ideal for n retired f amilY or for a starter home. Lowý taxes, too. Caîl for price and terms. Immediate possession. After Hours » J. A. Barton- - 623-30M9 % G. Beech - 623-5265! 27-1 -623-2503 Bowrnanvillo - older 3 bed- ronrn brick and aluminum bouse, on lot 70 x 138, close 10 scbools and Park. Asking $24,000 witb tex-ms. Eýwmanville - oldèr 3 bed- room sunirnr cottage on beau- il weil treed lake front lot 50 x 250. Asking $13.000. 1 Bowrnanviile - gonyd cottage lob 90 x 150. bas well and septie tank. Asking $7.200 witb lerms. Omona - legal tri-plex on Main Sreet, gond income nroperty, 2 and -3 bedroom. Don Martin John Rieger, Realtor, is pleased to announice that Master Saiesman, Don Mar- tin, of the Whitby Four Çorners Office is Salesman of the Month for June. Mr. Martin joined John Rieger Real Estate on March 151 and, since that time bas been a consistent producer of Sales and Service. The arrangement ni Ire leaves is an important fenture in tree identification. Some deciduous trocs have alter- nate arrangement and others opposite arrangement where they arise from the twigý,. Asking $43,003 with terms. old nt- FINE QUALITI Minden area r 2 year odct MONUMENTS ANDJ bage witb 2 bedrnoms and - A ER furnisbings, winterized. Ask-ý AKR ing $15,500 witb torms. 4 leo ee&Iav Newcastle - nider 5 bedronm' o bouse cose to scbool and 1 OP STAFFORD shopping., New furnace and iBRfl'q LTD. aluniinum siding. A s k in g $27900 wiîh tberrns. Bowmanville - 3 bcdmoonm iDed.f bungalow in the north end,, veyweil kept and beautifulyi landseaped. Asking $36,900. Stafford grothers Lloyd Atchison 705.93V-2770 NMeaments Alan Rout - - 725-6353 Edwin Jeans 628-152 LIMITED ,Mac MlcDonald -428-3911, Box 133 Wilf Hawke --983-5374j 318 Dundas St. E. - Whtbi Helen MeDonald - 623-3911, Phone Whitby 688-3559 27-1I,-- Real Estate for Sale A - B - S REALTY LIMITED 72 ïâo -d St. E., Oshawa, Ont. 728-7344 5 Bedroom Beauty with Stone Fireplace La'ge 2 storey ho.mo on V1, acre lot. Double attaced gaiage. 11,_habts. Famiiy room with patio doors. Homo fully boadinomed incliding shag rug in living ronin. Kitlhen 1is a woman's dream. Laundry room on main floor, Asking price $59,900.00. 27-1 ProvincialCI ourt highway'2. Ho found an MG in the ditcb. Levick's eyes were glossy and speech slurred. Readings were .15 and .14., Levick told the constable the right tire went fiat and pulled the car mbt the dilch. Counsel asked for a restricted licenso 10 drive employers vehicle in the course of duty and Ibis wa granted. Ho was fined $150 and cosîs, in defnult 15 days and an order prohibiting him lrom driving a motor vebicle for six months. Ho was given four weoks 10 pay. Marin Sîrasie, 214 Tresano St., Oshawa, charged with three counts of lorcibie con- Judge R. B., Baxteor presided xxýitb Assistant Crown i Attor- ney K. Stabinglon and duiy counisel Mvr. K. Van Nest.. Fred l-iodgsoîi, 22 West 1 Beach, Bowmanville, ago 18, cbarged wilh break and enter at Thistle Valley Parkbooth June 18 and 20, 10 commit the offence of, ibeft, pleaded "gailty' .Ho was camping iii the area witb twn companions.- Some ni the stoleîî goods were found in Hodgsons sleeping bag. A pro sentence report is 10 be ready for a court appearîýnce Augusi 21. Stanley Rend, 18, Hampton, pleaded "guilty 10o making a leit turo before ascertaining if wise o 1 do so. Ho was fined $25, $3 costs, in doinult three days. The offence was dune 2. Reid N. Allun, 22, 1 Freder- ick Ave., Bowmanville, charged April 29 with driving at a grenIer speed than 30 miles per hour, received a fine of $60, $3 costs, in default live days. Frank Roorda,,37, 113 Hill- croft, Oshawa, pleaded "guil- ty" to failing to yield. The fine was $20, $3 cnsts. Howard Wm. Clark, 44, 35 Simpson Ave., Toronto, charg- cd May 4, Township of Clarke with having care and control aller having over .08 contrary to section 236 C.C. He pleaded "guilty". Const. Yardy check- cd a parked car on the south shoulder of 401. There was a strnng odor of alcohol. Tests were . 10 and .09. The fine $150. $3 costs, in dola uit 15 days. He was given four weeks 10 pay. Wmn. D. Mairs, 19, 130 Liberty N., Bowmanville, charged with failing 10 remain at the scene of an accident at King and Liberty Streets pleaded "guilty". Damage was minor 10 the car involved. The fine was $100, $3 costs, in default 10 days. Timothy Michael, 19, 563 Harmony S., Oshawa, pleaded "guilty" 10 having liquor in other, than bis residence on June 20. The fine was $50, $3 costs, in default five days. Ho was given two weeks 1g pay. Walter Burnat, 18, 867 Somerville Ave., Oshawa, pleaded "guilty" 10 baving liquor in other than bis residence. He was charged June 9 witb drinking in the Conservation Park, Dar ling- ton Township. The fine was $50, costs $3, in default live days and liquor confiscated. Ho was given tour weeks 10 pay. Leigh Somerseales, 29, lit King St. E, Bowmanville, charged May 2 witb driving while ability was impaired pleaded "guilty". Const. Chal- mers checked a 1965 Buick which had rolled over' on higbýway-, 2 and which wa total write off. Breathalizer readings were .19 and,.18. His counsel K. Van Nest said lho bas an alcohoiic problem. The fine was $100 and costs and in default 10 days. Gregory Jerome Opsilnik, 16, Pontypool, cbarged dune 22, witb dangerous driving in Township of Clarke, pleaded "guilty". Ho bad a second charge of driving without a license and pleaded "guilty". Const. Schultz stated the detachment bad received 12 calîs fro m the Leskard area in a two hour period of a car drîving in an erratie manner. The car would manage 10 disappear when a cruiser went int lte area but later an unmarked car witb Const.* Schultz came upon Opsitnik backing the car toward him. The car had bald tires and would only go in reverse. The car would swerve toward anynne who tried to take tbc liconse number. The crown suggested a jail term. Judge Baxter said lho besitates 10 send a 16-year-old 10 jail but you bad been warned., Ho was sont 10 jail for 10 days. A fine of $20 and cosîs was levied for driving without a license. Ho was gziven 28 days t10 pay. Town Council bas approved n report recommending that n $95,000 contract ho nwnrdecî for the construction of n new bridge on the West Beach Rond. Enniier Ibis spring, higb waters tbrontened 10 wash ouI the existing structure. Town Euîgîneer Charles Watt, in bis report, indicnled that ho evaiunted the submis- sions of the threo firms wbo responded to the catI for tenders and recommends te conîrnel ho awnrded 10 the Cobourg lrm of Totten, Sims, Hubieki and Associates. SCouncil wns aiso advised that $2100 will ho required Ibis year SO that lte firm can proceed mi th survey work, soul testing and draw the designs. Presumably, the construc- tion of the bridge xviil com- mence in 1974. Fire Dept. Requires Boat, Chief Claims In Drowning R<eport In a report to Council on July 3rd, Fire- Chief Jim. Hnyman stnîed, "in te wnber accident on Tuesday evening dune 12tb), I foot Iad a bont been immediately available lte victim would have been located at least 10 10 12 minutes enrier." Ho wns roferring 10 lte drowning denth of 12-year-o Id Wendy Howard in the pool boiow Vnnstone's dam. Chief Hayman recommend- cd btaI "Councît give consid- eraion to purcbasing Ibis type lof emergency equipmont." The Fire Chief incuded sev- oral preliminary prices in bis report and il appears ltaI ho boels a smali boat and motor, plus a trailer and, other related equipment is required by the Fire Departmont. Couneil approved te report and estnblisbed a three mem- ber committeo, încluding the Clerk-Admninistrator, 10 invos-, tîgate lte purchase of the omergency equipmenl. £etter to th4e Idaor dune 27. 1973 Dear Sirs, On rocetving tItis week's "Statosman", I noticed that Glen RaeDalry.,once again off ered free ice cream to ail wbo passed. While I commend Glen Rae's active, interest In scbool affairs, I would ask tbem if they are interest- ed cnougii to go. one stop farther and offer their te cream to ail school child- ron. The fow pupils more taI would corne would Construction of Power Plant WlI Employ Over 2,000 Construction on te new Ontat-io Hydro gonerating plant to ho bubît at Wesleyville is expected 10 ho started sometime nexl ycnr. Public Relations Durector for Ontar~io Hydro, Norm Manning said that lte il-fired station will cost appmoxintate- iy $470 million and wil ho lncated on l,SIÉO acres of lakeiirouî ]and cnmpiled hy Onitario Hydro. Mr. Manning disclosed lte information aI lIte qpening session niflte envioomentai boaning into the pprosod ganhage disposaI site aiso slatcd for Hope Township. The proposod sites foi- the damp and power station arc xiiun 000 hall mile nf cach otibon ('P Rail optioîîed 450 acres in the, amen last yoar for the proposed 'landfili site, xvhilo Ontario Hydmo bave nwned 1,,560 acres ior appîoximately four years time. Ontanio Hydno anneunccd ton weeks ago tailthe station aI WesleyviIle would bhonil- fiied. The plant construction is expectod 10 employ upwards ci 2,000 people at ils pcak. The platît is scbcdulod for npcning in 1979 wiîb officiaI plans 10 ho put forwnrd for approval xithin lte ncxt 10w weeks. not boost costs onough to warrant the burt done to "failng" pupils by ex. cluding bhem, In niv-svenyears of teachbng and tutoring ex- perbences afterwar-ds, I have found that frequent- ly tbc failing pupil bas worked as bard, if not harder tIan most pupils. I have always believed,and shared tItis beliof wlth my pupils, that marks *are'flot vory im- portant except for pur- poses of record, but not for branditig achievements. The important tbing was that eacb pupil did ils very best. Most noflte pupils I have-ever had to fait wore doing their utmost and as such deserved more credit tIan a chIld who mîght be getting straight A's, but wibb hardly any effort. It's difficuit enough for a chlld to take home a re- port card wlth "fatling" on il, wibbout giving an extra burt of 'being loft nul nf an Ibeccreani treat. Pleaso don't burt any more kids by tItis tbought- lessriOss., Sbncerely yours, Mrs. Coby Veenistra. TRAVELLING ART WORKSIIOPS FOR . ONTARIO People of aIl ages across the province xill be able- to partîcipato in a travelling art workshop agnin ibis summer. Art Trek", is a grnup of tr-avelling artists encouraging people in discover a croative pototitiali 10 ihemnselves ltat lbey may ont bave heen axvaro of; oncoumaging, wnrking artists itoiscover a new mediunm or technique; encoar- agitîg everynno 10 soc art as part ni' thoir evorydny lufo. 'ihe nrîists travel in tenms oftw iwnn six different areas of te province under te joint sporisorsbip of lte Ministry nf Cnmmaunity and Social Serv- ices (Ontario) and te Ontario Miuistry nf Artists Thoy travel in vans ful nf cquip- mont and art supplies olfening unstructared worksbops froc t 11emet mdo-a brief appear-, ance in court and vwaq romand- ed in cusldyv nue wek. He bas been baving treaimenf tai the C'lairke Inst!tiute wicb stated be vwas fit 10 stand trîi. Ronald T. Harvey. ,-). Os-ýh awa, ebarged with break, and enter August 1972 m t he residonce of Clarence Yarrow pleaded- 'guilty". Previnus convictions were rend nul. Ho was remanded in custodyfor one week to give Judgc Baxter lime 10 review the brothers pre sentence report as he was involved inlte above charge. Neil B. Hamilton, 166 Cox- oeIl Ave., Toronto, roceived a $100 and $9 costs fine in absentia, for carcless drivbng on highway 35 March 241h last. Hamilton was driving horth on the ighway when ho saw flashing lights from a tow truck and meeting oncomiog traffic southbound he slam- mcd on is brakes and went in flhc ditch. Planning' Board Moves To Rejeci- Mobile Home Park in'Clarke. The Clarke Planning Board bias put forwnrd a motion nocommending that the Town- sbip Coanqil rojocl a proposaI for a mobile home coffmmnity soalb nf Higbway 401 aiong lte lakeshoro betwieen Bennett Ronad and Wilmot Creek. The Rico Construction Com- pany Imom Brampton hnd suhmitled n report t10 the Planning Board outlinîng the ndvantages nI Ibeir dovelop- ment. The report stated ltai thie higb cost nI living in Canada made it difficuit for senuor, citizons who need hnusing and that mobile homo living is ideni for penpîle wbo cantnt maintain a home as woil iin the inter years. The Pîno Ridge Retrement Park, as lte proposai is calied, -'is dosigned to provide resîdenîs with a, "country club, privato style nI living." accordiog 10 thé Rico report. The proposai also stated that tax benefits wouid accrue t0 lte township aI n minimum of expense. "Storm drainage, sanitary sewers, piped water and ail other services required 10 poduce a m 'odemn com- munity are to ho installed aI bhe, developers oxponso."f In explanation of the pro- posed, rocommendation 10 Council bo rejoct the proposai lte Planning, Board staled, "we have previously estab- lisbed Ihat future develop- mont in the township shouid ho concentrnted in te oxisbing bamlets and, secondly, along the- Higbway Two corridor Itetween Newtonville and Newcastle., "The parlicular location nI the proposed development is ot in one of thé above mentioned areas," coninued lte recommondabion, "in- deed, il is in an agricuiturai aren with groat conservation potentiai." The motion, moved by Kirk Enbwistle and seconded by Doug Moflat, bas been lablo d until the next meeting for fart ber discussion. HRobert K. Nixon, 22, Orono, pleadcd-'ont guilty" 10 driv- ing whjile împaircd by alcohol or drug on May 13. Hoe was also chai ,cd for failing 10 take a breabbalizer test. and plcaded "nol guilty ". Const. McDonald investigated an accident at the mdil pond in Orono. Mr. Nixon was unsteady on bis feet and had been drinking hcavil. Const. Chalmers gave hini co-ordination tests at the detachmenl office which he lailcd to comply with. Nixoni stated be wnuld not- take the test until after he called bis lawyer and said he bad three days 10 do so. On ther evridence given by the constables he was found 'guilty"~ as cbarged. He had nothing 10 say ini bis own defense aller pleading "ont guilty'. On the impaired charge théc fine was $150, and costs, in default 15 days. Refusing the test $100 and cnsts in defunît 10 days 10 run consecutive. He was given two weeks 10 pay. N ew Bridge' Approved For West -Beach Road TIhe ,folumvi misthie subnîissie'î by the Durbhani Ceacllt% Federation oif Ag- ralrere: The Applica- tion of C.P. Rail te Estab- I isli a Sanitary Landfill Siù' Oin lIeTo'rw'nship. Il wýs pi esetîteci at the ve- cent Environniental Heai- ing , ilPort Hope. ..Du i h arn Fvderation o Agriceulture welcom-es the ýpport titibvt to subnîit a brief re the applicatiomn cf C.P., Rail lu cstablisb a sanitaryr lancîfili site i n Hoepe Tlowxnship. Wc think tbis niatter nust bc look- cd at on much broader tern.is than simply dealing. wxith this application ta decide if il is environnien-- tally seend to have thîs propi)ed site. witb cour; permission WC wish to out- une areas that are of grentest concein tb us, - WC believe that tbe concerno 14 the people most likel v te ho affectod bh,, this proposed site shoulci be \-ery \ seriously consid- vred but, havC douhis that tii will happen. We quote a section on Page 21 of bbe May .v101hl. 1973 edition of the Toronto Star. While xx cv realie that Ibis is a cifferent area we firmly helleve ihat goveromon'. thinking is probably the saine for Ibis landfill site. We quote hockey lawyer .\lan Fagleson. president cr the provincial partv. -thle Conservatives ma Jý hiave to sacrifice sonne rural support, and we xiii, if necessarv," said Eagleson adding that land-use controls "are ai- most socialistie, but thev, arc for the gond of ail the people and we're going ahlead with tbem". The r-ural ar'a baqs litie vot- inp power and progsramis which hurt thom but ben- efit a large ma.îority are bding itItoduced by gov- crnnient because t h e realize Ibis fact. "Sanitary landfill sites are outdated in this day of modern tecbnology. We have information that ui least two private firmns are willing 10 build re- cycling plants. One a]- rcady bas a successful uiliot recycling plant in Franklin, Obio. If bbc gov- ernimcnt doos not want tiiese private fii'ms bo re- cycle garbage on a large scale basis then we would iîîsist that the province immediately take steps 10 buîld arid operate these pkints. "Metro is oct atone with the problem of disposing of gZarbage. Many other Oiarlo comniunities are experiencing great diffi- culty -in finding suitable places 10 bury their gar- hî..ge. Plants large enoughi Xo take care of these corn- nînnities must be built. "Recenlljy, a s imrnîlar1 hieairg 10ibs was co- ducted in Pickorîng Town- ship 10 hear an applica- tion by Metro 10 establish landfill site in that town- sbip. If tlhcse are rejected the speed at whicb Metro xiii have 10 find alterna- live rmeans of disposing of garbage will be greatly increased. Rural Ontario and in parficular Hope T-ownsbîp doos not want any part 0f their problern. "Thousands *of dollars were spent at the Pickèr- ing hearing and tbousands of dollars will be spent 10 conduct Ibis hearing. The hiring of lawyers and wtt- ncsses is expensive. Why 'sbould people have to spend their mney 10oh- .îect to programs that pro- vincial and federal agen- cies 'are nttempting 'b, tbrust upon thcmf? There of charge in painting, printing, sculpture, batik, knotting, off- loom weaving and other media. This group will be -at the Bowmanville Lions Centre on Tuesday, July. 101h; Wednes- day, July 111h, and Tbursday, July l2th from 1:00 10 4:30 in the afternoons and from 7:00 10 10:09 eachevening. The teams are on the rond from July lst until Labour Day weekend. The workshops will last from three 10 fîve days and xiii occur at al bours to mcci the needs of the widcst possible range ni people, in a total of, somne 70 communities. DY KST RA'S Food Market 77 KING ST. W. FREE PARKING Il BOWMAN VILLE -~ ' -The Catadian Stalesman, Bnwmanvilie, July 4,1973 IOpposes Hope Landfill Proposai Durham Federation Stresses Need For Setting Up Garbage Recycîing, Plants to Handîe Metro's Problems .1 1 fr. sç sonieting xrong if pro- lestiîîg is te bie bhe princi- pal criterion 10 hie used lxi foie 'vemn xiii rcalih'O tliat theie are al- ternatixes to landfiil sites f 'r disposin', of garbage. "If 1iIw prqposal 10 les- ablisli tiis site is delent- .'d, iii thie Government allow C.P Rail, Metro or ei tii e, r cemmunitios 'c0 moxc te atiother aiea and start flthesc ndiculoas pro- coduies ox ci again. 'N-i dovibt C.P. Rail. Metra anid Goverrnment have' un- limited finances available laî continue lholding these lieaiings. Il is Elo on- der ilînt the ordinnrxv citi- zeni lias less monov to pax- for food If ho must spond il 10 opose progmam, which aie b(cine oushed upon liii agninst bis wishes. "The Ontario Govero- ment bias been cmphasiz-, ing the neod 10 retain good agricultaral land. The sClritiasnesof Ibei statments must hoe ques- tioiied wvien thev are wiil- iîîg te takeý agricultural land and usei it Ioi, land- fil! sites. Under, gond farmnîg practices, i a n d that was considerod nf lit- tic value is producing gond crops. Tobacco is lio- iog grown 'on land that people once tlioughb ad litIle or no value. "Displnys ti, the area have been ereled hy C.P. Rail 10 show t ho peopie whnt they woald liko 10 happrn if the site is estah- lisbed. Once again wc oh- ject to a large corporation xith aniimited tinancial rosouncos iatempting tbc convioce the oublie Ihat fl-N are right. No douht CP. Rail xilibonefit fin- zi"cially if, Ibis site is ap- prcved. A precedent would b" established and- C.P. Rail would thon look for other sites to put gar- hagý,e from other, munici- palities. "Hope Township recent- ly had an officiai plan ap- poed by the Ontario Municipal Board and this lard v.ns not znned indus- trial. If tlils application oas approved by this Beard anîd bbe Hope coun- cil wil n01 nezone tbe inca. xvi lte(, Ontario Municipal Board overrulo t hein decision and change tbe zoning? It is our opin- Loîn that bhc publie wil tpke a vcry dlîn viow <of bhis type oI procedaro. WC undenstand thai. the On- tarin Municipal B o a r d coald hold bheir hearing prior bo any dezision by Ibis Board. Again, Ibis is an exampie 0f bbc Gov- eroment anîd C.P. Rail baving finances bo do Ibis and bb(,, citizens must spend their, own money 10 -appose il. "Rogardless oI assur- ices by C.P. Rail. wO e e t'haI landfîll aroas will ho- çýcmo unattractive durin.g the lime of filling. De- sf roying trocs could Iead 10 a lowcring of bbe water table. Adjacent land wilt' be devalucd by thé prox- imity of the dump. Wells arc the only source of v'trsapplv for the soi,-- rounding fanms an d homes. "There arc a number of S, ieanis in thc proposed site and no niatter what procedur. s arc foilowed, tbere is alwnys a danger of thoni beconiing pollut- cd. Neaîrhere, wc have the site usod by Eldorado. They sati thero wDuld ho no problems, but tbere xx'c"'sanie. Farmners' lost Caille., "As intimatcd previnus- iy, wo believe thàb bhc On- tario Govornment must i'nîmediat' ly proceed with lýie building of recycling plants or initiale pro- granis 10 see bhab bhoy are started te take care of the noceds of Moîro and other municipalities bbab are on- ceunI ering difficulby in disposin'z cf their garbage. We recognize that, initially il might cost a consider- able amoit of money but "venbuallv thbe by-product.3 co-uld return considerable rcx.en ue. The money wasb- cd' on these hcarings migbi. botter b" spent 10 start these plants. "Metro bas, a ser ions Pîrobl'em. Througb lack nof fcresight on their pari. Ilîev bave no ronm bo es- t ahlisb a site in'their own municipality., Rural On- t'it.io a n d pn:ricularlv H-ope shouldnont bave 1o suIfer beaseo0f bbcir poor planning. On Jane llth, Toronto City Coun- cil will debabe a by-law. hIieb weuld exclude froin the city of Toronto, brans- te- sites. landfiil sites and incinerators. "This i s a clear indien- bien ltaI lbey plan 10 tak'ý th' ir garbage oui of the City. Il mast ont happen. "Wo would urge you 10 .-eci-mmenc. 10 bbe Minis- I- of the Enirironmen' biat he deny all applica- tions for tbe development of garbage disposai sites iin rural areas by urban rcntres Me doubt if ther" is anyonný in Ontqrio who. If -onf,'(inted wibb bbcý 'ý-"itv of a dutn I their bî)ck yard. would want it. If tbere are reasons wtby goxzrnmentf bols rccycIinçý ai the present lime is ont frisible. we would appre- 'iile knowto, them. AI- lowing landfi-' sites oniv prolonos the present prob- lesms. Recyclinig of garbage must becomre n top prior- il y of tbe, Ontarin Gnvorn- ment." SIPAT Dykstra's WORLD OF FOODS VACATION TIME SPECIALS 1 I 1,11CAS - ARTHURS (Store Sliced> - Save 20e CHICKEN LOAF 7 9 cb WFELL TRIMMED, BONELESS Save 20e ROUND STEAK $149 lb., DEVON BRAND Save loc BACON lb FRESH -ONTARIO LETTUCE 2 chead PRFSH LOCAL FLORIDA - Size 56 CUCUM BERS I GRAPEFRUIT 2 for,29c ( for 59C DEMPSTER'S Save 10e Pkg. of 8 ONION ROLLS ; .' 39C MARGARET'S HONEY DIP - Save 10c - Pkg. of 9 DONUTS,- 3*%5c CARNATION BRAND- Save 24e 16-oz, Jar COFFEE MATE 9 WELCH'S Save 10e 9-oz. Jar GP4>tPE JAM 33 HEINZ - KOSHEIt ITYLE 32-0z. Jar DILL PICKLES59 BUTTERNUT' - 100% Vegetable Oil MARGARINE 3i.89C TOASTMASTER SUMMIT White - Slieed IC CRA Protein C CR M BREAD 8c A 24-oz. Gal. 4 Loaves 99c Assorted Flavours