i I e C naianStatesrnian, Bowmanville, Jul y 4, 1973 Marri HEbenezer Church .Mr. and Mrs. Norman King Lansing Aver.y pretty weddîng was corsage of deep pînk roses.V so!izdin Ebenezer Unit- The wedding gown, veil and edCuc n June 2,1973 at :3 going away ensemble weiC p m henio-Anne Ruth designed and made bu' the Eilen baris.only daugbter bride. of he ,v.Davd and Mrs. The bride and groom spentf Haris 11 .fiowmanviile, Ibeir boncymoon in Engiand,j Normn Kng ansngeider Scotland and Wales. Before so c M ndMn.Donald leaving, theý bride presentedi Lanîn cf35Bukingbam bler bouquet te ber grand-ï iv Ohwa wneuited in inother, Mrs. J. E. Baker, whio mrig.Tie w ie' fther, because of illness could not asitdby M.r. Nra Salt attend the wedding. The cf Tanzaca, Africa-, perb orm- happy couple are residing in cdtedouble ring cereînny Oshawa. Jo-Anne is a Regist- Tebride was beautifully ered Nurse at the Oshawa atedin an empire-styled General Hospital and Norman gowp i-'o re-embroidered Ven- îs wilh the Oshawa Fire ic aewîth silver overtones, Department. c eude so,,ie. The back cf Guests from a distance the lace oerdress was gath- came frorm Tanzania, Arica, ere'd and fe mb a hapel Florida, Kingston, Bath, lengh trin. he nckhne, Parry Sound, Muskoka, OrilI- wril ingt lce leeesand ia, Markdale. Toronto, and tri ;n U11 l ngtiatilla Port Hope. vei ofFrech ilîlusion Pior te their wedding the weîe rime wbbscalloped bride and groom were enfer- lace e math the dress. She 1iained and showered with gifîts car ie abouue of pink by Ebenezer nedCuc bridi r seswtp1hanobis andi Congregation. Greenbank babys brathCommunity, Mrs. Garry ;be bidaýi,[ttendants' Smith, Oshawa, Classr-nates of gonswre ofi nylon viscose the Nightingale School of lac Mîro e honor, Mrs. Nursing, Mrs. Marvin King, mnSýaIt, friend and Oshawa, Maple Grove Gburch nu îngclasmaeof the- Choir. Maple Grove Church brde wsin pink Th'Pe Congregation. the nurses of bridsmais, iss ViaL.the Intravenous Team, and Lansin. siser of h ýe1goom te Switchboard and Recep- ',xa in auv, Mr. B iion cf the Oshawa General Harr~, istr-inlawcf he Hospital and a Trousseau Tea bric as u eliwand IMrsý was held aI the home of the Davi Ells, tiecdof he bride bride the week prier le tbe 'va inblu. Fachcarried a wedding. w hxe bske cfdaî,sies, bal mum an b bbeath in 'BETHANY coboî's e bmatch dress. The bst ma was Mr. Guest speaker for the Sun- MicaelSeniw riend ef the day School Promotion service grom. heushrswere r.aI Bethany United Church, Ilîtir ILasîn, rotercfwas Mrs, Jean Argue. Teach- ttc grom, M. Bn~n Hari es rom etach et the classes brohcrcf hebrme, cd r.pr-esented diplonas teo the Pelr Rm bugh lrecdcfihechildnen who iadvanced te a gi cernhigher class, starting in the Mrs Ere Curice oranfaîl terra, September 16. iSi, ýlcyed "Pr isem el Special înusic was provîded the Kng otHeav ns the by the Senior Choir, and the bnice ws ecored ownthe organist Terry Staples, sang a ailebybe fiher and solo. Mrs. Herb Coppins and ac.mpaîedth sooîs, Mssseveral children parlicipated Mabe Bker aut;e the in bbe service. bridewbe sng Wddi;ng Church services are -jan- Pi ye, ad AWedingPray- celleti aI the United Church 0i.dunng Ihe ermony. for, the monlh et July. Thehi desmeterreceived Services wiil resume on Aug- weairga ewnetacma lurex ust 5, aI 11:30 a.m. hr'îde wîtwhite accessOr- Grandview Public Schoel i .s -wr orsage ef pînk te achers held their annual r '.M Tuegreom's mother picnîc af Onono Park this wor a ewccfPink crepe year. Mrs. Sussanne Gee, and wit ahte ccesonesand a Miss Nancy Dorreli,wo are c~ ragc'et pnk rsebds. retînîng from Grandývxe, Pc~beitîîp bcbride were presenited wifh gifts. î'haned ino a dess ocat Mrs. T .Jackson.vite îbe t iikpolyeýster with ber daqughter. M,ýr and k vî "eaceiores and a Mrs. Nornuan Neas,(Elvae . Mînîsi,-tryot the Envroom-ent c nnh pof Cartwr'ght T w Sh I-ofDarlington 1AlEIU K.S R',àsbrose lias subnttedf0 te Otarlio iistry of, the n~ i ornen plnsfoi a waste dispsai ite fo landfilling in the Township of Cartwrightand the Twnship of Darlington and hias aplîd oth si Ministry for a Certificate of ppoai for sncbite,0aI in accordance with Sectioni :~ fThe niownna Protection Act, 1971, as AND WHER'EAS ilproposed from an examinationi ittesid!plansithat the proppos ed site wiIl be. loca tedI ju te ~ini ofpart of Lots 2 and 3, Concession 1 Townsbipiof Cartriglît and Lots 31 and 32. Concession IX '1'UERV FOE Ibis is to give notice that the Fnvirnmenti Hering Board shahl before thýe 9)cuiv firector issues or refuses to issue the, Certiicat of pproval under section 39(l) of the said Acf, n the24th ay ofJuly. 1973, at 10:00 o'cock EDST in he ornngat the Cartwright Recreation Centre. Blacstok. Ofaro, hiold a public hearing pursuant to' Setos3a t1)andiid( 1) of the sa id Act. The purp ose of the baring îs b provide information regarding #Fh, prpsa nd 10 pbtain the views of interested partiies, rea igthe suilability of the site for the purposev A op f te rposai of the saî iiapplicant will bc avai~bl fo ~npeci0nin the offices of the.Muniicipal (leks t he ownhof Cartwright, Maple Street, Blacstok, nfaioand the Township of Darington. ONTRIOMIISTVOF THE ENVIRONME.%'NT c v ( f r t Grîaduationi at (raîîdN ie%, Congratulations to ail pupil îs of Grandview Publie School who recently took part in the Graduation Exercises.Mn pupil s received scholarships Jiim Leslie and Joe Hfîck-son *eceived special axrsfor' oral speakmng. and 1Debbie2 Harper received a ýsplecial ixvard for Drama Grade O'sc*hola)rships were presentedto ityBfrd 'tobbie Cabiheni,Kathi\ Galla- gher. Tim MKeRandy Shea, Mike Srnith, Ted Spear- ng, Anita Van Halteren, and F'elix Winkelaar. Stephen Me- Gli won the C (itizenship Cup and Medal Citizenship Bars were presented to: Ted Spearing. Sharon Palmer, Peter Kubovic, Gary Mitchell, Kitty Benford. Birgit Hackerï- berg, Shirley Kerr, Mary Kerr- Leonard Ostner, Mike Smith Robbie Cashen, Anita 'an Halteren, Felix< Winke- laar, Karen Spier, Betty Ann Nesbitt, and Janice Parr. Pelix Winkelaar and Ted Spearîng qualified for the Vlanvers, Cup and Medal as .veil as the Debating ('up. The Creativ e writing cup and nedl and bracelet was awar- ded to Kit ty Benford. Durham Flouse woni the tr ack and field bowl and the 1Buse cup was aîwarded to Apll,ýIo House., The most valuable players in sports events also received awards. Soccer league winn- ers were: bantam girls, Jo- Anne Finney, junior girls, Barbara Grove, senior girls, Valerie Smith, bantam boys, Paul Smith, junior boys, Kelly Neals. senior boys, Robbie Cashen. Winners in Floor Hockey were. bantamn girls, Mona Malcolm, junior girls, Kim Jimmo, senior girls, Tonia Badluk, bantam boys, Danny Mitchell, junior, boys, Michael Mitchell, senior boys, Stcphen McGill. Birgit Hack- enberg and Robbie Cashen were chosen as the most Young Preject SWEEP workers (Students Working in an Environmental En- hanceWenb Program) strug- gle with a heavy stuÎnp aI Bowmanville's East Beach en Tbursday, June 28tb. Two 'dozen cf the students spent lwo days clearing debris opP valuable baslcethail players. iuiiîgthe îvcek of June Sottball winners were: bant- i itt, te June 17th. 197:3, tlîc am girls, Stacey Hggis ewcastie Detachment cf the junior girls, Susan Ryley, Octaneo Provincial Police in- senior girls, Katby GailiagbeIr. vestigated the toliowing moci' bantama boys, DavidFiny vehîcle collisions and occur- junior boys, Pieter Winkelaar i, senior boys, Timi McKee. The rences following pupils neceived Tbe numbeî' et nîctoeu- tnack and fieldi trophies: Paul cie accidents ini bie pas, week Smith,Caroiin Misson, Krist- wei-e very bigh uuth 1f ý na Craig, Kevin Shea, Sheila accidents invesîigaeiciu Carron, Pieter Winkelaar. iug Ilînee bit and run M's, Barbara Gr-tov, Steven Cra-,ig, Niîîe pei'scn s sustained ci-l Linida Craig, Felix Wnelaseîal injury, and as a resuit Sharon Kerr, Pat McNaney, ib. esn vr hre Karýen Spien. Ping pong cham- wiib driving offîices. pions, for grade 7 wcre Linda The Newcastle ctticei's aIse t'raig and Steven Craig; gradel coînpieîed 103 generai investi- 8 champions were Katby galions etfuvbiclî thî'ee wei'e Gailagher and Rbî Casheon.br-eak and enter. seven thet, Oscven wiltui daînage comp- laînts.' six erî'atic or danger- eRN us d'iî'ing cmpant ind O R O ti r i ssie inn\ est (Iýip N EW Sý!1!',)\'rx 'l'st olen prc-pertyý. aise there were 10 r-epcrt, ci Mr-, and Mr,,. Munray Chai- test pi'operty aîîd six repoirts lice of Rocanville, Sask., of' tound preperfu, visited ber grandmiolher Mrs, Fiftu' e ei-sori.s uei'e Win.' Robifnson on Monday. chaî'ged w itti liquor ottences Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hadder, and foui' peî'sons cîaî'ged xuilb Michielle and Michael et im paiî'ed dnix ing. Scarborough, spent Salurday with Mr. andi Mrs. Jinu The>higli îurnbeî ut occiii Middleton. rerîces acd liquor' violations Congratulations le Mn. and ,ver'e as a resuicf the crowd kirs. Allan Daye (bbc former that attended thie Can-Arn auto Miss Geke i(Geertien) de races ai Mespoit. Jonge) on Ibeir man'iage A resurne et the occurrences Saturday'\7aiternien, June 3Obh Iîîvestigatcd in the pasi uueek il] Oronio Unîtcd Churcb. are as t>olio\xus: Recepti.on wýas aI the Flying During the eveuulig of Jone Dutchm-an, Bowmanville. f0, îM. J, Hobbýs Schoot in Mrs. H. G. Kennedy et Cobb iiamipîcu andtliniskîllen [1li bas been a patient in P'ulic School uei'e hrekeîi B3owmaYnville Meoil o-iît. Racli scbccl suas euteî'ed pital buh brc'aking a uxindoux ai the Faîbh in Song guibar's î'eaî' cthe buii<g. reaching accordion- trumpet s -limassed tîîî'îugh and riaiethe choirs. Corne and partîcipate. tcks. The unk!euxu pewrsons Durbnu ental ainrespensibie appeared euhv Gr'ounds, Orono.' Ontario. Sun- iîîîercstect ni inotneY as ap day. July lSth - aI 2:00 p.m. proXicnatelî .'-50 01) iii cash suas Mr. an,,d Mrs. Wm. Hoar otfle"')e Bowmanv ille necently visited iln Mr'. anid Mrs. Otto Coatham ' k peu coiipleî ion ci flic Sunday' caliers et Mrs. (cii Arnauto laces ai' Mls- George Menton uvere Mn. and poirt. the Neuxcasie tJeltch- Mns. Harold Banrowcltiugb t-___of____ Wesleyvilie. Mn.' and Mrs. Lawrence [barris. M\r. andi Mrs. Francîsý Ceuxau, Melanie. Nancy and Sdcehsdri elt Joh, sentlas wek a ahousehold of our f aitful cottage on Canal Lake. correspondent as a belov- Mr. and Mns. R. Chamber- ed sister of her husband t ain cf Toronto calied on Mn. ?assed. away last Thursdaý and MT'slrýiarr ' vfercer on Ma North Bay Civie Hospi- Orilo 1 Decenation Sunday. tli The late Mrs. GeongE Mrsý. Henb Duval] recentty. Bradley (nec M. Elve returnied home tronu tbe t7xrffin) hati been in poor Osbawa hospibal, iaealth with a terminal dis- Mrs. Fred Lycett, Mn. and fcase but suddenly worsen- ed, causîng death. Oui Mrs, . WP. Inwin wcre. bouse community sharcesthie son- guesîs over the holiday week- row anti extentis aur deep- endi of Mn. and Mrs. George est sympathy te her tiau- MacDonald ef Belieview at 'ghter Mary a ndt sor bbeir cottage on Wollaston George and famîllI',Sai Lake. near Cee Hill. weil as bhec lhree sisters, Signa G. camped at Lake Laverne Rahm, D o r I Balsnu vertheholdayHerot, TMarion Whittaker 13alom vertheholdayandti wo brothers, Russel" weekend. Gniffin anti John Griffir Mrs. D. S. Harness attended anti familles. the funerai el an old sehooll >Wr are happy to knoux chuu, Ms Annie Sarah Mn4s. Sheldon Pcthick and Sherten of Oshawa whe pa ssed Mrs. Ted Werry have reý away in Flonida on June 24th. turneti home in împrovec She was tbc wite et the late healtb ai 1er their treat- Rlobent, Daniel Shonten. Serv- ment at Memorial Hospi- ice was; on Friday atternoon Ou hsitl aiet f nom thie Armstrong Funeral are wished speedy recov- Home. Oshawa. Inierment enies, viz. Mn. Fred Fer' Mount Laivu Cemetery. Osh- guson, Mrs. Piggot' tiati awa. Mn. Arthur Rend. Mr. Keni Bail bas been a "Our loss is momeomu patient in M,\emonji I ospital, eise's gain" ie a truec LIichiý Bowmavihieas we have saîid farewei. Dur ing the iimhofetJuily the binifed iChunctu congregations ,of NewcastIe. During August àmd the tirs Kirby and Ononio \ili mccl at Sunday in September. lb fi0 arn. eacii Sund(ay. The services wilt be in Nescaitl place etsevieswilt be ais Uifed Cburcb. JuI! 81th Kîî 0' t te ehol i A îýlîtforihe fîrjis July151h- (>-oual'nted eî'îice u Neucaiduin e e a r. Gels from thc beach aiea and employed in the Central Lake project ce-erdinator, Ronald Ontario Conservation Author- Sibleck, indicateil that the ity area, working under a part SWEEP crews would be back of $2.5 milliono grant troni the in Bewmanviile to work on the Ontarie Ministry ef Natural creeh vaileys at either end et Resources. The CLOCA's towxn. as well as the woodiot share'ot the cosf is close to area soulh of the town dump. $48.000 In al. 31 students are Provincially, 1.6,58 students int Licciîe j lîeeseparate r eports f tettetmotorcycles 11cniM1\ospo)rt aîk Many ntlitr itemnssc as purses, camer-as, caing eii, quip- nient, cassette r-ecord,(ers, rad- os and binnoculars uvere reoldstolen ironi, camp sits ad ntocked veh-icles 1)ifii Moszpoî't Park . M()sI c f Ihee tefts could hiave been 1)i',\,ented if ccix the victinus uuould bhave taken a texu xtra prec-autions l rode 70.000o people. you cannuol expi uch less than theftwi weutaving saluabie items expesed and unattended. A' repoýrt uxas received. on June 1 1h, 1973, thal a quantily cf lumirber valued at $175.00 uxassîcen rein abuilding consrucionsite on Taunton Zenhetu etcJune1.1t1h and [rom om Auto wreckers iin Coric on June 161h Thiis thieft vuas inest unusual. as bbe cal' uxas not driven, but tewed awa a w ith a chain that was also stelen tî'eînthe business prern ise'. Safet 'N.Tip 1Occasionaill cars crash inte, uffi «itvu or'hydî'o peles and the fune ail across the vehîcle. S-hould tbis happen tcotio, Si'F 'k IN Yt)UR CAR. You are s:,xtr Io stay inside 'vetir hcT' lo gel eut 'et the u ehicle. vonccicould become gi cunded antiddelMeec- t roc'îitc'd.Whcu iii!iis stu .Sheuld îcîO uibwelisuch a acf(lni or ahud' iî'e s stoîl -ne ergousitin10 feet ofi an' ateî uiis otr hetp îîsiead. BOI) liG SAlXiET' T'hei'earc verî'u\ tew i'uly icccîrenlal Ii'ewningss tfrom te oun penulan gooti neighý- bons. Bcverley andi Alanr Ho skia anti their twe cbarming y o u n g foiks, Bnctt atid SI-ierri. Last Thtur dy atron wasi the ocso of an for- mai miiatufre party ýwàith Veima Gnffin anti Mar- garet Ashton acting on be- half cf tbc communlly wbo anivet i a the Heekin home latien with '"good wishes" anti core gifîs. Peeking fnombebinti pack- fng cases, bbc family greetedtihbbctwo guests with their usuai compos- une anti hospitality. Mn. anti Mns, Hoskin were pre- sented -with a J3uiova wal- nul wal dock anti pie ser- ver. Master Brett neceiveti a brown leather wallet in- clutiing a 1973 silver dol- ian, anti young Miss Sher- ni's gift was a golti locket anti U973 quarter coin witb, the Mounteti Police crest. Foliowing a couple of ramera flashes bbe Hos- kins "4" expreseti their thanks te bbe commuaity representatives anti bade them "Gooti Bye". Witb- eut aliewing the home beartb b burn out ils glowing2 embers, anothen couple aiýrnIvedti teoccupv the fre Hoskîn home in bbec-pensonages 0f 511f. anti Mrs. MncKenzie. We extenti a cordial welcome ta these new neighbors. Anothen home bas been a "hive af induslmy" as professional rekii fmom Wearn's Fuels lastaIeti a new furnacae in oýur Mvians:e anti ounnmanse comibîcte tîshing boats, These frageicu,' are caused b) ake nw edge ývand common 'e., oIperation cf('al W cal bei'cniinra beýen very unpredictabiel dur- iug thie pas! fi ux rnth-,, sudden storins e (teri elekp. greatly 'attectug ie -boating LEY ILLE are working b;er P S'A FEP inthe 39 Censer Authorities 1i nt-.ario. The stucid'ents ývili be îng Up beaches, roadsid creeks, stîgu lasI~ýv Frdateenng. Newcast.e set tiays ls xekwit trandp -en, M Mrs. C. Aver antif h cE Ai wZ he wl PC Il P rojei E ýraton R 1 * dean- fi des anda erosion th .onduct- L( -eys in Di or Lcap- tekker, re a lew w 1h his w family. a opei'atci'. Lite pî'esenveîs Mrs. Cotenay Graham, tc shoulît be worn at al lLimes,' Mr. anti 'S. Wilbur ecuen by suxrmnuers cf advanic TmCrtngt Mr. anti cd abilifi. alxays î'reeu. M. Loyd Bleonanti ing that he mey, Mrsu-E.lTrewin iîî Ibt te bmopratre etwer Sudayguctsof Mr. lakes and ivers baxe e t; 0e1niM R alr n de-rtet ai podcs n.adMm.F. .Wer- d( suddeîî hck o teucnryweSmnaytea gues bouslieutd a isherian i' fMs.aniMr.1enner, 0 hoatiîîg eîthusîast capsîLi agrve Mis Elzabth Werry A fi' a storrn develip %îiiîcat bohrPleEo boabîîîig, neyer hesitate te oke r ultaigwt beýad for inîmediabe shelter teA. J Wrr finly Youî' lite may depend upen it Mr2ni i.Loi iIOUSlNG CR1515 Lamb. Urban Affairs Mýinister Rof Me.Noa Wlkr !B Vanccuvcî'. be said !bie lratea"an.ati rs . c whictî bousîng pîeshvcGl' been rising is "cînaqcceptable' Mis ab iper, Ma- b and "the situation i s intoier pi rve, pea a fewM able - - nob onîy t'onious-inceme iny(lhMs id c people wbo are perbaps thc ~'.Dvt ohel bandcst bit but ton middle owanîuMnr. anti Mms iîîcome families as xefl ' Bob Jelllck anti Tamýmy, Ji The minister bas a-kà,Ohaw, w e r e Smnday Central Momtgage andutiHos spe guesîs o! the 'C. y ing, Corporation (CMH-C) to Sanol.ti preduce proposais te remedy EMs .Shr niMm. a some et the problems. ngta,îe is "Ai pbli lndbe] b Ie llapcou.%ýs shower In hon- "Al puli lad hldby heor o'f a great-niece, Miss federal gevernrnenl is noiv Veryl Ratz, Huntsville, being examined in terms ot its belti at the home of Mre. pofential for residential devel C. Waye, Toronto, recent- opinent antiwbeî'e, it seernîs lY suitable, plans are beîng Mr. andi ns, E. R. Tay- develepet i tegel il auto thc lor were 1unday. supper Iu 19ý00ot irsi puip mon in Mn. anti M9 Fot Prine AOci Motday v<iÀons at M, aniMeS. R. Pethlck's. Sciîîtsts0f 0e('aiatiai h M sie Oke, Bow- f7tresli'u Serumchave iscu mavîle ta holidaying eretia ii ie1he cf arrîiig htwî i. anti Mre. F. Doný- dieu-eo dp eîî c Di cb ii W 1 v H utchison, B elle disas ani reenfneil[ro vl1, Rev. anti Mrs. L. attackiug certain trees, usîng a Bigby, Wayne, Paul, Kar- >i mieux ihemicat kuexun as CFS- yn anti Shîryl were tea 100aid a pr'essur'e rocb în jet- gueste Thunsday evenîng tien miethetiat Mn. anti Mrs. Etigar Wrigbt's upon thelr ar - rival at the Manse. Mus. '7. 1- -, Rochester, anti heipen ssiteinla he n id -.E. R. Ty settiing ln Of Rý-v. ani in w cct me Mrs. L. Bf gby antifmiyoa sc M.ant i Mne. Wayne, Paul, Kanyn,-"i at n orantid pe Shenryl,.la theirn nw as geîse Mn. antid s tonal charge, a ae -c~ îyoal c Transport antiassatdciu acii~ moveti ourninîister ati se l3uook Cenn family from piafafelti.antidanyAMuller,Ha - Wc most heartiiy wel'-connc .ton, speîut hoiidays ýàla ât our manse nesidents. we ek w ih1 granduarents The wenthermaîu asMr, anti Mrs. E. Wni'ýgbt. co-operative witb beauti2 Mrs. V eon Ratz e! fui weabher for our Su -Rur tsvf lieMnanti Mrs. day mornlng service anti> a W. E. Sanacu son, Column- large congregation atte.nd- bus, wcnc Monday callers cd to hear Rev. Bigby'a aIt Mn. aid Mr. E. final sermon. Uesing a bext Wtight's. '5;alabions wîth a tý'tle "Who Arn V", Our new minister urgeti our people bo practise responsvenes te bbe working cf God's spirit fa us as Cbnist's sac- rifice bas cancelleti olti dlaims anti secuneti free- dom for us. Wibh maay apt illustrations, is mes- sage was matie clear with Dite speciaily blmeiy la the natural proces of the beautiful butbenfly emerg- ing from bbc cocoon's or chrysalis' coafining stage so we 100 muet flot be belti by constrictiag ob- servances. The cboîr's an- lhem wns a 'birbtidayen- uIte 10 our landti n -Hym? n to Canada". _Mme. Domeen Lamb vrns la change cf bbc Jr. congregabion, wtmo be- fore netining te bbch S. S. nooni, enjoyet an tinte-rct- ing stomy by ormiaist';ýer, a legeati, TUi ui Girl witb Moi:,:wý >. Mn. anti Mrs. O, C,~h ton wene guest2 aI abî4 h Othe 28th of June, tïeu'y Dinner celebrated ,cr birthday by entertain- gý, ýsev-,eral of ber young Iens. They played gaines, îoyed chocolate cake and he'goodies. Guosts in- uddMary and Teresa [Hi;er, Tod and Shawna ,epîne, Brenqa and Jeffery [oore and Kývin Austin. School holidays arc well on. their way with an extra eek for good measure this rer., Amoîîg those who re- ý-ived awards for attendi- Lce were Earl, Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Oliver md Mr. and Mrs. Brian ,ydey were home with the .rnold Thorndykes for the ioliday weekend. The Thorndyke - Lovekin ale of cattie held on Sat- irday near Brorvie\v Farms vas very successful, bring- ng high, pnices for the large ierd sold. Mr.- and Mrs. Wrn. Bar- Mwclough, Connie and Day- d of Peterborough, visited dth the Harold Barrow- Loiîgb's on Monday. The wonderfui weather )f Monday, the officiai Do- ninion Day, was great for ?ox- Hope's parade, but it gas also greýat for haying ,o most, area farmers spent ;e dayý in the filds. But )thers who were able to do ý, attended the special vfents of the day in Port Mesdames F. Kelly and Barrowciough and Stella Bennett accompanied Anma Retallick of Port Hope to )rono on Thursday evenîng )o visit the museum 9'hey iund much of interest there ând. were impressed, wîth ,e arrangement of exhibits. Local members of the East Durham Society were busy cn Monday, July 2, with Dpening day of the Hlistor- [ci Centre in Port Hope. There was no service a-t Welcome United Church'on Sunday but. sehedule of smmer services did not reach, some members in lime ýho arriVed for service as suiIt is, the- only Sun- ay of the summer wvithout service. Next Sunday the service aI each of the tihree township churches will be BI1,URKTO0N Mr.G. Abboft cafled on Mrs. A. Thompson, Hay- don, recently.1 ,Mr. and 'Mrs. D. Gatchell, Oshawa, were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aî. C. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoh'oyd, 3owmanvill:e, spent Sunda'y with Mr. andi Mrs. Frank n-coiroyd andi famdly. r.G. Baker, Long Sault, ad Mrs. Johns, BoYwman- v 'lc, cailed. on. Mrs. W. ârvan on Sunday. Trhe Cochrane f amily have )een exhibitors of horseo omayyears. Mr. Russeill iobaeh-at Ist prîze ~omercalTeam at,101I- brook Fair recently. Rie wvon three first prizes and one secondl prize. Sorry to hear Mr. Orma Hyland entered Memorial Hlospibal. Bowmanville! or tune 201h. Mr. andi Mrs. Keith Goble moved on Fridiay evening to the house vacateti by Mr. amd Mrs. Les Wilson which is located on, the, east farm of John Archer. in charge of the local 713C - Ladies completed a ciuilt at the home of Mrs. T. WVil- son last week and another la in the frames for- this week, Mrs. Carroll Nichols is spending this week in Lon- don where she is takîng a special cou.rse in music. Any time must be nesting time for cliff swxaiows. Here At is July writh its usuaiiy hot days, and the swaliows are busy building thefr gourd-like nests, not only one but two at the same time, under the eaves of the house. SENIOR CITIZENS TRIP TlO KINGSTON The Annual District Senior Citizens Picnic was held in Kingston on June 27th. This picnic included all senior citizen groups from Oshawa to Kingston. We lef t Bowmanville about 8:30 arn. in two buses and arrived in Kingston before 11. Some enjoyed a haîf hour bus trip around Kingston, others found tables and prepared for dinner. The ceremonies were 10 start at about one but by this time many found seats along the drive the Queen was 10, take. From 12 10 3:15 lhey sat chatting quietly. In the mean- while the others were being entertained, At 12:45 the opening cere- manies had started.,Alderman Brighton chairman of Parks Recreation and Property De- partment welcomed the crowd. Robin Heggie, presi- dent of E.O.R.D.A., Miss Jean Parley, Preýsident of Lime- stone Golden Vear Club, Mrs. Ida Oliveý, execulive secrelary and Mr. P. J. Bogearîs, director of USCO spoke. This was followed by Fort Henry Guard's Fife and Drumi. Then the Gad Abouts of Kingston, a senior citizen choir dressed in clothes worn about 1670, Their costumes were beautiful. They had played for the Queen before us and British report- ers covering the tour said il was the first lime they had seen the Queen truly enjoyîng herseif. Square dancing, kit- chen bands and singing duels followed., Mr. Lou Woods of Bowman- ville caplured the violini solo contest. This was the only conlest Bowmanville won, although Mr. Taylor and Mr. Wooiley enlered the harmon- ica competilion. Step dancing was the last before the passing of the Royal parly's motor- cade. I, thinik ail BowVmanville citizens saw H-er Majesly. She was beautiful ihi a pale mauve ndwiedress printed shýan- tunga with a ba-t 1w matchi.W saw bier jLus for a moment as 1they mntnred by. The police were out in full force. How tired lhey mnust have been, afler standing for il seemed bours before the procession slarled, on duly among the crowd on the street corners, Il was rumored Ihat tbe nexl annual be held aI Oshawa next year but we'll jusU Lave b wail r. PAINT and WIALL PA PE R ~ s w.-HONE 623-5431 Lasi Beach a Face Lift Irom SEE ANDG SALESAND, SERVICE TO ALL MAKES and MODELS Specîalîzing in: Diviin St. - Bowmanville