Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jun 1973, p. 6

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ti anadian Statesman bu accvsi uct.<, , i , Lu 1, Outoin Teces' Presidenti Diïscusses Modern Edfucaion The Nortliumberlandc-Dur- ,ham- district of the Ontario PJublie School _Men Teachers' Federation has elected Wil- fi am iPettinigili of Brighton Pubic Schiool as their Pres- .!i;dent for the forthicoming year. Two men fromi this area '1i011 fii key posts in the Johin Veldbuis from New- tnvlePS. will seýrve asý the _j -s, Vice Presidenit and Jim rlirkidy ý,from atwih ïtG1entral P.S. -will be the Sec retary-Trea su rer. Outgoing President. WaIly Plitt, the Principal of South Courtice Public Sehiool. had lome tbioughits to offer on education. The South CofrticepPrinci- pal indicated he feels the ~spiution to thie drop-out prob- lemn being experienced in thec 1rîgh schools must begin in the ~pblic schiools. The primary and junior \years are the most -imipor'tanlt of ail in establish- ~g te ncesaryacadeinic tr,<amewoýrk and., more import- anlin instilling thbe desire to "By he lme astudent reachles the senior public s1oo rades, hw shoui1d be Pitt fc'els tatalteachers ,,,Io aspire Io being "profes- ~s1naleduatos"must bo entveto th cildron (Ilas rJbfim dovlding, you hckit out,"-hestressed. If a tahris stymioj(d byý the proiblems of any,,youngst#wr he orshe can and should g-o to the other teaýchers and the uioad' onsulitantis for help. Tho ew systcm of public ~schol eucaion is "tIvingt ~acheve ndivdualzedprag- rmsfor thie sudnt. his 1docs flotmen3 ifrt 2progrJamis for' 3 0 pplP explanebut rthriivid- -uail assessmnnt 1of cacb stu- dýent's; prrs adpobi s Vie pointed oufthilat t1e empluasis in educatin uscd t beon straightacdei edctin ducators arÔnW realzingthatthoy"must ~prepare tlte chld for fthe total '!ife, iutin"The ,educa- fioni unbelasodcover five basic asctsof lcarniing "That's What i Ca I % n i insuun ee(.4.agt is flot the Capi t- e nploy- mîeIus e- f n isrncei conîpa~ -lhoseleots ee seai canîpais ad darelîsuîc1-aiî4 Agen 24 irjSta.jiEpeBoxid0n insOUrLaS SeAgEnS Officenc623-m6te ,siu n e6 35 2 emotional and moral. 0f course, this type af teachîng requires a great deal from the individual teachers. Pitt admitted "I'm old-fash- ioned. I like ta think there is a certain amounit of çedication involved in teaching. A good foachor has ta enjoy teaeh- The Northumberland-Dur- bam Boai-d recently approved a Ministry of Education i c- ommondation giving public school teachers fiveadditional non-teaching days at the end of the school year. And ncxt yoar there wili bo sevorai non-teaching days during the yoar. For the students thoso will be hoidays but for the teachers they wil ho days tg pursue professional deveiap- mont and holp plan the curriculum and the pragram for the school. In the past,,the curric ,ulum tended ta hoc developed în'a rather pioce-moal fashion, a hait hour at luncbtimes or affor sohoal. This yoar the students wil ho lot ouf eariy, an June 22nd in most cases, and the teachors will came back ta sehoolthe foliowing week. "These days wan'f hoc used for cleaning ouf cupboards," Plitt stressed. Variaus consul- tants will ho available ta help the teaching staff work ouf the program of instruction and the curriculum for the following yoar. As far as the prafessionai dcvelopment of indîvîdual feacherts is concorned, the non-toaching days next year wili aliaw a teacher fa make much btter use of' special seiriars and wr-lîp.Al fao often under the existing svsteuu a toucher eau'I el1 most ouf of an evonîing soeinr or workshop. Pitt explaineýd that if you have ta rush out alter school, cram in dinner (or miss it alfogether) drive 50 miles ta a meeting and stili have a lesson roady for the nexf day, you really can't give an evening session your full, corncentration. In the long run it is the student who benefits from prof ossional devehopnit, days. "Teacheî- bave fa continue ta improvoý and broaden their thinking." hoe said. 'if ithoy are ta o-1truly effec ive" Tyîng -in %,iwfit hi hone of Principal Pitt pointed ta ai "P-D" day in Ottawa last yoaî- when- the .feafured spea ker discussed Moral Educatioft. The aim of that session was ta heip feacheî-s ta ho more sensitive and objective in making decisions whichaffect their pupils. 1 1Pitt was firm in bis opposi- tion ta governmental cutbacks in the edueational spcnding coiling per studont. He im- plied that theîe are some ai-cas of oducation spending that eould ho rodueed, such as administration and mainten- ance. but not xihen if cames to the quality of educafion the childrcn receive. -"The groaf- est assot this country bas," he a;ssorted, - is the oducafion of its youth. - The South Co)urtice Prîinci- pal also discussod flic need fa got pareýnts and tho ecommun- ity iv idin the education prace(ss. One means of achiev- inýg this involvement is fhraugh the establishment of schïooi commit ,tees. South Courtice has i-ecentl'v set up a School committee, comprised of intorested par- ents and ropresenfatives, ai fhe business community - as xvll as one or two niem»bers ai tcaching staff. One of tho parents.- Should numerical marks be used, or grades, such as A, B, C, or are anccdotal comments by thc teachers the best? A school commiittée that has been operatinigat. J Hobbs Senior Puiblic Schooi for a number of y ears played an importanit raie in rcviewing andi discussing.the family lifo and sex education program thaf was set up at Hobbs. Pitt said that the .More parents and mcm bers of fltic community af large who become involved in the educa- tian 'pracess. the bobtter the quality of edutcation wiil become. MAPLE GROVE YW. I. Tîie June meeting cf tha W.VI..vxas held in the CE. I1laîl an the Ii) ta i8 p.mi[. Mrs. cH. Prescai. 1Isf Vice PFo. in c hargc f the f'îIlaýx inrc busines period. The roil ccli "Wh ' does Canada -ttract peciple ft uîm athc i cauntries? xî-as ctsxvcrî'd ht-a]l sh-o w- ing (lui- vcriaus fî-eedîmsis -ind -ied liv ing conditions the mýain reason. Mrs. W. Browin repîpted fithe 'Good Neighbîi-s'. MIrs. S. Jeffery g-ave a tii(i5t nht esting accounit t1f t' Officers' Conference l.eld ai Wcteurloo Unive r- h - pite 1Th) ain Tt was agreed that bave cait mrer tiî f il liclf cliY ir Aup1iwtth :M,1s. F, Stex-cns icind Mrs S. Jeffetri n cargeifla r'ltngements W iet ils somu nvs -as regaedvz aurW.Prsdn x'stn wxhi(41 aiti adarccn k ta su,,- ' z-d fliat )Ilii District De!e, ateota th F.WýI..C. C maxe (ntian îtn Banft. Mi-s. H. Bradlcvý f'iicd (ct aot hsif ps sibleý Týý,iti aegram non "ii uli"was in charge2 of ;u-S.. Bisse. Mis. Bosse i mmenteion 011 thomotta, lo f amn of Can- many chllengesfoi-.io trn n I thIlis second c nI- basicsocia and piritual unitcf he amia'.The adoesct ites not w ant ne becpendant an par- ius.so thle parents feel urgectdIn spite of this ve rist lovie aur child1reri tittitctilt \k'ct, eedP 11d hl coeWtl il ii nian silta fce l cjl inrs G. arss elt dal chaplain o afinef gigt Scc 1 it owmn v.Tilc Rev rown lsto l 0f te oys at tho clîool and. have cfeit- nJeeds. T)u-, luxe ta pet t ai piriies luv facu. Tex' re etu people, fîathul cf fii- Thee f0 beong lf ti1 Cdlee intn cmînitx Mci thavebeondepiM îtt sAcirtoiigncra A hat ues cctintprn Mi.WB roxn thanke PhoneRid23-S36oa ACcountedAconcyn 15 iortySt E.Osohaw Dental DR. ANGUS M. BLAIRl D.D.S. 26 Frank St., Bowvmanville (near Dorminion Store) Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturday Telephone 623-3181 D.R. -WILLIAM REANE 1Dental Surgeon 22 King St. E., Bowmanville Office Hourc: Weekdaý7s à9 Telephone 623-741v If busy - 623-4781 DR. WILLIAM KENT D.DS. 222 King st. E., Suite 106 Prolessîonal Bldg. Bowrnanville Office I'owrs: Weekdays -9to 5 Telephone 62,%-7349 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E., Bowianiville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closeci SatuÀrday and Sunday Office Phone 623-5790 Leafilaunsbei-ger. Canadian Olympie Judo teai coach anîd a tochnical teacher at Cour- fiee Socondary Sehoal, iîs pict ured abave with. the beau- tfîfu new poier glider!! taf xiii form the basis of a new gliding club whieh xxll opera,,te f a the Mapie Leaf Judo Club property neai- Courtice The'b e ieîs trutque beaus. ln igspànii o cmost double, unilke eauxentianai ghîdera tuai of liosl sigle eopine bas ls Axxn &eîMîgi ne oj i-uies The $20 000 pi-ce offs and laîîdngs.(bu ccîgic also duleMte st of a bo,,rne. the 925 pound Gerrmaný- î-eglar ghdr unHuab( buit airaitcan eut ifs oxin er figures ils a good buv paxxe r ad soaýr ike a normal be tu e icneclub xxan'f ghier.hîx'e tao b-uy afaix' lane ad The ie piî,îeasîlayiififîed Miihc eqtiî-î the sixman train1,e grund because iAs57 ceTaxnorrnîcîlaneeded fort Haunseîgerluiasbeen glid- îîîgý sýiîuc e ho xa14-years-old and is a liîcensed gliding inStruLCtar. The icwý club is an affili4te- of the Provincial Motoî-gliding cnid Soaring As- sociation that is hicensed by thue proxinîcial govýernmont and t la lo)king for noix Oiympic Judo Coach Takscf Air in ~ie Il .Ugaauiccg your fancy, gef in touch with either club vice-president Haunsberger at 623-4511 or the president, Elmer Balint, at 263-2133 in Blackstock. MANVERS COUNCIL At the regular council meet- ing for Manvers Township, a limit of $500.00 xvas set for repairing sidewalks in each of the following villages: Beth- anx. Pontypoal and Janetville. A new policy was adopted lor receivingý delegations, at cauncil meetings. In case af meetings at 10 a.m. delega- lions will flot be received until tw,ýo p.m.: for- meetings at 1:00 p.m.. delegations will flot be recoivod prior to 3:00 p.m. In il cases. the Township Clork nutbe notified seven days prior ta the meeting,, in writing., Scbedules will be arranged with no appoint- moents exceoéding one-hait hout-,A'de.legation means ane or more persans wishing ta dsssbusiness peetaining ta Hi Io\wnship Caunicil. Applicat ions lfor soeeance wuiere grantod ta the following people: Don Spior. Roy H. Srg.H. Heaslip. L. Cain z1nd J Spearing. lIn future, the Pontypool Subiviýision will ho know n as Cacher -HeighltS, a HARVEY PARTNER ORONO 98.3-5206 ESSO 11O3ýt HEAT SErVVICE kÀ I 77 KING ST. E. '.. Y ..- . for your shopping OPEN, SUNDAY convenience ,VHiTE, an f Na I, NCC iATE. 1 S - ' ý, saTF-l ia Cudney Paper Lemonade 1 T owivls INLGHTMECPREPO!IC Ic> KELLOCG*S Li 0quidCorn 4e4rgnt 43e: Flakes K2G,,, GA L VERLEAP C cachE CREAM STYLE MARI E LEAF Hanburgy or So0-1W Corn or C.ooked Wiener Buns- 29, Whiýte T-una 'i 69, Choice Peas4 .N 69eifHa ms KRAFT REOtiLAR PROCESS Whiz AR Il79C IGA NIPPY, INDIVIDUALL'Y WRAPPED OR REGULAtR l Cheese Suices Jz3f1 CR IO LE 10 M' V EG E TA B LE a Là" TOUDLER SIZE AER Flushabyes 1.5 RE1GULAR. SUPER RGuAilasas Playtex Tampons ~Sl.39 F.D.S. Deodorant i m REGULAR Potato Chips ýK 59C r GRADE "A" UNDER 10-LBS. Young Fr esh Maple Leaf BONELESS Dinner, Bran, Muffins 2 CEM-PSTCR S OId WorId Roils 21 WIýTH FAClEPKG. OLAID WESTO1N S BISCUITS (20 PACK) Wagon Whaels 2 r GRADE "A" FROZEN CRYOVAC Table Rite Pre-basted Young Tu.rkeys UN 0E R i0-LBS. + SUNNY MORN RINDLESS BASSETTS REGULAR OR MINT, 7 f l SFLAVORCD LICORICE 4iT O . C EL A,-M Licorice Allsorts4 U7l IROSEYE FROZEN 0F c I cCool Whipl 525C CHiUN KING - PINEAPPLE CHICKEN, SWEET & SOUR 85 BEADED Sl!RIMP OR PODRK, FROZEN PKG 85 Chinese Dinners 0007 65 C BEEF, 1RISH OR MEAT Bi Purîtan Stews VÉGETABLE ANC SALAI) Crisco DOU ERENCH' S PREPARCO Mustard JIN7 63C 01 FTL65e OZ, JA!R25C rTf-IPASTE iMFG. PHEPHICEU B99e) PI~ifd~uI REDicOR TWýIN PAK OF M Close-u GREEN 2E> -5 12" WIDTH Reynolds Fo'iIwrap,,Lr;BOX 3 5 DAINTY INSTANT, Fried Rice VARIuTIs BOcXz 370C ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDý TO SAT., JUNE 27-30 W1E RESERVE. THE RIGH-T TO LiMi T QUANTITIES TROPICAL TREAT Dole Ban anas GRISP PLUMP NEW010FCALIFORNI1A PRODUCE 0F U SA NO GRADE PERLETTE GRAPES L PRODUCE OF REPUBLIC 0F SOUTH AFRIÇA SWEET AND JUICY OUTSPAN NA4VEL 0z ORANGES- 2E CBC President Lai rouf Picard announct--< that the Corporation witl remove ail coin- merciais from nrograms aimed primarlly at, chu-ý dren. The move has been highiy pralsed by the public,, school associa- fions, and community associations - "commer- diaIs should have beon removed from children's tel evision shows soon- or",, "a break-through for eilîdron." "SPECIAL" HAWAIIAN PUNCH ASSORYED FLAVORS Fruita Drinks 10 lb.g ASSORTED VARIETIES Baick's 12-FL. BOSTON STYLE OR IN TOMATO SAUCE IGA Deans ,with Pork 14-FL. oz. TINS FOR -w rà Fresh. suIesc aa , corrtrbut rn iie01r etr and itavor combnaiîoesThe',pro-îe auat nutrients a t a lS 'bul flt, Fe dîetiee ar yetiOei vegelables arrdtoaoe rego-sures Of Viiamrrn A Ore egetales cîrbute Vitau Min C Mary hesh veýgetabJes Cair be saMen rngererous amourris even by -weigil watchers,*Canacta Focd Guide recommenids we eat imo daily servings of eiher yellow or greenr segetables besides a serv- erg ot potatues. Eai raw vegetabtes often antd use th em as snacks. OPENING JuLY l5th Cottonwood Arabian Colts Training & Boarding Stables R. R. 1,1 Blackstock 986-4925 <Off New County Road East on 4th Concession) e Bl'OARDING FACILITIES- AVAILABLE,, *LARGE INDOOR RTDTNC ARENA 0 RIDING INSTRUCTION PHONE FOR FURITIER INFORMATION Owied and Operated by DANN anci FAYE CORBY Farm Manager PAUL VAN EYK, Jr. CHECW-A KýGS UNIT PRICINO .f__ 1%1ýi Pl --- - --m m -MMUM qý?ýd

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