Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1973, p. 10

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r1u TeCanadlian Statesmaian, Bowmanvîlle, May 30. 1973 Duriham ÂAri ew by Bob Watt Assistant. Agricultural Representative Wheat nfomatinMeting1 On 1Mondaly, June 4tb, the vinforma-ltion meeting for Dr hiam (County Wheait roducer S AiUl e held at[the AMilrookj Town Hall at 8:30 p.LM tMi meeting, the wetBeard is planning te conduct an riexpres- sio cfopiionpoli, .,bysec-ret ballot, on wbeber or net, the Wheat Board should have We haïve be!)vie y Ithe Cenitral Octan rabbitreed- ers Club that thei Annual Spring Show is beang planned for atdyJune 2nld i Brlooklin, 0Octane, Thejug for this ea sshow wvill be N1r. Hrr JsmarfBrock- portlNew or'k. This show, is one, of t11e larlgest shows inthe area ith a lager lnumber cI' f etnies eevcted than everbefore. These ypsof shows a ýre bcemn more and mr te attlenld itis show, Ilog Prublunm We aveherd comlplaints front some fanrmers cncr îng stray dogs. T[he Act sta tes:ý Any person may CiH a don, (a)c that is found killing or injuring live'stock or poultIry; (b) that in a township or village ist found between suniset andt sunisestayig rom thle1 premises %were the dog is( babitually kept; (c) thaLt isi funidstraying at any tume. and net undeur proper control.] uponi premises wblere ive- kept. If you ihfute informlation concereling the Act, you may cýontaýct our office by caling: 6334 Summier Office o r For, june, ju]y nd August.i ;tnd Food office heurs wllbe, (o8:0ar.11,te 1,2noon andl Clb(ompletions, It is itrsi telote Ithat 161t girls tcom1pleted the winter 4-1H proj cf "Sportsweý ar fromi Knits an ;d 144 coplee "Access:oieS for, the c roem - in Durham nCounty. Less Tender Beef, Les:s tender cuts of beeî cLn maike a deicieus tender bar- beu.The trick is the short lo t'lie Sclitor Dear Mr. Watt, 1 conjgrajtulate you on your articles (or column) in the B3owmanville Statesman. 1 have enjoyed it for some tlime. Recnty Icae upon the idea that tlhe Statesman hias very few illustrations. Wo.ud not this trillium, Ontario's flower emrblemn, look attractive in miniature beside the he-ýading sof your clun1 do believe it would catchl the readler's eye, and encourage mnore to read your columin Ifyou lie my suggestion, please feel free to use my trillium. I do -not wishi to be paid - only the credit of mynae Mary Roth, with the picture. I dIo many drawings of the wildflowers inl.he woods where I live, north of Haydon. If you're interested in others, my address is, Malry Roth E.. R. 1, Bowmanville Ontario, Canada, LAC 3K2 Thank You, Mary Roth. BLACKSTOgm CK0 tintended 1eor last w,,eek) Catwigt as Sceled te0 assist \witb the VrityTable at the Port Pery ospital A iiayAmInual Vaýiron SaudaMay :26tb. CairtwIrigbt Seniior Ciiutiens Card Party re(sutlts are as PiRE and AUTOMOBILE Contact: HARRYVORA 62.3-3111 or 6,23-39,50 33 RZING Sr. E. folloxvs: Ladies' High, Clare Blair; Secon, OlivelVIcKee Third, Mrs. Alsep. Men's Higb, Jacl ooe;Second, Ella Venning; Third. wr Watsow Me's. Chlaplin, Osbaiwa, spenit a cou[le of dayvs last wek ith be,' dauigter, AMr. ano Mrs. -'Jrnon Asselstine anidfaiy serry te report thlat Mr. Tom Ilodge is a patienti in Bowmaeille osital. AIse) Mrs. Edcitb urh is very seriouly iM in Bow;manville Hosptal. Fiday vnigand Str day\u-t of Mrli. and IMrs. Ne i aly and family were Mr. ad Mrs. Pb1ilip Camlpbell and tbleir auhtrMiss Janeýt Cam-pbeillof Otw.On SaIturdayý they took Janlet te theu aJirport te fly1 te ber summiiier job in Winnlipeg and MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask O%'perator for 668-3381 or Dial1-668-3381 DX FUEL OIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR P-ROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE cooking tnme uand proper carving. say bcidspcait at the Ontarie Food Council, Ministry of giulueand Food. Tbeyý suggest ta chuck, tflnk and round ar e the mous uiabe Ccut wo ab uing. Nornmally cooked hby mnoisi beatrehds(twn or braiing as ie Pot ras mo Swiss sek> bs us when corectly prepared, can jon irinn or T-bone- on the, select steaks one e inche-ts ticýk, and cook themn oný nlyOeite rarE or mediumi rare ('sta1ge. Grill 0tbem11quicklyý. abhout 0three in-ches aboe bo coal. Anie-ihftick llank steak taIke-s only about three'( thick steaIk wil neeýd aboutI eighit mntsper sideý.fil cookedpat themeimre should stay wýiIlth teder su'- loinIs, Ihburgers orieke ter ilt brbece Crect caIriing eot theseuts îsI important ice te1- eak tHinly acr-oss t1he graiand logthin suces. They w \ýil be tender and juic £ette-r Do'tMiss TheSe.' Baker y Savings! TevhonanDwJAN E PARKER, SLICEO ' Teem ~PSI-COLADe (Delîcovs pleinr Toetcd) (ACTION PRICEI3( Ce i24 lO-il-oz $J JBEc ae Zip Top C-ansB EA MJ-lX £ ATCH m (ACTION ýPRICË) (pREPRICEDI JANE PARKER(S AVE c TULP COi(IES INI S5WIRL, JELLY STAR SPRINTIME RASBERRYTURNVERSLernon Pije FUIt 8 nch,2 zpe~3 Voria Coie 8 o7 ks 10 JANE PARKER PRICEDY >iCKNti Eglish Fruit Cake 1i--zck 3 10 Clark S5tews 24 fileoz tfin 5< JNE PARKER SV 4 8-FLOZ TINS $1,00JeIRUI9zae39 ROSE BRANDPl4 ol 9 Swee Relsh 5-lejr 9 JANE PAR(ýER, RAISIN TWIST (BUt' 2 CAKES SAVE 171 REDWI[ I0L, CAESAR,, RUSSIN, Coffee Cake 2 1-zckc 89<ý CH1N".Y CHEE.SE, TNOUISAND ISLAM.D JANE PARKTR -ISAELW Pfeciffer "Dresns281 zb89< Chelsea Buns 1 zpg59<, FB IFENE Jc'NE PARKER, IPLAIN OR SUGAR ATO PRICED) Fleecy «2fopsc 15 9 Family Donuts Pk4 -f 1249 wELCN'S GRAPE DRINK JANEPARýER Si-,codOlci Fesltton o CINPRICELI PieiW e chacjd e F,-c o 1-îo z fins 9 7< Italian Bread 3 2 rbvs$1.00 5 VARIEI'IÉS (CTION4 PRICED) JANE PARKER LaniaMacro & paheti 1bpkg 39< Snowflake Rois 3 okg- -I21.0 Disout riesPlusWeekly CANADAF.NCY. A&PTOâ ATO JUICE $ 48-11-oz DETERGENT JOY LIQUID net- Miss Judfy Hambl-)eý et cdoto ind Mrs. Johni! iam1bley of WVinnipeg. Mrs. id hAthrBalesanid Judy ,athering was1beld(iSnday ,'Vening atitHe homie (ofMr- teid Mrs. N >Nei -.Ms. '1uth Harnbleyvistedotht'r rliends and rltvsin the tre beorethey le!Itoni :rw ttende'd the recital of he piaJno pupýils of IVrs iladys Thonipsonl held in thle C.E. Rloomi of theUntç Chur-ch. Puipils taiking part wern Alan FerguonbMrlne mtfd Janiet Parsons, Elainle Archer, Barry andf Leannle V anCam)p, Ke.lly Me0Laughlin, Katby Nevers, Linda, Pet4er ý,and Karen uiesynKliza- tbeth Klly al Gr'en, Shfa- t on andl Lauie Bailey, Debbie Lee,ý Karen Mikkelsen,ý Linida [loskin. Glest artist wýas Ms Biob Kyte whio ithrilledths present with hler n 0brs1O Iwhýi f oherl.pupilsý-Jan1et Panrsons prene Mr 'Mrs. Thomipson gveLîndaa simall gi'fft in appr'eciation of lier fine contribuijoni te the eve'ninig's entertainmenclt. silnging oftHe Queen bre(ugt the evenýing te a close. A huge congregation packed the UnSited Cburch fte1elerate the Sunday School Anniver- sary in a jofuianner. Mr'. Gordon Pais1eý, Suiperinten- dent of the Senior Sunday Schoel condutied the service in bi is usual capable mnner vAhle the orgaeists wýere Miss Marie VanCamp and Mrs. G;ladys Thbomipsonil FDon Wrgtgave guiitar accorni- pnmn.Dur1inig thesevc eacb departmlent of(theSuin- day, School sang special Inum'i bers. Debbie sw-ain gave a contmporry rading, "Outr R1oad tIeo co.Re.G pastoral Charge kept thef attention of ev'eryb)ody froml tbe litte thire yealr-o)lds ithe choir te the proud grandpar- ents in the congregation when he spoke on the need for liv ing eahday as it cýomnes. Rm emiber -Today is the first day of thle rest of yolr life." The nprigservicecetiy prvsthat tbe -Cbuircb is stili very tmutch 1 live 1here ije Blackýstock aýs it is eey wher. There was neCbrc o Suný'day School ait the Unlited Chrhas it waujsNettn Suýnday School Anntiversalry. MissGertude enry, Tor- ete, a uawekend geto' Mjr. and -Mrs. Tom Dean'il and Mr. Bob Smîlth, Tor-ofto, spent tHei weekend as usual with bis fa!ther Mr'.Chre Smitb. Mr. antd Mr-s. senus adMiss Mabel Car-d, x bidfige, and Mlrs. Stuart Janvl es, Bownlville visitedMrs O). Iiui and the Porters on WNednesday. Mrs. liii spent Wednlesdaýy inigbt and Tus day mii thMs. James, Bow- mianville anid called onl Mrs. Fred Willan and Mrs. R. Sadier. ConigratlaLtions te Mrs- Kenzie (Mrs. K. Dutnsmioor'sý mnother> who celebrated bher fQtb birthday uetyon Wed- nesday. Happy birthiday 1 ME-MORIAL 1HOSPITAL WEEKLY REPORT For the wveek of àMay ?1-27 inclve: Adnbocns 68 Eits1 M, 1 F..... 5 »icharges ..7-9 Manor operations 19--2 EMeWr e ratents 2s Sýpa lb R bs Country Style SIJPER-RIGHT OUALITY MORE MEAT VALUES! lb 5?jý FRESH Ground Park lb 9 8 PETIT GORET Smok@d, CQ.Lî, DirerStY4e r Boneless Hams i TOWN CLUB BRAND, SWEET PICKLE5 VACI. $1 .28 Cottage Rois SX BRAND NIAGARA COiL lb 8< Polish Sausage BURNS BRAND, ,IORï PACK, PF tOWK lb 8< Sausages MAPLE LEAF, SLICED Pork Buck Ribs îb$1.28 Bo'logna SX W ener 1-l ý a pacMAPLE LEA, SLICED 2-LBVAC PAC $1,28 or A vaoble ut A&P WEO The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia Volume 1 - 49c Volumes 2-25 -- Plus index & BiblIograýpty Only $1,99 Eacin CANrADA CHOICE A&P Tomatoes 32 A&P BRAND, INSTANT (FOR COFFEE OR Coffee Creaimer DETERGENT (AN A&P QUALITY PRODUCT) Sail Liquid 31- INSTANT AGGLOMERATED A&P Coff eet Vecuum P. ckpo lb s1.48 IUMP PAC(<ED lb 98<ý l78< 1607. V acPc-78c 6-07 Vac Pac78 M k WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES AlL PR!CES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH, SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1973, A&P POLICY AIwq d wht hoesani fair f-r --ey cso RAINCHECK: p ~i-ieth olwiqwerOr if you oa ' U &igc youa omarale iem t htsa-e pe ilif ri 11cet WHITE SWAN 1TOWELS U)NIV:IRSAt BRAND, BAC1< TO-BACK, Pep-peroni Pi'zza Pie o ~998< SHOpSy Ic'RAND, COLE SLAW OR, Potato Salad 246z aro68 SX CRAND, 3 VARIETIES, SIÇCED Cooked Meats S&o VcPa 8 5X BRAND, 4 VARIEYIF5 (Hot, Swoet , Pe, Garli,) Italian Sausage lb98< Frozen Meuts and Sefoodl I Perch Fillets l4J')z pkg q,019< Lake Smnelts oz c Holiday Farmls Dînnrers FOF Frozen Salmon 'iF SN RSNO, FROZLN TEA6oza 8< WEET EATING, BING VARIETY >7p 59<ic, ! C(HE RRIES lb lo-oz; ar sl,49 lm ý,z I. IFO R N lA THESE VALUA LE I ~a ~mHerbai ea, RotinRam' trj pr U otd HEAýýlTH AND j Â&vvlmissSAV flfl NIgHT M WIND BREAKSV IS RC AT EO UTES o W Hair spray 69 BEAUT AIDfI.c pie-ic * VA DAT A& WEOSTO"nL IVAL D A P PWOSTORESNY 10 COUPONS !~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~2 UNTIL SATUROAY ,t UNE 2,,d 1973 LF*jUILSTRDYlN n lIUNI'LSA URDAY, JUNE 2.d 17 - ---2--, -- --0-7- - 1 PRCDLOWENR THAN A YEAR AGO! PORKLOIN OASIS RIB PORTIONi, 7 Bone (ut (Count Them) lb pkg 45< pkg 39< lb $1.28 kg $1,88 3 TO 3'/2-La CUT Tenderloin Portions POaM LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO Pork Cîop IN A PKG NO CENTRE SUCES REMOVED LOIN Poýrk hosCentreCu LOI N Rib Pr hp

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