i1r The Canadian Statesrmain, Bowmanville, May 2, 17 DEADIN Tuesday, 4:30pm Births ýCard§, of hans in DMemorîamn Coming Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Work Wanted Work W ne TAYLOR-Murray and Linda We would 'like to thank our BCETI loving metm- Rpumma,,ge Salie, Saturday BARN boards. eehn 9 ODecletsae '66 DODGE Charger. Phone SMALL Cretrjb.Cl (neeý Therteîl) are proud to family, Howard's famnily and o'y of our dear father Oliv er Maiy 5 firom - . .a n 623-7~71?. 17-2* $175, Phone 623-3485. I18î* 987-4689. 18-1ariete3-obs.21. Top announce the safe arriva of friends for the moÉt happy who pased away May 5, 1971. Christian School, Scugog St., WiATER foýr sal e aiýnd deliver.ý BOY'S Bicycle 20"; soccer 1969 TOYOTA, in oo codi Weîî Driîîing. Çathxmar Rot( iln ther sn Adrw Bian 6lbs. and memorable evening. Gone are the days we used to bowmanville. 17Î-2 ed. Cali Ci*ff Pethick 623-2313. boots size 71/z. Phone 263-2349. tien, Phone 623-3147. 1- elDiln t. Pontyriool. nothing oba Born April 18, 1973, at.Osh- How~ard and Yvonn~e E. 1 share 2-f1- hn 0-7-54 lt ewa Geeral Hspital Proud181* But i-n our hea-rts you are Dance at Solina Hall, Sat- ______________18__-1FV 'c dntest oa id 600 or bnwties, fer. PhonehoBIe 7Weld77g2504 airsto grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. alwiays there, ray a Sh1ayol QUANTITY of oats and bar- tabl, $40.or Cali 987-4034.IL Wedig epir t ThomsonTayor ad M. a 1 Iwold like to thaflk the The gates 0f memory will Avery's Orchestra. leyfor ale.Phoble,2 $40. _________987___4034._ Mrs. Harold Therteil. 18-1*e mployees of the Department never close, Month of May is Open 1- i -_________ 18-i ment. Len'Benschop, Phone existigarn _____of Transport adCmuia erisyumr hnBwigMnha iet l BARGAIN! 21" power mow- '67 METEOR, Rideau 500, two 705-357-3510, 4t 2r10S. fetosd _____Salead_ adr tes andth i IrComnica-We isyou mkiore haBowling M orth atLiert 1970 MOTO-SKI Zephyr, 24 er, new; 4 h.p. tiller, new door hardtop, r e aso na ble. UT1NGbytactri al $7pneum arg anyone knows. Bowl td. For reservation 263-2536. W.ý H. Brown, 623-2610.' Po2387. 18-1 subjects up to Grade 8 for Phone durin thdaad (nee Raîston) are very pleas- receved on my retirement. With tender love and deep Phone 623-5663.,14Phn26-7. UOIGbtecrinal $mn ed'to apnounce the arrivai or Gordon Britton. 18-11* regret, 18-___181_____________s thei sonStehen eit, 8 bs.We who love you will neyer Old Tymne Dance, Tyrone DUrdeanNtv,5; LMNM bat 2f. bE topgand ide courtns.hFrn St.,At .182 at oi nweigia 7 o. Monday, April 30, 1973. Many thanks to friends and forget. Hall, Saturday, May 5th. Bob- ideal for cottage. Phone 623- Chrysler 9.2 h.p. outboard mo- Phone 623-5292. 18-i1IH rcigjblan hn reeig Proud grancparents are, Mr. relatives for, flowers, gifts, -Lovîngly remembered by by Burton and The Northern 7822. 8-_trtak_$50_P_- _________jbs__w-schneore an r.Jh asoCu-. ads ad ,sits and to mp the faxily l8-1* Nomads. $3.00 per couple. - 1-toan,$5.Pone 623- 16 W xeln odtoctndrkd gardens roto- 26-07 ind Mrof hn Rafistogrn Cou- d nuryses,_ :3 -1230n1-iCON late, ou rw, 7- - _____1-~1500 cc., gas heater, will trade tilled, chainsaw work. Please 81 tigaofther. irst orgranchlocor san nrsescaneduhrd OHELEiaet nJohn Deere. Ralph Hilîs, 263- ONE aduit and one child's for larger car. Phone 263-2565. phone after 5, 728-2410., În ohgand chl fo r r lo tf frtercr u- OHEL lzbth 1,I Home Baking Sale - Trinity 250)1. 18-i wheel chair; redar rails. Also18182 ând Mrs. Clarence Yeo, mg my stay in Memoriai Hos- lovfiig memory of a dear MO- lUnited Church Women, May_ __ __ _18___ _1___ __ _8__ __ Pt Hampton. Great-grandichild of pîtal. ther, grandmother and great- 17, 10 a.m.-noon, in the Sn UNTITY of new Bettvill give pur) to good home. QUA..Phn 2323l 1- '70 BUICK, excellent shape WATER wells bored, 30" tile. Mrs. M. rederickson, Cour- Samn Buttery. 18-1* grandmother who passed away day School room. Stock up on steel for box stalls. Pho)ne Pol 6-31 8ine w rubber, wiîî take t ,ad Ward 's Well Boring. Tele. RABBITS - lreadsal tie Fn r.n r.JRl ol ie1 hn i May 2, 1964. goodies for'the long weekend. 263-2319. 8 ONE C.C.M. Formula 1 10- Resoaleahoe 2 e.s phone 3.2-2030, Representative Phone 263-213.1- stSr., Moorefield. Many on ik th ecnflorIl. always srile and make Coffee and donuts 25c. 1- SDFmiueadApi speed 23" frame, like new, anytime. 18i -arry L. Wade. Telephone COILLIE pupaotfu thanks to Drs. Sylvester, Hub- the nursesothsendfor nous:0 ances. Paddy's Market, Hamp- S90 or best offer. Phone 623-97-51.1-tfmotsodPon78-41 bard, and maternity staff of and Dr. H. B. Rundie for the No one misses her more than- "Sweet Szirit" coining to ton, 263-2241. 26-tf 3208 alter 4. 18-11'71 FORD ranch wagon, auto- LGTtukn n d os _____________ 18-1 kindness and attention.'given us, Bowmanville High School Au- 1- ceIngHTuyiard basemens, 1- ____________________my brother Robert Churchill And when old times we oft ditorium, Monday, May 7th at STUDEBAKER Service, now FR 9Tatr ihla-tic, raio, exc8624elle tconi during his stay in Memorial recail, 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Cogme and used parts. Graham's er, two furrow plougbh like in hn 8-41 etn attics, etc. Reasonable rates. FREE puppesmoermal AdpinHospital.- It was 'very much That's when we miss her most along - "It's the Jesus thing Garage. 1-416-263-8172. 25-tf new; homemade blade for ville. 18-2 Free estImates. Telephone i lc rbrwsxwes aprec18ated. of ail.ntoVdo. 18-623-2337, Suitable frchlenCi MèGLLeih ad Rthaprecitd fal.t o"FINDLAY elecf rie stove, avo- gradeing f its pt itch; ht oer98CE.sdn 8 i 2-33~__________9731- jc-L-l-iÏ---iï-Pu-ae Mrs. Ada Hall. 18-1 -Lovingly remnembered by D1T~I~cd renw ee uemd ld isi uktfrpower, runs gond, body rough, WATER wells bored or dru] -____________ happy to announce the arrivai Dvedericrndfaiy. V±4 Lel .±' esnale hoe 2-259 g snow. Phone between $300 or trade for Volkswag1en ed. Canada Drilling Company, of their chosen daughter Cyn- 'I would like to express my DvBrnc1n fml 8_1* MTHUR IN O - 7:45 p.mhone623 8-15an ,23247 81or pick-up. Phone 983-5664. Phone Oshawa 576-6004. Re -_____________ thia Lou, a sister for Dale and .THURSDAY -r ad7:pm4523-34 1-1____________18-1____ sinerethaksto18-1riedpresentative6' USTM uHarryregaL.s EWadePESURBROWNM 181EpeCameraeHaryon WdbeachNI __________8___ relatives and family for their DONOGHUE-In loving mem- Sosrdb 6 UTMbltfbell EDaPESR YTM Newcastle 987-4531. 22-tf in Bowmanvil.Poe63 Foicmn' visits cards and gifts. Also ory of a dear son and brother, Oshawa Miner Softball boat withi top, trailer, motor SUMP, PUMPS TRUCK and camper, sleeps-719 Forthomin Drs ilubardand Grant, and Bill, who passed -away May 5, JUBILEE P AVILION and tarp; sîceper seats. Orono REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES fou:, stove, fridge and facili- AL G.OS RN the nursing staff on 3rd floor 1971.OSHAWA 30t 983-5837. 1- tics in perfect condition. Tele- L.j OS R E Marae o 9'S A A 3-fHARVEY PARTNER phone 623-2746 or apply ________________ Marrages fortheir care and kindness He bade no ýone his last lare- MEN'S five speed bicycle; 164 Liberty St. N.___17-2 Carpet - Upholstery Hl 'ne Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Priest- shown me during my recent well, Osaca Barn Dance (couples beginner's guitar amplifier; Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620ô 1969 BEUOT2-do EGfsinll lae .FIl ndpattie.Phn leyar plasd t anoucPstay in Memorial Hospital.- He said goodbye te none, only) Saturday, May 5, feat-lboth excellent c o ndit ioni. 4-f adtpEVAUOaTie, pow- rfReE STiMAlEl97441 6-tf the forthcomning mnarri'age of Irene Kilpatrick 18-1 We ofter. sit .and think of him, uring The Blue Lights. Four Phoune 623-2752. 18-1 -98-41 The things lie used to say; miles east of Newtonville on DRESSERS, Beds, Chester- er steering, power brakes, Phone 62-20 to hie age SusIn Alene lik to express my We wonder why he had to die No. 2 and four miles north on FOA ih hi 1,car' fields, ail kinds of Used Furni- radio. Good dlean condition. ~BBSTE eurdpe and Arhe. Langly son of Mr. . ncre thanks te ail fri 'nds Without a chance te say Çounty Rd. 65 or three miles seat $5, walker S4, Gendron turc, Antiques and Appliances. Will certify. Phone 623-3622. BOWMANVILLE ferably Wavre adn padMr.e a ney, to tae rlatives and family for thei goodbye, south of Elizabethvîlle. 18-1 SrlRri rm$15 aPaàd dy's Market, Hampton.____ 18-1 31-tf area. Phone 6379. 1- ChuchonMa lth 173atvisits, cards and gifts; aIse Though absent hie is leve erî etr 263-8829 after six. 18-1 263-2241. 26-tf -Fro- h Finl e U G S LN ulr n lnes 2:00 o'clock. 8- Dr. H. B. Rundie, Dr. John Stili missed, loved and ever Schooî, îearn how te eser 1 T. aluminum'car top boat BEDROOM suite, complete- ple" - 1970 Boss Mustang JC U G S Kendal arEa Phn Rge ____________ undie, and Dr. Anderson of . dear.' original finish te old furni- and 6 horse Chrysler euIt- dining suite, 9-piece; ichester- FBD283, $2995, 1966 Pontiac OIL BURNERS - FURNACES McDonald 98358.1- DetsOshawa; Rev. Gracie, and -Ever rejnembered, father, turc without stripping. Two board.metor, in excellent con- field suite, all Burma teak- with safety, 'EBL944, $795; CLEANED Detsnurses and staff of third floor brother, sisters and familles. compîcte sessions, May 16th dition. Phone 987-4923. 181 wood, ncw. Must seli. Sacri- 1967 Rambler American, 6 cyl., PLUMBING REPAIRS BABYSITTERt eI fe BANISTRJac D. Atfer their kindness durin' myat St. Paul's Church Hall from JO-DEERE àËàÉpull--type o-fc.Poe1257.3-tfatmt ihsafety, AEY- PHONE HAMPTON six year ochidmnng Pics Magrt osiastay in Memorial Hospital., SHORTT-In loving memory 2 te 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 te 9 bic disc, 10 ft.; land packer, DHLA" uls,5 or , 505,$595 Macon2ldF1r9308l, i18-i Toronto, on Menday, April 30, Joe Sheehan. 18-1 of a dear father,, Russell P.M. Tickets avaîlable from 10 ItL wide; both nearly new. urBowtckmvegeesanville, Phone 623-4481.___Mail_______________ 1973, Jack Bannister of Mapie wod Shortt, who passed away May St. Paul's UCW members or Phone 753-2281 Wclceme, . f uurcry s, wevegrcn, 1 P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvilie RIDE from Bwavlet Grove, lu is 59th year. Be- sIncere- lil<e te express my 3rd, 1970. . Abernethy's Paint Store. Ad- Ruthnven.. 18-1 floeing wllshrub es ite lcTR18-iFoMaile -d16ress sneethanks te ail my fr1-Dds ieisabauiu mm isin$10 7 Poalrt wHogpelws aleec.TUKSFrSae-191lt loved husband of I r en e eudss relatives andufamiiymfor ory, Adams.a0 d The C-LEARANrCE'aps. - atsn, G. Hartemnink, R.R. 2, New- 3/4ton 8 cylindcer pick-up; 3-f Prt Hope a. Mnyt Swoish, dear father o aiter 1t f H t Fay Adacastiehe 987-4430.t t15-6 1963 lut. 3/4ton 6 cyl. pick-up; D 18-162-5 lfu God'r iiscrs'adgftHs et s .ntgif try Hits with their Country Toyota, etrckc. ps20 , dsunt.15,M ton 6 cyl. pick- A LN T N cî 2-18 Mrs. R. de Boo (Norma), Pat- eis. Dr. MdKscourt.nurses eud1He and C'N rtck Nd MhaeEl Rtinget staff of the 2nd floor for their garden,l you te know this wiii be their Sales, 987-5131. 18-i cylinder- pick-up: 1963 Do Brick, Bock Stone ti s conada tts Hoe.Fuerl eric a 2 and care shown me Iu sunshincet fperfect peace. iast appearance fer this sea- VRR S srb.se174 Brock St.,South ~of 401 V8, 5 specd transmission, two man, P.O. B190 om Home.kTuralsday icaftonduring -my thre .weeks stay -Lovingly remcmibered by sou at the Janetviiic Cern- sEVERGREENS12,on shrubs, somoIEPLCE vlleLI 3 o ' lu h r d y a t r o n n M e mn orial H osp ital, B ow - son R alp h . d au g h ter-in - la u n tv a l1 n S a u d a ay trees, an d P u rp le C o lu m b ian W H IT B Y - 668-8895 s ed.x e i h(2fo t h rse c k ,MN E Y S kFI R E to A e S i le LC366.18- entery. . 18aviIeCe-1 manville. Shirley and- family. 18 a i* H all .on e rdpl. Lnc raspberry canes.Aie 1964 !The Lowest Prices Anywhr van; 1960 Chev. 6 cyl., 4 speed Lhn 63216 ARDESRrqiefo 1ner8t eWav .l Cr- ainTnat 81Sueaea s bs fe-2 a ntlainGaattransmission, 2 speed axIe, Poe61-16 HiDEý Maron ennnt. 1- IH-n1 îg eo fserved. Se clib0onyeur Ptudebakras3s- bstofer3.yea1Istlltin uaînelow mileage, wlth 12 foot 49-tf Bowmanvilie u-tm gd BENET,_____ees Phocone 623-4238r Beautiful Warehouse Selection piatform. Noue abeve licens- HaoId-Suddeniy My sincere thanks te fri- our dear father, George M. heels, at Jaetville Sat. night. DININGROOM sute, t ahbe -fe.Poe2387. 11gurne atte Osday, Mea 1, 1973d, etivcard, difsfleSm28th, 1956, ad udar me- l18-1* and four chairs, chilna cabinet H O -!c.Poe2387. 1- BOB BEERS Cuttiug erencepcerd atth Ohaa enra Hsp- nd, eltiesan fmuy mihwh pssd wa Jlyand buffet; must be seen te ONE HL O 137 ELGIN STRET Pon 2-81.81 Harold Bennett, lu is 82nd and frut, and te thos2 who thcr, Matilda Smith, who 'Trentway Tours be appreciated, $230. 623- FLEETSIDE BODY îm i 1 etn UME miymn:Dc yeare.R2, Oshawva. iitedu'Avcry special tbanks passed away May 7th, 1960. 7653.181 Ideal for Trailer - $35.0 kie Dee Ice rmbaopn Beloved husband of Agnes C. te Dr. MacKenzie, Dr. H. B. They walk lu God's own gar- MRTMS ND JCUZZI water pump, shal- OE14FPTrC OD esWore nd epis ighscoor te pea c Alexander (R.N.); beloved Rundie and Dr.JohnRuRdITIMESSrvicNandEstEate4crem biTsRuUBomanvODY fther et Harold Grant Ben- nurses and staff for the won- With ioved eunes gene be- CAPE BRETON ISLAND iow or deep weii, % ~hp., 20, wîth Racl4s ,Frfhrifrainpes ntSaskatoon; brother ,et derful care gven te me whiîe fore, gai -presure tank with air vol- lan good condition. Secanl st623-2641i bie nctt ieud eaeapain nMmoilHsi hie esil aktept 14 DAYS -- Many, Departures urne control, only 2 years old.: o ute Mr.Oivan eaeapteti Mmra op-Wiew tiiwiktept T A A Phono 623-5211. 1~*Phone 728-0456 . 3-tlca6275-640.18- Chcaoad ratBennett tli, Bowmiauvil]e. of lfe, ±1ewfoundlAand. SNO te -ow Anvle et at Maureen Powel,1~1 And miss them more and 22 Days - Departing Aug. llth 'BROADLOOM SALE-S rich 1- Don Brooks &SESon Bookeprfrgn th Mîtoh nderson Fun- ____More. colours of No. 1 Acrilan plush. SMALL QUANTITY Éon erl accounigwrk rb oral Hlome, 7152 King St. E., I oudl e oepesm But oeda elanwrt Gaspe Regular $1695 square yard - ofEry .itiso Custom Builder of Fine Homes ably of inters ea~,a 0shva Srvcein hec'-IeIsincere thaunks te ail mv my . the caîl, 8 Dgiys - Departs July 22 & 29 Sale $3.95 square yd. Fector-y ecaitin nero adpestlll ThursdiayMfay 3. 1:30 p).mn. cdrltvs n r-Adorwrko et iFrXrhrifrain Broadioom Distributers, 81Pioneer Seed Corn 1rpeinul wdcr Exterior Repairs and Remod-Necseara Sndcv- ntretUio mtethrvstscard family for Adorwr ncrhwl o ute nonainNwatei antrrengiftst1-, cease,. ntc Richmroud Street West, Oshap- WLOE7328 n tuk r oal e-eling. You name it - we cau ing letter audrsmiePy 18-1 ndgit wa 56-52. ELOM 7'-28 id ruksar ttalyreon do it! For Free Estiunate rOnu designs, Oron. Ž au s MmoilThen we wyill aIl be reunîted, BOWMANVILLE w.565 ~ î~ ditioned and guarned o d!uring m y stay in______________________d H1ositiand since comi!ng laI a land of love and pence. TRAVEL CENTRE EKO Condlor Bass Guitar au1d E. he a npcttediete 723-67 r6320 ETL J'INS--tiL QueensweylHos- homc. SpeciAl îhanks, te rLvlgyremembered aud 40 watt customn built, amp. uhe a npc hm diete, 67 r6331 ÈTLassatfrdr l_7Knt WIwavle g2o av ormca ccek 6spracice opeuigso uN4. pital, Tor-onto, on Wedncusday, MeKeuzie, Dr. Cuunghmsdymse ytefml.4ing St. W., Bowmanville fnd"y built te Traynor Specs., sep-182ohaeyumchiehck________68*cse.WI noescrtia Mynd, 1973, V. L. (Ren) nurses and staff on third floor nPoe63-12 aae paesncouetudte eor akin r u a FA K RIK au ptendute. xerc joues, ad84 ycars. (WWI forthei Ni dtî ýr adtwe 15",Jeuscu speakers. $2501 ANDR VS f fer againstncin our kingirnce Veteran et the 751h Battalion). kînduesses. THOMPSON-Iu levîng m cm- 3-___ or best ejier. 987'-4527afte 6.j TV vvealways have a good eL~11 pi uwiigt r c B3eioved,- husband etBt niBre.1.1 ry et a dear sou nd rte, hToouaV ~gbî TO'WERS selection." SEPTIC TANK Arthur, 10CanelRdPr ______James, who passed away May Faulkner, P.C. M.P. Minister - W uebuggy, off roed, INS3TALLATION Hope. 1- C1ossey; dear father ef Peggy '2190etSat1u h FdraWai-aki dune aso w Fx- and ANTENNAS aD N L O DR.R. 1, HAMPTON RSOSIL rsont AMs ddeSrika: nd) tet i sinreiyesfins etand Fils memory isas dear today, net will he the guest speaker stone 50tielow miIeege, INSTALLED AT BONMAN VILLE 263-8155 buordîu Ph,-onix, rizana; b.Croth e er-smy rlaties, flens ad As in the heur hie pessed at the ftorthcoming annuel mounted on 14" x 6" chrome'N UDYCLL l elr law tchr. RsiaudM.thane r-fuitgbors frfawrcrdaandne t h oth1br rvre'f ~P~'ot Low Rts 219 King St.Est- 623-4481 N SNAYCLL pifeue ler.st aecaf icig etu tteTr rigfedvsTs ecivdSadîy missed and ever re- lnd-Durhem Liberai Associa- $0 hn 8-4337.Rtstt tu' lcne-_py n0i uer and Porter (Yorke) Fun- while lu hospital. Aise te lad- remerd y iimthrtintebeh.d tPhhone 18 9LÈ PEIA O Where friendly people met' S G LA S S bnndwriting t detsr37 orl hae, eruo.Sevcele hesetfed uand help- Vivian, sister Muriel, brother- Port Hope Legion on Friday vsem 1-f c/d Canedian StaTesman,9P.O. et St. Elizabet's Anglican èd lu our home. Si)eciaI thank în-law' Gordon and family Myi 93at73 .nT; NOROTOO cv .oour ad IROSLT. o 10 Bwrevil, n Cbuch Fldy t i aDr.u yu t pD. aper adDr.dutDeri.ormtin l 23pPiypopiee ovrt ace SE CRS DviiocS.! Phne62-587tareRiC3K.58- terment Bowmeuiaivilie Cerne- Ewert, Mrs. Donna Leperd 24 infrmaionce 1862-2 wî,tii'dense rubher beck. A1il hn 2-06 '2Buc kîr .d ~Bowmianvilie, Ontario NIEST STDN teyo arvi bu 2:0 .Nm euhelahr, quelity,. 9 x 12 - stili $36.95. o top, fully equîpped, 10w Seaied Units - Storm Windows GROUNDSKEPR-D S 181R.N., and the nurses'on surg- BLACK and tan hioundas Trentway Tours .o 723-598 mileage, fiuished in satin Store Fronts - Float Mirrors For intervieweu633~ --ery floor for their kind cere. lwers te, Joe,, Tyroneand Factory Broadloom Distribu- SCHOLL - At Lincohiiton, Mrs. Veima Grittin. 18-i Hampton area. John. Rundie, TO tors, 81 Richmond 'Strept 24-tf silver with rieh black Patterned and Colored Glas bten9 ..3pm Nort Carlina onFridy, pion 2639480. 181 Wst, shaw,_56-5vi.nylaitop. Lic. EBFO57. s bewn Norh arlieon riay pono26-880 1-1Western Canada WsOhw,5652 . 16-8 INSTALL AN '2Laas4-rnddn fhyGlIazing 17-tf D th a April 27th, 1973, Madeleine The temily et the late Har- ý. 1DASSHAG BROADLOOM - Speciai FURACE uipedsdSean, servie- oyFlying year. Beloved mother et Mary press their sincere thanks and o ngL et Departs Jul 2, 9 & Sept. 10 ue se iledagium 1engîh- /'r HUBIIFER cd by us siuce new. EBF-M ntMo rIn Kay (Mrs. J. Ruoff),,Roches- appreciation te friends, neigh- Fish an d Chiî*s. Ail yeu For further information celours. Reghular $10.95 per or HOT WATER 055.________Servic ter, N.Y.; George et Pittsford, bers and relatives for beauti- ceni eat,eer Saturday, $149. contact yard - for limited lime onyui HATR '72 Frna2d.S -pe N.Y;Y Carlne(Mr.rJlBo-eui(lorlstibtJs.exresios AresResfuentralnte BWMAVILE $95 peryar.rectrs« sHATE Freua 2dr.SL4-seed Trechsr-Drans EL WATEDFO W__ion_-esResBaoadntmTDustrnbutors, 81 No$p.y5enes fordsixamonths transmission, less t h a aFoundations and Septie Tanks EXTRA NC M ers), Lincoluton, N.C. Leving et syrnpathy and ects et kind- R1d 7-2* TAVEL CENTRE BRihodmDstr t es, 81Osha- Cah or ix '71 Co,00mes-d. Coach, GRd AkiEL e n gadmother et 9 gadchiid- ness et the limne ef their re-1 Dau.ce aet NcwtonviIIe 1Hall, R RigS.WBwavichmnSteewat 576-5522.1 - 168r.Coch V9,GRVE Part or full-i. Hg aa mon. Predeceased by bier bus- cent hereavernent. With spe- Saturiiay, May 12, 9 te 12.4 in t.WBomnvlewa 7-52.1- H R E P RTNERr automatie, radio, white IA O N JYig.Pe baud Charles and ber sister ciel tbenks te Argyle Street Weoods orchestra. $1.50 a per- Pone 623-3~182 -sÉREENE-D-end-unsc-reened tn..LL walîs, trim rings, a real I NMO Tr kig. leasn, dinfe Katie M. Laugmeld. Interment ueighbors, Jnie -and Liberty s;on. Everyhody weicome. 16-3 Lopsoi for Sale; aiso sand, 10cr ESSO Service DeaIer1 nice compact. EBFO54. Blackstock 986-4737 feet for MEnwî jb n in Chalotte, North Ceroline. Street nighibors, Rev. Turner, _____ 18-2- gravel and fi. Pick- up or'!'0Vlokwgn2d.Sainom W 18- n re f h atr tr WOODVIEW deiivemed. Phone .623-3412. FREE ESTIMATES '71okwge8-r-tain1 mn ihsholaecid St.Pau' iCCaws Wagon, 4-speed transmis-11 ren. Trainîui rvdd o 181Qed-rdre0th ase- t -' i- 'awah COMMUNITY <CENTRE 1-1 nr rtL . _ ,ýf ,+ Corsages aparîment. Phone 623-2746 parade e t rinity United "AFTUK ONR"Highiway 2, East et Zoo. 16-5 1ls hghyiedig UN'SCommercial Pumplng ±uepsy a wsliM LiUm Potted 164 Liberîy St. N. '17-2 Church fer the il ar.. cr- Nwiîî be pîaying at the -SVM-nG Pol hem;,caîs -Corn PO AUN LT. D't wai t î l y havqulifiaonSadresa Plants - ONE large bedromr apert- vice. A cordial weîcome 10 nlSe onPNICBIKLD eehn ubrt .A ment. Aduits only. $14500 members et the Order. 18-1 QUEEN'S HOTEL We Diseunt Ail Ch iens rben PH - Increaser - educer. CERESMORE 166 King St. E. - Bowmanville polm MacLeod,Buiesadi- mot.Cl 2-52 8,Service Requirementsshudtae andteaurNth WOLqeddt nnh al62-52 8iTREN AyNWATE Aigiben and Stebiiizers. For, PARMS 623Board- o! Education, Box Boqut - T AY bPASTURE for ent, Newcas.tleMAY' 4th sud MAY th Pool Chemnicel Bargeins ge- Pon 63-39 bS3- YarvuBonad sdDuom en Funeral aea, water eveilable. Phone, T O0tUR DNCNS 9~ on our mailiing isI. Wc wen't LTD. Livestock For Sale Phone 725-0302 ýet, CobourgOtio Arrangemens *..~ 728-1469 evenings. 181* Tb1-ihoundersoid. Factory Broed- Gre .Read osPNOpuysdsdl,-1-4 1- We enI loer b WreAPARTMENT for ent. Aduits AL1K loomn Distrihulors, 81 Richî- R.R., 4, Bowmanvilîe, Ont. Phono 263-2735. 1- Phone 623-7141 or 623-5577 only. Central. Telephone Trentway Tours 16-8teîWet Ohw Phone 623-7150 15 HOLSTEIN steers, 6-800HepVTte 17-t 2-33 ..-5pm 7tf MARITIMES SU ýMMER FUN SPECIALS TO1681-2bsPhn76295 81TEPEROUG-ITR- ONE-BEDROOM epatmnent, Mooe s.ATS1-1 b.Pon 8-95. 81TE EEBRsG--IT Noiefridgo, steve; avalable May 1; WESTERNl1 CANADA MooAsne ~ LV-fL FOUR year old Palomino NORTHUMBERLAND & DURBAN OUT Noticecouple preferred, Phone 623- 0.3AY SED OR SEED Goiding. Phoae 786-2413. 1- ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SOHOLBOR L ,Masen, Q.C., Law 7360. 181 ASPE Quebec C~ityivtsaplctos u h Offie clsed May 2nd te June SOAEsae~~* * 'rauigHg il '4 ~ 0HLTI efes ieivte plctosfo h oiino Offce Ealy 1[turngAGAWAild CANYONpc siabefo DAYS 1 O.ats, Barley and .SUPROVSTRE0FNPANT AD MAINENANC .3rd inclusive. Durlng this sueowhoiles, etc. Reasenable AGAA CNYN 1L ina, Fastdrying Varieties Coincear rails. Phono 263-2655., STheRV RO aATADM *iewllbiin Office Tue-ts. hn 6355;¶r513.aCnyon 18CornTheperson selected will have hadoxeiu n da eenn9,9:00 - 10:00 pin fo 18-2, NEWFOUNDLAND .- HARVEST BEFORE WINTER sprioypsto soitdwt u da eenng,17 *afté. .5.vacînac'Island 77 - 100 Days AfraiOLNS Wio~dnspriey oiinascse lt uligtae n Alff , îiotyGOËINSWhteEmdewill be respousihie for the plant operation nr aneac 135 ACRES of land, 3 miles MOOÈ 6 DAYS VARETESA.Venema, 263-8888 HarnP- ln a systen of tweuty-nino sehools. Personal uorth o! Tyrone. Good fori MOOE MANYVAETS Brougham ton. 13-tf arywlbestlshdobsi ______________corn, barley or petatees. Tel e- QU, BC CTYFor further information NOW IN STOCK analary wihI be established on basiearlino, cuadiflcatiopse HYýGIENIC Sulppliee-(Rubbjer phone 1-519-446-2519 >eveniugs, QEEC contact atIahndfr sed. THEEhres, Pyoear98n-,4olt sudee rce.rninlui geods) rnailed postpaid la - 17-2 For particulars contact: BOWMANVILLE Rý. BRUCE TAYLOR Phone Netetn 1- V0s experience. to: plain sealed envelopo with 150 ACR&S et good poteto or BOWMANVILLE TRA VEL CENTRE The BuinessAdminilrato price lirt. Six samipies 25cj grain land, north et Bowrnan- TAE ETE 47 Ring St. W., Bowmianville 2324 WI EDCENR OSSbadd o tis 200 Slnucoe Street 24 -sýples $1.00, Mail Order ville, 101h sud 6th Concessions. 47 King St .W,,Bowmiuanille PonAND DEALERS ~I,¶~ 86431.pstude.g Cali263-2972 ttier DeDt. T-28. Nov-Rubber Co., Telephone 519-449-2715 or Phone 6Z-2 oe623182182 Ennis.&ik'il leni , Rj .psueCai2397 trPtrboghOnro BoX 91, Hanmilton, Ont. 1-52 263-2394. î- 8316- 17-6 115 . 17-6 KOR 2H 'anMa 8,17.