Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1973, p. 12

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Lionettes Hep Sen tudàentlsta Wa-saga, 1,rthumberland -Duýrhamiriate-, he suggested. "4Supp1ly federal govenrment'v ic, h MFL Aliap arec told al and deand don't exist fxiey collecting 15 per cn oeI Conisumier re Conference anyore," said Lawrence. revenues th.an it did last ,ar in Halfxls ekta h Tdyw are witnessing "Is there somelwthtiy Tr-udeau goveriiament l, using. . the direct intervention into government rvne aet "out-dateýd, imp i actcal, old- the economy, in thousands of increase every ye rie hodemi- fashioned nid hrfi econ-!unfr-eseon and apparently un- anded. om.cpoiie 'hihare go- related way, o a Big Brother1 "Suroiy thec- gover!nmcnt canî in,, tavc) lraeur ex,-ist.ing governmo.nt."ý tighten its boit, to. Surely a uri eCýeaomc cri isý. . Lawrence argued that "mas- tax laws can be maudo e fx Lawreince, ho acta as -the sive governmentai revenues ible anid as incentivo-producing! Cosevties onumrand and expenditures themacives as -those of neihborîng cautn- CarporaýteAfar crîtic, said inj oct unexpected elements trios sa that aur homne g awn "the puzzle ofrmaign-it aur econarnic balance, investment capital ,vill za flatian runinghn-n-adtroigiompietcly out af haro. Surely,, uncmnploynt. wihhigh o nemip]oyone rt is a kilter." can lie licked b encouragingÏ uniique feature cof aur times." The solution praposed by investmoent in thia cauntry by §~ Hoi asserted that, under or ld opposition critic Lawrence, is Canadianis, by providing - econamnie theory if yau had ta reduco gaverniment spe nd- centives, by encouraging cx- / Y one (inflation or h--ihuniem- ing nnd ta case the hardship pansion and demand and tc t~> pîaoymenit), you couidn.'t have an 4"the working poor," in- creatian af jobs'»î .,- the other. creasing their take-hame pay "Thiis," lie eoincluded,"il >,"-' H1owever, the ,Keynicsian ec- by decreasing direct anid in- flot lieacmlse by ras onýoic prncplsbsed on direct taxesq. trîctians creatcd bygavrn thec aid laws a!supply andl Lawrence stated thaýt, aven .ment discouragament ndcon dem aa,,pd are noa langer pp!,ra- 'w th th e recent tax cuts,ý the straints." - k Nr sesRefres her Cus In ,Respiroatory Dui SeacSes .The smiliing yaungsters nila chaque fram ithe Bow-na- th chque IThe tnp ita Wasaga Beach Ite aster 'bonnets are stu- ville Lianettes which will sen1d Just ta the leit o! Mrs. Lush xill hae the langest major out- 0%. M d tenat thse :c]ina Sahool for ithe youngsters for an al-day i, s Jini Cryderman, the ather wha range iaae f ra seen L a e r n s, 1T B F a r f rorr D e a d 'the nstally retarded. Thyotigt the Zoalogicai ar fuli-time teacher at the Saiflaýto 16. It issceue o a utsha eausesinWsgaBah The secan)d fehrCus venition, ultra-violet lightue ru na re group ta anl- eas thair teacher and Ms Bruce Lush (ete belle Veidhuise, Joan Ard and By -the way, the colorful oi Resirtoy isases for and praper cleanaing. He ex-aothe.Irincipal, Mrs Mary Bawesksanding) was pres7ent on hac- Halais Balsam, ail fullliie Easter hats are the children's Regitored Nurý,ss heidi Wed- pl1ôýded(I the aid time bliefe that 1hey discussed Ventlationi (fgr sft~tanding), is holding haif of the Lionttes ta(,esetassisatsala the school. ýown crantions. neSda'zy, April l8ha re- ,ccpt la the initial stages,' Equipment, Fre & Post-Oper- od HorMoePatIlpe gownsý ara necassary and ative Chest Fhysiothes'apy, theý i-. Donald K. Grant, Director'of w1ýas ainousadn sucesa - masks niead ta ha wqrn. 'If e Uses & Abuses of Oxygen and(e o .,,îe a '... c rHat n aayDvso o theparicians i thir va- soulbh hy the patient", The leaders wre NMr. vr$ 0D ieIOnriHyr. agve n thu Diiing frnm tho com et a al-sk ula worn bynaynferimauivenar 'unctionT"sum- unt1ion. declared Dr. Naismith. "More- Hewîtt and Mrs. Donna Hardi-:..................................... ifraieadaso Hm The co curse a sponsarod over", ha coninued, "fomnites son o! Toronit: Mr. J. Peter......................................an Adaptation ta Change",. an-rege yteNanrthumn- - thait is baoks, dishes, etc., ýrendivîie !( Camplielifard;viwe so-n o boladan ureâTind are no now onsidered a sigý- Mra. Janica Heation oPrt! .I.................................h assfrcag bc ilsiatr isaaAss2cia- ificat hazard." Hope and Dr. J. T. iNaý:iith ' included cbanging attitudes and iiliadwa teddynu- DcrsCCodnC erno tearuh The sessions' expectatians of efiployees; the se ro h at o heUit n RyLnaet at n eechiedlyMsé E. Fiax- affects of more militant union cd Coun!,ties. Theý(se nurs3esth staýff !f the Scarboraugli man, Superinete>ndent o! Nurs- attitudes resulting in traquent were ram !te !four &Generi elienraýl Haýspital, spokeoan as o! the HaihUntnd is confrontation; rapid pragrasa Hlospitais i!, tho ari teEnpyea Asthme in flic Lorette Mo.ci o! Ottýa, 'i cag n eholg n Hlth U it.NrigHmsCidadin the Aduit, and Heath Education................................................... .and hangiontechnoleogy f 1îAîLFboÎ.Te eei-with the Cadian TBal'atmtotepoem u and - indsty Iy adFlroî ay Cime ol Associa-eeingknowledga up-ta-date la hemarin Dr J T.orativ n a îescoiRespratary DiseaseAsoi- Nasili seknga tbr 1auin.e acttatoeii.~i ad (copling with vast amaunts of ll utinga inration, alsa the rising lido cosi s i aea osis hred the tapies, accasionall utiganumber o! the t' a TP lieýý yin posng pinonsnures,"thesesion ha sone-of consuînerism and pressure îtaed hatTE ay ie dyngvoicing - a asndointe-ans urses tesessifos ladsamn- di;sease but il l a fr fram deadadded ta the aueaditrtngoitrstfrcdasdg-p. and we mnuaI avaidcasp e est a! the discussion. every anc o! srgrdeaoAler dealing with the priar ency. He ainted a t a sIn the afternoan, the parti- aur area a! cmpioymer.I in! odtosadpr-xsigfc TEB aiet are niow beinga-icipants wece dîvidad miit ourlnurssng. It was a rani refreali tors which influanced a persans m-itted ta leted Caeri(rYups, maoving every 20 min-lor course," rendiness ta accept change, Dr. Uuglapias, Gspecînntioeaccoiteses mnuaI ave ýiiias E-0 ~action which cana ha brought sa hghlyin!otiou, hastres- i ita play in ordor to facilitate d the mportan e o sec undestaningthe renmeni.~.succesful respanse ta change. d cae io the dseas.o H +o ~ininf.For Wvesleyvîil/IBthn WI slated înt deahitamiation Genrain Plnt by uzane tikey haal se , btthýce is su!-ý wr~ Ti bos ou Pot Iop Gude icintlanis ,the site forai H IREIF >'Ot WANTYOd/f An anno(_uncem'ent rgrîgal ancer WVesleJyvilie geBerating fstation Hy-(jjLhajve nicbd h 1,; axp2eted within a wa Scoc !a i-icd piovasi Activity on the site wili ahe\ wtr1aOna ind încreasing, preiiminary 'ta thaL the fact tLint an il-tîr-ed planti announcement o! the construe- can, ha construýýcted withina ltion date and Hydro oxpetits sharter perýiod th a nuclear I ta talk withi local officiels and plant. 'to prepare a study on the im- Ontario Hy li as seýveral1 pact o! theic atîvity on the Sur- gene-rating roaca under roun.ding community. study for the province, but Up ta 2,00 mon are axpect- Wesieyviile seeams ta lie thet cýd ta lie at work on the con- priority praject. HA V struction . site when activity Norman Manning, public HARVEYT ranches its Peak about three relations officar withl Ontario Iyeai's from now. Permae¶nt Hydra in Belleville, said that PARTe mplyeta the generating athougi Wesloyviile lias the ORNO98-506plant is expected ta leienl the priocitîy, announcesaqata on 975 ta 400 range. othersie might coma -,sot0Y 1103WOE HATSERICWE The firt genacating plant, afterwa-,rds., _____________________il las understood, will proliably Mr. Manning said tic an- nouncemaiit an the Weslayville site will iikely ha made in tiel THE ANA IA CACERSOCETYcammunity oa! ather Part 'Hope, THE APIMANCANCR "OCETYor Hope Township and may lie HELPS THOSE WHOMG ARE ILL WITH CANCER mede by George Gethercole,ý ciairmen o! Ontario Hydro. ANO N NED F ASISTNCEWhen construction legins it AND M'NEE OF SSISANCEwill affect the cammiunity aný liousinig, traffic, markets and alirfaetars. 1 ,RANSPORTATION TO *HOME NURSINC -L~ Anotier factor wiich lisi-I TREAMFNT CENTRES partant in the construction e -OSEKEEPING SERVICE lo! the site is liow the oil will cORESSNOS le lirought to Wesleyville. ù P ý G S PLOGE CCOMODAION Probalily it. will corne bly aPAIN FEIEVN RO CO! COMOAIN tanker and e pier will lie built into Lake Onterio at the site. e OEAO OPTL VRINAL 0sLest year, neveral test-haies .POMATIVESAwere made off shoreaet Wes- iN GO VIISleyville. A definite date for- theccon- struction start was, not st byi Caniadien- Cancer ioctety Hydro but is e2xpected ta ble If, u 1, 1ý1_îlu'l týifsomaetime ti5 spring. BO L/LN VLLEJ DISTZCLUN]ICET CSHTODAY Boivnonvtte.Ontajo Y USING S T A'îE S >fA N April is Cancer-Month, off to a good start by prese! to Cancer Chairman, Les Ci in the Bowmanville, Darling As Coombes said, "it's a goc when they corne to cail on and StL i an Dnn (eft)go i-,ng a, cheque for $504i frc ýoornbes (right). Four bur gton and Clarke areas this od bunch of workers th ey i you. I't's avery worthy Changes, Challenges Discussed by Comnpec ýAt Anniual Meeting Municpal ydro ommi Waters. Manager ofOnr sianers aýnd Managers fram Ilydro's Bowmanville Area i ) Ajax, Bowmnnville, Newcastle,, tha directar of the Campe( Orona, Pickering, 'Part Porry Bwnvleparm i and Witby, alsa officiais o.fBoaiilepoga ; Ontario Hydro, nttonded the fourth annual' meeting of the co-operativo marketing plan for electrie commissions (Compoc) hald at the Flying Dtchmnan Motor Inn, Bowmanville. Speakers indicated that Com- pea objectives have been.main- tained diuring thc four years the co-aperativa planlies heen, in operatian. i Chairmran BllMrrisan of Bowmanille 1.ýPublic Utîlities Commisý,sion presided at this succealul nnualmeeting iat- tcnd11.d by me thn 50msic pal hy adr commissioners man e aond ofAar;a lydray ofi Manaeri obntawIyr of WHty welcomad near s, Brueeveis domo(issor werce Hatd enca for the fit- time. hae inldad Clahrkepn son of(Ajhura; il Gay a piceriong oabrCawer tofe iby; CHnrv(ater andte, Brucfe Coina from Orafnoýdwt neisceîiirs iIr. asn said that thinCatApea conpsý hreaa umaeada Ts lhiesi av nadtgether apo samel0f teirtivindties and opetrabtion n libaaebsa. many e new nernalscns.fo reidg raiwing insuiinstlaion dustbclaplmeUntderrond, mesteced. AlIso becausa ofWtf risîng casta, utlities bave boen 135 St. Clair Aven farced a nc easeectricityPh e:4696 raa l Oon an annueýil basis. ",With ii l of this an your opte. I tbn fis quite aparaatn th1ýenn ofeaithis !meeting is Frmr a Change aind 'Its Challenlge'," Mc. Doblsan isaid. Aisother spea;ker-. WRe Th1 anul1eeîn Bethany Womon's * nsheld et tie homi Frsident, Mrs. Addisc on April 9t:h. Mamb wËr)dtalte rolIl eau c angng prng!bulis Mrs. Vincent Jacks thec minutes o! the mnecting and gave th urer's report, and monta were made for the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h loa udriigdie~ members toaetter dielck lunchean ln Ci, orn the Bowm.anille,- Legion April loth. indred canvassers will be out The District Annue] ha Id et Morrish this is week trying to raise $9,000. Mey lOti. Betheny E are", so don't let them down responsibie for repl ly cause.tfe welcome and the y caue. _____ am service. short address spake of some af A five dollar doner tic complex challenges that Mr.ImaettiBean oabsan bnd referred ta. sucb as, Association ta aid la p uîîdiergrouisd distribution sys- the Victoria Day WE Lamaj, , higbrisa apartmont Mrs. Scott tienked buildings, shoupping contres, les raspansible for ser ecHo added that the Campec-luc eterct Býowm-anville staff' bas agroed meeting and aIe also bo andie 'the new challenges bk lt up that n adi- Tee baie sale. and mentioned !hta di h ollowlng ani 1 onni pacson bnd been added ta parts were read: Min rothe staff, a lady, Mrs. Madelan Traeauror's repart f id Madil, wbo was appointed as 1972 Annul, rend by ,c- Sales and Service assistant. ratary, Mrs. Vincent a The guestspeakerwas Dr. Publie Relations Offi 12 Thie Canadian State(-,man, Bowmanviile, May 2, 1973 LuwrnceRups E"ov't for Uisiin "O,ýId Fushioned and nsitume eof thr ýers ans- 1U U ' or slips F uuw~.u ment of on read irr .e treas-1 arrange - i 7 DIVISION ST. - PHONE 623-5187 some of! BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO 1d a pot1 van. on Special- Limited Supply 1Lwill be - year on: ranch Is! GLASS TABLE TOPS lying to /"TckPlhePltGas memor- T ikPlse lt ls tion wasý with )rize forHigh Polished Edges ekend. the lad-; MAKE YOUR .OWN BASE 20" x 54" 20" x 60" 42" x 42" $35.00 $39.00 $59,00 Get pollution off yôur chest. Ontario is a fast-growing province- more people, more vehicles, more fectories, more machinesý every d'ay. Witbtarwh cornes the thcat of'danîage ta aur enivironment. Pollution of alkna The Mîniiistry oftble Enviroont ui.is Ontarlo's guardian of our air and land and water. Here's who we are and whaf we do. Air Pollution. I.We'monitor the air for pollution and order corrections if uniacceptabie levais occur. -2. We track down strange odours in the air and many fhings you cen't amell and eliminate thern if they are dangerous. 3.,We investigate suspected air pollution injry to people or property. 4.We are responsible for noise pollution and are creating enforceeble noise confrol mnensures. Land Pollution. I.We deal with l l e leffovers>of our affluent society-the industrial waste, pro- cessed organic wasf os, end ordinary garbage. * 2.Wle study recycling as an aid ta, reducing quan rtities of waste and ta avoid depletiýo of ar naturel resources. 3. Wc con troi the use a ndia pplicatg ion ofpestîicdes which arc unccepabie f'or pollution reUasons. Water Pollution. i.eprotect alloOtro ae sources, from pollutii. 2.Wke develop and contrai surface ai, ground water resiour-ces. 3. Wc watch ail potentiel sources, of ndustrial and agricultural wiater pollution. 4.We plan, bud and finance moderi; sewage and waterworks facilities for Ontario municipalities. 5. Wesupervise ail pri\ ate waste disposai systems. Ontario bas sameof the most com- prehensive leslation in North America to protect aur environm7ent. But it wil'i take thie effort of everynie ta salve aur pollution prolim.~ ep ENVIRONMENT ONTARIO (Î Ontario Ministry of the Ervironment, Hon. James A. C. Autd, Mhnister. Evereit, B.qcs, Depru>ty Mmaiter. if you need our help, or you'd like to get a pollution probleým off your chest, here's wvho you cali: -nueC West, Toronto. Ont ario 135 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto.(. Onfarjo Phone: (416) 965-1971 or Zen ith 3 -3220 135 St. Clair Avenue West,orto, Ontarlo Phone: (4l6ý 965-1071 iwmatjon en ithe Ministry and is programs write: Informtation Services Branch, 135 St. Clair Avenue We4'sî,Toronto M4t4YPM. 1- O.P.P. REPORT\4- D)uring the week of April 9 to sault, two threatening com- Aýpril 15, the Newcastle Detach- plaints, one domestic com- ment of the Ontario Provincial plaint, six missing person Police investigated the follow- reports, and five erratic or ing motor vehicle collisions and dangerous driving complaint, occurrences. Two investigations involved Thirteen motor vehicle acci- the recovery of'stolen property. dents were investigated in also there were three reports of which eight persons suffered lost property and two reports of personal injury and as a resuit, found property. three ýpersons were charged Three persons were charged with driving offences. with criminal offences, 10 On April 14, at 5:20 p.m.. a persons charged with liquox- four-year-old girl was struck by violations, and three persons a rootor vehicle on County Rd. charged with impaired driviiig. four in the Village of Tyrone. On April 9, a warrant wcas The girl was taken to, Sick îssued for the arrest of a Children's Hospital, Toronto, Newcast 1le resident when inve- with undetermined injuries. tigation revealed that he passed Along with other duties, the a forged cheque in the amount Newcastle officers completed 90 of $4101. using another person's general occurrences of which name. three were break and enter, six Two persons were arrested thef, one wilful damage com- and charged with dangerous plaint, four disturbances, o ne driving. One on April llth and fraud investigation, two tres- the other on April 4th, were passing complaints, one as-. apprehended while trying to pared by Mrs. Ross Neals and eAudeteoliccesoe rm reai by Mrs. Scott; Tweeds- Amtryl tlnfo muir Curator, Mrs. Scott; Ag. Newcastle in July 1972 was riculture and Canadian Indus- recovered in a bush area east oif tries, Mrs. Ray Porteous; Citi- Newcastle on, April 13. The zenship and Worid Affairs, engine and various othierpat Mrs. Belle Smith;, Education were stripped from the mot,,or- and Cultural Activities, Mrs. cycle, leaving only the frame. Carl Porteous; Family and which was identified by the Consumer Affairs, - Mrs. Jack sra u b r Neals; Resolutions, Mrs. Law- srAl ume erJntil a rence Staples; and the Sun. os erJntil a shine Comniitte, Mrs. jim broken into between April 801 Kloepfer and Mrs. Frank and April l3th. Stolen wr a 19 White, read by Mrs. Scott; inch color TV set, 19 inch black and t he President, Mrs. Scott, and white TV set, tw,\o stereeô reported on the past year's speakers, two propane lhottes a c t i v i t i e s .a n a o l b x o t i i g Mrs. Ross Carr chaired the and a tools.box coelnaining meeting for the. election ofvaiutos.Tesonies officers, and Mrs. Vincent were valued at $960. Jackson carried on as secre- Break and enter into a farmi tary for the annual meeting. bouse north-east of Newtonvile Mrs. Thomas Jennings gave a was reprted on April 15 St oen report from the nominatinýg was a quantîty of fishing com m ittee as follows: Presi- q i m n va u d a $2 0 dent, Mrs. Addison Scott; Sec- euipent apled a d $200. retary-Treasurer, Mrs. Vin- BeenApi7tadlth cent Jackson; Assistant Secre- two canoes were stolen from a tary-Treasurer, Mrs. Ray For- cottage at View Lake on Lake teous; Public Relations Offi- Seugog. The one canoe wras cer, Mrs. Jim Kioepf or; Dis- green fibreglass with aluminurn trict Director, Mrs. Hector trîmi and the other an alum- Mort on; Alternate, Mrs. Harry inum; canoe camouflaged for Ryley; Tweedsmuir Curator.dc hutn prossTh Mrs. Tom Jennings; Branch ukhnigproe.11 Directors, Mrs. Ina Palmer, total property loss wasý $17.000. Mrs. Bruce Ryley, and Mrs. An Oshawa residentf repocrte4, George Neals; Auditors, Mrs. on April 14, that while east- Levi McGill and Mrs. EmerY bound on County Rd. one, a Smith; Resolutions, Mrs. Tom rubber dinghy feli, out of the Jennings; and Sun shine Com- trunk of hi ir A veic , mittee, Mrs. Clarence Rowan I w.,f ýi!ds car A e hicle and Mrs. Frank White. Thefoownbhidsoepik Standing Committee Conven- ed up thie rubber raf t and sped crs are: Agriculture and Can- off at highi speed. Arrest ed la ter adian Industries, Mrs. Ray the saine day was a youth fromi F r te o us; Citizenship andOshawa and another from World Affairs, Mrs.- Belle Bowmnanville, both hre Smth; Education and Cultur- with theft. al Activities, Mrs. Lawrence_,----____ Staples; Family and Consunri- er Affairs, Mrs. Mu r ray Rent a Car for Smith.1 The next meeting wilbW A DAY OR.,WEIEKEND) held at Mrs. Addilson Scott's Ask for Rae.-. home on May 14, 1973. 1CUT The program was under the CUT leadership' of Mrs. Ray For-ý CH.YSZLER1-DODGE w LTDL. teous, convenor of Agrir-ul- 6328 eturc and Canadian Industries. ____________________ pre- ý 'q nq

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