Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1973, p. 10

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10 The Caiadian State>man, i3owmarville, siay 2, 1973 Wl.News N'ESTLETON W-1. The combned regular meet- Ing and annual meeting of Nestleton Branch was held Aprit 4th in North Nestieton United Church with Mrs. Firnit as hostess. After the Opening Ode and the Mary Stewart Clleet were repreaLted in unison, the president thanked Mrs. Finlit and the minutes were read and adlopted. The Treasurer gave the financial report whlichshoWved a substantial balance after the year's work. The gifts from England, a ineasuring teaspoon and cal- endar, w.ere shown. Pour ladies are interested in the Training Course, "More About Knjts" and two plan ta ttend when it Is avail- The 4-H Club girls are hav- ing their Achievement Day April l4th in the Recreation Centre, Blackstock, featuring a fashion show from 1-- 2:30 p.m. W.I. members should attend to support these girls and leaders in their efforts. Mrs. R. Davidson gave a full report oif the District Ex- ecutive mneeting with plans for the District Annual at Newtonvile. Nestieton Branch is lI favor of arranging future District Annuals li aiphabeti- cal order. Two programs fromn each branch are to be 5ent ta the District as soon asý they are printced-. Il was cecided to, combine t*wo donations of$0 each to be donated to the Port Perry Hospital Auxliary at their S3pring Tea. Mrs. Ben DeJong is the delegate to the Officers Con- ference in May. As a resuit the regular meueting will be Friday, lMay 4th at the home rd Mrs. Earnshaw, Caesarea. The usual plant and bulb sale will be the order of the day. The social comittee is re- sponmible for purchasing a gft for a member leaving our Brandih. Two cards were signed to be sent ta the sick'and the meeting adjourned. Antnual ]Meeting The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. Reports were given by the convenons of standing ecommrittees and the President Mrs, Walter Welts gave a sum- mnary of her- year's work in the W.I. Nestleton Branch Mrs. Fred Dayes presented the slate of officers and con- venons ion 1973 and 19~74. Mns. R. W. facksoni conducted the eýlec-tion and installation of officers and Mrs. R. Day- idson acted asý secnetary for the meeting. The resit of the election isý as follows: Past President, Mns. Walter Welts: President, .Mrs. Ben DeJong;, int Vice-Pres., Mrs. Georgýe R-eaislip: 2nd Vice-Pres., Mns. Biolani; Secretary, Mirs. Joe Wýygerde,; Treasujren, Mrs, R. Davidson; Dist rict Director, îMrs. L. Malcolm; Branch Di- rectors, Mrs. Allan Beacock, Mrs, Chas. Earnishaw an Mrs. 'Chas. Fudge. Standing Co-mm-itteeý Con- venors: Agricuilture and Can- aidian Industries, Mrs. Bruce Heaslip; 'Citizenship and World Affairs, Mriis. H. 'McLaug,,ilin; Education and Cuiltural Ac- Utvties, Mrs. Geo. Heaslip; FamliI, and consue fis Mns. Fred Dayes; Resol'utionis, ,Mr. M. Emierson: Public «Re- lations Officer, lMrs., R. A. Jackson: Curator, Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm; Sunshine Com- ittece, Mrs. Gcô. Bowens, Mr.Ralph Sadien, lMrs. Chas. Earnshiaw; :Auditons, Ms Chas. Eannshaw, Mrs. Allan Beacock; Pianist, Mnir. L. Malcolm; Assistant, M r s. Grant Thomnpsn Social Comn- miittee, M4rs. M. Emerson, Mrs. R. Sadlen, Mns. M. Fsher. HAMPTON IV. I The annual meeting of the Hampton Women's Insýtitute was held lI conijunction with the regular mnothlv meeting an April 3rd. Mrs. Bryant, President, was in the chair and we opened the mieeting by ig.ing the Odean re- Ieptlng the Mary Stewart Col- ect. We paid oun member- ship fee as we answered the Rail Cal i with the namne of a Cqnaqdian city or town start- ing with our first initial. After the minutes of our last reg- ular meeting were read and appnoved we started our annual meeting. The convenors of the Stand- ing Comiilttees gave their re- ports. Mrs. Bradleyv, District President, declared ail offices open. Mrs. Hodgson read the new siate of officers: Past President, *Mrs. T. Chant; President, Mrs. Mv. Bryant; Ist Vî'ce-President, Mrs. . Mouint- enay; Se'y-Treas,, Mrs. J. Buirrrows; Asst. Secy-Treas., Mrs. S. Hodgson; Di2t. Direc- ton, Mns. A. Blanchard; Alter- nate Directar, Mrs. J. Met- calfe; Public Relatians, Mrs. A. Mackln; Curator, Mrs, Alice Alun;i Alternate Curat- mr, Mns. T. Chant; Auditors, Mns. A. Blanchard and Mrs. H.11 tr Piainist, Miss N. Horn; Asst. Pianist, Mviss Marie Collacutt; Meýmbership and Birthday Box, Mns. C. Slem- on; Cards, Miss N. Jobins;l Gifts and Flowers, Mrs. E Smale and Mrs, C. Yeo. These officers were lnstalled, by Mrm Bradley, A special collection -was taken to be sent to Mrs. Bowes, Principal of the Solina School for Retarded Children, to be used for the pupis. Mri. Macklin took the chair for the North Group. We started this part of oun pro- gramme ith a parade of Easmten hats the mnembers had miade from kitchen utensils and these were then display- eci at the back of the hall. Mn,. Slter pnepared the Matto "The Thnee R's" .- Respect, read by Mrq. Macklin; Rever- ene, read by Mns, Semon, and Responsibility, read by Mre. kilin. We wene then favoned wvith two piano solos by Brent Clemens. lvis.: Bradley 'ave a short talk an Citizensi-p. We closed the meeing by singing " aa da"e. Lunelh was served by the North Group. Next meeting, fMay 1. Rol Cal], somnethmng humnorous that has happened to yau recently. GET CASH TO»AY FOR OL» APPLIANCES TIHEOUGH S TA TE S XA N CLAS SIFIEPS PH«ONE 6za303 SHOLDE ~ Ust Can't SatA&P WEO PORK & PORK lb 78f' SUPER-RIGIIT BRAND, StUCRO C HOPS lb.8 c Sie Baconi i-lb vac pac 98< FRRS 8Y THE PIRCE IRND CUTS LB 68c) Ground Beef b8< Sie Bacon CENTRE CUTS lb 7,8< FRESH GOLDEN SKILLET, HEAT & SERVE, 104L8S, BULY Ground Chuck b995i ChiCken CUtiets " b8' SUPERRRIGNT QUALITY, MEATY Pork ,-Hoc ks O '5 B&RAND b4<Canried Picnics 16-oz tin $1 .18 ,Meat! Seafood Values! SX BRAND, FAMLY PACK<, SLICRO IIGFILINER BRAND, FROZEN, OCEAN Cookec Meats i~Pc9< Perch FilletS' 4-c, i 995 îCHNEIDERS BRAND, RI 140 RIIPFRT BRAND, FROZEN Wieners'.;b c 84é Cod lon8tee{ zpu$~ S. & M. BRAND, BACK-TO-BACK PEPPERONI FRASERVAMR TURBOT, FROZEN Pizza Pie l4oz pkg 8 < Fish & Chips 24.,pk 77< SIIOPSY BRAND, COLE SLAW OR SCI4NEIDERS BRAND, FROZEN Potato Salad 24ýoz cýn 64< Beef Steakettes l-b pkg 9S< NEW ZEALAND, IMPORTRO, LOIN I.amfb Chops lb $1,08 SX Bologna by!he piece ib 48< IDiscount Prices plus Weely "Action Prîced"peil . Action Pkd ORANGE PEKOe OG F 60 RED ROSE - TEA BAGS 883r Action Priced! CANADA CIIOfCE, SLICED 19-FL-0Z2TINS LIBBY : i cfion Priced! I PLASTIC iGLAD GARBAGE RG Action Priced! DISPOSABLE DAPERS, TODOLER S512E FIL u-s,-A-By E S :kqs27 Action Priced! Action Priced! Ew 0IN.sîu1 s M!X & MATCH, HOT D000 NAMBURG, ~j1A~f ~R 'R'PECUE, SWEET REL SHI7-I FL OZ JAR3 WHEEL 2,P .00 ~ 3/ïsl W i.ýth titis Cuo SAVE W0/ A SUPERG BLENDOFOh 100% BRAZILAN COFFE S O(lok(OFFE 9 Limit i ... Coupon per customer. Valid tlSafurday, May Sth, 1913 with ànminimum, puý cIhne of î5 OS Good only et ABI- WEO stores, Action Priceci MO'-P"T ROYAL 14-FI-OZ TINS CHOICE 5/si1$0 Action Priced! PR.ME, BEEF, CW1CKEN, LIVER 6-02 TINS 0G 6 /sl.00o Action Pricedi W'H'TE, PINK, LII.AC SWEETHEART SOAP reqUlar ,Actioni Priced! FABRIC SOFTEiNER 66-f-o7 P astic u£gs . t Action Priced!, Rose ikl esD jar Action'Priced LAURA SECORO Pu ddings BUTTERSCOICH-1, CO0AE A~ CCIILAIE etiDGe 5-oz tin 59 Action Priced! BuGreen, I.avenr'J , ink, wh'iteYeIIow Kleenex FAC!IL TISSUE BOXES OF 200 -- 2-PLY SHEETS Action Priced! post Cereal1 SUGAR CRISP 13-: f Action Priced! PLAIN MEAT, MUSI-ROOM SPAHETISAUCE Action Prîced! CAT F00D 6-OZ TINS CANADA FANCY GRADE, ONTARIO MINTOSH 4-quart basket LES77,__LC Fornb o n . 30-, Ketucky fBIue rs, 30% Pere'nnial RYe Grell, 40%e Creepin9 Red Fescue Action Priceci! INSTAýNT COFFFE100 A MAX WELL 17 H$1U7E [Action Priced! JANE P-ARKER 10 02 PIC POTATO 59 CHIPS59 - - - - - - - - - -- - Ï, Sï secs 15 ý7j,' ........... ses,

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