Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1973, p. 9

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isba Trector Sales US- New Ford Dealer f or Bowmanville and, Area Oshawa Tracter Sales have been appointed as' the new Ford equipment dealer- foi- ibiis area. This business is now a division of William. R. Buckle Equipinent L td., 4150 F-inch Ave. East, Agincourt, who have now been a Ford dealer fou several years. With Derrick Rottman as manager with înany years experience in the equipment field, and witb the expeîience and ex- pertise cf Buickle Equipment, Oshawa Tractor Sales will be well organized and equipped te serve the needs cf this community. The Ford Ti-acter and Equipment line has expanded tucmendously in recent ycars and this is behind the asser- tion et Henry Ford Il that tractors and farm equipînent aeas much cf the Ford picture as are cars and trucks." Many years ago the Trophies, For Minor Pee, Wees Company's tounder charac- terized Ford Metor Company as having "oene foot in industuy and the cîher in the seil. Oshawa Tracter Sales will be selling and seuvicing Fords complete ulne cf faum. industrial and laiwn and gar- den tractors and equipmenit. They look forward te serving the people cf this area wîth -better idea" products fi-cm Ferd. United Church Women HoId Bay of Quinte Conf erence At Kingsvi*ew Church Oshawa Seven Presbyterials met at Kingsview United Church. Mrs. Carl Down, President of Oshawa Puesbyterial buought greetings and led in worýhip service. Mrs, V. Qsborne, expressed greetingsfrom the Host Church, Kingsview . Mus. C. Themnpson, Presidentý. Con- Rent a Car for A DAY OR WEEKEND Ask for Rae COUNTY CHIRYSLER-DODGE LTD. 623-2586 1terence U.C.W. coovened the .meeting with repco-ts given by 1membeus cf the Conference Executive. Many interesting and informative reports and pfýesentations were made. The Kingston Puesbyteuial puesented a skît "The Little Red Hen' , Mrs. W. Piercy led in a jcyf ul mnusic time. Mus. G. Gilson alcng with Mr.. fllley from Toronto puesented re- sources unlimited in the way of bocks, guides, records. tapes, etc. A panel "Mission Today" was rnost enligbtcn- ing. DANCING Saturday Night - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Ted Koss aend the Cavaliers Thais popular band returns to the New Dutch O-en to provide au eveninf£ of great dance music. "Informai" - Plenty of Free Parking Complimentary Late Snack You Name It! - They Play It! 1Fully Licensed Cover Charge $1.00 per person THE êNEW DU"àTC'H OVEN Six Miles North of 401 on Hlwy. 35 'and 115 at North-East Corner of Taunton Road Cal 19350 for Reservations London Life presents-- 1- This message brought to you hy: BERT JOHNSTON London Life Representativ e 15 Concession St.E. Phone 623-3675 The moderater. Mrs' G. Mundy along with iVrs. Olive Baylis. whc spent 10 years in Korea, and Mus. Barbara CatIe. who was formerly in Zambia and Gods Lake, Neuotheun Manitoba dîscussed conditions-tcday and the help we ean, provide. Mî-s. Baylis descrihed the Korean people as industrieus. bard wcuking people who are trying se bard te uebuild, physically, morally and spiritually. Mus. Cate expressed the feeling cf the Canadian Indian f or indepen- dence. although most apprec- iative cf cverything thait is donc fou themn thucugh the Chuuch. Tbrough Ccmmunity teaching, they leaun te do practical and helpful things for themselves and others. Zambia tuibes bave been uprooted xvhen industries need - cheap labor". There is great need -fer people with special skills te work witb the pecple cf Zainbia, along with Korea and Canadian Indians. te belp them help themselves. They have the abilîty when they bave the proper tools te work witb. We can help by puovid- ing fîrîancially and by res- pecting their rights as indi- viduals. At 7:00 p.m., înany displays were puesented by the Pues- byteîials: Renfrew, assorted banners and dispinys on -PEAC'E', Peterbcreugh, Hominakcr s ýClub withi mnanyt adiilsv eig etc.; Lindsay, Cinmun-ity Fiendsbip, inidividual set- tings using doils as models representing Hospital, Senior Citizens. Cemmunity Events, etc.. alcng with buge wheel mobile; Kingston, Steward- sbip. interesting and informa- tLive chauts, maps, displays sbowing our support:, Cob- ourg, Korea, display cf items such as clcthingi, pcttery, bamboo pictures, wall bang- ings and slide presentation cf work in Korea; Belleville, the Necds cf the Retauded Aduits, Slides of, a Workslîop in Napance and a display cf articles made: Oshawa, Aud- Sponsor H. Huisman of Hampton Gardens Minor Pee Wees presented trophies to each member of his team, and in return received a framed Color presentation that pictured each member of the team. Photo shows, from lef t to right, Mr. Huisman, Capt. Wayde Preston, Scott Sellers, Greg Brunit and Coach Gary Walker. Town Pays T ribute to Champions During the Minor Hockey banquet on Saturday, I-is Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, on behaif of the town, presented individual trophies'to each mnember of the Knapp's Towing Major Bantams who won the Ontario "A" Championship this year. Capt. Bill Leam-an is accepting his trophy in this picture. ------- - pu PLAN TO A TTEND- *Audio Vi5 *ModelIinq BOWM~ANVLL HIGH SCHOOL Everyone Weleomie o-Visuals in the 1 ay cf a « )uppet show depîcting N E ,L E l ind a Sýid'e-TapçR.cesource Kit Milu Limer W gb însUitdCbichOh ýtit1ed , Share .ive.' ton,ba spent thîis pasýt week Salturday,' Aprîl 28 ; The evening session clos.-ed wi'tb isnebw a nd bis %,if e, rcpinin Ille U.A.W vith a short wcrsbip service Mu an;d Murs. V'ictcr Malcolmi. Ajax\. Conig-atulations ed by Miss B. McLean. Mu.ý Wright who isno 4 was tcnided tc the ycung c Dr. Norman î McKlenzie, As- beni in Caî-twright Týosbip. Congratulations a. ciate Secuetary Division of Hecniusigo elh e1h xt ended te Mu. an lissien in Canada was the and duuing biis visit lie Wayne Minshaîll(ne( beme Speaker on Wcdnes- completed semerevain Collins) who were ui la.He gave a veuy stirring for i- binphew's hom-e. On marriage on Saturda, 9Thtîrsday Mus. Malcclm and 28 in the Presbyterian idress using examples from Mu. Wright cal]ed on Misses Nestieton, witb Rev s ricb background as over- Mabel and Blanche Bruce at Swann officiating at t] ;as mîssionauy and minîster Caesauea. Lt was a pleasant ice. The receptionwa: -in the Rama Indian Reserve. reunion as Mu, wright and t6e Recreation Centre, 6e Auctic Terni, the beaver Misses Bruce attended Caes- stock. rid the salmon fellow the laws area 'Public Sehool in their On saturday. April Ce Gd natuually whilc mari vounger yeaus. and Mus. Lawrence C is difficulty finding eut the 'Mus. Ben Dci eng. President attended the Golden V av f lfeCcdbasfo- hm. tof Nestleton Women's Insti- Anniversar fMi.a tuIc, is attending the Officcuýs' Jack Westall at Bih Conference at Waterloo, Tues day te tbuusday. Mu. and Mus. Jameîs Ken1t. Orene, were suniday a .ernoon 4tî and evening dinner guests cf -1A heu parents, Mu. and Mus,. VicIer Malcolm. Miss Dianne, Maîrs, Osha- wabas uetuuned te heu home withhlber parents. Mu. and Murs. Noi-man - Iirs. Nestle- toin. Mu. and Mîs. Rick Glass vîsited heu grandmcther and other r-elatives iin Toledo. Ohio, fuem Tuesday te Thu- day. Mr. Chai-lie Smith, blaek- stock. was a Menday luncheon guest ef Mu. Gi-ant Thcmpson. tMr. and Mus, Reg. Sutton. Oreno. visited, Thuusday af- ter-oen with heu sîsier. Musï. Fred Days. This cemmunity was shock- ed te hear cf the death et Mu. Gordon Cillsen who passed * ~ 3 away suddenly en Tbursday. poy April 26. The luneral xvas -~ Mendav, April 30 fi-cm McDer- mettî-Panahaker Funeral Parleurs. Port Perry. witb Mr-. Rich Glass conducting the ser-vice. Sincere sympathy is exteîîded to bis wife, Mrs. Gilîso and te his brother. Mu. Victor Gilîson. îwal UISPlayS Mu. and Mus. Wmi. Bolan attended the weldding cf theiu Show son Ronald Bolan and Bonnie Jean Devtt in Simcoe Street *Hirdressing Display *Ontario Provincial Police *Canadian Armed Forces *Data Processing Exhibit * amiMuch More A Guidonce Event Sponsored by Bowmnanville High School- Clarke High Schoot Courtice Secondary Schoot Cartwright Hiqh Schoot is oct easy fou m-an to be still fer even five minutes te let Gcd speak. The b)egînning ef, the undeustanding cf salvation revolves auotnd the question of whetber- our lives are -God-ccntued& or "self-cen- îued". He then comimissioned everyone te go te their discussion groups with the hope that this day may net just 6e an academie exeucise but one cf real spiritual growtb. The installation of officers and the communion service was conducîed by Dr. Norman MecKenzie. Rev. M. Buttars and Rev. Wesley Herbert. This was a, fitting clcse le a veuy meaningful day of me- treat and twe days cf a great fellcwship. and Mus, Cooledge spent a tew days with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mus. H]arry Morris and family at, Seeley's Bay. For Kaster Sunday Mr. and mrs. Wm. Bolan visited her mother, Mus. C. Allan in the Chucnic Hospital at Mt. Dea- nis. They aIse xisited bis mother, Mus. W. Bolan in Downsvîew. Mr. and Mrs. F. Dayes accempanicd1ilMu. and Mrs. Malcolm Elford cf Prince Albert to Vausity Stadium, Toronto, on Saturday for the Bible College Graduation Ceremenies. Mus. Roan El- tord, their nephew's wife, receiv 'ed her diplema. Both Mr and Mrs. Elford are gradua tes and are going te the 'lutkon, as missionaries. t is rather unique as this is the îhird generation ef the Elford F'amily in the Ministuy. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aber- nethy. Bowmanville, xisited with Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers fer diriner and supper on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Beirt Bowers, John and Brian, Oshawa, werc Sunday evening dinner guests and Mr. and Mrs. WNalter Trick. Lindsay, %vere evening vîsitors. Guests during the week wïth' Mu. and MsBruce leaslip v.ere Mu. and Mus. Weylie M 1cKeewn and Lionel, Caledon EHast, Mu. and Mrs. Marwcdd MUckee, Blackstock: Mu. and \trs. Norman I-vine, Bow- înanx-ille: Mus. Alvin Bruce and Miss Majorie Bruce. Peut Perry. Mr and Mus. Sam Cawker visited the Euland Lee Home- stead on Ridge Read, Stoney [uek or a few heurs last we.It a a speciai pleasuî-e te meet and work \ith Misb Heleni MeKeucher, Vrs. Austin Zoler and mus. Wm. Miller- xho weue busy making plans for visitors fi-cm the Officers' Conference. On Sunday evening Mr. and Mus. S. Cawker attendied a tamilv dinoci- at the home cf his brctheî- and sister în-law, Mu. and Mus. Charles Cawkei- in Scauborcugh. Nestleton-C-'artwright Scouting News On wednesday. evening, Apuil 25 the Cubs cf Cart- wright B Pack tcured the new Pclice Station in Oshîawa. Constable Wood conducted the beys and gave them detailed information on the new cour municatiens and secuuity sys teins. Tbey saw the modern c-cls where each inmate bas private toilet facilities. The greup was thuillcd by the "Lcst and Found' room. There were many bicycles and an innumerabie assoutment cf ether articles. (What a pity people are se careless)t The - fecrit cfthe station was ri ercan be unlocked fuomn the outside ia key. It is opr te -m the switcb- boaird, by the cf ticer in charge. F;or added secuuity the picture cf the person,,on, the( c-utside, is flashed on a television scucen. Constable Wood cxplained the breathal- izer test, sboedthe boys the target practice centre, the fitness uoom and the special rapid duying facilities. Fellowîng this educational and inteuesting tour the boys enjcyed liamburgs and bever- ages at MacDonald's. Leaders were Akela Walteu Wet.Doug Hudson. David The Canadlian Statesman. Bowmanvilie, May 2, 19M3 On April 28ih thl1st Maple Grove Cub Laes Assist- ants and Grouýp Committee mnembers attended the Annual Appreciation Dinner and Dance at the Odd Fellows Hall n 'Orono. There was, a gcod turnout and eveuybody enjoy- cd themselves, ceurtesy ef Mr and Mus. Phil Hayman Adamns, Barbara Welts and M\1r. F. Train. A sincere 4thank veuC is extended te Constabie Wood and aise te the leaders and parents fou the splendid wouk they are doing among these yeung beys cf 'Iim-pressîonable age. Appreciatimi Dinner On Saturday. Apuil 28 at 6:30 p.m Mr, and Mrs. Walter Welts, Babaa nd Rayner were gei ai theAppueci- atioen DIinner fer Sceuters ef West Duuhrlam in the Odd Felicws hall, Oreno. Each was puesented xwith a Sceuteus! silver speeni in appreciatien cf their assistance w4i th e Pinewood Deruh. GROVE and Scouts tuom lIst Brown s. The topîc of the migbt xas' For peppermints, sec District Cubmaster George Charland'. On May 2nd the lst Maple Grove Leaders and Assistants- plus four Sixers, will be going te visit 3ud Bowmanville Cubs. Appreciantion te Akela Bob Willsher for having us aýnd we hope he will return the visit sometime. The West Durham District is baving another- auction sale on May 1lth aI Newcastle. Eacb grloup or pack is asked te pic k up anyv articles in their area. Se, Maple Grove. please Phone 623-7195 ou 623-5301 for any articles you would like te denate. Big or small, .ve gladly pick up ail. Support Scouting in your area. -Akela: Andy Van Hemmen Wolf Cubs Prayer God wbo bas created me. nimble and ligbt of limb, witb these elements thuce, te run, tc ride, to swim. Sometimes wn the senses- dim. and now frein a heaut cf joy 1 will remember Hlim. and give the thanks cf a boy. ALL BEN'-EFITS TO WEST DURHAM BOY SCOUTS 10 xM. - NEWCASTLE LRENA Frank Stapleton, Auctioneer TO DONATE GOODS CALI 623-7195- 987-4723 - 983-9219 COU TRY MUSIC" TWOSHWFO THE PRICE 0F ONE Donna Frgo show Show SUNDAYAY 13th, 8 p.m. Admisston: $5.00 - $4.00 Tickets On Sale AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE SPORTS VILLA AJAX: CENTRE'SMOKE SIlO? BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL CENTREý WIJITBY: DONALD TRAVEL OPEN for BUSUNEe--S Friday, May 4th 11:OOA.M fo 12 MI DNIGHFI SATUROAY 11 to 12 SUN DAYthru THURSDAY 11-9 Vitus ut 751/2 KING ST. ET'l" (NEXT TO GRAHAM's I.G.A.) >LOADSOF FREE PARKING Watch for. Grand Opening9Speial COMINGSON "ITHE JOB,, from the award winnûing series THE HUMAN jOURNEY at Bowmanville High School during CAREER EXPO'73 also on the CTV Network~ on SUNDAY, MIAY 6th - 10:00 oP.. 1

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