ý,----Don t Send Your Boy to the Arena. Take Him, H He andathe Officiais Might' Ne This unfortunate incident occurred near the end one of the combatants proceeded to pumrmel linesman1 in a, few inutes and the game, was called wiîth no ofteMdgt~erto inrHceygm er nSm Thompson and thený a Donnybr)ook developed as Major inuis o lutdscpiayation 'Ill fol- Saturday mrorning. A fight broke out between a couple most of the twxo teprms tok on ea)ch oth)ier with se low, çpiall gat tepl011 h Qun o nes-1 of plaers, but we the officias tried to break it up, tatrs and th-e benhes pouring onto the ic. IL ws ov,.er man Thomnpson h was onIy tringý to restrain im,ý Legion Ladie* Boln Aprixil 5h O 28 Bernice Partner 218, .Av.-Joanl Sutcliff 216 Jean Burton 214, Grae Mr H. ripe -Joa Suchife661 doch 214, Denise Arnnrt2, H. Single -Ja ucif 3 201, Alice Gibson 21,Gre Team standings Downey 202, HildaSmnk Pinfahl Pts 21., Bruice 39,70)7 29 Averages sutciffe3,7 20 Joan Suteiffe 21c, Fran Partrier 3, 253 7 Bruce 201 (41), Nyhl Sheehani Sheehan3671 7 201 (39), Deisýe Annaert 193,ý 200 Games jean Burton l'89, Mary West- Joan Suteliffe 239, 229, Fran1 over 189, Hîlda Simnick 188, Bruce 231, 221, NyhI Sheehan' Irene Whitney 188, Bernice, 927, 226, Mary Westover 224,1 Partner 186 (39), Mary Grayl 223, Pat Carter 220, Dorothyl 182. j's PHIL VOWLES FIEATING SPECIALIST 1 Queen Street Bowînanvile PHONE 623-7591 2'l'HOfUR SERVICE 011, Gas & rlectrieFunc & Air conditionIntla tions - Central & W'0,ind'ow Vnits - Clare Hela & iDfley FEquipifient Frcee Estimates Buidget Tfrms Available Trhe CaoAian-Statesýma, Bomauville, April 1l,'1973 Take Comm ïan dinig L in Fnl Bowanill's K na p p'sais U'bth1en scOred thelr oniy LeaIman scored frorn Ted ?Puk ToigMajor 'A' Bantams goalU 0f the gaMe as Randy and Dan Cox rounded out the svntwo more gamlles fromNovak put, the pjuck in the Pa, is !last veek ta, take a 3-0O1BOwmanvillü net. Crydr nsoig wiloh Bihle ,arnan and lçrrîe lead in gamiies in O.M. SCored his thiird 0of the night Gary Neîmisz assisting. Len- H.-A. finals. before the second period end- ny Chappeýli was relieved in In Parjris onThursday, Aprill ed. Leaman and Pl< assisted. goal b Tedc Trudesu in thie 5thl, the ihome ta scored in the third, BowmanvIlle third period for hîs first ap- f irto goail by' Rob WUilsoIn, scored three unansweredl goals pearance i the playoff sý and buhefrrýe thie initia] pecriiod for a final tally of i-1. Jini made szeveral good saves, as- hadc enicled, Bwmn i tl utton scored froni Brin urîng, the team o f a good re- thýe scOrOen a gýoal y rk arind Kirk Kemp; :Blhi s ,erve when required. Kemp, assisted by Rîck James anldBrnMrt. In the-ecn perlod, Tony Savel s-oreJ, imuch to the de- pliht or, the Paris fanis,ad again the home teani took a one goal lea.d. PBihLeamnan sýcored for Bowvmanville with Ra]ph Cryderinan and Dn Cox a Ssisting. The second jperiociended tia 2-2 fie. Tlie thirdi periQd belonged to Bowmanvile as they ouft seored the Kng 4 1 Rlph 1 ý Cryeranscored froin PnD -cOx and Gary eis.Shr Ih after. Nmiz coredsi t cd byv Cox and Rean. Thie l visiors i-eaete cre to 52on La goal by PB111Leaman, fro)m DPn Co-x andi Rick Scott < Paris nrrwel th score to "r two goals wren Stevep Kem pe'rt blinked thQ red ight Bihll aa.cmlee hant trIck set iup by Cryde,1 'ýk> .Ï man and Cox for a finalsori of 6-3. Saturay, pril7th, tïe Ton in, crw ee n otrol uT k Bowmanville op epa2O td i te first eeriod two gol b/Ralph Cyd man. Da'n Cox, andl Bill Lea- Acting ap.An-y j arvis of the Fýranjk's Vaiety man aited o cn both oals. Pcee Wee B's accepts the Danny Barnes Memnorial tro- Shlackle-ton scored on a pa,,ý phy from Doug Barnes, after bis team defeated the, from Ted-, k an 1Pau SobîLi Goodyear Rangers 2-1. LADIES MflNDAY NI GIT S. Davis S. Calin E. Moore B. Osborii D. B3ro-ok H. Rogers J. Bragg L. Depexw D. Bradie: 0.Patfiel Hligh Sing High TrIp April 2nd Pins 1 35128 --- - - 34971 34147 Le 33993 d 34312 :s 33895 ------- 33934 ---- 33820 33434 y ---3- 214 1d ------33097 3--- ---- 2446 gle - J. Tonnant phe- - 0. Patfichd D. Bradley "PLAY GWLF ALL SEASON"« $30jý Doýnhe balance by Ma.%,15, 197;3 5 Day Weei< Membership (Holictays flot Ind'uded) froin APRIL - NOVEMBER Special Rates for Leagues and Tournaments Erin liGo if Club ON TAUIINTON ROAD EAST PHONE: 263-2293 .1 ~ apt.Joey Bu)Lrnis of thie Bantam Kînsmenta Capt pete ýNemsnsz of thne Pee Wee A Blades ac- aftr hs tam e!eaCIdIthe Cubs 5-1L cepts thGCnsme s as trphy from RobertCowI. after hÈ is em d ae the flotaýry Ksns 3-2 'Banlam Girlsý azire2y 3, Westla-ko 2 A.' Luxtn 3 Hayes'; J. Lux-.: ton 3, Ri(!cars-2; Willatts 4,1 Hans38, Weslake 36M, A. Luxton 35, Wilatts '27, Jl Luxtoun 23. Gib"son 21, ih ards 1H. 11igý,h Single -i. Richards 190-183, B. A. 3are 8n-176,'] J. Haynes 175 .i 373, B. A. Faýirey, 356, C. oo- 'er 295, J. MLa 9,J Haynes 2-'91, S.. Heath 291H Bantam Boysý Richards ,), Haliman 0-,, Cars-well -), Bond 0.1 Team tadig- Carswellý 35, Ric-hards 33l, Bond 30, Halîman 22. Hig,-h Single - R. Bond 164, B. ichrds162, G. Gibsoný 158. iars Hîgh Double - B. Rca-s 350, R. Bond 281, G. alý,ll 280. ion 62 Renîs52. Laine 4P, Coomh- es38 Leddy 36i, Bishop 19. 303, G. Coombes 266, L. Bis- op --52, R. S ta-îcy2.14 High i'Triple-M. enod 631,K.arel69 Senior Mlxed League Combes 7, Gray o;:rok 4Davey 3; Roberts 2,Brd ley 5; Masterson 7, Cowle 0. Team Standing - Bradley! 65, Roberts 59, Coombes 46 -Davey 39, Cowle 39, Master- son 33, Brooks 28, Gray 27. Hlgh SInglo - W. Combes 312-269, D. Bradley 259-319- 245, MY. Roberts 256. C. Brookse '255, S. Woýod 255, HihTriple - D. Bradley R23, W. Coombes 771. Junior Girls . _________________ Mitchll o; GET CASHI TODAY aURs QudofteigeCoesacpt Holroyd l7, Mitclie1 , USýINGi C p ýý-lfQild fte'ig ont C Tawl2. S T A T E S M A N the Lins Club trophv rmCunilrPaufl Chaii CLASSIFIEDS after hýis teamdfae the CanuýckS 4-1. Team Sadn ry6, Holrod 46,Tayvlor 415Boos, 38 icl , Chow 27 1 D, Pirier 2441, R. Lujxton 223 estern EletricAMin or iantams HihTriple - F, ~o lose to Grimrfshvain Ont. Finals FIGURE SKATING CLUB CAiivl Friay, Saturday April 27,28 Friday evening 8:00 pan. - Saturday afternoon 2:00 p.m. fcaturing Julie Black 1. - Third in the internationtal Grand Prix of F,'ranice 197,3 - Fourth in senior Ladies, of Canada Ginnie Grieco and John Rait 1973 - -Senior Dance Champions of Central Onta)rio 1973 - Third in the Juenior Dance of Canada Barbie Uniderhill and Jim Sorochan 1973 - Eastern Onta)rio Sectional Champions Theme. Story Book Land SEODHALF TO FEATURE SENIOR CLUB MEMIBERS ADMISSION Ail Seats Reserved .....Aduits $1.00 CIijidren Under 14 years ....500 Tickets may ho purchased at the Recreation Offiee, Town Hiall', 8:38 a.m. to 5:00 pan. Monday through Friday and at the Memoria! Arena, Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by the Department of Recrention Corporation o! the Town of Bowmianville FÉor the second year ln athy xtended Grimsby tv o btrio. i ro the Minor Bantani play- the himit to Jose theý final':CachBock Jan'ack, Ass-1- crsý have lest out in the On- three:gamnes to two. ni nt oach Gary Walker a1nd[ tarlo Finails, ast year against Though disappointc, te'Mnae Don H-ogartb wxlh ssxas Pec Wccs axid thls players, parents and coacheslto exýpress their aippreci"ationý ycrto Grlmsby. This best of cai i find consolationin know-Ito thepyr, parents andi five- series went the imitling that il tal-es a lot. of ta'i-OshawaWstrnE1ectric forý withIleach tcami winning their1 cnt and bard work to bcm ey ucsflseason andý hîom1e gamiies quite handily. ith, ,c.,ld hast Mmor Bn ibthe boys Al hIuicbest in On Tedy April 3rd, w.ith tam- "A' hockey teami in On- thefure thec serioes tied at one gain each, Bowmi-anvihle travchled M t Gimb and were troun à Ad - 1. Westernsonly e 's jo Le gu xvas scorcd Afr Grimsby a 4-1-en A s-AA iewslrc ýby RobrL Ormiston-froni Ron LarPpr ekeetem TinW I. t. Jukîc. Roiss Xý righit the igph triple fori anC t the scasen when ihc bowhcd 886 Hrwae 0 1;3 Th fllwig igt o ,w This did net ast veî-y long as 1e-1s 1Mpn manville, Westerns sho wed a Gord Wihcox came up ,with 911. Wea, ýr 2 6 complete reversah of f orm as The Old Smoothie Wilcox had Pe'psi (el)a 2 17 2 they bounccd back with a gamnes of 244-308-35--9. This i l heJury& very convincing 5-2 win that second week in ai rofr Gr oei 4217 14" couhd have been much higher te win hýigh triple. P'iper-s 1 .. 3 18'î23'/ except for excellent goal- games wer 2527-36(Bavi tending by Grimsby. B3owý- Lmbr 21 21 m-ianville goal scorers wer ad Bepresio.bsFan' IJerry Jo'huston, Ron Jkihotstreak, bit 81 5-2lj7 aiey 2 1 2 John avisEddieGruycsBeauprie, and Wlcxlied 1fer Nels and, Terry Sarginson: assîsts hD-si, son b 8 2 w.ent to Cnnboy, 1Preston, Bert Enlyhai63 26-38-Dktr' Connehl, SargIinsn, Ormis;ton '221. Th'Si is.a real hig, night for Fop;16 26 14 aJuk'ie.toboer.ernio This tiod the serios aglain BebKnpck75(7-28 Retu 1 26 6 anid set the stage for the final HoWard Bremeýll 789(98,Sel 6 26 1 Saturday, April 7tb, lu Grimas- Maurice Richards 778 (3:,15-275), Cowa by. Westerns went into the Dave Reynolds 752 (31l5)1,ia- laia-uiW1 27 15 game quite confident after eid Benneti 728294) BuId their previous game, but Hening iË723 (270). Ruiss Oke- Came uP withonue of, their 722, (299), 1Hector Balantîne- 720.ew pocestshwins flie sea- Uewan Pontiac-Buick had ioundry Bowling son as they couhdn't stop a hgl single i314 anid hig-h tîîpheTamPns t. flred up Grimsby toam who 35ýHc idoins Pi3s96 24 are, real tigers in their own 406 9 arona This turned out to ho Larry Piper bum iped luhs -So ea 4308 2 a homers series and probably averg, p te 249. Gord Wileo ....qexbls 456 2 aslost on the f1ip o,-) the .41 Morley Etcheur 23.5~Gtteals 480 0 c(oin. hue final scoýre wasý a Lander Hardware lias psat 2-Allcy Cats 41993 20 9-1 rout,' Jerry Leddco about wrapped up the Secon1d -Mes 4 2 4 29 1 Bornnvlc' ol gal~ Schodule . VTheyhve3FtI, Lais- i single, S asiss riGrytrs J ensMn's Wear -26 and Pepsi Cornishgl 281; igh triple, D and Edirarry Livingstonie oa5 Brde1.sigej.e- This b as boon a vorvy r- 131h eek - 2nd Sehedle cli 271; hghtriple, J. Dwh warding soason1 for Western îo 0Aeae-2Gms 7 15. Electric. They, were theLa- Over '-00 Games, shore League ce h aq m p io'ýn S. Larry P-per,249, Gord Wîhlcox Ladfis-S. Coriish 281, B KIngston jContre 70o a de- 241,rley Etcher 26 Rosa Gilkos 209, B. Parrier 216, S. feated tw;,o stai ,tnthe Wrightl 234, Elten i Brock23, odn 210, D. Bridger 269,! -Ontarioquýarte-fnas.Milton ikPret23Do k 3,A rdms2024 .Dae wseliminated thro gaes Rail S~e)k29.h1dBr - 0-29î. Shant- 216. 1P t one In tfleie enii-finals, and el 36-229, RuasHamn27 nqt-Ma198:0p. 'I1 r. = M by iOTOROLA kt~. k M'v odel1 ~BONUS OFFEIR:Ask your Sdeailer about this extraj bonus a QuaLlsar hockey puck couldi be yours with a demonl- Stai)lO had oo V See vour QuaLIr ce0fer îody dnt miss aagle face-ofi durinc the hce play-ot $5 .00 3 SILVER STREET TV and RADIO SERVICE BOWMAAN ViLL E PHONE 62-3-3482 1 s 1