of Water Pours, Through Dam. Gates Crisi's Narroy Avrtd4y WorksDept Ov1er the eeknd the heavy rains converted the normally q(uiet creeks in the ar-ea intorain torrents that fed into Vanstone's creek iand transformed it intý a«ivr Ail of thec water, plus washed out trees, stumps and other' refuse pourd thoughVans Odam and on downstream until it eventuaily reach- od tne lake, epn to raise the water levels there to flood levels. The lake is now abouý,t 2½ ,2feet igher than last year at this tm Farm rs oul beHurt Pr sient'f Federation MaeSy I'aRe nc P Dissatdisfoctîon w i th re- mark mae rceýntly regard-, ing food priceýés ) yUr mem- ber of alaen la Law- hiwekby Gary Jeffriy, PreidentDurhan Fdrto of Agiculure.Mr. Jcffcry ~the. ~cret4y ofthe, ýî v;renr ùe's office telling1 hirr1 hwdlspleased we are wih- the aprac ie is adopting on foodprc. Parmeris are c rnceredithot prIceýs bycnuerad gov- Port Hp' Miii at a Drop On Monduy night, P'ort Hope's"i ounciL sttheir mfiiirate for the yawth a deraens the raiteover slightly more than 10 per cent. ratewili probabiybe an- oncdaIthVe next meet- ing of aonwml The reuin aPt hoe wa-'s cedted tde- Board df Educaion and the two factiors th.at wViR also alyhere., U. Sf3Navy To PerPorm 's ernment lec1ers xiii ultirn-I If goverment-s became'as ately lead to a lowering ofcaendwe prices were prices p a id 1,o f ar me rs. A bL oy-1w as they hv ic prices cot inA tesot rua xýviii: t, ris.n we wuidn't finci harm the incomrn f frirorevsin Uhe rent stu- buit in thie long ,rn th0e cn- to adJfey ayprc- s7umer wîi l py ee oeIdcr aebeen forcd ont;ý saidi Jeffery. He sa'id a (o"ofbsies eauecf1Wl cootu1-ud px~esj~csf-r 9r prcsin the fuiture. TUPNý, TO lPAGE TWO)vU Eleet New Ofiüces , oLeao s Heavy rainis and strong south-east- erly windis f orced municipal officiais taýç advise residents in the Wý,est Beach are F t rn nb nuzNe ta evacuate their homes on Sunday, evein, prl st.Dearmet OLME 1916PaesBOMiNVILLE, ONT, WET.DNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1973 15ý Per Copy NUMiýBER 14 crews worked ail Sundaiy af ternoon and on into the evening to save the Honey Rem ove Trees and StUmrnsi, That Threaten Horiev Bridgie Bridge on West Beach Road f rom wash- ing out. Dead trees and debhris had come'ý down a badly swolien Vanstone's Creek1 and were plugging up the bridge. At' one point Sunday afternoon the waterý level in the stream 'Was only inchesl away f rom f oodinq over the bridge. Mayor, Hobbs examined the situation and commented that had not th-e Works, crew been on the job the bridge would almost certainly have been washed out. Municipal officiais decided shortly after 6:00 p.ni ta try ta evacuate thel ... West Beach area residents. Seven off- duty Bowmanvilie Police officiais were called in ta advise ,people in the West .... Beach area that the bridge was endan- gered and they should leave thei' g homes. Mayor Hobbs said there was J ' neyer any imminent danger cf -flooding but if the bridge went eut the West Beach area would have been cut off. <TURN TO FPAGE TWNO) April 12th-l4th at BHS BthOl dcia N-,e w Famce Appeairing minCast of Iadwomian ofC Chaillot The Bowmanville Drama Workshop's production of "The Madwoman of Chaillot' will be beginning its three- dIay rua in the BHS auditor- lum on Thursday, April l2th. Contrary to what the title MINI-CONVENTION T h i- s weekend, seveî'ai memibers of Bowmanviile ('10iÇh bwill be attenid- Ili -C &P afI~~ %%dIvli hen Ed Lsie vII be instalied aýi Chair- mna nof- thle zone. C nkdite to0 p eLwrence Whio wlstand a îrlipassse 50 Ilite possibilityl Mr. Kirkpatrick said the. canidte n he orhumer I i indnga CgodcandIdate eecutive had met every four w I')in b tand anàýd ofIfer 1or five weeks since the elec- lad-uram riin i the iiiselffo)relection. 1 con tioïi and haci mulled aver the next ft:durai ilto? Th, tink of t\% orthe in titis reasons for their loss. answer ta Ibis quest mioniS01 ram.TURN TO PAGE TWO) iready being soughýt Ïby a cam _____________________________ mîttee whivh bas býeen mmoim- ed to find a canida, >teRae Kirkpatrick, retiring pei cent of tho Northumbiitelandl BIS(IIE E Durh-lam Federal BLiberalPAs- soito.told a mting ai Idaia ý in Port Hope onMon SIRLOIN - Allais Werry of Enniskillen was in day'4(tontrenl Tuesday and heard the-announcer over * 'I th elction cames before CJAD askin-g listeners to phono in their sug- anidatn but1if u cones gested sang tities tao help reduce the price of afewad ve will have ta bef. The winner was announced inter with the ha liw, e said. title "Sirloin, it's been nice to know you." The "Th puîibli ofa win- prize was a siriain steak dinner for two. It should nîgisiacreasing as each day, have been two tins of spaghetti, says AI. Other- wîse they wçre defeating their purpose. He's in B an Solist the cattie business, vith I B H S Ban1d On Wencda eenng Bash rin (dcrnanrd through- I Aps 12C4th the? P, avil out Canapda and tbe US. as ai Hig Scooi Bod xiiiha re-guet rtiît. He bas had count- less performnances on major seningt~,sr nnul srsn ~reriannetworks, appoaredi cocr.Thi erthoghg cfature soloîst on Nav the assisace of iloe nd Pa"-c concert tours, and a âte :avk 'LiICopny eC"T V adian Natinal Exhibition. bàn ! - b~n ortnat inHo requentlýÈy is invited ta pe- goa~ n iO.aptuiceo, aleg.civi, ,andS- MticBrntrb oer2thecy unsDemnstratng te tl I aose of the woripfs graat ticSof tirhistument, and !is wafteýr over 20 years with he has rightf,.ully been nc-! U.S. Navy Band, Mr.!ciaimed as "Mr. Euphorisium."~ WELCOME -History appears ta be repeating itself I This wew welcome David B3reslin, back to, Bowr inanville H le Èsi te youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs.Maurce resiin who owned and operated Breslin's is Wear here for'many years. David' atte2nded B'rock University and recently bas been ruin a ldies shop in Toronto. He xiii be learu- ing th uins er-e from the ground up and is looingforardta il and thie potential growth that A1,TI'ER CHURCH !nis rono on Sunday, April l5th, theY are planing another pancake, sausage amdndîmaplesyp dirnner at-the Orono United Chrhrght afteýr the morning service.- So, have a ltbekat attend service and then adj0ourn to the mra;in hall for a feed. It's goinig to be tantalizi ng during the sermon, if thearoma of pancakes ee in-to tise chuLrch proper. Sort of wreck yoir cnetain wouidn't it? MIINOR HOCKEY -Ail day Saturday, tram 8:00 in the morn1liing until thie final game starts at 3:15,p.m. teams1ý from t 'he Reere2ation hockey leagues will be hlinig forth at th-e Arena. Mug playoffs will folio,%w, or April l4th and in bhetween there'l.be playoffs as three local teams are in the Ontario finals, and the1 fiuesk'aters wili be preparing for their annual carnivai. Keep vyour eyes glued ta the bilîboard at thle top, lits for dtails. That Arena is certainly a bus, place thlese days. GO GET 'EU Lajst 'nigbt the Western Electric MinorBaas took Lnril-i beating in Grimsby ta leave tlie COtaria finali series at 2-1 for Grimsby. Foth game giu,1ýoe-s herýe tonight at 7:30. In the Knapp's Major Banam ame in Paris on Monday, there's- som cofusonover the fîinali score. that is listed on the 'stspae s . Thie !last goal was scored into aIn Vmt net!ibrbfr or after the final bora souned. o ac semso know for sure. The Conues GsMts eetdOshaxva 3-2 in over- tim lat ngh xvth heseriesc- 2-1 in favor of Osh- aw.Tiîs wstefrtd Ffo r Oshawa this year. Next gýamîe of te serieos at Memoriai Arena onv Satuirday,, 5:00-' p.mi. ýmlght imply, 'Madwomnan' is )fnot a play about madness or insanity,,. Rather, It dealà -with the struggies of the *common people in the Paris *i district of Chaillot ta prevent îcapitalists and olîmen fromn - tearing d'own the irea, (TURN To PAGE TWO> $ 1321000 for- 1-18mpton Ilcar been" awarded 1-i32.ý00 in al cWii utwiharose f(rom! injuries hosu1stained in a May, 19ý70), cr accident. Shutlewo'rth, a painter; by trade, received four serlou -1s fractures and brain dmg which resulted. in loss of co- ordination, slurred seehand E loss of balance. Oshawa law-' ryer John Huimphrey,ý, acting oni behaîf of the plaintîff, aiso asserted that Shuttleworth1 bas suffered a potential loss of future earniag ability. r Thedecision cameo on Tues- oday, April 3rd, fo]lowing a three day trial an four hours of jurydebetin The $132,M 0 s said to ha the hîghest award ever grant-I ed in a civil suit in Ontario County. On Sunday afternoon, Town Engineer Charles the town's Works Department staff was -able to relieve iWatt, Emergency Measures Co-ordinator Gordon tLhe pressure with their front loader, removing an ac- Wright, Fire ('bief Jim Hayman and Chief of Police c--îuultion of tree branches, stumps and other itemns Bernard Kitney held a hurried conference with Mayor thiat were blocking the west sicte of the bridIge. Later, Ivan HobIbs as the Honey bridge on the way to the police advised west beach residentsý to geLtnteir cars ýwest beaich was threatened by high water. 14ortunately, ouitand cons ider evacu ating thir home1 iConcert at BHS i sfroa Go7#iceaS1S.,e ilver tCreek N.Y Display uWical.Talens by Bob flenson !Band, perfojrmed a coombined of Ross Metcalf, they won firstý 1oncert in the beautiful newizei h 1972 Peterborougih More thon 400 People wereàBS auditorium. KwnsM icFtva.Lk treated to an evening of fine KwnsMscFsia.Lk mscl entertainment on The Silver Creek choir, from their American counterpar-ts, chairs from Courtice Second- shore of Lake Erie, ably dem- selections froni a wide range, ary School, Silver Creek Cen- onstrated why they have rec- of musical traditions, every- trýal Schooi from, New York eived the highest mnarksý inI thing from Schubert to Simon State, and the BHIS Senior New York State musical cam- Iand Garfunkel'a "Feelin' petitions for the past 10 years. Groovy". WINSGOAIE AARD They sang a variety of classi: The Senior Bond fromn Bow- WINSGOAIE A ARD cal and pop music selections manville High Schoal added Apict»re of Grant Wright wihamrbepeiion and the orchestral dimension ta appeared in Tuesday's Osh-apob the evening's music, playingI lawan Tims.lie wo n the The singers fromr the Cour- four numbers, including th1w ieain gale wad n -le tice choir were equally enter- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) General Motors SaiariOd taîning and adept in their per- Employees hockey league. foýrmrnanceè. Under the direction, Wind Blown Breakers Hit Lake Sea WaII "- rn 'I' l outL of use sauta eas on .Sunciay O roncnurniec up LaRe Ontaria xxrater ,,andbruh four andi fi v-e fot wvaves ciasig agaist te sea wals in front of east beach cottages. Te iwaves aiso pied pinces of lumber, and other debris hi, h anto the beach area. ý(P Rair'l Offers- for Dumnýp Site CP Rail bas offered Hope Township about $10,000 o year Ii taxes, focs and other bene-i fits in oxchongo for the righlit, !t durinp 400,000 tans ùofMetro-1 :plitan Toront o garbage an-, nually an a 40ar site near: Welcom-ne abou-t 25 miles eostl of Oshiawýa. The pro-posai was presentedi ýt towns,,hip cossillors at o meeting Thursda,ýy. A meeting sot for noarby Por-t Hope was cancelled. Bob Gilmour, a CP qpokes- mon, said the meeting site was switched on three hour's notice ta. provoat members of the public 'fram nattending. 1The railway's proposai1 was for the information Of COUn- cilors. Important Me eti ngr On Gar'bage Qulte au important meet- ing -s taking place la Pick- ering ,Townvislsip this week. Thie oitr f tise Envir- onmien1 is conducting .1 hearing ltcthse applica-j tlion ci MoIre Toronto ta hvec a sastaitry land filý diusp of100acres-bu that Mletro h-eay as spent ssuch mony onthceests iiI îthe protests of tise ré- sidon1ts and txise.imexndliig tion? -Wi01 Metro ü fre te looýk for aste ie Willthse goverlnint for-e 1Metro to Lsstjateaà,large if tise si!tes aýreaprvd large mncplte ilb plt.Assy decision ad The Northumberlaýnd - Dur- ham Board of Edlucaion an- nounced last wee.k that Earl Wolff bas been. appointed the Principal af Bowmanville High School, effective Septcem- ber lst, 1973. Mrý. Wlf, ho is currently, the Vice-Prîinci- ýal n atBHS, wil eplceLen Lucas, who is retiring after 12 years as B'owmnuville's Principal. He asheadl of the ýPhysical Education Depart- ment la Gait before coming ta BHS and bas been the Vice- Princip-al here sin«e 1965. The Child'ron,'s Aid Society for NotubradadDur- blam' heldi their annual meetý- ing in thýe Masoaýic Bluilding, ig, April 3 Ani exell'ent 'beef dinner lpreceded',the businessmetn and wais toog enjoyed by the staf, efoster par- ent.s, the Board of Drcos togoether wi husband.s and wives.,olwn the diner, 12" fost"er parenl'sts 'with over 1.3 yeas' ervcewere rsne withhandome nscrbed lu.- oftorseri'ýce to t"he O.A.S. sildd over by reir ing Pres- dent Doug.las Kmicue repoCrts for ho year 1972. Fi naece, Mr-. ilad B ud'g e; Worens uxliary, ïMr. M.34 CTURN TO PAGE TW'O; -,ots Takes .11, 11