I ILL EN ~ PreeniMape GoveGuide 11h Ailî Round Cord The Eniekulen Curch for iot ' orc-d'-oqb)i oidymntswe Women and gucets e joyed 5~~AteenApe Jfou chldre11ad. Vl ..i un c S lsn home i Dia e Wrr ai onatShrey.tuno. uda cbo eartf)ca'l- th at gop wth edrsDîen La'mi ont Vlenln y in tafie Cfil suLin- "Wbat is a Va1eniIe?' Oui'coIrbut ilahe piara.pizes il seeird as i r theeonaedj raIl wt e nwrn y SuCIday C)iurch liService îi'ng ta fora CiI -' twffJrosaiucatuan inrdcigages.W ete-cncaî karoa te antury aI36of Educatuoni' did devtiaal thme cin~ e iflunce b th elme ts.at fest50 pi erient aI theie- Opnig vm, "Cr~t i hlhyCnadli hýianl(aslaieor -s, aensand S.S. taf Lar. te Sn i Gou liaue ept IIIthnin wfý ir Snay hee meiaras aag,(I.lMs Gog from lSond f uic ibeshn anIul cipHfehra ka eckett and BlaP tanona1,;Y ' fr e, Mr eadungJonIl1.5, 5-Il . Joy lavte lre oargain ath-Bgnnr'f-~st fa it!hfil .,... .,Mr fie p a I the britý, t ndf esri celta- hrh pooed fo ïsdet ta. Mr," Ll d M rth fihe KngT, i esdrc,,per O ilnse' emntxtahn tnig laent n Boom quaat1n. Tbe La i f! Besonibiit" te ecods e ng7y J sie iLon recvs ords ta Rt e GSlaion1 s b tai BYIeth snnfi , 26y a s a b ~ s a a arn iocrDysadBak hba oelc'lP antersbudn:t:ar shoxadaeîyad m..ýi Er Lamb. Readingby Margaret C~otiuï il the pre-hllen;tn r eî;AlnAbo,1 er;~ad.ï v Stanta. "ousclenin an ie aIsuectOfhismes aranet iSrp, Jam ie ry , lacitokri Aninittin as Adetd ay's topic on the Ies "ad te u,"S i ane yehaons LamFox Scaib tali ibSuaUWJndýe Si. e. ohis ïwa ur-DnaLmJyeCabr i lIVc 11tb at 8,00 pm. ta hear gesting and rncouragîng as hean BeerySatn, eenian Ms speakr Mis. ý,Sheffleuld. Osh- chiaillege bis conigregation ta v-ers' Gai! Lamb, Janýet Bow- Mi "lClT i-Pt1 awa. The WVoîld Day ai Prayer falow,ý Chrîst's examiiple by v eî red ti ahley, Bow v'iib ýl l iti-a--el), oi reoi ai aSusan lCccii B eldasR a i servce whl b hel at nnî- aceptig au fredoni andtan and scott, Weiry, six -yeFars; Ccrn e kien Churcb'1, -MarýCh, tw1O ..gj'v17nlg 'ii ser ice Iun respon- 1Judy ,-Virtue, Lisa K insmranr a sibility and sympathy taIotbilerF s Gardon Sharp, Km rtPolard îth r. a ~ ecalIth~5wear raly "aur brother sadDb ohad eyas; h hrh ala-apeGaeUId Church cr nh'duhe' ole.At, right us is IrenieCchaeM ZlelevdInMiuesanhm HeaUsnLidJsu ey, folu years; Carealy ighilqpights aNî ad C.ealing I:tJ ddded irai, i, musicall mess age y andTrcPlad h van a tepretta f aeand Distý'CHcîïrict ommnissýione rais, Ja HorwegWekeaBoo Susane The aSoent incI-eLludthiryss areVru i on odt hila achnt hsewrefr h i. atnd M We ItC ', vemother piesi Ft evning. nd Jamlyil i uy-AugIî i. 1973d((;IAd"PennylBeckeIl tLîIl euartersMr.Roun If yu wnt stîsactry rlie frra vncenotie a Wold'sDayai; eaî s.r v.J A CouArlCo I wer gess - Ichn Pls'hresgodnes a rae sric oriEn- Th.)erselcdining hp(-Ighhl ir pintI"ueie aaruu ur MIrj BIW;iitt -j'ddîn fiund a unique hlin g ub Tan e are at1:30 .m., n ., Maci ie. S(,)Iakingns nlcantest (Zône 9) to tiir--,ý,eI; Miý. and Mrs tht raptyreieesth u 97. veyne lewe irceze arînning s peech ci b, Gregý îtc an pi- actualy'4 hIt (k 1 i' p . .alforCýi-n. J'nd-ish eil 'Ald' An e ntet ined Mm bee sowntaprauc a oa efecJteLSSJrooi i (MmbrsA-Ms Hra Baso, Hampton. yvc ratewai bclig li crm-iwlng SleinadTse otie ' ard ytTh gueseoatr sttr ' o t s ABi he ýlp ree te onlsin I:hec Trh e so nd uta aurbig, ai rfapertiesrv( alsi ui Ent ; qesînn cauce HoteAil, an ther iec i. serveaice ubsonc va future Onta i ivPrem ier rmndMi.rri Ib2povmet" Illnaedevn ieue Hc iel sbjctwa Tn bcisrondpaent wss aintamd MissLatin aver pcr , aiouonte!(iner À,t s t ef rmaeind fimost na-,trl and trat ive' the .S.sesson.Mi.BossAsh mannk.asr -ptis gaod 'was ofwe th( healig sustanc (Bi-JJ e ssMcionlanetr e ean o, ld in t h , ueg! i. n Wry atecofquicl bepabri ijurd . . . nvte Gigoane aripeia oelsad tmuae rwt itnrlaenung oIrhip sfflevc.ui ,vitoandqustinohn,, BuîP o sersvi.eNforBia-Dynurgentile cd la Two genuine higbligbtseai g. Rr euaey efuded Mcîli['h stndad fr t ese K ib Wordeolialad Rcad atns é -raarow aI thefgrievingi fmamilyiaCongpa1uantiî members ai thelate Mis.iBec :hansLavende eGill a [lie nnament'Iiin Pc fi ;,l-qCI ep E a0 )j ;-diI FU N nwhower rme O r icidenta ai Bprii eýie ueton aaih-did hghI o. u estee for heur nterntfla th Ra fo 1 (ýýbore, sud cspI C A SS chunirchb. Wosen ndo:TuesdayIC, A' sodt rdsWE 0pEBl9h102r ot i Muhabeaexlainda et, oMa us lthat o ibtie ed ippers thnn. Mi. Himeta tod u ~at' . surt da a l howta ere ady'l for snwinfin Bw1ut kiteasd 11M]i. Sweet. shoed usfoi t i ra n ssouilCC)rr 50 moe can Iiveeet-in we workrd N au Yai.. o'tl ee i t e 1 'i r garsmett s.ýV 1. Mi. nd Me. NrmenHowe The uids an Brornesun te Hapto aie ta ightabov, Ditrit ComussonerMis.EnidAis If o oe t tu.- ad Imiy wreSuney up~wee usylas nghtatther Mthr ad augtercot, is Maily Wîte hr dtugtn Conu Whtn, Aver c whe te i hmoper gu]CetswltieB ows anut1hc frth isttmeicuddmayfthr erfthrDugWut h u kîpraItefioitt esdet canvasor Mi. ISiimaBaiordMiness hOu'fi deepetsyahy e - r! 11 11 donri de oi y li a Ms liiieiai ocf a rd aI Tarnta., fi MrU suduMis. David Stein-atiflISMtql atEcro aýo,-na CommercruMseite Cryderaniand0LNGîSAULTLh girl oato ads Z, wc wnrkend Mi. su Mfis. ýCas. Pea- aeai ited r.aitb th ,A. iui- d i'o oi ce1 âm n s.B faniyimnth Glbeaid thhPr)snd radoon s- Paint ai a -i arntsMr (JB brtJ Cmeo s ___________________den_________M. n Mi.E dTyoeaiaiturapsîda scain o h MnaiyB-ae -i ïa iltmstaGron >lan sn spen letM aeih Mi i ua od, agtitrid su .hay cidIvstteCnrnorcus] enr w i tei unc-eai Mis.f oro( C Lly1imnad iM.au i.ByGoe it adcpneîg~ln ut bev c it HlhadGaagespt Il, f~~~~~~~amiyHadaî. roorvlî ,o pDanent ciel- edua b'aparariporesupr-loryweka cmig t Bimnd enu ha touc with thaupderml ejequîpmen t, av1rhaakiug staff vir, ucsstais I i.surMs.Alan Thheaf w rk jonty it csîe ida-n,6 eeebia ud ohldra ta th andret AT ONCE Wr ry. anul deaf dace b,îNI; el NOspRN OOUSNEE erni mt Mrierusai'flb Mn sari I cF(ucats at thelCt.1UYe YOU -aou m1g . a n in fr reaîdoi chdre Mn is. .1Wniryaert GA[ , utacmunct wtbewthmlipehadcpsAu * A G EFE GT T R W SIM. heAndlrc apnfr mre vty. s hl-- ysu wt1hl a e ni tho ereqIr a igslaei l weSilIFIy Mi sdSi. rue0alo aulfm v1omav-lewre udfrdhui e he eports needri the Mïinoiry i ont TeWry, Paltti, Donna, Blb ~ vin vtiesAdtossdatrtas2 0 $1 NI_________0 i BeckettPeny nd Plnt hi 1i. Ivan Sharýp icelebratei $7l 'Io ;;f jo,, Jti-bel, a Sa brogb i hie farthcoming birthday.WEELYE.Dbanundrcety Mi. sud Mirs. Maur1ice Pal- T30'cssu ucumt Y Jïlard, Mur. sari Mis. -BaSeSharp, Tcf ~~ j Mu', sud M s.c Ba iph 1irte leT einvite corrent mm e h oeta h ortn SE~ 11E WASEF~ SPN-DRYR gunteTaI i. cai Mis.WayneI Lic Suaday eveniag becrs of any Weigýt reductiongrb ws$1100 weîe also iS1' dois receivkett Tnd higbeet hiri J'if.$1 AND MANY OTHER GREAT Misesie Oc, ke aI Bowlran- I Building, hacatnd et Quena a1ri 9 villip stcili F s in-1in Bow-ý :. '.rC' Mcihl hoot , rini e ai INGLIS APPLIANCES AT mnîles pia. îprayfo. 'uerîou , cail ofnt a spaevfo1theprovsio VIncuriç ie henwish ber a1epndy ic:o' Mn. enrioMis. Flyd Pethck, J, ïandcDanîý (416)973 F R er eCReCESEaywthhe aens M.saiAirane vnu es ornoMMC7A' Sfuutuni u ueateafiy- ICMP MionE VîlM'provid, 1pLdateriZ M6K ng , E.o m n i e E oy uo wh a ethr 1~rr~t gte Gaas(a-pleerlbyune1 , M.and iciEr. An mus King, Pasadspýcïicai swet ___________________ ROM Amri SEE WH.AT ALL ABOUT CAPRICE 2-DR. MARDTOP Lic. 42319A $995 1973 MUSTANG Lit. lttra, , fEO rmanil, !b 1,17 niriculumMate- fcinal materals I Caiadia iai 15", is bcLngZ, cri g-n. The dilaywlb intly by lthe Njoi - 1-1--icldi111 F LearntingRar and theMinistry 15, 16 and lt from 300te ThecolecionaImore tham 700itemsincýluded 'Jpicture FIELDUdne1c im booksreferece boae ic- La~edeîVist-jrdCjktueschait[S and mag- OttaýWa witàhber znsy Alieson display ~s efMOls I& oaýnd manèufactujre and vweCre a1 vitdat, Mlr. anature ad uaît wfn maethem suItab1e for sanieý Wailce Psca aspct f the 0Ontaria <Choo01 iîiydînnr atthe ragrI'liTe materiale caver . RA. Mla',ai set If thecriuu fîam kndergatentagrade 13 quecbandMr fom agrIicultre Lta wa-rid aii relig io ns. Cahl1mbIÀs; Mrl ADan Cchraseteacher anid prients aýqn ecl anid Mr7.ný lnoeve I Wa' e ouh;M. nSrd"Wha1, t's Best" in Can-iý- Yoe, i-impto din publ -ications, for the caor- Heny dans ng chalyear- and wil1 Lick an Mi, Bh saveeducatrs a grýat deal if vmanpvîle M reta bei able ta see, read, and Mrs). Russel hanIe and ask q uestions in id Mr s.Lsi ers.Lly Sitb YELVERT ON IC Mrs. Hermn heJaetileMige bc ulin.- Norrîs ~ key teat avw emd 0the Joadvllevisîed Pnpoal Midget teain a ls, Tom _- marî,a ayLc nle At tbe Micdletoni-aon itheJntilesa GaronTay2revera hwbn rIT(!. Ken Ca! iefahyta din- mbiecolli:in l Iinevle b Room, Gnsh hihrsutd nbth ld ocasono~Mr bin' aknta osptaClad. gets4Oth d-tari ot bthboswrre ry. The famiies esdte etdy ýthe eveninz a r. andMrs flale Stin.saýn Mli). anld Mrsblda1'os-arigfor P, ~dgetat the11- sGeorge -Waif A AY-OR E EKENýýD iketon; ïMr n iAkfo ~ofmanBrret vill thiBvCilLE-DD& LD Wi alot frîd Baw nwnng the~-it JudltuLS ye ofk ap! tb-paU>Rty u bte 2 A avïrý ltofokSeilirg la a ie ecîaly t yre r olr wbAL doEsaElt ClarcIWi thek amungr at 1 Ctîng Tchnque CLENtR5 Ld.