Tise Censi~ian 5tefesrnas~, Ee~Tanv~!Ie, ~ 21, 1~78 In Memoniam ADAS-n ovîng mI:emnonl aIatc-brothr, u incla ant great-uncla, Gerge Elma Adama F, us-ho pseiaa Upngîtant jut t li cn SInosn nikn nbc- anti mmd,-r Illuirme s onyatenîtv iîh a -BANKS,-In ling mreiory 1mo0theri. EdLîth, xW)opasse LOUCHY - ocky adMaay Feruary 27, 1971. Dembie unee Kimmeriy) are To j=u restngplace iwe cvlit! Waonyto annunce the birth Ar1d pace %ourilwrswt of suar Sco onad Clford, care iblu.9 cea, on Februar y 1, -Butnooneknows theheart ë'f73, at MemorialHopial a1 ~rvzavll.Thanks o r. Weninw1kawyand P.B undie. 81 lae utee Ja, an dGadhrn 7 riaes Doug andDbbe8- M.and M.H. G, Le Vn JTVby, are bappy to an- BERNARD-In loving merrior unethe orbomg -0f our den friend -ruab, mio e&ga Of their daugte-J Ulh- P"assed aw"ay F ibhri a1r.y 3t, ane Heen, to CrlGerg, 972 n se y e rini sn 1,ïMr(and r,.-_o M c adlynsse arei 7, 97, t 5 pmji e - Jo n iThe Eagls Curcb, Wîb. 81FRO-nlvn nmr o ny eaýr parents and grand D>eathsPrnt îto ndLoa; Reson, in hber -)lob'year e1 ai sse vduhe 1cved cite nfiarey ardy,ýý HaenIad asy - anvnle;1dan mtmer of as' f ~thu Thmpin)'grad- f adear mther and grand- ecnville on Monday atC2father \hctor, s~o paEssi lock. InrmenitrBo-, n wy eray 0 98 le Cemeerni 81Those e velutyr a ~xSaurde, Februay 17 Deeplyrnussad bV son Bih 73. ear Daidso of6 dughter-în-law Graca and - demander Blvd, iM e 9hgadduha as - Shibard.Dear monther of j1, Aldan, 7 MerP ,ýrlesad PFARýROW-11 lov ning m r-m-oryI be Immta de ainrut, sta r 0 erparentsanýd grandpar-C MunLSElla IKrat Ested ens, pct -iad 1Lona: Dad,] ýýttire Northcutt Eilhtt Fun- wb nSsed-away ebruary r ai Hm. oplt unral 0 98 n ohrtur s~ vie was-bel on, Tuesdav 2,l171., armet hir a Hamton S es-n niemoîsaetes 3icisnnStreetwr oehr Le Denaiwho pes ed awa F~inraI e vFbruay Partus171,ap 1 ~rageens ~ grn2-ftherVictor, Do ame- Hoaîta Aranemets Thea monthof Febuary agam Ive Sensi Flouer; by IVire is here, Phone 6=3-141 or 623-550 Tounthe Waddast of the R --__ T_ýhe blow waa bard, the shàock7 RecephtinsavaSe -1nd 2Mr1. Tom Spencer,Toprwihoealvd fr~nds nagbbs-sand rela-j urdar Les a a 31raCentio i n nor 0f haopy days wben01 we I of ther Oh edigAni wr tgthr VeMMay, toi belpd at S.A Depl émssad bygrand- Gworges Peaish Hall on Su-1dugitr ona JdWa'y yMa-c lth, 3-.5 pm - N uÂSfly0four dear mother and accomnodatinfo r Senior pasel away Fa rbs- ,uas-y2s, Citizens. Ground floor ,reas- U1971,-, aterand gad o able rates for uppents faterVwcto, wopa onwe Qoano983-5639 6-i-away February, 158 Wýe cas-mot murget your amil __rt__ iil___ hesî1st won so ~àr Moay in Spare Tie In toehappybyon ad colpect mny from new Tw o0f the îhast the wrid ated spnera in yur are. Vur chebsni smiles, your e aî. eerncs,$n00 oAlwýýays_', ood, usYs-elfîsh and jy -cen net excellent incomi What woderulmeore Arne ful tme. We stablih1f Mm nd Dad, vou left y lh rute. For prsnal]In- I ehind". Morte ne niartw: mro0isrue kep ~st, Windor N8W 1BeOnt inourtout, cansi-a Lly andPu Ën M moim ndandch1dan. 8- LANNO-In lovng memory 0 IRaway February18. 1967. .Di ne 1 'aninot hold berl ittle band, Dahgcid Plonrig lf Sou ber mon'ory lngar n. W"e miss yu nmoreand ime: --~Er nememhued by Grand- eecb dy A anGrarima 1Uncle Bi1LTh e rnmory cf your den C, Ciro~n, Ceiland AntCry1- sweet cays 1 - ~-~ Wî lnger with us ah ouWrý -n-onathe bis- il fte I, 'Robe-i ogls n St eay b Fhua , 10, [-973 s-es ri8-1. ; ll ý>oi i uO-ch for ev,* * D hingil a ueapseild Grand O ie Opry Phome.A HlttiekîndncssA ri '9h ta 22nd(- honwn fto)aD 1,-k pas-son sur 2e 1p tcans ýa lot mayGoýd iblacSa o nfr1io otct Vou cil BettyBanda-, P!-130-WMlAN1VILL1E Wa would ibis- 0tbankPailTRnoA VEL C EN ,1TRE cpft d tomybo ste, Bob M-- o -ses: ls toDri SroulNotices iustînEwerf ndoMcKnie; -_______1 sitas; tose ho dova îm t Ma-h 4 inclusive. 8 uind u,( is;:tci .R . Hop Fï- ciosed Fbur 2dto Mansil1 kna for lis many vSels hcëh 41 clsie. AUllegisand ae truyapcaed;toa)jections given FeC 'E2nd and lo-cutEllioît for making Mardilat. - bîingi as easy as possible. ,astly, lb our eîho a nd 1This is t ofsn lte am iywora lwyat rfienda ndcustdmars of s-ban needad. Pankens Farm SeTrvieNaw- KatheenaodDon MDaîepscall, IbativeWa wll îoonger _______-mtpunk yot u oSuur pat pat- 14 PmesonPal O _________A Wc napr B=onago, 8-152ait INSTALL AN FURNAC(7E HEATER No pementsfor six mnh HliA? VEýY PART-NER Toyur SS ServiceDele FIEE ESTIMATES 983-5206 Orno, Zenitth 14620 124 Hiour Se rvice OSHÂWAA TV Towr REKPAIRS :AU pricaytI tAVÉ oMouny Phones 623-5122 ExIpersencfýe Prreereil ciii Beafu Vlla,-ý 623-3711' WAaNTED ATll 1i 1 Bnmn vie Excelen oppntu'tyfor Service Managuler ant, Bas Lin A, emns eti hy tia untiansgneti unàtlMN T 1 Tbunsty, Ms-iCa,193 las-nticopositin ai pas-I-lim MSoal, 2 hansaims- , wael. One Cbdroomfo$1 elle5.00 tanp ision ni xviiatl- as- pvo OOL aqu is lagepaat utswihcl S-pla1eaprirsut Work Wanted 'OB BEERS, 137 ELGIN ST. Plumbing - Heatng Pressure systems New tWfrk andi Repairs Service ani dEstimates 33-tt TA X PERS1ONlAl-iZlfl'ýED SEVICE JAME S BE LL 62ONE5SIN6W i tE i I bs- bî tc in fi t ic s-O C- 6r DEA DL INE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday,4:0pm i wish în.ks Camîing Event1s 'ýtcxs i Sale - Cars :for Sae j W anted ta Buy I VW r _W ne 3s-d Fboor nurses And staff an msda,"eb l2. Rpaond983-5526. 81 uat offeri. Cali6 2 3-567'>,6. gtain, oaton. Nalonville nemFoal Neason al rates j cs- duin myaly i M- Faian Chips. Ah yu Tlephane 623-506. 8-1 11964 PONTIC arsce)ie -UE nitureand Appli - - L mo-ii ositl.I enacvryiau-dyes4.tAERfr aa dîvi-cs-- de-. barloVmtr , $ 200 ances. padidy's cMrI.Ham p. ayi reaho b Mss. FranesSacy.8* Ars esaratTIRd cd. CciliCliffI Patbick 623-2313. or hast offen. Phone 987-4505.ton 263-2241,2-f nmwhmwckas.Wv aun -1i - 7---_-__-es-bey-- yGas-dans as-ca. Phlos-I lei -ais- sIndfinsa-t Fd.'6 PONTIAC Fl rm 28I3 ' ' ' 2358 for~ ~ ~ ~ ihr' ticr a-ridunngmy23dNewonplcial, 1.acs ad' aIl amdAfp- odes a second cas-,g,e M andAboa-yr-i 4ay n Meos-iiHopiliEc-oewloe aiston,2-241pa. 26tfcondition;reasonabla. Phone rt) sdWnd For a suchoopitngdone by The Pro- Spcallana10D Eet nnglnc.8 1 '____ - 2-45 il Poe6345. 8-1" fassal - Cali Vince a n d n u r s e s o n T ) - S e o d=o r a c , N w o v c H h ~ M D E L 5 0 N e w v H o ll n d m x ' 7 sV m p - d a d A R ID E yis n e d c'd r o i 2 3 58I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ms-s. MnilHal. 8.1 Swlusday.Masch 3 Wod'vuh ocding aues- nd-!Coumtie aaeb downtonW TRwlsbri,3"te ____ Ochetr. $,50pa pa-so, agnat.Phone 786-2965. 8,-1 tpvo-yoc oniton F r i iy 1 aria I ars Wells borning30"Tale- 1 s1mos-ci informatio 31lepbone anonto iThaILin Di. Hird, Eves-ybody Iwebcome. 8-2 STUDEBAKER Sas-vce, ncw 18-986 __Phn 73735 4pone 3,2-2030. PRapresantative ___and usei prts GrSa's 64 HEV, 8cpi, nte-lo Ra-ny L. d, cTelephone Ricimndsbaimon and syl- Wond Day of Prayananrncap b as HV-Ftw nt& Notice taoCreditors_987-453 1., __ 61 vetes-;and nrssPt Roms ha held et Salvtion Am a-g.1-416-263-1712. 5-fcleaned, tacd., fom unw lrs __________ _______ 11361 and i13 c as-a dus-ing Ctdl rdy a -c2d. TWO singie hi wilh spssngspas ls. hastoffr.Cail 987-4944 NOTICE TO CRIEDITOR1S WATER wllsboncd or drîli- r1 my iccnt r.ay in Mmn Tm :0And 8p..8-ï and matsesa, l i ke ncw, batween 9 acm. andi noonIN THE IESTATE O0F HAROjLD cd, Canada Diliing Company, Routai. Dance in itha sc o a loe6355 fle fus-. bGERGE SEARdacac.- Phone Oshawa 576-6004. Re- Nome J Rchrd. sAamrat iîle Cul- ia-8-1 1972rïOD VO, I-ltipc i.prasentativa Herry L. Wede, 84liyJnlvbl ommunityl,SAp1973 44 Mic) SKIS, bow 1-Up t-ck tcplalgte lfSAi daimsaaon<t ipelasIte Nwce 97431 2t Sat1u!rdayv.Fah rua2ry 24It1, 1. $ nmOgcexel en cniio0n; andstiri gît rllr rIIC -î11 s7 0 f Ra irolGrge Stewasrt,'laie Mysice)thnk t r prcouple. Lunlch servti, good hbuy. Phone ,98-4669. Estate sala. F ive onîha ol, olîle Twnhîpo-f Mner AL G. OSBORNE Ewrt nrssanti staff onI P- -1.2,00miles. Biackstac 8- in the County 0f Dus- Manisty Fon, anti ailH MOSE BNOthN-Bsc bb araea41-1 w Ietla'o) bothelie iihCarpet - UphoIstery inD in-oawy inn y TUSA 74 ..dlo,$5a atofr Ci, VANS,& lPIIKUP3î;S ha ticd wmit(y li uteild RESTI1MATES Evron~ innsswscas-- Sponsored by JSTTRADED a f a-l193 flrwii hn 6320 lennby ppracaet. 0shawa MirrSoftball JKENMWORE aa-mntsz formei1ýr B'èlI Teleuphone data biscaaleU wildhabdilni- oWMne.I23-0E CahyCa-dn.8- UILE PAVILlON wcshis-anti dryerotayassaeii erj td. 31t -0-So FIRA VwFA 3m" it bdnez, condition, $85.iPhove I DatetriAi aIPilbs-aIis 911___ 'friands nreghmasntlinr a-Th El os tta3-RKroeE6gas sagJAE ACK BRGESS tiesfo îe toenfs-uitl j 1Prinews Margaret apal 4 bus-nana si hlaova, evealto Choose Frou m MbboolOntania or BURNERS- FURNACES cara, ells-sandvista a- cheulei fr Mrch~ ooticondition. Taiphone-CLL73CLAE in0racîsce Aý,:,i,,ýý-tpý _l'ND OTHERS PHONE HAMPTON A, ýîi rof'Il1 spaateIAc-"niy -Ee i DOD ýGE TO SAT F DONALD 263-2151 - TI meula meeing0f ie lus living asc; two windaw ____- Nrtimbelan ani Ds-hm Cli 23-136 8- I TD.ticTaw 0fBawcnvllain .O.Box 43 -Bowmanville I rwodosie Placens-My Cut Bat 0 dcainrEDAPESUESVTM IîeCunyo-DshmDu-30-tf famniyfriands anti niglbos w ehelti e pt 7:30 Pn-m.OilU PP MSI 2-56gatiicaai of hi- n,ý-TeALI 3AIrg hwy.2 -TAO MILES WEsT faaint the Estata 0f Donald r7111111C. .DtU.NK dia~~~~~~ IE00E.antmRbekl vll Hili ehol n LberT ion eet tv ' a ,EYuP A RTIN ERI 0F BWMNVLL Aîi-riie- cGcgs- hle0 3rdc Floor nsirosesani îay SnvieIo atend 8-I Orn 83526 -Znt 42 i out fDshm suSEPTIC TANK and____ 1-f Lvetok For Sale ;go, wotit raot INSTALLATION kîntieas nti ruck CNQ, 6 I. ctis-strn ioc Hans-yFes-aw. plu APPEARING AT THE Ufieglasa aa-acns ellent i ia li el- i.ssuth îeiwt l nis-NO SUNDAY CALLS Phne 22-5coud- îgeton o os- e tuli 2A-1 frind ati iklohanmy Quen' Iotl eondition;wriedelu-0uI -duAbaMeci 973; tics-cafter,1 623-7201 boanti,5 hp. or untierPhne W, anngs Hhtancoi., ic nde-sig"'naCCti wl uîiut!_ 1t NEIVandCASTLE 263-2154 UOUý. s8-1 PaRusa Ccane 655-358 bcrs aIs 0f ,theicsct sate - -_ carda- ,visits andti leller.Fn. -, Beds- , - - --Brokl. ihaîg raa-ionly la lie - pcalthea10 Dr îI Sem,: , ýIPRESESBIisCases-OHN McEWEN on,, Miis .B Rntlca acig9-, ilaalkni fUst u-i O SE d-bxstals, dlaims t, iie'n filti fi- lI3eýan osi inýSp,1tus-c, Antiques anti Apphnances. neasonable roae. Taeplne DATED at Bawvmanvihla tiDOW1~ îlenuse ani taf n Ss-- -1Patity%'m Mar-ket, Hmtn 8-09NcaauiaP. 46-tf511 day of Fchsuary, 1973. !CîetyWr iral Fasr, amnia Hopiai,_ Bowmpenîleducninqy-! OMNTYCNR '1302-t ags-tLcn MGeoALL GENERALREAR fkrutas SUL 1 i"IOTTISUER 111,0 hrodîtion, csling $500. Aiso year-aiti marsaanti yaalingli c 1 - .-- -NEXT MONDATY bs-ai nwRis- efs--cl.Poa23-33als ahctrBre-ani Kelly, FOR FREE ESTIMATE ance cas-bus-cos-, 600 C.F.M., 2Rn S.W.-ox ]159. Baw- 7 ýishiciin_____aiP._,.___' Phone 623-3984 I~~~s wsul bRTAn31aisicoË-c- 7:5ap.m.[cnvill, Ontaso. 6- smm-d me whileà AMe- REDBAUN -WAYNE ST.,6.Ci 843. 81~~Ycgt es liRgse- __ - mo-dHospitýal atisicaBEROM sit, omlaa;c qahrta- oinsegedingiaFrRn comîg hmewiî cara, SHAV/A dînîg suite, 9-piece; cicaster-1banda. A taa ail ams-ont-dk- Fo1Rn Iruý, fi-nýýpr,, jýi1, pndt0- faIctisuitep,cal Bus-ma teck- ing. Vas-y rW l bs-oe for AICHELOR apeyrment, m-Crawf ord Heating phlnecois.A os-peci a înkss --- oo , ne Muai, sel. Secs-- pleasura(. Plne 83561. ts- ps-os1ni1,Taehoa ILBRNEFRAND ta Dr. asguon Ss-ui iOsawa antidisIrs-I'on- flc. Plana -21-91.31tW-8-623-5044. 8-1" FFUrACE INSTALLATION CruAti SeondFloa nu-ain .,licas-I(Asocatin Cnaden- 1170hedroom eparîmenî, u 24 ROUI liod Ghncandrc-pn-t n-ihfouýýýM eu, Ctd $I da Emrergency Service LlydAitn ~eemOrheteSndy mtas ntimenecivs-w!mios-aa Ms-ch 1,i7,8pmEa-sevs ua-u t ni REGSTERED 1Nus-salaniqR, 21.141Liberty S., Bowmanville Th-fmm-ftpin cie ý,Coiegîaca uor iumucmpeeiplnjis.Ai-A. FuIlianti pas-tt iia.Pha.e.ONE crfus-it omwitb hoe62-73 Ti fmsy I iebae ayOshacwps3 cnigit w 5iin 400. Phane 263-2918 987-4441. - e e. Cai afles-ne4.2Plane blair SAncere Ianka anti5p- slip prcalo t ilrhîvpstc'5fr'dil,$75 fnNIEWICASTLE Titer ParI &dgond hours. alaveinr.Tale-TWO bionSibosinBw DALNT Sii -lll CnatMs-s. Ai Scies YoIur duAsit Rm ir'hre 2-45.7tfm nJic anrly locatei. ' fransani eghar asliort ley,11-416-723177. R83 1Tîniier -Dadas-. Nw adM TRCepa s-i pr 2 5.8î bauaspfu fra l îu'r la 1, uedon- y h * " allns10 leHert uni, asti ~ OUS sat teilns Aso ruk aaors. Appli un rps-sjon aiAATEcnrl s-ide COM HTUSLno. 2, coatup ecasîle. Curvpi o;iPrdciintci s e dulta only-. Tale- rik, Block, Stone sho"wnta e tlialimeai ar KIGDO .___Os-oo, __ 7 plaa 62-33011147-fP&iIREPAk, s-escnt sai breevmen; asaîNITE 98-511. -tfMATÛTRE wý-onaniobbyut 1E einoiapartime1nt HIN Rav. Bsîl Lng fo bis'173 SNOWMOBILES - 14 h.p twGo wees a i mti, fom6 eaet, uila ony; eviîahi, Ponn63-17 tiougtfuless nti ls co- CHRTERS $475, 20 bp. $499,28 h.p.twin pm a nm Pes 'ln as-h it 63-7.1- - - Register 140w $599, 640 -Nosi lctn wit 2-58751befr.e 3:30 p.m. 8-1 OE etroniapren, 3 hile ta tinl aur AIRrevrse $89. Tan usetisnow- SC -OL-BusDrive- -q Liharl,> Ty.Phn -2-U0' Bok r W' wird f n'PmFH i LaITS TO THE U.K. mobiles $299; ,L15"is-racla $69 ýwcrui PmeDon11 naîgio rs, rad at--ie ni1"Ïsc, $9 oalc.Xcwil hein yuitocas-n i Availabilut ai ApriDon 8-tfs& Son anti d ive )1 antii f'rm 'ILe [$30 ecci. onritln s -ail llc y epfor an aa ppr 'ouim ey ,000 square p eilss n Itror ai loapîtal anti ticmeny tîci-CO0LMER TOURS - Sport, ci Duci, jcriit Yitmo wwon15 inn 93-44.ponîen, 23311 84 ee. iae.1 Rce 63-60 xterior Repairs andi lemotï- wcy inwhs-b intnas wa -0llng. Voun ee t l-aiele sbw ull wsi alsej9hn 23-3265 -____ WANTED AT on)623-542. ad 6 FrPrrEsjýaea]1 Iana acMs.anti Ms-spllnor-2Nt WMc D 0 -N A LDF-0 ï TOlrg es0niab- o1) orFeEtmteC aIL aiesugry. n peiahi noa, in Ri m.odeignsaine 7~~ 6or 623-2301 Boa iný niMn,'aiantiMss OFSOOL TVfsu&33T ER EOBomnieTunnRat.Pne7817 J'JU Grant Dunforti. Yous- kînti ICNEDMCHNU n26-35,L- 8 nasa illnsarmme-t To Be Raid At i ouare plnnngte buy SaAGI GOR TObetroom bhungaow w,ýnýith1 (POwcllý) F1irtoffwunto eve'r ida'y -Night t 2-42682*YUNG coupla ta Uye Gui Lhlnc4RdIs-263-Appliance Service -a theýir sincene iena n rnl e 'aol 1îl ei -ad pensianr10 se - I c_!014 eiroi apstan, Cmmril n em ppealnbacllais-d ST am Tin9 MARICR 2 11, atrinsrai vesani eins for)t aeks cuM nH o ] ý pmae imachs uforum.Fs-cebealeti;sla dclid efigeto- efietin-MI Colr for ntynroaîootran, hdrowatsetc. 0anici odtansSutbe hn EET SYER timur e forionsheuthul flral Expert Instrucions by> an 1742 Bro ýCk t;Iî, ou t f 41 ngt ate. elSiîa tng for ing e as-son or elcrly Da couple. Piona 623-5463. 8-1 - 623-5774 amain Cancer Sci, arsiTre n i ye nie WITY-6889 soa n. -ISTORE space for ranic g o6p-1- nd- manmatai intiea cac to loosen uIP for dtise he Loest [Pricas An1ywihere WANTED AT pwrx 620 oq.Ifclose la four Tnder Hardware Qio t us uring iles- sîay ons-.Apl aAiVries niELECTRI ibospilaianti cu tic- ima T ,COmigseaU s MO Msi.ý% ,D _ PIvr AL COST0F $500 'mer nsallatson Gouerenteefi m aab ALDFO 5,c/os TMe Canadinblc- m-t îf ur ecet sd bs-eveentAppieainn u LeianHal BeutiulWarhoua Slecio PLI. Box 190, Bowmal-I--- ~pciî taer lcon asi r -apply Qpenfing Night -___ -ff wmnileI 1 1A V E Osha- ntAil pr'eeda ;to - -APPENTCE ODAN cia,~~~------ aniPic--Mrae ein ofLeu 014E hdomiurpslais-sapant-D- fV Eoumîalsia la Maris Fn___82 NR / ee MARTY STEL mn,$11a -ly aa~P1m'-~ e+Ig eody"hopnMenasar inclutati, Ci ose l towri-i "luin'I--inq -ai Chpe]ý,v T Smitilî, TV TOWERS 8-covn wue couple on eeiiy a md Lnî 3 I li TJ..W, -i T E N T V/ A ~ nd A TE N N A REL ABLEantiambirous an prsan ps-ies-at. T lepi ne d Elec rica luy sînceseIp anîs la my _ T 0 U R S STALDA u aaess-iesainin 6233951 -te- 6._ -1 CMEIA :eletiu asanti frian s for Newcslla as-a, Woi l py higBOWNVILLEphîaefu.s- NUSRALat fowes-s. gifas-ta sandiv ATE EKN LwRts preucnagr on gailonage. WVteyou m dhl;iepsk EIETA neo~vtiwbn %ws cAwALSO SPECIAL ON Aie-isr33o/oTic e sn -inCbaTrancl eit i',on Memnieýl -Hasill SPECIJLUinStaemnPOBxrni, .-0 immetitepssesion F FIE EESTIMATES sait c190, Birwmtnvilie.i W4 Caîlfintias-er&sCa. Reai Estate 11 ara, c.whjoClorOz____ uiness Devalopars, 14 Ooo 8-27 ~li~diicese i /ahiýigtn, DC hoe632f0rUSE IE Division ,St., Bowmcnville. rn 7627 Auction Sae f LVESOCKSAýLES eat DraConySlsArena SeIingHerasCatieSwsne, prietor. 23If BOCDB and FRANK STAPLETON AUCIOEERS Speciaizing '11aIltypes of SALS nti ESTATES Pone ewcastgle 9746 416-6311- Atretonrs- vauor ivestcl, RaeSle For Professional ý ýSriecl STEVE LIPTA [a (bAuclion sle, p naite ws c IP Main at niu vatsaudo Hu,27i--c berio Fuve, hre suite, Dn cen& Phya tehi sat - maes)a-p. Pi ooin suite, 2 ingie9cntinnlai betis. ul cas. biycl,culglas occion aid chais-a, wasl18n ncei rOO ngcair akbv fupoid unît, , o s tus-e fs-amas, lanlna tis-esa se-,cila dre;Cawenp 2pce tesl-i with bas-llplu cm muity sale. TIis(iwiil liePa I argeaisci Pan l ab1nti Sas-omiopepcvary 1ave- el-0 ing hewc 7 - 9ulipm. uTes-ms aiKo Catea 72-575. 8- SeIndayrunbran 241enh et sucj H-dvsoj assigi Gregorvass Wtgeod e sc al pnlitsBsqefg halts-, Limage, N 1aipp e- vane, rysal is-naý1,Tiflany CItaalmp c ineFis-up--n alcabeniit cLaI, leioiie geIltn), beav "I i c1 as-ailcw g partasetnbcnp clir,4-paas- bcd, aits-est a d-aars dý,'reses, bolcase, Batwoodi an atiD rJcords, so anas-a iIes-'s ý not: Ts sal ale- ANNA minmmRý