FOR CLASID Tuesday,4:0pm Bits eth nMemoriam l icomking vet Articles for Sale __Cars for Sale Hielp Wanted Tenders Wcmted_ Room n Bac ARÇER- C an Ms. . . 00KAt emrial opia'ALSOTH-f oime- Fîsh and Chips Al ouMIEDhay. Phone 2347~'64 PONTIAC S125 as isI or best MIIDlE AGEï;D bbste.OTROFRtowrigmi, P 'C ',ne L la-ha ) B _ni l e n S n d y n o y o a d a h s a d , f a h c a n e a t, e v e r y S a tu r dIa y , $ 4 9ý- ' o ff ,r . W 2 - 5 6 Fi b a y s ttM I N I T A R I O 0 eFhO Re k . rî a t f u ~ peaed o nimce theFebruairy lh 17,Roee1ndgadft-,Frni ArsRetuatTuto -*MIXED hay, 40c a bl.Cali 19411 CHV.pik-p rukleITEEDNuseaoiR.GOERMET EW codyincldd Jaomavle cZp,f, arrivai 0-f their son Cory Craford, ageýd 79 years, e Ry Adw rthwhopassed 9353 -ieclettoy 0 rucPho eG1. Fu T) n ariean .Ne WATVIE N SURVIC SO drry 23-300 7- 1as~ 5 lb. 51/2 oS., ~.t f the lte Francis Plbrt-aay ebnuryPURI171.CancICeNeniahonae D0uz1s 987-4719 atter _-_ -nP-ni 1 1- 11,16 pm. î-i1 987- 4441.,6tfSE-D EN ERIvii i I SOldes eoil(Jc)Coda mte fýrlps cno eih Queen St., Bowman ville, W' ' HIGH chair, chrome, like r new __ TNDR wllb Fpptl ebur , 193 rn ,Editi (rSid Mtchl- w m isshî, Feb. $8, Ph2:3one3 623-578 'e, 68 VAUXÀAýLL ia 37,000 EXPERIENýCED ihait dresser, recei ved until 2 p.m. LOCAL ProudgrnpaetsaeMxr. ci), Dorothy (M\rs. Geore u hats can-no.t teli whâa 16, 9-12.0. $3 per cou miles. for heasoldnunerti- good hours, noeenng.Tele- TIME,' Bowmanviile. 7-1laanville; en (Ms yIlhmOd Tyme Dance, '74 2-33 ftt 5pn.7 l USIC teacher, must he ahle for Supply and Installation fessional al ic Sý ýTSrahamc, t eah utr, bno an f W tr uiiato n'623-3568. Smth), JanFt0I1le. Fir ECd, b ahm ht1 leoeHl, Saturday, Feh. '72 22 HP.TN,,T k-doo A4 al utom-Iatic, -power steerung and 1bàss. Phone 623-5471. 7-i Water Conditioning Equip- - ÇODE-Cth ad ovare Bridgeniirth, Rss Catamtoay bh B1er oy Burtn3.n0 Te rth condý' Itin,$00f rae, xclen oniio.REGISTERED Ass9etfrMnsr fNlurlWTRwlsbrd 0 ie r,1eased to apnnouince the safe.Doreen (n5yraii Wes t L-, gyneebee - -rnNmas $,0,e cul. 623-3911.,7 1 0ust sell. Telephone Orono nt hf NruRe'sources. Tree Farm, Orono, Ward's WelBrn Te- ,irrval of terdaughtýaer Julie lake), SoIina; MaryV (Mrs--w1014,, 8:30 - 12:30. 7-ea Lynl, ;7 Ps.½ oronTues- Jack Ovendenl), Hampo,( 7-11 Dace at the Potyoo1BAY:arnge0.S;stroler,98-14as fo Gry 7f Villa NursPiing Home, 62-,3711 Ontario. poe3 Dac a-fe otý-ni Tender Documents may he Harry 'l. ae eehn d~v eb Fa i , 19173 a!t 12:4'1 grandmothier of 33 gran-. Community Centre on Stn 5 hn 2-08 o 6 98VLS AE od--ohtained from Regionai Office, 9187-451. __16t _Proud g9rand c children. Srvce asof a dear hsadand Fay Adams and Orchestrai. USED Funniture ai' Apl-hic, erluitchan mule.aos Apyin esn tocs,77PnesSreSie nt ac rs H Bilvand tin the Morris Funerai ChapelI fteCciM. h 1sd$40 e ope.Br - nes ad' aket, Hampl- iAs1çiig $850 or best offer. C ur vpiy Wood Products, 204, P.O. Box 8000, Kingston, hed shana5604 e aný Id Mrs. S. cordcen. 71 omaniVlï, a iayFebruary 19, 1963, and Rm aeadBae Sltn263-2241, 6-fcani 62-240after 4 p.m.71 Oon. -3o PhonTlehoee44895 _____at 2 'ecck. hntermeii o-0 da rthe nduclFenay 6 i. apm. o TA DashMdedpe ee îe w Eapk fth EROSSeure _ Nte orîxthninoma P rittaaleHrr . a NT F-Iatanýd Lynda i manvilie Cen'etery. (I Fbd to 1assist4 manager inEAK Dserv Mcinn 3tion1 regardreTng thisle Tenderfi n !ccgtre, 22-tft mec _______ Stuant James (B~uc)L arg, aniville Public L ihr a rvy edroom suite, like inewAfter BEST USD CR EAL c stmn grin Bw avll saeaeM.C J oly une tearva 1a1LI0,CrdnR...-tM ho pse aa erar5dws'ari ponsored hy5SPhone 728'-4435. 7-i Jfnymoial Hospital, Bowmanvil, 10o , 170.[,C) IBomaviLintts-62TWO formi-ai go 'ns of chif- yuaeee ieyt e re diciet7842, Mnsr rGvrmn ev LG S O N brocthcr -FIL EKevin' f. Todal oe vr ole______ 6-9 ires, Kingston, Ontario. Tele-Ca et-U h l er $~ot, wegh~n ihs 15~ 0Z5 on aturay, ebnury lth, fonotte. MOSTERBING fon onepink onemauv, sie 190 MECURYColoy Pak __________O- pioneP5448955 bo Fbuay ,173 atn973, GrdonElotoay, FSdymse o ~en l hn 2-23.-l Wgn i. 595$0PRAENT position; man Te lowet r nyTede Prîesinay 55ne $~nnoia osîtl Bwna-taîoSret ii i 6t ya m mbrdlyFenTd n T U SDAY 7.45 G f on, sW1970 onYLEi e saîyacpe expenience 97 ,w îthri E lîvestock andan l wes o a y en er PrfRE E I A E 'll.7-1* Beloved hushDand of LucaiSuzanne. 7-11 Sposorand SUEBl artsc ~Dr. Hardtop, Lie.c Iev rL-i, oAvr1 .E ihrsn Ratb ,dean fathIer 0 Ms.G.Grae.1-1623-17. 5-f 342906 ----------$19890 machneny. ApiytonAgeerE.Ph( t'1-Bho (orn tiser 349, c/o The Canadian RegioN o.Mnage, n 823200 fialyanouc te aic.Rested atthefNnth- dean ov inlîg-mny UBLîPA iNlN! hiaopnuaicar MacDQNALD Saman, 190, Bow Aaleranngrnd-i S cAW A 30 tf!wnn,l hal 1f ir;-ch iv Me , $1 *rnival of rhcr ab sstr utt Eiliot't Funeal Home of1a1 n-i-ie. 6-2.7-1__ 1t Jcaninrc MNichellýe 8 bs. r. , ueal ric ia ed at theNloOaa a acruies o7, r best orffer, Poe987-489.F R IH A 0 evc eteITOWNSHIP 0F Ce1 igS, , omailetnat.Salany $445 month- I OL BUNER FURACE fir Jan (nc uly) ndtey.7- Teylast 'tii the lnget4mie ast of ewtonvý1ille-on P RFCESSURE SSTEM i 1~coard ______Cen neyr war ot, hey 2 an 4 ues ont oni SUP PMFS'Where FrieýndJy People Mpet, ypu ou. rt de-SALE 0FICEAE 7-i _____day.No. itiser 346, c/o TheSCanadien SED F.W.D. TRUCK PUBN EAR FLN0FAt 1Oshrwa They,,County Roed 65,1on 3 m I PfNE63-48 PU ~ELWLE~Hridaderai opîa n Monda,feh- nyer et. st,7-_ jile 62 NOW PLOW AND WING POEJAPO Lois (nec Elliiot) are aoyt uaylthI93,R Pwl, They can neyer lie gvnsuh fEîactvlc le EARRO L AETPOE63441Saemn, P. Bx 19, BDndHITWT awnVontneDnc enheHAVaARNRfEeNABEmenaven 60EALED TENDERS clearly 2325 ~nnunc th sae ariva f c 5 er.hioe îey, 0 c. oya1' Canadian Legion, Bow Orono 983. 5206- Zenith 14690 VANS & PJCKUPS o'vl1can5work without super-Imreda rnntiileMalAres ~hen l. 0 o. 5ii Jhn~ lîfod Funof, ewoAraesin y hokanviJlle, Sturday, Feh. 17,4tfEarnn$14,000 in a yea- recîvd li the undrrsigned P.O. Box4 Sow a i WcleonFbna.î8 17 catc dean motthr0f Wyn,1 nes-JUST1?TRADEDvion Mt3emnia isîtlCo-Glra(rs oetWisn. ilentiytuis today. Ted Cax anci the Cavaliers -- plus bonus. Contact custom'- until 5:00 P.M. E.S.T. on Iot ~anilc.Mohe an bbySuan(Mrs.CalsFlylSdymîssed dugtîwil entertain. Doon and spot DRESSERS, Beds, Chesten- (frmr elilelepon esut owmraevlle re.oLr-te sal ebray21,17 of thNK BRINK _0, 3,sCAdmissionI.,$3 endfields ail kunds 0f Used un-vhils tdauotae. We train, frteslMf h olwn .~in fne fthr il icoen ad anen (rs JhnGldy nd grndc-cden, ple ope oe 8rotur niq ndApiacs Air mail S. T. Dickeson, Pres One F.W.1D. Model SU. 'irst gralcchild 'fo rMn. and Wig 1h t,), grnmotbr o Dn alnhn ..*cul.Cule vn1 otMarket, Hampton, es., 4 VJ J~~ otwetn Ja.ElotSirîg n iael.i,1Kellyanrd Jrmwccm6-2 fPad650dys Boete etoli . 71413 truck, with Dump Body,, rn hn M-s andV, ---- 263-24.e6tfrmdr' eroel Tî!,arid M elyYlo-ss fGrace (r.PeuI 1 ETH -inlo vinfimemony of WOODVIEW BDOM utcmlt; Seeral lu Choose From 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. 7-1Iloist, Snow Piow and Wing, SPTC AN 1ennaiin Se lSeie)BsaaadSa.ouDobrad rnmterCMUI, CNR ALas is. in the Township Yard ISALTO ~a'kSt ns .D.Rnie ecatc Srie e îi yrfred,rwh pssndwa MNTR BINGO 1'1',' nisuite, 9-piece; hete- ECPTONST at Hampton, Ontario. The Dt'.,P aIlI Burma teak-a truck may liei IMilire. M Ninspected at suteth]."' R.R.i ruc maBlieinsectdILLth M Jate-rnity. 71 lomavle n WdedySdmse ng ie a'! ____Phne1-41591__ -l working hours. Pleese rmake i6370 at -:30 n.mInternment rno Qîeiyne m ere eery ,7:45 p.miNEiCe. SPhoE 1-241-5971, 3-tfýC RY L Ro ot E'n -atf n ert Cmtr.7i dy SL rilnPr HYLRDDEThis osan pportnitY for 'ILarrangements for inspection it REDB,,)1ARN - WAYNE ST. SaNes-ordsCit mf,,-iY01111 woman Seeing part- through the office of the Nonger i oii r1fFe sareSaesYou dstrctRable TTl meployment, Week-days undersîgned C a frd t I Hwyit inWoANVILLE RealtyrLt d Bi trecg 71fon31e.Bivd ie he o eetvs on17 NOBL9-14,hp67-2-25R.8FW uit riwithtendays I tener-eny eric Er]. aniedGodo ad EAHn lovngdeor ftoelrecauNarck ic$45 2 p.$9, 8h..twn-cisngdte hehges r 4 Lbry . Bw anl ~ropsn 31PaiieA- ut hioI FueaoHme rga ebruary 17j, 972. a bou Du gs 14ciday OuriiCommun 8-5everse $899.TTensuspdofnow- - _____ ýM Ohawa , lt-irrarCe nrou Funra Quevi 0c ws eîd et Gone ý anc the days we se d 710 ty. ourtesy Cor stow- mobils $299:15" traksP$69.TREE bedoom hom iii -ack cshn e __f.En , ann-ountIce th egae-îîo'îok at1dy97r3n, Butiii nyheattyu1ae-Fresens.7-1Masertire, nguln $9,5nw cllet tnans.eomedur 7-__l_____o TowntshipJhn 97of Darling-14 .p MR o.n. Oet o hi agtrf jebu a3d.hnr1 mn Bow -____ie.Te iget r 4 L '-ionDan1nc, t Freenrckmarîille cmFtTH - Inalways tere, __fowll_ - a Na co ic$37, 0 sh.p Onta9n28o prts, ie ngo odiin oss- E P N I GW.E1ud I M.ryTrryso o M. e ____ oifength of liecn tsrr qa saake Notices Hwy. li59, 0 oron", 983-5444.ioWnte oRMar3-81nytrdi ,193rei unship o Dariln, BrcBok t Jak ery uidoo, oE Ssa Jn-A1Snst aw ciIa WE'l l7 NEED MORE PEOPLEma-reere 89ýTe uedsaw 0caboouh-,Thae dds Ld ervine Hoe, ow- My é,iÉig tho-sugisedyu Cit ounnenyCotlPronamob7li $29; 1NETS & FIREPLALJESo hom 410~~~~~~~-8 tre lceMad 3ks $8q;leo Fidy Fbray acvayaIN. 0 iEteukyonnwfCoan Bw vilorlc fnnîs Ex-dR odSierned ,D ,to annOsic h ea. .gage 0f AtrnK apcihsand Gerge. ýi* H ckeyiicket.aWo l te n Bd e St,9,ut 0f401 nvc leg e ts . r Hsnge , ai 1,ildedtCoborg, adeMn, Rfatden othier an heBow-vlle Nunsry imeires,___ _____ 'he ownhPpof Dalingon Miarriages W. r-CIie K. Osha o thetEri v Lis HghswhopaslSchoianounesth$jpn- o-erIallation SGu rtsîce ____.. condition. _ 71 Asistan Darne Mss. enetResede tcNotcutElilm d wy erury1, 97.îg Ianatenoncas t Beaui115,arouse Selecl344. io Frch Rent. al EPa N Maagr il onE, uttosfrCrety 4-tf _____1the suply aflhealing fuel gitîce te orhcmig er alenon.EnommctLgn P y, AN7n LIS R.R. 2 Newcaslle, telephone 1NuM ,erou ManaEmPEntP-E Mnthree'ocationset Hamplnma viFR FE EuETI1WATE will take place n day, Ferury Sh,193.Ema dugte de gandhlrnCtzns NU omtCou N8Ty rALLdlA p*n 63-30. 7-f hoe 23441Aue"pr ea, eaM-_ ~a t i , 1973 i-etOr ili -7-l__ha , le -vc .e f i- LisiMrlyAlin , deth nt on ties is odingL wRpAEOS soeesae rrnegess ga Refrig ratho --F e l,12i ,i o u h o 4 -P~ec ae lese banouc~Gafil, in lIrr and L-aryn McKEE-hn loving meniory 0f BowmenvileaHdgli Sehool Aud ~te orhcmig arîej f cidew h'd' tic Bulle'- a dean UfaIheî Samel McKee itoni142to delermine I f P' quieot63-, 4. . 61 GneelMaagr m te, nd arS Esuiclb . -p iac Se ic Vie ooettrïf.stPhnes576733 Ohawchang\ FE. Ltoags1 Tprovied Jolmialad msi ~'s~n, on0fticlae eItedment BomI uLEll Ce rne- Ticwdays have passed-.ment Plan!ieneiyor oî eaui ol ;Îr saewU vnan ni * * *galn ak. Te sppler] R Rct. 6Tic cddii1gv niYou s-meoî nrie ,lest sn oevr7-I____ . . NE ldoo In nnt T îk iU Ictansupply eat il ties, Ngt 633 1akeplae onSatnde, Meci ARN TIO fiN .-Lovîngly Aemembered by __-Housekeep-ng,6nX'living aoomitt end morul sppand aIntain eadw r 11h 93 tTîiy U i e -ï .L..anîdýý pueý pne,ýpý,ý-I fý-gaii fR OM ýI- bad ara1b the NDREWS _ppi_1_i_)_ th,,, locDivissontSîreet PAEDEN ari 1ýn 1 l-In lvig eory Tu FAýLSETEH WaesIFRNC nfrc. Poe 2-65nfyulvei h raadpoppesr qî n, O BOILER efler 73-266. ___7-1 Ftink yuu peaun , hn c n tc. ,, nwinnsicad b lquan-t-__ ___ ý5Ton G SM ITH- Mns Mr, - . îande;deslful ~ Snii s neaedto latsr l 11h 164.orrok, en o a iesie ENAR ndttoe. Ei htsfi Tlesnt f- 7iprhs t eu mnso ~/ Mrgueite lîza -rLaý Rl!A?,- Bouqa nd hglen hlcand wecanthOW Eonesluey RE62al31-44927 0,3'2 Phone ocean623-te4dteof81 býedh, to obetames Sang, netsit zen, NPU iuciuel10s00garenspy ýApni o, M,.9a7 d Mrs.IICordon P'unre1. AlWrite bu: WANEDO nc girl a *~ton ai o Bacndok.., , ý5h1iwcae so ma HARVEYetinPARTNER twppobmedroo ,00apartmenl P.Mof Interes t iceance 00 oli qutaten, ve Pesueryt agneement a lie Oenwleile forNiweWu.k ud Repair Thanks uspital Arragementsar,'i ii e IL4,Il ih.LJLUy .EJ u. Dea r, $80 ,-f.e-----Manager - - cnstentand lie sbie mus, Cl 6324 Ee.c Cards o lie -ulrinds adureltivesfor crds, 9-tf ornegnd dagiterJean.TORON o 6,ONe t. 8-26 rn TO eR spce an ntenta-ft) plyiino 0allter a e yarfr i ______________________Phone 6723*-20x.60 s.l. lset'fuMate oteL. FOR dateo i c, fo coeplance. ic a- ertr 11-gspifth lanet hom. Cads f Thnks HAClT N - b lovn ice to C'ýýkeyrediors Zeit 162 s2-i, c/o ic Cnden Sae-Wne iî tnîate lii agree- Pbn, etn -_ 1Haror7y8-5 98lowleenn ank._11,Puppue neigibours for- lianar, sud mtriophased wy NOIC e SeTO Aed.R 24Ho1Sevie 0a, P2.-Box-1, Bwe--mci.frcue ntît as andEetia Stck arwliFu anCo taone end Diý i isl tFuel 17adh,' Lego, A n te -T home. A ti Beacocan7-1 Wrseemta sec_1 in ticN vlee, soIto cd. )ý al qupensul a ans L n -Chürcl-"FLpýW1e.S?-"-fintE .FimmEdi!ate possession pressuredtoBument p vîl cnviesîn e hme an fr phnecelsletes ad e hîk I hn he tc f ic Tnsip 0f envers, 8 mile6radius f Enniskille &ausinessoDeimi4,USDdF etd., youn c rnyin additioha FRE ETeAE 1 1 girîS, acceivdds n m e u sls as i n te Cunt aeDuher, ,.. eroaou trn Yitu n pi- h a rse nowsppe. upledR Anu adn-ýiop ,;ý1 e. hs etrsslp obe1ýACEgo am n es.Pd' a nket. Hamp- sho nsliepîtdewill e o ro o 7627 h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " woldlke1ztak Hnneite.WemisheRo es stiadyaIDcebn,191 msgfrth Rgtmiles_____ __________________of___ -eatives nd týi ,,ýi saf 0f M.JlFrFasene cn-nveg c oseslctr rbfoêE R E DNTc E 8 o m y lme bngfi f end î s'PciLIng or RentT e1 pJin -daughter he h;ýrî Situ tîonsPrîmpresent t iis etdmoay lermn fplct- '~Ilbli Scooi on isis, ~end h oul lik 10Ihak my ounheetsdayfMRci13,abs llE E. 51atl9-4d49-haeti2tm715di apinmet stlcl1-i' wIng. ute. teresîs the gi! waysateiey shouid cts ffce onhe o lion e 0 -M-cor l ofpta.Cpeia r nFlr s, teehoec il v 11e :0tet ii- ett ernepI e takstaD JD Rudwil inMm ia Hoil. Hricnti tuelieh tdaI!ofMilch l rook, ts h le o SOked aft ice T ee ýBonvlr, S0 M P.M. to w0 na ET . onne de y, rin T Au X ~nuse a-i saf o 3d lor.TFnritcRv.Snlgov, fr. t i ,C wd olda fFbuny 93 r onn uicence for alabri ,r2nd, 1973.T Lodwtr besl orcn Car&ýSugiel lon.Fo noon o cnlicold MilbrokPOl"iaFanmREEinortPion Phone cd.ordmii ,inei b-,;qolton p,1 frrd, egbns ad rd-Sc i tli ir dearet of ai . b 263-8412 A e,- -- -riiRi h, rc ad- gl r t*dunin mrecntrlaies nihlo.s andreebeedb isiad on N OHES- . . udiA st~yiii emorai ospial, riens fr flwrns cara ad an Famiy.7 1*IN TF, ETAT 0F ONAL ~ ~~'~ Clek-Adincloser, JS Bfou gifts durinF sfy -1W p______62__q.________ 6cfCONCESSION W. ..+i,~,,i, +, i,~ ~,,-,,,1,1le 2Ç *P .,rnr, nmç)1wi ti To n a Ba manvlle91 c ___________filial__ Bçîwmnvil. Alo a pecil vists wile f hopita and LEXADER eCREOR WUUM~UM5 I- *êcornr ors.mpun Av. Tonshi of anliglon -.-ns Afs, Sru-,Re.HpknadRe.Okete o1t d cornae ie Bw anil ________ ______1I unar, nu- n'ennas ana ~Personal Ewert ' unina. for vists. SpeiaiJ thenis to itnecsd E-eatrice E. Ci. 71*m aiy oAvmrig n RVT ilpnosivng am UIDTEI ~ *~HYCIENIC Supplîes--(Rtibbc)r la9Drue John Rundce and Grant ýGUITAR LESSOINS ,gaînst ieEstale of1Donald Aars %E"U5 Mgod)mîidpstad' A ~!would nie to tiank my sd bic taff 0f Memnoial _Axnder MGrgo, lae aoOfR NTALD ~ yplein seaird cuvriope witiî f1yrlan~ssd frîendsrHospîtal, Bowmianvilie. Rent a student guvitar fçor the T own 0f Bowmanvjlle r n wpirier lisI. Six sampies 251, fIor vîilaycada ndfowers. Euse MMGî 7-.-7,1* $1.110 a wek t[ic Counby of Duniham, Drug- THF-VHFý - Colored AcoeI~~2 samples $1.00. Mail %der MAso tianks to bb --l)crploers Ceck our Rates First gist, wio died on or abou-t!AIs. and HumOes Plre-ýwired l - I Dep. T-28. Nov-Rubbeýr Co., zat Wire and Hannes, Generel, My sinre (thanks L t ai ic tic tý,'h d-ay aofOctober 1972, REPAIRS EN i ox 9q],. Haniliton, Ont, 1-52 îMtor.Spcil ieks to fnienda who rj ermencd rme ýTHE MUSIC BOX musl ieied&wihtheticunder-1 Workmnsh1ip G lb *n I I * Mcezî,lgtay and wth carda, fowns and vdits PAZA ned on or befane the 2nd uarenteed sig ie Mortqlages ~C~ninganures nd ýtaiff1while i Part 7Hope ýand Ds OMAVLEday ,ar Merci 1973 ; biereaflCen,!Alilprived lu SAVE lIn ouy rrrîingmy -t aet emnial tbnct Hospital, in tic Mlatejnîty Phone 623-5471 thunrsgdwildsiut '~I{pspral. Wer , teZion correspond- thc assets ar ticsie ehl Poe623-51ý22I 1___ O l1 îif- alesa hocd ne bdro $1.5 5.00 ClrneTiet rei, TU' nt crrecety %v&cd.Sory to ___ hviuig regard only ta 1být.c L HAMiL.TON, ManagerM 0RT diseppint y,,ou ýfolks, but b LEYARN- TO DRIVE cdaims the'n liled. 8-1 TichaE i a ir late idn'ill ling anyýone home TRACTOR TRAILERS DATED ab Bowmenvilie tus ___ Cgiaie Mednad Gai it cbr cli! Our drepO Nom, you cn an n pt icre th day aof11'bnîary, 1973, Livestck For SaljN e dro 11W00M ANT TODLfL A aniwsht xpeshe i appreiation, abco,0our god in Capnada!Accommnioda.tion Margare-t Luc-ine McGnegor ______- aîle,-ererhak adapr31-14glir wohave ke(-t zplandexpenses peidwhir e1ýnd Canada léiPrmernenl Truist EIGHT HoIstein heifens, e-T obdom $750 otl AIJM OA ion to a11thireatieppidwi lbwoneïdcitnun!Tuition Tex deduet- Company, Exeutors, Y thiem eage 450oilsu Phone 263-2655. fienda aud ind.ncîghbons ftor hie "rats", mer h cae home. ibîr!For applictin and in-lsolicibor, nBarerand Kelly, 7i Large peasatsuites with colred aplitanees, suerlur sound WILLARD3 bepautifl floral tiutsdonm- Vou ca't beal a smarii co- brvie, write: ?28 ,King SI. -W, Box 159, B ~HRESbadd-box shah1 ations t1o tic Ca nadien CeRriunt u orInkidMEAET EATNT mnviiOna'.J'resnbe ae elepho,[ pru àg rer rom, contfrollf1ed cranes with linu.73- cen SocîetyCGîdeon Bible So - n- ieurss!dH IEY EIT- -psnWp W ehn eîty ara n trmay ea ile GlerÏRANS CANADA - Rg' -- nds ydoCal Mf KÈndutcas sh-ion u i tic P. S -A, îwa oention TRANSPORT TRAININf urin Hme-8-4j ewrsi Jj, 46- tf Z,ýhvdq TV, Ifnsffde parkiîng for one car, etc01LAiR ~hrne of auerncntdle - tilts. OilýiHenderson who hsSutil6LNONUS Mnrba u nbnorseedigc 5 reavcneiîýt; as pcial hanisSo ailytaenom ver nydute 27 Qiecu Q e acmnmodaion fl-rSeénr WhYAnda A w ileoundg-4d- ho ~ [j -ehWéaefril screpnen uta i oruu17 nî îireus. Ground fnoor, res- ing Very wclibroie for Cal 8-412o 2-55o 2-70101 'SIUCOE S3Z Ehougilfuline-s a sudfor bh--Idid a year ago. MKany ianl , r $cc-l D1-6-31 onhertsfr up-pateient. -aaure.Pan 8-59.45-tf .~lIoringwor~. 7~i Olve. 7-ff-3 Phon rono 983-5639, 6-611,4 623-5746 GET CASH TODAY FOR OLP APPLIANCES TRHROUÇ,H STATE SM.AN C LA 9sSIFI1 E v S sWcrnted GAGES [THOUT OBLIGATI.ON JOHNSTON 144 EALTY INC, N., OSHAWA