Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 13

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ON FO(DPIE DerSic, The cnue price in- de,.rcnlyrlaedhas c",rtd qutea ti aongst lite ewe iedi and gai-- As aPan)rgaýnizaton ficulltt sano ilyby and have armr rdiculed iby these orcs have ariual shr or tefpark, eggs, f teli vgetal~sand 1rnilk. ly assumne.tatlfarmore are getting riait quiak. Titis le not se.Gter segments ai te foodl processing indus- try have no, daubt increas- ed ite mounony they have ir-cived. Wi1tit ,otr-ca-operatian wve wouldjhike Vo tahe titis ,)pporVunity Vo outlinc te fammners postio. Prior- ganizationîi haVP etot aitit long triarcluepal- lcytia ~llbnftbh fairmers Aad cnues stand w ityViepublic thinke teiconsumerpie ne ehouldtnot g p ehv heard i ofvery feUw areas la whicitInomshave gane down la Vite paet yecars. If tegveýrment wvac Vo ro- ami .AIR CONDITIONING TYON, NTRI 2 PCE. DAVENPORr le"setheaverage earned income figure as cODIPared, to191it would show thaIt incarne has doubled flu te- lationiship o the ris-e-of the cýonsumner price inidex. Many of those wbo receiv- ed theso higlier wages are working less haur3 than in 1961. To date, no t(chaical advances have been ade, so that livesýtock do-s not haeto befed and rmllked seven days aI wee. Farmners-willnolgr accept the nl on tr agriculture policy, govern- ments have - the cheap foodi polkcv cnep.We recognize îta ayPeople are on a low or fixed in- comne und not able to as- sume these higlier coste. Il is noV the respontsibilily of farmers to assure that people have a decent stand1- ard of living. Socety mu,,, insure that these 'people, have proper living stand- ards. Thp recent decision of th-e Ontario Mîlk Commis- ion (governiment appoint- ed) to ceny fluîd milk 9ro ducers the increase thpy aqked for is an exaMPle ai the cheap food policy we sroeak of. Whore else bas goverament, interfered to keep incomes dow'n' Consumption r cait of ahl major foode items in- croased during past year. This means that many peo- pe are noV resenting the igher prices. Government programe have increased greatly, in some cases, the amount of mn-oi)ey people have to spend. ]Juring the pat1tenyeaes the input costs (equiP., ,ment, feod, fertilizer', etc.) have ïncroased *greatly. A tractar that sold for $5,000 in 1961 now sehîýs for close ta $7,000. The cost of hired labour du,,rin-g the came time bas riseni one hun- dred per cent. Countries with labour coýs and standcards of living murh lower than Canada have beon exportlng theirar- culture praducts mb it country. 'Govornments bhave been asked by farm orgami- zations to take steps ta stop te- dumping of, this food and thus dopressîng9 the price whici thVe Cana- dian 'produ cor Is receivin-g. They eaPy that under the GATT agreement there le SPECIAL 3ICLUPES: * Clean Battery Cables * Adjust Carburetor * Test P-C.V. Val ve * Plugs - P'oints - Condenser * djetIgition V-8 TUNE-U? $24,95 Most Cars 6 CYL TJUNE-UP $19*45 - ~.MBU~!U U W'U..UUU~~,. U ~ 1166 KN ST. E .ww 623-21196 naw are adherirg o the conditionis OChi titis agres- Ment. Food Production in camle cunr Cs ' e ing miuch more hieavlly govera- mient suhsidized thian in Canada. As a result they are ablýe Vosedicheapor. The Federatinof Agri- culture bas asked' the on- tarlo goverlnmenito imr- ploment a land uise policy for, îthe whole province. '-,o date the gvenmntba noV done thîs, Pailurýe tO do this ,will ult1imately lecad V higher fo-,od !osts. Good agricultuiral lanid ile ow boîng gulped uip by housinig and industry. May ropeý grow,2n in SnouthernOnai simply can not ho gr n l the Central an-d INrtherni regions, of the province ho- cabuse of wýether coniditions, poorer land, etc. Forth crpps that can be growni higher. The qult an qauintity per ar ilbe lowor. Transportation cha- g«es -will also be ýitigcihr. Goveram-ent Is noV will- ing Vo pay comipensationi for lacs of property value due Vo ýplanniIng and zoinjg. Titis propDerty value lc s p)roporty la szoned arcl turc and Jbis neighibor's les zoned residential or indus ' - trial. Land could be w.orthj $400 an acre oýr $4000 aný acre depeindinig witich sidle you lived o.iThese _zoning by-laws will beniefit ail peo- ple. Why sitauld farmoers not bo coompensated for this loec? The food produced from tiis land îs for all soiety. We wonder w,ýhat people would hink if sorne goveramrent b.ady wasSta offer tem approximyalely onre-quarter or less of te value of titeir house and not be -willlng Vo camnpen- saie hem for Vite loss ni Value. ln essenIce, this le whlat thcy are doc-ing o farmrers. 1Agricultuire bas b -- ' e e n crlticized for brinýging ln labor from ther countrleo. Last year over 1500 Carih- beans vworkýed for farmoers ini Ontaria. Althougit six per cent of Vite labour force wsunemployed last sum- mer there was till a seri- ous shortage o)f harveel help. 4t ile-not qeconomically feasible for farmers iV o coin- pote with beef-ýits offered by governiment programes. Farmor.s are not happy 10 be, exempted fromi the Emi- plIoyai!ent Standards, Act. Ahl farmers would he will- ing Vo pay higitor wages piovldied theýir returnts were increase(d ;iufficieritly toi do WVe realize that poitical1- ly iV would prot ho right Va initiale tese programs. fI te ad hoc agricultural poli- cies of gaverrnent continue food prices will accelerate it n evenl faster lovel. Wrdconiditions IVite paýt year hiave sbowvn there is a nedfor a sauind a'gicu- turp policy. Do ireaders oaîz ta miore people unoirnplayed in Caniada than there are far- moers; '(2), Unemnploymert paymente tolalled m o r e titan the, grose icn o0f ail heef roducers; (2) Prom 1961 o 1966 Ontarlo farma- land wont out of produc- lion at a rate of Vthrcee acres per bour. Titis accelerated ote alarmoing rate of 43 acres perlheur between 1966 and 197 1. Farm-ers ýaire cancerned anv e believe 1V le timne the -est of soiety became concerrned. Slnýcerely y ýourF, Dont Welsh, Secrelary afAgicultiure. GET CASH TODAY FO(R OLD APPLIANCES S T A TE S M A N C L A SS,1 F 1E DS Fo-Complete$9 0 , 5PCE. KITCHEN SET One OnI -~----$249.95 ExcellentVau- $ 9 5 54" BOX SPRING ad MATTRESS $RO> f imiited - l e 9 0 2"x5A" MATS Variety of Colours. DRAPES & BEDSPREADYS Rzeduced to Clear 39" CONTINENTAL BEDS Complete with Headboard $2.50 Limited Supply $49 To Clear WESLEYVULLE DUr attý,1itude ta m ost tiaePowevr of Gùa Untio Salva- lalife e rel1ative. Peritape tiol", that, le-whye are revellin Ho compare acar with is lu, these dais of brilliant suil- btyCaie broken, ta- a life! chineî, co ilaconitrast ta the with noconinication withý maRny darkc daye af fail and God. No now painit job or wte.Birds, oo, are noV la allier rpi, woutld geVte! wulit conistant .attenidance aticar going w,ýithjout a properý- itei f'eeder wtnfiol-de ndcale.'O!llow),ing Clk chc 'lrv wveed s are haro, A Ver)1,Ttrim Ijce Vtite Juniior C1hoir iteldi shrikelbas beenj perched on practijce wtl teir teacitersj the wie oesvrldyadsunday Scitool. leaders bis vory chfi(eery %'oico gîving lanne cam oe socal ci-ente la- 111lii hndication 0f bhis V,? 01 aI udiÀ-ng a cr'okinole party for gtighie d(ailyv bread. co)rne îm m tite nearfure M.ai-d Ms.Darreli Mc-lTe Cnreatineard withi Cullougit ai Now -Souitbies sdac s o f the paesing rai Mrs.j Autstraýia, ariJvodant te home J, liotdriglteweeken-d. aif r a'nd Il/ire oward O audyRv .Rnjt Pay ne on Tqa-iuary 29thl. Tty rnd AMis. loyd Kellogg, are ging Vol i-e boere aaid 1Mrc K. Syma-ns, Mrs. E. Bar- wllbe chslarin;g lanteatvi ocluhEiabt arneCse io f the f'arm., Welcoï-e ota and Lannira Beattie attendodI Canada pand ite reigitborhood. the wrshpforie, '2i Tbey , stOPPod la riVancouver Cobaurg lUnited Churcit on fo aviil wîit Sandra PaynelSaturday, Pebruiary lth. wv1i le working ctitere. A special mneeting iit Churcit service at Welcolme Welcome ýCliirch UTnited Wo- on Sujnday mr-or-ninig was co)i)n- mnvas bold at the Suxnday, ducted byj-he Rev7. J. Ramji, ctolraeta disee Vite(ý usiaig a portion af thte firet renovflation aiOfVite Sunida.y citapter of Romans for tite Scitooicl interJor, on Wednes-day basic aibicseronFhemrnn , c.th. Robyn Clarke ai Guelpht JJJJEwas omre for the weekend E LIZABETRVILLE erfamnily atGardeni Churh srvies wre tel by er irlfrienid, Terrill, andwe ad s ur speaker Porsyý,tlle. Mir. C ihi Welcomieand I a agreal weeikend fori Ite choir under ite leadersitip Vies1 ambuesand hey aMrM. Cruise sang an an- btit an umboafrVt ott tie. n o1 e snaw. Sanie 'of Mr. ad Mr. Hery Siep- hemwre Jon uffoird, go- pard havemodtaPr Hope. ,Mr. and Mrs. L. MuýldJrew, are in Oshtawa where Ms Muldrew is la the hospital. Mrs, M. Wiite was oxp.ct- ed ta came home ocoon. if cite, isn't already homo.I Mr. and Mrs. W. D)eremao, Bowmanville, wero wititMr. and Mrs, K. Trew over te BobMererand Ken Fo-! oer were home for te week-' oend. Ken went back on Sun-' P, day niglit.H Our Women's lad î4u te meeting, held on te firesi pldsa Vo ahave te 8 Wa oecday ailct tt, Nw postpondan tihavit the 131h becauswofaiMr. Stroag's, funoral last week. We bave te U.C.W. called off for titis m oati as we feel te 20Vh le too close ta te ayster cupper, foe hve Macimeoetqingbt Welts have ore mare qilt e-V fouelthe may gV teiter be Mr, and Mrs. J. Dek1oker, I Uxbridge, wero with Tbick- sons on Sunday. Mies Doris Beatty, ýattend-i ing University la Hamilton wae home for te woekend. Mrs. Clarence Beatty itad another quilting last week. Mrs. BE. Wbeeler spoat, Sundi2,ay witlh ber daugiter M Mrs. W. Cook, Mr, Cook and; family. Mr. and Mrs., C. Mercer, spent Sunday ia Wiîtby wîtit Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Manie, MVr. and Mrs. H. Quantrillo attended te dinne-r for Mr, S.I Gifford on Priday night. O Mr. aad Mrc. H.Mure itad Mr. and Airs, Bru ce Mc ,intoslitand boy Clspins Mr, nd rs.R. Aveysý nd6 family , Oshiawa, on Suniday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Langyoar flf iteld 'a birthday party an Sun- day Vo celebrate Mrs. Long-, year's and Mcc. O. Woodloy'r, birthdays. Guests were: Mir.N and Mrs. Penton and family', MVr. and 1L'-Is. Rase Longyear, port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Keitit Longyear and Dean, i. and Mrs. 0. Woodley, Gardeon Hill, aIea Mrs. Mannly, Port Hope, OBITUARIES MRS. REDLEY OKE The dealt ai Susan Janei Oke, lanlier 98tityear, oc- curred suddenly at Sunset' Lodge Nursing Home, Bo- m1,nvillo',' Ontario on Prlay7, Pehruary 9th, 1973. Daughteraiofte laVe Nici- olas and Emma Lane, site was bora and educated la Castleton, Ontario.ý Marriod, t o tite laVte Arthtur Kaapp andi Iter ta te laVe 1Hedley Okýe, she was pjrimriy a house- wif an aia member of~ Ebnezer Uniited Chutait. Mr.Oke lesustrvived, by1 two daugitters, Mrs G.A. Kaiglit (Mildred), Cobourg,1 and lr. William J. BlakIe (Kay), 0Oshawa. The lfneral m'as ield from te Northcutt Elliott Puneral lHome, Bawmanville, on Sun- dayPeb).111h, 1973, witit Re(v. David Harris; Ebenezer Ctrioificlalnig. Tompar- Pry- enitornbment ilaLang! iVat, Orona, withit ntermet at a later date in Castleloný An-, mployýee af General iMator-s,Nla J. Haelyn wbo,1 retired Juily 1, 1967, as truck plant graup leader, witb 42 years service, died in te famuly1,ý, residence, 317 Division St., Ochawa, Tuosday, Peb. 6 , li7 e H had been seriously 111 for te pacî Viree montits. Ho was bora August 1, 1905 in Darliîagton Township, and was 1Vite on aifte laVe Mr. and Mrs. William Hlamlyn. Ho was mrarried ovmbr7, 1946, la WbitLby, and jbad spent ah itis lie lanite Ohawa ares. Ho wsncs a forii memnitr ai Vi-te UTAW,ýýA Local 222, was an avid fishiemmani, andý for man-yars ibowled laiite, General Matý,fr)ore truck plant Ilague. Ho lei suri-yod by bis wif e, Vite former My,,rtleý Brock (Osle), three daugliters, Mrs. Ray Wi',7,'lson ('Vers), Miss Lor-' raine OcIle of Ositawa, M.rc.ý ýDonï Lyon (Btyof Witby, Ostle ai Oshtawa, anc sister, Mirc. George Groomr (Lihian), Vwa broVber$, Nanman and Douglas, al ai Oshtawa; seven grandailîdren and one great- grandchild. Mr. Harlyn restéd at Vite Armstrong Puacral Home for- service lante chapol on Thurs-1 day aiternoan. IntermnentlaJ-i i Vit Oeithawa UnionCemtoy Roi. elvHeButVrs i ý fAI- borrt SIcaVee United Citurah af- M; _: - Aa iigto Jaick's Lake, Rae TAe ford going to Barrie, Keni JKen and Steven DPinner anld Percy Hoskin to 'Hollow LaFke for some lishing. There is stili a long list of Elu) victims, amnong 1them rs. Arcie ordwho hiadcp mpli-ý cations following it and -was, in Port Hope Hfospital and wl bc going to Petei-roough for, tests to dlet ermineho shel iwvas affected. Flu is eey ýwhere for the Chas. He-nder-, sonl fam-ily of Deep Riv-er pianned. to v>ýisi-te amily, Iniii Port Hlope, for thewe- end and hlad the lýIu themY-ý selves. Mrs. Ford's-S -,littie granddauighter meaFord was taken to Port Hope Hos- piIai last week for- the s amec trouible. -Mrs Hect"or Darke i improving la Port, Hope Hlos-, Mrs. J. Gr'oenieveld leavesý next Wednesdlay for a tn-p to ManyT fam-ilies ar'e Stijlu- ferinig Troml the filu or it afflr effects, buIt th-e unusualý W eaqt',eÈr CO n-tinI eIS. R ad rVe as good as summer imre andi fielIds -are- bareP. Tt is -very convenienit but not, very good for filelds or fali whleat ex- posedt to intermittent freezing' and thiawîng.1 Rev. J. Ramijit's sermon at, Wekomye United Cuc n Sundiay i-ornîing was titled "God Coming Down" basedî on thie scripture found ili "'Sirit of God. des-cen-d upon my heart". The choir sang "T T The cFandîia taeraa o Fvlei. b,14, 1 173 believe la GO'd theFte" ______________ _____ Follo Ilwng iunday Sholte Juior Choir practiced fonra coming service, Mesdames T. Wilson, Clar ence Nichols andi E. Barr-ow- clough-I attendred the annual. mieeting of CcbugPray ter ilUnited Chiurch Woe in CJoourg last Wedlnesday. Mrs. johin Groeneveld Jrc. retuýrneýd homýe last Thursdrayv afe pending holidaysvst- K g ingI reçlatives in Holland, Sheý tele us the weather there l mnuch the same as we hiave A2 be,,en enjoying bore. Mr. and Mrs, Carroll Nichiols Rg 199 were ln Peterborough on Sun- day and Mrs. Nichols on M\fon- A day taý attend the fuineral of he (r aunt, Mrs. Lorne Sot Mrs. H. Darke of Port ýHope, le in Port Hope Hospital for $ a check-up and rest and -w. Jiope will soon ho home aPain. Mrs. J, Walter receîved wo,,rd ý"daoiisrepral On Saturday of the death o 1"dignlseenfpral he(r father Mr. E. Hircock of vinyl'covered neutral cabinet - 114' Nelson, British Columbia. deltinauize piurtbe-es Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jiggins elcinRuÎizdptr MAb - and sn Robert of Port Hope VH, and UHF antennas - 'Set and VFi visited with their aunt, Mýrs." E. Barrowclough on Sundlay. tuning Up frontspae Soi- Brian Jiggins who suffered eninerng a fra,-ctured ankie somec timeir ago is stili home fromn worký,ý'AA Ij;ýA for the nature of thebeakAALB A requir es great care, to prevenit co)mplications. K L E T R RS Gloria Nichole a i LondonT PR,1 ^, k_ was home to spen rthei e ek- 24-Diisin tv,,Bo -a end wi-th ber sister, Mrs. G--arthiimi .Jiggins in Port Hope and ber hoe62-32 parents, Mr. and Mrs, Carroll N\ichoils here. itive 'get" state Sà ANNUAL CLEARANCE ALL 1972 Me,,RCHANDISEMUST GO NO DEPTOSIT - Easy Terms to Suait Youir Budget 45 King St. East ATelephone 725-6535 Bowinanville: 26 lKing Street il", nTe1epbnie: 6330 9 PRE,, SPRING, SERVICE ZIF7 r, # Xý &Aýi 1 iweboAmomm 1 ficiated., m À r

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