The anadan tatemanBowanvileJan. 24, 1973 erra. a au a a a au a SpUafla apuappaut rru w a a.. U.s.a - - - - - - - - - S yLAS!BACWK - ?à5 Vears Ag" -- Bwmnvligh in thle m1otor city, Jauay 2tina bardch-ec"king gamený 19-12 to take the lead in. the inter-school lake- shore league. B.H.S. unMe-up D - Chant, Stutt, Urqu- hart, AUn, alr ur, Heylaatd, Piper and t t t t FLASHACK -10 Years Ago - The first Roy WY, Nichoýls, Mens Open Bonspiel, held at Bow- ianv-ille, Country Club on Saturday, January 9twiLgo down on record as~ being a linge success. Iii the 9:00 a.m. draw Jack Gay's teami wva-, successfuî in wvilning' their three gaines. Tepim mates were Lead Jerry Peterson, Second Deac Goddard, Vice AI Rundie. Second highest )vinwa Ken F letcher's team with Stu James Lead, Harold Falk'Second and Ivan Woolsey Vice. DAVJD1 ZINK -- former golf professional at Bow- manvilleCony Club, and for the past two y1,ears Canadian týour co-or diniator, bas been made executi-ve dirctorjý of the Canadian Professional Golfers Asso- cito.A nice move up for David, whose successor will kelybe annouiiced in the near future. Dave suced il Hamnilton, also a former pro, who becçame thep.GA' first full tîme admýinistrator six yeaýrs ao Congratulations and best wishes on your new position from friends in the area. t t 11 SKATATHOIN - will be held by the Bowman- ville Hiock;ey Association on Tuesday, Feb. 6th f rom 8:00 - 10 p -n..ùto aise money to help suppor t the detJmuenile and Junior "C" tean-is, There wAïilbe a liniit of 250 laps and the players of theteams -ill ýbe around to solicit pledges. Thte Ass;ociation lias Io raise between $15,000 and $20,000 so al the assistance possible wtill be t t t t t VOUNG CND A at the Arena on Satur- day will e Bwmaniville teamrs in action. Cone and chee-r these plyes)n as many of the payers are potentfial Also corning with a Brantford team i s 'Wayne G,,rctsky, Il years old, who is playing ini a 12 *years old(j.league. Wayne has been written up in tLhe Toronton papers and the scouts are watching, SNOWMOBILE RCES - will be held in Till- sobrFeb., 3-4, Barrie Februa.ry 10-11, Sud- buyFebruairy 22 and the Kawartha World S-erisiï eeroogi Match 3-4. t t t t CONGATUATIOS -to Miss Mary-Lou Powell, a i mmber of ther Oroho Figure Skating Club who recentily placedl fourtlh in sectional competition in t t t t COBORG OUGAS -Captlain Bruce sher- win ipvJll be ioucf the Couigar lune-up for an ineiieperio1d %ith damag;qed carflage ini lis TIAPTN GRDNS M ior Pee Wees wou thei r two exhiiion gýames played last week. Thurs- da teydeeaedBa Ridges there winning- 4-2. Goals goigto rgt Prest-,on. Ward and Frank,- asssto Brun1t eand Stewart. In Bowmanville on Sa fdafhei efacdNwcsl Pee Wees 2-1 with goals b ýy VWarc-d dWright. t t t t t à300 CLUB WIYNNEURS - Saturday, January 2oth wr:No. Z81 1ahn Seto, No. 263 Jim Mitchell, No,) 77 Ron Osbornre, No. 96 Bob Abboit, No. 138 t t t t t LADIS BWLIG -The house 'round of the Day- tim LaiesBowerswas held,,at Liberty Bowl on Sundy, an.2lst. Th1ree teams now advance to the Zone fnals wth thir eyes on the 'big all expense paid weekenidin Ne York City. Tweive team s made the bouise runid and thfle wînners were Ruth McMil- lan's Mple rove team ,wblo finisbed first. Members' of the team are IRuMcMillan, Cathy Pincb, Marg. Cilhis, Aurey luritrie anid Ann PlaZek. 111 second plac wasVern Sarinso's eam firom the Mrr Makrs eage Mebers of the, team, are Verna SagisnMajPiper, Drty elHee oey anrd Joani Bruce. Another tea4m from the Mý,aple Grovýe leJague fiishd tird, ebr of this teaý,M are M0ary G-rîffioen.- Shaýro)n Morris, Npncy Huighes, Evelyn aily ndJean H laskýell. We wsxthe above. tram8 weýlj l i hir btteIo wjjinthe Onaro hamp- asiiad the big we,,ý(ekend in New York City. The n-ext rolloff wi1 1 be Februt ary 25tb, 1973. SENIOR CITIZENS CRIG-Ls ens daym ni 1rthefollow'ing gathered at the Baw- manvlleCuringClub for a curling m atc iad toeorganize a SeniorYs group for 1morning curling throulglithýe Kcoopîeration of the Bowmanville Coutr ClbMessrs. Sam Buttery, Les Coomb- eJoe Bramer, Harold Gillingham, Wîif Main- daldMar Ronig54a-s1I.tay,'Do REDS $3,50 E O and BLUE$25 CHILRENHALF PRICE Tirckets on sale Aullditoriumn Box office Onlly .Teams: DIXIEDOBEvs ONTARIO MONARCHIS RearLeaue ame RerDerhy On o Bwmanvilhe's youne A tar teams, Preston the lef t touright, Terry DeLuca, Garf McQuaid, John Stoorgard, ar Moves MjorNovceswil berigt inthethik o th acionthî Sbckelton, Darrel Goudey, StanGreena and Rob 1Deoo; midde atra t Bowm'ranvihle Arena, duing Young Canada Day. AIl row, Cbuck Wehsh, Terry Miler ROb) Wallis, KvnNbe tv local AUl Star teamis will he playing visiting teamis f romn outmbftown Huismian, Steve Braun, Randy Crossey, Brent Chemens and Dale during the day wvhihtrophies for tinnersand a -Most Valuable Broome,; back row, Asistanti Coach Don Wvehsh,. Sponsor Mlaurice Plyer award as wehl.Mees of thePreston squad are, front rowv, Prestoti, Coach Jimi Schultz and -M anager Hýon Ciemlens. gettr, Lnny oras(23 pts. M en's Eugles Win S to lf-u g rin14 ganies),injured hbis lef t > "sihould end may be fnisiPd Ale îq A ira 1for the year. Dufenempr kollPard tonk a Gary A keybuas off anaray Dick Per-fect 4,waýs the onlyý bowler to cahthe- 800 mark this week. Dick had games of 223578for ;anice '835 triple. Thi' rtPeenbolsmaethe 7ý00 pflateauj. The Old )ýPr,-(' ErniePerfct, ad 789 (288- 290), WValt HJately 78,5ada -~341 >ingl i )igi for: the nih.George Piper had 785 ' 'n (33'2-271), Don ()ke-7'69.(8) Larr'y Piper 7,53 (299), Dave neynold!s 7,36 (301), Morlîey iFtelcer 7313(7).Mrly son Roni Fats Etcher 729 (268, Dr. H, . B. undIe 729 (8) Harid enntt726 (2714), Elton B3rock 726 (271), -Wildý Bihl Okýe 717 (248), Murray Tighe 710 (273). Steve Oke had a 302 single game, Albert Samàn 300, Bud Henning 295, Gord Wilcox 283. The Pepsi Cola team had hgh single 1281 while thel Jury & Loveil team captured high tri ple 3561. The Frank's Variety teamn ha;s 7, pts. for top spot wilie Pepsi Cola ïand bandei frtHar- ware ar-e ied for second place with 6 pointsea. Dav e Reyiolcis 1has - taken he head for, high average, Dave(ý is cipping along at 255. Ab Sam-an has 254 wvith Dick Perfecct imoving loto third, spot at 27 3rù Week - 2nd Schiedufle Averazes 0 ams DaeReyniolds 6-5,A Samian 6-25i 4, Di ck ýPferfet 247. Johný Carter 25 Mre Larry Piper 240C, H owarcdi Runie -237, Hlector Ba114a1tiiie 234. Prepsi Cola q3 6 Hadwre I 3 6 Wîer 5 4 5 L. G. A. 4 4/24 B ïvrLme 5 4 Dykstra's Food4 5 4 Coronation Restaurant 4 5S 4 MutnSheili 4 '5 4 Neis QOsborne Cowan ilPonltiac'- 218; high triple, Fîran Bruce- 77; iýgh Single, Franl Bruce P306. TeaqniStandings Brue ___-85 7 4 6 Sheean ______ 8386 6 Sutcliffe 8255 2 ýPartuer - 14137fi0 :i 30Game, Fran ruce306. 2041 Gaies Diane oarh296Iý, Fran Bue271-202, Mary WeIstovePr 250, Joan iSuliCjffe 2-ý38-236-211 Je'anlBurton 237-211!, Denis' ýe Annaert 233, Gr'ace ýDowvney 219, yh Sheehan 216,Ien Whiitney ,'v2!12, Hilda SýimnIIck 20&, MaieBissoneitte 204,I Trixie rown202. Averagecs Bce206, Joan Sutliffe 206, Jean Burtion 20,5, 1H1ilda Sm nik19,IreneWhtny 90 Bownavile VowhesF Ealstravelled to Suti iriday nlh t and defeai Sutton il fi a ireal ciffhanl game, wnigb 1 goal4 It wawlyffhce the boys ut ra]ly play,ý thegme owani lle gî were cord Steve~ a unasýsistecd, Rolly Sim with Dve and Grubb sisting, then Grubb soorý with Bennett ani CroughT sisting. Byron HFolmes; scoi lU E l ~ NISE~, ibIDSU~U7 beseao' nd for tIe steadyý Sdefendr. Ped team aeadaithwy We tgeo a short hýanýded team Tis ltursday at 8p., ton lost another .,player as ,Glen and scored goals framn Rich -cNulYs tackle Lockcs,, wilie dedI Rice -,as taklen loto the anid Turnier two eacýh, andCunyad Kr'arps meet ;1o igerI bo)ards ad ame eoff the cý fe sqingles going o Aamns, h1 h :0mth 413.1 with zan lnjury to -his foot. Iai'rds,Ç Wr ight anldCon. Also mising ws Pu o-ITwo of theBagls' tpPo ,jjg Sý' SIIfld viha îegJ10- playqers wreotion011e Po- lNomies 1l uy Suttoi'.s goals were ure"d îist, with Paul Forsey. ~ ~ordby Hllldcge fo a Ge iebotlrdhne fM I so 'onCooper îfr' MDm11Te 1crd! a her gLIaK un vr asdad, anrd Lang from Copr uda igj't ana te ewe-e r in-g PadfRemie. a ew more bhsaroulnd, but I C -SunaynigUtfinloma-telocal fnswere probabyLoss a rdville, wlth a lot better crowd disappo)ioted ii la tha ame nd oalie- TV 1- --Dnn't 1c-irc a, (!0,' mt. Roert SwiîgPolMn 11e Dag1es coulcon ige gind sec--h --' ------4 - s'snng;astbey lost to firêt rplace Sandse te nigl s pîy ex 7,Yte or N ospled tcle 3game2 The, fans miade othemselves Lindsay 8-2. hSndaynighal stheypîay hst weekon hee Bowmnvea heard hn Sutto)n, as, a good Bowmaýnvjlie goto h ott a igs aetandopdacoe3t _üL n te tme :30P.M nihscoreonhoe Wie Wedoesday foilowing traveiied with the scoreboard wîth, a goal fromtme73 - ngtoteWhtyBoli team, plus the, ones w1ro Friday night the Eagies team. Kevin Tink scored for drv Uan ea heed fMax Johnson ass db Dntravel to Penetapg. Theý bus tehm rwwt o droe u, ad eartheendofSmith and Steve Davies. L'ît- ies the aeatai 5 j the borner crt ewth a h ow mntasthe facoff were s co ne redn ithgaick Sackelto Anvone wishing to go and Janack. Kent Wilcox scored houes s h Bomnv c ed. ee crdwihR(l Sakl cheer the Eagles on to, a \vio, the second goal on a left- Dn owmnil n Suc d a an d Douig Crough1 assisting. as they are stillinh 3rd place, \vîng pass fromn Captain Jan- outstanding gamei in nets forý Penalties hurt tbe Eagles be there to meet the bus. Sce ack. Whitby got the two- Býowmanville, keeýping thel badly as- Lindsaây took advao- 1you at the arena. point- goal hate in the third, Goaiies Kevin WeLi'i and Men's Town League Hockey Toby Rowe continue' to im- prove eveýry time out with, steaciy defenisive play by Grant Brockl, Paul Dadicsoa, Vaughan Wes and Brent Crossey. FrÎaynigt xhiitongame in CoourgwithCobourrg By B afin Loces T 7 t 6 MjorNovices earning a 2- v Loc es V lo 6 ý1tic Bowmanville drew fir-si Rob Worden, Kent Wilcox, scored n a backhander wt Ch y lrjdeaM N ly thesho coming from poinit- es cN _ký lys man Grant Brock with Brent Crssyin on tI la ei by .ini lark. calou has plae pech 16 .hiptallinga goal anmd five ýWelsh piaycd shuotgalo Ver htte retbagspace pts,) edgiing iMNultys 4-3, bsIstJI. e now ýVhasaaine tw'1,,o periods and wsriee could be fund lan the stand- the 9:30 affair. p intiad ove-r MNt's y ob owl hethr ings oilwio last Thursday it was the potnsSve Burns, wlh hrevho had two get by. night's ac...tivities. firstý defeat since Nov,.1fOth, gamies to Play.1 Robert Swimming P oUo rapsFurniture ended a when they were tape Randy Donoghue nohr onddou MH eau si-aewiniess skîd, best- 11-4 by Kramps. perpetual motion type, piced play on a winahng1, note with ing second pýlace Locke, TV Io the 8 p.m. ecutr up two goals (bis i2th andî a ,2 to 1 scýore over, Port Hopie 7-6. The ictrY heft Kramps Kramps receivecd several et- 3th), along wîth three belp- in Ilhe bih town,Sudyaf I 'l M point1s, one hack oýf standing jodiidýua1l efrsin, ers. Gary W iso ;ntchýed two ternoon1. Bowmanvile 'did nal McNht's potsand the TV sýubduing Los7-.Rc goals and. two assists for the their crn hotesod cutit Lagu ladng outyWooloe ratciy aieFunur troop, wh1iie thie period, Kent Wilcox scorîng on u Chyaerreabedthirpre-1down thi' orngcham-pin- leagues~ top scoring defecý,e- a high slap-shot with ]in- man Wry R'Odl bastedf mates Joti Janack a-id Kevin home bis oinire goalnwith Tink hssisting. K,'vin Tn ONLYSOc DMISION aveGree roudingout in'scored the game-ierb- ý)NLY 5ýýc DMISÎSMNI p(,n round ng lafleigi position in frontii of the pFor oches, Larry Perris,. oet, assists going tLo Grant BI INMNSUE hvn a great year, fired iaBokannicx BIGhiSM N UPR6th andl7hgaso Ail local hockey loyers arel the cmpaiga. Other acorers rmne fMnrHce ___ ere George Sainsbury(aogWcwthileen MA 9ih heeasts-,Bck Ail-Star teams la action at the te o el i te uges witb auimbersý 16 ard, local areoia, Satuirday, January 17 ad Soty"Bugasa i-27. Pes io down, the ing hj idth and sevrt7, boyswill mkethe action ET ER BOCRO0U GH MEMORIAL CENTRE T i iî erl h e' Town Lau.Scty bas *A~UU~MbeÉ,n one of the top rooies. FRID pAYr JAftUAKT 26 Kraýnps wnnrsito of Liberty Belles two prodTbcy ý-drewsen $7:5 00 ï i PRIZE MONEY wt ohs ld43atr B ZINCLUDING 6FL CR)C,0E OR 30. h'laided out bmy officiis Bu~Jaauary l16 ~ SPCIALBIG~ Sipso andDou Crogh.Team Standing~. SP$600 ain S BEILGAM PCA ote aeLsl ut el' Fi n SPis. z 60 Gme SPCIL A, Chirysier, the leagile'a b'ottest Colvïîle -?3720 5 $150 FOR AGAMES clbhutupa41ed after Robirnsoni 3684 5 Bottom Lino 1973 AT 4q minutes, on goals hy Brian Land5-- 3459 4 TopLio OT-SI $5000 BrdlyLaany BoD' iras and ocrtl30 $150 TopoUeby Ray PKIickell ocm iko 3576 3 $300aud TRAILER EACH 'ýý plete their scoriag. McNulty, Stepes .___47 3 Gibon ..~ 3470 3 Fuît Card or $1.000,00 CASH iih1 tog wib toBoais--- 3396 3 20BGRGUA A ESA 5,0 AH tird period goals hy 'Woody' Cobe -3460 2 ____________ GA___ ES__ AT_$50.__0______ Le and Bruce MeadoWs. Seho- , 33 T heir final taliy came at Hlorstn - 3528 1 Brand' New 1973 Hloliday Ford 11:3j7 of the third, but County Dadson -------3---- 345 O gTithstood th High sliogle 281,' Breoda TORINO -,late gamne chiarge. County Stephiens; hiigh double1t 471 or 2,00 ashdrw the gaole's oniy two (281-190,, Brenda Stepjhenis. or________Cah pena:lti*es, including one to Top Averageýs EARLY BIRD (Shate die Wealth) GAMES rinBraia t 83 fte B tpes22,SLang START AT 7:30 P.M. third~, stt'ng the stageP fora21,MioGbsn29ABs furiou fnale. 204, C. Robcrts 202, 1M. TLane 1Kwi 1(-vhave le t he and 1ý99._M, Colvile 19', M. seice fto aib pet- Pohhlard 191, H.Coo190, W.q() KINSMEN formera. Their l~~~~~cado on- oibs 8,F ibey1 loi HEATING SPECIALIST 1 Queen Street Bowmanville PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE OU, Gas & Electrie Furnace & Air Condition Installa- tions - Central & Window Units, - Ulare Hecla& Findley rEquîipm-ent Free Etnae Budiget Trerms Available 180 KN,? Bm ENVLLL TO SELL YOU THE RiG,,HT CAR. FROM A SELECTION 0F OVER 100 NEW CARS Over 60 Previouslyi Owned BECAUSE- WE HAVE SO MANYý THE PRICES ARE LOW Why notIet us knlow what you wanit? PHONE 623-4481 SEJE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION on Hwiy. 115 - -next to ClarkeHil Schoo Phone 987-4887 The ono you have road about is loto now. , ., See, thip 1973 POLARIS COLT at s645UP///j J. & M.' Sports AutoriedDealer fo)r' Kçawa)sakýi Mtryls Polaris Soroie OROINO - PH-ONE 987-4887 A FEW A-i U11SED NQMO IL LFT TUN-UFIJS $7.50 plusPART LUCKY PROGRAMý, WIN.NER - at theý Junior C game on Sunday evening was No. 50, held by Art Rennick, winning $5.00. The 50-50 draw was won by Doug Barnes, Hampton, with a nice $22,50. t t t t i. CORRECTION - in the item last week lregard- înig the executive of the Little N.H.,, nd thie vîsit of "Rocket"' Richard to Yowng Canada Niglitat the local are-na. We copied the item from 10 years ago and n iamed the President of theMothers' Association as Mrs. Simmis. IL lias been dr'awn to our attention the name should have been Mrs. Joan Simpson. t t t t t EXCHANGE TOURNAMENT - A former residenht of Orono, now living in Quebec, bas arranged a tour- narnent for bis Quebec Pee Wee team to play Oronio Pee Wees at Orono Arena January 26, 27 'and 28, witb the return match in Laurane, Quebec, Feb, 16, 17 and 18, Phayers will be bihleted in the homes for both series and several parents wihl also be attending the games hotb here and in'Quebec. More details to follow. t t t t t FINE RIDGE INTERCLUB - figouresktn competitions will be held in Ajax on-i February t t t t t CHAMPIONS ALL- The HI L. Wood Transporter Major Pee Wee All Stars bave quite a weekend abead of them. On Saturday, during Young Canada Day, tbey wilh play Brantford Triple A Pee M/ces wbo were finalists in the Ontario cbampionsbîip Triple A section hast year. On Sunday at 11:30 a.m. trivl tae on another Triple A club from Oshawa, tbe teamn that won the Ontario Championship. The porters were Ontario Champions hast year in !the A category, so they probably wihl bave their bands fll both days, but it wihl be an excellent opruiyfor them to ascertainjust bow good they a re t csIer. -Needhèss, to say, tbey wouhd welcome nosycheer- inrg section. RURALA'IlLO Team Pins Pt,;. Hi C e ------- 9115 9 Maple Grove----- 9337 8LV N FRP Russels ---- 8982 6 Enniskilleri 8587 5 by1 Salem . 8912 :3 W U-T Tyrone .--- 8612 2~ O L TT LV Solina ----------- 8501 1~ Top 10 Averages R. Laird 228, D. Wood 226, D. Taylor 223, W. Coombese- 222, K. MeGili 216, T. Mili- Y son 211, B. Brown, 208, C. Goodman 206, B. Martin 205, C, Russel 203. - 1 -J-- y.-Zuk»u