adlen, aven thougie igane is lean îthegl hplv, movement cu t Jeled îl wpatoche , cauecinglosehi theroa onît onsimpr The Un i Wd lou ntifs MunA cilReo ofBniglton Townsrthi,-Vsug wsapnneo abfn psig lieetinin "Coburg alastwek is on rf-orle year., toya emt he, mg committees by acclamations Manvers Twnship,7wea-cmiteaogwt ii with few ositionscontIest'ed pointLed toaforyatembokRveCJNtey by moe thn on? council unopposed on the roade a, nwowapuonfrneya. memerbridges committee. uinto ilgeDpt GereNasDptleeve Jay WîtigoReee1ReeW .Dn a l et Mnver 'onhp wsSuthMngin a le-cd toheEngnyMaus eetd tethn agi cltral cd to the social services-om- ouizlon committeIlfor tw comite frDuha Cunymittee for a tuoyartnmya h lile Ront Dawson fo to-year tee rrn wb11,ile s ythew AnwikRee lxDpuy ReeotSuh OnTirda vnn Heteuty R7eevýe V. A. \Vos- yea'* i one-year term. uogi?. Ta Driam, Ca rut wrightCarl Heathrl, RepeeofnI t wiL il olsu Jo NorliumbenaodCountvTownshipReeLwrneigwae named te the Board 1e n Rootefla Ca Gordgn Carruthrs.,- eeve 5j iMalcorn, 1Wasnaedtoa1tw- f eathfo at-ya r er. n y heOliawVa HaitnTownipwsdn-yentn nthe sodial sen-Newcstl ee AR.Ga TeTe. ed t theagniuitual om- ces ommîtee.waeput on the Bado n-i ite foratoyartri eoAsraieDptyHath oi ne ya uiDneiMc Reeve ot S uth Monaglan and Lor nc Wlitso . D p ln e ws p t o ~e l- L u M lom a r rc ene-ean ermin a cloe V4toÉw'(pointed tei tire (chil-tefroey.A . e i nmCSrcn .3 voevn CiborneDeut rn' ad commttee for Dr aDpT evtCmptne rn a xiigc çlefeaed Pot t HoeReeve , industniland tounlee!i n co-terrtuatiy eae io Dunihani, .,A. Bllreci cr UM RuliCoanpeor tene, mt0eto ayereplncto a ii et~ ~ ~ ~ s:i:s," ownviwacetdyartr.Sewas absent fr, R.Wo dyrd Ree t eail hyaljso asseeI teto cnr on utihefin- athecoundthiQest C te s woyer hie an-ne ws ssin u ie lneTwswasaspt oiecepboks nd (rou pts îngon oosi ReepuQtyReeve V. A. (Mike> e o w yaswîeHo)pe ondte school. il sre th Vosburgh. Tonship UReve c ard M(naJn.1 a In NothunîbcnlandCol- Quanirtiili was aepponted for tic but enjoyab-le day as5 To otumlln, au-borne Reeve Deibe t Mc- one year. Gr _adep 8 Clas(6i u ton Townshîp Deputy Reeî'e bau~gliinwas clected t teCoog ReeW .T on ramCertwrgi ulcS Pos-ter Ruelîo was eieed... 10:twoyearterra on the Chîll- as was put un the pubic n-visited iusin orden teo a twu-year ternim(0o thetF esAid commitie aloIniglations cornittee for tw,ýo peniepnea rotie ay .1c co oste..CoborVs iM us. D, Brintacil, Reeve years whiepHalimsand Tow-"n- CRS. IV We opete n> DeeutyReeve Mns.Lenahlof Big litoniVillage, who ne- shin Deputy EReevc7). R. Camp u ehoiadis aî Fîser, wîll serve the one- ciedteone-year terrn. beýll aseed for a une-- nd that nlmnyout theni yer eni. Port hope Deuty Revelyean tcm,. Examincr. returnnore wyar on a rm BomnvleDeputy Rueeuc-pemanentbasic. twuyea teni n te Glde ilmembmesoutthe CRS.'ý xlou1i, mmiteeîwîle n U ,i L& W yer Club went to ethany Northmenn H a r o 1 d Clubh for the tiret sesson Puk eeve o etCnpbhfrdfW sun under the lghts1 wul sere etoYear terni. icu se r o e si n ya Bruce Tink, Depuity Reeve Mr p SJcottî is2 the founGder-CE50-5 et Darliogn Tow,ýnship wllonaîzr t hes serv e a two-ycar terri onthe Ar ~ P I ~wîl spoîgvr legaland blawsommtte ~'r i u i i n rl hscu sawl ang . Ch ClarkcTownsripioddtîu ethe rmany ot Recevé rE. . ooyrd amed BoImanville Businjess & kues sopeaker et the evenîng, lubs and extra.cunnict t-o [tice nc-ea r teni. iatcssontalWomnen held their «Mn. DickLa ,vekin troln Ncw- atvte htCH, .ottérs Ion rhubcladPe yDecemben meetingý.in the audi-,castîle, ,wliongave ius a rt en ,studfents, TownehipReeveA. L. Wat- o f ts. nnwsChurcentaining tlk on -"Voun Sni St-otlînces durrg the %o ran will serve the twomyea on DecEmbe(ýr 14t.h wtia good tlieLaw-,,yen" . Follon Mn. of 11, FubrularyCH.. eudF stînit on tli lga and bylas tum out, A delicloas Christ- Loeî' alk ther ewa a wil V rsen 1tree ene. eomnîttc alng wit cap- d nws senved by theulrief question and aswr lyo h nulho beiltordDeutyReeve A. C. Chlildis oluwing whîclipcniod whîcl i anmereohecfeti Nemn uneyan. the Club cenveed to the home girs prcpated uc n, DonutliyAiseintAe nea tre, RlarveKato nws -epuwilof tty Bail-for he gîtten- Deweli thanked the speakerion loade oft C 1{. students Clrïa t,oyanke teonishîhn ge ut B lie goingaîfoftohsec the1 bece Fcl epn .to crtr octecaneadapat-v1nglcatu theClbadpe and the Indoor GamesÈ piroportsy and retoretation Ailmebesdnated nw std lmm wîtl Si mai ttTnante comitta aongwîth Cavanmt, lat an savs-hicb as a tkn o ýu:r-,apreio.O rdyatron Towvnship Reve Luther 01,n woeesent tA I SlRîntnsdetMno urg j on-12t, tlic raOaF wlo receîvd thc oneear a-Armny t Ier, di hîsmsdce asotbsnesme-unain estiva waCc ponmn.boxes for nrcdy ,famnilles Ex- îng. ding h- cli a dseesocd iby Bowm1anvi1le J Tanovnthumabcnand, Jamesecutuvi- meeting wag ïmaved apintrolk place rgdnqg waysand Shoi lir w eu Quinn, DepuitlyReOvýe ettoelie held Januav tia h en tiugmn yE, rn Bwnvrrille, imCour Mumay uwshî, eceuved humne.ot'Mèrcn rgee. euh utws donatettgi lbClrcadCamrtrght cx the two-earterin on the Bowmanvîlc Businues1&"d ca gues MnsGreta Omsfptn.T I nn pnoperty and 'lreforestation 1Proteàsiunal Wonýien held their mtonofferedtA estcitup ndpehdiiinthe C ,S.r, comlte wieArthur Bacs, Jaliiuary meeting un the auidi hold a waork part in lier hom dnt w n onruith Ji ium et St.A ewsChu, rchyet Thunsday niglitin cn iaAmas furst, ISlii-S on Januàry T8tbîtb24 mm jntinwith uur regular c-scndadJck Ganter tf bers ,and guste present Afeciitive rmeetiq ng.s wy ir 'ortîitos ewcasiîe delucoedînner wýas served Y4ly «mme euntable tf(, pres thc, iaduc- tollowîng wrich cnrt please came to in Chani)ci Personals Jean Devîtt întroiduced our lStret armed -ithnedesnd BTH N Pcwj naIswere nmadefor dccoatsg oran Thya_ r as icfomer yeara OBTU RY loth ati, the, Spn11ig Pair e M.ands nGéorge the village W&l le nanvassed I EV 'ARID îg chedivii rls r W eet- liani by ~ o voatestnthe supporti in ti Eblte gCoictiMnindMs avc, ot thc Aliîliy Fund (NMrdioe alwn -sotnlcs __________ wr eet getee et" Air thus fondaideath rneIsdel'4 uen aD~~d Meme1al l'oputa,(Bwmét-aiWeeluy olng Resu1 Mcns BowiSg Leegue: Totrinam hlpplysc- n i n Wdneeav-, Jan n Inle, KencSinclir 223 a trade tlineug,-li hen W -Mcd wf E utH1cErbns î t ?W ýit tiple. mer Wllîams 709 ance in advîce, libe, t«Preat- 1. Newtonvllleof t rtaeopnFProinci a aue Ladies' hcglmur mnent roesklLast year omni At Ehizale.hviean Police înveatîgated thi follo.. uneWlsn2 àla 1581 p opie w r gin di- Auguet l1t9%,1903, the &decasing mator vdhicl collusons tiple, DaeWlo7 vidul asistace ed tese ceaadaugliter etthe lte Rnd occumrces between Jan. high sange, jack Bagg pe ill flt be ron thrcwel- Maur ndPlenIA Wôud riand 7th and Jin. Wth,19W3 ron's hîglripleJack !;: ma Dst. Sa wlil you picae atne ieselrle~oo Svneénnietr vehîcle - 679 Cames a e ,n f0:C. help sr, they car n lielp otheni- Aftierher rmaiag on n lcidénte es îvsiaei-Nas2,LodDvdo sacves te beuroucieïtiz- itipz92 I celîved st Oak iuding 1î înrg lanVnWign 11 lKa ens. Tîroagî naturp or acci- Ril forl30 eans nd thien biles in wliudh 9 pnoiswreBduk 20P5, Jhn Sau dents tWyParein untrtunate nmoved te S:'tarkvîlle where injiuneid ïd 7 pensns lhaigd 22,Dav Meeli201 ' circaîrsiacesHlMtus ielpsic lied -osued" sioce 1954 with dnming oFfences in con- i eaiiune.Bc ose 6, thuntaied orallîe Rr rchef itrcecenined nectian. luga62îaîlppy Gantg arounid hem hme nd tamuIy, Ais vstac ce73Dac e4, Drgbats1 SIc hewas a memrber cetuiergenenal ocuences Aut wh0hAlleUCas 46, GÔ-gettar i . . Shlo UntcdChrci ih ~was bek ne ard i tet optlo3 SubI C W nd th Rea-6 thetit, 3 ilfuldaaecn lT/SUT MM/C She le cuvived by lieir hue-i cisiarbance. 4aeule o I'U ON DEAN NOghter, Mr, fRooent Gay Bye pesaCreort ari7 i-d4' nai M r IA!rs Clf 1./T UE8ET NA /N Qtlyn) ut Rega, Swak., on rdangerous dnîvin cnu WndWMnard e ob-I jBr i MIK y Dwos Citrde Bw lans îepersu n'paielob tTiHlu!ysfr a vaci Inv2lle a qAlle n ut con b- charged wili crimnel atten hona, w;four roteeW lfr3 cs, 3 e chergéd ýd lth lyar m'iritegliaar of NcwatlUe, Toe e rrasng e n-ascharge G don Strog choulias Ehabivlle, Alen tof : ltonoora-n ean r cnfnet bd-it, awa and Levern etfPeer - pru cagd thinî- aii i a oka ng;and svngrandchild cd drilig wugi; sevn FOn'acurene yva -d thTe inMe af th-ICAickof oe tronc ec Oferop aen vportyoaudr.oc 0a Ths tunenal -aes ediu O0 oileswntan fi tci emiAlise - Faeral Homep i,,, tcr ee2rrts oz f l etn"onletsuH vr 'Twe- r;idensmnHrntn fbtiptnduie REQU 9 1IRED INFOR,'MATIOVN:aniNwatewmviîi- .adMsRiladR cdb\- tieuf iln Jan. 12?w rei l St. Jo-e' f- Il ospci fît L PRIOOF 0F 2AGE tlidsco)vererýi Ilitnu jo ' eteloog. par11ie wcnreetlenfrc hei Cngratulaions te MCr. V 2. LOT and CONCESSIO'N (Townsip) sombl.Th- arsw CeMm.RulsjceIl Ker mn on theb: 3,SRE DIES(Village) vledenppimatey $90. oetfthe i r secoonri1 gran-dehille S TUD EJNTS Mi'AYBE REGISTERED atcadingae icoilse parn -i camComm1j1Unity Hall orFid Lkedreundtec, ,car cveonji)g pize jI w vnisi AT ANýY 0F THESE SCIJOOLS !te tind tilatpenssnknwnMs.V.SnugN nneP ýhari stolen a ,'tpe playen and tayBaic, len Prsto ORONO PUBLIC . MONDAY, JANUARY 29 spAkvers valucd a 8600. Ji JG Mmay, a.m. Ry.4T en ecate nan m. i 9-12 Jan.13 ceulit flncThe driv-,Mllnspent Sunday et ti, KIRBY CENTENNIAL 1. TUESDAY, JAN. 30 cm imediga -h pulr ve otge nCiads ke. onoth igwy se.oulden bat andy veong. gust M-2 a.m. qbetore the fine could lie ex- the Wh-glits wr n gtinguisheri. the late model Mme. AlviiiMaste rs and - vehicle ~valiued ai $l,500in.00ed m. lnec Ms NEIWCAST'ILE PUBLIC WED., JAN. 31 ws destroyeri _______ UBIHE THNUR1SES 1IN 1ATTENDANCE After aa y soow feu, tic f THUG nacsing lanle rorn3muet our-i LT A TE1S M A NN UL lane highwa-7ys le otten sdu.el,- IAflP memon of he lae Breýnton M!cCoUlough by hiesîse n familySympathy leexten-I e'd te tihe bereav"edfaies Rov, R. C, oklsw1ill1be preal'ig a souestserfums, for a numbher of Sundays. This Suitdy was on Faîi% Curhserielm at 115 aM Suda chroo 10 am, Ailj are welcome, The Cnregational eetin wilbe Tedy January 31) at 8 py. We were sonyhoto ee7%i adMns. Arc-he ,Vîrtua tfronc ourvilae h.virng mvovedI thieir rnew home ain O-S hawaý Johnlia taen verhis fathi-, and re RîpiPolard andH chiîdren, Ham-rpton, wlio hapve mnoved i rteVintue hIomre', Cp.Michael CGîrb srjpent aý tewdas ith Èlis paret, e f.nd wItý Mr. andMr. J ibbs and boys, M andMs evnSît Sunday vcolores of Mns.-, A. J.Hor lust Doald StainnJr adsnJohn are leavqýingj Tliurday toda intojoîn lief husandat ontSt.Jms B.C. ast f luck adbs wieesDonand Lyno, Mns-, Reta RdaMe MueTraveli, Oshawa, were! ~uppenguests f MadMe TYRONE ham anRyd CÇrai; Ua -mptoýn. , campment (off.te1-i 0 O F -) 'n jwere evpvninig CaIîers. N.1,ew Toronteo o Sndy JMrs. Muýrray Yeo, M V r. and Mrvrs. ea, Hry Grat laspDelI and Nrs. Chas. Whîtbyi,, Mr, ce Abboitt, Penwiarden atten.ded the -H saa std Mr.an1 rs ýCliib-tLeaders TraýInïng Cus a rsoto ud în Býowmanville this wek ViTe Epoeaaepractia- r.dMers.hue D g Parkirg for the Junior Coir this2 and wee son, Newc;-astle. vîii- Sndy ed his parentr, and Mm Mn. maldMrs. J. C o Waler Park. Foent the wveelend with his, Mr, pand MsA. youing-D-an1cousin Mr- and Mrs, W, A« attended the banquet for the Clarki* esie Maves ouci Nws 'e riMienes euci edý thir inauura M£eetnrg me- ceatty Îintic TewnsbipHal B1etli-an, wt tcfllw Ceunaileto tccccxitwo yeans: 'Ree"ve Ha tvey Malcolmr, Depu ty ReeGeorge Neal, (Mm) Narie Prone, ad L-ewis MeýGIII. il ' on mnembernsusuibed àtethel "DutioutOffic" fer the aEw fcouacl temmr. The annuel traler nerk vet &ailSica les been renewed on the li iset$5.00 ver trajI-1 er site lcnc.The muatily pavrment pen mI ýlob)le lomne b- cat!er on eci ti'iler site is $10,00. Thi s aon epeîd te ticl tonsiip by the moler talnPark operator on tic1 15'h day et' eachI montî. Tieme are 24 triler siïte locations eti the Park. A mieeting wil libe Ie! ld o Januery 22ndl, 1973 et 8 pi.m. in tic Concncunity Hall, Ponty pol ealow resîdenîfs te Govenmentproposais tfon tic cutting off of Concessions i and m ut Mpverc Townshlip enr annrexigM sportion to the OeHiawe egmo.rTh O pîtel For SckChuidren2500 Canaien enta Heltvi Aý- [Ammy$2500 nd ic Musct-uler Dystropîy Association et Canada $25 00c The Tun.ii all Cane- teker, Lener Foler, wmhl engaencntplcusa salary 0of $50per yean. The Departmcnt of Transs- pertetion and Communcatios lies liea contaciW wtire- gard te heving tie sowje- mroveri tronc aringaresi ticl business section of Beti- any. Apolîctuonsfor rznn wîil, hiwave,-te make e de-' The Canadian Statesr-anrBwaii1e a.24 93 a ýj;onapensesw.iil1be par3kïi at a ljater d ate. Ail exces funds, he!d'y thetoweh ajerth equj"red rezonj ing exeesare deducted, wiill be returned tfo the party making the app-l-ýjicagtion. An appication blias been "ransport[aton anid Comnmuni- caions For the balance of the 1972 road e'- ubsidy. Trin"ity U.CLW Thé nefire'tf meeting et Triruty U..,for 1973 was heldon January i, lat~ Suinday School Hall w,,ith theeeu îve ini chaprge.Mr T Reli- dter,ý the presidentý,,wloe ah! ladies present,Ththm fori the comîng year l Lv is- Caning, Slianlng and Doing" 1The minutes netbte last mneet4ng were aotd as read, nioved by Mme. F, Jamrie- son and seconded by Mie, W, Woolley. A summary of the Year 1972 waa given by Mrs, M. Slute, aesstant recor-dmg secretany, and shovwed 190g members and 40 lifte mem- bers. It was a Verv re-ward- ing year ywlth the manyv va- ous actîvitie-ý that tOo-k place. Other reports -were given liy creonig secretary Mrs F Jamisonsocial re- port ~ P bMrR.Coombe.s, and treaurers reort y Mrs, A. iWai The financlal bud- get or 973wasprescented by Mrs. R, Coom-bes in thie ab- sencer of Mmer, M. Puk, and appnoved, Mrs. T. RebIier led the grou laa dicusin of proz up er n NMarch 2ohl, -witjh unit 12 In care;bake sl and talentdîplyi My Thank-offering te on ct. 16tli at 2 p.m. and thiean nual beef dinnerý on Nov, 3rd. Mrs. R. Coombea g-av-e a report from Osh)-aa rey terial Executîve eingn_,i Whiitby with a ynpiso tbe talk given ly Rv a whose ýtopic vWae ey73 Mr,.R. effery pgave a P.èiry lntresing revîew nof lîe3 Seagu'ili by Richard Bach. Mrs FE amesnreaýda letter fooMr'ý GC;Werd tellîn-lg ot theïr activî'ties i ii Belleville. The Misloar 1raer waaý given by Mrî.. ,Jamieson, With Mrs. A Býla ir 1% cha-irge eft the Wokrsip see vce ,n yma 'Ali the way 1eny savlour lad n e w A i~ g Mrs. Blairread aerite trom omansand po-ke oii the ~ i mlnstr ' th hurch, net cnlyot ur churich but of fte whole word Hymi-n 'Take my iv ie and let it bc" Mr. J, uda.MrBair closed witlýi apayrand the MizpeiBendicion as r- Datesý to r(ýeeber: Jan. 31st, Conigrgational mupoer ando mceetinlg t 6:3 p.m.; Feb, 20tli, Genieral U.C.W.7 meeting et 2 ip.m,; Mar, 2-nd, World Dyof Prayer. r Bowman ville and Area Residents * HAVE YOU RECENTLY MOVED INTO7 A NEWHOE *ARE YOU PLANNING TO FINISH YOUR BASEMENT? FOR YOUR BIDNLS.yà RA1 **ONLY W 0MINUTES FROWM ANI OFF HWY. 2, *r-EV-ERýYTFIING CONVENIENTLY UNDER ONE ROOF *EXPERT ASSISTANCE ON YOUR MATERIAL NlEEDS * SELF-RVE (SELECT THE MIATERIAL YOUWAT 1DriveOu oa aio kpeu P ýn! n p the ari - mera f lie1-i.G.B ceMr Acn S ' ONLY ATOSHAWAs-WOD P RO0DUCIS IN H1 AR ! ALLONT EXýfCLUSIVE WALL PANELS PREFNISJIHED PLYWOQD DCKEDORPRFIN$E HR ARD BACKED WITH PRINT OVERLAY.ý HEA'4E$TOE ' ~7' ~.5 LORENTI1NE CHESTNUT 42 8' $4.38 ASH 4ý"U- AL 4' x 71' -$1,48 CANADIANA 41Mx'7' - $3N A CANADIANp 4' 7 -$3,48l STNUT 41,7YI' $1.48 CEDAR 4" W -$399_LleW- .L A FEW CLEARANCE-'PA-,NELS LEFT- ENQUIRE FOR SAVINGS) OUR A WOOD~ AND PLAIN WHITE 12>x2"GRO 1/> HICK WITH INTERLOCKING FEATURE.L EV ERY DA'Y LOW PRICE Cirtpî O'f 64 $Sqare Feet $7,25 if RE C E S S ED c E!LIN llG FIXTURESm 'CO F ERT lONE) COURPTICE YARD and SALES ROQMA -17ST O F C O U RT I C E R D --S, TUNLEFT AT NMCHQýLS MOTOUS A SHORTDRV S'AVES YQIJ MONEY.JI 728-1611 WAREHOGUSE LUMBviERLAJD 7811 IUMM -uUMu"MRmU k- - --- - - OSHAWA- WOOD o OMNIL . 40 YHV ýlè ý 1 and Sc-ive