Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1972, p. 4

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4 Theê Canadian qfaf&ýman, 1bowmanville, Ne., 13, 1972 EDITORIAL COMMENT Christmas 1972,, Deair Editor: Ohl- Lord, it's Christmas time again! Pardion iy groan, but between raff les, reindeer aïnd rummage sales P'm not suire whietber to take out more insur- ance, tock uip on tranquilizers or hop a freigbter to Pigonoplace I only know thi at the Sta of Bethlehem is in the sky aanand I would reach forit with the essence of my being. So give me thé grace, Lord, to keep my' cool wben I can't fînd the Christ- Mas mailing list, tree stand, cookie cut- Iter, downtown parking space or the end 'of the scotch tape! Keep m-e sweet when old Ho Ho Ho osprsto put me in the poorbouse; wbnthe tree lîghts tangle and the m iin1c e pies disappear bèfore they havé ucooled, Give me tbe energy to -sweep ,swhaul wrood, dlean' up, pick ýup, buttonr up, pay up and shut up wberi UJncle Cuthbert calls collect f rom bis New Yorkz office party! Preserve me from cash-and-carry kýiddie carollers and telephione solicitors; Christmnas and Tre Thin)k Safe-Tree first at Christ mas. Choose a "fresh cut tree" witb a bigh mosuecontent says the Ontario Safe- ty League. Bend one of the needles gently., If it breaks, the tree is too dry. Try another, When yvou are ready to put up your tree, bring it in fromn its cool storage place out of doors and cut two inches diagonalhy from tbe tree's base. Stand the tree in- a container of water and re- fil l. i dai-ly to a level above the cut linps. Keep away from firepla.ces, radiatorý, tceêvisions and other sources of heat. Use only ,CSA qapprioved,'ligbting sets and inspect eal forfrayed cords anjd damnaged sockets. If an extension corci is required, neyer run it under a ru-g, wberc ev traffic could damage thie cord's protective, covering. Ligbts are best left on for short periods of time Rnly, Reembe>r to t 'urn tree lights off wben you go to bed or leave the room School QBusine.ss (Frenm The Cobouîg Star) The people ,poke ni a loud vofce on onday, in turninig over- the locàl rép ,rescrntatîon on the Northumberland-, -Durbami county, board of, educatiybn.ý While t-he proposed -west sîde school near Cobourg was the local issue ,tiat capped the scbool board campaign, 1tbe voting- result should not be interp.. -reted as mnerely a negative reaction to tbtissue. The board did not do mucb -or a job ta explain to the public why 4the scbiool migbt be needed. Its pose _ýwas a "anth-e torpedo-es, fitil speed a;head," approacbh..anid vwell, the board got torpedoed. Tbe peopfle spoke. S It is still an open question as to, wbý,etber or not there vvill be a new rsýcbool, or somne sort of a niew scbool. ~But at least now, tbe public will not '.feel that it is being rushed headlong into school expansion. The new mem- -bers eeted have been electe'd on the 11hasis of their support for smaler _schools, and their support of the school f,,a commuinity centre particularly in _1tb-e sMa)lher communities to the -north. But lit was not onfly in the Cobourg D nd MHarnilton area that the voters went ~aantthe scbool[ board,. There are new 1'emnbers througbout the counties. Wb 'ile the final t.ally is niot in yet on the sep- . pra)te scbool representative on the 'hoard, ,bfere are at least si-x, aind possible seven, 1 ew mmber of the 16-mrember county SThere is a mr-ess;iage in ahi of this. :"The voer4crossý the United Counties _amre ot s.atisfied witb their county LITILE BLUE EVES Lîs, Rtalovely hlittle dohi "Wffl ourbig blue eyVes smihîreg up et Me ~Yo'reascoIte aýs paitile girl cen be. Lisa,, Rita, sleepy httie girl Lise,. Rita, preciaus littie peari xWitb your skin as soft. as tbe finest sihk 'Wlon't you even stay awake ta drink your milk. Lisa, Rita, with your bair of reddish from allowing the Christmas sêason to become a commercial,çarnival,' a buy- ing binge or an eating orgy!, Seal my lips as I search for endless mittens, bat- teries and Easyweezy construction kit pieces; wben I find another candy cane under the cushion; when the cat gets the giblets and the dog discovers the Christmas tree! Help me to, give gladly and receive graciously; to suffer the bore as well as the bright, Give me time to enjoy the wonderment in. a child's eyes; to listen to an old man's war ex- jleriences; to appreGinte snowflakes, church btells and cats purring beside the hearth. Above and beyond ail, give me the grace to :remember that 1 arn celebrat- ing the birth of Christ, King of Kings and Prince of Peace - source of ail I arn or hope to, be. As I wish you: "Merry Christmas" it is with the ferv- ant hope that the spirit of Christmas be extended to ahl men, everywbei'e and througbout ail the days of our lives. Sincepely, Patricia Young. 301e 5 The Safe Way or bouse. Choose bright, decorative ornamients for your tree, but make sure they are non-flammable, Candies are rpnpular, especially at Christmas, but sbould be usedý with extra caution and neyer on or near thetree. Beware using string lights for a metallie t.ree. Because metal is a con- ductor of electricity, an of f-tree spot- light is bettot, If a fuse blows, redistribute load to other circuits and neyer replace a 15 amp fuse with a larger s.ize., On Cbristmas morning don't ]et the bustie and bustie of opening glifts get the better of you. Cift wýrappings should be disposed of imnmediatelyv, but neyer buriied in the, firephace. Even under the best of conitions, a fresh cut tree will last littie more than a week without d1roppîng nýeediJes and drying out. Dispose of it be-fore it becomes a danger. Is Public Business board of education. Thecy do)n't like being told what, is good for Ithem whe- ther thêy like iA or niot. Théey don'ýt want their sebool system tlo be operated like some big bureaucratic sponge sopping .Up their tax dollars. Theyv want a bit of feeling, a bit of compassion for the kids wbo attend. Theyv are tired of experts. What bhappened Mndy as f ar- reaching effects. PhysicalIly, it can bring a lo !t of changes to tbe education s.ystem in tbese United Counties. It can also reachii nto the class- room. The public is sayving that the scbool system belongs to themi and to their cb1ildren. The public is syn that the scbool system is to serve the cb-ildren, no t the- teachers. Thle public is syn that it wants a better job dcone, that, it wants a scbool system- to capture tbe interest of the young not deaden it. It is a bealthy reaction. Tho board would not isten. A lot of teachers would not listen, eitbier. If the board would not listen to the pub- lic, perbaps it also would not listen to the good teachers. We shall now find out., For it should be clear to ail, includ- ing the administration and the teacbing staffs, that it is the public who is run- ning the schools, and they intend to, run tbem their own way. And if tbis means cleaning houâe from time to time, they are quitepre- pared to do it, Bless 'em. fl gold Lise, Rite, so ligbtly ta myfinger you, bold With your Daddy's eyes and your Mornmy's nase And lips just ike the petals of a rose. Lise Rita, hovely litIle doli Lise, Rita, so sweet and smal Witb your big blue eyes smiling up at me l'Ih be your slave, for ahi eternity. A Proud Grandfether -Llew Durham Caunty's Greai Family tournai Est ablished 118 years aqo ire 18 54 ~LA Aiea Incorparating CýCNAThe Bowmareville News The Newcastle Indepeadent The Orono News Secorýnd cleces ma regiàtrtition aumber i1561 Phone 623-3303 JOHN M. JAMES EnîTOR-PulîsNE9bgt Produced every Wednesday by THE, IAMES1 PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 66 King St. W., Bawmanvile, OntaËrïa GEO. p, MORRIS PATRICK GOULD DC BusINss Mot. SALES MAMArGES Phares 623-3303 DONALD BISHOP KLANT MG. aoyil ndoz propeêrty rrqe-SS UbSist in the Imaee ppearinq on t)is pront. permission te inrou owholc citetor od i' nv foro htovrprruol vpotrpî roi~ Cree5teePUb'lictot ut~ citzin,è frôW the ID ublIsher oand the geritr An ,ruthorrzed $700a ecr B6 ntS$4, 000 .o ca in t heUniteci tae trlctly ïIn advnince Al'Souçil ever pec? ti - itt bL-toeri te ovoid errer Thé, Çoootditn Steott-Ireori acePt5 dete lr it ifs OIffOtS 'r ithI4 lettdtqt'if win t h.t tc irittie(ozr ety rrcr mtri ay av'itt p~yIehedterundt rite.~O rTet ot umi i rdvoetseirt re reeocetêd in wn#rixI h tredi ee! orlfnurrýIjdte The COoi!neltan oeexnbusness office cduly cîqciied hv tht idvsrtlEeri nd wth ~" errr O YtOtttt Piriti! ioteltri wrrnq thèretA', and ithet rose if eny ÉrvAr6 et ed u ntt corcelbyThe aaieý teerirr ts iaiitT hat] flot exaceel such ci portion ct the coti1ýre olt ot suli oee rent s !b. spre cr. -ireel IoV the nroxeiferrer hea-s te, the. wlrle spoce occoxieel hyetl dertenet 1 News these days, whether reaching us tbrough the daily peper or via the airwaves, seemnsta consîsi of one calam- ity afler anoîher - more deaths ire Ire- land, more r iepression ire South Africa, more exemples of injustice and maen's inbumanity tao mare. Wben we reflect on ali ibis woe, i t is- easy ta despaîr of both individuels and sý,ocieiy. But not et Christmas, As we prepare for ibis "festival of the heart(" another aned bappier aspect of rnkînd is revealad. Human beings cen be unselfisb and tender boa, and tbe bearianing message of Ibis season is that we cen trust ibase qualities. We are as capable of love as of baie, of îdealism Ar of cynitisrn. and on the'-t the world makes its slow but not al- ways insubstantil gains. De'ipair elways fetters; it is love that inspires, _ IThursday, Dec. 18, 1947 j I A1 HOW COIV, WAP1.550PBC. -AWÀ9 PEA CE' eQ rRÊ? In the Editor's 347 Bey Street, Toronto 1, Canjada Dean Editor: Its time for Ortario tax reform. Stop gap grants aned subsi- dies have divorced authonity from resporeibiiity. Muni- cipal tex rules designed ton frontier fanm lite 'befuddle politiciens and tex payers alike. Where most Onteniares farmed, taxes based on land holdings were fair. Today, a milhioraire cen occupy a emaîl apartmeret while a paon fermer struggles on many acres, With land- baced taxes, muricîpalities car't psy educatiore on wel- tare caÏs and the province bails them out producing chaos tempened by patch- 'work grants. Ire three sample townships, Scott, Marmora ared Belmont, 60%, 58% and 53ü/ of caste were. paid by the province.- Even ire weathy Toronto, 32%o of municipal revenue le pro- vincial bandout. Municipal coreils give representation withot authority. They just dispenise the provincial grante and lace thein inde- peederece and pawer. Educatiore, the biggest municipal expence, like wel- fane, bas little relation ta land. Municipalities build echools and, roads, not as wented or needed but ta gel provincial grants. Chang- îng provincial policies make today's municipal expenses, tomonrow's white elephante. While provincial aned muni- cipal politiciens. pase the bcthe came taxpayens foot the bill. Tenants, and homeowners are oven-texed. The prov- ince scknowledging injust- ice, gave rebates ta home- owners, tenants and fanm- erc If people wereni't aven- taxed, the refonds wvould be îrnreceeeary. Thp. adminis- trative cost of callecting and nefureding the over- change is pure waste. Aseesemnent no langer ne- flecte values. The province, trying ta up-date taxation, boreged by combîinrg equel- MAN'S INHRUMANITY GOES ON AND ON AND . Tbere's a typîcel Canadien tragedy ire the making rigbt now, and it rnay be too late ta avert it, unless there is a bue and cry ihet will raille the halls of parliement. I use ibe word "typicel" because it bas bappereed agaîn and again in tbis country, and we bave lived ta regret it. Prornptedi by poitical or pecuniary motives, Canada bas gone a long way toward destroying îts very self and the thiregs that meke it most dear to the average Canadien, I arn referring ta pollution aned the disturbance of the, balance of nature. Ire the reamfe of progress we have fôuled our own nest, lime and again, until an outsider would think we enjoyed living in aur own mess., Item. Lake Erie, with some friendly help from aur old buddies, the Yareks, bas been turned int a vast cesspool, whicb is almost unreclaimable., Item. Paper milîs and other indus- tries have beere pourireg their, poisons into LakeSuperior for years. Item. If you took a drink of water out of Harnilton bey, you'd prohably be rusting witbin twenty-four hours. Item. Huge industries continue ta belh into the air over aour big cities, until you'd tbirek there was a continuel f ell of black snow. Item. Two of Our magnificent rivers, the Ottawa aned the SI. Lawrence, are ruinning, 'open sewers. Tbet's a very brief sampling, And now ithat; idiot Bourassa, prime minis- ter of Quebec, in an attereplta c ave face after misbaredling everylhirig from 1the FLQ kidnappings ta the unemploy- mrent situation, bas launched the James Bey Project. Maybe you dor't know mucb about it, and it's ail so fanaway that it's ike a flood in China, But thiat's wbat we tbougbt about ahi the other sigres of "progress", is it, no t? r"Oh, tbey'hl neyer pollute the Great Lakes. Tbey'ne too big. Sa dump the gerbag2e boys, aned flush out bbe tanks." "WÀhpt? Pollute the Ottawa and the St1. Lawrence? Impossible. Too much running water. Wby should we build a sazwage disposal plant?! Lat 'er run int the river.'" -"Don't ha stupid. Squawvk about the bigclanqts polluing and there won'ttha no jobs for nobody." Wa've said it aitl, nieard il a3l Su\vlvt1 h,-t taie rawe la&ving hei1d fo-r our children, and thaîrsý? A great big pile of you k-now wbat. Letting Bourassa an±d bis boys play Mail ization of rates between muricipalities with adjust- ment of values between in- dividuel properties. The nesultireg chaos swamped ascessment appeal boards, Ontario then ordered an assesement treeze while go-, 1in.- back ta the, drawîng boarci. The province should: 1. Assume eh caste of welfare and teachers' sal- aries directly, and shlow municipal authority ta con- struct and maintaire the echools and reise and spend their owre moreey for muni- cipal fonctions assisted by provincial grants oniy la extraordinreey cases; 2. Roll beck asseesmerets ta the level before the prov- ince assumed asseesments; 3. Multipiy the previaus assesemerets by the assess- ment sales ratio ire each munîcipality ta brireg prop- erties op to precent market value without increasing taxes; 4. Re-ascese toalalow for increeses ire the value of around with the Jaýmes Bay project je ike lettireg a couple of bright scientce students play eroundwith a nuclear bomb. Here's the picture. The Quebec goverrnret plans a hydro project in the James B3ay area, one of the last great wihderness areas ine eastern North America. It is a mammotb scheme.c Some estimates place the cost et -$10 billion. Yep. Billion. Where is that kind of money gaing to corne frorn? Plan- is to tinker with up to ten dams and seven rivers wbich run into James Bay. The damàge to the area ef- fected, 170,000 squaremiles, larger than the wbohe United Kingdom , is incalcul- able. The euh-soul, known ta be unstable, bas taken bundreds' of years to buîld up on the1 solid rock. The trernendous weigbt Df water in the artificial lakes - some of tbemn 70 miles long - could cauise earthquakes, landslides, who know,,s,\wat? The lakes themselves are big ereough ta affect te climate of the whole area, Worse, the change ire fresb-water flow into James Bay could deîay the spring breakup ire the Bey, and make winter longer. Tih -is could affect the tempera- ture of the water flowincrout of Hudson Be-y, wbicb joins the Labrador current going south, and this, in turre could make te wbole eastern seeboard colder, Project this a ltte further and At could affect the entire fishing industry on the Atlantic shores. And worst of e1l is the callous dis- regard oif the native peoples of the area. Tbey are Cree Inidians, who eke a meegre living fnorn the fîsh, geese and moose of ibis bleak area., These people have neyer been conquered, neyersold their land, aned neyer ceded it by treaty. They are ta be uprooted and trans- plareted. So we blave the ironic spectacle of the federal governement on the one hand creaiing vasf new national parks, and on t1ie ather condoning, if nat ap- proving, the possible destruction of an- other vast area. This is not progress. This is rape. And for what? Sure, it wilh create temporary jobs ire Quebec for a large numJ1ber. A few people will become. wealthy. But it Mill do notbîng for the long- tarm urnmploYment situation in Que- bec, wbere unempîoymeni seldom goesi below 1e2i e pr cent. In a few years the 1nohe will ha fi"islieri. q feiw guys at pus-t' buîttons will ha lehft, and the U.S. îvill baeanother source of power. At wbat cost? individual properties. Reform by itself won't neessearily, slow the tex gallop but could restore the relatsoreehip between taxes and the service provided by provincial and local.goverre- mente. Sudden multi-mil- lion dollar, plonges into the goverirment grab bag'arer't a sounid way ta run a prov- ince. John C. MedcOf, Newcastle, Ont., Dec. 1l. 1972 Dean Mn. James: May I1etUR add an opin- Ion on tihe subject "Capital Punlshment>'. Canada is a worederful country and we enioy many ways of freedom which are much caveted ire othen cauntries. But we muet be practical. If yau believe Or not thrat we ail have a, sire- fui nature, I arn sure we ail agree thet each humen being lbas their awre percu- lienities. Most are harmlese ta the outeide worîd, but corne are harmful, The 'Bible say, i Peter 2: 13: "Be- subject for the Lard's sake ta every humen institution." I am not ane to go apoored quoting Scnip- ture, but we mortý admit, if we do nat uphold the lawe of the laned and not tonyý stand bhlired ur iaw en- farcemnent,"'So as ta more or less make a mackieny of them, came day we rnay be crylng "Wolf, Wolf" and thene won't be areybody Who ceres. SOme of us tean Commun- ism, eltherRussie or China taking aver'and brairewash- ing os. But I think if ,ve dan't go back ta discipline and close Our eyes ta juet about everythireg, monder of body and morder of mind (drug. pushers), we- don't have ta warry about out-, side pawers to camte and destroy us. WE WILL DE, STROY OURSELVES IN 'rIME. I aico do not believe ire people rottireg Ine jeu. Sure- ly came can do constructive wonk, whlle others could be taoght something, s0 when their time is up, they have two practical hered. on thein body. Only please don't ex- Seût aur Senior Citizens ta oerd them., But the droug pushers are a menace ta saciety, theyv should nat be permitted Or evere chance it that they% are loose are Society agaii. Also 1 woold hold came psychiatnist responsible for turnîreg people out whoarac flot cured. Yes5, I am ire favor of "Capital Punish- ment". Name Wltbheld. OPEN LETTER To HyDRo Dear Hydro, As e tenant ire a duplex Iarn at a lcsta findd;a word ta desccibe the recent irecrease ireeecrciyand water biliings. Good he3v- ens, ire a ho)useholid where one tenant works; ail da\. for aur total bihîlage ta b e epproximnatlyý $62, this is ridicoilous. Oh1, you'll say', there are two famnilles, thet le ,\hy, eacýh pays $,5.a total oif $7, for en.W t If I took ire a board er, would he paey $3,50 sewer to No- youi'rè billing thie landiord flor the teaant'sq weter bill, whô do yôu think yO're doing e favor? I cen assure yu not thé tenantor the landiord. DId Hfoward Sturrock was the M.C. et the Ski Club Dance on Friday eveeireg ine the BH.S. Auditorium. Boyd Valleau and bis orchestra supplied the music. Grand r~ ize of the evening was a andsome wrist watch don- ated by Hooper's Jewellery and won by Gordone Flax- mare, local contrector, who held the lucky draw ticket. Special music and a beau- tiful Nativity play will mark, the services ire St. John's Anglican Churcb on Sun- day, Dec. 2lst.- The cast for he Nativity Play are as fol- lows: Mary, Marilyn- Overy; Joseph, Gregory Friend; Aregel Gabriel, Jean Living; assisting angels, June AI- chin and Dora Wood: First Shepherd, Stanley Gatchell; Second Shepherd, Keith Wood; Third Shepherd, Al- len Lobb; pianist, Mrs. John Gurer. Mr. and Mrs. Chailes R. Knox of Orono and Breslin's Store, Bowmanville, will combine an exhibition of high class Canadien fors of mink and fox et Breslin's Store on Thursdey, Priday and Saturday of this week. "From Bearer ta Wearer" will be the slogan and will be welI carried out with a pnize live mînk in a cage on display. We welcome to Hampton, Mn, and Mrc. M. Pavie and son of Detroit who took over the J. B Reynolds store on December lct. Mn..ered Mrs. Lloyd Ash- ton and family et Mrs. Cecil Crossmean's, Bowmanville. Trail Rangers of St. Peul's met Moredey evereing. Their mentor, Mr. Ed. Doidge, told a Christmas Story while the onXy female member Mrs. O. Bragg presided at thefiano. Paige Lycett and Dennis Hughes presented ifsto Mrs. Bragg and Mr' odeire appreciation of their efforts. The sale of work held by Mr',i. Thos. Gould ire 5.0E., Hall on Thursdrty was a real success. A donation of 525.00 froro the proceede bas been gîven to Mr. W., Ross Strîke towards e ink fond for Bowmanville. the hydro office have ta hire more belp for this bill- ing scheme? At least now 1 see the office cen afford an 8c postage for the binrgs My heert wept wbeýn you haqd te have d1elivery boy ' s. T receiv-ed, likeevyn, an explanaýtion as to whyý these irecreases were essen- tiel, but I wvould like an- other simple explareationý, for -myseif and others ta understand. Mv intelligence le not as sharp I guess ate the planners ire the big of- fice. Wben neighbars spend e day compering hydro and weter billlngs it's really sornethîng. Remember, by- dro mere, after fighting for pay raises, w ould be s1ioc)1 up If e crew tfram Japare wene climbing . their pales, like is happening tathie laborers' products. Where actuially le ouýr wetex- comning tram todav Irethis town? Cannot Tyrorne spring stili supply us Witt' dlecent drinking waten or ie it mixing wt lake wtr Ie aur filtration plat in- adequete? Same say y es, ýcorne sey no. If it is iee quate-, where wes nur Pla--r ning Board when it was, builît Did they nat epc àeny expansion or growtb ire this town? Marey sewer 1unes in this town must nred alteration-Q, will our ewrrates douýble whlen thc eeare cmoee o p ta standard? My knowledge.ý may bae behind the ties but somnebody I'm et raid may be fer eheed of theirs. It seerns ta me that over telast few years an in- Pcase ire telephone, bydro, etc., bias juet become a m&t- ter oýf rect ared that's that! I hoüpe 1 have some citizens' sujpport on tiis matter.ý Recently, we went ta the poilis ta elect aur mjayor, courecil, etc., ared to tb&ee people I sey 1ýthat omeny of tbis twn'.s reciden1ts are vey pet about th le cost of living ire this tawn. The working imare is struLggling, pity the anes on fxdin- carespaîngbewe n 2 Thursday, Dec. 20, 1923 The '136th DurhamOer seas Battalion, C.E.F., hld a banquet and reunion oni Fridey, December l4th et the Queen's Hotel. The fol- lowiregafficers were elected for the coming year. Hon. President, Lieut. Col. Smart; Pres., Major A. H. C. Long; Vice-Pres., Hon. Col. Robt. Mulholland, Port Hope; Sgt. R. N. L. His, Port Hope; Sgt. Cliff Samis, Bowrnan- ville-, Capt. G. R. Browning, Toronto, Capt. A. V. Thorn, Millbrook; Major H. W. Dudley, Newcastle; Cpi. B. E. Moise, Newcastle; Liett Chas. Venning, Blackstock; Bandsmen, Keith Sisson, Bletherey; Lieut. G. Edmunds, Oshawa; Capt. W. A. G. Spriggs, Kingston; Lieut. Col. Wm. Farrell, Tyrone; C.S.M., Robt. Webster, Lake- field: Lieut. Col. C. H. And- erson, London, Assoc. Chap- lain, Rev. (Cept.) J. A. Elliott, Port Hope, Sec.- Treeýs., R.M. Geo. Watkins, Port Hope. Reiph Carruthers was the veledictorian et the annuel Commencement E x e mcises held in the Opera House on Frîctay. 1The first series of the Bowling Alley schedule bas been completed after one of the closesýt and most keenly contested series. Mr. A. J. Wadbarns dopated the following prizes: J. B. Mitchell's team, lst, box of 50 cigare; Frank Williams, hîgh triple, box of 25 cigars; bigh single, Art Edger, box of 10 cigars. Report for November-De- cember, Town School: Roorm 2, G. Symons, J. Vanetone, M. Hamilton, M. Moore, N. Kîirkton, G. Bradd, H. Col- mier, N. Lyhe, N. Berry, G. Mundy; Teacher, Miss M.L M. Jennings. Roomn 3: H. Hobbs. A. Clarke, M. Ham- ley, M. Vanstone, B. Wyatt, 0. Jones, M. Corran, P. Darch (eqoal) B. Fennehl, J. Bassinger. Teacher, Mise Helen G. Morris. Council agreed to pay $2.00 per ligbt for eigbt elec- trie lights et Bawrnanville Beach. Beach Assoc'iation to psy the balance. receive a very businesslikib reofly and in two ma, nthli l'Il once agaîn pay an enor- mous biiling. 'I'm starting taday to save for it. I wo't burn my Christmas lightsi too long, ared lIl stock un on deardlorent and spray sn 1 dare not Indulge ire lux- unres suich as bathing or Withhold name please, rny bill may Inerease. EDUCATION BD. CHA,%NGERÇ From thie area, Sid Wor- den, AI Werry, AI Strike were acclalmed fer their seats on the N-fl Caunfy Board of Edocation, and in Manvers - Cartwright, area, Art Rowan won the elec- tiare on Monday. But, there are ta be cev- eral new faces; from areai,. easit of here. Bill Carmani of Orono was re-elected, but the incombent Lawrence Greenwood was defeated by Newcoastle PubIlsher Ken Lyali, with a shirn margi. Biggest upset was, Ine the Cobourg - Hamnilton - Ha!- dimand area whiere Dr. Iani Wilson, Rues Walker and Ron Cook wiped out ail op- position. They rare on platforrn of opposition t tht proposed new senior eleme-ntary echool oun0th, west side of Cobourg. Last year's board chairman Bab Eakinis was deffeated, Council Highlights Letters of Rlesignaticon Council regretfully accepted two letters of resignation fromn men who have served Bow- maniville long and well. Ron' i Hetherington, t he Bulinginspector for the past eight years, as well as the~ Secrctary of the. Planning Board, will retire, effective Dec. 31,st, 1972. Lawrence MOason, newly elected to Town Council, in- formed Council that hie was resigning from the Planning Board after 21 yýears of serv- ice. it should be noted thât Planning Board memnbere are not paid for tîmé and servies rendered, or even for expeng- es incurred. History is stuýdded witb the namnes of the ruthless fromy CaesarIs legions ta Hiller and Stalin, but thewir stars flashed briefly and there vanished. Il is another star we fohlow witb hope and yeerning each December, and ilt akes us toaa Bethlehem, stable and a Babé wbomi re carenot forget. Ire bis naine and ire bis 4pirit bbe Cardinal lcger's, the Dr. Robert McClures, the Jean amiers and the Dag oHammerskjolds live, orhave lived among. us. At this seeson we dare believe the best and final word is wiib them:. "Wbere charity stands watcbing, And faîtb bolds wide the door The dark nigbt wakes, tbe glory breaks and Christmas cornes once more-., -Phlhips Brooks MAY IT SQ COME TO UiS ALL. Ithe Dim and Distant Past From the Statesmau Files 25 YEARS AGÔ 49 EARS AGO J- Iorîwr Jor, U-' et s The Star We FolIow

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