3ihS Cards of Thanks F6ïrthcoming Coming Events i Articles for Sale Articles. for Sale Gýýuaranteed Fr en For Rent ;U FORD - Murray, Dri Many thanks to the Tyron MarriaeTes BÊA'HAI - every Thursday WATER for sale and deliver- 15 Ft.f i bre gl 1ass canoe. , hoýe Muf flers f or Sale ONE b5ýachelor aparîrt.A-CTGE fo reto and Mlneanuc teac gSut Coandmuni- - n e venîng, 8 p.mi.,at 68 Little cd. Cali Cliff Pethick 623-2313. 623- 70.27-1 - _ _ _.KEITH TREGUNNA room,23mode4.conveniences, safe arrivai of Stephanie Eli- tics, not only for the beauti- M.adMslAlnBa Avenue. 25-tf ý29-tf ON -I's bicyl .Poe AKET THEGNW odN patmn - rsadybechmb weko zabeth, 7 lbs., 7 ozas., at Osh-,fui and generous wedding cock take pleasure in a.- N-__ _____2_.,PhneATHE_____mden____ ____a-_snd awa on Juie 30th, 1972. gifts, but for an unforgettabl i nucing the forthcoming mar- McCrea's Cemetery flecora- FRESU strawberries daly».623-20 16. __ 274hý ailable imdaey hn mvnn ihodfîns age of 'their only daughter, tien Day Service will be held Phone 263-2578 after 5 p.M. NE-oomcabi_ _2' x12' SA A IA 62716 ekn HOL01MES- Garnet and Sh-ir-1 Donald and Margaret HeeLulltMrGrh-unyJl9hat3pn..__23 Must be movcd $800. 623-l MUFFLER SHQP FURNISHED room wih--BWAVLL oe oque, Ont, are happy îng:3 o'cîock in Blackstockl MONSTER BINGO ances. Paddy's Market, Ham"p_ LARGE TV stand, two months INSPECTION 6320.2- ah reprig at toun a i-i a2:30 ofto rT l u ayo red n take pace Jly27- at,23-24.26-tf-- fis agtr eetn ehw iht xedorthanks ton, 263-2241.5_____ oîd; was $25, selling for $15.1 116 Bond St. \Vest, ONE furnished bedroom 'and televisionhatdApyCa- nouce he rrvai0f her T ai or 1avdn riedu nîtd hurh. 7- THRSDY 7:5 pm. ELECTRIC stove, heavy-duty Phone 987-4629. 27-1 OSA , utEt cooking arisa. 221 Liberty N. finder anC.Ra Ett n Ellen, weighîng 7 Ibs., 8 ozs, and appreciation for the pnoe y prmn igodcd-OSA ,jutEsof Poe6227. onJuy , 97. rod rad bauifl edin gifsre- Mm. and Mrs, Leo Paul Oshawa Minor Softball atiom2.ent ie 62dcodi-GBAERSeric, ew Ontario Motor Sales Poe6324.2-"BSinessieeoer, i vàrents arc Mr. Sid Tomlin- ceived. Ledoux of Bowmanville are -58EEPVLlN1 Gague 141626387. 2-f ____________ ______ son, Bowmanv 11e, anid Mr. Neil and Mary Trent. honored to announce, the forth -___________________7681_l____ bdromapatmnt and :Mrs. Gordon Homies, Ma- 27-1 coming marriage of theirl. O SHRAWA 30-tf TABRISblreo '2H.Jhsnotom o doc. 271" dauhter FancineMarieTo he 99th Werry Famiîy pick your own Klaas Reits- ter with gear iehift, 3 gi CfoSalebne62-323 2-- -Or~ vale 1 would like to thank re- Mr. Richard Brian 'Ruckstuhl, eninw.ll be he]d at ma, 2nd farm north of The tank. Phone 983-5452. 271 ----ý -- APARTMENT, heated, stove, DEAD Elsctan1uod J !l ES -John and Betty latives, friends anid neîgh- son'o Mr. and Mrs. Harold R' lcsokRceto eteArsRsarn,2325.KAAAI50 95o rde etaaut.APyYuh wihto announce the bîrth o osfrtegfs ad n ukth of Courtice, theackstock Recration CentreAcres Restaurnt, 263-2754 POOL table, 7 ft. x 4 ft., ex- best offer, must seli. Phone StsanOfice. 52-tfPon26-07atr7um their da-,-,ghtcr, Susan Jo- vîsts durîr'g my stay in the uist 19, 1972,. at 2.00 Aum. i on Saturday, July 15, 1972.s. 26-2 cellent condition, 2 sets pool 623-2311.- 27-1m WSUL likea pensoner one 22 Anne. any thankIs te Dr. J. hosuital. Speciai thanks to St. Joseph's Roman Ctholic Hstle.prts12:30 .m Corne tî EsfeldS, i ids, este Fri- bl,32 poleus7.on 27- 17 30YfAAEdo hae a oomaith noher LGH rukngaded Rundie and Maternity staff. 'Dr. McKcnzîe. Dr. Gi and Church. 27-1* er esewa ehv ue niusadApine IH 27- stff n frs flor.______ yar o sc hatwe avetuc, ntiuesan Apliaces ~Fuît knobbies, 300 miles. Best pensioner. 31 King East., planned for you for the Cen- Paddy's Market, Hameriteat, offer. 623-7814. _ 27-1 2 _ __ 7-1 jbcenn adbs. Dîck Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Sweep, tnil 7î 263-2241. Hamptn,'$5- suitable for cottage.--1 ments, atcec esn -KILPATRTlýPCK- Paul and27 R.R. 3, Newcastle, are pieased Ë _____ 6f bain hoist $25, Phone 623- 1968 OLDSMOBILE Toronado, THREE bedroom apartmcnt. able ratesi hn 2~37 Rev (ecBathie) arc very to announce the forthcoming~ Garden Tea, Wednesday,, TRUCK caps for 1/a -ton trucks, 2913, --- 27-1" 4,000 miles, excellent con- Available July 25., $145 mon- -_______ apyto) announce the arni- We would like to thank our mamiage of their daughtcr, July 12, 3-8 p.m. Corne to distrîbutor cîeaming 5 odeWIG, lady's, with brush, hair dition. Call 987-4573. 25-tf thly plus hydro. Children WATER wlsbrd 0 ie val 0fababy daughter Mich- fricnds and neighbors for the Margaret Mary to Peter Bruce metaren adsinaCnry ily rsron26;genurt, inergiS. spray and stand: wash and '68 AUSTIN, 1100, 4-door ex- wlom.Cali 576-3756. 27 2 Ward's WI ig ee elle Anon June 25, 1972, lovcly gifts wc received, also Piumb, son0fl fMr. and Mrs Gre n adrbsd rsrn prs ice~wagood condition. Phono cellen odiin owml-hary . ad, elphn wghng 7 lbs, 51/2 ozs, at the committele for the social Bruce Pub*NwtnileWiimott Creek. Place: Holmes North, Oshawa. 723-2898. 623-712. 271 ae S 1,325.iMn,. RussilNtcspoe-1-00 epeettv Memnorial Hospital, Bowmnan- even in g rlanned for us The wedding te take place residence, Lcskard. Admision ___2412 -___-__---___Russell_ - 987-4531. 6t ville. Proud grandparents arc at Nestîcton Presbyter i a n Sat.,Aug. 26, in Our Lady of $1, includes refreshments.SRWERE o ae 15' McCULLOUGH fibre glass Mountjoy, 986-4938, Black- 1, Garfield Mîller, Nlew-, S-nsored b nit 6UCWorootle boat, 45 h.p. motor. trailer and stock. 27-1* castie, ont., will no longer be!WOULDliegeriofc Mr, and 'vrz, William A. Kil- Church. Mercy Church, Port Hope. ponoed y Ui , . ' .orders taken. N. W. 'roequpet etraoal natic ad r.an Mr. cci ndEda Wilson. 21* Orono United Church. 26-2 R.R. 1, Orono, 786-2413, 4th upet etreîolbersosible for debts incurred woîk tpigiin, ei Aus1 C.Ba- e 227-2711 27-P1naalClsserfr owtLiallakCl3ailssaetsfoferrNetovile 86220. HeleV anedanrykaeeb 3 wfeihooetcsHae ad1' 1 usTwio Oaks Motel on the 115- 27-11'pr iehos-Bed Milles, Newcastle, years eprec.Cî a Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore nianville and District, Tues- 2,5-3" 1THREE Way Combnation IWOMAN foînaifo hs dt ue9352..-L Deaths i~ wish te thank ail the nurs- Nesticton, are pleased te an- day, Juiy 111h, 7:30 to 9:30 ititRabe ri Fleetwood, excellent condi cleaning. Cali 623-2251. 27-1 291, 1972. 25-3' WATÉER elÏoedoÏr] ;es on s Floor Memiorial Hos- nouncee forthcoming mar- p.m., held atth Nurses' Resi- YU ititRmlrTal i BRQWVN, Rus-sol enry-Sud- pital,-Bowmanville, aise Drs. nage of their, only daughter, dence of Memoial Hospital, trDae;al17 oesiein. Terms arranged, 6 HAIRDRESSER, must be cx-DrAnuM.BaDDScdCndarîlnCopn, er Dealer all 197 m623-3808.r. perienced.aiThmeDe-day. week denly at his hom-)ie on Satur- Westgarth and Pierson, and Nancy Dianne, te Mn. John Bowmanville. Aniyone inter- sok Newcastle Trailer Park mionths warmanty. 627-2 pply Ge. res we has esumed Genemal P -tiePhonoe saa56-04 o daQ - 92 Rs mwn~ro~mates who were so David Robinson, son of Mm. ested in attending telephone aStock, NHai2s styiings at 26 Frank Street, Bowman-prsnave aryLWd. o 3DeiStreet. Bowman- kind to mc in Room 136 while and Mrs. Harold Robinson, Hlaliburton Kawartha Pine and Saleates, N. 2Highaye ast T nd-623-"1 4 2er'o«nNwat v' in his 62nd year, son I was a patient. Bowrnanvillc. The wedding to Ridge District Healtb Unit, e9d7051 ewcast1e-teleph n RGTEilst gOO omrni- - 932.24-tfSt. ille, nic ears Doamnin tors . NewcGtLs6-53.F_2t of Toa Brown and ý the Glynn MacDonald. take pDlace on August 51, 1972, 623-2511. 25-3RU 1. 9,9iow4 black puppy. Both articles United Church. Please apply inciuding Saturday. Phone ienced inee'iofc ok late Mar Jane De Mille, 27-1* at 3:30 p.rn. in Yelverton Uni-7 -/ ' sta9.nds' has'vcry reasonable, Phone 576- in wmting te: Mn. C. Rcad, 623-3181. 1-tf ad layousadbuî brother of 1Mris. M. Hawley tdCuc.2-" Appearing at smokers, record 2271tanarwydrsce-,Bo---fomacaalges1ec.Wrt h _____ ' rw., rd t.the Nockh- kitchen suites with I 926. eguo, e cutt Ellirtt Funeral Home.lrg tbl;soninnthatd T onIs fthank Tac 1__- _dal, formerly of Bowrnan- adian' ttemnP<,B~ Funcral service was held. atïwho memembered aha those IMn. and Mis. Murray Bats, 1Newcastle 75. for 66. Murphy Funni- tors and Equîprnent. We are BABY'-SITTING-20 year old ville, Ont., will lio longer be 190,Bwavle 71 2 o dock Monday aftemnoon hlm whileiBowmanville, are please ) i 7 AO tume. Phone 623-3781. 27-1* now abet1upyprsfrcieesuet ieya responsible for debts incur- 2 oclok Mnda afernonhe was a patient in the Tom- announce thse forthcorningi July 7 and bv qupet -Mreprine xeletUfr Interment Bowmanville Cernot Gnrl oial htn1 STRAWBERRIES - Pick your aoeeupnn.J-Mrepnececletrfr red in my narne by rny wif e, 27,ene GnealHositlwit marriage of hi daughtem. rRnnr Equipmeîst, 134 King St. E., ececs, day or evening cane on Marie Fenguson, Bowman- Crawfrm~tn _____2__ ad, loer advsits, esParcaAnteM.Dal 'The igeRnnr own, bî'ing containers, 30c per Bowmanville. 27-1 regular or single day basîs. ville, Ont.. from this date, necially those freiomh saffarta, son of Mn. and Mrs. Dancing 9 - 1 quart. Rudy Eyman, 5 miles RG Phone 623-3753. 27 -1 uy5 92 COWAN- At Memorial Hos- of Mernorial Hospital,Bw-LisarWiby Te__ 27-1 east of Newtonville on High- RITS _____5, - 1972,_____ 27-1* OBUN0RAN pitai, Bowmanville, on Sat- manville. wddin. etake lc aI ,WOVE way 2, farm just east of 9 X ?. f roua $59-95 VOLUNTEER sewers and, UNC NSALTO wcing ouy tas172pahie Sat.,h huWOODVenIEWly Wall to Wall Carpet knitters to assist with Red iinSric 4HU uraJl s,17,Sî-Kay. August 26, at St, Mary of the COMMUNITY CENTRE until dark. _ 25-tf froua $4.95 sq. yd.' Cross Disasten Relief. Work1Tlvso Se ic ley Grant, in lber 43rd year, 27_1 People, Oshawa, at 2:30 m ChFreurcb.ts argOpen- daioeniy k- T:0ele:30anvE er beloved wife 0f William Co- 2-______ . IN O KIDOS Morarisfhllt Emergency i.m, 8 ivsinSt, Servicee ý14 Lb wan, dear mother nf Wlliam, 1 wisiu to express -my gat- -___ 2-b' ONTRBIG SIDOS lemneo i Fe etmte1Lag9el72ro pe nîas1:0t 33 adSle 41Lbrt .,Bwanîi _____l left overOymis ADAMS FURNIT('RE maviie or caîl 623-2639 or prompt, Efficient Service t1 Phon( 2373 Barny, Erendaý- (Mrs. Tonyitude te relatives and 'frscnds Mr. and Mms. Ray Wlliggans,l NEXT MONDAY Ski-doos, Opc, Nordics 26 King St. W. Bowmanville 983-5291 for further informa- aIl makes of TV, Hi-fi,, Tape Wilkins) and -Brian, dear for their vîsîts, cards gîfts R. R. 6, Bowman'ville, arel 7:45 p.m. and TNT's, genuine bargains. 623-3808 i tien. '26-2 Recorders, etc., from our 4t daughter of Evelyn and the and flowers,, during rny stay pleased teo announce t h sREDBARN - WAYNE ST. Full warranty. Armstrong279__ late Ross Grant, -sîster of SotSmo t otTEOTRO UOO Murray, Audrey ,(Mrs;. Bob un Memorial Hosptal. Also fortbcoming marriage of their O HSpiOshw, Si72co28 t. Noth4-12FRIUR IEASOITO DRIG- TIDL Bt) eBty(r.Br for messages of sympathy only daughter. Anne Eliza- W Obw,7329._ 2-1 TotlURme oTU r -TE NAT ATM- NEWTH LCAON ..F .O -( Bae) Rx Btt MrBetsent at the Passing of a dear beth, to Mn, George Charles ___ __ 21-tf N ' omsCmlti un-wl mlyabitious People KNORTARSPOM i37ELINST S"sowden) and Don.aunt & uncle. Special thanks McCormick, son of Mn. and SU PwanGOMHL CUC was held in thse Morris Full- to Dr. S nouil, Anfossi and m.G .MCrsko DARLINGTON iUPP M ? ýshed, No Down Payment,'wbo wn leasant, digni- eral Chapci, Bowmianville, Ew P ndtenussad MsGco L.eton, Theweddin SOCCER LEAGUE ILow Monthiy Teruas, Free fied cancer position that pays Phone 623-3554 Plumbig-Haiq Ewnr Tuesdaynrsesand 2o oclockTh.weIn salary and bonus te those Who Pres eSse" eretBowmanvîlle Cerne' staff on first fioor. Iwili take place Saturday, ALL-STAR GAME PARSSURE SYSTAES DAMvery.lf, nlde mp n ow avll e tory.Olive Hull. jAugust l2th, 1972, at 2:30 SJlRPASTOALM ESIAASFRTJE quifncdsGmpI- Bo avieNewmokad ear 27-1 -to'lk nS.PusUtrd ,StIAR YPA TE 26 King St. E. Bowmanville surance and Pension Benefits 27-1 lo hurchinBot.maule. 27-1edSolinayvsth AlySt AREs RNËý623-3808 There are no stnikes on lay Electronics Co. SrvCe( n siae We w ___________________ORONO 983-5206 2- fsborbsns.Yurut24-Mour Answering Service Cai 2364 JOIE, lie Mary-At Port Wewsh to, express oun- Time 7*00 p.m. at the (Zenith 14620) EETOPOImotlm- aturenjtksg t p ept. ____ _ HoeadDistrict Hospital, sincene tbanks to our eblîdren E ,,,, Pktotl h- nde matureintsasipeopal2-te.-t Wsneda, un 2, 97dand those who belped with C veoîm__ .ourtce Park_14tfssystern. 8-track stereco An automobile is requlired. Ntc Alie Mry oas, elove tihe surprise party given us on DEVITT-. In loving memory* * *SA NG tapepayBS auoaiAplto Vice-President of____Ntc_________ Newonill (ortHoese our 25tb Wedding Annivers- of my dear husband Creigb- ndaAVTlNGSlotecord changer witb match- aktnBx37 odn, ai'leanyMtoton , J lUP 1 Oflfl ing rollabout .cart. On1y nabo las ie orI luiistry of Transportation andCmuiain arAlso mnythanks t tnP. Devitt, who passed UHampto00 nluOnars. Solinave ou oftins J' TOadnîg-aayJl 1,169 a $169.95. Free 8-track tape, phone number. 27-3 '1e Y The ExpropriainAt Me-vÏlle, and tis ýe late bons foi' the beautiful gifts, -Sadly missed by.wife and at the Precision engineered homes, one sterco LP and one set ofTevion yse _7ret .anld the late Wllîs carda and celebratingwjth us. farnîly. 27-1 Salem Field erected on your foundation. earpho n e s with purchase. CABLE TNOTvisionFSyste H. Jones. rîvate funeral It was a very special and un- --L--- 40 to choose i'rom or custom Hooper's Jewellers Ltd., Bow- servscing Oshawa - Wbitby.- ANOTICE 0F AEPICTO FR ~iatrda, Jly st. nte- f tgetableevnîn.n MnygMRCHTTOChuishedas fogth CaringCup deagned andgae ladnlad mnvile._ --27-2 Bom1nille scks n abi- ,APROVL T EanOPRATELAN evoewaluel-h t isIer-tatme, Mn ARHTT-hrihd n. Championship. îupesab ero-sa tren akvîwCernetery. takst alloving memories0fa dearavaiîability. Get ail thse tacts. intiollsrpersoisabEle person as applicatio _______Lorraine and Bud P e other and grandrnothem ý--- 2i1 C LE A R A N C E cbetcnca isaerN TMaTERCo!mn aication b tsefolsero tAMER - t emria 2~' hopased'. "Phone RAY NORTE at Pensons experienced in eiec- TransportatonaudComuiatin o ppo o xîp _____RÏ U emràl- Shirley, wopse away ESCORTEDiLL TOURS 723-3558 or visit Beaver Lum- tronies, including ecent gra- riate lands iii the Town of Bwavle nteC~ayo Wedesdy. unn2 t, 972 - 6oet1n971. Due thtk f br1n1sleneeBaeerideweLaeaMreoadbrafresHoe Ctalgue Du toIIIheath e aecuatsrfom lecroncscou-inrhthei tseroovnceofentofo foOnhtarpisoo Jr 2t,17,cern thanks and apprecia- No eyca cen sce us weeo soo 7-tf selling our stock o! ses are encouraged to apply. acquiring sufficieat land for thse reconsrcinoHiba 71'homa1s George Lambert, tient eaie.BîcsokBtmn settasaeStudy UV~n-Present responsibilities i- Nimber 2 antI thsebridge crossing atlomnii re. Newonîleaged 71 years, neighbours and frîends, who. he ANDREW'S Power Mowers ude: Cable installationsan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that appliaonbsbn ad be7oved husband of Cather- wr okn om n iese Upper Canada Villae andI custorner service witb poten- for approval te expropriete tise land desibdutiesbul neKilgannor,, dear fatisen of ciîlresndatte mtindoftise Wisen otisers are asîev Thse Thousand Islands VT \ESdTles tial, edvancemcnt to senior hereto. rrnce, Marlene (Mrs. Bon--os of a dean biusband and ,Godtknew is e ardufeg technicien in this dynernîc Any owner of lands in respect o! which oiei îe h doEranigan), Wilfred, Han- fatiser. Your many words of hmb ly 15 - 16 and ANTENNASat ot expanding industry. Pleese desimes an inquiry into whetber thse takn fsciln i Gi'at, Nadîne (Ms.JmDoforlno ecîoseberwerat C'Crce or NTALD Treply in confidence stetinig fair, sound and. easonal .csar nt' cheeeto 1,TomJuyMs.Dnsympathyforltributes, S ecoe ie er ys Gaspe ie TuINALÉ ATnbyXesari Tnibl),Lîda(Mrs. Ar tcars, guftsa and deeds wemc An~d wispercd peace be ~ 7. desimed selery to: Richard, A. thse objectives o! the expropriating authnt hh Ontf Whhs), Don, Jaice Ardth emucis apprecîated, alsotisanks tîn .August 12 - 22 ow .Rates vW. .BROWNv.r Hancock, technicel director, ts prvn uhnt awiig late ~ ~ t DaidvSrvceVa.t Persons, Black- Nt a day do we forget you Osbawa'Ceble TV Limited, (a), in tise case of e registcred owîir cvb n"Zîdl Reavriewsý i.I tc .CW n h e, Grand Oie Opry ALSO SPECIAL ON' KING W. Phone 623-5497 1353 King East, Osisewe,,Ont. mn-ý tieMors, ueriCIpn our iseets you arc ah- or by registered mail withsn tmtydsafebes Bowanuil, n Friday atImott Panabakon Fumerai weys bore Nashsville, Tennessee C.oour Systems ___ 71 h 1-5923. 2- served witb tise notice, or, ,hN bessrvdb 2.3 p.. ntemet Bw-omne, in isn For we love and miss you September 1, - 4 -Poe 2-20 FARM EQUIPMENT I Nortlusmberland andI Durham publication, witbin thirty daysafetieintpb1 manville C men o- ieWlo. As it ends tise first yeen. ' '- " I-H B414D Tractor 3 nt. hiteh, County Board of Educatioli cation o! tise notice; _______ 27~~-1_Loved too mues to ever be C L E or 723-5198 live, PTO, 38 hp -- $1500.00 OFFICE PERSONNEL (>i iecs fa we h srtargsee w'r WISO-A Mrnril os rwotdlîe o ak tsfongotten, Sadly missed by C L E TOURS24t I-H Super C Tractor with 2 Apiain ihb e within thirty days after the -fisipbcaonoth oltlRomavhle o Tsus-daugiter Norma, son-În-îaw P-'"62365- ______ row scufer 7950rcîvd tsuneigdnoc. Juno29th1972Mendopotunity of tisankîng Dr. Don and ganddaughtcr Tra- Phone623-265 -H No. 14 Side Delivery untîl 5:00 ptmeFrideJry7 TEAPRVIGAUHRIY1 MoKeozie, Onk onc; Dr. Sproull ce .2-1 27-1 Rake (like new) -position000o! Minister o!ste Wisn 7KngS.W o-and Dri. Gran, Oshsawa, tise 'Ne____ 71T iA E ~ 5Bae, $50 1972, for tiese tono Minister of uvavîi, eovdwfo fL susn tafo(3 ad ss-PNA;II-losgm-THE BtEST IN-H No. 4 aeworking ri ý1ý_PNWRE-I ovn ii-Teder Wanted "BETI condition ------- 125.00 SECRETARY Transportation and Transportioaid W.(nl Bny iloaaGenlenalHospîtal, tise Cmnersios om damoieo!Ptie.Ser nulrsýes and staff -o! Fîrst mary o! William J. Penwvard--- BLACK AND WHITE I-HR No. 46 Baler, real gond AT CLARKE HIGU SCHOOL CalaetBiligW vie ashedin1t-e Morisen who _ sdaa July 7th, ONTARIO MINISTEY 0F $ 695.00. Heif-tîrnePaiaetBldnsW.GWgc 'Floor Memanriel Hospitato passHrrscd.1 aweyuis oomeceassonTeofot5,, Ontario. Drector,Rgt-fayracs FuerlCiapl Bwanile RvB. Long for visits. The 195.GOVERNMENT SERVICES olo$2dUH65-00 arisN. ale s to comene.a sonNOTES: on rsdaat10o'clock. In- dfferent organizations o! tise Resting where îno sisadws falASPHALT REURFACING RECsPTIO l. . $25,00 as pssible..iThse Expropriations Act, provides tht temntHghadMernory OooUîe hri.ts In peaceful rest ise aweits Sae edr îî en- AlTvr r aeBlewrhgeni Must bave eccumaeetyping, a hr niqiyi eqetd tssl ocn Gadns aono safofUnted OroBch, us ail; ld terdrewllb e-2 Twsae tion-----5---- 12-5.00 general knowledge of office (a ued b an inquiry ofien oitdbyts Candiethe rnalBako!Gd ihcîn tsibo e nt .rn. local time 1,"HayDt' Cockshutt 7 ft. eut, PTO Com- procedune and business me- Candia Imeril Bnk odisaînkte kn Wednesday, jul>' 26, 1972 Workuaansliip Guaranteed bine ----.------------ $365-00 chines, sisortbend an asset but Minister o! Justice and AttonyGnrl Commerce, Orono Senior Citi-1 hi For Asphait Rcsurfecing ofaeGrudDie nrentssna.Tseaiiya (b) tise inquîry officer, Vv _rri ne by çýe we mee Ei)Cssisaîlngiveveevory panetyssto tiseThenqusryy an CARNA ION ens, Heather Rebekah Lodge-, is n b n w etConcrete Sidewalks at Tise D HI SSpreader --------- ------5100-00 cope with work'loed et peak (i pportum-iteey topreeteiec FLOERSant SED SORE; relations, friends and neigis- agin Ministry of Correctional Ser- JMREUPET pnoso mmr m2m-agmn n 0eaieadcos S.' bnsfor 1fiwers ndcrwf a n.Eder mmerbere*by isPine Ridge -Scheool, N E IIC134 King East Bowuaanville ance.aruetndt Stet Alotansbtistose wbo 0f- se n frih27-i* ice, T A 27-1* * *exmnwtessihrpeoahyr Cosgs ee edgv1assanet -B__owrnenville, Ontario. IAN____Eexamine_____________ '7ý' ifredarrizý,u isistnrý teTender Documents, may be MAPLE GROVE ttzd Rý2ij1, TURNagai n laving mmrobtained fo RgonlOf 23551o a,3-,7 Applications wili be me- by bis counsel on aget o mry as lh o! bubad et- (7), vareu(û) mey recomrnd 1te apovgau- wîe rncs.Oce TUNY-ls emr fomO- rccived by the undersigncd oiyta at 0ts mur eri Tisnk ou Reg SuLtoml ,ie, Ernest Turney, whopessa- Services, 797 :Princess Street, 6tCEA ~aripple f0110 il uly12, 1972, for the mtt xed$0 adts pmvm Wdig ,27ý -h* c d awey July 6, 1966. Sut 0,pO o 00C RE tc npîd Farm in positions et thseafxdamutorhactsfthinuy PORTR-W jut haen' Weoften think of days gone Kingston, Ontario. Telepisone 2?63-2721. Licence 364-C-72.'BwevleHg cso.atoit a l iceinodrts Bouquets st avel'È by, 544-8955. Sterling date August 28, 11972 -uinerzal 1~ words to express our apprec- When we were ail togetiser; Nt: oWurhr nomeE______________,eponîtqgatonî,t a scs oî Aranoacis »~"'"" ation and iscemfet tisanks t1Tbe farniy cisain is brokenlinegdngtsTner 'FL TMECRAES forthwith. menytienordid 20nmucis aTender. CC.7J SALES VV'nte to nRent Forty bonumspe.r weck. 2. "o nen"end"registepredowner" aedfndi ieA owng Pios 57-03. 71*D pI T2. o -R ber C.,i'esses; two cents. 'Cail e45ofP i ">' -' '"thc) Lot 13,uCon esio n t 1 ise T w si ! aloJn BoD9, ailon Ot 152366 _____-- HeARVEofieo!tieChe!Pu-HAVE RPRNE SOE ANGESabtrcRdE is owMoANAGnEReSdsînas G e CshTody W'nte t By Stutins F.mai± sîg ororaio, OI lor o2Q'sSe1972ele *Excellent income based on sales C) Lot 13' CoDncession lo! tise Towniî !Dalnl USED Fur W nîlue d uAppl utî Piai.. TStreet West, Toronto 5, On- *Hire, andI train our own help ri deoted ancssPlan 10ofRte72; or M nni~~~ anesPadys ankt.Hap-tapifianoayb.h ~Ooo*Stores' open. ay 9- labstracîed in tise Town o! Bowmnîk eiuae e,___U__7,.P____-es_ ooWmfitciedo!f theLO*Acrdtd riig rga as-,Parts, 1, 2, 3 and 4 on Deparîetoirnpra tbr, g IN 2 aueChie! Purchasing Officer, et o *Cshdpoî rqirJln ed1omuictonRPa P100:3 dpsie Ig iNgrand or upnîght, NEED five mtr prosto tise above address, ortele- Z nt 42 o nomto nIitriw ,,,i ieRgsr fiefrts eilyDvso !Dra S i A susLteble for tudent, wl pay work with me ful ime, nemI pisone 966-3600. ext. 294. 'eih 160Frifrainaditriwï We. sryOfc fr h Rgs C A I ah rieAvrîe 4,lm.For interview caîl Mrs, Lowest on any quolatuan 2 our Servîcea.m. -5 1972. Ntcefis r- tine , >623-3303 c/o Canadien Statesmaafi,,P.O.IReid, 725-4443 between 9 and Inat necessarily accepted. 2 H ~ rîeci 9-ai~ouyt ruy i .1.- Pl hsNtc is ublised on tise 21st dyo ue 5 L________________Box 190> Bowpuanville. 41-t2 L pm. 24-7Z 27-1 14-tf DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED