Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1972, p. 7

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_Socia!l& £ersona! Phone 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Van- funer al of the late Mr. Harold stone returned last Saturday Macklin held at the Allison evening after holidaying for Funeral Home in Port Hope,, two weeks ln Honolulu. last Wednesday, March l5th. 1Mr. Macklin formerly resided Mr, and Mrs. Bob Bur- for many yeronhsam roughs recently returned from aso hifâr spending flve weeks at ,aY- property near Tyrone, tona Beach, Florida. The Ontario Pork Institute Mr. Harold King and bis says that the new lean pork-of sisters, Mrs. Helen Kinsmen of today can be roasted to a low- Oshawa, recently returned er temperature than formerly. froma vry njoabl hoidaInternai temperature of 170 inronaveylnu yauehoidY degrees on a-,meat thermome- in Honlulu.ter produces what some bel-' Mrs. L. W. Dippeli has re- jeveijs a more flavorful, juie-1 turned from a week with herlier roast with appetizing son and daughter-in-law, Mr'. resuits. and Mrs. John Dippeli' and M.Pu edwsno family, Waterloo. IMr. aulMs A Meadows,'f Several scbool chums at- Parkway Crescent, leaves this tended a birthday party last Thursday, March 23rd, for Saturday for Miss Janice Seto, Auckland, New Zealand. Paul Concession Street, on the oc- plans an extended stay ln that casion of ber seventh birtb- Country and en route will stop day. in Honolulu for several days, On, Thursday, March 16, the and also spend a few days ini children of the Bowmanville the Fiji Islands. Nursery' School, their teach-MrDoga ihl hs ers and six mothers spent an M.Doga coshs enjoyable morning visiting the been awarded the degree of Keit fara a Saem. Master of Science früm North Keithfarmat Slem. Carolina State University at Sunday visitors with Mrs. A. Raleigb, N.C. Doug is the son . Billett were hec sister, Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nich- H-. S. Price, Mr. and Mrs. W. ols Duke St., and his wife is V. Price and children, Billy thý former Audrey Hayes. He nd Laurie, ail of Islington, is employed by Dominion On. The Price familles also Textiles at their head office in caýlled to see Mrs. M. Kerslake Montreal, and resides ln Ville at, Sunset Lodge. La Salle. Mrs. L. Welsh, Mrs. Edna "Hap" Gill reports he saw Hart, Mrs. Alec Lyle, town, lis ficst robin the other day. and Mrs. Audrey Laricks, Tor- It was eaj oying the goodies in onito, returned Sunday from a tbe bird feeder located la the week's vacation in Nassau, the yard at Charlie Downey's Bahamas. They enjoyed very residence. Another town resi- wýarm, sunny weatherý with dent heard a robin a few days temperatures in tbe 80'S and ago, but was unable to locate qo's. its perch. Spring must be on Mr. and Mca. Clar ence Bcad- theway at last. A lady who ley, Flett Street, attended the lives a few miles north of here,, said she spotted a St. pJUIIS groundhog as she was divingj S .Bwmauille un ~ L L The Marvîns, Goronsons and v nited Cnurcni Hamilîs of Colorama T.V. spent a week at the Princess Minister:, Kajulani, Honolulu, Waikiki Rev. H. A. Turner Beach, as guests of Mr. Siate, B.A., B.D. C.F.G.M. Radio, February Organist:, 25th to March 4th. Mr. and Mr. R. Metealif, Mrs. Marvin then flew on to A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. the Island of Hawaii to spend two weeks at' Casa de Em- 9:45 a.m. deko as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School for those Allen Finlay of Saccemento, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. E. 9 years and over. Pipella of Sait Lake City, ila.m. Utiah and Sunset Blvd., Kailua Kona, Hawaii. Sunday School for those Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aber- 4-8 years old., nethy entertained with a din- il an. * ner party for sevecal of their relatives on Stucday evening, Public Worship March l8tb., la celebration of sevècal birthdays which had Infant care during service occurred la recent weeks. Fol- ____________________ -owing dinner, cards and crok- inole were enjoyed. Present - ere Mc. and Mrs. Malcolm REHOBOTH Elford of Prince Albert, David REHO OTH Ferguson, Enniskillen, Mr. Christian Reformiod and Mrs. George Bowers, Nes- Chrhtieton, Mrs. Frd Dayes, Church iBlackstock, and Mr. and Mrs. Seugog Street Reg. Sutton, Orono, If ail residents of Bowman- Minister: vile, who are taking advan- 1ev. A. VandeffBerg, tage of the "sehool break" to enjoy a holiday ln the sunny B&A, B.D., M.Th. south, or skiing as somne have Phone 623-7407 chosen for a vacation, phone ln particulars of their "change WORSHIIP SERVICES of pace"' we should have a goodly number of social items 10:00 a.m. for this colunma next week, j7:00 pan. From relable sources we have learned that at least 75 per- Back to God Hour sons (adults, teenagers and Dm1 310 adio chldren) left by plane, as Every Sna 03 m bus travel. Many other f am- ilies chose to travel by car, 'Fveryvone Welcome" Please give US a cal when you ]arrive homae. Just dial 623- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Miss Gail Thompson PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 1972 11:00 a.m. ""MORE THAN CONOUERORS" Rev. G. K. Ward Reception of new mmembers and Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Sunday Sehool Hours Junior, luterniediate and Senior Depts. at 9:45 a,nx. Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. et il 7:00 p.ni. "THE LESSON 0F THERICH FÇ,OL" Rev. G. K, Ward Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ôSpring is here and Eater Timue is near. IVake arn appointrnent for your Easter hair-do NOW; also for your permu, color, washi and set. OPEN Mon., Wed., Fri. 'til 6.00 p.m. Tucsday and Thucsday evenings Sntucdey <from 8:.00aiù. - 4:00 p.m. Coventry Wigs Stli25% oOFF 71, King St. E. Bowmnnville FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 623-51911 el if it i ti el el w ir i , 1 le th in n( cl rn ci Give thec traditional ceapplc crisp"' a modern touch by aclc- ing a-chocolate flavor to thisq always popular dessert. The recipe foc cocon apple ccisp is as followvs: S5 medium apples; 1/2. cup brown sugar; Y/3 cup water; few grain sait; 2/3 cup brown suigar; là cup sifted ali-purpose flour; 1/4 cup cocoa; 1/3 cup butter o-r margarine, Pare, core and eut apples intc eighth; place in greaseci 8-incbi square pan. Add 1j. cup brown sugar, watcc and sait. Blend together remaining sugar, flour and cocon. Cut butter or margarine into flour mixture with two kaives ta give a ccumbly consistency. Place cocon mixture over apples; pat out to cover top o! apples. Bake uncovered la 375 degree F. aven 35-40 minutes or until apples are tender. Serve warni or colci with whipped cream, if desireci. Yield: 6 servings. Mc. and Mca, J.- A. Caracaci- dca of Orono recently retuca- cd fcom a 16-day holiday la Florida. Ducing their stay in the Sunsbine State they visit- cd Macinelanci, Wocld o! Dis- ney, Miami, Cypreas Gardens and Silver Spcings. They were also la Nasau, sailiag on the Norwegiaa luxucy liner "Sun- ward" from Miami on a. Fn- day afternoon andi ccturning te Florida Monday mocniag. Mr, and Mca. Carcaecden report an overcoat was cequireci the first Satucday morning, but that the remaiaing cinys werE mostly clear and wwacm, wittb only about ten minutes main ai Miami. Mr. and Mca. Carscad- dca, wbo wili marktheir 4Oth weddîag, annivcrsacy this eom- ing summer, were dclîghted with. the travel arrangemcnt5 made by Jury & Loveil Travel Agency for the trip, whicbi was la celebration of the fut- 5ure happy occasion. In the Editors 's Mail 1030 Nanton Avenue, Vancouver 9, British Columbia, Macch lStb, 1972, Editor: Dear Sic: Much a o! the trouble with the world today la that we are kept sa busy rendering unto Cacaar that wh.ich he demranda that we have no time left to ceader unto God that which belongs to God! In diacarding the Ten Commandments as "square" we accept adultery, tbcft, false witness and covectous- neas as the aorm. While ab- olishiag the dcath sentence for criminals wc have in- stituteci the mass murder of unborn infants. We have re- moved prayeca from the sehonîhouse and launcheci studies la witchcra!t andi the occult. While seeking char- lama la our leaders we fail te look for chacacter. We n longer bonour par- ents, but demanci that thcy grovel et the shcine of youth. Wbile we go through the motions of conductîng a Brothechooci Week, our Golden Rule bas -become: "Do unto othece whatever you cen get nway withl" While protcctîng civii dia- obedience as an "ideal" o! conscience, sa we mock con- science as a celigious myth shoulci it oppose, the so-celi.. cd "ideel.?, While TV com.. merdîais promote better weys to dlean our bodies, homes andi highways, they follow with "entertaiament" abovelleci up fcom the sew- er. Ia short, in denying bris Cceetoc, man flounders la bis own inadequacica, per- baps wniting for the Sup- reme Court ta rule Goci out of order for conapiring ta deny man bis right to go tn bell unmolcsted! Yours aincerely, Petri cie Yýoung. SE YEN YOUTHS CHARGED WITJ T TEFT Sevea youths fcomn the Co- ýourg area have been chacg- ..d by district Ontario Pro- vincial Police officers with the tbeft cf gasoline, automo- biue parts andi acceasocies tek- en wîthin Cabourg andi Hem- iton Township ducing the pat two yeecs. More than 60 charges were laid. Police have ceizecd i elarge quantity of o! items îneluding. aterco tape- ilternat'e-to-t-he Gucülph-Co-_ ference in May. Mca. Downey bhen took charge of the foilow-. ing pnogram on Home Eýco- nomica ln the absence o! Mca, Pecfect. Mca. Bragg gave the notto, "Teke Pains With Your M'eals To Avoid Pains After- warda". She saici we et te live, net hive toaet; bhave a iet suitable to your own needa and do not overeat. She closeci wlth a poem. Mca. Margaret Killeen play- ed several Irish selections on he accordion which were en- noycc by all. Mca, Downey akeci everyone to give the recipe for the dish they bcought for the pot-iuck dia- ncc. This was, quite interest- ing andi I think we ail rmcciv- *d somne new ideas. Mca. >owney thankeci evecyonc wbo bnc helpeci with the pro- gramme andi dinner. Meet-' ing closeci with singing of the; Quemn Honor: Courtice Couple On Goàlden Anniversary I - Mr. and Mca, Paul Antil Photo by Ireland Mr. and Mca, Paul Antil,1 recently. Tbe couple heici neigbbors with theîr si Courtice, celebratec t hci rlOpen House, when they ce- daughters acting as hoate Fiftieth Wedding Anaiversnry ceiveci their many frienda and Tbey wisb to. extend t a sincereat thanka to evcî, Pla S ecalMu;c who helped to nk1 .0j"pecial' usic Golden Anniversacy suc] For aste Sun ay pecial occasion, with v A t SF. rPaul'rS united On Enster Sunday evening, Aprîl 2nd at 7:30 p.m. the choir of St. Paul's United Church will give n Presenta- tion of Easter Music. This yeac, tbe gucat choir at St. Paul'$ will be Knox United Churcli from Peterbor- ough, under the direction cf Mc. Walter Morrow vwho is also Music Consultànt for the Central area of Northumber- land - Durham Board of Edu- cation. Knox's choir is well kncw: la Peterborough for their fine musical contribution to the church. St. Pau1's and Knox wili join ln several anthems (c.g.) "Since By Man Came Death" and the "Halieluja] Chorus" both from Handel's Messiah -- and the beloved "Ail in the April Evening" by Robecton, There will be solos, duets ftrm both choira; alan instru- mental numbers încluding trumpet and a violin duet. 1Trumpeter, Mr. Don MacAr- thur of St. Paul's; Violinaý Miss Madeline Merkley of Bowmaavîlle High Sehool arni Miss Darlene Stramna, ehe et Bowmanville, High SeýhooI, is thle time to Fertilize your Lawn.. .Controls Ortho- 'Crabrsan Gro brs n CRAB jFull Feeding.i GRS Apply Now Control covers for Suring 13000 sq. t. I~j $8,95 22-4-4 Long Lasting covers: 6000 sq. t. Gro WEED and FEED Octho- Gro LAWIN FOOD Full Feeding plus ... Weed Control covers 5000 sq. fi. FREEJ! SPREADER on loan 6213-44 41 fln Be//e (arc/ens Nurserymea and Floriats H.wy. No. 2 VAN BELLE 3 tuiles west ie f is, le Le is This service of Enster praise wiii be under the direction o! the organiat and Tcboicmnstec R. S. Meteaif, COTTAGE BROKEN INTO About $285 wontb o! goocis was taken from na cottage owned by George Simpson of Toronto at LTamba Lene andi thec 4th Concession sometime between' March i th and. i 7th, Newastc Otario Poica Police report. The tolen items Includeci a lawn mowec, ceai oul lamp and steve. towels. linen. mat- tresses, cablo andi a wickec basket, ELIZABETH VILLE HChurch strvices were held aýs isual, Mr. W., Banister Sspoke ln place of Rev. Ramjit -who is just out of the boa- gpital. The choir sang a num- ber. On Wednesday evening the general meeting of the U.C.W. fwas held at Garden Hill, The Preaident Mca. Ken Tcew pre- aisded. Mca. Jean Campbell, rPresident of the East Unit, bad the devotion part along with three other 'convenors, Mra, D. Munroe gave a telk on a personal miasionary pro- j ect for Brazil,, Unit 2 bnci the lunech. A satiafactory fia- ancial report was given. The lest bales te be sent will go in May. No more bales are requiceci, They prefer rooney from now on. We are to niake kaitteci bandages and send jenu'llery and useci diapeca as well. The East Group plan to have a play from Frankford at Canton later. We will have a stcawberry supper in July. Our next, meeting to be the 2lat- of June, This yenr our M. andi M. Fund ena be sent where we wîah. Unit 1 wîab- ed it to go to the Chaplein at Peterborough wbo visita the bospitals; Unit two to Aider- ville or some near charge, LUnit thcee have to decide int- er as they hadn't undecstood they could pick. Lunch was served. On. Wednesday and Monday evening two classes of sew- ing with kaits wccc begun at the North Hope Sehool. Each cîas had about, 15 membera. Mca. Morris is teaching thcm patteras andi material were given out and ieach ean make n pair of pantica for n start, A quilting was held et the basenient on Tuesdav but due to the torm we dîdn't get rmueh donc andi we diivensed with n pot-luek dinner,- Somie camer- on Wednesdey andi Tbursday to finish it. Mr. and Mca. Rosa Mrul- drcw, Ottawa, sjoent the week- end wîtb Mr. andi Mca, H. Muldrew. Mr. and Mca, W. Muldrew, Oshawa, arc apending a few days wîth Mc. and Mca. L. Muldrew. O t h e r visitora through the week were Mc. and Mca. G. Gordon, Port Hope; Mr. Reid, Toronto, Mc. E, Fowlec and other neigh- bora. Mc. andi Mca. R. Russell andi family, Belleville, visited with Fowiecs recently. Mr. and Mca. H. Quantrili attendeci the Safety Banquet at Baltîmoce on Wednesday. Miss Nancy Fowlec fromj bere ieft for Paris with the bus load fcom Port Hope on Fciday. I hope they have a nice trip and holiday. Mc, and Mca. H. Tbickson had two of the gicla home on Sunday. Hacry Bell is in the boa- pital. Mca. Know is stillinl Cobourg, aise Mrs. Mercer la Bowmanvihie. cards, gifta, and mnany floral The Canadian, Statesmanï, Bowmanville, Mar, 22, -1972 7 arrangements that decorated their home for the occasion.'- paid a neighbocly call on Mr, Mr. and Mrs, Antil have Zîn 1oeT wnlship) and Mcm. Meneilley Thursday la iedinCourtice for tbe afterHope T past forty-six years and have Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Raby one son, Mr. Wm. Whittick, motored to Stirling last Sun- Cnrtltost r n and seven daughters, Mrs. day to visit their brother Mrs. Percy Snell! of Fort Hi Lorraine (Percy) Dalby, Mcs. Hacry. who elebýrated t heir 5G0h Pauline (Harold) G rah am, Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Men- Wedding Aniniverýsary Merchl Mrs. Joan (Wm.) McKnîght, eilley had their famnily with Ilth. A receptýinwas held Mrs. Jean (Robert) Young, themn for dînner, Sunday. at the Wfelcomr:e Church Sun- Mrs. Betty (Jim) MacGregor, Birthday greetings to Mrs. day School, Saturday a3fter- lVirs. Shirley (John) Lemon'Ada Gerow who is celebrat- noon, March 11l/72 in their andMr. Lis(Rn) shrn ing her birthday March 2lst. honor., all living la the Bowmanville= Mrs. Leo Titterington and Oshawa acea, son Raymond returned home This year marks the 5Ot1 Thefail etetane t Friday fromn the sunny South Annîversary of the Ontarloc pearenhere they spent thepas iX Society for Crippled Chiîldren, parntsat failydinerweeks, Tulips and daffodils party, held in Ebenezer wece blooming most of the Rent a Car for Churoh Hall. The couple's 27 way home and they wece grandchîldren and s e v e n quite convinced Spring was A DAY OR WEEKEND great-grandchildren were pre- here until they arrived home Ask for Rae sent, when the ladies of Ebe- to Roseberry Hill and were un- CUT nezer U.C.W, served a deli-,able to enter their driveway, YCUT clous meal. 'An evening of blocked with ice-bound snow- CHRYSLER-DODGE LTD. cards and games, counded out baýnka. 1.ý 623-2 586 the evenýing. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Best ïÎi HOUSE 0F MUSIC (eihrtions MAR(H 23rd - 25th 9:.30 am. to 9:00 p.m. - Sat. 6:00 pais. Terms Available Low Bank Financing SPECIAL BIRTHDAY PRICES ON ALLW.A MODELS of the Wonderful$ THOMAS ORGANS. Prices start at--- 41n See 'also our selection of used and demonstrator or:gans and Willis and Sherlock-Manning pianos ail specially reduced for this Sale, ~im~HOUSE 0F MUSIC her 1820 Dundas St. E. Whitby Opposite K-Mart 576-3921 D 623-5792ZJ D U G ~ KIG STWEST

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