THE OSHÀWÀ TIMES, Wednesday, March 3, 1972 z- I k t? j i 'i - "CIS AEOD EXMPLE: W oie Round Steak (Ilustrated Aboveþ: Whole Round Steak is a naturally lean, meaty cut of beef that promises exceptional meat value,;when trimmed to Dominion specifications. Proper "natural aging" is of prime importance if the full natural flavour and tenderness is 1o be preserved through out the cooking stage. Beyond thîs, our standards of trim are: * No more than One-Half inch covering of outside fat, in any given area. * Ali excess interior fat must be trimmed away. * Dominion whole Round Steak must be absolutely boneless. CANADA'SFINEST RED BRÂND STEER BEEF NATURALLY AGED, GOVERNMENT INSPECTED SHORT- ï MBAT 72c Lb, ROUND BONED Shoulder Rosd b 72 Boneass Plate Brek Meat Easy To Carve, ace is 6sh & 7th Short Cer 7~~M RWAT N82 Alpin Brarnd - BEEF STEAKETTES LbA 74 FrostenTe Pod Boxe CHICKEN WINGS L 2S° Frse Tan Pound Boxe CHICKEN LEGS Lb,494 Seiu Meadow rc Coaked Ready To Eat BREADED Frase Meoey New Zealand LAMB LES WHOLE OR Lb 8 Frose New Zeaiand SHOOP W48 Me Shoulder & Bnte POE CHOPS Lb 78" TUR<EY LEGS Lb 39L Le-Grade Bonens Cooked Ready To Eat DJNNER HANS Lb LIS Feerman Par Skinned FuII Caaked HAS En°"b 594 En:Lb,644 ONLY t DOMINION Gote Brad lh Bacon SIDE BACON IL" 1.09 ACK BACON lL 1L39 Fartan Mary Mile Rindiesa BREAKFAST BAC N -b 9k SS9 Empre S-and Rmndiasn BREAKFAST ACON 1-b 9k 54C Only ot Dominiai DOMINION WJENERS 1-b 9kg 59' Bitee Mld Smoked WJENERS 1-b 9kg 664 Fearmons Ma"ýry Miles- eners 1-Lb 5 2-L 98 ENERS 1-LbPk, 72 Ferms Mary Miles Variety Pack MINCED' HA 1L 754 Fearman Mary MileCHICKEN & MACARON i5rI-Ot & CHEESE Mary Miles BOLOGNA YH Lb, 29' Swîf Premium C KE H 6-Osz 2 C00EEDHAM ° 62° 16-Oz Pk Serve SwiFs Premîum Table Reody COOKED MEATS MAC & CHEESE LOAF . kg, 23e DUTCH LOAF 9k 28e MOCK CHICKEN LOAF Pkg 28e HEAD CHEESE ,, Pkg 28e BOLOGNA - GARLIC Pkg 28e BOLOGNA - REGULAR gP 28e Fearman Mary Miles -Lb. Tic HEAD CHEESE Lb 49' Hygrode Cooked Meats BUFFET MEAT 16-O, Pkg 88 MORTADELLA .t6-O, kg 48e Universal Pepperanu Bock ta Bock PIZZA PIES Tw Pe 98' Tasty lealian Lices Siena Meats PEPPERONI .,. Lb 97e BABY MORTADELLA .... Lb 69e MORTADELL A (Sliced) , , , 68e FRESH HOT SAUSAGE L, 84 Sbopsy New Tasty TURKEY & BEEF SALAMI 2 2°-Os 69' Biteners Mild Flavaured POLISH SAUSAGE Lb 88° Shapsy Fomaus COLE SL AW 24C°: 59: Farmans New Smal uk Store Pack PORK SAUSAGE Lb, 64' Swift' Premiumi Pure Prk Sausage Mest 2 45' Triangle Brarnd Couântry Style Triangle Brand Hamburg Pallies Lb 494 Schneider, MINI SIZZLER SAUSAGE 1-b 9kg 75* Most Meat Buyers Are! The trouble is, how can you measure savîngs on something like a steak or a rôast? Every store does things a little differently. Some cut off excess fat. Some leave it on, Even if you're sure the meats are of equal quality, it's hard to compare the amount of edible meat you get, at the price you pay per pound. So, we introduced a new Guarantee of Performance...a policy that guarantees you "exactly the right amount of trim"' Even a new bride knows that you need some fat to preserve flavour and tenderness, but who decides how much is enough? The Experts Say "One-Haif Inch of Fat. No More! So that's all we leave on. Any more and you're paying for fatwith money that should be buying meat. Consider- this exampIe: A typical 3 lb. steak, cut one inch thick should carry no more than ONE-HALFINCH of fat around the outside edge The same steak, with ONE INCH of fat left on, wlI weigh about 4 ounces rore. At a price of, say, $1.37 per pound, you would pay 340 (110 per pound) extra, for unnecessary fat and waste! So "Measure Up" for yourselfl Compare the trim you may be getting elsewhere with the trim you know you cen get at Dominion. Our 'Guarantee of Performance" is your assurance that your purchase will be trimmed the way it should be. Guaranteed Trim plus Everyday Deep Discount unbeatable combination. "WE-RESERVE-THE-RIGHT-TO-LIMIT QUANTITIES' I