fandi etired In 1960 la Bow-, His wýifa, Lata, having pass-P r s d n N !,ý9,.W 'rO N V ILLEe aâ e. w yem re vious-una* rsdn MVrs. Findjay of Toronjt o ntes_ting book has been Mrs. C. M. Jonies, Mrs., Mary ly, hae was niarried in 1957 to i wasa ecntviîtr it Msscom-piled, beginning with bis Wade, Mr- and Mrs. S, J. Lan- nMrts.Mel ymos. Foerrethe Allie Nasbitt. iserithssrie caster.nx eenyasaterreir Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kimball frtya Mrs. G.-Skeldîng of Black- b', i contintied ta praachý retuirnadt home last week aI- inlure of aach chuirch ha bas <Stock, who has been visiting frequently, taking services I ter thriee eks holiday in served is shown, along with MVr. 'and irs. Bill Skelding during the summer montha. sunaoly Florida, and Mr. David an itemof intereat from that for severai days, laIt by busSic 197dcnighat Peck returned fi rora the same area, right up to the preseat, Monday morniag for a holiday curtailed his activities. nStraJnay2noDpt rn atro area oin Friday. nluding the pro- in Florida. A ma n of many hobbies, ha 1Ster ety Robinso, res22i- teD Grand od ase O fe Dinner guess ntiy grams of Newtonville, Kendal, The funeral of Mrs. M, enjoyed gardening and wodd- dent 0f te Rbkhns mbly gaa theGand s ermo on et's ha with Mr. and Mr-, Ken Fiat- and Shiloh congragations. A Roberts took place on Mon- work'ing. Indaed, the churches of Ontario, cama bo Orono and Participators, not Spectators," cher wevreMr and Mrs. Rich- number of minister friands day from the Rosa Funeral and manses, where hae ser vedY was the gucast of Mr. and Mrs, which was vary impressive, ard Mcalof Whitby and participated in the Il arn. Home, Port Hope. Formenly aIl benaîitted by bis akillini Ed. Milîson. Alter tha service a deliejous Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Blight service, and in theaefternoon Sybil Hoskin, she lived 'and carpenitry. On Sunday, Januery 223rd luncheon was sarved by some ofOswa frora 3 to 5 p.m., Rav. and attended school har o sea Rev. Harding ia survived byla church service was hacld iniof the Rabekeh ladies in the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- Mr.Wiercie finsyasao is vile, Murial, two daugh- baer honor àt Orono Unitail Odd Fallows Hal Ter Li ni\/.r.Mr aea-froin. far and neer et an open Celebretions for four more tera, iVra. Dr. R. W. Thomp- Curch, which wes quite wl eeaot1 rtes itr son nci iVIers, Mao ry aea- reception, At 6 p.m. over 200 local birthdays, lst 'week, son (Dorothy) of Hamilton, attendd. Glea Wannaemk- and. members of their families, teddtercpinfrtaattended the dianer, served were carried dut ln fine style, prasaatly la Englend, andpesrtMrs.i ocsin Grand nef the On Mondayoa toonddinner WostrntryLgMatro t he by the U.C.W. members of the complete with cakes, soe Harry McCemua (Joy) of Ca- Union, Cemetary Veuit.OnM daa o ine Roa ok oea hkao urcb, elter which a presen- candiesad good wisbes. vani, and four grendchildren , Ronerary pallbearers were was, eajeyed at the home of Mr. nd Ms. Rsa Bowntation waa mede. This iaclud- Those involved wene Mrs. Susen ad David Thompon, Rev. Besil Long, Rev. Hanry Sse lv iîoDDP Mand Mrs RiesTrirownvt ed the book we mentioned Mary Wade, Mr. Raymond Robert and Donald McCamus. Mellow, Rev. David HennisThose attendiag were Sistar Toonolat usdy vnigpreviously, a purse of money, Bruce, iVrs. Leone Lana and Heaiaso beaves two siaters, Rev. Melville Buttars, Rev. R. hesett Rbnson rdent ol accoopaie by Mrs. Chato an engreved plate te edd te Mr. Grant Wade. Ages sup- Mrs. ErneatBlon(hda) C. White ad Rev. Robert the Past Noble Grands of BrwNewcastle, te pay thaîr collection, ad a plaque plied on raquait! of Toronto, and Mns. Harb. Wragg. Orono RebekehLo .rdge. (fhaîr final respects te tieir frem the Provincial Gavera- Boy Scouts were taken te Dyer (Minnie) of Timmins, Many beautiiiilul floral tokens On Tuesday avaeniag mer- Luncle, the late W. C. Dean", ment, with speeches frora Oshawa lest Wednesday aven- Rev. Harding was predeceas- ettested te the very high as- bers, elong with iaiiting, dig aI Élie Brown Funeral Home. varieus, friands. Rev. White ing te sea the show "Tokiat" cd by two sisters, Mrs. Hiow- teera la whý(i the deceaae d nitanies and other lodga e-,ll N tovleScbool Bd nasponded fittingly, with a which aIl eajoyed. They are ard Edwards (Elsieý, Toronto, was held., There wera also bers, eajoyad a delicieus beef anteuch of humer haro and starting their "lWinter Survi- and Mns. Bob Reader (Lii- maay donations, le the Cana- dininer in the Orono United wenit out to ede by bus, thora, in bis own inimitable val Course" Ibis coming Set- lien), Brandon, Man.. dien Cancer Society, includ- Cburch besement, prepared Wiantr Cu.t enn art the- style. Local people atteadîng urdey, and arrangements are The deceased rested et the iag ona from the> Ontarioad served by the Orono UTnit-;i terpnisinig village wbihch this in the alternoon included Mrs. going ahead for B. P. Scout Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Water Resouirces Commission. ed Cburch ladies. Aften bi yerwe el tth al ar aI Joncs, Mrs. F. Week, Feb. 19 to Feb. 26. manville, and the largely et- The people of 1his laite charge the reguler meeting teok p)lace lnsa a 0f ona& ie bL ark. mer, and Mr. Jira Gilmar Cubs are preparing for their tendad 'funeral service was et Welcomre prc-sented a Mem- in lia hall with Noble Grand wberethe oce Lakte ebm foro Port Hope; in the evening, wmnter camping weekend eth eld on Tuesday, Jenuary 25th anial Gift te "The Mission& lriTodredngasit any luthe-acee ac to ity rAev. T. Snelgroe, Mn. and Camp Semtac. in___j aTrinity United Cburch. Service Fund" ot the Unite dBoy Vice Grand Carl. Rev.Derôt BydMany visitons fromr Mn. and Mrs, Al. Panrna of Rv erntAncott, Chair- hrc1I aad.A eoa ~~ I l f~~~~I man of Osbawa Preabytery, tieon tle th "Canadlien Bibleohrlde'teddIi Cowaville were s u p p er meeting and, the dignitaries ,tucs îs - ti Mr. aad Mns. F. I I.,J Rev. George K adadScay a lorcia were iatnoducad and ,wejcom- Henarsn o Saundy.Rev. Harold Turner olliciated. 1lrom bis nriacaead a1 ephcx, cd. The meeting was carrid MiaBarbera Miles visitsd el" and as well thora was a larg>e botb miaisters of theu-nîted eut'as usuel ani a veryv aice ber paents t Norwod e4~ ~ LJ'~w4 r~r~ ýatteadance et brother-ii-Curb e.Enia Curey o'f tableau wasput on by sema Sundoay. % I., G MDM JI D #,- an I'oith PeHop e e SotePOn.,ani 'e. Et- sistens frora Maybelbe "Locige lev. T. J. Snlgrov's Sun- 'the service. Temporany an- dnidcla urrey mnd 1bis wîe cilý Port Penny.ý day meraiag topir was "The Grade 13 Port Hope High J 'ane ýMildn-ew ,f lro otHp obetwsiort Hope Brantford. Sister -BettyRoisnIe W ofe the Samaitan," Istncss- School studnitý Anne Mania High Scbo and Deanis ___________________________________________ iaig Ili-,fect that ea person Kowel, won the Northumber- Francis fromn Bowmanvilla really wning te belp an- land-Durham final ofl the On- High School, Penny Grenideli othien, kaows ebnin tarie Public Spaakiag Comn- frora Cartwright Higb Saheol. race, cneed, or circumstaaces. petition lest Wednesday ev- Tbnee iudges for the eveat ng in Pont Hope in campa- were: Northumberland - Dur- Thie choir sang "Tak ytto ih1 iait rmhmSahool Trustees A. H. Hen."secondery achools acrosa the Sîike of Bowmanville; Wes Mn.Keib unlyCobur, United Countias. Dowrî ef Hilton (neen Camp- waB acaIr iten.Age Miss Kowel won tho compe- baellord) anti Wilfrcd Day cil BureyFnîey voangand tition on an ýunusuel pncsea- Port Hope. Suilay suppar g1UaStS witb tation cil a trip tbrougb Que- Competitons were nequirad hon, lnc11udcd Mn.> and Mrs. bac the Maritimes anti New- te propanea Ibrea le fivei Eanl McEwe , trborýougb, louiýdiahdtakea lest summer. minuta speech antiaswer Mn. anti- . wd Ron Biurley', The cbempionship winner pro- questions alter Ibeir speech NecslM i ns Donitaei a ha wes meking a col- frora Ibrea jutiges. Points Vialelad long distance 'phono caîl were givan for eudibility, "Rv .C. White Day" vies home te hanr father anti ne- quality and range ofl thair ibeve t ,Albert Street lated han various ,experiences voice as vieIl as clenity, anr- Uniîted Cburch, Oshawa, on during the trip as if she wes tîculetion andi proneuniciation. Sundý,ay, Feb. 6th. This vies in speeking directly te bim. Pitwaeisawnefor recogntion cil cir former Rne-pbMs oe vocabulany, composition, anti- minister's liftielli yean cil or- wes Joan Branscombe, e Grade enca, contact and relatioaship dained ministny, and a vany 10 East Northumberland High imagilnation, iaccnity, and School student vibo spoke on sotniy byveeas thea-Ibeme "Procrestinatien".jigd o developmant of I Wnnaen of the impromptu their subi oct malter, erganiz- speaking contait wes Douglas ation cif mateniel and sum- A~~ftr ~ Tangrey ofl Blackatock, ameiao. I ~Cartwright 'Higb Scbool stu- The competitic at et b two J" $"i. * dent who apoke about an counties levai is spoasoreti by AT atarnon te aa wasIbaOntario Public Scbool Trus- only competitor in this sectiontesAsoiinedOtai w7,0ý1 f hespaakiag contait. Hydre.Ï F R, ED E ï Cofthahanspeakers participaI- Tepeice optto igincludeti' Peggy' Fosler bas rer'ently been rnaenad the PHARM ACY fromn Clarke Higb School, Oral CmuictosFasti- Peal ani, hrly val. Sine1927 he OntanieýT O 67 KING S. EAST îtt, Paul Bulman froin Eaat Public aspeaking contait bais Northumberland S ec o ndarylceninued uncbhanged la the gEE Scbol, evidLito en Jaeemeatary achools. In 19,58 SE AE9 Shelley frntm Cartwright High 1Ontarioe Hydro fntbcm _______j___Scbooî, William Donnely n- c 1& 0 bccop- 9 7" 1 9 tition ara îryiag te gel awýýa,,3xOO e froni former nebeansessey formaIptsince Ihay beliave bi-s is ne longer viable wt e """ Me> i ifd-y's veniad forma ofcolcm- ~ ~ - 0xZO .1 munication facilities. Comr- ptitor are enceuragedt t ( ~~Q 4IautLanI erepeaa speeh0fntlasff ilow Cases Pr. -- than tbree m-inutes andi net Èv v, imore tban fiveý minutes on a Sokupndsvaniprdwhe particular sui oîcton vwhich Soc)) ndvveo tbyhvadnlenoaen- - caîton shoees and cases og-ere CHINSE ad CAADIA FOl 130 thread count cotton. ing, aged 8 erpse away atWsenHoptl Toronto, üon Saturday, January 2,2, 1972ý. Son) of the late AI- hart and SarahHarding, ha was bor at Goport, Hamp shîre EngandnearPorts- mou1th Hrouraceiviag bis educatioin aGsot In 1905 hi,; parents emîgrat- ed to Canada with thair fam-ý ily of fiva childrea. The de- ceased was then 13, the second in the faily, and the only boy Hre workedIn different occuatinsgetinghh, edu- c'as~J-r ToronoHeatn a Simpýson Ave,* Meth-io,,,!t Chiurch, and wasifuna -by the activities of the Ep- worth League and the Young Mea's Brotharhood. It was whila attendig Summer School at Whitby that ha fait the call to 'enter the Christian ministry. Than foflowd studant missions in Alberta, studying at Alberta College, E d mo nto n, and preaching on Sunda.ysý in littie schoolhouses with p)ictulresque namaes, "Lone Star", Rolling Green", "Flowery Plains" and "Picture' Butte" etc. The sec- ond year, at "Iron Springs", Mission, 20 miles north of Lathbriýdga, ha bought a buck- .kaan addle, and travellcd nealy 00 miles on horse- back LhatSraer Prepraton or iîs life*s work' w-35 1lnterruýted by the Firs Wold arIn Novera- ber 915he nlitedwith the SthUnrarstyOverseas Cora- pany, sPecial reinforcemants foir the Princes Pats. Hie scrv- ed both in England and France until the close of the War. Ha was married In 1919, ta Mifss Leta Currey, Thejc Meth- odist church at; that time iwould not accept marrîed stu- dents, causing another break in the goal he had set for hlm- self; so for a few years hLe was working in England or bc i Canada at the iearpentry tradde. Thon In 1929 Itbacame poi;ble for hlm te re-enter the iînistry. Ti~r was an opening for a stùdant-minis- ter In a church near Kingston where he oould continue bis theological studies at Queen's University. In 1934 ha was ordained and his pastorates wera at Bancroft, Springbrook, Beth- any, EganvIlle, Newington and Welcome. He 'was at Welcomne for eighityears, com- pleting bs insty hee (over $3.00) FREE HOMAE DELUVERY Pr nmni$.o 50 KING ST. E. - .BOWMAN VILLE BUSNES IOUWS: 70 A&M. t 10 P.M. DAILY FRIDAY anid SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 1 A.M. BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP presents A NIffL SIMON COMEDY in Three'Acts THURSDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17-18-19 3.15 p.nx. B3OWMANVILLE TOWN HALL JEAN SEIA Sencmor Citizenis are ordiaIIy invited to e gest onThtursday niglit. "OT L"FIBREFILL- ' Machine wash- able nd dryable, non-allergenie pillows with dainty fierai cever ie Pink or blue. 'Ç'- Approximately 20" x 26". ea. 3,i79 GOOSE FEATHERS AND DOWN... Encased ie an attractive cotton featherproof ticking, APproximately 20" x26". ea. 5.99 CHICKEN/GOOSE FEATHERS . Plump, sturdy pilows with featherproof ticking. Approxîmately 20' x 26'. ea. 2.49 CHIP FOAM FILLED... Features white satin quiited caver. APProximatel 20"x 26". ta. 1.89 "'ROSLYN"" BLANKETS - SUBS Slgîysubstanclard bleed biankets i assorted decoratar coor.Double bed size-72" x 84". FLAINNELETTE SHEETS 70" x90" Flat 80" x 100" Flat eu. 3,49 Choose from assarted colours in a Pretty PrÎnted floral rosebut design, 39 " x 7ô" Fiaed BEDSPREAD SPECIALS! FAMOUS MAKER CLEARANCE ..4 t sconýtièued sty a-s in wash- able, no-iran fabrica. Maey modern decorator shades je the selection, Twin and double sizes. WASHABLE HOMESPUN BEDSPREADS'--- "argaret Rose" design with rouned corners and fringed edge. Avocado, antique gold, rose or blue rosette pattern on white background, Double size: 88'xl108". TREVIRA® SUITING Machine washable 100% TreviraO -polyester suiting je assorted men's and ladies ' designs. Berry blue, gentrywine and mode brown in the goup. 60" wide. BLEND SEERSUCKER yd. 20 Machina washeble polyester and cotton blond în colaurful new Spring '72 plaids and multi stripes. 44"-.45" wide. ~Ic~STREET EAST, ea. a. 399 Ca, 3,99 ,99 SALE' NEV-vf SRING A- SION10BR99 President, gave al very lai- The Ca-nadian Saemn omnilFb ,17 formative talk, It was in r -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ esting to hear that Oddfellow-iby, other- dignitaries present, District Deputy President, shiý!l î now aout15o0 years ,iincluding Brother Glen Wan- The eening ended with a old. nmakerDeput.y Grand 1Mas- deliciuslnc nd sca Spechs wreals ÀgVenCer nSister l ïiv\e Mlîlson, houi -ronc) Times. £0 vely, £L't/e ot~sJ/ ?our £ove - rom- BOWVMANVILLE BATH MAT SETS POCJLYESZTER/VI COSE . .Luuju sem-shag sets ie mauve, pea pik avocado, goli and orange shëae,, with non-slp backing, 2'0" x 34" nmaýt wit matchieg lit caveri. Gold, violet, picnt ol ý)IVe, et3., IVINYL, PLACE MATS Colourful and es-aefoam bacGked vinyl place mats in assorted florcldplinrs Approximate ýize: 12l" x 18". VINYL TABLECLOTHS Flanrie! backed vinyl tbelîsdcrtv and easy 10 keep dlean! Fou)ir ýcoourful patterns ta choose from len assarted shades. 52"' x 70" sîze. 4j for 99$ each29 pRINlTED LENO 50% -Fortrel" polyester and 50% "Avril" rayon-ý machine washable prints i a variety of exciting new Spring colours. 38" wide. POLYESTER CRIMPKUITS Chooscfroman selec îioeaIfisquality,mahn washable crimpknitqsiii assorted papularfaio shades. 58"-62" wvide. PRINTED JERSIEY yf 9 Wbeactae e olyetrblond i nwsmal designs for '7. Prle ed, niaviyand black com- binations.44wie SCREEN PRINTED KNITS Wbl in new 1072 printsand deis. LRotj groni blacme-% trquise n te slecian.44.5"-ide PHON 623545 -OMNiI I 1 L yd. 1*29 PHONU623-5451 p e->% LivWMANVII'--[F'