Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jul 1971, p. 8

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Thecadîan Statesmnan, Bowmanville, July 14, 1971 I~~ B R ' ou 632 IT VWAS QUIET Every ummer, since we gave up travelling in favor of cottae-lif,.some five years baek, the sports editor encounters Justabot te te weare due to head for aur usuai sumerspt t asaga Beach we really haste ta leaVe., The oid golf sw i hasusuaily started ta work, and norm ally Knapp s uçwïng Thn ferawekortw of lazing around un the eiun- aleT lAM IS shie o enns-oolfyu begîntogt oaceustomedt toteiesuelyrouin, tatyou begin to hin that thns Loet C b ug caul do hisforever. Paricuarl, ansderngthat aur nine days at-the cottage cOboiurg Wins 5-3 hapnd abt o week - thon your stay le that much On Tuesdýay, Jriy 6, Knapp's mor enayaleA vcatoncan easîly bo ruinod by lousy were downed53 at the hands weatherof the Cobourg ,uvenilos. Ou irlouays were quiet - thie beach was almost hagm a eual schedulod for late in August, excusiel ousbut the next day two busloads of Amerucan but Cobourg has made coin- atueat arivd, nd her soui thy dcîe to stay - mittments ta play la the sam paceasu~ right. Needloss ta say - t wasn'î as P.W.S.A. play-downs and bath pea ful tr that - but they certainiy kept a persan tni gedt iyti game so Cobourg could ad- entertiaedvance into their play-downs Apar frm sretchuag outiun the sua, theolad scribe's aad the league cauld start otd maor ctiutywas swimxning. It was ronical that the their playaffs one week soon- botet ayreutedJ un the coldest wnter- but it sure was er than antieîpated. refrshug. he ofa the turne, water tomperatures wore Knapp's took the lead wîth singles in the fîrst two la- uunblievbly armnings, with Cobourg couring My daughte%Ïýr Leslie convinced me that 1 should have back with a pair ia the bat- anothr go i rour-skating, Afteî al, she pointod out that tam of the second, Cobourg we han't hd au usual whîul at the sport last summoer, wnt on ta score singles in each af the fourth, lufth nnd Youg sn Soithadta haveag at it toc, but brother Bih suxth innîngs. Knapp's had a wan bviuug any pr ii and ho was smarrl I hope lone tally un the sxth ta end thes',e won't hoa oe rol]er-skating invitations, the scorung. Oh yeah a-tr ai yoar's 'smashing" debut at wator- Bath teanis wero held plua, iwe ,cou11d.nA't resuîst the temptation ta gîve ht anothor scoreloss in the soventh inn- Dueta xce en pln ig a au pat, he rîods bo ng. Betty Thertell gaing the tzi 'YPoann norpat h red h distance for Knapp's aiiowed wer shrua au hue cttae, appnedtaown anwbat six strîke-auts,' threo waiks t awrfl otrand wator skis. and six bits, Sue Cinyton go- J olydd' think that it was nocesaary for th1em a n teditnc orCar temtrup ail the way though, Tho only reason weaiwdfuetrkoe ak epen and five kits. The top batter did't al ws ecasewe were scared af the consequencos.; for Knapp's was Karen White Aeu itlaot of f un but t sure beaves those aid anms with 'a triple and a double, an lgsacin weayou aron't used ta it. Trounce Bloekettes 13-4 Oh es oe ther thing -- "catch". You kaow - throw- On Thursday, Juiy 8th, lnga sithlibacek and forth, WoiVli, for five cansocutuve days Knapp's went ta Newcastle iunii ur atigeshaorsarrved ad Dad had ta provide tho and came home victarlous as Cntantinment You ea t gue a brther n îtrabi n hy trounced thein 13-4. ou an', ivea boter ndsiser hll ndNewcastle openod the searung eot thnitoe t aca' orh because beir- g b'rother aad Ia the first wth ihree ruas. ser, aytaehbutta ass ah a nd they'ro Kapps gt Cne rain the airuig, ec nd ad ent on ta score 0fcors tismeustht adbaùt iillaan payehhtlath ce third and added *hatDatýanother un the faurth with cath udiiduliywuh ech ne- een heyoDungest - ai throo more eoming ia the a utnc ifive feet. Weii, we srle a sore arm, and sixth ta end their scoring. e nowifanysothali toan needs arert we are ready. Newcastlo got one mare Aie g *gabout 15 years wthut nis.,ing a coluni, rua in tho soventh tai end Ibeaidscibefinll du ~ut haiias smme, ad t mdethoin acoriag wîih the score ydidjus tht lst 1L1mýrandit ade13-4. Betty Thertoil goung the caroida o noable sa we enllstod assu-_3stane la writ- distance for Kaapp's aliowed i.ngSporopic agan ths yar. Besides - we have been two waiks, fîve, striko-outs goig t WaagaBeah s reulalylateiy - there reaîlIy and soven bits, Vera Wright goung the distance for New-c fsn' anyhin newta escrbe asîho alîqwed thnestruko- Thegovramnt s aakug i btter every yoan, wih uts, one wahk and 2 is theunadde umpovemnisaadone thiuug we luad ta otie he top battons for ap - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~q th ae ee uih pcoasidorabiy L ecas h oeNnyGawawt th Satsansprs agsAnaeieSteph-ens, Terry, Baker triple and thr eEë sin1glos,f *a dtrJh Jmsfrtorcontriîbutions icta thus columa inKaapp's with ail these gond 1 durig ar abenc, Waderif they wll ho wihung ta do i htera may have a cantendon agaa wenwe opat or aoterWei-oeened osi afor the -top baiter ai the- eoup1 a aihrwweks fram nowre t age Whie t bebechwetak advantageofaitle praxïmîuty O Ow;hbb 1- ~o Colingwod an aliped ovr ta Say hello ta a couple aoMfay uy 2h Knapp's Towing played hast aid uddes Jii AliaaadDonMasters, aiong with their to Witby, downing thezni famuosMrs Masers - Nncy that ia, has )e come an 14-.-. Knapp's opened thei aceoplsed aintr, nd a a onasseur ai the -arts w1,e a-oriag la the lirati mniag wih can oîl ou te oi paatina ae exoptuaaly god ;'alnle and went an ta score are exceptionruas iurà.n the aext four lamaga. t t t Knpp's'added a pair la the SOFTBLAL second. Whiby weai on thei NewesileBioketts lpay PBowm,1an1viil K, p'sscreshoot iha thetop af thel Towng n urbm adis aitaî acio, Mndy ngh, 730third wîth Kaapp's eomung at te Meanhl Pa-k.ban witb a pair ila the third thn ealyoeningu fo FutregaiesuntheMe'sTown Soithahi ,Longkue,ý, bv gtra lathe furh Sn Stphn ulspiyugWa o raak Roeal tohaW.ns-thnened eir acoing wt day' apeer. nanks Vaietymoot Krmp Frnitre l thea sigle athe fifth. Wib ,Èdde twomore suas un ithe' nightap tp ai the3, îth. Th ex ig be (pholsterung wilü, a h Fes Donnria Docbuk goingth whh ui Sos otigWalter Fraak n!ody twîdsac or Whiiby,_ allowed' y vs.wauîn anaSOnut, Bo 1. ý,4T . C_ - - -_ rl,*- ý4l-"-t-î-' va. six walks and 15 hits, Bett: 0 WhYte's in the first game, and Ellis vo. lie lights. Thertell golng the unàeý 'U distano ýfor Knapp's allowed fiv, ;ty t ti s( t tc 91 fc st ni fi: pý eti !ci1 Beavr "omeFree Contesi" Winners (1970) Pietured above are Mr. and Mrs. Wînston Moodie home' to Mr. Moodie i Mr. J. E. Pearson, Ottawa of Manotick, the happy Winners of the "Home Free" Branch Manager, whiie, ' Keith, Irwin, Ottawa Area contest sponsored by Beaver Lumber Comýpany Limited Home Consultant cnrtltes Mrs. Moode in 1970. Presenting the cheque topa for thelir 'free1 hila lak pang .Kendnl's nlntAh ta for kits, wbiie OReisi'r muin the shutout kopes, Peuhlueldi groundci ui pllecfa Bowmanvihie macde il a cleaal Jones was the Engles' starter manyille's final-.n! r sweep as they burueci the andi laser, workiug 4 2/3 inn- Around the ass Kendal Bagles beneath a 9 unga. He was replaceci y The Eiectroashli z3 rua, 12 bit ntlack, Satunday Chalie Reui afion allowing. aiternoon, at Harvey Jackson axrahu ih bt.Dr cg i bts flowa jSi Memanual Park, îng bus 4 1/3 manies ai reliefdy'fo-tani1ica The 9-1 triumph for the Reici was tagged for the Bloc- agaunsi Kendal Torïs Locke TV lectrons loti theni irons' nemnîning three ucore a possîbility ai the tw wlth an unhiemusheci record, andci four saietues,,tni meeting la the pai3 as they captureci aIl four ai Pal O'Reliy w 1h a twol rua ai fa la Augus, thoin negular achedule meet- single andi Tommy Black wilh On Saturday, whiia iI ings wiih Keadal. Thon' pro- n rua _pnoducung poke, apark- 'Genenal' ropontec i wtkn to vucus vîctonues- were hy scores eiBotnle t a three flîght pltchlng job, ho recoiN ai 6-1, 9-1. anci _6-4. iu uhrinlathein second. eciane ai the Electir ha theur fna gi-togethTh e TV c'rowd uppeci ikeir strongesi plats skowungcs un- regular sao play, George 2-0 nru wheti they finally spprt. Tommy fiakac Joues gicnhJh olrsc Aseci Jo neshathe top ai the atio, mppcr uI hre9h noci for tesargasga-fulhlsarng +three mar-wil alla,SashyWg mont Pnacdepo eiwîth si ie 'ely h agc u 'ely n1hc mranies ain fra ive ktoif eR" altegmaioo h lgfv f hall hit was the "Geneaenni'"agan i rodýucoci a iwo utapocnb 'eiygvsh final mounciaction un e71 sud mua base lietecn.aCrmiw ho came away wuth a rîchly fowmanvile coliocioci hrricedupbi Stcue deserveci win, Byron Holmes final three ruas lun teaiaflbnigsige to&sseci iknee kit relief durung seveuili, la take a nunawaày DnMnensdKoily La th.e final thnee inalaga. 9-0 ecigo. Gerry fa, George ledý Kendl wilh iw hi Ralph Kennedy, un a pinch Saiaahury an RfI double, sud eac , t oaogwt e hilingnoi, aammcia homner.Grant__Wright rattieci Rei nedy',-s crutcol e ionaitre Ss uts eEectro i t by Juai Clarke ýreief Job, iassîng ruahess, The Osah awa Legionairel hitiess hall durng the fina] Seniors noxi masil ta Saper 3 2/3 inî'iags. Creek park wihh ho tao so101 Around the Base: as fan as the Locke TV clubTedtn asfu eet are concenned. The Moto r Th ne for Bowthemnh City gang, makarîg their fîrslTho E3lgaerothit 12-9 u appeananceofaithe ,seasonh lcrnoti 29i ahueciiheElctrna hd rýtais game, siranded Il1 mon, ab ud the itroon - i 2 t.ieaug twa on lu the firsi, Coach John Foleruse fîih anci seventh, and'failing four huniers, 'Claire Osore ascore on -n two out, basesi 10 u ce ci ruaton un the Gary Akey, By-im o alImeb eighth. Tîhe clb'a eadîag and Guy Parka, ha an urîsuc_ itr i a cessful effort ta contain the ierRa Crnbhda silner' 1-kt aannt. three for'five da,,loavung :he ecroTu' qaa ai f bis batting avenagýe t .365. thrs, Para, fluet ofth, îrgi- pat O'-Reilly, flirt-mg wuth the in 9 2/3 fnames ofiiht,, 0mak iaunrbt o ~~~ahh, ~ ~ ~ 9 GayCmi h ikda.298 average. UP the wunniag deciua, gv Larry Piper, the Electrans' up aine bits ta Bawnianville cnptal', niased Sunday's se- whîle fanning six and waik: tion ioiiowmng a shoulder la- ang four, jury auffenec in ha turday's Fan tkneeiaalr'gs the Lockeo Kendai ach it appears that TV crowd delughled iheirn ip- "NZiP" wll ho sidelineci for s a rtors, as they clung tea 2-1 fw wekwitb daniagoc oaci, Oshnwn's- leadofi a "1Butc'h" Dawe, powderU oia~f ;wo atiîke putchi for a hamo e n ii r' as the visitons jumped ilu front. Gerry Enlis and RnyP Cronihie each bnci kitsla et r Bawmranvlle's fintalsa fiy- led the gamne at 1-4. third winof the year, in fi*g cann 7utingaq, moveci ihrough inn- Led by M.e eynolda 3 for aga twoandthree witk no 5 and &BuI2fo ,Mn enlus rouleHus mates corci he o aeaci rua ainalPr Tkssqueezed lueseo do atwo-oui single past Peterha.rough Tykes at y ~ W Ter iak Ozzie", hug- Sniurday 16 ta 15. Bowman-1 ec b s ,oe arn', rn imb ville was ahead sevea te zlp1 whnwndfourtk nnîaegoîrg înto the fourtih ining,1 ofienceý by the Legfonaîres, boan the baya froun Peter-i wna counteci four-ruas and borough aconed i)aune ruas, thee k its to take n 5-2 bnci. thanksta sanie sopy ley1 Akey neplacoci Oshorne who hy our squad, was nalleci for five ruas and Noin n Our kits durîng 3 1/3 innings Nca ae anci Cascagnete "Hawk" waa joîleci for îwo cae thr ogawtsunies' a runs and six ai the winaers' kelpthe oaims Icae haeuc hils before exitîng aller one ofwith ix gouaslhedho3toni. cmpiete inning. Akey Wh eteaiotouh goae 1bac9 I the lufth as Oshawa stru uk Ptrorglh came b a c k ton two mare ruas on fv togywl i ust tnhi bits, Houes sanuffeci ý1Bowmanvlle's twa, atartung[ ut o hewinners' ii#esla tebtoiiih axkA :ithas h ioo o o thoBruni hngleci ta score_Mk, Oaaacontinued thk oEi1 '71mnpmg, as they acici ci r as for ruas Ia the sixth n' gHolmes from the h111,1.11A. N PCIL 'arks umed I a erysirongi1l ---nyStN. nurkea-uts , tbnoe waiks and i PHONIE 62n5 Top battons Ian napps 4 OUSRVC ickîng teni re at o u a &Eeti ua a Lunon w-a hm u io etal&Wno cia r uage,, ligaments. TheOswa lu neevc nfour h k'it efor frni he caitcher, JIohn og, wu TdLutton conhteci tw bita apiee nid twoRIs The Blectnons wi oa tonipting ta retura a 0 bail ioaigbi(eaedy whea ihoy play flueKigo' Juniors ai Megaiur Stadîiom, at 8.00 p.m, Its a husy we-, oand for tas Lochýýe TV tnoap,j with anoiber Kîngaton jauni set fan ikis Satunday riight againsi the CLCSeiio's, Local fans wihl have n chneta 50e the trouhieso-men BelvhoJuniors ns the v-i taraâ ai Saper Cneek Park b ' Sunday, for n 2 p.m ngag mnSunday's gaC gaas cor aen heEletn sÀw hoo Bomavll' l gm Reynàolds for the winning tally. Gerard, Morrison and Joey,ý Nowlan did the mounid work wlhBrunt and Morrison be- hind the plate. Line score, ir9 eloseBvi anlle ru, 15 bafits rd l eror Ths eaves ,the Me orialý Par Tykes with a 7 wi 5i,ý- loa rerd fr th yar, Gand wcondup Port and c B andvilehen Sat- urday0abternoon,e trecreation j- ummr, his rig tetoa ground on Wavoriy Rond, sianteci on Moaday and there are close ta 30 chuIdren rog- islered there. a-Plnygnounci hours are, 9:00 ~-ani, ta 12:00 non andi 1:30 ta 4.ý30 p ni., Monday tbrough Priday, .The other. Playgrounds are: ur-Lions Centre, ýLaid Elgin, Mo- ,shmarial Par,,'est Beach,' On- tnriao iret andi Vincent ai assey. -y- Arena Dbrap-un Cnr There u a Drap-la Ceaiîre ho~ ~ ~ o intelug ithe Memonial op Arena oya and girl Il y- la 5 ye o a ge. The Centre us'_- usoeiram 1.,30 ta 4:30 pm. adc 7:00 ta 10.00 p.m, Mon- irdythnough Friday, SpeaZvents VO oenîg aithe tirgai play- ~ rudspecial eveal, Activis GlCsh Tod'aYI Fo1G ApplSiMance L AhSSouFg h D STAESMAN330 Pluone 623-3303 A'SAD NOTE >On the subJeo a mensse, It was wîth deep regret that we learned ai the passing of Gene Dopp, wbile we were away, Gene conlainly waa Mn, Lacrosse, nat aniy that but an outstandîng hockey and football star, We had alwnys heard a loi about Gene, but wo id' meet hlm for the fl.rsi lime, until, as Edîtor ai ihe New ToronLi~ Wingtoot Clan, ho i ook us under bis wing ta instruci us oci- the proper way ta edit the Bowmanvîlie edîtion. Miten thai aur paths crossed unfrequenily ai Incrosse funciions. It was a pleasure ta get Gene off ta one aide and lisien ta hlm necouni tales ai the pasi Ho issued a sadn invitation, every turne we met ta visi ins home un Brook1iiaý- ta see hua collection ai pholographa and unomentoos, We nover made ut, it t t t t ELECTRONS FACE BUSY SCHEDULE Bowmanville Eloctroas face a husy achedule with four games la the noxi six days, uncludïng three un succession, On Wednesday, the Electrons travel ta Kingston ta play the juniors, thon on Saturday ît la back ta Kingston again, ibis tume ta meet the senior club, Bownianvihle's nexi homo gamo us slated for Sunday at iwo o'chock, when Belleville wiii visit Saper Croek Park, The nexi nught, the Electrons journny ta Belleville ion a game under the iigbts. According ta the achedule, the hocais are, udie for nea!.ý two weeks before theirnenxi gamo. The only remnuning homeý, date usnt until Suaday, AugustIsla, wilh Pont Hopebore for an aiternoon tilt, tt t t 'i t TONY'S - BIG TWIN-BILL SUND,'AY Detnoit's loague-lendingNothdurft Tool, rnted as one Ai the top clubs la North Anienuca wuhl moot Oshawa Tony's this,. Sunday ai Alexandra Park un Ontanua-Muchugan Major Fast, bail Longue action. The double hoader, betwoen Detroit and Oshawan Tonyî'fr will gel underv. y ai' two o'clock, t 't t t t GAELS VIRTUALLY CLINCH FIRST Oshawa Green Gaels fnced a gruelling four games unav uighta achedule ai woek, andi whon ut waal aven the Gaeisý bnci won aIl four, ta vutualiyclînch final place in the Juiorý "A" Laecsse schedule. Another win Monday night wui jusi about tur n the trîck. Oshawa bas only four games remi7iaîning prier t Iplayofis, thiree ai them nway from home. Thoîn iast on ouarýf ai the Civie Auditorium shoulci ho'a crowd-pleaser, wilh" Bramalea Excelsiors la on Monday night. follows: July 19-Playday -~ Rotary1 Park, 1:0pm July 22-Penny Fair-Me- maorial Park, 1:30 p.m. 1t àJuly 27-Art Show and2 Variety Nite - Town Hall Auditorium, 730 p.m. ado, 7:00 p.ni. August 5-Movie Nighi - Town Hall Auditorium, 2:00 p.m Augusi 12-Saap Boxr Der- by-Sîmpsoa Avenue Hili, 2:00 p.m. Auguai 17-Mardi Gras Par- 623338i er brkes, adiowhitewall tires, îdie,bee seaslorco oe, o oner car. Owner; nam an rquet Besur tas,-e this ane. 1967 CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLE 6 cy, atomaic rans s opwer erng radi, w~t~wai ties, discs. PowdqEr, blue with M95 PONTIlAC PARISIENNE CONVERT, 6 cyL, automati-ctransmission, radio, wîewi tires, weeîdse, oclone owner carî, wml age. Sha&rp on Lie, 48999K!ý 1968 POýNTIACý LAURENTIAN STATION W,',AGON V-8, automatie transmission, white Wall tires, dise. Balance of GM warranty. Sold and servicedl by u1s snc Just like new. 290 196FORD COUNTRY SQIR l-PASSE-NGER-1Î STATUiON WAGON V , th'e pee1atoma'tieLtransMîssion, radio, î.1Ïe wall tres, ses, oyal lue with f1ýligbt blue top,pols 11969 CHE 2-PR. COACH 6cyl., utomatc transmission, radio, whiteWall tires, di .Adr ac Blue with spoties. interîor. Good e noi a nsportation $790 Le, 48294AK 1968 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-,autoinatie transmiasson, power steering, power raeradli white wall tires, dises, Balance of GM factory w7ýarranty. Low mileage, sharp car. 280 Lic. $7083100 1967 BU!jCIK LE SABRE 4-DR. SEDAN V-8,auoae transmission, power steering, power hi ales, vhite walls, trim rings, Local, one owaer car. Owner's name on request, 190 Lic. 50594& $149A9.00HAVE65 MORE 1966 CADILLAC DE VILLE Wand SEDCAR Fully powered. Cascade Blue with special LTD trim. A an TRLTCKSM real luxury te drive. Don't miss this one! $21 96.00 TO310CHOOSE FipROM Lic. 4779A. 1965 METEOR SEDANMayCluOpinad V-8, automatie transmission, white, Wall tires.LclyMaesi orel a owned, in top condition. $90 okTenOe Lic. 50591A. SmnIl Down Payment G.M~A.C. Financing Stu Prestox~ Ray Lathangue Weldoiu Brown e e e t 166 King St, 623=3396 fît'. ii 0 L

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